Special Issue - Dr. Beau Daniels

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CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER H a n n a h To w n e s






PODCAST C O O R D I N AT O R Justin Miller

CONTRIBUTORS A d r e a n a M e n d e z , A n n Y. , D r e w B . , G a y e Newton, Gentry Shannon, Ionuț Raicea, Louisa Emhof, Luke Argue, Mălina O. R., Nathan Pipkin, Peter C., Yuko Tabasa

A WORD FROM THE EDITOR Leading a healthy, well-balanced life is a challenging undertaking for many of us. New advancements in lifestyle or nutrition come to life daily, and the busy rhythm of our lives often prevents us from keeping up with what’s fun and fresh. Here at Top Doctor Magazine, we are on a mission to bring these advancements to your attention and become a source of inspiration for those who want to live their lives to the fullest. Our contributors will constantly keep you up to speed with fresh, entertaining, and reliable content, from nutrition and travel to lifestyle choices! We hope that our handpicked ideas will guide you towards selfrealization, self-improvement, and willingness to help those around you better themselves.

There are a lot of opportunities to help a lot of people. - D R . B E AU DA N I E L S , D C


28 Filling Multiple Roles for One Goal: An Interview with Dr. Beau Daniels, DC




A Businessman’s Passion for

What are the Best Vegetable Protein Sources?

34 Let’s Look into the ‘Food as Medicine’ Trend


4 Do I Have Good Genetics For Bodybuilding?

10 Will Free Weights Hurt Your Body in the Future?

48 3 Secrets to Living Longer

Healthcare: An Interview with Mr. Restee Collins

23 The Emerging Field of Regenerative Medicine: Part 2, Extracellular Vesicles, Exosomes and Signaling

47 Can Depression Affect the Immune System?

31 Your Gut Communicates Regularly with Your Brain


44 Changing Hormones Can Affect Your Workouts

We’re bridging the gaps from one provider to the next quickly and safely. - D R . B E AU DA N I E L S , D C


Many people believe that genetics play a prominent role in determining how successful someone can be in


bodybuilding. While it is true that genetics can influence factors such as muscle size and bone density, many other

variables come into play when it comes to building muscle. So, if you’re wondering whether or not you have good genetics for bodybuilding, the answer is that it depends on a variety of factors.

Testosterone and Muscle Growth

One factor that genetics can influence is muscle size. People with larger muscles tend to have an easier time

gaining muscle mass than those with smaller muscles

because they have more surface area for the muscles to attach to. Additionally, people with larger muscles also tend to have higher testosterone levels. Testosterone has

a lot to do with the growth of muscles, although its effects on muscle growth are not as straightforward.

Testosterone does not cause muscles to grow directly.

Instead, it stimulates the production of proteins in your body which are then used for building muscle mass.

Testosterone is a hormone that doesn’t just play a key role in muscle growth, but is also involved in muscle tissue development, maintenance and repair.

A person’s testosterone levels also play an essential role in

bone mineral density. A high testosterone level can lead to increased muscle growth and, consequently, higher bone

density. Having good bone strength can help with muscle growth, mass and strength.



Do I Have Good Genetics

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 5

If you have low testosterone levels, you may not have the same potential for bodybuilding. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t bodybuild at all. You may just need to work a little harder to achieve your goals!

There are various ways to increase your testosterone levels, including hormone therapy. Talk to your doctor first if you’re considering such options, as they can help you understand the risks and benefits of each approach.

Types of Muscle Fiber Your genes also determine the type of your muscle fibers: either slow-twitch or fast-twitch. Slow-twitch fibers are geared more towards endurance activities and sports such as distance running or cycling, while fast-twitch fibers are better for explosive activities, such as sprinting or weightlifting.

Generally speaking, people with a higher proportion of fasttwitch fibers tend to see better results from weightlifting and other forms of resistance training. So, if you primarily have fast-twitch fibers, you’re more likely to build muscle mass effectively!


Genetic Testing and Bodybuilding It is now possible to know precisely how your body responds to weight training and dieting through DNA genetic testing for bodybuilding. This field of genetic testing can help you know how your body responds to these factors and what kind

Many people are discouraged from bodybuilding because they think that they have bad genetics and can’t build muscle. But that doesn’t mean you should give up on your fitness goals. Here are some tips to help you train for bodybuilding with bad genetics:

of muscle growth, metabolism and testosterone levels you should be aiming for. However, this new genetic testing is an emerging field, and it is still not widely explored.

Focus on compound exercises: these exercises work the most muscles in one go, so they’re an excellent way to get the most out of your workout time. Compound exercises also increase testosterone levels, which are

Bodybuilding with Bad Genetics Some people are naturally gifted to build muscle quickly and

essential for muscle growth. •

painlessly. If you have this kind of genetics, you’ll likely find bodybuilding relatively easy. But not having great genetics for bodybuilding doesn’t mean it’s impossible to gain muscle mass. You may just have to work a little harder to see results!

Increase your protein intake: you need protein to build muscle, so make sure you’re getting enough each day.

Don’t be afraid of lifting heavy weights: lifting heavy weights is a great way to build muscle and strength quickly and efficiently.

If you’re trying to figure out if you have good genetics for bodybuilding, the best thing to do is look at your family history and see if there are any patterns. Do most of the men in your family tend to be lean and muscular? Or are they more on the overweight side?

A Parting Reminder The key is to find out what works best for your body and then stick with it. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to bodybuilding, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see any immediate results. With time and patience, you

The first step to take when you want to build muscle is finding

can make great progress, no matter your genetics!

out your genetic potential. This will help you understand how much you can grow and how fast. Once you know this, the next step is working on the areas where your genetics are weaker. For example, if your metabolism is slow, try eating more calories than usual.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 7

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Will Free Weights Hurt Your Body in the Future?


If you’re like most people, free weights aren’t the wisest approach to bodybuilding. After all, you’re lifting heavy

Do I Risk Hurting Myself with Free Weights?

objects and straining your muscles, so it’s only natural to

Of course, there is always a risk of injury when lifting any

worry that you might hurt yourself!

weight, but free weights can be one of the safest ways to train.

But the truth is, free weights are safe when used properly. In fact, they can help reduce your risk of injuries in the future. This is because lifting free weights forces your body to

As long as you use proper form and don’t lift more than you can handle, free weights can help you stay strong and healthy for years to come.

stabilize the weight and, consequently, helps build strength

But, with any activity, there are risks of injury. The most

in the muscles and connective tissues around the joints. The

common injury in weightlifting is dropping weights on your

result: improved joint stability and less chance of injuries in

body. Fortunately, you can avoid this type of injury by using a

the future.

spotter or lifting lighter weights.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 11


Weightlifter’s Elbow or Tricep Tendonitis Another common injury from free weights is something

So, if you’re looking for a way to keep your bones healthy and strong, free weights are the way to go!

called “weightlifter’s elbow” or tricep tendonitis. It’s caused by repetitive elbow motions, like those occurring when lifting weights. When afflicted by this condition, the tendons in your elbow become inflamed and painful.

Free Weight and Weight Loss Most people think of free weights as a way to bulk up, but

Weightlifter’s elbow is a serious condition that can cause

they can be great for weight loss! The key is to focus on body

long-term damage to your elbow joint. If you start to feel pain

composition, not just weight. Free weights help you build

in your muscles or joints, take a break from lifting and see a

muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat. So, even

doctor if the pain persists.

if the scale doesn’t budge, you could still lose fat and gain

There are a few things you can do to prevent the weightlifter’s


elbow or any other free weight injuries: Make sure you warm up before lifting weights: warming up helps loosen your muscles and joints and prevent injury. Use the proper form when lifting weights: if you’re unsure how to do an exercise correctly, ask a trainer or another experienced lifter for help.

Mobility and Balance Free weights are a great way to stay in shape and improve your body mechanics and balance, especially as you get older. Research has shown that balance is dependent on muscle strength. A regular weight training regimen can be a great

Don’t lift more weight than you can handle: it’s tempting

way to keep the elderly from accidental falls and reduce the

to lift heavier weights as you get stronger, but this approach

risk of developing mobility problems.

increases your risk of injury. If you’re not sure how much weight is safe to lift, ask a trainer or your doctor. Free weights can be a great way to get strong and fit, but like any type of exercise, they aren’t risk-free. However, you can help prevent free weight injuries by taking precautions and using proper form.

Injury Prevention while Weightlifting If you are now convinced that lifting free weights has more long-term benefits than risks, you should familiarize yourself with these tips before lifting those irons: Use proper form.

Benefits Outweigh the Risks Even with the possibility of injury, weightlifting with free weights is still considered a reliable way for people to stay in shape. One of the benefits of lifting free weights is preventing sarcopenia, i.e., the loss of muscle mass and strength. It’s one of the most common age-related diseases. You can help prevent the loss of your muscle mass by doing regular weightlifting exercises with free weights.

Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the amount you lift. Don’t try to lift too much at once. Use a spotter when necessary. Warm up before lifting and cool down afterward. Take breaks as needed. Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard.

Another great benefit of weightlifting is increasing your bone density. When you lift weights, your bones have to work

So, if you’re looking for a way to keep your muscles and bones

harder to support your body. This extra work strengthens

healthy and strong, free weights are always a great option!

your bones and can help prevent osteoporosis later in life.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 13


A Businessman’s Passion for Healthcare:

An Interview with Mr. Restee Collins


estee Collins is an experienced businessman with

Collins became Vice President of Business Development.

a passion for healthcare. By collaborating with key

With his sales and business background, he was a perfect fit.

people within the medical industry, he applies his

sales savvy to enable preventative diagnostics and medical services for people across the country.

“I’m pretty eclectic,” he said. “I’m pretty much a serial entrepreneur with different products.” A highlight in his career is introducing to practitioners a diagnostic device that quickly scans patients and detects illnesses and other medical conditions. He recently collaborated with Dr. Beau Daniels to bring the life-saving early detection device to his practice and sports facility. Collins is a businessman with a valuable device and a positive, uplifting message.

Mr. Restee Collins MANY IRONS IN THE FIRE Collins spent about 20 years in sales, investing and foreclosure remediation in the real estate world. For several years, he was a national sales representative for Xerox. He is also on boards involved in international trade, including the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce. When an opportunity with Top Doctor presented itself,


Collins also lends his talents to the creative world. “I’m a musician; I sing. I want to record a single this summer. I am also writing a book,” he shared.

SPREADING A POSITIVE MESSAGE In addition to all of his enterprises, Restee Collins runs a nonprofit organization—the Blueprint Project. This organization focuses on faith, family, finances and fitness. It’s an opportunity for men to get strengthened in those areas. “Everything that I strive to do is about bringing awareness and trying to help people live at their best level and meet their best self. My style is definitely solution-based. It’s being able to see the good in bad situations,” he shared. Collins preaches the message that all can turn out well. “You may have had some losses. A lot of people over the past couple of years have lost people, businesses, drive and impetus. But if you don’t lose hope, there’s always an opportunity. I teach my children to own their good and own their bad. As an owner, you will have a better chance of correcting some of those things that went wrong in your life. So often we act as an employee with our own emotions and actions when we should become CEOs of

“This work gives me the ability to use my business mind and work on my passion for healthcare.” - Mr. Restee Collins

everything—good and bad,” Collins explained.





Collins’ interest in healthcare and his Top Doctor role as the Vice President of Business Development was inspired by personal experiences. His mother had diabetes and passed away from renal failure when he was 23. His father also passed away from a long illness. “My mother didn’t get a chance to see her grandkids or to see me become the man I am. My dad progressively continued to get too sick himself, and he passed away two years ago,” he shared. Healthcare became a mission for Collins, a passion that kept knocking on his door. “I don’t want to see anybody else die without having the proper tools and information they need to stay alive. I want to be involved in the whole process of healthcare. I want to help people and the community,” he explained. Top Doctor provided that opportunity, and he took on a DX machine as his product. “This work gives me the ability to use my business mind and work on my passion for healthcare,” Collins explained.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 15



A DX machine is a medical diagnostic device that rapidly screens

Recently, Collins took his daughter to the Sports Academy

for diseases and other conditions.

in Thousand Oaks, California,

The large volume of data it

for a sports-related injury. She

processes accelerates diagnoses, helps the provider’s decisionmaking, reduces costs and risks and saves time. It can detect problems the patient hasn’t yet noticed. “It gives a level of predictive health. It’s that ounce of prevention. That’s what intrigued me about it. Usually, people get tests because they’re having a problem. But with

“I saw the opportunity to help Dr. Daniels scale his practice. The DX machine could also help his work with the Rams. A predictive health device can help the athletes and the Rams organization.”

this, even if there is no apparent issue, the patient can walk away with a two-page report and find out what’s happening in their body,” Collins explained.

was treated by chiropractor Dr. Beau Daniels, whose practice resides within the larger sports facility. The visit resulted in Collins introducing Dr. Daniels to the DX machine and its many benefits. Dr. Daniels found a valuable use for the machine, as it could benefit his regular patients, but he recognized that it could also open up new opportunities.

For example, thousands of people visit the Sports Academy on weekends while in town for a few days. Since his services were primarily repetitive care, he had nothing to offer the

With just a 15 to 20-minute test from a non-invasive device,

Academy’s transient visitors. But with the DX machine,

people can get an early start on a plan to get their symptoms in

Dr. Daniels can offer a quick health screening, then follow

check and restore their health. For doctors, using the machine

up and give results via phone. He can offer early detection

can help promote other services they offer. And it is covered

of potential health risks and help patients on their way to

by insurance.

getting the treatments they need.

“It should be part of the protocol because you’re able to dive

“I saw the opportunity to help Dr. Daniels scale his practice.

deeper into the patient’s health and offer other services they

The DX machine could also help his work with the Rams. A

need. This is great preventative medicine,” Collins said.

predictive health device can help the athletes and the Rams organization,” Collins said.

A BRIGHT FUTURE AHEAD Restee Collins plans to increase the doctors’ awareness of the DX machine and its value to their patients and practices. He is also working on expanding Top Doctor Clinics across the country. “We might purchase failing clinics or open up new clinics with multiple services. It’s partnering with Top Doctor to set up wellness clinics around the country. We can also create events and opportunities to educate doctors and expand to mobile clinics and centers,” he shared. Undoubtedly, Collins’ hard work will continue to help grow the much-needed availability of preventative healthcare and quality medical services for everyone.




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Diet is a critical part of your overall health, and the meals and

A few more varieties of beans deserve a special shout-out.

snacks you eat play a huge role in the quality of your physical

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are prominently

well-being. In addition to these foundational insights, many

featured in hummus. They can be roasted and snacked on all

people understand that different foods provide different

on their own or added to different recipes, but either way,

kinds of sustenance for the body. However, what if the

you can get almost 15 grams of vegetable protein. Mung

general understanding of protein was mistaken? Is meat the

beans, which are also significant for their plentiful iron and

only reliable source of protein, or can other foods supplement

fiber content, also provide nearly 15 grams of protein, making

protein intake?

them one of the best options for plant protein.

Research on the characteristics of vegetables has revealed that

Lima and fava beans, which have also been incorporated into

vegetables can provide significant portions of protein to your

many delicious recipes, will give you around 13 and 12 grams

daily diet. While it will take some effort to determine which

of protein per cup. So, the next time you make a trip to the

vegetable options will be most helpful to you, rest assured

supermarket with your vegetable protein intake in mind, give

that the effort you put in will be worth it— understanding

the bean section a little extra attention!

how to optimize your diet is a major step forward for those who want to take charge of their health. So, what are the best protein sources in vegetables?

Green peas, which chefs praise for their versatility across different recipes, bring around 9 grams of protein to the table


track down is the potato, which needs no introduction when

The first option, no doubt familiar to fans of soups, is the

it comes to deliciousness and the incredible range of uses. On

lentil. When boiled, 1 cup of lentils can provide 17.86 grams

top of the potential boost to your kitchen creativity, a single

of protein! In addition to this high vegetable-based protein

baked potato with skin can give you 5 grams of vegetable

offering, lentils are appealing in that they take very little time


and effort to prepare! Another culinary delight that functions as a vegetarian protein source is the pinto bean. Necessary additions to burritos, chilis, soups and salads, pinto beans bring 15.41 grams of protein per cup. Not a bad amount of protein for a small vegetable!


per cup. Another ubiquitous vegetable that will be easy to

WHAT ABOUT PROTEIN SOURCES IN OTHER PLANTS? Considering the astonishing variety of plant and animal life inhabiting our planet, you won’t be surprised to hear that the protein sources in vegetables are not limited to beans, peas and potatoes. Healthy amounts of protein can also be found in nuts like pistachios and almonds, so it’s important to recognize that these delicious snack foods - which are not a staple of everyone’s diet - might deserve a place in yours. A single ounce of either pistachios or almonds will deliver nearly 6 grams of protein when dry-roasted, so it might be worth picking up a can next time the opportunity arises.

Back to vegetables! One of the vegetables many people associate with jokes about bad taste is the Brussels sprout, but it deserves a second chance. Even if you disliked its flavor as a child, the vegetable’s 5.5 grams of protein per cup could greatly boost the quality of your diet. Try roasting, steaming or shredding them to add to an entree or salad. Don’t be surprised when they turn out to supplement some of the protein you may be missing!

You can easily integrate many of these protein-rich vegetables into lunch or dinner recipes, but what about breakfast? The avocado is one of the best high-protein options to fill that early-in-the-day menu slot. Delicious on its own or as part of a recipe, a single, medium-sized avocado will give you 4 grams of vegetable protein.

WHY IS PROTEIN FROM VEGETABLES SO IMPORTANT? It is possible to get delayed in this research by marveling over the many recipe options for those who want to integrate more vegetable protein into their diet. Still, you must also take time to consider the importance of protein to health in the first place. Maintaining a healthy diet without protein is like trying to row upstream without a paddle. Protein is critical to your body’s ability to build and repair muscles, not to mention the production of hormones.

You can call protein the fuel of your body. Many physiological functions require the presence of protein in order to be carried out, and it’s a mistake to ignore this component of a healthy diet.

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While it is accurate to say that humans can get enough protein through their diets, it’s also true that not all foods are created equal when it comes to protein. When considering the question of proper protein consumption, you should also take the amounts of protein you eat at different points of the day into account. The healthiest recommendation is to eat small amounts of protein at each meal since your body will simply excrete any excess protein.

Therefore, small amounts at breakfast, lunch and dinner will give your body a chance to get more value from the appropriate amount of protein you eat. This is why it’s such good news that vegetables, beans and nuts are viable protein sources—because you can integrate them into so many different recipes and meals.

HOW MUCH VEGETABLE PROTEIN SHOULD I EAT? The answer to this question will depend, to some extent, on you. The correct amount of protein for your diet will vary based on your diet itself. In other words, if your total daily intake comes to 2,000 calories, then between 200 and 700 of those calories should come from protein. That’s a specific example, but the general rule is that between 10% and 35% of your total calories should come from protein. It might sound like a lot at first, but remember how vital protein is to your body’s functioning!

This truth becomes evident once the downsides of protein deficiency are factored in. These issues include an increased risk of bone fractures, a loss of muscle mass, problems with your skin, hair and nails and an increased risk of infection. In addition, a lack of protein could lead to a bigger appetite and result in increased calorie intake - even though your body doesn’t need it. So, instead of empty calories meant to replace protein, give your body what it needs!

Meat and poultry products are not the only legitimate sources for your body’s protein requirements. Take some time to investigate the dietary benefits of beans, nuts, avocados and other vegetables you might not have considered. Eggs, dairy products and seeds are also protein-rich options worth exploring. They might provide the protein you need to take your diet to the next level!




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People are vulnerable to many disorders throughout their lives, such as depression, which can alter and harm your immune system and overall health. But how does depression affect the immune system?

WHAT IS A DEPRESSED IMMUNE SYSTEM? We usually talk of the immune system as being ‘depressed’ when it is weaker and more prone to infections. Many disorders can lead to a depressed immune system. Some are with us from birth, but others we develop throughout our lives. They can be either mild or severe, but they have the same effect on the immune system. Aside from the higher risk of contracting an infection, people with a depressed immune system can also experience severe symptoms and rougher outcomes.

A depressed immune system can lead to higher risks of contracting pneumonia, meningitis, bronchitis and numerous infections, appearing more frequently as the immune system is too weak to fight them off. Also, a depressed immune system can lead to autoimmune disorders, inflammation of organs, digestive issues, blood disorders and developmental delays in children.


Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 23

THE LINK BETWEEN DEPRESSION AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM A new study, and the only one of its kind, has finally confirmed a connection between the overtime effects of depression and changes in the immune system regarding its function. Researchers performed a test that helped determine a cell’s ability to alter its shape. The test uses healthy blood samples monitored during body changes.

The study found that raised stress hormones caused by a depressive disorder cause cells to deform and become injured in the long term.

THE EFFECTS OF DEPRESSION ON THE IMMUNE SYSTEM A depressive disorder’s physical symptoms show first and foremost in the body’s immune system. Researchers found that the connection between depression’s physical effects and the immune system is quite strong. Depression is well known to impact the body’s sleep schedule, appetite and immune system’s ability to function. So, if the elements that keep the immune system’s ability to function intact are affected and impaired, it is only natural that the immune system will suffer.


ILLNESSES CAUSED BY DEPRESSION Depression can have other dangerous effects in the long term. Besides weakening their immune system, people experiencing depression can also become more prone to illnesses and disorders such as:

1 2 3

INFECTIONS The immune system is known to protect the body from infection, which is why a weakened immune system is more susceptible to contraction infections and viruses. Because the immune system is not as strong as before depression took its toll on it, infections are more likely to develop. Research shows that 62% of people hospitalized with severe infections are more likely to experience mood disorders such as depression.

HEART DISEASE Depression affects your sleep schedule and, therefore, your energy levels. Low energy levels increase the risks of developing heart diseases and problems such as high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks.

AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES People experiencing depression or other mood disorders are more prone to end up in the hospital because of their autoimmune diseases. Also, 45% of people already having an autoimmune disease are more likely to become depressed. Disorders such as lupus, psoriasis, arthritis and Graves disease are caused by a weak immune system, causing long-term pain, disability and depression.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 25

MANAGING A WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM Keeping yourself healthy when experiencing a depressed immune system is essential. You should contact a doctor about your mood disease because they are the only ones that can genuinely help you. But in the meantime, you can do something about your immune system’s health.

AVOID SICK PEOPLE Because your immune system is already fragile, it’s essential to avoid people who can infect you with different viruses and bacteria. In addition, it will be harder to regain your immune system’s strength if you keep getting sick and develop infections. So, avoid meeting with sick people, but if it’s impossible to avoid


a particular sick person, refrain from close contact such as handshaking, hugging and kissing.



Keeping your immune system healthy is directly correlated with good hygiene. Even the simple act of washing your hands can spare you an unwanted disease. Try to wash your hand as many times as possible: Before eating; After using the bathroom; After sneezing, blowing your nose or coughing; After close contact with a sick person; After, while and before preparing food; After touching garbage; After petting an animal ; After helping a child use the bathroom. Proper handwashing can work wonders and reduce the risk of developing illnesses by a landslide. Also, teaching your child to regularly wash their hands can save them from pneumonia and diarrheal diseases.


STRESS MANAGEMENT When going through depression, stress is a huge factor that weakens the immune system. Excessive stress gets people sick and more prone to different illnesses. Taking the matter into your hands is essential to avoid any diseases you can develop. Practicing meditation, yoga, massages, hobbies and staying around your loved ones will lower your


stress levels and help your immune system regain its strength.


Getting insufficient amounts of sleep can obstruct the production of white blood cells, one of the main components of the immune system. In addition, the lack of sleep can result in the same effects as stress does. So, try and achieve at least seven hours of sleep a day, and don’t be afraid to take a nap from time to time.

A PARTING REMINDER Keeping the immune system healthy is essential as it protects you from viruses, illnesses and infections. If you are experiencing a mood disorder and notice that you have some of the symptoms listed above, you might have a depressive immune system. Don’t be afraid to see a specialist; your health always comes first!

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 27




e often admire actors who

can play a litany of roles, each with distinct stories and characteristics. People in the real world can do this,

too, and they are worthy of our deepest

admiration because they are not playing a temporary role. This is their life. Dr. Beau Daniels, DC, is one of those people. He wears multiple hats in the medical and sports arenas, integrating them all in a way that fills the holes

he sees in the healthcare system

medical practice in Thousand Oaks,

for athletes. His tireless efforts are

California. Body Dynamix is partnered

spearheading the way to a complete

with Sports Academy, where he is

health system for both athletes and

Director of Integrated Sports Medicine

weekend warriors

and Human Performance and Director of Volleyball. In addition, Dr. Daniels

EXTREME MULTITASKING IN ACTION Chiropractor Dr. Beau Daniels is a cofounder of Body Dynamix Integrated Sports Medicine, a multidisciplinary

provides chiropractic services to the Los Angeles Rams football team. Finally, he has begun collaborating with Restee Collins to bring a new DX machine to Sports Academy. But how does he do it all?

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 29

“I have a very definitive work ethic. I am the hardest working person. It’s great to have all these different things to sink my teeth into. I love coaching and shaping the next generation. I enjoy my patients and traveling with the Rams. They all stimulate me,” he explained.

CAREER PATH: FROM ATHLETICS TO CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Daniels’ 15 years of experience in sports medicine did not begin with


physiology and science resonated with me,” he shared. Biomechanics, in particular, resonated most. “This is the engineering of the body,

he remarked. Therefore, he chose chiropractic as the best way to play his part in filling those gaps. “I chose chiropractic because it has some unique tools, and it gives me

and its changes over time make it

the versatility to be a primary care

more challenging. So, I switched

provider in my clinic. I can employ a

my major to sports medicine. It was

multidisciplinary environment,” he said.

about understanding what happens in athletes, why it happens and how we train and understand the body during these processes that we put the body through,” he explained.

SPORTS ACADEMY Dr. Daniels’ chiropractic practice, Body Dynamix, is located on the campus of

a childhood desire to be a doctor.

Dr. Daniels discovered holes in the

Sports Academy in a 100,000-square-

Instead, he was an athlete interested in

healthcare system when it came to

foot facility. The academy also includes


treating athletes.

multiple sports venues, a yoga and cycling studio, biomechanics and

“In school, I was very involved in

“I felt there was this hole where nobody

athletics and was doing math, computer

was considering the big picture. No

programming and engineering. That’s

one was developing relationships

“We do performance training and

how I saw myself progressing in

between orthos, physical therapists,

treatment for athletes—chiropractic


chiropractors and massage therapists,”





cognitive labs and an academic center.



repetitive injury trauma or sprained ankles and strains. We also coach. We always wanted a facility where we could have volleyball in the facility and then have the medical practice and the performance training. It just made sense to merge all my worlds into one place,” he shared. Dr. Daniels points out the benefits of the Sports Academy concept.





friendly environment where you can have your physical therapist,


medical doctor, performance

decision-making, reduces costs and

trainer and coach within a few feet of

risks and saves time.

each other. The service providers can easily collaborate and work out what patients truly need. “I’m constantly walking back and forth and talking to coaches or trainers and saying, ‘You have to back off of this or try these things.’ It’s that easy. We’re bridging the gaps from one provider to the next quickly and safely,” he explained.

DX MACHINE: A MEANS FOR SERVICE EXPANSION When Restee Collins brought his daughter to Dr. Daniels for treatment, a business opportunity presented



Collins established a trusting relationship and determined the




Academy’s patient population. “It finally gave me something to offer the transient weekend population. They can have this quick screening, and then we follow up with a phone call explaining the findings,” he shared. This






preventative care and helps fill the hole Dr. Daniels sees in




The medical field recognizes more and more that numerous diseases,

Dr. Daniels realized an important use

morbidity and death can be avoided by

for such a machine in his practice and

early identification.

Sports Academy.

“That is huge. I come from a background

“We have thousands of people here

of preventative care. That’s what

on weekends,” he explained. “And I

chiropractic mostly is,” Dr. Daniels

can’t offer them anything from the


medical side. We’re a repetitive care and




the weekend visitors are transient. We’ve had people from San Diego,


Sacramento and even British Columbia.

Dr. Daniels is working toward a more

They’re here once and then gone.”

comprehensive, preventative approach

After reviewing the available research, Dr. Daniels saw the advantages and decided that the DX machine was worth pursuing. points

With his practice integrated with the Sports Academy, his patients will benefit from his ability to collaborate with coaches and other providers. And


with the addition of the DX machine,

disease that people don’t know about

through his collaboration with Collins,

which Collins sells. The DX machine

until it affects their quality of life.

he can reach more people.

is a medical diagnosis machine that

It produces a detailed report with

quickly detects diseases and conditions

a ton of information about what’s

that alerts practitioners about the need

going on in your body. These things

itself for both men—a DX machine,


to healthcare for athletes and others.



“There’s a lot of opportunities to help a lot of people,” he concluded.

for medical attention. It can process

can be addressed much earlier. Plus,

Undoubtedly, Dr. Daniels will remain

substantial amounts of data to help

it’s noninvasive and is covered by

at the forefront of innovation, wearing

accelerate the diagnosis process. As

insurance,” he added.

his many hats.

a result, it enhances the provider’s

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 31



















Did you know

that your gut is constantly

The vagus nerve, which runs from the brain to the abdomen,

talking to your brain? Just

is responsible for carrying information between the two

think of how many times

organs. If your gut is in distress, you can experience anxiety,

you’ve relied on the so-called

headaches and other physical symptoms.

‘gut feeling’ before making a

Your gut bacteria also communicate with your brain by

life-changing decision. Does

producing metabolites that influence mood and behavior.

the gut own the gift of foresight, telling us which road to take

So, an unhealthy gut can significantly impact your brain,

when at a crossroad?

potentially leading to mental health problems such as

The brain and gut are strongly connected. Your intestines

depression and anxiety.

contain more than 100 million nerve cells, almost as many as

Your gut communicates regularly with your brain and affects

your spinal cord, which is why scientists call the large intestine

many aspects of human behavior and development.

the “second” brain. In fact, when it comes to understanding human behavior and development, the digestive system may

Keeping Your Gut Healthy

serve a far more significant role than we previously thought.

It is essential to maintain a healthy gut for overall health and well-being. This is because your gut communicates regularly

How is the Gut Connected to the Brain?

with your brain through a series of signals carried by the

The human gastrointestinal tract is lined with more than 100

vagus nerve. This communication between your gut and

million neurons. This dense concentration of nerve cells,

brain can have a major impact on how you feel both mentally

known as the enteric nervous system (ENS), can operate

and physically.

independently of the brain and spinal cord. The ENS regulates

You can do several things to keep your gut healthy and

digestive motility and secretions and communicates with

ensure that this communication functions correctly. Start by

the central nervous system (CNS) through the vagus nerve,

eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fiber, vitamins,

enteric plexuses and blood-borne signaling molecules.

minerals and probiotics. In addition, you should avoid foods

The ENS is often referred to as the ‘brain in the gut’ because

high in sugar or processed ingredients as they can disrupt the

it can function independently of the CNS. In fact, many

delicate balance of bacteria in your gut.

reflexes that regulate digestion are mediated by local circuits

Another key component of keeping your gut healthy

within the ENS. For example, when you eat something too

is exercising regularly. Physical activity helps reduce

hot, your gut sensors signal stomach wall muscles to expel

inflammation in the body and can boost the activity of

the food before it burns you.

neurotransmitters and hormones needed for proper digestive

The ENS also coordinates complex digestive processes, such


as peristalsis (i.e., the wavelike muscle contractions that

By keeping this relationship healthy through proper diet and

push food through the gastrointestinal tract) and nutrient

healthful lifestyle choices, you can improve your mood, sleep

absorption. In addition, it regulates blood flow and fluid

better, reduce anxiety and depression and manage weight

secretions in the gut and plays a role in immune function.

more effectively!








through a complex network of signals, hormones and

A Parting Reminder

neurotransmitters. The gut-brain connection is crucial

While research is uncovering more about the link between

for maintaining digestive health and overall well-being.

gut health and mental health, there are some steps you can take to promote a healthy gut and ensure that this

How Does the Gut Communicate With the brain?

communication is functioning properly. Such steps include

The gut produces about 95% of the body’s supply of serotonin,

with added chemicals and additives, getting regular exercise,

a neurotransmitter that plays an essential role in mood, sleep

managing stress levels and reducing overall inflammation in

regulation and appetite control. If you have poor gut health

the body. With a bit of effort and dedication, you can ensure

due to intestinal inflammation or bacterial imbalances, you

that your gut stays healthy and strong to enjoy good physical

can develop depression and other mental disorders as a

and mental well-being for years to come. ​

eating a diet rich in whole foods, avoiding processed foods


Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 33


L e t ’s L o o k i n t o the

‘Food asMedicine’ Tr e n d


ating organic and unprocessed foods has many benefits for your overall health. The ‘food as medicine’ trend can

help you achieve this goal!

What is ‘Food As Medicine’? While this trend is a relatively new concept in the Western world, ‘food as medicine’ is based on ancient philosophy. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates is famously quoted saying, let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. This simple, yet powerful statement encapsulates the essence of the ‘food as medicine’ trend: that what we eat directly impacts our health. ‘Food as medicine’ has been gaining increasing popularity in recent years, as more and more people recognize the power of food to improve overall health and well-being. With its emphasis on nutrient-dense foods that can prevent and treat diseases, the ‘food as medicine’ trend advocates for eating a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods that nourish the body from the inside out.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 35


Is the ‘Food Effective?




The Mediterranean diet perfectly encapsulates the ‘food as

to consider taking supplements. This is especially important if you have any specific health concerns that need to be addressed.

medicine’ trend. This diet, which consists of plenty of fruits,

Speak with a healthcare professional: If you’re not sure

vegetables, olive oil and fish, is heart-healthy and beneficial

how to incorporate ‘food as medicine’ into your diet or if

for preventing diabetes and other chronic diseases.

you have any specific health concerns, it’s always a good idea

Some research supports the idea that food can be used as medicine. For example, a recent study found that a diet rich

to speak with a healthcare professional. They can help you create a customized plan that’s right for you.

in fruit and vegetables may help reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Another study found that eating fish may help improve cognitive function and protect against Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, several specific foods can effectively treat or prevent certain conditions. For example, ginger effectively treats nausea, while garlic is effective in treating high blood pressure.

What Foods Can I Eat with ‘Food as Medicine’? There are several different ways to eat ‘food as medicine.’ One way is to focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods. These foods are typically rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which can help protect the body against diseases. Another way to eat ‘food as medicine’ is to focus on specific foods with proven

There is substantial evidence to support the idea that food

health benefits. For example, research has shown that certain

can be used as medicine. However, it is essential to remember

berries can help improve brain function, while other studies

that food is not a magic bullet. It is only one part of a healthy

have shown that garlic can help lower cholesterol levels.

lifestyle. Other factors, such as exercise, stress management and getting enough sleep, are vital for maintaining good health.

Some of the most commonly recommended foods include fruits and vegetables, lean proteins like fish and poultry,

How to Use ‘Food as Your Medicine’ The ‘food as medicine’ trend is all about using food to

whole grains, nuts and seeds and healthy fats such as olive oil or avocado. Based upon the principles of ‘food as medicine,’ these foods will help you regain your health and well-being.

improve your health. This means eating more nutrient-rich foods and avoiding processed and junk foods. Here are some tips on how you can start using this approach in your own diet: Eat more whole foods: Whole foods contain minimally processed ingredients that haven’t lost any of their natural nutrients. They include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

A Parting Reminder While food can be a powerful tool in the fight against illness, it should not be viewed as a cure-all for every health issue. Instead, it should be used as one part of a holistic approach to wellness that includes diet and other lifestyle factors. If you’re interested in exploring the ‘food as medicine’ trend, plenty of resources are available to help you get started.

Avoid processed and junk foods: These foods are often

You can also speak with a registered dietitian or certified

high in sugar, salt and unhealthy fats. They can also lack

nutritionist to get customized advice on making the ‘food as

essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins and minerals.

medicine’ approach work for you.

Incorporate nutrient-rich foods into your diet: Some foods are particularly good for providing essential nutrients that can improve your health. These include items like wildcaught fish, leafy greens and berries. Consider using supplements: If you’re not getting enough of certain nutrients from your diet, you may want

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 37

THE EMERGING FIELD OF REGENERATIVE MEDICINE: PART 2 Extracellular Vesicles, Exosomes and Signaling


egenerative medicine is not a subject traditionally found in the curriculum of U.S. medical schools. This gap in physician training has resulted in much confusion within the field despite the rapid growth of technological

advances and an explosion in patient demand. Having spent over

20 years in academia and biotech studying regenerative medicine, I have noticed how the adoption of regenerative medicine has outpaced education and sound knowledge. In part one of this three-part editorial, I described how the term “stem cell” has been assumed as a genericization for anything relating to regenerative medicine, much like the adoption of Kleenex to describe tissue paper or Xerox when referencing photocopiers. In part two, I aim to bring transparency to the subject of exosomes, extracellular vesicles, nanoparticles and signaling modalities currently being utilized in regenerative medicine as an alternative to cellular therapy. Finally, in part three, I will discuss the emergence of personalized, precision medicine as a strategy to deploy safe, effective and reliable regenerative medicine in modern healthcare.


by Dr. Ian A. White and Dr. Alessandro G. Salerno

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 39


pro-inflammatory cytokine production (e.g., TNF-α) while

In cell biology, eukaryotic cells communicate through direct

IL-10) in human monocytes. To me, these details suggested

contact ( juxtacrine signaling) or by the secretion of soluble

a vast unexplored potential for the management of human

promoting immunosuppressive cytokine production (e.g.,

factors such as growth factors, hormones and cytokines. These

autoimmune diseases and other immune-mediated medical

soluble factors can act on the cell itself (autocrine signaling),

conditions, such as wound healing.

neighboring cells (paracrine signaling) or distant cells (endocrine signaling). In the past few decades, extracellular

The first indications of the relevance of EVs in medicine came

vesicles (EVs) have been recognized as the vehicles which

in 1946 by the observations made by Erwin Chargaff and

facilitate intercellular communication, both in eukaryotes

Randolph West, who described their procoagulant activity in

and prokaryotes. EVs are membrane-bound nanoparticles

normal plasma. These particles would later become known

released in an evolutionarily conserved manner by cells for

as “platelet dust” thanks to Peter Wolf in 1967. Decades later,

the protection and delivery of multiple different messengers,

Raposo and colleagues demonstrated that these nanoparticles,

collectively referred to as “cargo.”

now termed exosomes, isolated from Epstein–Barr virus-

In 1999, I graduated from the Liverpool School of Tropical

By 2006, with the discovery that EVs contain RNA cargo,

Medicine in England with a master’s degree in Parasitology. I

including microRNA, EVs acquired substantially renewed

was interested in the mechanisms by which human prokaryotic

interest as mediators of cell-to-cell communication. EVs have

parasites communicate with the host in order to hijack the

now been isolated from most cell types and biological fluids

immune system to avoid destruction and, in many cases,

such as saliva, urine, nasal and bronchial lavage fluid, amniotic

to establish a home. During the parasite-host interaction,

fluid, breast milk, plasma, serum and seminal fluid.

transformed B lymphocytes, could induce T cell responses.

those organisms release EVs with the potential to mimic the


characteristics of host EVs to modulate the immune system and

Exosomes are a sub-population of EV identified by the

promote their survival. For example, leishmania can produce

expression of specific surface markers (pan-EV markers)

EVs taken up by phagocytic cells, enabling the delivery of

called tetraspanins (CD9, CD63, CD81). However, these

immunomodulatory proteins contributing to the creation of a

proteins have recently been observed in apoptotic bodies

permissive environment for infection. These parasites inhibit

and microvesicles, which are non-regenerative. As such, it

has been challenging to identify the populations of exosomes

derived EVs. Cellular mRNA varies in size from 400 to 12,000

that specifically contribute to regenerative medicine. The

nucleotides, whereas RNA in EVs has a predominant size

contents, size and membrane composition of EVs are highly

of <700 nucleotides. EVs can contain intact mRNA, mRNA

heterogeneous and dynamic and depend on the cellular source

fragments, long non-coding RNA, microRNAs (miRNA),

and environmental conditions, contributing to significant

PIWI-interacting RNA, fragments of tRNA and ribosomal

confusion within the industry. Additional problems facing

RNA (rRNA). While most studies report the absence of

the field include a lack of standardization of both isolation

ribosomal 18S and 28S in EVs (a typical cellular RNA), some

procedures and methods for EV characterization. Proteomic

recent studies report a substantial proportion of rRNA (up to

profiles obtained from various EV populations highly depend

80%) in some EV sub-groups, including certain MSC-derived

on how EVs were isolated. Such methods may include isolation

EVs. Its function, though, in EVs is currently unknown.

by filtration, differential ultracentrifugation, density gradient centrifugation (sucrose or iodixanol gradients) and sizeexclusion chromatography. There is currently a major push by

EV miRNAs are ~21 nucleotide regulatory molecules packaged

scientists to come to a consensus on isolation procedures and

into EVs to allow those miRNA messages to circulate protected


within the body and avoid degradation from blood RNAse activity. EV-mediated transfer of miRNAs has been described to have substantial immunological effects. For example, the transfer of some miRNAs (such as miR-335) from T-cells to


antigen-presenting cells modulates gene expression in the recipient cells. In addition, EVs isolated from saliva have

EVs function by triggering intracellular signaling pathways

been shown to contain platelet tissue factor and the T cell

through simple interaction with the surface receptors or

activator, CD26. Platelet tissue factors may initiate blood

ligands of target cells or by undergoing internalization. EVs

coagulation, and it has been suggested that saliva EVs could

can induce changes in the cell phenotype by transfer to the

be important in the process in which humans and animals

target cell of biologically active proteins or RNAs, collectively

lick a bleeding wound to promote coagulation, antimicrobial

referred to as “cargo.” The presence of functional RNA

activity and subsequent wound healing

within EVs was first described in 2006 from mouse stem cell-








Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 41




MEDICAL APPLICATIONS In addition to proteins and RNAs, bioactive lipids, such as eicosanoids, prostaglandins, fatty acids and cholesterol, can be transferred between cells by EVs. Vesicle-bound lysophosphatidylcholine has been proposed to play a role in the maturation of dendritic cells and can trigger lymphocyte chemotaxis. Interestingly, for my current research, placentaspecific miRNAs are also packaged into EVs and mediate crosstalk between the fetus, placenta and the mother during pregnancy. In 2007, EVs were detected in the amniotic fluid (AF) of laboratory mice and four samples from women undergoing routine amniocentesis. It is believed that the origin of AF-derived EVs is from both the mother and the


fetus. The fetal kidney releases EVs containing proteins, such as TIMP1, TIMP2, CD24 and annexin-I, which are of significant interest to medicine. Successful pregnancy relies upon EVs, which are constantly present in the maternal blood throughout pregnancy and influence the maternal immune system controlling both maternal adaptive and innate immunity during pregnancy. EVs from the amniotic fluid are thought to modulate the mother’s immune response to maximize fetal survival. In this case, EVs from the amniotic fluid were shown to be captured by human monocytes and stimulate cytokine release in a TLR-dependent manner. Our research has seen EVs from AF modulate “cytokine storm” related cytokines in response to microbial challenges. This is very interesting, considering the current COVID-19 pandemic.


EVs have also been defined as novel players in neural cell

RNA vaccines), and their receptor profile facilitates tissue

communication with pleiotropic physiological effects, both

targeting to sites of inflammation and injury. These robust

in the developing fetal nervous system and throughout the

packages of information and raw materials are immune

adult body. Cerebrospinal fluid has been described to have

evasive (to be distinguished from immune-privileged) and

many functions as an intermediary between blood and the

small enough to travel through the narrowest of capillaries

brain for the transport of nutrients and growth factors.

and even pass the blood-brain barrier. We know from pre-

CSF is also involved in the elimination of toxins and other

clinical data and clinical trials that EVs derived from various

metabolic by-products. Because of the potential importance

cellular sources can dramatically affect inflammation and

of EVs in the context of the CNS and neurological diseases,

disease by stimulating the patient’s innate regenerative cells.

the presence of EVs in human CSF is of medical interest.

The road to universal acceptance of EVs as a modality for

EVs have been proposed to neutralize the synaptic-plasticity

medical intervention has been long, but the future is bright.

disrupting activities of amyloid β-protein, primarily by sequestering Aβ oligomers by EV surface proteins, such

as PrPC. These indicate a protective role of EVs against

In the third and final part of this three-part series, I will

Aβ accumulation. In cardiac studies, using a myocardial

discuss how EVs and other regenerative tools are currently

ischemia-reperfusion injury mouse model, researchers found

being employed in medicine as I discuss the emergence of

that EVs were responsible for observed cardioprotection,

personalized, precision medicine.

including neoangiogenesis. EVs from human liver stem cells have been demonstrated to accelerate morphological and functional recovery in a rat model of 70% hepatectomy, while

Dr. Ian White is an expert in regenerative medicine with over

EVs derived from human adult MSCs have been found to

20 years of experience in both academia and the industry. Dr.

protect against ischemia-reperfusion kidney injury and lead

White is the founder and CSO of Neobiosis, a perinatal tissue

to enhanced survival in a model of lethal acute kidney injury.

manufacturing CDMO, the scientific advisor to Top Doctor Magazine, and Vice President of The American College of Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Alessandro Salerno is an expert

SUMMARY As we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the first experiments that yielded identifiable EVs in the lab, we are still learning about the medical potential packaged into these nano-

in lipid metabolism, cell culture techniques and regenerative medicine. Dr. Salerno is the Director of Manufacturing at Neobiosis, where he oversees tissue production and quality control for clinical research and clinical trial grade perinatal tissue manufacturing.

sized, lipid membrane-bound transport vehicles. Their protective shell allows RNAs to be transported around the hostile environment of the body (e.g., the current COVID-19

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 43




e often think about our

muscles’ straining and our

breathing when exercising.

HOW HORMONES AFFECT EXERCISE These chemical messages can significantly affect

But what we don’t usually

your exercise by helping your body build muscle

mechanisms assist us. While we can’t see it,

fluctuations can negatively impact your exercise

consider is how our bodies’ underlying

our bodies support us by firing innumerable chemical




Even though they aren’t as visible as muscles,

one’s ability to exercise can be significantly

impacted when these hormones are affected.

This is especially true for women, who often

undergo hormone fluctuations as a part of their bodies’ natural functions.

or improve endurance. However, hormone and weight loss efforts unless you carefully account for them. Such fluctuations naturally occur during a woman’s natural cycle over their life, making it imperative that women adjust to such changes to continue exercising in a healthy manner. During menstruation, estrogen and progesterone levels are lower than expected, leading to greater


Hormones are chemical messengers created by the

fatigue and reducing the amount of exercise one can perform. Such changes are most dramatic during pregnancy, when the changing hormones

endocrine glands that are carried within the blood.

will make the body require more oxygen. The

Examples of hormones include thyroxine, cortisol,






estrogen and testosterone. Your brain uses these

shortness of breath and make pregnant women

hormones to send messages to your brain, telling it

more prone to injuries and ligament strains while

to perform various functions. You can imagine the

exercising. Lastly, during menopause, women can

hormones in the body a bit like a letter that gets

often experience fatigue due to falling estrogen

sent in the mail. When the brain wants the body

levels that will reduce energy, stamina and

to perform a function, it sends a letter in the form


of hormones to the proper mailbox or receptor within the body. The body then reads that message and knows what chemical function it needs to perform.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 45

HOW TO MINIMIZE THE EFFECTS OF CHANGING HORMONES One of the easiest ways to handle changing hormones and still exercise is to shorten your exercise periods and use pain relief methods such as NSAIDS (Ibuprofen or Tylenol) or a heating pad. During periods of fluctuation, such as menstruation, these methods can efficiently reduce the pain you’re feeling while still allowing you to exercise. However, pregnancy will likely require more

not to overly tax the body, especially during menstrual periods, or it may adversely affect the natural cycle. During the young adult and reproductive years, you should overlap your exercise routine with your natural cycle, prioritizing intense exercises when hormones are low at the beginning of the month while considering that ACL injuries are more likely at this stage. Be sure to protect the knee during squats, lunges and cardio.

significant countermeasures. It is still very

During menopause, you should focus on

beneficial to work out during pregnancy,

resistance training and impact exercises,

although you’ll likely need to take it easy and

including pilates, yoga, dynamic stretching

be flexible with your body’s changes. Lastly,

and foam rolling. The main thing to keep in

during menopause, one should endeavor to

mind is recovery. It is imperative to keep rest

fight the naturally occurring fatigue while

days consistent and properly stretch and roll

engaging with weight training, pilates and

out muscles before and after use.

strength training to combat bone loss.


Even though we can’t see them, hormones present a fundamental in our bodies and their ability to exercise. Keeping hormone

Just because your hormones are changing

changes in mind while exercising is critical

doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise. Indeed,






by exercising, you can help balance the

hormone changes and fluctuations due

hormones in your body. However, for women,

to their natural cycles. While it may seem

the exercises for balancing hormones differ

like hormones can be your enemy at times,

according to each life phase.

through careful planning, you can keep

During the teenage years, sports and athletics can be an invaluable opportunity for the body to grow. However, you must be careful



your workout routine consistent and help your body regulate your hormones more effectively!

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 47


Written by Yuko Tabasa


he average human’s current life expectancy, as of 2022, is approximately 73 years old. By comparing this figure to the life expectancy back in 1950, when people expected to only live

until 45, we can undoubtedly say that we live much longer lives than our ancestors from not so long ago. And it doesn’t stop there. Human life expectancy is projected to keep rising in the years to come. But before you get all excited imagining that vision of you sitting on your porch with gray hair and telling stories to your grandkids, remember that not everyone will be fortunate enough to hit that 73-year mark. You have to practice healthy habits to reach or surpass that number.

Eat Right and See Your Doctor You hear this one all the time, but one of the best ways to live longer is to ensure that you’re eating the right food and practicing healthy habits.


The Right Food to Eat To stay healthy, you must consume the correct type and the right amount of food. It is advised that when thinking about a healthier diet, one should reduce their intake of salt and trans fats and increase their intake of nuts, whole grains and vegetables instead. It is also imperative to eat just enough. Enough, meaning you only eat just the right amount of food that allows your body to meet its needs for energy consumption. While we’re not saying that they would be the best option to live an optimally healthy and long life, vegetarian and vegan diets do aid in extending your quality of life tremendously. The occasional steak, chicken and pork chops are great, but making sure your diet is primarily whole grains, nuts and a variety of greens—all in appropriate amounts—is a great way to balance it all.

Getting Your Checkups An often overlooked aspect of healthy living is getting regular health checks with your physician. Finding out what’s happening inside your body could be vital to determining what kind of diet you should be on and what supplements you should be taking (if necessary). In addition, regular doctor checkups allow you to safely and effectively change your routine diets or habits in order to enjoy a healthier and longer life.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 49

Exercise and Stay Away from Vices A more active and healthy lifestyle, coupled with a drastic reduction of vices, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, has been observed to increase longevity.

Stay Active Regular exercise reduces the risks of disorders and diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular issues and depression. Working out has also been seen to boost mood and improve sleep quality, cognition, the immune system and digestive functions. With all these health benefits, exercising is guaranteed to lengthen your lifespan!

Avoid Vices Staying healthy isn’t just about exercising. It also includes avoiding vices, especially alcohol and nicotine. Vices can decrease your life by numbers depending on how often you resort to them and how intense they are. In addition, most vices can hamper or weaken the abilities of specific organs, such as alcohol degrading the liver or smoking destroying the lungs. Avoiding all substances that may have harmful effects on your body is always a salutary idea, especially when your goal is to live long enough to see your grandchildren.

Make Connections Did you know that the old saying, no man is an island, is incomplete? It actually goes, no man is an island entire of itself; every man is a part of a continent. This is quite poignant since the biggest secret to living longer is establishing strong, meaningful connections with other people. Relationships might be the biggest actual ‘secret’ of them all. Research into human longevity has implied that having strong, healthy and meaningful relationships with others may be the most significant factor in living a longer life. Psychologically, having better social circles can lead to notably reduced stress and higher feelings of joy and happiness and add more meaning and color to a person’s life overall. Having social circles where you can express yourself, enjoy others’ company and simply live life may be the spark that helps some of us live longer.


Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 51

A Parting Reminder So, there you have it: three ‘secrets’ to living longer. If you follow these three rules, there is no need to look for the elixir of life. You probably think that these aren’t secrets at all, but sometimes (if not most often), the most valuable life lessons are sitting right under our noses.


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Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 143 / 53


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