Issue 154 - Self Care

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- AUDRE LORDE Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation.

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TEAM CONTRIBUTORS EDITOR IN CHIEF Brianna Connors EDITORJUNIOR Riley George OFFICERMARKETINGCHIEF Hannah Townes DIRECTORMARKETING Derek Archer SOCIAL SPECIALISTMEDIA Lauren Rider DESIGNERSGRAPHIC Adara Wright Sarah Cook Adreana Mendez, Ann Y., Drew B., Gaye Newton, Gentry Shannon, Ionuț Raicea, Louisa Emhof, Luke Argue, Mălina O. R., Nathan Pipkin, Peter C., Yuko Tabasa

Leading a healthy, well-balanced life is a challenging undertaking for many of us. New advancements in lifestyle or nutrition come to life daily, and the busy rhythm of our lives often prevents us from keeping up with what’s fun and fresh. Here at Top Doctor Magazine, we are on a mission to bring these advancements to your attention and become a source of inspiration for those who want to live their lives to the fullest. Our contributors will constantly keep you up to speed with fresh, entertaining, and reliable content, from nutrition and travel to lifestyle choices! We hope that our handpicked ideas will guide you towards self-realization, selfimprovement, and willingness to help those around you better themselves.

00003300 271300 5 Ways to Motivate Yourself to What Is Stress Tracking? Panic Attacks and Anxiety Why Does Sexual Wellness Matter? Orgasms for a Better Life Can Orgasms Improve Your Mental Health? Decluttering and Organization: The Effects on Your Mental Health 29 3 Foods That Fight Memory Loss 17 What Is Upcycling Food? 21 Functions of Vitamins and Minerals: Importance of Vitamins and Why Take a Multivitamin 36 Hydration Facts: Your Favorite Beverages Compared Journal for Mental Health NUTRITION You’re Never too Old to Play: 20 Joyful Activities to Add to Your CONTENTS 13 290842155332 1856 Start Living NOW Why Does Sexual Wellness Matter? Orgasms for a Better Life262238 46 LIFESTYLE SEXUAL WELLNESS Self-care Routine 21 29

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You may not be aware of what is causing stress in your life. That is why you have to start stress tracking. To do so, you have to keep track of the times you feel stressed by writing them down on a notepad or your phone so you can find out what triggers your stress levels.

The good news is that it has become relatively easy to track our stress levels because of modern technology.




WRITTEN BY MĂLINA O. R. Stress is a big part of our lives. Being stressed is a normal part of our lives, from work-related stress to the stress we run in at home. We must learn to monitor and control this stress as it’s becoming a rising problem.

If you don’t have the time or energy to stress track manually, worry not! There are devices precisely built for stress Atracking.stress tracking gadget is a device that monitors physiological stress indicators through heart rate monitors. Old technology allowed us to monitor our heartbeats per minute but now new devices have developed and function much faster.

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STRESS TRACKING WATCH Technology made it possible for us to keep track of our stress levels. Devices such as Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy Watch or any other smartwatch offer you the possibility to monitor your stress levels 24/7. Stress tracking watches have become popular in recent years because of heart rate variability. Heart rate variability (HRV) measures the interval between heartbeats and focuses on each of your heartbeats. Stress tracking watches became popular because technology increased their accuracy. Nevertheless, we have to be careful when choosing a stress-tracking watch. If the heart rate sensor is not reading your heart rate accurately, it’s time to switch to a better watch.

BEST SMARTWATCHES FOR STRESS TRACKING SAMSUNG GALAXY WATCH 3 AND SAMSUNG GALAXY WATCH ACTIVE 2 These smartwatches have built-in heart rate monitors to help you keep track of weekly graphs and stress scores. Also, they come with an app called Samsung’s Breathing Exercises to help reduce your stress levels.

APPLE WATCH SERIES 6 AND APPLE WATCH SE If you fight in the war between Apple and Samsung, there is a smartwatch for team Apple. These stress tracing watches use heart rate monitors as well. They use HRV measurements and center around your stress levels. In addition, the Apple smartwatch comes with the Breathe app, which reminds you every five hours to take a break from work and focus on your breathing. FITBIT SENSE, FITBIT VERSA 3 AND FITBIT LUXE A lot of people love the slick style of these stress tracking watches. Like the other smartwatches, Fitbit offers the Relax app to help diminish your stress levels. This stress tracking app boomed on the market with built-in heart rate monitors, guides for breathing exercises and meditation sessions.

SKAGEN FALSTER 3, FOSSIL GEN 5 AND FOSSIL SPORT These smartwatches enter the race for the most popular stress tracking watches on the market. The breathing exercises of this smartwatch will monitor your breathing and advise you when you should slow down for a more relaxed pace. It also provides a breathing summary and points out your breathing during the exercise. A PARTING REMINDER Stress follows us every single day. That’s why it’s important to start tracking our stress levels and learn how to cope and reduce them. Our lives can get much easier by using these stress tracking apps and watches. Keep an eye out for what stresses you out and remember to relax.

by Mălina O. R.


NeverYou’re Too Old to Play 20 Joyful Activities to Add to Your Selfcare Routine

Pick Up New Hobbies

One of the oldest and most known hob bies is reading. The variety of genres and authors will keep you engaged, help you learn new words and train your mind! Not a fan of the written or printed word? Audiobooks are always a splen did alternative! You can listen to an audiobook when taking a bath, mowing your lawn or doing household chores. It is phenomenal how audiobooks allow you to kill two birds with one stone!

Grab some makeup and try that look you were too afraid to see on you. Use that shade from your pallet you never touched, draw that big wing you always feared and put on the most scandalous lipstick color you own.

Maybe hobbies that involve your hands and body are not your type. But there are always alternatives for everyone.

F inding joy and meaning in life keeps us young, so we should never shy away from finding something that brings us enjoyment. People are never too old to try a new activity that might seem fit only for the young crowd. So, what’s stopping you from engaging in joyful activities that will do wonders to your physical and mental health? You may believe it to be an annoyingly out dated truism, but, indeed, age is just a number, as long as you make it so.

Add Something New to Your Daily Activities

If you feel like taking up a hobby that involves exercising and being fun simultaneously, buy either a hula hoop, a yoga mat or a jumping rope. These exercises require very little time from your schedule and give you the boat of energy you need.

Do Something That Makes You Feel Young Dancing is an activity that brings out youthfulness in everyone! It is a fun way of exercising that allows for infinite versatility—you can never get bored of it! So, grab a couple of friends and throw a dancing party every now and then, with different thematics and costumes.

When was the last time you opened a cookbook and took a shot at expanding your culinary knowl edge? So many people don’t find time to cook or try new recipes, which is hard to understand since cooking can be such a relaxing and reward ing activity! Of course, we’re not talking about French fries orpotatoes.mashedInstead,grab some friends and sweeten it up with a crazy dessert recipe! Don’t be afraid to create a mess—the first try is never perfect. Fancy hot chocolate is always a terrific start if you want to start small. Whipped cream, sprinkles, cookies, berries, marshmal lows—anything you can think of, you can add into the cup. Next, look through your wardrobe. Find a T-shirt that you already know hasn’t been your favorite lately. Then, buy a tie-dye kit and let your imagination fly sky high! Create something unique while having fun at the same time.

One thing is sure—we always style our hair, and mostly we style it with monotony. It’s time to mix it up by challenging yourself and trying new hairstyles every day. French braids and ponytails always bring back that youthful feeling we all need in our lives.

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There is no shame in trying something new because you never know what you might enjoy. Knitting always seems like the hobby everyone wants to get on but never does. So, challenge your creativity and create a blouse, scarf or even a simple coaster. We all have to begin Braidingsomewhere.bracelets is also a refreshing hobby if you think knitting is not for you. Pick up a pattern and create brace lets for your friends or family. This hobby allows the finished product to be gifted and keeps your mind sharp.

Many activities can bring joy to your life, but first, you have to find out which ones are perfect for you. Never be afraid to explore your possibilities and do what makes you feel young. Then, you can spread the joy and ask your friends to join in for a great day!

Go for a picnic in the park with your significant other or some friends. Prepare small sandwiches and some refreshing apple juice that will make you feel like a small child.

Video games are such a big part of teens’ lives right now, so why not give them a try? There are endless video games from which you can choose. You have to find something that brings you joy and can keep you hooked. Maybe you will enjoy gardening games or the ones involving strategy—it doesn’t matter. Video games keep your mind young and train your reflexes.

Have some friends and pull out that dusted Scrabble game from the wardrobe! Board games such as backgammon, Monopoly, chess, Sorry!, Rummy and Pictionary are always great when played with friends.

Grab some fresh flowers that will improve the scenery of your house. Flowers do not have to be gifted to you by someone all the time. Instead, you can head to the flower shop by yourself and grab the first bouquet that stands out.

Listen to a podcast while driving to work. This will keep you curious until you return for your drive back home. I bet your favorite YouTuber has a podcast, so start from there! This may seem like a chore, but organizing and reorganizing your home can bring you joy! It doesn’t have to be anything huge. Start by grabbing those used napkins from your desk and organizing your books and plants. Go to the park and jump on the first swing you see. I bet you will get some looks thrown at you, but worrying about it should be your last problem. Feel like a kid again and allow no one to stop you!

“Many activities can bring joy to your life, but first, you have to find out which ones are perfect for you. Never be afraid to explore your possibilities and do what makes you feel young.”

Lastly, you can always grab your fanciest clothes and have a dress-up by yourself, just like when you were young. You are never too old for dress-up, but you can wear your clothes this time instead of your mum’s.


So what if you already watched it a hundred times? That’s why it is your favorite! Grab a cozy blanket and a comfortable pillow and start binging.

A Parting Reminder

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t’s no surprise that a healthy sex life will improve intimacy between romantic partners. Affectionate relationships, where each partner considers the needs and desires of the other, will do wonders for our mental and emotional health, and active sex life is often a part of that. But what if the benefits of orgasm go even further? If regular orgasms improved your overall health, would they motivate you to adjust your lifestyle accordingly?

Fortunately, research from both Columbia and Stanford universities found that women who engage in sex once or more per week tend to have more regular menstrual cycles.

CAN ORGASMS IMPROVE MY PHYSICAL HEALTH? Yes, and in more ways than you might expect! The first aspect of your physical health influenced by orgasms is your immune system. Research conducted at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania indicates that regular sex boosts your antibodies, improving your body’s ability to fight off infections. The research is not 100% conclusive in this regard, but there have been enough positive findings that this dimension of sexual activity should be considered and explored further. Aside from the immune system boost, orgasms can lead to regular menstrual cycles. Irregular periods affect between 9% and 14% of women. There’s a good chance that someone you know is affected by this phenomenon, and they might benefit from understanding methods to counteract it.


When you experience orgasm, your brain releases a range of hormones that have the potential to improve the quality of your sleep. Two examples are the hormones vasopressin and oxytocin, which reduce stress. A heightened level of these two hormones will make it much easier to fall asleep faster. But it’s not just about how quickly you fall asleep. The chemicals released during orgasm can also improve the quality of your sleep once you’re out. Two additional hormones, called serotonin and norepinephrine, help your body get into the REM sleep cycles that make you feel rested. Engaging in sexual activity resulting in orgasm is a sure way to increase your body’s concentration of these two hormones. Orgasms play a substantial part in reducing your risk of severe diseases as well. For men, orgasm can make a big 20


The aforementioned benefits of orgasm are great, but they’re all very concrete. What about the more abstract and long-

Conversely, women who did not engage in regular sexual activity were less likely to experience regular cycles. An orgasm benefit that doesn’t require as much scientific research is the strengthening of your pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles you exercise when you engage in Kegel workouts. They are incredibly convenient because they can be done anywhere - you don’t have to change into exercise wear and break a sweat to benefit from Kegels. You’ll achieve the benefits of doing Kegels also through sexual activity and orgasm. The pelvic floor muscles surrounding your reproductive organs get a solid workout, and the results should be evident in weeks.

difference in avoiding prostate cancer. Whether it is achieved through masturbation, sex with a partner or nocturnal emission, orgasms can make a notable difference. One recent study indicated that men who ejaculate around once per day reduced their risk of developing prostate cancer by 22%. Since prostate cancer is the kind that most often affects men, this is a significant risk reduction!

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WHAT ARE THE OTHER BENEFITS OF ORGASMS? Finally, sexual activity and orgasm can benefit your life due to their cardiovascular effects. In fitness terms, sex is a moder ate-intensity aerobic exercise that burns around three calories per minute. Like any aerobic exercise, sex can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, lower your blood pressure and strengthen your heart. It’s not a cure-all or a replacement for vigorous exercise, of course, but being aware of these orgasm benefits can help optimize your health both in and out of the bedroom.

“When you experience orgasm, your brain releases a range of hormones that have the potential to improve the quality of your sleep. Two examples are the hormones vasopressin and oxytocin, which reduce stress.”


The food upcycling process takes many shapes and forms. For instance, fruit pulp may be pressed into bars; the barley used in beer making may be ground into flour.

The Upcycled Food Association describes upcycled food as food outside of human consumption but with a potentially positive environmental impact. Upcycled food can range from stale bread to fruit fiber leftovers from juicing. In addition to these “leftover products,” upcycling also uses “imperfect” food, such as misshapen, lightly bruised veggies or plant stems we say no to at the grocery store. Upcycled food uses these products to create entirely new ones, upcycling products doomed to be discarded.


UPCYCLINGFOOD what is WORDS BY LUKE ARGUE Y ou’ve probably heard the folk wisdom of waste not, want not before. Unfortunately, food is more often wasted than put to good use with 1.3 billion tons of food wasted globally every year. This massive amount of food, enough to feed the needy population, is often discard ed. That’s where upcycling comes in. Upcycling allows us to repurpose food that otherwise would be thrown away.

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The upcycling company The Ugly Company has already prevented 140,000 pounds of unnecessary fruit waste and aims to prevent another 4.6 million this year. Upcycling food also improves food and water security by minimizing food waste and preserving the water used in food production.



Recycling discarded food is not a new concept. Humans have been upcycling food for hundreds of years. Foods like sausages, broths and jams often use discarded scraps from other recipes. For example, the company Rise uses discarded barley and other byproducts of making lagers and pilsners to create flours for baking and other purposes.

Upcycling food is also beneficial to the consumer. Some of the most frequently discarded foods are also the most nutritious. Upcycling these foods improves our environment and food and water security.

Upcycling food is the future of conservation, environmental efforts and fiscal responsibility. It doesn’t make sense to continue to waste trillions of dollars and billions of tons of food better used to feed hungry mouths. So, don’t wait any longer! Get involved and start buying from food upcyclers!

Upcycling is about more than just a trendy way to reuse food; it’s also about saving the environment and avoiding unnecessary waste. Food waste in our modern society is devastating, amounting to 1 trillion dollars per year. All this wasted food still has to be grown in the first place, causing 28% of the land used for agriculture to grow purposeless food. Additionally, food waste accounts for 8% of greenhouse gas emissions, making it the prime target for reducing humanity’s footprint on the environment.


Participating in upcycling is not difficult; it all comes down to buying from brands dedicated to upcycling food. Upcycling brands include Planetarians (which make chips out of sunflower seeds), Candid (which uses plant products to sweeten their chocolate), Wize Monkey (which makes tea out of discarded coffee leaves) and Sweet Benin (which juices cashew apples), just to name a few!

Upcycling food combats these devastating effects of waste.

Upcycling is about more than just a trendy way to reuse food; it’s also about saving the environment and avoiding unnecessary waste. Food waste in our modern society is amountingdevastating,to1trilliondollarsperyear. Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 154 / 25

whyimportanceandofFUNCTIONSVITAMINSMINERALSofvitaminsandtakeamultivitaminWORDSBYNATHANPIPKIN 26

The difficulty in discussing minerals is that they also perform a dizzying variety of functions in the body. For example, most of us know that calcium is critical for bone strength, but it also assists in enzyme function and transmitting nervous system messages throughout the body. Another popular understanding of this mineral, which turns out to be accurate, is that the best foods for getting cal cium into your body are dairy-based. Milk, yogurt, cheese and soymilk all help supply the appropriate amount of calcium.

The benefits of vitamins and minerals come with a dark side: our bodies can be impacted for the worse if we are short of the elements we need. A vitamin D deficiency, for example, can result in bone abnormalities. Too little of the mineral iron can lead to anemia. A lack of vitamin A can bring about visual and skin changes, and vitamin E deficiency can cause neurological disorders.


One way to distinguish between vitamins and minerals is the organic distinction: while vitamins are organic substances, minerals are inorganic. The most recognizable examples of minerals are calcium, sodium and potassium. On the other hand, vitamins are either fat-soluble or water-soluble, which impacts how your body takes in the vitamins. Different vitamins accomplish different functions in the body. Vitamin C is an interesting case because humans can’t make it out of other compounds; if we’re going to get vitamin C, it has to be from our diet. The recommended quantity per day is between 65 and 90 milligrams. However, you should note that any intake over 200 milligrams will be excreted as urine instead of being used by the body.

The intake of vitamin C is a little complex, but what benefit do we get from it? There are many advantages that you can derive from healthy vitamin C, such as collagen formation, which strengthens blood vessels and bones, antioxidant function, which keeps cells healthy, and infection fighting, which preserves your overall health. While these are critical functions for the body to perform, a healthy diet will provide the adequate amount of vitamin C your body needs.

T he terms vitamins and minerals are fre quently used when talking about health, but what do they actually mean? It can be challenging to sort through the wealth of informa tion available to us via the Internet, but with the right approach and a pinch of help, you will learn why and how to use vitamins and minerals to max imize your health!


Luckily, you can identify these deficiencies with a simple blood test. Speak to your physician if you believe you’re affected by a vitamin or mineral deficiency. While these problems may not affect people with a consistently healthy diet, they are essential to understand if you want to appreciate the role of vitamins and minerals in your health.

Recent research has indicated that half of America’s adults take a multivitamin, so there’s a good chance that the concept is familiar to you. But how much benefit can you get from these dietary supplements? The average multivitamin contains all 100% of the daily dose of the 26 vitamins and minerals critical to your health. If you’re eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, multivitamins might be However,unnecessary.there are also circumstances in which a multivitamin might be the perfect boost to your regular diet. If you have a medical condition that hinders your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, or if you’ve recently undergone surgery, a multivita min may do you a lot of good. If financial circum stances or a busy schedule prevent you from eat ing a well-rounded diet, the convenience and low cost of multivitamins will be very beneficial. Do some research, speak to your physician and con sider adding a multivitamin to your daily routine!

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Journaling for mental health helps improve communication with doctors and therapists and can help them understand how you feel.

Mental health affects people all around us. There are times that we can’t express our thoughts and emotions as others might invalidate what we feel. We look down on ourselves and feel anxious, stressed or depressed, isolate ourselves and stop speaking to our loved ones. This leads to people having mental issues, the leading cause of suicide.

Journaling is a writing experience that allows you to reflect on your day. You may use journaling for self-reflection and self-expression. It stands as a coping mechanism when dealing with hardships and stressful situations. You may explore your experiences to gain a greater comprehension of those often used as a therapeutic activity for those suffering from depression or anxiety, allowing them to send a message to their future self about overcoming circumstances. Journaling allows readers to obtain complete clarity in their current situation by externalizing troubles into the journal itself.

Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health

With the right therapy, mental health issues are very much treatable. One way to help with our mental health is through writing a journal.

Whether for mental health or personal reasons, journaling can bring about many changes to your life. Benefits include self-understanding, accurate perception of the world around you, memory improvement, better communication skills, stress relief and improved mood.

Writing in your journal relieves mental stress anxiety levels. You could have a better understanding of your emotions whenever you are faced with a difficult situation. If you are going through an emotional situation, writing in your journal could help you break away from obsession and think clearly about moving forward.

Written by Drew B.

What Is Journaling?

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Journal for mental health


Writing is a way to disclose our emotions rather than bottling them up. Contained emotions are not mentally or physically healthy; they can cause tightness on your chest or even fainting because of extreme emotional stress.

Writing a journal is not as complicated as it might seem. Your journal is a tool that can help you process your thoughts, can give clarity to your emotions and could keep your behavior and thinking patterns in check.

Keeping a journal is one of the most insightful things we can do for ourselves, not only in terms of giving us a strong sense of well-being but also in helping us understand ourselves better. This is because it targets the two crucial areas: thoughts and feelings.

Why Journaling Works

A Parting Reminder

How to Start Journaling?

Not everyone can easily express themselves in a way other people do, which is why journaling is an effective tool to get these thoughts out of our system.

The writing process helps us think and organize our thoughts and experiences in a sequence. This gives us the chance to reflect and think about our actions and have a better perspective on what we can do in the future to make ourselves better.

Journaling at least once per week will make it easier to see your progress and provide insights about yourself. Some people like to keep their journal private, while others like to share their journal with one specific person or more- a friend, a counselor or the Internet. Journaling allows for self-exploration and self-expression, which is why it should be done in a private space where you feel comfortable writing about what you want and how you feel.

We all have stories and experiences to tell, and writing them down in a journal allows us to look back and see that we have changed for the better.


1: Self-Reflection and Meditation

Life can be challenging and unfair sometimes, but we have to push ourselves to go on. Life is a gift. We need to see and enjoy the beauty of being alive. There may be some downfalls in life, but we need to stand back up and start again. It is time to get motivated to move on and face life’s daily challenges.

Being a positive thinker doesn’t erase all the problems we encounter. It isn’t magic. It will just make our problems more manageable. Positive thinking can help you approach and deal with hardships more productively. Other proven benefits of positive thinking include a better quality of life, higher energy levels, faster recovery from injury or illness, lower rates of depression and a longer life span.

2: Create and See the Positive

A recent study of 70,000 women found that optimistic women had a significantly lower risk of dying from several major causes of death, such as heart disease, stroke, cancers, infection and respiratory diseases.

ways to motivate yourself to start living NOW

According to the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle, the beginning of all wisdom is knowing yourself. The process of self-reflection is to recognize our thoughts, feelings, values and beliefs. It gives us insight into our thoughts and aspirations. Find some time to sit quietly in a room alone, meditate to connect with your inner self and focus on the moment. Reflection through meditation can help you reevaluate your principles and core values. It gives you the chance to look back and identify the values that sometimes go astray. A mindful and reflective brain helps you keep your words and actions in check. Remember that we all have a role to play in shaping our destiny. In making appropriate decisions that are compatible with our purpose, it is essential to take some time to sit and think about it. It keeps us focused on our future. The results of meditation are genuine joy and well-being.



Start looking for your motivation. Set aside all of the negativity and simply start. Keep a list of your goals and work your way to accomplish them with a mindset.positive Doctor


Living in the present is one of the sure-fire methods you can adopt to manifest genuine happiness in your life. However, there is still a need for a necessary plan and goals. You can plan to invest in yourself or save money, but don’t forget that you are in the present.

A PARTING REMINDER Start looking for your motivation. Set aside all of the negativity and simply start. Keep a list of your goals and work your way to accomplish them with a positive mindset. Say “thank you” more often. You can write down what you are grateful for as a daily routine. Exciting goals such as improving your fitness, getting an education, saving money or starting a business can keep you motivated. Reflect every day and see how far you have come.


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Once you find the job that aligns with your passion(s), plan a course of action to make the transition. Don’t second-guess yourself about the “what ifs,” or you will never succeed. Embarking on a new job may sound daunting since there is no guarantee of success. What you need to take are the first initial steps. Then, take the plunge and do all the best you can. Keep the faith and pursue your passion.

Creating and seeing the positive in your daily life can be achieved through positive self-talk and imagery. In every situation, focus on the positive instead of the negative. You can always find the silver lining, even if it isn’t apparent yet. Eventually, all things will come all right with positivity. Remind yourself that things will get better.


Be thankful for what you have. You’ll have it all by starting your day with appreciation. Life is a fragile gift. It isn’t perfect, but the goal is to be happy. Happiness is giving thanks to what you have and still striving for more. Look around and be thankful for all you have to see how far you’ve come.


If you are stuck in a job you hate, get out of it as soon as possible! Instead, find your passion, something you can enjoy while doing. The famous quote from Confucius, do what you love and you’ll never have to work again, still holds until this day. Take some time to find out what your true passions in life are, then research jobs regarding that passion.

We spend so much time replaying the past moments or planning too much for the future. That’s how we miss the great moments that are unveiled right before us. Next time you have the opportunity, stop and enjoy the moment. We have no idea how many more moments we still have to experience in this life.

What Does Dopamine Do?

What Do Orgasms Do to Your Brain?

How Orgasms Improve Your Mental Health Because orgasms release dopamine and oxytocin, they can significantly improve your mental health by helping you feel happier and more connected to others. Orgasms are more than just a happy feel ing. Researchers found in a study of new lywed couples that because of the oxyto cin they release, orgasms could leave a feeling of satisfaction that can last as long as 48 hours after experiencing one.

A Parting Reminder Orgasms are much more than just a physical reaction. They can also affect your brain by releasing hormones that boost mood and happiness. There fore, orgasms can improve your mental health by boosting your confidence and causing you to feel happier. Orgasms may not be the cure-all to mental illness es, but they certainly can help alleviate the stress and anxiety that may keep you from finding your mental balance. ARGUE

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Oxytocin is a hormone that the body produces to regulate its reproductive sys tem. Since it’s a hormone, oxytocin, like dopamine, also works as a messenger in the body, reacting to and creating several bodily functions. For example, oxytocin works in your brain by fostering feelings of trust, arousal, romantic attachment and even recognition of others. This hormone helps us form social bonds with others, from friends to fam ily and even partners. Without oxyto cin, we wouldn’t be able to form mean ingful relationships critical to one’s mental health. As a result, oxytocin is a wide-reaching hormone essential to our well-being. Moreover, due to these extensive effects, oxytocin has been connected to various mental phenom ena, including anxiety, depression and addiction.

W e think of orgasms as the height of physical pleasure. However, orgasms can do more than just make you feel good on a physical level—they can also help improve your mental health!


Dopamine releases reinforce these feelings of satisfaction and stimulate the reward system in your brain to help create a feeling of persistent happiness and reduce stress. Additionally, researchers have found that the release of these hormones can even boost your confidence and self-esteem. Orgasms also release other chemicals and hormones that can help keep one’s sex drive strong and help create a lifestyle that relieves the stress and anxiety at the root of mental illness. While this is not as powerful as therapy, medication and clinical treatment, orgasms can still help to leave you feeling less stressed. Additionally, this state can even help you sleep better by relaxing and causing you to become sleepy.


Orgasms are an intense physical sensa tion in response to a build-up of sexu al tension. They are experienced as an increased heart rate, blood pressure and involuntary muscle contractions resulting in intense pleasure. Orgasms also affect us on a physiological level, altering our brain chemistry through the release of hormones to help us feel good and reinforce our attachment to our partners. These hormones are dopamine and oxytocin, two chemical messengers associated with positive feelings. Both of these chemicals can positively impact your mental health.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter also called the “feel-good” hormone for its ability to make the body feel good. Do pamine also works as part of the body’s fight-or-flight system, helping to relax the body and relieve stress. When releasing dopamine, the body is helping itself to relax and making it feel good, rewarding whatever behavior sparked the release. Naturally, this process can become addic tive, as is the case with junk food, which can cause a dopamine release in the brain. Behaviors that cause a dopamine release are associated with happiness, even to the point of addiction.

What Does Oxytocin Do?

htatfight m e morylosswords by Mălina O . R . 38

Our brains are constantly producing new brain cells unaffected by age. As we age, because we are too weak to do as many things as when we were young, we tend to use our brains less and less. And just like muscles, if we don’t use them, they lose strength. We have to keep our brains healthy by engaging them in daily activities.

It is crucial to learn the differences between nor mal age-related forgetfulness and the symptoms that indicate you are succumbing to illness.

T he passing of time starts to take its toll on our whole bodies, in cluding the brain. Keeping our minds as healthy as possible is crucial towards fighting diseases associated with old age. So why not do it while savoring healthy and delicious meals?

How Age Causes Memory Loss

Our brain functions start to get rusty as we age. We take longer to process information, we forget simple words or definitions, we take longer to find answers to questions, and so on. But if we give our brain enough time, the information will come back to us by itself.


One great vegetable to enjoy while keeping your mind healthy at the same time is broccoli. This vegetable is packed with compounds such as antioxidants and vitamin K, essential for your body to form sphingolipids, which is the fat found in brain cells. Studies show a link between high vitamin K intake and better memory in older adults.

2: fruit

Various fruits are great for keeping your mind and memory in top-notch condition. For starters, blueberries and many other berries carry plant compounds called anthocyanins, with anti-inflammatory and antiox idant effects. In addition, anthocya nins act against brain aging and neu rodegenerative diseases. Oranges are best known for their significant vitamin C levels. But did you know that oranges can improve your memory to an elephant’s level? This is because vitamin C is a power ful antioxidant essential in prevent ing mental health decline. Research shows vitamin C enhances attention, memory and focus. Also, vitamin C protects your brain from anxiety, de pressive disorder, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. Not a big fan of oranges? Try kiwi, guava or strawberries instead! 40

Turning your nose up at the sight of broccoli? You can try cauliflower or Brussel sprouts, likewise rich in vitamin K! Also, leafy greens such as kale, spinach and collard greens are full of vitamin K.

1: vegetables

Although a beverage is not really considered food, we can’t ignore coffee and wine’s contri bution to tackling memory loss. Coffee is the perfect beverage to keep you safe from memory loss. Coffee contains antioxi dants and caffeine, two essential components for supporting brain health. Drinking coffee also reduces the risk of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. These ef fects were visible in adults drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee daily. If coffee is an essential beverage for fighting mem ory loss, then green tea cannot escape this list. Green tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid that increases the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA that helps reduce anxiety. Green tea is also rich in polyphenols, and alongside antioxidants, they reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Studies show that green tea improves alertness, focus, memory and performance. In moderation, wine has positive and protec tive effects on our brain health. Wine contains flavonoids, plant chemicals that act as anti-in flammatory antioxidants. Drinking a couple of glasses of wine a week reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

3: drinks

Wine also contains an organic compound named resveratrol (i.e., a dietary supplement found in plants). Studies show that resveratrol can keep Alzheimer’s disease away from our brains.

A Parting Reminder

It is vital to watch out for your brain health. By being careful about your food, you can live a long and healthy life. Although developing memory loss is always possible, keeping an eye out for your brain health is the best choice to protect it against memory loss. Top Doctor

Magazine / Issue 154 / 41

Because anxiety and panic at tacks have similar physical symptoms, people think they are the same. But that’s not the case.

panic attacksand anxiety

ANXIETY Anxiety is a natural human re action when someone expects a future outcome. People feel anxious when they are worried or afraid about what could hap pen in the future. It manifests through our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. The typical anxiety symptoms are: • Fatigue; • Difficulty concentrating; • Irritability; • Anger; • Muscle tension; • Sleep disturbances. Because anxiety is normal for people to experience, the caus es are not as grave and specific as in panic attacks. A stressful job, an incoming exam, driving, social situations, phobias or memories of traumatic experi ences are all causes of anxiety. Some people can become anx ious about very banal things or events such as a birthday party next Friday or the high prices at the supermarket.


O ur lives can get busy and stressful. So, it’s fairly normal for people to experience panic attacks and anxiety these days. Unfortunately, many peo ple still confuse anxiety and panic attacks, sometimes claim ing they are the same thing.

PANIC ATTACKS Panic attacks are short periods (i.e., up to 10 minutes) of expe riencing intense feelings of over whelming fear. They manifest suddenly, without any warnings, and come along with difficult symptoms such as: • Nausea; • Shortness of breath; • Palpitations; • Sweating; • Sense of choking; • Chest pain; • Trembling; • Dizziness; • DifferentChills. people manifest dif ferent panic attack symptoms. Specific external and inter nal stressors induce panic at tacks where often, the internal stressors manifest themselves through thoughts and constant worry about the unknown fu ture. Conditions that can cause a panic attack are: • Social phobia; • Anxiety disorders; • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); • Agoraphobia (i.e., the fear of crowded or open Therespaces).are,ofcourse, medical condi tions that can induce panic attacks as well. For example, asthma, thy roid problems, cardiac issues and neurologic problems can all play a significant part in panic attacks.


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There are fewer ways to fight panic attacks without medica tion than with anxiety attacks because panic attacks are more draining and heavier on your body and Breathingmind.exercises and ap plied relaxation are effective ways to combat panic attacks. These approaches are perfect for counteracting hyperventi lation, a major part of a panic attack. Training your muscles to relax on demand will prove helpful when facing muscle Othertension.ways to fight panic at tacks without medication are: • Self-monitoring your symptoms; • Keeping your mind occupied and away from stressors; • Exercise; • Talking about your feelings; • Cutting back on sugar and caffeine. A REMINDERPARTING People must be aware of the difference between panic at tacks and anxiety. Contact a medical professional if you no tice you have or are experienc ing a panic attack. It’s best to approach the problem swiftly and learn how to control it.

• Exercise; • Drinking less caffeine; • Sleeping as much as you need; • Saying “no” whenever you feel like it.

Breathing exercises and applied relaxation are effective ways to combat panic attacks. These approaches are perfect for counteracting hyperventilation, a major part of a panic attack.

The differences between the two manifest themselves through the emotional symp toms. When having a panic attack, you will feel a sense of detachment from the world and powerful fear of dying or losing control. But when expe riencing anxiety, you will feel apprehension, worry, distress and restlessness. The only similarity between the two is the fear you will feel.


HOW TO TREAT ANXIETY MEDICATIONWITHOUT Medication is a simple way to combat anxiety, but not the only one. Talking to one of your friends or a family member, shouting as loud as you can, screaming, punching a pillow and stomping your feet are as important to treating anxiety as medication. These methods ensure a much-needed healthy release of emotions and stress. You must embrace anxiety as a part of you because if you bottle it up, you will never be able to let it go. Other ways to partially relieve your anxiety are:


factor in hydration—the human body cannot survive without it. That’s why drinking enough water, especially during working hours, is essential. Imagine your day without water; you would feel le thargic and sluggish. In the summer, when the tem peratures are sky-high, you will feel more dehydrat ed, and your productivity will decrease accordingly. Water alone doesn’t quite cut it in terms of hydration; you need minerals that provide electrolytes to ensure your body is functioning at its best. Electrolytes are essential for various bodily func tions, such as regulating the heartbeat and blood pressure, digestion, muscle contraction and nerve transmission. Therefore, it is paramount to look at your drinks’ electrolyte and mineral content to opti mize hydration.


Sports Drinks

Coconut Water

Coconut water is a drink that many people consume to hydrate themselves. It has many benefits and can be used to substitute for water intake when one is feeling dehydrated. Coconut water is an excellent source of minerals and hydration. It’s packed with electrolytes, including potassium, magnesium and sodium, which help keep your body hydrated and functioning properly. Coconut water is also a good source of antioxidants and vitamins, making it a healthy choice for keeping your body hydrated and healthy for sports or daily life. 48

Although drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated, sometimes, we need an extra boost. That’s where sports drinks come in. Sports drinks contain minerals such as sodium and potassium, as well as carbohydrates for energy. There are many types of sports drinks, usually categorized by the number of carbohydrates. These are isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic sports drinks. Each type has its use in different sports and physical activities. Sports drinks can help replenish electrolytes and prevent dehydration during extended exercise or heat exposure periods. But not all sports drinks are made the same. Check the ingredients to find out which sports drink has the right balance of minerals, carbohydrates and electrolytes to keep you going.

Vegetable and Fruit Juices

Vegetable and fruit juices contain minerals and vitamins that can help the body stay hydrated. These juices are made up of mostly water. They are also a good way to pack the body with more nutrients.

Look for juices with high water and lower carbohydrate content for hydration, such as cucumber, watermelon, honeydew and other melon juices.

In fact, coffee contains a fair amount of minerals and other nutrients that contribute to your overall hydration levels. Especially when mixed with milk, coffee can be quite beneficial to your hydration. Of course, it’s important to remember that coffee is not a water replacement, and you should still make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. But if you’re looking for a way to get a little extra boost of minerals and hydration, coffee may be a good option. Milk Milk is a great option for hydration. A study found that skim milk is one of the best ways to combat dehydration. Many minerals found in milk can help hydrate your body, including calcium, potassium and sodium. However, a significant portion of the population is lactose intolerant. If you’re lactose intolerant, avoid milk as a source of hydration.

Coffee Coffee is often cited as a dehydrating beverage, but this is not entirely accurate. While coffee does have a mild diuretic effect, it is not dehydrating in the sense that it causes your body to lose more water than it takes in.

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A Parting Reminder


Drinking plenty of fluids is the best way to stay hydrated, but not all fluids are created equal. Water is always the best choice for hydration, but other drinks, with their solid mineral composition, can help. Just be sure to choose a drink that contains the right minerals that are easily absorbed and used by the body for replenishment and hydration.


What Happens to Your Mental Health When You Organize Your Home? Organization and decluttering can have a considerable impact on your mental health. It can help you feel less stressed and more relaxed by reducing the stimuli our brains need to process. According to a study by Dr. Sabine Kastner of Princeton University, our brains are not good at blocking clutter. Working in a cluttered space makes it harder for your brain to focus on the task at hand. According to a UCLA study, how we describe our homes affects our moods, so keeping our spaces neat and clean can significantly improve our moods. The bigger the mess, the more stressed and unhappy we are likely to become.

How to Start Decluttering and Organizing Your Home

Decluttering is the process of removing unnecessary things from your space. It can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to Startbe.with one room at a time. Ensure you have enough boxes or bins to hold all of the items you want to keep and make sure that they are labeled to know what goes in each box or bin. Take everything out of the room and start sorting by category: clothes, books, kitchen supplies, etc. Once everything is sorted out, take each category outside the room and put them in their respective boxes or bins.

Decluttering and ORGANIZATION

When it comes to getting rid of old possessions, those that no longer provide much value should be discarded first. Unless an object brings you a sense of joy, holds fond memories for your life or is a possession worth holding on to, it’s time to let go.

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 154 / 53

Written by Peter Corazo

Th e Effects on Your Mental Health

Decluttering and organization have numerous positive effects on mental health. When your surroundings are clean and organized, your brain, no longer concerned about the surrounding mess, finds it easier to focus and be productive.

A Parting Reminder


You can get rid of your unwanted items in numerous ways: Donating to a charity shop; Selling your possessions Takingonline; your possessions to a recycling Declutteringcenter.and

Decluttering is not about getting rid of everything in your home or office; it’s about getting rid of the things that don’t serve any purpose in your life. As you declutter, remember to be mindful of how different items make you feel. There is more to decluttering than just tossing things out.

Decluttering and organization have numerous positive effects on mental health. When your surroundings are clean and organized, your brain, no longer concerned about the surrounding mess, finds it easier to focus and be productive. Decluttering is not just about throwing away your old clothes or unwanted items; it’s about getting rid of the mental clutter we all carry around with us.


“Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown lays out a guide on living a more fulfilling life by decluttering and simplifying. The author argues that we should focus on life’s essentials and eliminate the clutter. By focusing on what is essential, we create more meaningful relationships with our possessions. In addition, by eliminating distractions, our lives become more simple, and our brains will process information quicker.

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W H Y D O E S M A T T E R ? w l n e s s x u l 56

M A T T E R ? WRITTEN BY NATHAN PIPKINith so many different dimensions of our health to worry about, sexual wellness often takes a backseat. Topics such as diet, exercise and sleep get a lot of attention in popular books and online sources, while our overall sexual health gets short shrift.

W Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 154 / 57

It might be tempting to define sexual wellness as a lack of sexually transmitted diseases or infections, but the truth is that the topic is more complex than that. The best way to think of sexual wellness is as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being concerning sexuality. Understanding sexual wellness means acknowledging that sex is not limited to intercourse or masturbation. In conversations about overall wellness, the term ‘sex’ also encompasses your intimacy and connection with your partner and your selfconfidence in your body. Sexual wellness encompasses three different areas: sexual health, sexual pleasure and sexual justice. For us all to achieve the greatest possible sexual wellness, all three of these areas of sexuality must work in harmony. For one or two, or even all three areas to be imbalanced does not mean that you can’t achieve sexual wellbeing, but this framework helps provide a place to start.

What Is Sexual Wellness?

One of the basics of sexual health is preventing and treating sexually transmitted diseases. Unfortunately, this issue has taken on public health risk proportions. Instead of a private issue affecting only the fringes of society, sexually transmitted infections saw an explosion of 26 million new cases as recently as 2018. While this issue affects many different age groups, it disproportionately impacts those aged 15 to 24-year-olds, who represented almost half of the new STIs in 2018.

Although these numbers are concerning, despair won’t help the situation. Instead, it would be best if you asked what you could do. The first step is to educate yourselves and your loved ones about the realities of STDs and STIs. Understanding these health risks and how best to prevent them is critical to keeping yourself safe. Medically speaking, vaccination can be an effective way to protect yourself from STDs. Your risk is also, of course, affected by lifestyle decisions.

A few ways to limit your chances of contracting an STD are practicing abstinence, mutual monogamy or safe sex. The resources provided by the CDC are an excellent way to dig deeper into this vital dimension of sexual health.

Another critical aspect of sexual health is reproductive health, and a holistic understanding of reproductive health must include knowledge of contraception.

With the essential medical considerations already covered, let’s take a moment to discuss how you can take control of your sexual wellness. Start with a simple step: strengthening your pelvic floor. You may have heard of Kegels, an exercise that works the muscles surrounding your pelvic floor. A few minutes of Kegels per day is a great place to Next,start!make sure you understand your STI status. The best practice is to get tested either once a year or more frequently, depending on the frequency of your sexual activity. Understanding your status and developing the ability to have honest conversations about your status is critical to keeping yourself and your loved ones safe. Finally, take the time to make self-pleasure a habit. In the same way that we are not automatically skilled at sex with a partner, we should not assume that we will automatically be skilled when it comes to masturbation. Practicing relaxation and mindfulness of your self-pleasure will not only contribute to greater self-esteem — it will lead you to a greater overall sexual wellness!! 5858

How Can I Start My Sexual Wellness Journey?

Various contraceptive methods are available to women, including intrauterine contraception, hormonal and barrier methods and sterilization. While this range of options can be intimidating, a conversation with your physician will help you determine which is the right approach for you.

What Do I Need to Know about Sexual Health?

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 154 / 59

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