Issue 150 - Medical Tourism

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PG 39


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PODCAST C O O R D I N AT O R Justin Miller



CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER H a n n a h To w n e s

GRAPHIC DESIGNER A d a r a Wr i g h t



PROJECT C O O R D I N AT O R Lillian Myers

CONTRIBUTORS A d r e a n a M e n d e z , A n n Y. , D r e w B . , G a y e Newton, Gentry Shannon, Ionuț Raicea, Louisa Emhof, Luke Argue, Mălina O. R., Nathan Pipkin, Peter C., Yuko Tabasa

A WORD FROM THE EDITOR Leading a healthy, well-balanced life is a challenging undertaking for many of us. New advancements in lifestyle or nutrition come to life daily, and the busy rhythm of our lives often prevents us from keeping up with what’s fun and fresh. Here at Top Doctor Magazine, we are on a mission to bring these advancements to your attention and become a source of inspiration for those who want to live their lives to the fullest. Our contributors will constantly keep you up to speed with fresh, entertaining, and reliable content, from nutrition and travel to lifestyle choices! We hope that our handpicked ideas will guide you towards selfrealization, self-improvement, and willingness to help those around you better themselves.



What Is Medical Tourism?



Medical Tourism




Top 10 Best Locations for


Risks of Medical Tourism


How to Help Your Mental Health



Why Vitamin A Is Important

Dr. Kendal Stewart Article this

while Traveling

is his article to read


Physical Activity May Lead to



If Fast-Food is Your Only Option, Choose these

Other Healthy Habits

Medical Tourism and Insurance

Menu Items




What Causes Hangovers?

Being Treated, Heard and

7 Healthy Foods for

Understood: An Interview with

Picky Eaters

Dr. Camesia O. Matthews, DDS








ou’ve probably heard of it before,

that many hotels have even built special wings for

but you might be wondering, what is

medical tourists!

medical tourism? It refers to a person

traveling outside their home country to receive medical care. Numerous reasons encourage people to choose medical tourism — it could be cheaper, doctors may have more experience with certain

One benefit of having so many medical tourists is that hospitals in less developed areas can invest more into their medical infrastructure, medical training programs and medical technology.

medical conditions or surgeries that people have,

It’s still important to make sure your medical

the hospital they’re going to may offer the latest and

tourism is worth the trip. Research your doctor or

greatest medical technology ... the list goes on and on.

medical facility of choice before traveling abroad to

The most common types of medical treatments sought by those who travel abroad for medical care are:

make sure they meet your medical needs!

• Dental work


• Plastic surgery

Medical tourism is hindered by the fundamental

• Eye procedures

barrier of perceived poor quality. To overcome it, ad-

• Fertility procedures

equate marketing strategies and quality assessment

• Weight loss surgery

via accreditation by an internationally recognized

• Cancer treatment

institution are necessary. This enhances healthcare

• Stem cell/bone marrow transplants

quality and strengthens patient confidence.

• Hip or knee replacement surgery • Cosmetic surgery Medical tourism is a booming business for medical clinics and medical travel agents. In India, medical tourism has become so popular that medical travelers can even buy a medical vacation package: a deal that includes a medical procedure, hotel accommodations, transportation from the airport to the hotel and vice versa, plus sightseeing activities!

Accreditation can provide even more confidence when affiliated with reputable hospitals or healthcare systems in developed countries. A healthcare provider can be appropriately rated for risk once they are accredited and part of an international referral network.

WHAT ARE THE COSTS? Globally, medical tourism is estimated to be a multibillion-dollar industry that will grow considerably in


the coming decade. When looking for health services

Quality medical care is not readily available to

In the U.S. and other parts of the world, healthcare

everyone who needs it, especially in developing

costs are excessively high, so many employers and

nations. Medical tourism has opened up medical

insurance companies are looking at medical tourism

care for people worldwide to help get medical

as a way to reduce costs. In addition, more and more

procedures they need or get medical procedures

countries are beginning to see the financial bene-

done that their insurance will not cover. Medi-

fits of this emerging market, so they offer premium

cal tourism is so prevalent in India and Thailand

medical services at significantly lower prices.

abroad, the cost is the crucial factor to consider.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 9

Hospitals and clinics in developing countries can lower their prices mainly due to their economic status. The country’s per capita gross domestic product directly correlates with its income levels. As a result, surgery prices are 30% to 70% lower in medical tourism countries than in the U.S.

TREATMENT TYPES The treatment types and their availability are also major factors in choosing to engage in medical tourism. For example, patients most commonly seek cosmetic surgery, dentistry, organ transplantation, cardiac surgery and orthopedic

A wide range of services can be obtained through tourism, ranging from various essential treatments to different types of traditional and alternative treatments.

surgery when they travel for medical tourism. A wide range of services can be obtained through medical tourism, ranging from various essential treatments to different types of traditional and alternative treatments. In vitro fertilization, surrogacy and other assisted reproductive technologies are common forms of reproductive tourism and reproductive outsourcing. Access is another major factor responsible for the growth of medical tourism. In its absence, either due to the lack of technology or the prohibition in the home country, medical tourism can ensue. Common examples include stem cell treatments or cytoplasmic transfer.

A PARTING REMINDER If possible, medical tourists should consult a travel medicine expert for advice tailored to their specific health needs four to six weeks before traveling. Medical tourists should also communicate with their primary care provider about any concerns they or their provider might have. If you have any medical conditions, make sure they are well controlled before leaving and make sure you have enough medication (as well as funds) for the duration of your trip. Finally, medical tourists should stay up-to-date with their routine vaccinations and consider hepatitis B immunization before traveling. It’s recommended that medical tourists seek immediate medical care if they suspect complications, either during their trip or upon returning home. An early diagnosis and treatment can result in a better outcome when medical care is sought promptly.


THE TOP 10 BEST LOCATIONS FOR MEDICAL TOURISM care. In these countries, procedures that usually

U.S. and the rise of health tourism destina-

cost six figures in the U.S. or the U.K. drop down

tions that offer quality and affordable health-

to four figures.

care combined with a fun travel experience,

Americans are scrambling to schedule appointments with healthcare providers overseas.

medical procedures, from cosmetic surgery to dental work to orthopedic procedures, all at af-

There is an increase in medical tourism, and

fordable prices. However, healthcare destinations

many countries worldwide are getting involved.

and providers face fierce competition, making it

Millions of patients travel yearly from countries

necessary to integrate several factors to drive

lacking the necessary medical infrastructure or

medical tourism and improve their brand.

less advanced in a particular field to countries specializing in specific medical care such as Asia, South Africa and Eastern Europe. In order to attract foreign visitors, agencies are being set up to promote less expensive health


Patients travel to foreign countries for various

So, what are the best countries to get that expensive surgery, the routine checkup, or the plastic surgery makeover?



n the face of rising healthcare costs in the



Seoul has the highest rate of cosmetic treatment per

Japanese healthcare is among the most advanced in

capita in the world. Gangnam alone is home to some

the world. Despite recent advances in technology and

500 cosmetic and aesthetic facilities offering a variety

medicine, Japan continues to provide affordable, top-

of surgical procedures. In addition to non-invasive

notch healthcare to its citizens and foreign tourists,

cosmetic procedures, South Korea leads the way with

most of whom are from mainland China.

non-invasive strategies such as BOTOX, dermal fillers, laser hair removal and dental veneers.

In 2018, the number of medical visas issued to international patients climbed from 70 in 2011 to 1,650 in 2018. The reason for this increase was the country’s top-notch cancer treatment centers and cosmetic surgery expertise.


The low cost of medical care is another major player in Japan’s inbound medical tourism. For example, hip replacement surgery costs $4,126, saving patients more than 70% of the cost in the U.S.

MUMBAI, INDIA Spain is one of the most visited tourist destinations globally, attracting tens of millions of tourists every year. MTI rated the country as the fourth global medical tourist destination in Europe because it offers excellent healthcare services and a wonderful travel experience. In recent years, Spain has attracted a growing number of tourists from the Middle East, North Africa and

Mumbai is India’s most progressive urban center, of-

the British Isles, many of whom seek advanced or-

fering exceptional medical care at eye-popping dis-

thopedic, cosmetic and dental procedures. The cost

counts. Almost one in seven U.S. surgeons are of In-

of healthcare in Spain is a fraction of what it is in the

dian descent, so Americans realize that they can save

U.S. and U.K. Cosmetic procedures such as facelifts

real money by visiting Mumbai’s top doctors without

and breast augmentation cost an average of $5,000 in

compromising the quality of care. Mumbai has some of

Spain, compared to $15,000 in the U.S.

the world’s top orthopedic and heart specialists.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 13



It should come as no surprise that Canada ranks first

Because of Mexico’s proximity to the U.S. and extensive

in the 2020 edition of the Medical Tourism Index

cross-over in medical training, its standards of care

since the second-largest country in the world boasts

often meet those back home at a lower cost. There are

of a robust tourism industry that draws more than 14

quality hospitals in every major city in Mexico.

million Americans each year. In light of its proximity to the U.S., the country can attract many tourists and patients seeking to bypass the long wait times and high healthcare costs at home. Quality medical

Additionally, Mexico’s focus is also on dentistry. For instance, numerous dental practices along the U.S.-Mexico border receive countless patients a year from the States.

treatments and top-of-the-line healthcare facilities are among Canada’s top reputations.


According to the Medical Tourism Index, Dubai’s world-class hospitals and internationally acclaimed As with Mexico, Costa Rica is one of the region’s most

doctors ranked as the top medical destination in the

developed and expat-friendly countries. In addition

Arab region. In addition to Asian and neighboring

to the fact that it is one of the safest and most popular

Arab and Gulf countries, Dubai also welcomes medical

retirement destinations, it uses the U.S. dollar and of-

tourism from Europe and Africa.

fers excellent options for medical tourists.


As part of Dubai’s medical tourism brand, Dubai

Costa Rica’s dental tourism industry is booming, where

Health Experience (DHX) was launched in 2018 to en-

you can expect to pay $4,000 for a tooth replacement

hance healthcare facilities and improve patient expe-

procedure that would cost $10,000 in the U.S.

rience through international patient departments.



The medical tourism sector in Turkey, situated at the

Since Singapore is one of the wealthiest cities in Asia,

crossroads of Europe, Asia and the Middle East, is

it’s not surprising that medical tourism has surged here.

growing. You will find world-class health treatment

With world-class hospitals and highly trained medi-

centers in Turkey, as well as spas, dentists and cos-

cal staff, Singapore attracts medical tourists who seek

metic surgeons.

quality healthcare at lower prices.

Turkey is also known for its eye health specialists, where

Singapore’s medical tourism industry has been snow-

the most expensive ocular procedure costs only $5,000.

balling because medical costs are much less expensive than in the U.S., with prices about 30% lower for major medical procedures.

A PARTING REMINDER With medical tourism growing every year, more medical tourists realize that they can get the same medical treatment abroad at a much lower cost. And as medical tourism continues to grow and increase its supply, there is no doubt that medical tourists will become more discerning with their healthcare needs, industry transparency and quality of medical providers.



is important for your health Vitamin A is a crucial class of fat-soluble essential

Preformed vitamin A (retinol, retinyl esters)

molecules for many different functions in the

is found in animal products, such as liver and

body. One of the most important roles of vitamin

cod liver oil, dairy products, eggs, rice bran oil,

A is keeping our eyesight healthy. It is necessary

salmon, trout (including their livers), mackerel

for the proper development and function of the

(including their livers), beef liver and butter.

retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Vitamin A also helps protect the surface of the cells, including the eye lens and cornea, and regulates bone growth and maintenance, immune function and hormone production.

Where Is Vitamin A Found?

Provitamin A, converted to retinol, is found in plant products, colorful fruits and vegetables (e.g., carrots, sweet potatoes) and leafy green vegetables (e.g., kale). A diet rich in organ meat, especially liver from different animals such as fish and beef, along with

The human body readily absorbs two forms of

salads with carrots and kale, is a great way to keep

vitamin A: preformed vitamin A and provitamin A.

your levels of vitamin A at an optimal level.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 17

Why Is Vitamin A Good for You?

Vitamin A Supplementation

Vitamin A has many roles in the body. It helps maintain

A person with a healthy diet does not need vitamin A

healthy vision and skin, helps with cell growth and

supplementation because they will get enough from

differentiation, protects against infection and helps the

their diet alone. However, vitamin A supplementation

body process calcium. In addition, vitamin A helps form

is beneficial to individuals with an inadequate or

red blood cells, hormones and enzymes.

limited diet and those with a disease requiring vitamin A in high doses. Examples are retinitis pigmentosa and

Vitamin A Deficiency


A deficiency of vitamin A can lead to several health prob-

Supplementation may also be used in cases of

lems, including blindness, dry skin, chronic diarrhea, poor

malabsorption and dietary restriction. Those with

physical growth and increased susceptibility to infections.

malabsorption may benefit from taking a supplement

Several groups are at risk of vitamin A deficiency, such as children and pregnant women in developing countries,

WHO does not recommend vitamin A supplementation

premature infants and cystic fibrosis patients.

in children under the age of six months because they are at risk of developing a vitamin A deficiency called

Vitamin A deficiency is more common in developing nations, owing to a higher prevalence of diets lacking in vitamin A. Clinical vitamin A deficiency rarely occurs in infants and is only seen in those



problems. Preterm infants do

xerophthalmia, which causes

“According to Harvard Health Publishing, the current recommended daily intake of vitamin A is 2,330 IU (700 mcg) for females and 3,000 IU (900 mcg) for males.”

not have adequate liver re-

permanent vision loss and may even lead to death.

Having Too Much Vitamin A Vitamin A toxicity is more prevalent in developed nations than a vitamin A deficiency,

serves of vitamin A at birth, and their retinol levels are

owing to the high doses of preformed vitamin A (retinol)

normal only after two to four weeks of age; for full-term

found in certain supplements. Vitamin A is also fat-soluble,

infants, retinol levels rise to normal in two weeks.

which means any amount that isn’t immediately required

The onset may be gradual or sudden for those with

by the body is absorbed and stored in fat cells or the liver.

acquired vitamin A deficiency disorders. The symptoms

The liver converts the vitamin into retinol so other parts

of vitamin A deficiency are mostly subtle, but they

of the body can use it. If you take too much vitamin A, your

manifest themselves with several conditions associated

liver may not be able to convert enough of it into retinol.

with vision loss and night blindness, such as cataracts,

This oversaturation leads to hypervitaminosis A, which

aniridia and retinitis pigmentosa.

causes liver damage and even death if left untreated.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, the current

Acute hypervitaminosis A is a condition with symptoms

recommended daily intake of vitamin A is 2,330 IU (700

including irritability, drowsiness, nausea, abdominal

mcg) for females and 3,000 IU (900 mcg) for males.

pain, a feeling of pressure on the brain and vomiting.

Is Vitamin A Good for Acne? Vitamin A deficiency has been linked to acne because it can cause dryness and excessive sebum production (i.e., the natural oil produced by the body and found on the skin). In children with severe vitamin A deficiency, hair may fall out because vitamin A is needed for healthy hair growth.


that helps to increase the absorption of this vitamin.

Chronic hypervitaminosis A symptoms include mouth ulcers, swelling of the bones, cracked fingernails, bone pain, loss of appetite, cracked corners of the mouth and blurry vision. Some cases of hypervitaminosis A may result in acute psychosis and death. The main causes of hypervitaminosis A are excessive consumption of vitamin A-rich food, including:

• Eating liver or raw fish; • Taking supplements without checking the label for ingredients that might contain vitamin A (such as retinol); • Using ointments with high retinol levels such as tetracycline; • Taking supplements that are not considered safe by the FDA. The symptoms of hypervitaminosis are usually reversible upon cessation of excess intake. Large doses of preformed vitamin A, beta-carotene and other provitamin A carotenoids have not been linked to significant health risks. Beta-carotene is not as fat-soluble as vitamin A and cannot be stored in large quan-

Taking high doses of vitamin A supplements and other medicines may heighten the risk of liver disease. Examples of hepatotoxic medications are statins, steroids, antifungal drugs, acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol) and arthritis drugs such as methotrexate or azathioprine.

Retinoids Retinoids are vitamin A-derived compounds that have multiple skin benefits. They provide several advantages, including reduced inflammation, unclogged pores, reduced wrinkle appearance and controlled cell growth on the skin’s surface.

tities by the body. It is mainly excreted through the fe-

Retinoids and vitamin A supplements may increase the

ces, so it should not lead to hypercarotenosis. However,

risk of hypervitaminosis A when taken together. You

beta-carotene supplements have been linked to an in-

should regularly check your vitamin A blood levels if you

creased risk of lung cancer in smokers.

take these oral medications together.

Vitamin A Interaction with Medications

A Parting Reminder

Orlistat (Alli, Xenical)

body, especially for our eyes. A healthy, balanced diet of

Orlistat is a weight-loss drug that interferes with vitamin A absorption. While taking this medicine, your doctor may advise you to take a multivitamin with betacarotene and vitamin A every day to ensure adequate intake. Orlistat may also be prescribed for patients with chronic pancreatitis or gastroparesis, in which the stomach takes too long to empty its contents into the small intestine.


Hepatotoxic Drugs

Vitamin A is essential for the proper functioning of the both animal and plant products can help you meet your daily vitamin A requirements. Animal products, which contain preformed vitamin A, and plant products, which contain provitamin A, will ensure your body receives enough of this essential vitamin.



t’s no secret that healthcare in the U.S. is

expensive. Americans spend nearly twice as much on health care as people in countries like






Switzerland. Compared to other countries,

administrative costs, medication prices and

Patients who can’t afford healthcare in their own countries;

Patients suffering from diseases with cures that may be experimental or inaccessible in their own country.

frequent referrals to specialists in the U.S. are

A growing number of individuals facing health

the main reasons for the high prices.

crises where services are not easily accessible


due to financial constraints opt for medical

Medical tourism is any travel outside one’s

precautions are taken, the receiving country may

country to receive medical treatment. Medical

not offer the same level of safety and regulation

tourists often are:

as you get in your home country.

Patients with preexisting conditions that

Experts agree that it’s essential for prospective

need advanced procedures unavailable in

medical travelers to research before deciding to

their countries;

go abroad for treatment.

tourism. It can be risky, though. Even when

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WHAT ARE THE RISKS OF MEDICAL TOURISM? Almost anything in life carries a certain degree of risk. So before you hop on a plane for treatment, consider the following hazards.

Safety The U.S. healthcare system is heavily regulated by federal agencies whose mission is to prevent medical errors and ensure high-quality care while minimizing risks. If you are going to become a patient in another country, you should ask these questions first:

Be prepared to ask questions like, How experienced is the surgeon? How many cases has the surgeon done? Is the surgeon truly certified in that specialty? What types of medications are they able to administer?

• Is the hospital reusing its instruments? • How does it handle infection control? • What kind of nursing care does the hospital provide?

Antibiotic Resistance Antibiotic resistance is indeed a global concern. However, in some countries, it is more likely to occur. For instance, medical tourists have been exposed to highly drug-resistant bacteria.

Communication Challenges If you don’t speak the language, it will undoubtedly be challenging to communicate with the destination and healthcare facility staff. This could lead to misunderstandings about your treatment.

Experience Be prepared to ask questions like, How experienced is the surgeon? How many cases has the surgeon done? Is the surgeon truly certified in that specialty? What types of medications are they able to administer?

Travel There is a certain amount of recovery time associated with every procedure. Considering the risks of postprocedure air travel might make you reconsider receiving treatment abroad. Flying after surgery can place you at a higher risk of blood clots, particularly deep vein thrombosis. Do not travel by air for at least 10 days after having chest or abdominal surgery to avoid risks associated with changes in atmospheric pressure. Also, anyone who has


had cosmetic procedures on the face, eyelids or nose should wait 7–10 days before flying. You should also consider how much time you are willing to spend outside of the country if there are complications with your procedure.

Legal Issues Different countries may also have different medical ethics. In other countries, experimental therapy, like stem cell therapy, can be widely available in private healthcare institutions for medical tourists. Likewise, medical ethics regarding organ transplantation are often different from country to country. Due to the multiple jurisdictions involved and lack of clarity concerning which law applies, patients may not be able to pursue malpractice lawsuits if problems arise.

Value While the cost of a procedure might save you thousands, don’t forget to factor in the cost of air travel, lodging and transportation. Additionally, if you’re traveling abroad for a procedure, you may need a relative, a friend or a companion to advocate on your behalf.

HOW TO MINIMIZE MEDICAL TOURISM RISKS Receive a Pre-travel Consultation When traveling abroad for medical care, see your healthcare provider or a travel medicine provider 4-6 weeks before your trip to: • Review general information about healthy travel; • Learn about any specific risks you may face due to your health status, the procedure, and travel before and after the procedure. You should also obtain international travel health insurance covering medical evacuation back to the U.S.

Be Sure to Keep Health and Medical Records Bring a copy of your medical records, as well as the results of any lab tests and other tests performed in connection with your condition and care. Make sure your medical staff is aware of any allergies you may have. Provide a list of all the medications you take, including their brand names, generic names, manufacturers and dosages, as well as copies of all your prescriptions.


Before going overseas for your procedure, make sure that you are financially prepared for unforeseen events. Before returning home, make copies of your medical records from the destination. They may need to be translated into English.

Research the Healthcare Provider and Facility Verify the credentials of the healthcare providers performing the procedure and the credentials of the facility where it will take place. The Joint Commission International, DNV GL International Accreditation for Hospitals and the International Society for Quality in Healthcare have lists of standards that facilities must meet to become accredited. Note that all surgeries are subject to complications, and accreditation does not guarantee a positive outcome.

Get Ahead of the Language Barrier If you go to a country where you do not speak the language, determine ahead of time how you will communicate with your doctor and others who will be caring for you.

Arrange for Follow-up Care Identify where you will stay immediately following the procedure. You should ensure that you can get any follow-up care you need in the U.S. before traveling abroad for medical tourism.

A PARTING REMINDER It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of medical tourism with your doctor and work with your insurance provider to plan a trip that balances financial savings with safety. Before going overseas for your procedure, make sure that you are financially prepared for unforeseen events. Unless you can afford to return home in an emergency, do not go abroad.

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Treatment is not always a cut-and-dry solution when

Dr. Kendal L. Stewart, MD

it comes to neurological or chronic medical conditions.

Dr. Kendal Stewart is a neurotologist and neuroimmune

In some instances, available treatment modalities only

and genomic specialist at the NeuroSensory Centers of

address the symptoms without going the extra mile

America, Inc. (NSCA), founded in 2003. The NSCA team

and addressing the disease's actual culprits. But what

diagnoses and treats neurosensory and neuroimmune

if there were supplements tailored to your genetic


makeup that could give your body the support it needs to address your illness at a deeper level?

Dr. Stewart is also the Chief Medical Officer for Neurobiologix, Inc. and GX Sciences. "At Neurobiologix, we base the creation of nutritional

Dr. Kendal Stewart, MD, has developed professional-

supplements on genetic testing. It's genetic guided

grade nutritional supplements that strengthen your

nutrition™," Dr. Stewart said.

body precisely where needed and support your recovery. With the right blend of genetically determined supplements, your body will gain the necessary elements to overcome medical conditions and promote healing.

Career Origins "In college, I learned practical biochemistry, which is related to the human body and how drugs and nutritional elements work. As a result, I became a neurotologist then my surgical career became less necessary when I was able to recover my patients instead of operating." Dr. Stewart shared.

Dr. Stewart eventually realized that a focus on nutritional health would benefit a much larger population, as he wanted to do more than treat symptoms.



"We can look at nutritional health,

Dr. Stewart's creations come from

especially in people with devastating

both a scientific and spiritual point

conditions like vertigo, migraines,

of view. "What was wrong with the

Alzheimer's, dementia and autism.

supplement industry was that it had

If we could create an environment

each supplement in separate bottles.

in their bodies from a nutritional

But God makes recipes. He doesn't

standpoint, they would be more stable

make things with just one ingredient.

and have a much better chance of

So, we realized that we needed to do

recovering," he explained.

the same," Dr. Stewart explained.

Dr. Stewart's work started by providing a new option for patients with severe neurological ailments who had only found treatment for their symptoms before. He turned to neurotrophism, a method of reversing the progression of




In some cases, anywhere from 5 to 10 nutritional supplements belong together. But Dr. Stewart doesn't want patients taking 10 pills from 10 bottles every day.

weakening of the immune system. His




system inflammation and improved hormonal and nutritional conditions.

"I don't want you taking more than three or four supplements. They will be the right ones for you, and none of what you don't need," he said.


The ultimate goal of Neurobiologix

"How can I build a perfect recipe

is for every patient to receive the

to answer your body's nutritional

right supplemental recipe to solve

and chemical weaknesses but limit

their problem and support their

the number of supplements you'd

health throughout life. "Let's say

have to take? Genetics. In particular,

you have low muscle tone and can't

Nutrigenomics. That's the foundation

recover from exercise so easily. With


a genetic test, I'd be able to tell what




Stewart said.

your mitochondria need to make you stronger and recover faster," Dr. Stewart explained.

Using Dr.

nutrigenomic Stewart







testing, nutritional







supplementation and genetic guided

Genetics guide the creation of unique

nutrition™ created by an experienced

'recipes' of supplement combinations

physician. They enhance physical





compatible genetics.






system, brain function, blood sugar control and energy levels.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 31

These are professional-grade products with high potency, purity and absorption but no artificial ingredients or toxins.

Strengthening the Body "We're taught as physicians to treat symptoms. If you have a migraine, here's your migraine medicine. But we should also try to get the body in as stable a state as we can. When people come to me, and they're on

Based in Science

medicines for certain things, I'm not going to stop the

"Neurobiologix is known for its unique ability to blend

try to strengthen and improve the health of the body.

supplements into the right ratios to ensure that you get

Once we do that, hopefully, we won't need that medicine

what you need from that supplement. We're reassuring

anymore," he said.

medicine. I'm going to use the patient's genetics and

doctors that there is science behind this, not that hokey nutritional background that people sometimes associate with supplementation," Dr. Stewart shared.

Many doctors embrace Dr. Stewart's approach as they take a more holistic approach to their practices. Yet

Neurobiologix does not dispense combinations of supplements based on assumptions and best guesses. That is simply a waste of money and a missed opportunity to get accurate results. "This is all based on research performed at institutions worldwide. Our genetic reports, for instance, have bibliographies with 5 to 20 pages of scientific references. The peer-reviewed literature goes a long way in proving what we're talking about," Dr. Stewart explained.

Inflammation "Inflammation plays a huge role in the nervous system," Dr. Stewart said. "We've proven it with PET scans over the last several years. Anything in the nervous system that has 'good days and bad days' is inflammationbased."

Inflammation is not just local; chemical messengers make it a systemic problem. Genetic testing assesses the health of your chemical messengers and determines whether you need help with inflammation control. For people over 55, this is often an issue, as they no longer have the hormones they had when they were younger. "We can create an environment where there is less inflammation in the body, so that, for example, a headache cannot typically occur as easily, or the pain is much less severe," Dr. Stewart explained.


others are not interested because it requires them to

and supplements. They teach principles of healing, such

spend more time with each patient.

as the ability to control inflammation.

There's more to it than a quick diagnosis and a prescription. Dr. Stewart believes this will gradually change as the beneficial results of supplementation become more apparent.

"We have taught probably 4,000 to 5,000 physicians in the last five or six years. Supplementation has come a long way since genetics occurred," Dr. Stewart shared.

A Parting Reminder

With these high-quality supplement recipes made to

The key to bringing this new science into the mainstream

bring new hope and solutions for patients with severe

of medicine is education. Neurobiologix has an extensive


match patients' genetics, Dr. Stewart and Neurobiologix

educational series to teach doctors how to use genetics

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 33


If you find yourself at a fast-food restaurant, you might already know what to order and what items to avoid. But suppose you’re like many Americans who rely on local, quick-service restaurants for their meals. In that case, it’s worth becoming familiar with the healthiest menu options available at national chains such as McDonald’s, Subway and Burger King. We know it can be challenging to make a healthful choice when you’re standing in line and staring down the menu board at your favorite fast-food restaurant. As a last resort, here are 10 relatively nutritious picks from some of the most popular chains in the U.S., as well as an accompanying “nono” list of those foods never worth ordering.



With 320 calories, you get four grams of fiber, six grams of protein, and you can save 30 calories if you skip the sugar. It’s a delicious and nutritious fast choice.


On the go and looking for a light lunch? Subway’s 6-inch Veggie Delite sandwich is an excellent option for health-conscious fast food lovers. The chicken has 230 calories, three grams of fat and 280 milligrams of sodium without the cheese and sauces. To boost your protein intake and stay full longer, try adding a little cheese.


In search of the healthiest fast-food burger? Grab a Whopper Jr. for only 290 calories, 12 grams of fat and 500 grams of sodium. For an even healthier choice, hold the mayo.


Chick-Fil-A offers great grilled chicken nuggets, a great alternative to the traditional fried chicken nuggets since it contains only 130 calories and a significant amount of protein (13 grams). Pairing this with a side salad creates a complete and well-rounded meal.


You can never go wrong with a protein box. At Starbucks, each box contains a good balance of healthy carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats from either fruit or vegetables or a combination of both. Sometimes, they twist it up with nuts, fruit, cheese and boiled eggs. Each box contains approximately 300 calories, 11 grams of fat (four grams saturated fat, 0.5 grams of trans fat), 420 milligrams of sodium, 25 grams of carbs (one gram of fiber, five grams of sugar), and 13 grams of protein

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 35


You can create a healthy Chipotle order with light options like roasted veggies and hearty brown rice in just seconds! The vegetarian burrito bowl contains 470 calories, 16 grams of fat and 1,595 milligrams of sodium. Using these recipes, you can even recreate your favorite meals with less sodium.


Even though Arby’s is known for its roast beef, they also have lighter sandwiches. This ham and Swiss melt has just 300 calories, nine grams of fat and 1,030 milligrams of sodium, so it’s one of the healthiest fast-food options at this restaurant. Many menu items at Arby’s are high in sodium, so it’s best to go with the lighter sandwich options if you’re trying to maintain a low salt intake.


Due to the protein in the turkey and protein and fiber in the beans, this satisfying soup will get you filled in seconds. Plus, it’s total comfort food. Turkey chili also happens to be a healthy crockpot recipe.


This sub comes in under 500 calories, with five grams of fiber, 19 grams of protein and a good source of vitamins A and C, calcium and iron. You can also include avocado, which adds on just 60 calories with good fats, or add more tuna or any meat of your choice for extra protein.


The Grilled Market Salad with lean protein, fruit and vegetables can be a healthy lunch or dinner pick. To keep calories low, try it with the Light Balsamic Vinaigrette if you’re unsure of which dressing to choose.


Put the sauce on hold! The amount of sauce added to a sandwich can add up in calories. These sauces can also contain sugar and fat, which are filler calories.


If you’re looking to make healthier choices at the drive-thru, here are a few things to keep in mind: • You might think you’re starving, but you could actually be thirsty. Drink some water before diving into your meal to fill yourself up a bit first. • Choose the grilled options instead of the fried ones. By doing so, you will save calories for other foods. • You do not have to super-size anything. • Put the sauce on hold! The amount of sauce added to a sandwich can add up in calories. These sauces can also contain sugar and fat, which are filler calories. • You don’t have to order fries on the side. Fries are high in carbs and fats. Also, sometimes it might take a while for you to feel full, so downing a side of fries only to feel overindulged after isn’t the best option.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 37









o many people are

interact with others. Good mental

a part of the “trav-

health allows us to lead fulfilling and

el team” to relieve

productive lives. On the other hand,


mental illness can interfere with our


it’s at the beach, mountain climbing or discovering the fascinating history of other cities. For others, traveling is more purposeful, such as attending a business meeting or your favorite cousin’s wedding.

thoughts, moods, and interactions. For people who are experiencing mental health issues, traveling can trigger episodes. A little day-to-day stress is always manageable, but when we travel, we experience different

The word travel springs up joyful memo-

situations in unfamiliar environments,

ries for many of us. But for others, espe-

such as flight delays, getting lost in a

cially those experiencing mental health

new city or lacking necessary items.

issues, traveling can be a problem.



Mental health is an important aspect

people suffering from mental health

of overall health and well-being

issues, but it doesn’t mean that it is

that affects how we think, feel and

not manageable.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 39



However hard it might be to get a

When you’re in a new place, it can

good night’s sleep when traveling,

be tempting to try and see as much

it’s essential to rest as much as

as possible. However, an overly

possible. Fatigue can worsen men-

busy schedule can lead to stress and

tal health symptoms, so getting

anxiety. Try to save yourself some

enough rest is crucial if you want to

downtime and make sure to leave

stay healthy while traveling.

some room for flexibility in your



itinerary. This will help you avoid

Try to save yourself some downtime and make sure to leave some room for flexibility in your itinerary. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed while traveling.

feeling overwhelmed while traveling.




diet when you’re on the go, but

Traveling can be a great opportuni-

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or

it’s important to try your best.

ty to meet new people from all over

struggling with your mental health

Poor food choices can make mood

the world. If you feel like you’re

while traveling, don’t hesitate to

swings worse, so eating beneficial

struggling emotionally, reach out

seek professional help. Many qual-

foods is key if you want to stay

to other travelers and talk about

ified therapists specialize in trav-

mentally healthy while traveling.

your experiences. They might be

el-related issues, and they can help

able to offer some helpful advice

you manage your mental health

and support.

while on the road.

It can be hard to stick to a healthy


THE BENEFITS OF TRAVELING FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH Despite potential challenges, traveling can also be beneficial for our mental health, such as: • Expanding knowledge and experiences: Traveling allows us to learn new things and explore new places. This can lead to a greater understanding of the world and ourselves. • Building relationships: Traveling forms new relationships with people from different cultures and helps build strong social connections. • Increasing self-awareness: Traveling can help us become more aware of our strengths and weaknesses and develop new perspectives on life.

A PARTING REMINDER To maintain good mental health, we must enjoy our everyday life, especially whenever we are given the opportunity to travel. Traveling can be both challenging and rewarding for our mental health. As long as we take care of ourselves, it’s a guarantee that you will have a good time.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 41

Overall health is something that everyone should aim for because living an unhealthy lifestyle will take a toll not just on your body but also on your life. An unhealthy lifestyle leads to many illnesses and frustrations as certain activities call WORDS BY DREW B.

for a healthy body. Although we don’t need to make abrupt changes in our habits, little by little, we can apply changes to our lifestyle and start with a daily physical activity until it becomes a healthy habit.


Physically active people are more likely to eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep and can also reduce stress levels and improve mood.


gradually increase your activity levels. There are

Physical activity can lead to other healthy habits, such

many ways to get more physical activity into your

as eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep. A

day-to-day life, such as taking the stairs instead of

recent study showed that physically active people are

the elevator, walking or biking to work or parking

more likely to have healthier habits overall.

further away from your destination. You can also

The study looked at data from over 3,000 adults in the United States. The researchers found that physically active people were more likely to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep and not smoke. They were also less likely to sit for long periods of time.

join an exercise program such as gyms that provide fitness classes, exercise routines and equipment.


The relationship between the mind and body has

The study shows a strong link between physical

been heavily studied over the years. The benefits

activity and other healthy habits. So if you want

of physical activity on mental health are vast and

to live a healthier life, start by being more active!

well-documented. It is no secret that physical


Regular exercise brings so many benefits to your physical and mental health! Physical activity helps improve cardiovascular health, strengthens bones and muscles, helps control weight and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Exercise also releases mood-boosting endorphins to help improve your mental health and overall sense of well-being. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (such as brisk walking) or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (such as running) per week. In addition, adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities (such as lifting weights) at least two days per week. If you’re not used to exercising, start slowly and

activity can lead to other healthy habits. Physically active people are more likely to eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep and can also reduce stress levels and improve mood. All these factors can contribute to a person’s overall mental health. Some of the benefits of being physically active include: • Improved cardiovascular health; • Stronger muscles and bones; • Increased energy levels; • Improved mental well-being; • Reduced stress levels. While the benefits of physical activity are clear, not everyone can participate in traditional forms of exercise. This is especially true for people with mental health conditions. However, there are many other ways to be physically active. Taking a brisk walk, dancing or even cleaning the house all count as physical activity. So no matter what your situation, there is always a way to be active.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 43

WALKING Walking is an excellent form of exercise for overall health, and it’s the most natural movement you can do. It is low impact and can be done almost anywhere. While walking, you can also plan your day, and you can do it alone or with your friends.

RUNNING Running is another great option for overall health. It is a more intense exercise but can have many of the same benefits as walking. Running can help improve heart health, lower blood pressure and boost mood. It’s essential to warm up first before running to avoid unnecessary injuries and cramps.

BIKING Biking is another excellent choice for overall health. Biking is a low-impact activity that can help improve heart health, build muscle and reduce stress levels. It is also being enjoyed by many when sightseeing!

SWIMMING Swimming is a great form of exercise for overall health. Swimming can help improve heart health, lung function and flexibility while also being a great way to relax and de-stress, especially during hot summer days.


WEIGHTLIFTING Weightlifting is an excellent form of exercise for overall health. Weightlifting can help build muscle, improve bone density and reduce the risk of injuries. In addition, having a well-toned body will boost your confidence!

By incorporating all these things into your life, you can improve your overall mental health and well-being. Physical activity is just one piece of the puzzle regarding healthy habits for mental health. It is important to also practice healthy habits such as eating well, getting enough sleep and reducing stress levels.


We often disregard the fact that for us to live a happy life, we must take care of our health. Instead, we often overwork, consume unhealthy foods and promise ourselves that we will start living healthy. We all know it is hard to make lifestyle changes, but not everything comes easy, and for us to achieve a healthy lifestyle, we have to work hard and be consistent until it becomes a habit. So make sure to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Your body will thank you for it!

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 45

medical tourism &



ncreasing demand for healthcare across borders has been spurred by high-quality alternative healthcare available abroad at affordable and highly competitive rates. Employees and insurers are taking advantage of this trend to save money.

Health care abroad is often more cost-effective than healthcare at home, a fact many people have realized. This means that even after considering travel expenses, accommodation and sick leaves, patients still get to save money. Many insurance companies offer coverage, should something go wrong during a procedure performed by an international hospital. For example, should complications arise, many U.S. health insurance companies will cover their expenses, including costly life-saving surgeries.

Why Go Overseas for Medical Tourism?

According to research done by Deloitte, of the estimated 8 million Americans who traveled abroad for medical treatment in 2007, only 250 of them were uninsured. The reasons for this are varied, including personal or religious preferences, the desire to avoid the hassles of traveling with an illness or poor health coverage at home. Aliza Knox, senior manager of Deloitte’s U.S. healthcare practice, estimates that more than 100,000 Americans traveled in 2008 to India alone. Despite efforts by many states, including Dubai, to control healthcare fees, inflation has caused hospitals and clinics to increase prices to survive. As a result, several care providers and insurers in Dubai posted fiscal losses in recent years because they were not adjusting their prices and premiums to keep up with the rising cost of doing business. In 2013, medical costs were expected to increase by 5 to 10%, a trend that affects both public and private healthcare institutions equally. It means that a visit to the general practitioner for a routine examination or similar care is often priced between AED250 and 400 (roughly $68-110), while a night in a public hospital costs around AED1,000 (US$ 272.26) for standard care or AED3,000 (US$ 816) for an overnight stay in the ICU. Accommodations at these prices are often dormitory-style, with several patients in a shared recovery area. Aside from saving money, medical tourists also see the following benefits: • Reduced waiting times; • Ease of booking online and paying in cash; • Recovering away from friends and family; • The opportunity to visit popular tourist attractions while abroad.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 47

What Is Medical Tourism Insurance?

cally covers medical, rehabilitation and therapy ex-

So what exactly is covered by medical tourism

penses after an accident. Medical tourism insurance

insurance? In contrast to travel insurance, it does not

does not provide coverage for accidents before the

cover the actual medical expenses. Instead, this type

traveler goes to their destination country.

of insurance covers the costs involved while traveling abroad for medical procedures. This includes:

What Medical Tourism Insurance Does

• Pre-medical tests;

during a patient’s procedure or the recovery

• Consultations;

period. Medical tourism does come with certain

• Transportation to and from clinics or hospitals;

risks, however. While those seeking less expensive

• Accommodation expenses while staying in the country;

medical care will see benefits outweighing the risks,

• Tariffs;

the cautious patient will still wish to be protected

• Post-operative treatments or follow-ups;

by medical travel and complications insurance. If

• Prescription medications necessary during the trip;

complications occur, this insurance will provide

• Food allowances while staying at your destination

relief from unforeseen financial hardships. For

country hospital or clinic.

anyone considering medical tourism abroad, it is an

Medical Travel Insurance Is Not Health Insurance

absolute necessity.

itself will not be covered by travel insurance, health

There are two cases in which a medical travel

It’s important to know that the cost of the procedure

When Does Medical Tourism Insurance Cover You?

insurance or medical travel insurance if a person travels

insurance policy would cover a tourist: if their local

abroad specifically for medical treatment. Patients who

health insurer has denied them service, and when

choose medical tourism often pay for their procedures

going overseas for pre-existing conditions that can’t

themselves because of the lower healthcare costs in

be treated at home.

other countries. Some assume that medical travel insurance is health insurance, but it is not.

Medical Tourism Insurance Is Not Life Insurance

The same applies to the belief that medical tourism insurance is life insurance. Life insurance typically covers the death of an insured person caused by an accident or illness. However, medical tourism insurance does not provide coverage in a medical crisis or death abroad.

Medical Tourism Insurance Is Not Trauma Coverage

Trauma coverage is yet another type of insurance that is very different from medical travel insurance. Trauma coverage comes into play when a person is hurt or maimed unexpectedly. This insurance typi-


Medical tourism insurance covers complications

Most credit card companies do not cover medical tourism insurance. Still, it can be combined with certain types of credit cards like the American Express Platinum) to get coverage for medical travel.

A Parting Reminder

While insurance companies that offer medical travel insurance may cover the costs of complications due to patient negligence, wound infection, surgical error, clinical malpractice or faulty equipment used during surgery, they don’t typically cover the cost of procedures. Therefore, it is vital to know what you are paying for and what your plan will and won’t cover before you travel for medical care.

It is vital to know what you are paying for and what your plan will and won’t cover before you travel for medical care.


any have experienced this scenario: going to the bar with your friends, having too many drinks and waking up the next day swearing to never put alcohol in your mouth again. Naturally, everybody hates the day after because of the heavy hangover. But how many people keep this promise? Let’s take a short journey and learn what a hangover is, its risks and why it manifests the way it does.

What Causes Hangovers?

Alcohol is the cause of hangovers because it has dehydrating and diuretic effects that lead to most hangover symptoms. Alcohol also contains a chemical named congener, which provokes intense hangovers. Because it contains these chemicals, alcohol affects your body in numerous ways, especially by causing the next day’s dreaded hangover.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

When you decide to drink, keep in mind to do it moderately. It is relatively safe to drink one night over your limit but always be aware there are immense risks with excessive alcohol. When drinking more and more, the effects alcohol has on our bodies multiply and become graver.


Because alcohol has diuretic effects, your body will feel the need to urinate more frequently, amounting to faster dehydration. In turn,

dehydration causes dizziness, headaches and an unquenchable thirst.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 51

Unpleasant Hangover Symptoms

Hangover symptoms are something most people hate. It is common knowledge that alcohol dehydrates, but there are some symptoms not everyone is familiar with.


Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, is a symptom caused by drinking alcohol. Alcohol lowers glucose production (i.e., sugar ) in the body and can cause dizziness, fatigue and irritability.


There is a possibility that you will experience a fever when hungover, but the chance is relatively low. If you have a fever after a night out drinking, it is mainly because you might be sick.


The body’s electrolyte levels can be disturbed by consuming alcohol. You may experience weakness, muscle aches, irritability and headaches by unbalancing the body’s electrolyte levels.


Alcohol can increase the production of acid in your digestive system. Depending on how much you drank the night before, the acid can accelerate or stall the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms associated with digestive system irritability are nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.


Troubled sleep is nothing unheard of when it comes to hangover symptoms. You may feel the need to constantly sleep because you won’t be able to experience high-quality sleep. So if you decide to drink excessively, remember that you won’t be able to be productive the next day.

Hangover Risk Factors

Some people are more susceptible to hangovers than others because genetic variations affect how alcohol is metabolized. So this means some people can become ill even after drinking a tiny amount of alcohol. Besides genetic variation, factors that can make a hangover more severe are as such:

The Difference between Light and Severe Hangovers


If you are not going to sleep after a night of

There are differences between light and severe

drinking, the hangover symptoms may be-

hangovers. Usually, severe hangovers indicate

come more severe as your body does not have

alcohol poisoning, whereas a light hangover will

enough time to reboot. Try to rest as much as

leave you sore, dizzy, irritated and with a headache

possible while avoiding short sleep cycles.

and some stomach irritation. However, if you experience the following symptoms, you could be dealing with alcohol poisoning: • Excessive vomiting; • Slow breathing ; • Hypothermia (low body temperature); • Confusion; • Seizures; • Passing out and difficulty remaining conscious.


Not eating before drinking leaves your stomach empty and allows your body to absorb alcohol much easier.


Smoking is already dangerous, but when paired with drinking, it is even worse. Nic-

Hangovers may not seem that harmful, but they

otine intake affects your hydration, sleep

sometimes are and can lead to life-threatening

schedule and immune system. This can turn

emergencies. In addition, because alcohol is

your simple hangover into a more severe one.

already harmful to your body, it can lead to health problems. If you ever experience these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

Can a Hangover Last Two Days?


Usually, darker alcoholic beverages contain higher levels of alcohol and congeners, leav-

Usually, a hangover lasts 24 hours, although there

ing you with a more powerful headache and

are some situations when the hangover lasts longer.

sorer muscles.

Hangovers vary from person to person. If you are the sick person type or suffer from diseases that may over accentuate the alcohol effects, you can experience a longer hangover. Drinking more than you can carry will add to the hangover period.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 53

Hangover Remedies

Try making a smoothie with pineapple, cu-

Some people think they have found the

cumber, parsley, green gapers, lemon and

cure for hangovers, such as gurgling coffee

green apples. Because all of these ingredi-

right as you wake up or drinking a magic

ents are full of antioxidants, your body will

smoothie. But this is not the case. What

return to normal. In addition, the smoothie

truly cures your hangover is time. You have

will keep you hydrated and detox your en-

to wait it out, but there are things you can

tire system and for more flavor, you can

do that may speed the curing process.

add some ginger.



Staying hydrated is essential when talking

vitamins, amino acids and electrolytes,

about curing a hangover. For example,

ingredients well known to help soothe your

matcha tea is an excellent choice because

hangover. But keep in mind that these pills

it contains antioxidants and caffeine.

do not cure your hangover completely. The

Caffeine will reduce your headaches, and

hangover pills only help you get through

the antioxidants will detox your body.

your hangover a little better and faster,

A hangover pill is a medicine packed with

Another great tea is the turmeric green team, which is famous for its analgesic

hangover pills are:

and anti-inflammatory properties. This tea

• Cheers;

helps calm your headache and encourages

• Flyby;

blood flow. It also soothes your irritated

• AfterDrink;

digestive system.

• NoDaysWasted; • Purple Tree.


Although there is no such thing as a hangover-curing




can help. Unfortunately, people add the most random ingredients to their magic smoothies, like pickle juice and coffee. But there is a better way.


but they are no miracle. Some of the best

A Parting Reminder

When talking about drinking alcohol, you have to be careful. Keep moderation in mind and avoid extremes. Learn your limits and try not to cross them for your own good.




eing successful in the medical world

school, so I did some research. I looked at all of the

requires more than treating the human

health sciences and found that dentistry was perfect

body. It also means understanding the

for me because I love using my hands."

mind that resides within that body. It

means recognizing that a patient is a whole person— true healing addresses both body and mind.

RELATING TO PATIENTS A medical professional can cure a disease, heal an

Dr. Camesia Matthews, DDS, is a dentist who

injury and even save a life, but the patient may still

embraces this view and puts it into practice.

walk away dissatisfied. How is that possible? Does

"My favorite part about my work is the patients," she said. "Each person that sits in the chair is unique. It's a new adventure each time."

BECOMING A DENTIST Dr. Camesia Matthews practices at University Dental Group in Worcester, Massachusetts. She did not grow up with dentistry in mind, but she knew early on that her career would involve healthcare. "I always loved the biological sciences," she said. "I did clinical lab science as an undergraduate degree. Then, a teacher told me I should go to medical

this mean the patient is ungrateful? It's more likely that the patient felt that the doctor, while effective with treatments, did not listen to their concerns. The doctor treated the body but did not acknowledge the needs of the mind. As Dr. Matthews built her career, she developed a serviceoriented, patient-centered approach to dentistry. "It's like learning the psychology of each patient," she said. "I've learned so much about the human body and mind over the time I've been a dentist. It enables me to deal with people better even outside of dentistry."

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 57

We are all very similar in that we want to feel safe," Dr. Matthews said. "But one person may be dealing with anxiety. If you learn the person's background, you learn why they are like this. And they're different from the last patient that I did the same procedure on. Every person has a custom-made situation. - DR. CAMESIA O. MATTHEWS, DDS

She recognized the importance of seeing each patient as an individual with their unique circumstances. "We are all very similar in that we want to feel safe," Dr. Matthews said. "But one person may be dealing with anxiety. If you learn the person's background, you learn why they are like this. And they're different from the last

"Having him understand every detail of what I was doing, and why, helped him relax," Dr. Matthews continued. "This was very important. He had been neglecting himself because of that barrier. But I learned his background and how he saw dentistry, and that was my opportunity to help him get through it."

patient that I did the same procedure on. Every person

Dr. Matthews wants her patients to ask as many

has a custom-made situation."

questions as possible because she wants them to

Dr. Matthews deals with each patient individually, understanding that their background, culture, family and other circumstances are relevant elements in their overall healthcare. Demonstrating empathy and listening to and discussing patients' concerns are vital for their treatment.

A CASE IN POINT Dr. Matthews shared the example of a patient who had been afraid to see a dentist. When he finally arrived, she discussed his fear with him. "He confessed that he was so fearful because he wouldn't be in control. He said, 'It's when I'm in this setting that I feel the most helpless.' So for him, I was meticulous in making sure there were no surprises," she explained. Dr. Matthews gave him plenty of information.

know what to expect and to put them at ease with the proposed treatment plan.

A PLACE OF EMPATHY AND NONJUDGMENT It's not unusual for patients to put off a trip to the dentist because of fear, lack of dental insurance or other personal reasons. That delay can make dental problems worse. When they finally reach her chair, Dr. Matthews believes it is essential to welcome her patients in a nonjudgmental environment. "I try to come from a place of empathy and nonjudgment," Dr. Matthews explained. "I don't start by going back in the past asking why they didn't come in or haven't been there in six years. It's not helpful, and it only makes that person feel worse about themselves. Instead, I approach it with empathy because I don't know what someone's home life is like."


Given her philosophy, it is not surprising that Dr.

addition to general dentistry. It will be an educational

Matthews embraces a minimalist approach to her

endeavor. Athletes may not think they're different

treatment plans. She begins with the least invasive

from the general population but they are—the practice

treatment and only progresses to the more complicated

routines, sports drinks and foods, dehydration. For

procedures if the simpler treatment does not work.

example, there's more erosion because of what they

"If a patient has a deep cavity maybe a few millimeters

drink and eat."

away from the nerve, some may immediately do a root

In March of 2022, Dr. Matthews founded Clutch Dental

canal," Dr. Matthews explained. "But I'm going to first

Media, where she shares her experiences as a dental

remove the caries [the decay that results in cavities] and

professional, her knowledge (and love) of sports, and

give it some time to see if that works. The patient may

how the two are related. She is currently writing a book

end up not needing a root canal. However, I make sure

about the importance of dental fitness for athletes.

the patient understands that a root canal may still be necessary if the simpler treatment doesn't work or if


they become symptomatic”

Dr. Matthews' view of dentistry engages both body and

If the minimally invasive treatment does work, the patient has been saved a lot of pain, time and money.

mind. Her patients receive high-quality treatment for their dental issues and leave her office feeling heard and understood.


"You really can't group anyone at all. Understanding that,

Sports dentistry is a growing, exciting approach

I have learned so much about people as a whole. That's

to dentistry that involves preventing, treating and

been the most surprising takeaway from dentistry that I

managing the oral injuries athletes suffer. It also

didn't account for going in. But I love it," she concluded.

involves the effect athletes' special diets and lifestyle can have on their dental health.

Dr. Matthews treats the whole patient, giving them both healthy teeth and peace of mind.

"I have the goal of becoming a sports dentist and serving that subset (the athlete and the active person),” Dr. Matthews shared. "It will be an arm of what I do in

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 150 / 59

Healthy Foods for Picky Eaters WORDS BY MĂLINA O. R.

We all have our likes and dislikes

to stay away from homemade

when talking about food. Although

food, vegetables and fruits. When

picky eaters stay away from many

developing these preferences in

types of foods, they still have to get

food, children tend to choose only

their bodies vitamins and nutrition.

sweet and savory food, such as fast

So, what are the seven healthy foods

food and sweets.

that any picky eater might enjoy?

What Defines a Picky Eater?

Is There Any Healthy Food for the Picky Eater?

A picky eater is a person that has

There is always a healthy choice

a unique preference for food. They

for any picky eater out there. Picky

get thrown off by the dish’s taste,

eaters need to try and eat healthy

smell and look. Many picky eaters

food because they are in much

refuse the same types of foods over

need of vitamins and nutrients.

and over. They often do not give a

Some picky eaters tend to choose

second chance to a dish once they

vitamin pills over healthy food

know they dislike it.

because they do not interfere with

Picky eaters usually set their likes and dislikes from a young age, which can be a big problem as toddlers need as many vitamins as possible for a healthy growing process. Many picky eaters tend


their unique preference for food. It is highly advised to eat healthy food rather than take vitamin pills, as fruit and vegetables give you precisely what your body needs to grow and remain healthy.

1 2

Fruit Picky eaters should give fruit a chance because they can prepare them into numerous




dishes. Maybe try fruit chips, ice pops, smoothies, yogurt, shortcakes, tarts and the famous fruit salad. The possibilities are endless!. Have an apple pie or some candied fruit.

Raw Vegetables Raw veggies may sound like too much for a picky eater. The trick is to pick thin vegetables and cut them into small portions. For picky eaters, the size of the food can be overwhelming. Try carrots, cucumbers or peas in the beginning and work your way up to bigger vegetables, such as celery and cauliflower. The dislike that some picky eaters have towards broccoli develops at a young age. Because of this, broccoli will usually be the last vegetable they will embrace. Try tricking your brain into eating


these vegetables by serving them on the side of your dish with some ranch or yogurt.

Homemade Bread Dishes Picky eaters usually like bread, so they have to use it to their advantage. Use your imagination when preparing the meal. Hot pockets are a great choice because you can change the filling each time. Try filling them with tomato sauce or cheese. Later on, try more complicated fillings and add more ingredients. Other homemade bread dishes you can try are flatbread or french toast sticks.


Meats Picky eaters also enjoy soft food. Preparing some juicy meatballs will be perfect for a picky eater. When preparing the meatballs, be careful about the size you want to give them. Picky eaters are more likely to prefer


small-sized over big-sized foods.

Everybody loves cheese, and picky eaters are no exception. Because cheese comes in so many varieties, there is a 100% chance picky eaters will find at least one type of cheese they will like. Besides the numerous types of cheese, the ways you can cook and serve it are endless.

If you don’t have the time to prepare meatballs, try deli meat. Because

Cheese’s versatile flavors give us the

they can be cut into small slices or

perfect opportunity to add different

shredded, ham and turkey will make

food to it. Vegetables are usually the

the perfect meal for a picky eater.

best choice. Spread some leaves on

Grab a tortilla, spread cream of your

the grilled cheese, add some tomatoes

choosing, sprinkle some deli meat inside and wrap it. It’s that simple! Picky eaters prefer to take bites from their meals instead of cutting them into pieces because it gives them a level of comfort. Start small if you’re trying to add a little bit of spice into a picky eater’s diet. Bacon is perfect because it’s simple




next to the mozzarella or dip some baby carrots into melted cheese.

Granola Bars Granola bars are already a healthy snack that can replace sweets such as cookies. But the best detail about granola bars is that you can pair them with anything you like. You can

and full of flavor. Another great choice

add anything from fruits and seeds

is beef jerky. Not all beef jerky products

to chocolate chips. You can also add

are unhealthy, but you have to check

cream to your granola bar.

the sodium level on the package of the product before you buy it. Beef jerky is also full of flavor and proteins.

Nuts The majority of picky eaters are big fans of nuts. Peanuts, pistachios, almonds, chickpeas and cashews are a great success among picky eaters. If you don’t like plain nuts, you can trick your brain by coating them with honey or spices. Roasting nuts is also a good idea.

Another great detail is that you can give them the size you wish. We know picky eaters prefer smaller servings, making granola bars the perfect snack.

A Parting Reminder Being a picky eater is not such a bad thing. We all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to food. But it is essential to keep ourselves healthy, which can be tricky when talking about a picky eater. Try adding healthy dishes to your diet, even if it may be challenging.

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