Issue 181 - Dr. Liu and Dr. Jafri

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ISSUE 181 | Dr.Liu & Dr. Jafri


PG. 30


PG. 18


PG. 14

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”
— Henry Ford


Publisher: John Highland

Editor In Chief: Hannah H.

Graphic Designer: Laura Poyner

Contributing Authors: Eric Broser, Dr. Ken Davis, Riley George, Sydney Good, Ashleigh Quint


Vice President of Development: Mark Carvalho

Business Director: Rob Fletcher

Fractional Marketing Officer: Craig Handley

Advisory Board: Dr. Ken Davis

Executive Assistant: Michelle Richardson



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Why The 9-5 Workday Was Built For Men

An Apple A Day: Myth Or Steeped In Some Truth?

Top Health & Wellness Careers For College Students

Inspiring Excellence In Dental Care: The Secure Dental Story

What Is The Carnivore Diet And Is It Safe? Real Results From People Who've Done It For Years

Higher Protein = Less Body Fat

Anti-Aging & Super-Ager Strategies

Gone are the days when everyone had to work a 9-5. Since 2020 especially, more and more people have been working from home and creating a schedule tailored to them. Come to find out, the 9-5 is best suited for men. Let’s explore why.



We all have daily cycles. That’s our circadian rhythm, which determines when we wake up and go to bed.¹ When you have a system or a routine, your body will naturally want to get up and sleep at the same time each day.

If you think about it, we should all be suitable for a 9 to 5 workday, right? After all, we (in theory) are ready to conquer our day in the morning when we get up. Over the day, we progressively lose steam, and by the time 5 o’clock rolls around, we’re ready to be done. We have just enough time for dinner and downtime before bed.

However, men and women do feel differently each day based on their hormones.


In addition to a normal circadian rhythm, men also experience a diurnal rhythm of testosterone.² That means they experience the same thing every day with their hormones. When testosterone levels are normal, testosterone is at its highest in the morning and decreases over the day.³ As men sleep, testosterone rises, so it’s at its peak again the next day.


Hypothetically, women should feel the same way based on their circadian rhythm. However, any woman knows she doesn’t feel the same each day, and it’s not just in her head. That’s because a woman’s cycle works on roughly a 28day pattern. A woman’s key hormones, progesterone and estrogen, dramatically shift over this time. The main events in a woman’s cycle are ovulation and menstruation, but the body’s hormones are still working in between these points.⁴

All that to say, a woman will feel energized and have more mental clarity to complete tasks at specific points during the month. But at other times, she’ll feel grateful if she just makes it out of bed.


Though stress is disadvantageous for both men and women, adding insult to injury, stress can hurt women more than men when it comes to fertility.⁵ When chronically stressed, our body enters a fight-or-flight mode, halting essential functions and causing gut imbalances. Stress causes our cortisol to spike, which, again, isn’t good for anyone's health overall. However, while men have cortisol, their testosterone doesn’t come from it. In other words, they won’t experience fertility problems from stress quite like women.

Women, on the other hand, primarily use the hormones progesterone and cortisol to conceive children. Cortisol is not bad, but when stress causes it to swell, everything else is imbalanced, making it difficult for women to have children. That likely explains why 1 out of 5 women experience infertility during the time they should be most fertile. Even if a woman doesn’t intend to have children, she’ll still be hurt by high cortisol with depression, anxiety, and mood swings,



The good news is that women can track their cycles to understand what’s going on with their hormones. Even if they’re not planning to have kids right now, knowing what’s going on to prepare is helpful. This app called 28 is a great resource to track your cycle.⁶ If you don’t have a cycle, you can establish a monthly routine to help regulate it—which can help bring it back! The same app uses the moon as a monthly schedule if you so choose.


Once you know your cycle, you can eat and exercise along with it.⁷ As you might’ve guessed, there are times in the month when more intense exercise would be beneficial. At other points, though, it’s best to take a step back and relax. You can also eat foods that help balance your hormones. Getting in touch with your cycle can help regulate your hormones and make it easier to function.


You must do what you can to alleviate stress. If possible, take a step back from certain responsibilities in order to not overwhelm yourself. Don’t be hard on yourself when you’re at that time of the month. You can also trick your body into calming itself by activating the vagus nerve.⁸


Though atypical job trends are rising, that doesn’t mean we can completely abandon the 9-5. But if women track their cycles, they can learn how to work with their hormones to make the most of every day.

AN APPLE A DAY: Myth or Steeped in Some Truth?

Few adages have endured as steadfastly in the realm of dietary advice as "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Rooted in centuries-old wisdom, this proverb hints at the health benefits of consuming fruits, particularly apples. But beyond folklore, modern science has uncovered a deeper truth: certain foods, rich in prebiotics and probiotics, play a crucial role in promoting human health and well-being.

Understanding Prebiotics and Probiotics

Before delving into the specifics of apples and other foods, it's essential to grasp the concepts of prebiotics and probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer health benefits to the host when consumed in adequate amounts. These beneficial bacteria reside primarily in our digestive tract, where they aid in digestion, boost immune function, and may even impact mental health through the gut-brain axis.

On the other hand, prebiotics are indigestible fibers that serve as food for probiotics. They are found in certain foods, particularly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. By nourishing probiotic bacteria, prebiotics help maintain a healthy balance of gut microbiota, which in turn supports various aspects of our health.

The Role of Apples in Gut Health

Apples are a prime example of a food that can positively influence gut health. Rich in fiber, particularly pectin—a type of soluble fiber—apples act as a natural prebiotic. Research suggests that pectin can enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, thereby promoting digestive health and potentially reducing the risk of certain chronic diseases.

According to a study published in the Journal of Functional Foods, the consumption of apples was associated with increased levels of beneficial gut bacteria, leading to improved gastrointestinal health markers.¹ The study, conducted over a period of twelve weeks, with participants consuming either whole apples or apple pomace, highlighted the significant role of apples in modulating gut microbiota composition.

Beyond Apples: Exploring Other Prebiotic and Probiotic Foods

While apples are a notable source of prebiotics, they are by no means the only food that can support gut health. A diverse range of fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods also contribute to our microbiota's wellbeing.

1. Yogurt and Fermented Dairy Products: Yogurt is perhaps the most well-known source of probiotics. It contains live cultures like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum, which promote gut health and improve lactose digestion. Studies have shown that regular yogurt consumption can enhance gastrointestinal function and even alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.²

2. Garlic and Onions: These pungent vegetables are rich in inulin, a type of prebiotic fiber that supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Inulin has been linked to improved intestinal health and increased absorption of essential nutrients from food.

3. Whole Grains: Whole grains such as oats, barley, and quinoa contain fiber and resistant starches that act as prebiotics. These compounds are not fully digested in the small intestine but ferment in the colon, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and contributing to overall gut health.

The Scientific Backing: Studies and Findings

Recent scientific research has shed light on the mechanisms through which prebiotics and probiotics exert their beneficial effects on human health. A study published in Nutrients reviewed the impact of dietary fiber and prebiotics on gut microbiota composition and function. The findings underscored the role of these dietary components in maintaining gut barrier integrity, modulating immune responses, and influencing metabolic processes.³

Furthermore, a meta-analysis published in the European Journal of Nutrition synthesized data from multiple studies investigating the effects of probiotics on various health outcomes. The analysis concluded that probiotic supplementation could significantly reduce the incidence and severity of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and enhance immune function in healthy individuals.⁴

Practical Implications: Incorporating Prebiotics and Probiotics into Your Diet

Integrating prebiotic and probiotic-rich foods into your daily diet doesn't complicated. Simple changes like adding a serving of yogurt with live cultures to your breakfast, incorporating apples and other fruits as snacks, or opting for whole grains instead of refined grains can all contribute to a healthier gut microbiota.

It's important to note that individual responses to prebiotics and probiotics may vary. Factors such as genetics, current gut microbiota composition, and overall diet can influence how these foods impact your health. Therefore, a diverse and balanced diet that includes a variety of prebiotic and probiotic-rich foods is crucial in supporting optimal gut

An Evidence-Based Approach to Dietary Health

In conclusion, while the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" may be rooted in tradition, its essence holds some scientific truth. Apples, along with a myriad of other prebiotic and probiotic-rich foods, play a significant role in promoting gut health and overall well-being. From enhancing digestive function to bolstering immune responses, these foods offer tangible benefits supported by research and clinical studies.

By embracing a diet that prioritizes prebiotics and probiotics, you can take proactive steps toward improving your gut health and, consequently, your overall quality of life. Whether you prefer a crisp apple as a snack or a probiotic-rich yogurt for breakfast, each choice contributes to nurturing the trillions of microorganisms that reside within us—a symbiotic relationship that underscores the profound connection between diet and health.

In essence, while the exact origins of the adage may remain unclear, its underlying message resonates loudly in the halls of modern nutritional science: what you eat truly matters, especially when it comes to cultivating a healthy gut ecosystem.


As the school year kicks off, college students often find themselves reflecting on their future careers. For those passionate about health and wellness, the range of career options is vast and growing. Let’s explore some of the most promising health and wellness careers students should consider, especially as the industry continues to expand and evolve.


Public health educators play a vital role in promoting health and wellness in communities. They develop programs and materials to educate people about behaviors that promote wellness. This career is ideal for those who are passionate about community health and enjoy working with diverse populations. Public health educators can work in various settings, including schools, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations.

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Becoming a nutritionist or dietitian can be a rewarding career for students interested in food, health, and the science behind nutrition. These professionals help individuals and groups make informed choices about what to eat to achieve a healthy lifestyle or manage specific health conditions. With rising awareness about the importance of diet in maintaining health, the demand for nutritionists and dietitians continues to grow.

Physical therapists help patients recover from injuries and improve their physical abilities through various treatment methods, including exercises, manual therapy, and other interventions. This career requires a strong understanding of the human body and a desire to help others improve their quality of life. Physical therapists often work in hospitals, private practices, and rehabilitation centers, offering a handson approach to health and wellness.


Occupational therapists assist patients in developing, recovering, and improving the skills needed for daily living and working. This role is particularly suited for those who are patient, compassionate, and creative in finding solutions to help individuals overcome physical and mental challenges. Occupational therapists work in various settings, such as hospitals, schools, and private practices.


Health and wellness coaches work with clients to set and achieve health goals, focusing on areas like weight management, stress reduction, and overall wellness. This career is perfect for those who enjoy motivating and supporting others to lead healthier lives. Coaches can work independently, in wellness centers, or within corporate wellness programs.

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Athletic trainers specialize in preventing, diagnosing, and treating muscle and bone injuries and illnesses. They often work with athletes of all levels to ensure they are in peak physical condition and can recover quickly from injuries. This career is ideal for students who are passionate about sports and physical fitness and want to work closely with athletes and teams.


Health information managers are responsible for maintaining and securing all patient records and data. They ensure that medical records are accurate, complete, and accessible only to authorized personnel. This role is crucial in the healthcare industry as it combines healthcare knowledge with information technology. It is an excellent fit for students who are detail-oriented and interested in both healthcare and data management.

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Mental health counselors provide support and treatment for individuals dealing with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. This career is essential in promoting mental wellness and helping individuals cope with life's challenges. Counselors can work in private practice, schools, hospitals, and community health organizations or with various sports teams.

Health services administrators plan, direct, and coordinate medical and health services. They might manage an entire facility, a specific clinical area, or a medical practice for a group of physicians. This career requires strong organizational and leadership skills and is suitable for students interested in the business side of healthcare.


Personal trainers work with clients to achieve their fitness goals through personalized exercise programs. This career is perfect for students who are passionate about fitness and enjoy motivating others to reach their physical potential. Personal trainers can work in gyms, fitness centers, or independently.


Biomedical engineers apply engineering principles to the medical field, designing and creating equipment, devices, computer systems, and software used in healthcare. This career is ideal for students who are strong in both the sciences and engineering and want to innovate within the healthcare industry.

Registered nurses (RNs) provide and coordinate patient care, educate patients about various health conditions, and offer emotional support to patients and their families. Nursing is a versatile and indemand career with opportunities to specialize in different areas such as pediatrics, oncology, and emergency care.


Chiropractors specialize in diagnosing and treating neuromuscular disorders, with an emphasis on treatment through manual adjustment and manipulation of the spine. This career is suitable for those interested in a holistic approach to health and wellness.

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Health policy analysts research and analyze data related to healthcare systems, policies, and practices. They provide insights and recommendations to improve health outcomes and the efficiency of healthcare systems. This career is ideal for students interested in healthcare but prefer a research and policy-oriented role.

Genetic counselors assess individual or family risk for various inherited conditions, such as genetic disorders and congenital disabilities. They also provide information and support to other healthcare providers or to individuals and families concerned about the risk of inherited conditions. This career is perfect for students with a strong background in genetics and a desire to help individuals make informed health decisions.

IV nutritional supplement health specialists administer vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream through intravenous therapy. This career is perfect for students interested in innovative health and wellness approaches, particularly in optimizing nutritional status and treating deficiencies. These specialists often work in wellness centers, medical spas, and integrative health clinics.

Acupuncturists use the ancient practice of inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to relieve pain and treat various health conditions. This career is ideal for students interested in traditional Chinese medicine and holistic health practices. Acupuncturists can work in private practices, wellness centers, and integrative health clinics.

Naturopathic physicians (NDs) focus on holistic, natural approaches to health and wellness. They use a combination of natural therapies, such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, and nutrition, to treat and prevent health issues. NDs practice in states that license and regulate naturopathic medicine, including Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and the District of Columbia. This career is suitable for students who are interested in integrative and natural health solutions.


Strength and conditioning coaches design and implement training programs to improve athletic performance. They work with athletes of all levels to enhance strength, endurance, speed, and agility. This career is perfect for students passionate about sports performance and wanting to help athletes reach their full potential. Strength and conditioning coaches can work with professional sports teams, colleges, and high schools or run private training facilities.



Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) specialists focus on improving mobility, joint strength, and overall movement patterns. This career is ideal for those passionate about biomechanics and helping others achieve optimal physical performance. FRC specialists often work with athletes, rehabilitation centers, and fitness enthusiasts.


A posturologist is a specialist who focuses on diagnosing and treating postural imbalances and related musculoskeletal issues. By analyzing a patient's posture, gait, and balance, posturologists identify dysfunctions that may contribute to pain or movement limitations. They use various techniques, including exercises, manual therapies, and sometimes orthotic devices, to correct these imbalances and improve overall body alignment. This holistic approach addresses immediate symptoms and aims to prevent future problems by promoting optimal posture and movement patterns. Posturologists often work in multidisciplinary teams, collaborating with physiotherapists, chiropractors, and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care.



A neuromuscular therapist specializes in treating pain and dysfunction in the body by focusing on the neuromuscular system, which includes the nerves and muscles. This type of therapist uses various techniques to assess and treat conditions that cause chronic pain, muscle tension, and imbalances. NMTs use deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and stretching techniques to alleviate pain and restore function. NMTs need an in-depth understanding of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

The health and wellness field offers a diverse range of career paths that cater to various interests and skill sets. Whether you are drawn to direct patient care, fitness, technology, or policy, there is a career that can fulfill your passion for promoting health, education, gaining awareness, and overall well-being.

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Week 12



In the bustling landscape of modern dentistry, Secure Dental stands out not just for its comprehensive services across eleven offices in Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa but also for its unwavering commitment to patient care and professional education. Founded in 2012 by Dr. Jafri and Dr. Liu, Secure Dental has evolved from a single practice to a network renowned for its personalized approach and community impact and continues to evolve.


Dr. Noel Liu, DDS

Dr. Noel Liu, DDS, stands as a prominent figure in the dental field, celebrated for his expertise in implant dentistry and his visionary approach to clinical education. Putting his name behind the Liu Advanced Clinical Fellowship in Implant Dentistry at NYU, Dr. Liu has revolutionized the dental education program by integrating real-world insights and the business of dentistry into the academic curricula. His commitment extends beyond clinical practice, encompassing a passion for real estate investing, where he empowers fellow professionals to diversify their investment portfolios.

Beyond his entrepreneurial ventures, Dr. Liu is revered as a mentor and educator, guiding numerous dental professionals toward excellence in their careers. His leadership and dedication have earned him recognition at NYU College of Dentistry, where his contributions continue to shape the future of dentistry through innovative and real-world practical educational initiatives.

Dr. Nazish Jafri, DDS

Dr. Nazish Jafri, DDS, embodies a blend of clinical expertise, business acumen, and a profound commitment to patient care and mentorship. After graduating from NYUCD in 2011, Dr. Jafri swiftly rose to prominence in the dental industry, establishing Secure Dental as a

cornerstone of excellence with ten offices spanning multiple states.

In her role as CEO and operator of Secure Dental, Dr. Jafri has amassed over a decade of experience in effectively managing and expanding dental practices. Her leadership is marked by a steadfast dedication to providing top-tier dental services while nurturing a supportive environment for her team and patients alike.

Dr. Jafri's influence extends beyond her practice. She is widely respected for mentoring emerging dental professionals and guiding them toward success in clinical practice and business management. Her impact on the industry resonates through her commitment to innovation, quality care, and the cultivation of future leaders in dentistry.

Together, Dr. Liu and Dr. Jafri exemplify excellence in dentistry, each contributing uniquely to advancing clinical education, patient care, and the overall landscape of dental practice management. Their collaborative efforts and individual achievements continue to inspire and elevate standards within the dental community and beyond.


Dr. Jafri and Dr. Liu, both seasoned dental professionals, embarked on their journey with a clear vision to emulate the best practices they admired in their early careers. "When we started Secure Dental, we aimed to create an organization that excelled clinically and prioritized patient satisfaction and team development," recalled Dr. Jafri.

Their initial challenges were formidable, from navigating state regulations across multiple locations to fostering a cohesive team culture. "Expanding to multiple offices presented logistical and compliance challenges," explained Dr. Liu. "Each location operated somewhat autonomously, which affected consistency in patient care and operational efficiency."


Dr. Jafri and Dr. Liu implemented strategic systems and processes to tackle these challenges. Centralizing their Practice Management System (PMS) was pivotal, enabling streamlined patient care coordination and administrative tasks across all locations. "With centralized systems, we could ensure uniform standards of care and efficient management of resources," noted Dr. Jafri.

Moreover, fostering a unified team spirit was crucial. Weekly online meetings and monthly doctor-specific sessions became platforms for collaboration and skill enhancement. "We shifted from a 'me' to a 'we' mentality," said Dr. Liu. "Investing in our team's personal and professional goals has been instrumental in our success."


Beyond their practice, Dr. Jafri and Dr. Liu are deeply committed to mentoring the next generation of dental professionals. "We believe in hands-on mentorship," Dr. Jafri emphasized. New graduates at Secure Dental undergo intensive training and mentorship in clinical skills and patient communication, setting them up for success in real-world practice.

Their dedication extends beyond clinical excellence. Collaborating with New York University's advanced clinical fellowship and initiatives like the VOCARE program for veterans and the pediatric population at NYU underscores their commitment to community service.

"Partnering with NYU and local vendors has expanded our reach," said Dr. Liu. "It's about giving back and making a meaningful impact beyond our practice, which can only be achieved through collaboration."


Looking ahead, Dr. Jafri and Dr. Liu envision an expansion that goes beyond geographical boundaries. "Our future lies in collaborative growth," Dr. Jafri explained. "We aim to affiliate with like-minded dental offices and support our associate doctors in opening their practices, creating a broader network of excellence."

Technology and patient-centric care remain at the forefront of their expansion plans. "Investing in advanced technology like digital scanners and same-day milling machines enhances patient experience and clinical outcomes," Dr. Liu added. "It's about continuously raising the bar."


Dr. Noel Liu, DDS, and Dr. Nazish Jafri, DDS, represent exemplary figures in the world of dentistry, each leaving an indelible mark through their distinct contributions and unwavering commitment to excellence.

Dr. Liu's pioneering work in implant dentistry and innovative approach to clinical education have redefined the standards of dental practice. His leadership in naming the Liu Advanced Clinical Fellowship Program in Implant Dentistry at NYU underscores his dedication to bridging the gap between academia and real-world dental challenges. Beyond his professional achievements, Dr. Liu's advocacy for financial literacy and investment diversification reflects his holistic approach to empowering dental professionals beyond clinical skills.

Complementing Dr. Liu's visionary leadership is Dr. Nazish Jafri's remarkable journey as a dentist, entrepreneur, and mentor. From her early days at NYUCD to becoming the CEO of Secure Dental, Dr. Jafri has demonstrated unparalleled expertise in business management and a steadfast commitment to providing exceptional patient care. Her success in expanding Secure Dental across multiple states is a testament to her strategic vision and operational acumen, setting a high standard for dental service providers nationwide. Moreover, her dedication to mentoring aspiring dental professionals underscores her role as a catalyst for the next generation of dental leaders.

Together, Dr. Liu and Dr. Jafri exemplify the transformative power of combining clinical proficiency with entrepreneurial spirit. Their impact extends beyond their respective practices, shaping the future of dentistry through innovation, mentorship, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. By pushing boundaries and inspiring others, they continue to elevate the standards of dental care and education, leaving a lasting legacy in the dental profession.

As the dental community looks toward the future, Dr. Liu and Dr. Jafri serve as beacons of inspiration and role models for aspiring dental professionals worldwide. Their collaborative efforts and individual achievements not only enrich the field of dentistry but also reinforce the importance of innovation, education, and compassionate patient care. In celebrating their accomplishments, they have been recognized for their profound influence on shaping a brighter future for dental healthcare, and the community applauds their ongoing dedication to advancing the art and science of dentistry.

As Secure Dental continues to evolve, one thing remains constant—its founders' unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and community. Through their journey of growth, challenges, and triumphs, Dr. Jafri and Dr. Liu exemplify leadership in modern dentistry, inspiring their team and enriching the lives of the over fifty million patients they aim to serve.

In the words of Dr. Jafri, "Our success is not just about what we achieve, but how we empower others to achieve excellence alongside us and help them win."

Secure Dental's story is a testament to the transformative power of vision, collaboration, and relentless dedication to patient care. To learn more about Secure Dental, Dr. Jafri, and Dr. Liu, visit their website at

What is the carnivore diet and is it safe?



When it comes to diet trends, there’s probably none that takes the cake—without actually taking cake or any carbs, for that matter—in controversy as the carnivore diet. If you’re familiar with it, you’ve wondered how people could live off only meat. These people must have clogged arteries, right? Not exactly.

Let’s take a closer look.

What is the carnivore diet?

If you’re new to it, the carnivore diet is essentially made up of only animal products. No vegetables or fruit. Just animal products.

Is that a healthy way to live? Dr. Ken Berry, a family physician and carnivore diet expert, said the most nutrient-dense foods are meats, not vegetables.¹ In particular, the liver holds the most nutrients. Dr. Berry said people thrive without carbs—including vegetables!

This has to mean lean meats and fish only, right? Nope. Carnivores—people on the carnivore diet—suggest you eat as much as you want in the “forbidden” category of animal products. That means red meat, eggs, butter, and bacon. The fattier, the better. Believe it or not, you can lose weight and experience the healthiest version of yourself on this diet.² It’s

not just for men looking to get in shape. It’s also for women looking to lose weight and balance their hormones.

But you need vegetables, right? Carnivores say no. More than that, they believe vegetables and fruit hurt your health.

“Plants are trying to kill you”

That’s what Dr. Anthony Chaffee titled one of his lectures.³ As a neurosurgeon, he’s studied the connection between diet and health for over 20 years. He’s also been a carnivore for the same amount of time. Dr. Chaffee argued that plants are living organisms but can’t defend themselves like other living things. So, they give off poison in self-defense. These poisons include cyanide, toxins, hormone disruptors, and nutrient blockers. Vegetables like Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, and spinach hold dozens of carcinogens.

Dr. Chaffee acknowledged that while vegetables do have nutrients, they are not worth the toxins they give off. He said that meat, especially red meat, contains all the nutrients we need. He noted how red meat has been shown to fight disease, like in the case of renowned psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson’s daughter, Mikhaila.⁴

Dr. Jordan Peterson has been a carnivore himself for nearly a decade. Peterson called nutrition studies “rubbish” because they aren’t randomized or controlled.⁵ Red meat has often been blamed for heart disease, but Peterson said those people were likely doing other unhealthy things. He noted that there’s no recommended daily intake of carbohydrates, and he is living proof that you don’t need plants to survive.

Dr. Chaffee said that when you eat vegetables and realize they taste bad, your brain is telling you to spit them out! He believes that so many health issues today are not actual diseases but a result of the toxins in our diet.

the BeneFits oF going carnivore

Treating autoimmune issues

As alluded to above, the carnivore diet helped bring healing to Dr. Peterson’s daughter, Mikhaila.⁶ At seven years old, she was diagnosed with arthritis. She received a hip and ankle replacement at age 17. All the while, she struggled with depression and anxiety. She experimented with elimination diets, which helped ease some of her symptoms. But it wasn’t until she went on the carnivore diet that she experienced real healing. Having been a carnivore for almost a decade, she developed the Lion Diet as a way to help others heal.⁷

Improving overall health

When Dr. Chaffee decided to eat only meat, he felt much better. He was playing rugby at the time, and his athletic performance improved. Dr. Peterson said he experienced healing in several areas, including his gum disease. One influencer named Bella, who goes by the social media handle Steak and Butter Gal, said her eczema and psoriasis got better.⁸ Bella’s been a carnivore for over five years and boasts the wonderful benefits of the diet.

Helping with depression and anxiety

The carnivore diet helped Dr. Peterson and his daughter Mikhaila through their depression and anxiety. Dr. Peterson mentioned he has a psychiatrist friend who’s planning to use the carnivore diet to treat mental illness. Peterson said that your brain prefers meat protein to anything else, and studies have shown that consuming meat decreases seizures.⁹

Losing weight

Dr. Peterson and Dr. Ken Berry are both over the age of 50 and said they lost the stubborn weight they had for years.¹⁰ They said they feel better now than they did decades ago. Women can also lose weight without getting masculine physiques, like the Steak and Butter Gal and Mikhaila Peterson Fuller.

hoW strict should you Be?

That answer will vary amongst carnivores. The bottom line - you do what’s best for your health.

One option is to try an elimination diet and go from there. Dr. Berry¹¹ and Dr. Chaffee¹² have their own unique systems for that. The diets are different variations of red meat, salt, and water. If that sounds too restrictive, the Steak and Butter Gal, Bella, suggested enjoying any kind of animal product, including dairy.¹³ She recommended a stricter carnivore diet for those with diseases or autoimmune issues. She said she didn’t do a red meat “cleanse” until a year after she was a carnivore.

One thing worth mentioning is the transition process going into the carnivore diet. Your body is used to taking in carbs, so it’s not easy making the sudden leap to only animal products. While carnivores swear up and down about the benefits of going carnivore, the transition process wasn’t easy on them. That’s why Bella recommended creating a schedule to slowly eliminate foods instead of jumping right into the carnivore diet.¹⁴

Dr. Berry noted that some people handle carbs better than others¹⁵, which might be related to their blood type.¹⁶ The takeaway is this: do what’s best for you, and don’t stress yourself out. Bella emphasized that if you try to be perfect with it, you might spike your cortisol, which is counterproductive. It should fit into your lifestyle as best as possible. If now’s not the time, you do what you can!


The carnivore diet might draw some weird looks. But clearer skin, an improved physique, and better mental clarity are just a few reasons why carnivores stand by their diet. Who knows? It might be the diet for you yet!

Higher Protein LESS BODY FAT

It seems that every month or so, a new “fad” diet is introduced into the fitness community, claiming to be the “Holy Grail” of successful fat loss. While a few of these diets do show some efficacy, most have little to no positive effect on the majority of subjects who try them (especially not in the long term). This is unfortunate because so many people are truly desperate to lose body fat, whether it be for improved health, increased energy and performance, physique competitions, or simply to look and feel better in their own skin.

As a personal trainer and coach to hundreds of (varying types of) clients over the last 30+ years, I can tell you that no single diet is best for everyone interested in decreasing body fat. Anyone who offers a “blanket approach” to effective fat loss is either misinformed or painfully oversimplifying a very complex subject.

However, I can offer you one “universal truth” about fat-loss diets that have been proven time and again via scientific research and realworld experience: Higher protein intake is almost always the most vital component of any successful fat-incinerating dietary regimen.

Let’s now examine the myriad of reasons why consuming more protein is so effective at lowering body fat and positively transforming overall body composition.

1. Greatest Thermic Effect: The thermic effect of food, or dietary-induced thermogenesis, refers to the amount of energy expended above the resting metabolic rate due to the cost of processing food for use and storage. Digesting protein increases calorie burn-off by 20-30 percent vs.10% for carbs and just 0-3% for fats. Thus, by simply consuming more protein, you are effectively enhancing your metabolism and burning extra calories.

2. Increased Satiety: Protein provides a greater feeling of “fullness” than either carbs or fats. The digestion of protein boosts levels of a hormone called GLP-1, which signals satiety and decreases appetite. Because of this effect, you will end up eating smaller meals and fewer overall calories every day.

3. Enhanced Protein Synthesis: An increased intake of protein will promote a greater rate of muscle protein synthesis, which is mostly powered by energy provided by fats. Thus, by consuming more protein, you are forcing your body to become a more efficient fat-incinerating machine.

4. Gluconeogenesis: Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway that generates glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates. When following a high-protein, lower-carb food plan, gluconeogenesis is induced to a greater extent, helping to maintain stable blood glucose levels. This results in a decreased feeling of hunger (and fewer calories consumed).

5. Low Insulin Levels: The consumption of more significant amounts of protein is not associated with high levels of insulin release. Large amounts of insulin in the bloodstream are associated with the retention and synthesis of body fat, so helping to control its release will also aid in the plight of fat loss.

6. Feeling of Well-Being: Research (and my personal experience as a coach) has shown that those following a higher protein fat-loss diet routinely report greater feelings of relaxation (without sleepiness), satisfaction, and calm, as well as more energy and mental clarity than those who consume less proteins in favor of more carbohydrates.

7. Protein Builds Muscle: Greater protein intake is associated with increases in fat-free mass in the form of muscle. More muscle results in higher overall energy expenditure and calories burned all day long, even while at rest.

8. Improvement in Fat Oxidation: Because of several factors, such as lower levels of fat-mobilizing hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine, overweight people generally suffer from impaired fat oxidation following meals. However, studies reveal increased protein can significantly mitigate this issue, allowing them to lose body fat more readily.

So, if you are interested in losing body fat, maintaining or building more muscle, and feeling better throughout the day, make sure you are consuming enough protein!


Eric Broser has been involved in the health and fitness industry as a trainer, strength/contest prep coach, model, author, magazine columnist, consultant to nutritional supplement companies and gym owner for over thirty years. He is a former Natural Professional Bodybuilder, contest judge and now NPC Masters Competitor. Eric has penned over 1000 articles (for web and print) on training, supplements, mindset and nutrition, which have appeared in such major publications as Flex, Iron Man, Planet Muscle, Natural Muscle, Muscular Development, Muscle Mag International, Human Muscle and Performance, UCW and Muscular Health and Performance Illustrated. He has authored four books on the subject of rapid and substantial physique transformation, including one in partnership with the late Author L Rea and another with world renowned fitness industry attorney, Rick Collins. Eric is the pioneer/developer of the world-renown POWER-REP RANGE-SHOCK™, SPEC™, O-BEY-6™, FTX2™, ESPX2™ and FIBER DAMAGE/FIBER SATURATION™ training methods, which are currently utilized by tens of thousands of bodybuilders and athletes across the globe. Eric has also become one of the most sought-after personal trainers/performance nutrition consultants and contest/event preparation coaches in the field by athletes, bodybuilders, high-powered executives and members of the entertainment industry. He currently works with clients all over the globe. Eric’s exclusive online training show, “B Built by Broser,” has appeared on such online platforms as Muscular Development, Muscle Insider, Evolution of Bodybuilding, Flex, Digital Muscle Media, Jay Cutler TV and currently on Muscle and Fitness+ and FULL TIME BODYBUILDING TV.


“A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tzu


Asuper-ager is an age-defying older individual on the wrong side of 50, 60, 70 or 80 who has successfully revamped their physique. They’ve modified the body to a dramatic degree using a balanced combination of disparate disciplines. Physiologically, becoming a successful super-ager is challenging but doable – doable by a select disciplined few. Make no mistake: the methodology used to become a super-ager is harsh, hard, and uncompromising.

How do they do it? What magical methodology does the super-ager use to hold back the clichéd “hands of time?” The super-ager training and dietary strategy could be encapsulated as “the bodybuilding lifestyle.” Three disparate disciplines, combined expertly, leverage progress: intense resistance training is performed 4-6 times a week, cardiovascular exercise is done every day and twice a day during the final month of a lean-out phase, and exercise is always synchronized with a highly regimented and sympathetic dietary approach.

A super-ager is always working towards a physiological goal. These goals are attained by creating a sequential battle plan in which weekly performance and biometric benchmarks, ‘mini goals,’ are established and sequentially attained. The super-ager periodizes (preplans) everything: every set and rep, every cardio drill, every bite of food, every sip of liquid, sleep, and supplementation. Everything is pre-planned. Strategies within each discipline (lifting, aerobics, nutrition) get tweaked and adjusted every week, as needed.

Robbie Robinson, Age 75:

How is this possible? Intense training + the expert use of regular food!

English bodybuilding legend John Citrone, at age 70

Elite super-agers achieve something far better than just holding back the hands of time—the true super-ager muscles the hands of time backward, using all-natural protocols and tactics. At a minimum, implementing super-ager strategies slows bodily degradation, and when done in extremis, the super-ager procedures factually reverse the aging process.

Impossible? Maybe for you – but not for Robbie Robinson, John Citrone, Dr. Ken Davis, or Marty Gallagher, each man a bona fide super-ager. Robbie and John were bodybuilding legends at age 25 and never allowed themselves to get out of shape. Dr. Ken, age 72, got a late start and made up for lost time in sensational fashion. Marty Gallagher, age 74, is a legendary figure in powerlifting and strength athletics, possessing an age-defying physique using methods quite opposite those of Robbie, John, and Ken.

Dr. Ken Davis makes for an interesting case study in that he became an elite anti-ager late in life, unlike Robinson, Citrone, or Gallagher. Those men had 60 years of deep immersion in ‘the process.’ He started his bodybuilding journey at age 66. His progress has been dramatic and documented every step of the way.

“When I started bodybuilding, I was in good general shape for a typical man my age.” As someone who taught health and wellness, Davis walked the walk. “At age 66, I had good blood profiles and was in the below-average body fat percentile. I performed cardio exercise every week and was in good physical shape.”

By chance, Ken became exposed to the odd and eclectic world of competitive bodybuilding and decided to immerse himself in this strange universe. Davis was smart; he knew himself. “From the start, I was determined to compete; I work best under pressure. By competing, I was putting myself on the spot. It made it easier to follow the strict tenants and uncompromising commandments of bodybuilding. My incentive

was knowing that I would be striding onstage in a few short months, to be judged on my physique.” That was a powerful motivation.

At age 66, Ken began weight training for the first time. He muscled up quickly and dramatically. When he commenced bodybuilding, he weighed a few biscuits shy of 240 pounds. By combining daily cardiovascular exercise with a “superclean” bodybuilder diet, Davis shed 25 pounds of body fat by the end of his first year of “full-on commitment.”

Ken competed in his first bodybuilding competition nine months after launching his career. Six years later, Dr. Ken captured the IFBB world championship in his age group and weight class. His progress over his first six years is welldocumented, visually and medically. Ken uses a myriad of performance and medical biometric benchmarks to measure the effectiveness of his training and nutritional and supplemental protocols. He makes weekly tweaks and adjustments based on the hard data.

Davis not only held back the hands of time, he pulled those hands of time backward. The 72-year-old Davis is indisputably fitter, leaner, more muscled up, has far better blood profiles, and vastly improved strength and endurance personal records than the not-out-of-shape 66-year-old Davis. Competitive bodybuilders, men over 50, 60, 70 or 80, have discovered a fountain of youth. These chronologic oldsters may have high mileage on the odometer - yet their physiques are agedefying and downright mind-blowing.

The super-ager is not an isolated phenomenon, confined geographically to southern California, for instance. There is a worldwide proliferation of super-agers. These men are found all over the globe. Once a man becomes an elite elder bodybuilder, they are already a super-ager. The strategies that Robinson, Citrone, Davis, and Gallagher adhere to are identical while diverging in the specifics.

Robbie, John, and Ken are high-volume competitive bodybuilders, while Gallagher is a max-intensity, purposefully minimalist strength athlete. To quote Marty, “Many roads lead to super-ager Rome…and all those roads are winding, grueling, and difficult.” The methodologies and protocols used by highlevel bodybuilders unintendedly created the super-ager.

Bodybuilders are the masters of body composition manipulation. The foundational discipline of bodybuilding is not lifting weights or cardiovascular exercise—the soul of bodybuilding is nutrition. Adhering to a strict bodybuildingstyle nutritional approach requires a steel mind and iron discipline: smaller meals are consumed at equidistant intervals throughout the day. The food is high quality and confined to “clean calories” like lean protein, MCT lipids, fibrous carbohydrates, and complex starch carbs. Only quality calories are consumed. Supplements are supplemental.

The super-ager is all about the expert use of regular food. Here is a typical dietary day in the life of a competitive superager bodybuilder. This is not the competition prep phase; this is the mass-building off-season phase.

» 5 am Awake - drink 16-32 ounces of water (two gallons daily)

» 7 am Post-cardio - beef patty, whole egg omelet with diced vegetables, Ezekiel bread

» 10 am Mid-morning - oatmeal, protein shake, sports nutrition bar

» 1 pm Lunch - turkey burgers w/lettuce, tomato, mayo on Ezekiel bread, garden salad

» 4 pm Pre-workout - ground lamb/diced vegetable/rice mixture, energy drink, or coffee

» 6:30 pm Dinner - salad, grilled salmon, coleslaw, sweet potato fries (in MCT oil)

» 9 pm Snack - protein shake, sports nutrition bar

In the off-season, the goal is to grow lean muscle mass. To fuel muscle growth, eat big—but still eat clean. In the off-season, feel free to go out to a restaurant on a weekend night and eat whatever, including drinks and dessert—just be sure to get back on the clean calorie bandwagon the following day. The competitive off-season is any time other than the 12-16 weeks before a competition.

Leading up to a bodybuilding competition, the bodybuilder shifts gears: now, the game is to melt off body fat. To that end,

the training volume is increased, the calories decreased, starch intake whittled down, and twice-a-day cardio. The prep phase is the “strain and starve” phase designed with one goal: strip away body fat with a 12-week deadline—no more cheat days.

The competitive bodybuilder swings back and forth between off-season phases of adding mass – without adding an unacceptable amount of body fat – or phases of getting as lean as possible – without losing an unacceptable amount of hardearned off-season muscle. A typical, off-season mass-building resistance training program (for a super-ager) would last 45-60 minutes. Cardio might be confined to thrice weekly on non-lifting days – though most super-agers love to start every single day with “fasted” (before breakfast) cardio.

» Day 1 Legs: smith machine squats, leg extensions, seated leg curls, calf raises, abs

» Day 2 Chest & arms: bench press, incline press, pec deck, seated DB curls, dips, cable curl, pushdowns

» Day 3 Off cardio – 30 minutes at 80%

» Day 4 Back: deadlift, power clean, shrug, lat pulldown, seated rows

» Day 5 Shoulders: seated dumbbell press, machine press, side laterals, cable laterals, bent-over rear laterals

» Day 6 Off cardio – 35 minutes at 80%

» Day 7 Off cardio – 40 minutes at 80%

In a 10-week off-season mass-building phase, a 200-pound bodybuilder might seek to add one pound of scale weight per week for ten successive weeks—210 being the final bodyweight goal. No faster, no slower. Any faster runs the risk of adding an unacceptable amount of body fat. The challenge is to eat enough clean calories to push body weight upward at a methodical pace, not too fast or slow, for ten straight weeks, come hell or high water. Easy at the start, hard at the finish.

The most critical aspect of “the process” is adherence: superagers know that tangible results generate enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is mental fuel that refires the effort. Enthusiasm creates (effortless) adherence with ever-increasing degrees of strictness and intensity. The key to triggering measurable physiological results on a consistent and ongoing basis is having a valid three-pronged battle plan and then executing it with a controlled ferocity born of actual, measurable, tangible, visible physiological results. Real results create genuine enthusiasm, and enthusiasm regenerates effortless and tenacious adherence. Round and round it goes. Super-agers call it the ‘metabolic sweet spot.’



1. Silver, Natalie. “Everything to Know About Your Circadian Rhythm.” Healthline, March 30, 2022.

2. “Diurnal Rhythm.” Diurnal Rhythm - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Accessed July 16, 2024.

3. Diurnal Rhythm of Testosterone. The Mens Health Clinic. Accessed July 15, 2024.

4. Good, Sydney. “The Secret to Women’s Health: Cycle-Syncing.” Top Doctor Magazine, September 6, 2023.

5. Florio, Gina. “This Is How Stress Affects Women’s Fertility And Hormones Differently Than It Does In Men.” Evie Magazine, November 6, 2023. how-stress-affects-womens-fertility-hormones-differently-men.

6. You can find the app here -

7. Good, Sydney. “The Secret to Women’s Health.”

8. Good, Sydney. “Introducing the Vagus Nerve: Your 1-Minute Hack to Reducing Stress Today.” TopDoctor Magazine, June 14, 2024.


1. Oyenihi, A. B., Belay, Z. A., Mditshwa, A., & Caleb, O. J. (2022). "An apple a day keeps the doctor away": The potentials of apple bioactive constituents for chronic disease prevention. Journal of food science, 87(6), 2291–2309.

2. Lisko, D. J., Johnston, G. P., & Johnston, C. G. (2017). Effects of Dietary Yogurt on the Healthy Human Gastrointestinal (GI) Microbiome. Microorganisms, 5(1), 6.

3. Cronin, P., Joyce, S. A., O'Toole, P. W., & O'Connor, E. M. (2021). Dietary Fibre Modulates the Gut Microbiota. Nutrients, 13(5), 1655.

4. Khalesi, S., Bellissimo, N., Vandelanotte, C. et al. A review of probiotic supplementation in healthy adults: helpful or hype?. Eur J Clin Nutr 73, 24–37 (2019).


1. For inquiries regarding speaking engagements, health, wellness, and strength, please contact Ashleigh Quint at IG @up_lift_gym or via email at

2. Don’t miss Ashleigh’s other articles. Visit to check them out!


1. To learn more about Secure Dental, Dr. Jafri, and Dr. Liu, visit their website at

2. Follow along on their social media platforms @securedental.


1. KenDBerryMD, “Proper Human Diet Principles (11 Concepts You Need) 2024,” YouTube video, 23:08, October 21, 2020,

2. KenDBerryMD, “The BBB&E Challenge (Extreme Weight Loss Hack) 2024 BBBE Challenge,” YouTube video, 10:12, May 30, 2019,

3. Low Carb Down Under, “Dr. Anthony Chaffee - ‘Plants are trying to kill you!’” YouTube Video, 29:56, November 5, 2022,

4. Low Carb Down Under, “Mikhaila Peterson - ‘Don’t Eat That,’” YouTube video, 19:18, April 9, 2019,

5. Pints With Aquinas, “”I’ve Eaten CARNIVORE for 7 Years” w/ Jordan Peterson,” YouTube, 6:39, May 11, 2024,




6. Low Carb Down Under, “Mikhaila Peterson - ‘Don’t Eat That’”

7. Find out more about the Lion Diet here

8. Steak and Butter Gal, “Ultimate Begginner’s Guide to a Carnivore Diet: My Biggest Regrets,” YouTube video, 29:12, November 19, 2023,

9. Pints With Aquinas, “”I’ve Eaten CARNIVORE for 7 Years””

10. KenDBerryMD, “The BBB&E Challenge”

11. KenDBerryMD, “CARNIVORE Diet (Begginer’s Guide) All You Need to Get Started - 2024,” YouTube video, 22:23, November 29, 2020,

12. Learn more through the link

13. Steak and Butter Gal, “Ultimate Begginner’s Guide”

14. Ibid.

15. KenDBerryMD, “PROPER HUMAN DIET Principles (11 Concepts You Need) 2024,” YouTube video, 23:08, October 21, 2020,

16. Good, Sydney. “Eating for Your Blood Type: Behind the Phenomenon That’s Helped Thousands.” TopDoctor Magazine, April 1, 2024.



2. Facebook:


4. Broser Built (Website):

5. Broser Built (YouTube):



8. For contact regarding media appearances, seminars, Skype/Zoom consults, and events, please email or text 516-680-9392.


1. Dr. Ken Davis is available for speaking engagements, workshops and coaching sessions. He can be reached at, 973.744.7447 or Davis Advanced Health System, 66 Park St. Suite 101 Montclair, Nj 07042.

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