Top 5 Aspects Where Android Oreo Fares better than Android Nougat By and large, software upgrades are always touted to be better than the predecessors, no matter what the end result would be. It’s true in the case of Android 8.0 as well. Yes, Android Oreo that made its debut to the world after Android Nougat has made it easier for the efficient Android App Development Companies and also improved the Android user’s experience.
Let’s dig deeper to know the eye-catching improvements done in the Android 8.0: •
Three major changes are brought to the notifications with Android 8.0 Oreo. The first change includes- the media control in the notification shade can change the background color as per the album artwork, and users are facilitated to snooze the notifications after a defined time limit when they partially swipe a notification to the left. Secondly, the notification dots which may remind you about notifications on iOS devices wherein the dots on any app’s icons signals that you have unread notifications.With a long press, users not just have access to the notification, while accessing the app’s shortcut become possible that allow users to read and respond to the message even without opening the app for once. •
Well, it’s wrong to say that background apps mainly kill the phone battery. The foreground apps are also battery killers when they continuously utilize the background services to execute the activity in the foreground.
The Job Scheduler schedules different types of the job that will be executed at the defined time. Besides, the addition of the few constraints restricts the jobs to run either when the device storage is low or battery is about to die. •
The latest Android release has sorted out the quality audio issue with which the developers and app users are suffering the most. The new Volume Shaper introduced some of the audio track transitions such as fade-in, fade-out, or crossfade in apps to facilitate audio transitions. •
The Authorizing Text Views and adaptive icons have brought excellent visual changes in the content to display on the Android devices. With Autosizing TextViews, the text size will automatically get adjusted (Expanded or contracted) according to the different screen sizes to fill the layout completely. Read More: - Top 5 Aspects Where Android Oreo Fares better than Android Nougat