The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”
- William James

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”
- William James
Publisher: John Highland
Editor In Chief: Hannah H.
Graphic Designer: Laura Poyner
Contributing Authors: Eric Broser, Dr. Ken Davis, Evelyn Flaharty, Marty Gallagher, Riley George, Asheigh Quint
Vice President of Development: Mark Carvalho
Business Director: Rob Fletcher
Fractional Marketing Officer: Craig Handley
Advisory Board: Dr. Ken Davis, Joseph Krieger
Executive Assistant: Michelle Richardson
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With warmest regards, Hannah
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The Power Of The Mind In Manifesting Muscle
Know Your Numbers
Heart-Healthy Avocado and Chickpea
Salad Wraps
Cardio Miracle: The Most Comprehensive Heart Health Drink In The World
Can Peptides Reverse Cardiovascular Aging? Exploring The Synergy Of Fitness, Longevity, And Heart-Health
Strength Training, The Rested Effort, And The Art And Science OF Recuperation
Chronic Stress: The Silent But Powerful Contributor To Heart Disease
By Coach Eric “Merlin” Broser
The most powerful tool for building muscle does not exist in any food, powder, pill, or potion - it resides within you. And if you learn how to tap into it, your progress in the gym will become boundless.
In every issue of every bodybuilding or fitness publication, dozens of articles discuss sets, techniques, tempos, exercises, reps, and routines. Additionally, there are a plethora of exciting ads about the latest in protein powders, pre-workouts, testosterone boosters, fat burners, amino acids, and carb-concoctions! And rightfully so, as every aspiring bodybuilding, physique athlete, or fitness buff must learn the most effective training methods, the ins and outs of nutrition, which supplements to take, and how to properly stack them for optimal results. All of these things are most certainly at the core of any successful physical transformation program.
However, no dialogue on building muscle, melting fat, or enhancing strength and performance would be complete without discussing the mind’s role in the equation! In fact, I feel it is my duty as a global prep coach and trainer to share with TopDoctor Magazine readers what may be the most critical element in their pursuit of reaching the outer limits of their genetic potential.
Let’s stop and think about it for a moment. What exactly is it that most often separates the good from the great? The average athlete from the all-star? The common competitor from the champion? The big from the best? Is it luck? Is it genetics? Is it a secret exercise, food, or pill? Or is it something that each and every one of us is capable of tapping into if we are willing to reach far enough? There is something we could learn to harness to significantly hasten our results in the gym and positively affect the very direction of our lives. The truth is most tend to mistakenly look for external solutions to their bodybuilding and fitness “problems.” What I wish you to understand, however, is that the true key to significant progress lies somewhere within.
Yes, my fellow gym enthusiasts, I am talking about your brain…or, more specifically, your mind. The extraordinary power of one’s thoughts cannot be denied. “Mind over matter” is real. Turning the impossible into the possible begins in your head… then bleeds into your heart, and finally engulfs your entire spirit. Allow your mind to lead the way, and your body will surely follow! This is something I can assure you of!
Now that I have your cerebrum firing on all cylinders, please read the remainder of this article very carefully and with unwavering focus. If you can take these ideas and ingrain them so deep within your mind that they “burrow” into the subconscious, you will not only be able to live bodybuilding on a whole new level but perhaps your entire existence as well.
Every night before you go to sleep, think intensely about precisely what you desire to look like one day. Form a clear visual in your “mind’s eye” of every muscle, vein, split, and striation you wish to see on your body. Imagine your perfect form. Then, visualize the next day’s workout from the first to the last rep. See the gym, the people, and the equipment. Hear the music relentlessly pounding in the speakers, the weights clanging together, and the dumbbells smashing onto the floor. Feel the atmosphere. Imagine the sweat as it drips from your forehead onto your soaked tee shirt as you masterfully perform every rep, inducing the most intense muscle pump you have ever experienced. Embed into your subconscious exactly what you want to accomplish during the workout, and your body will already be pre-programmed to deliver!
2. POSITIVELY BE POSITIVE: Learn to approach each and every workout with an enthusiastic and positive attitude. Believe that you will have a more productive workout today than you did yesterday. Know that the weights will feel lighter and each repetition easier. Invite the pain and embrace the pump. Understand that this workout will bring you one giant step closer to your goals and that every rep of every set will literally demand that your muscles grow bigger, harder, and stronger! Leave all doubt at the door. You will have the most intense and productive workout of your life today - and nothing on this earth can stand in your way.
3. CHANNEL AGGRESSION: Don’t just lift the weights…attack them! Tear them apart! Treat every rep as if it is the last you will ever get to do. Train like your life is on the line. Look at the weights as if they are daring you to move them. Do whatever it takes to psyche yourself up. Yell, growl, slap yourself (just don’t knock yourself out). Think of people you can’t stand (or maybe taxes). Go ahead and get kinda pissed off! Then, channel all that intense anger and emotion into every rep of every set. You cannot simply whisper at your muscles if you want them to respond - you must scream at them! Don’t just go to the gym; go to war!
During every set, focus profoundly on what you are doing. While resting, concentrate on what you’re about to do. If you are serious about seeking your outer limits, make this the only thing you think about while in the gym. Put away the cell phone, quit the chatter, and stop checking out your fellow gym members. Become one with the body part you are currently targeting. Forge the “mind to muscle” connection. And if you want to work out with a partner, make sure they are just as passionate about training as you are. If you can’t find someone like this, go solo! Always remember one thing: Your time in the gym is a gift, so do not waste a single moment.
If the first few sets of your workout don’t go as well as planned, do not let that hinder you, nor let that set the tone for the remainder of your workout. If you attempt to set a personal lifting record (like 315 for eight good reps on the bench press) and fail, don’t get depressed – simply shrug it off and regroup. Always leave negativity behind and look ahead. Know in your gut that your next set will improve, and each successive set will build upon the last! The gym is no place to hang your head low, show weakness, or be a crybaby! The gym is your sanctuary, your domain, your temple. It is where you go to leave life’s problems behind and perform your own therapy. While training, you are the boss and sit alone at the controls. You make the rules, set the pace, and make the decisions. Yes, setbacks are bound to occur, but this is when you must dig deep, pick your head up, and overcome! What does not kill you makes you stronger – this is the truth!
It’s perfectly okay to pat yourself on the back after a solid set or productive workout, but don’t let that smile get stuck on your face for too long! In other words, enjoy it - then get over it and on with it! Set your sights on the next set or workout, and think about how you plan to crush your previous accomplishments. Complacency is the enemy of a bodybuilder, especially one seeking to reach extraordinary levels. Remember, your body is an adaptive machine; thus, you must constantly push harder to push further. Kick your butt today, but kick it harder tomorrow! You just performed the BB squat with 405 lbs. for the first time? That is awesome! Now it's time to figure out what it will take to nail down 420. To reach your potential, you cannot merely be hungry; you must be starving!
Do not avoid pain…embrace it! Everyone knows the saying, “When
the going gets tough, the tough get going!” This sentiment applies precisely to the art of creating significant physical transformation. There is simply no way around it. To achieve “greatness,” you must learn to deal with pain, discomfort, and sometimes, defeat. Learn to think of pain as your closest friend and invite it over whenever you lift a weight. When burning pain occurs (unless it is “injury” pain…please learn the difference) while lifting, do not mark this as the end of your set – but rather just the beginning! Pain is a signal. It is telling you that you have now entered the growth zone. The juncture of the set will trigger the physiological mechanisms that will lead to hypertrophy. When your muscles are on fire, your heart is racing, and the nausea is overwhelming, simply smile – because you are now one step closer to your goal.
Simply put, you must have faith in yourself and truly believe your path is right. If you have unwavering faith in your workout program, dietary regimen, and supplementation strategy, you will significantly increase your chances of success. Believe in your heart that the road you are navigating is right for you, and do not let anyone get in the way. Surround yourself with people that share in your faith and feed your spirit. Faith is the foundation from which you will grow (literally).
Please do not set limits! Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot accomplish. People defy the “laws” of science and reason every day! Nobody ever thought Roger Maris’ home run record could ever be broken, but it has been smashed more than once! No one ever believed a 4-minute mile would ever be run, and now it is commonplace! A 900 lb bench press was once thought insurmountable; now, some men do reps with it! Conceive, believe, and then achieve! “Those who are afraid to dream are bound by the limits their mind sets for them.” Dreamers see beyond what is and seek out what can be. Always look to raise the bar; once you do, jump over it and dream some more.
In today’s fast-paced world, staying on top of your health can often take a backseat to other priorities. However, understanding your medical numbers, such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, calcium, vitamin D, and triglycerides, is crucial for maintaining optimal health and preventing chronic illnesses.
These values serve as key indicators of your body’s overall condition and can provide early warnings about potential health issues. Unfortunately, many adults are unfamiliar with their personal numbers, and the only time some think of these numbers is when they are at the healthcare provider’s office. Here’s why knowing these numbers is essential.
Your medical numbers can reveal underlying health problems before symptoms become noticeable. For instance:
» Blood pressure: High blood pressure (hypertension) is often called the “silent killer” because it usually has no symptoms but significantly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
» Cholesterol: Elevated cholesterol levels can lead to plaque buildup in arteries, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
» Calcium and Vitamin D: Imbalances in these nutrients can signal osteoporosis or kidney issues.
Regular monitoring allows for early detection, enabling you and your healthcare provider to take timely action.
Understanding and managing your medical numbers can help prevent the onset of chronic conditions. For example:
» Triglycerides: High triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood, are linked to an increased risk of heart disease and pancreatitis.
» Blood sugar levels: Monitoring these levels can help identify prediabetes or diabetes, allowing for lifestyle adjustments to prevent progression.
Keeping your numbers within healthy ranges can significantly reduce your risk of long-term health problems.
Everyone’s body is unique, and knowing your medical numbers allows you to tailor your health plan accordingly. For instance:
» If you have low vitamin D levels, you might need to increase sun exposure, adjust your diet, or take supplements.
» High cholesterol may require dietary changes, increased physical activity, or medication.
Understanding your specific needs empowers you to make informed decisions about your health.
Whether adopting a new diet, exercise program, or medication, tracking your medical numbers provides measurable feedback on your progress. Seeing improvements in blood pressure or cholesterol levels can help motivate you to maintain healthy habits.
If you haven’t received a copy of your blood work results yet, request one the next time you visit your healthcare provider. It is your right to obtain and review the results. Don’t be overwhelmed; focus on your numbers.
Ever since I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer, I have tracked my key numbers, including information pertaining to thyroid function, such as TSH, T4, and T3. This enables me to quickly see how my numbers are changing and whether I need to adjust my lifestyle.
For example, my cholesterol tends to be high despite living a healthy lifestyle, which includes a well-balanced diet and exercise. High cholesterol is not uncommon for individuals who have had thyroid cancer. That doesn’t mean it is acceptable; it’s just a fact requiring my ongoing attention. Taking statins is not the answer for me, so I tend to follow a stricter diet, knowing that it’s up to me to get my cholesterol under control.
Preventive healthcare focuses on reducing the risk of diseases rather than treating them after they occur. Regularly checking your medical numbers aligns with this approach, helping you:
» Schedule timely medical checkups
» Identify risk factors based on family history or lifestyle
» Discuss preventive measures with your healthcare provider
» Blood Pressure: High or low blood pressure can affect kidney function beyond cardiovascular health. Lifestyle factors like sodium intake and stress play a significant role in its regulation.
» Cholesterol: Understanding the HDL to LDL cholesterol ratio provides a view of cardiovascular health. A higher HDL (good cholesterol) level helps remove LDL (bad cholesterol) from your arteries.
» Calcium Levels: Besides bone health, calcium impacts muscle function, nerve signaling, and blood clotting. Abnormal levels may indicate issues with the parathyroid gland or other metabolic disorders.
» Vitamin D: This nutrient is essential for bones and immune function, mood regulation, and possibly even cancer prevention. Many people, especially those living in areas with limited sunlight, may be deficient.
» Triglycerides: High levels are often tied to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and excessive alcohol consumption. They provide insight into how your body processes sugar and fat.
» Diet: Focus on a heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
» Exercise: Regular physical activity helps regulate blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.
» Stress Management: Chronic stress can negatively impact many medical numbers. Mindfulness, meditation, or hobbies can be great stress relievers.
» Hydration: Staying adequately hydrated supports kidney health and helps maintain proper calcium and blood pressure levels.
Here are some critical numbers to keep an eye on and their general healthy ranges:
» Blood Pressure: Below 120/80 mmHg
» Total Cholesterol: Less than 200 mg/dL
» HDL (Good Cholesterol): 40 mg/dL or higher
» LDL (Bad Cholesterol): Less than 100 mg/dL
» Triglycerides: Less than 150 mg/dL
» Vitamin D: 20-50 ng/mL
» Calcium: 8.5-10.2 mg/dL
Tracking these values can be as simple as creating a spreadsheet containing the critical numbers, your last lab report date, and your current values. It’s that simple. Each time I visit my healthcare provider and receive a new report, I update the schedule and can easily see which direction my health is moving.
Scheduling your appointment to visit your healthcare provider should also be timely. If you haven’t noticed, getting an appointment these days is not easy. Sometimes, you have to wait weeks, even months. Here is my personal tip: at the beginning of the year, I schedule every appointment, including annual physical, mammogram, gynecologist, eye examination, and dentist. If the appointment is for after June, I still mark the appointment on my calendar but also put a note on my calendar at least three months in advance as a reminder to schedule that appointment. In so doing, you are less likely to forget to make your appointment, and you will be able to get in to see your healthcare provider when you actually want to.
Your medical numbers are more than just figures; they are vital health indicators. Regular checkups, a balanced diet, exercise, stress management, and following your healthcare provider’s recommendations can help keep these values in check. Knowing your numbers is the first step, but taking action is equally important. If you don’t know your numbers yet, schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to get baseline measurements and develop a plan for regular monitoring.
It’s all about being proactive, not reactive. I cannot stress this enough. You and only you are solely responsible for your health and well-being. You cannot outsource this to your healthcare provider. It’s your life; take control of your health.
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Avocado, often referred to as a "superfood," is a nutrient-dense fruit that offers a wide range of health benefits. Packed with healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, it supports overall well-being and is a versatile addition to any diet.
Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy and help reduce harmful cholesterol levels. They are an excellent source of vitamins such as K, E, and several B vitamins, as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium. One avocado contains nearly twice the potassium of a banana, making it
essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure.
The monounsaturated fats in avocados can lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol while increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease. Additionally, avocados contain beta-sitosterol, a plant compound that helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Avocados are high in dietary fiber, with one fruit
providing about 10 grams, supporting healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. Fiber also helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and promotes feelings of fullness, aiding in weight management.
Avocados are rich in antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which support eye health by protecting against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Their vitamin E content helps nourish and protect the skin, keeping it youthful and hydrated.
3 2 ripe avocados, mashed
3 1 cup canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed
3 1/4 cup red onion, finely diced
3 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
3 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
3 1/2 teaspoon cumin
3 Salt and pepper to taste
3 Whole-grain wraps or lettuce leaves for serving
1. In a medium bowl, mash the avocados until smooth.
2. Add the chickpeas and lightly mash them, leaving some whole for texture.
3. Mix in the red onion, cilantro, lime juice, cumin, salt, and pepper.
4. Spoon the mixture onto whole-grain wraps or large lettuce leaves.
5. Roll up the wraps or fold the lettuce leaves to enclose the filling.
6. Serve immediately or refrigerate for up to 24 hours.
This recipe is a perfect combination of healthy fats, fiber, and plant-based protein, making it a nutritious and satisfying meal option. Enjoy!
By Riley George
John Hewlett’s journey is one of transformation, resilience, and scientific discovery. As a successful businessman in the life insurance industry, he never imagined that a personal health crisis would propel him to the cutting edge of cardiovascular science. But in 2007, a brush with death forced him onto an unexpected path—one that would challenge conventional medicine and lead to the creation of a revolutionary health breakthrough.
It began with what should have been a routine emergency appendectomy. Instead, complications from the surgery spiraled into a life-threatening ordeal, including internal bleeding that exacerbated underlying cardiovascular issues. Facing the grim prognosis of a quadruple bypass, John was given a choice: accept invasive surgery or seek an alternative path. He chose the latter, embarking on a relentless quest to heal himself naturally.
As he delved into scientific research, one molecule continually emerged as the key to cardiovascular health: nitric oxide. He was intrigued by the 1998 Nobel Prize-winning discovery that nitric oxide plays a critical role in signaling vascular function. Could this be the missing link to restoring his health? With a mix of desperation and determination, John experimented with existing nitric oxide supplements, but he found them lacking in effectiveness and sustainability.
Fueled by his own survival, John became obsessed with perfecting a formula that could optimize nitric oxide production in the body, not just momentarily but throughout the day. He collaborated with top scientists, exploring the synergy between amino acids, vitamins, and plant-based antioxidants. The result was Cardio Miracle—a meticulously crafted blend of 58 ingredients designed to sustain nitric oxide levels, enhance cellular function, and support heart and oral health.
“I became an advocate for nitric oxide therapy, which has a dramatic impact on blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, and overall health,” John explained.
Today, Cardio Miracle is more than just a supplement; it embodies John Hewlett’s relentless pursuit of life, a product forged in the crucible of personal adversity. His story remains an inspiration to those seeking to reclaim their health, proving that sometimes, the most profound breakthroughs arise not from laboratories but from the sheer will to survive.
Dr. Avery Jackson III, M.D., an esteemed neurosurgeon with over two decades of experience and approximately 10,000 procedures to his name, has long been committed to optimizing patient recovery. However, his perspective on healing took a transformative turn in recent years as he recognized that the key to successful medical outcomes extends far beyond the operating room.
“I started to notice that many of my patients weren’t healing as well as they should, often due to preventable conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, or poor vascular health,” Dr. Jackson shared. "It wasn't just about the sutures or the surgery itself—there was something more fundamental at play.”
As he delved deeper into the barriers to healing, he identified systemic issues like chronic inflammation, poor
Simplify your morning with Cardio Miracle and activate nitric oxide production to support your heart and oral health and power your energy and endurance.*
Add 2 scoops OR 1 singleserving packet of Cardio Miracle in 8-16oz of water. It can also be mixed with juice, in a smoothie, or in hot tea!
Mix or shake generously. DO NOT mix with protein for maximum efficacy of nitric oxide. Allow at least 30 minutes before consuming protein.
Enjoy 2 servings of Cardio Miracle a day for maximum nitric oxide impact! You can take extra servings as needed.
circulation, and nitric oxide deficiency—key factors that impede recovery. His search for an innovative solution led him to functional medicine and the remarkable potential of nitric oxide supplementation.
“After COVID, my wife, a PA, and I began asking ourselves how we could help people not just recover but thrive. What could we do to give them better tissue quality and resilience for healing, especially when faced with invasive procedures or health challenges?” he reflected.
That question ultimately led Dr. Jackson to Cardio Miracle, a revolutionary nitric oxide-boosting supplement that has redefined vascular and cellular health. At a medical conference, he met John Hewlett, the visionary founder of Cardio Miracle, and was introduced to the cutting-edge science behind this breakthrough formulation.
Unlike conventional nitric oxide supplements, which are effective for only two to three hours, Cardio Miracle sustains nitric oxide production up to 24 hours per serving. Its dual-pathway delivery system optimizes BOTH immediate and long-term benefits
“We’ve proven in the lab that ours is the most effective delivery of nitric oxide,” John stated.
This sustained release of nitric oxide dramatically improves blood flow, oxygenation, immune response, and cellular resilience. Unlike other nitric oxide products, which can produce harmful byproducts, Cardio Miracle's advanced formulation ensures a clean, effective release without oxidative stress.
"It really floored me," Dr. Jackson recalled. "This was a product that not only sustained nitric oxide levels for up to 24 hours but also avoided the harmful byproducts typically associated with increased nitric oxide production. What impressed me was that Cardio Miracle had solved this problem. The research, led by Dr. Malinski, showed that their formulation increased nitric oxide without producing harmful side effects,” said Dr. Jackson.
This discovery was particularly significant for his work as a surgeon.
“For someone on my surgical table, ensuring optimal healing is critical. Whether it's spine surgery, dental implants, or orthopedic procedures, the goal is always to avoid complications and ensure recovery. Cardio Miracle provides a better substrate for healing, which could make all the difference,” he said.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell’s journey into medicine is both deeply personal and transformative. Having battled chronic illnesses throughout his youth, he sought solutions beyond conventional pharmaceuticals, which only managed symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of disease.
Born into a family of doctors and pharmaceutical professionals, Dr. Bell initially expected to follow the traditional medical path. However, his experience with recurring illnesses and the reliance on prescription drugs left him searching for a better approach.
Reflecting on his childhood, he shared, “I was on the antibiotic-of-the-month club throughout my young life.” This ongoing struggle led him to explore alternative healing methods, eventually guiding him to integrative and homeopathic medicine.
His breakthrough moment came when he discovered the power of natural solutions, including the remarkable benefits of nitric oxide in strengthening heart and oral health, powering energy and endurance, and enhancing cellular function. Dr. Bell found that by focusing on foundational health—nutrition, circulation, and cellular rejuvenation—patients could experience transformative, long-lasting wellness.
Today, he champions Cardio Miracle, the leading heart health drink designed to deliver sustained nitric oxide support for up to 24 hours per serving. This revolutionary formula enhances blood flow, supports the immune system, and simplifies daily nutrition in one easy, great-tasting drink for the whole family.
“I love to bring the power to heal back where it belongs—with each and every one of us,” he stated passionately. Cardio Miracle embodies this mission by providing a comprehensive, science-backed solution that helps people take control of their cardiovascular and overall health with a simple daily drink. By harnessing the synergistic power of nitric oxide, vitamin D3, amino acids, and potent antioxidants, Cardio Miracle powers energy, brain function, circulation, and longevity—all in one convenient formula for better health right at home.
For those seeking a natural, effective way to support heart health, boost nitric oxide levels, and enhance daily wellness, Cardio Miracle stands as the ultimate solution—an innovation in holistic health for every generation.
Dr. Bell’s introduction to Cardio Miracle marked a pivotal moment in his career, as he recognized its potential to revolutionize health for people of all ages. What stood out was its scientific validation and unique ability to sustain nitric oxide production for up to 24 hours per serving, promoting better blood flow, oxygenation, and overall vitality.
“I’m a healthy skeptic about any new breakthrough, especially one labeled a ‘miracle,’” he admitted. However, witnessing dramatic improvements in others, including his own producer who overcame chronic migraines, convinced him of its efficacy.
What makes Cardio Miracle truly exceptional is its ability to support the entire family’s well-being. This all-inone drink provides comprehensive daily nutrition for everyone, from children needing better circulation and immune support to active adults seeking power, energy, and endurance to seniors looking to strengthen heart health and cognitive function.
“This product doesn’t just address symptoms—it enhances the body’s natural recovery processes,” he noted.
Its powerful combination of L-arginine, L-citrulline, vitamin D3, and 58 synergistic ingredients ensures that every family member can enjoy the benefits of enhanced cellular function—all in one great-tasting, convenient drink.
With Cardio Miracle, families can simplify their daily wellness routine, ensuring long-term vitality and health, one glass at a time.
Stanford Graham’s journey from a high-powered legal career to wellness advocacy is a testament to a universal truth: Health is the foundation of success, no matter your profession.
A seasoned attorney with a background in international commodity transactions, Graham spent over two decades navigating high-stakes negotiations. Yet, like many professionals, he realized that excelling in his career meant nothing if he didn’t prioritize his well-being.
However, his passion for health and fitness, particularly long-distance running, ignited his interest in the Cardio Miracle’s unique approach.
"I've been training for years to compete at a world level in the men's mile," he shared, highlighting his dedication to peak performance.
Health is at the base of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs—the essential fuel that allows us to pursue security,
relationships, and self-fulfillment. Yet, too often, professionals put their health last, sacrificing sleep, movement, and nutrition for productivity. Graham, an avid long-distance runner training for elite-level competition, understood that peak performance—whether in the courtroom or on the track—required more than just discipline. It required cellular health, cardiovascular efficiency, and optimal recovery.
That’s where Cardio Miracle made a difference. Packed with nitric oxide-boosting ingredients, antioxidants, and essential vitamins, it wasn’t just another supplement; it was a tool for longevity and high performance. Whether leading a boardroom, managing patients, running a household, or competing in sports, Cardio Miracle provides the foundational support your body needs to sustain energy, mental clarity, and resilience.
In a world where burnout, inflammation, and chronic disease are on the rise, professionals across every industry need to rethink their approach to health. Cardio Miracle isn’t just for athletes; it’s for anyone who wants to stay sharp, energized, and ready to tackle life’s demands with strength and vitality.
Stanford Graham’s passion for Cardio Miracle stems from his deep understanding of the essential alchemy between science and nature.
"I became interested in helping John grow this company because I saw the body's beautiful artistic and mechanical structure and how all the systems are built to support each other,” he explained.
Groundbreaking research continues to highlight nitric oxide's crucial benefits in cardiovascular health, immune function, and cellular performance. One of the most compelling findings is its connection to vitamin D activation, which plays a key role in immune resilience, energy levels, and metabolic balance. Graham points out that Cardio Miracle’s unique formulation allows the body to produce nitric oxide efficiently, which in turn helps regulate vitamin D uptake, ensuring that cells receive optimal nourishment.
"Having a well-functioning endothelium was crucial," Graham explained, "as it regulated the flow of oxygen and nutrients from the blood to the surrounding tissues. Many people didn't realize that blood flow wasn't just about the blood moving through the vessels, but also about how effectively it delivered essential substances to the cells."
He further emphasized the concept of bioavailability, stating, "You are not what you eat; you are what you absorb. It is all about bioavailability."
Cardio Miracle enhances the bioavailability of key nutrients, ensuring that cells receive the maximum benefit from food and supplements alike.
So why should everyone be taking Cardio Miracle? Graham highlights three primary benefits that make it an essential daily drink for the whole family:
1. OXYGEN AND ENERGY LEVELS – By improving red blood cell efficiency and oxygen transport, Cardio Miracle helps optimize cellular respiration, supporting energy levels, stamina, and cognitive function.
2. CIRCULATION AND HEART HEALTH: Cardio Miracle supports optimal blood viscosity and vessel flexibility, ensuring efficient nutrient delivery and organ function.
3. NUTRIENT ABSORPTION AND IMMUNE SUPPORT – Increased nitric oxide production enhances the delivery of hydration, antioxidants, and essential nutrients at the cellular level, fortifying the immune system and promoting overall wellness.
Cardio Miracle isn’t just for people with existing health concerns; it’s for anyone who wants to take control of their health, maintain vitality, and support longevity. Whether you’re an athlete looking to optimize performance, a busy professional needing sustained energy, or someone seeking to maintain overall wellness, Cardio Miracle is the key to unlocking your body’s full potential.
Cardio Miracle isn’t just about heart health. It’s a comprehensive solution designed for people of all ages and lifestyles. From professionals seeking peak performance to seniors aiming to maintain cognitive function, this revolutionary supplement supports the body’s natural ability to heal, protect, and thrive. Everyone can benefit from adding this to their life.
Common neurological conditions, such as PTSD, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, and traumatic brain injuries, share a key challenge: maintaining proper blood flow to the brain. Adequate blood flow is particularly crucial in older populations, where reduced blood flow leads to cognitive decline despite the same number of stem cells as younger individuals.
“Modern medicine can only go so far without foundational health support. Medicine can’t fix poor nutrition and lifestyle,” Dr. Jackson explained, emphasizing the critical role of wellness products like Cardio Miracle in maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
"This product is one of the best advancements for humanity due to its comprehensive nutritional profile and ability to support the immune system, mental health, and recovery.
Dr. Jackson shared a compelling example from his practice involving a diabetic patient with a persistent foot ulcer. After incorporating Cardio Miracle into her routine, the ulcer, which had not responded to medical treatments for two years, significantly improved within months. This experience solidified his belief in the product’s potential to complement traditional medical approaches, especially for patients with chronic conditions.
Dr. Jackson likens the product to “good fast food”—a quick, effective solution to support overall health.
"Cardio Miracle should be on everyone’s table," Dr. Jackson emphasized. "It’s a game-changer, especially given the declining nutritional value of our food due to soil depletion and toxins. You just mix it with water, and in seconds, you have something that bolsters your immune system, reduces inflammation, and supports blood flow. It's functional medicine at its best.”
Cardio Miracle is the ultimate solution, bringing the power of nitric oxide to every individual, family, and generation.
The reality is this: chronic disease rates are skyrocketing, and nutritional deficiencies are more prevalent than ever in a synthetic world. Your body’s natural ability to produce nitric oxide declines dramatically with age, impairing circulation, energy, and resilience. Waiting for symptoms to appear isn’t an option.
The Cardio Miracle team envisions a future where foundational health interventions, like those supported by Cardio Miracle, simplify complex treatment protocols and improve results in immediate and long-lasting ways. By providing a comprehensive nutrient-dense drink, they believe Cardio Miracle bridges critical gaps in nutrition, enhances clinical outcomes, and helps combat widespread chronic health challenges for people of all ages—from poor energy levels to diabetic conditions. Designed with 58 natural, whole-food-based ingredients,
organic fruits and vegetables, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, electrolytes, and more, Cardio Miracle supports healthier families.
Their mission goes beyond nutraceuticals. They strive to inspire, educate, and champion a model of wellness that prioritizes better health from within. Cardio Miracle is at the forefront of holistic health, advancing an integrative approach that supports nitric oxide production and total-body vitality. As the Heart Health Drink for the Whole Family, Cardio Miracle isn’t just a supplement—it’s a revolution in proactive wellness.
John Hewlett, Dr. Avery Jackson, Dr. Robert Scott Bell, and Stanford Graham have all emphasized the importance of systemic communication within the body. Their journeys into natural medicine and transformative work with Cardio Miracle underscore a deep commitment to restoring health—not just for themselves but for others seeking answers beyond conventional medicine. Having experienced firsthand the devastating effects of chronic health conditions, they bring both personal insight and scientific innovation to their mission.
Cardio Miracle is the culmination of decades of research, blending homeopathy, nutritional science, and the groundbreaking discovery of nitric oxide. Through this approach, they have witnessed remarkable health transformations in the lives of those Cardio Miracle has benefited. Nitric oxide is more than just a molecule; it is a biological necessity, influencing everything from blood pressure to energy and endurance.
Cardio Miracle is redefining what it truly means to support long-term health. No other nitric oxide product on the market offers up to 24 hours of sustained nitric oxide release per serving. Whether you’re looking to optimize cardiovascular function, combat metabolic disorders, boost immune resilience, or simply feel better every day, the key is restoring nitric oxide—and Cardio Miracle is the easiest, most effective way to do it.
Every day you wait is a missed opportunity to enhance your well-being. The science is clear. The results are undeniable. The time to start drinking Cardio Miracle is now.
Visit Cardio Miracle to learn more and take the first step. Better health starts here!
By Eric Falstrault, PICP-SCC 5, Naturopath, and Ashleigh Quint, MIM, PICP-SCC
Words by Eric Falstrault
When it comes to aging, cardiovascular health is one of the most critical factors for longevity and quality of life. With advancements in science, we now understand that combining interval-style resistance training, such as German Body Composition (GBC), with cutting-edge anti-aging peptides can significantly improve heart health, enhance body composition, maximize recovery, and support longevity.
This article is inspired by Ashleigh and my long-time mentor and friend, Charles Poliquin. Charles not only refined the GBC system but also embodied a passion for bridging science with practical application to improve lives. His legacy lives on in methods like GBC, which align perfectly with modern understandings of fitness, peptides, and heart health.
GBC training is an interval-based resistance training system designed to maximize fat loss, improve body composition, and enhance cardiovascular efficiency. Initially developed by Hala Rambie and later refined by Charles Poliquin, this method incorporates short rest periods, compound movements, and strategic sequencing to produce maximum lactate and trigger a surge in growth hormone (HGH).
• Interval Structure: Similar to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), GBC alternates between intense work (e.g., 45–60 seconds of resistance training) and brief rest periods (30–45 seconds). This approach elevates heart rate, increases VO2 max, and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
• HGH Production: Lactate-driven workouts stimulate the release of HGH, which not only supports fat loss but also aids in recovery and tissue repair. This makes HGH a natural ally in anti-aging efforts and heart health.
Charles Poliquin was a pioneer in functional strength training and a mentor who inspired countless coaches and athletes, including Ashleigh and me. His work refining German Body Composition (GBC) training has stood the test of time because it delivers results for fat loss and metabolic and cardiovascular health.
Today, we honor and extend Charles’s vision by integrating modern peptide therapies with his timeless principles. GBC training already mirrors interval-style cardiovascular training using weights. By incorporating cutting-edge peptides, we create a holistic approach to fat loss and heart health that surpasses traditional methods.
This program is built around two progressive levels of intensity, tailored to trainees of varying experience levels. By combining the core principles of German Body Composition (GBC) with modern interval-based resistance training techniques, the system promotes fat loss, enhances heart health, and maximizes growth hormone (HGH) production.
Each phase challenges the body with increasing intensity while aligning with longevity and cardiovascular wellness principles.
Level 1 is designed for beginners or those new to GBC principles. It focuses on building a strong foundation, using compound and isolation exercises combined in circuits to generate lactate and stimulate HGH production. The rest periods are slightly longer, allowing recovery while maintaining an elevated heart rate.
» A1. DB Lunges – 15-20 reps, rest 30 sec
» A2. Flat DB Chest Press – 10 reps, rest 30 sec
» A3. Lying Leg Curl – 10 reps, rest 30 sec
» A4. Medium Pronated Grip Lat Pulldown – 10 reps, rest 90 sec
Repeat A1 to A4 for 4 sets.
» B1. Leg Press – 12-15 reps, rest 30 sec
» B2. Seated Lateral Raise – 12-15 reps, rest 30 sec
» B3. Swiss Ball Crunch – 15-20 reps, rest 60 sec
Repeat B1 to B3 for 3 sets.
» A1. Step-Ups – 15-20 reps, rest 30 sec
» A2. Standing DB Shoulder Press – 10 reps, rest 30 sec
» A3. Lying Leg Curl (Plantar Flexed, Neutral) – 10 reps, rest 30 sec
» A4. Seated Cable Row – 10 reps, rest 120 sec
Repeat A1 to A4 for 4 sets.
» B1. DB Squats (Heels Elevated) – 15-20 reps, rest 30 sec
» B2. Seated Row to Neck (with Rope) – 12-15 reps, rest 90 sec
Repeat B1 to B2 for 4 sets. A1 A2 A3 A4
This level introduces more focused supersets to enhance hypertrophy and HGH production. Rest periods are reduced slightly to create muscular fatigue and maintain an elevated heart rate.
· A1. DB Split Squats – 12-15 reps, rest 45 sec
· A2. Flat DB or Barbell Bench Press – 8-10 reps, rest 45 sec
Repeat A1 to A2 for 4 sets.
· B1. Barbell Zercher Good Morning – 12-15 reps, rest 45 sec
· B2. One-Arm Lat Pulldown – 8-10 reps, rest 45 sec
Repeat B1 to B2 for 4 sets.
· C1. Swiss Ball Crunch – 10-12 reps, rest 60 sec
Repeat C1 for 4 sets.
· A1. Barbell Back Squats – 8-10 reps, rest 45 sec
· A2. Close-Grip Incline DB Triceps Press – 8-10 reps, rest 45 sec
Repeat A1 to A2 for 4 sets.
· B1. One-Legged Lying Leg Curl – 12-15 reps, rest 45 sec
· B2. Standing Barbell Curls (Shoulder Width) – 8-10 reps, rest 45 sec
Repeat B1 to B2 for 4 sets.
· C1. Low Pulley Side Bend – 10-12 reps, rest 60 sec
Repeat C1 for 4 sets.
This level is designed for seasoned trainees who are ready to push their limits. It focuses on heavy compound movements with minimal rest between exercises, demanding maximum effort and delivering exceptional cardiovascular and metabolic benefits. The goal is to use 10-12 RM weights while completing all sets with only 60 seconds of rest between exercises.
· A1. Barbell Back Squats – 8-10 reps, rest 60 sec
· A2. Barbell Chest Bench Press – 8-10 reps, rest 60 sec
· A3. Barbell Deadlifts – 8-10 reps, rest 60 sec
· A4. Medium Neutral Grip Pull-Ups – 8-10 reps, rest 60 sec
Repeat A1 to A4 for 4 sets.
· A1. DB Split Squats – 8-10 reps, rest 60 sec
· A2. Triceps Dips – 8-10 reps, rest 60 sec
· A3. Lying Leg Curl (Plantar Flexed, Neutral) – 8-10 reps, rest 60 sec
· A4. Bent-Over Barbell Supinated Grip Rows – 8-10 reps, rest 60 sec
Repeat A1 to A4 for 4 sets.
Words by Ashleigh Quint
Advancements in peptide science have paved the way for powerful interventions in managing cardiovascular aging, enhancing athletic performance, and supporting recovery. Individuals can promote heart health, improve exercise capacity, and support systemic recovery by strategically incorporating peptides alongside a structured German Body Composition (GBC) training regimen.
Peptides have unique and targeted effects on the body, making them valuable for cardiovascular support, tissue repair, and antiaging. Below are peptides commonly used to address these goals:
CJC-1295 with Ipamorelin
Promotes vascular and tissue repair, reduces inflammation, accelerates recovery.
Stimulates growth hormone release, enhances fat metabolism, promotes cardiovascular regeneration.
Improves angiogenesis and tissue repair, particularly in cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.
Clears senescent cells, reduces inflammation, promotes tissue rejuvenation.
Daily for systemic support and tissue healing.
Pre-workout to boost performance or postworkout for recovery.
Used during recovery phases or periods of intense training.
Post-workout or during recovery periods for antiaging effects.
8-12 weeks on, 4 weeks off
Enhances vascular health, promotes collagen synthesis, improves tissue repair.
Boosts mitochondrial function; supports energy production; combats oxidative stress.
Pre- or post-workout for vascular and systemic recovery.
Daily for systemic antiaging and cardiovascular support.
Created by Ashleigh Quint of Uplift Fitness & Wellness, LLC.
Pre- or post-workout, as needed
Rotating peptides ensures the body remains responsive to their effects. Continuous use of certain peptides, such as CJC-1295 with Ipamorelin, can lead to receptor desensitization, reducing their efficacy.
• Daily Peptides: BPC-157 and NAD+ can be used daily for systemic benefits without risk of desensitization.
• Cycled Peptides: Peptides like CJC-1295 with Ipamorelin and FOXO4-DRI are best used in cycles (e.g., 8-12 weeks on, followed by a 4-week break) to maintain their effectiveness.
Peptides can serve different roles depending on when they are administered.
• Purpose: To enhance performance by increasing growth hormone release, improving vascular flow, and preparing tissues for the workload.
• Examples:
• CJC-1295 with Ipamorelin: Enhances fat metabolism and energy availability.
• GHK-Cu: Improves vascular response and tissue oxygenation.
• Purpose: To support recovery, reduce inflammation, and repair cardiovascular and muscular tissues.
• Examples:
• BPC-157: Reduces inflammation and accelerates healing.
• TB-500: Promotes tissue repair and angiogenesis.
• FOXO4-DRI: Clears senescent cells and regenerates tissues.
• Benefit: Peptides like CJC-1295 with Ipamorelin and BPC-157 work synergistically to enhance performance and recovery. Combined, they maximize outcomes by simultaneously addressing multiple pathways, such as boosting growth hormone, reducing inflammation, and supporting tissue repair.
• Example: A pre-workout dose of CJC-1295 with Ipamorelin, followed by post-workout BPC-157 and TB500, optimizes both performance and recovery.
• Benefit: Individual peptides can be used to target specific needs. For instance, BPC-157 may be sufficient for someone focused on injury recovery, while CJC-1295 with Ipamorelin is better suited for growth hormone deficiencies or fat metabolism.
• Example: On off-training days, BPC-157 and NAD+ alone may provide systemic support without overloading pathways.
GBC training emphasizes high-intensity, short-rest interval workouts that boost cardiovascular efficiency while building lean muscle. Integrating peptides into a GBC cycle requires careful timing to maximize benefits:
The table below provides peptide usage protocols tailored for training days and off days within a GBC (German Body Composition) training cycle, performed 2-4 times per week. Protocols are adjusted for men and women where applicable. BPC-157
Morning (empty stomach) and post-workout
CJC-1295 with Ipamorelin TB-500
30 minutes preworkout
Post-workout (on intense training days only)
Post-workout or evening (on recovery days)
Post-workout (optional)
Morning or midday (systemic support)
Created by Ashleigh Quint of Uplift Fitness & Wellness, LLC.
Primarily for tissue repair; frequency varies by recovery needs. Targets senescent cells; supports anti-aging benefits. Enhances vascular repair; used flexibly based on recovery demands. Supports mitochondrial function and cardiovascular health. ADDITIONAL NOTES
Supports recovery and reduces inflammation.
Boosts HGH release; adjusted for women to avoid overproduction.
When it comes to peptide therapy, dosage amounts can vary significantly between males and females due to key physiological differences, including body weight, hormonal levels, and individual goals. Understanding these distinctions ensures the safe and effective use of peptides for various outcomes, such as recovery, antiaging, or performance enhancement.
Peptides are often dosed based on body weight, typically in micrograms per kilogram. Since males generally have higher body weight and lean muscle mass, their dosage requirements tend to be higher than females to achieve similar effects.
2. Hormonal Variances
Hormonal differences between males and females can also influence how peptides work. For example, peptides that stimulate growth hormone release (such as CJC-1295 or Ipamorelin) or aid in tissue repair (like BPC-157) may have stronger effects in females at lower doses due to heightened sensitivity or hormonal fluctuations.
3. Goal-Driven Dosage Adjustments
The purpose of peptide therapy often determines the dosage. Females may use lower doses to achieve goals such as improved recovery, enhanced skin health, or mild fat loss. In contrast, males pursuing muscle growth or enhanced athletic performance might require higher doses to align with their objectives.
4. Minimizing Side Effects
When using peptides, females can be more susceptible to certain side effects, such as water retention or hormonal imbalances. Therefore, careful dosing and monitoring are essential to avoid overstimulation or adverse reactions.
Tailoring peptide therapy to individual needs while considering these biological differences ensures optimal results. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the appropriate peptide protocol for your specific goals and health profile.
NAD+ plays a vital role in cellular energy production by fueling mitochondrial function. As NAD+ levels decline with age, oxidative stress and inflammation increase, contributing to cardiovascular aging. Supplementation with NAD+ helps:
• Enhance mitochondrial efficiency.
• Reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.
• Improve endothelial function and vascular repair.
• Support energy metabolism, vital for both heart and skeletal muscles.
By combining NAD+ with peptides, individuals can address both immediate performance needs and long-term cardiovascular health.
Peptides and NAD+ provide cutting-edge tools for optimizing cardiovascular health, enhancing recovery, and supporting performance. When paired with GBC training, they offer a synergistic approach to reversing aging, promoting tissue repair, and building resilience. Rotating peptides, timing their use strategically, and effectively combining them ensures both short-term results and long-term health benefits.
The Superager Elite: Bodybuilding Champion Ernestine Sheperd at Age 80
The goal of strength training is something quite profound: strengthen and build muscle, thicken brittle bones, increase tendon and ligament tensile strength, and improve mobility and functionality, all of which add up to an improved quality of life. The good news for the neophyte strength trainer is that if done right, resistance training strength gains come quickly and with a surprisingly small amount of training time needed. With the right system, tools, situation, and attitude, the untrained can increase raw strength by 50% in 60 days with a total training time of one hour per week. For the frail and getting frailer, this is life-changing.
No matter how old or deep a physical hole one might be standing in, practical strength training will factually, irrefutably make any body stronger, thereby improving the quality of life. Resistance training is all about struggle and numbers. It is called “resistance” training because a lack of resistance equates to a lack of results. Modern fitness teachers seek to take the resistance, the struggle, and the gut-busting effort out of resistance training, making it a more sellable commodity. The strength gains are a result, not of avoiding or exorcising struggle; gains come from seeking out and embracing the struggle, for example, some form of maximum physical effort.
If something can be reduced to a numerical identity, it can be improved upon. Fuzzy goals are never attained. Strength training is all about numbers: sets, reps, session duration, time between sets and sessions, session content, and “intensity enhancers.” Strength trainers periodize; periodization is intricate numerical preplanning. The trainee creates appropriate, realistic, obtainable, motivating performance and physique goals. Overarching goals are set in a time frame. Twelve weeks is a typical length for a periodized “cycle.”
The secret to success is to purposefully and maximally stress muscles to such a severe and consistent intensity that the stressed muscles strengthen and grow; this is a defensive bodily reaction. The body will not strengthen and grow in response to lesser stresses, as there is insufficient psychological incentive. To trigger the adaptive response requires some expression of 100% effort. Further, the 100% effort needs to occur when the body is 100% rested. If a 100% effort is undertaken when the body is 78% rested, results will be necessarily subpar – how could they not be?
Every strength trainer can use empirically proven recoveryaccelerating protocols and procedures to hasten complete, 100% recovery. The quicker the trainee attains 100% recovery, the more sessions they can accomplish. A man recovering every third day can train 10 times in 30 days, whereas a man needing five days to fully recover trains six times in 30 days.
Recovery enhancers can take many forms. Below is a partial listing of techniques and tactics, tools, and strategies used by elite strength trainers with varying degrees of success. Here is a partial listing of popular and battle-tested ways to speed up workout recovery.
» Nutrition
» Steam room
» Sauna
» Infrared sauna
» Whirlpool
» Ice bath
» Deep tissue massage
» Exercise flushing
Using a combination of these workout recovery protocols can help one recover quickly and effectively after an intense strength-training session.
The more complete the recovery, the more often result-producing sessions can be undertaken.
By Riley George
Stress is an unavoidable part of modern life. While small doses of stress can motivate us to achieve goals and overcome challenges, chronic stress poses significant risks to our overall health, particularly our cardiovascular system. Numerous studies have demonstrated a clear link between prolonged stress and heart health, showing that stress can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other related complications. This article will explore the mechanisms through which stress affects heart health, the conditions it exacerbates, and ways to mitigate its impact.
Stress is the body’s response to a perceived threat or challenge, activating the “fight-or-flight” response. During this reaction, the hypothalamus signals the adrenal glands to release stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones increase heart rate, elevate blood pressure, and redirect blood flow to essential muscles to prepare the body for action. While this response is beneficial in short-term situations, prolonged activation due to chronic stress can strain the cardiovascular system.
One primary way stress impacts heart health is by contributing to high blood pressure or hypertension. When the body experiences stress, blood vessels constrict to increase blood pressure, ensuring adequate oxygen supply
to vital organs. However, constant stress keeps blood pressure elevated, putting undue strain on arterial walls.
Chronic hypertension is a leading risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. A study published in Hypertension found that individuals with high levels of perceived stress were 22% more likely to develop hypertension compared to those with lower stress levels.¹ Furthermore, the American Heart Association warns that stressinduced behaviors, such as overeating and increased alcohol consumption, can exacerbate high blood pressure.²
Stress also contributes to atherosclerosis, the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries. This process is driven by inflammation, which stress amplifies through elevated cortisol levels. Chronic inflammation can damage arterial walls, encouraging the deposition of cholesterol and other substances, which leads to plaque formation.
A study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology revealed that people with chronic stress have higher C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, a marker of inflammation linked to atherosclerosis.³ Over time, atherosclerosis can narrow the arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart and increasing the risk of coronary artery disease and heart attacks.
Stress has been implicated in causing arrhythmias or irregular heartbeats. The release of stress hormones, particularly adrenaline, can overstimulate the heart’s electrical system, leading to palpitations or more severe arrhythmias. For individuals with preexisting heart conditions, stress-induced arrhythmias can be lifethreatening.
Research published in Circulation noted that patients with anxiety disorders were at higher risk for atrial fibrillation, a common type of arrhythmia.⁴ This underscores the importance of managing stress for individuals with or without underlying cardiac issues.
Also known as “broken heart syndrome” or Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, stress-induced cardiomyopathy occurs when extreme emotional or physical stress weakens the heart muscle. This condition mimics the symptoms of a heart attack, including chest pain and shortness of breath, but it is usually temporary.
The exact mechanism behind stress-induced cardiomyopathy is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a sudden surge of stress hormones that temporarily impair heart function. While most patients recover fully within weeks, the condition highlights the significant impact of acute stress on cardiac health.
Chronic stress often leads to unhealthy behaviors that further harm the heart. These include:
1. Poor Diet: Stress can trigger cravings for high-fat, high-sugar foods, which contribute to obesity and high cholesterol levels.
2. Physical Inactivity: Stress-induced fatigue may reduce motivation for exercise, leading to a sedentary lifestyle.
3. Substance Abuse: Many people turn to alcohol, tobacco, or other substances to cope with stress, all of which have detrimental effects on heart health.
4. Poor Sleep: Stress often disrupts sleep patterns, and insufficient sleep has been linked to increased blood pressure and inflammation.
A review in Psychosomatic Medicine found that stress-related behaviors accounted for up to 30% of the variance in heart disease outcomes.⁵ These findings emphasize the need for holistic approaches to stress management.
Heart disease, the leading cause of death worldwide, is strongly linked to chronic stress. Stress contributes to the development and progression of several heart conditions, including:
1. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Prolonged stress accelerates atherosclerosis and increases the risk of CAD.
2. Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack): Chronic stress can trigger heart attacks by increasing clot formation and reducing blood flow to the heart.
3. Heart Failure: Persistent stress can weaken the heart muscle, leading to heart failure over time.
A groundbreaking study from the Lancet highlighted the connection between stress and heart disease, showing that individuals with high stress levels were at a 50% greater risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event.⁶
Fortunately, effective stress management can significantly reduce the risk of stress-related heart problems. Strategies include:
1. Regular Exercise: Physical activity reduces cortisol levels and improves cardiovascular fitness. Activities like walking, swimming, and yoga are particularly beneficial.
2. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises help lower stress and improve heart rate variability.
3. Healthy Diet: Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains supports heart health and reduces the impact of stress.
4. Social Support: Building strong relationships and seeking support from friends and family can buffer the effects of stress.
5. Professional Help: Therapy or counseling can provide coping mechanisms and emotional support for severe stress.
Stress is a silent but powerful contributor to heart disease. From hypertension and atherosclerosis to arrhythmias and stress-induced cardiomyopathy, the impact of stress on the cardiovascular system is profound. However, by recognizing the dangers of chronic stress and adopting effective management strategies, individuals can protect their heart health and improve their overall well-being. Taking proactive steps to reduce stress is not only vital for the heart but also essential for a longer, healthier life.
1. Eric’s coaching Services: www.broserbuilt.com
2. Free Phone Consult: https://coach.broserbuilt.com
3. Elite Sports Supplements: www.spellbound-nutrition.com
4. Instagram: @coachericbroser
5. Tik Tok: @coachericbroser
6. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ebroser/
7. Inquiries to: bodyfx2@aol.com
1. Website: EvelynFlaharty.com
2. YouTube: Evelyn Flaharty and Workouts With Evelyn Flaharty
3. Instagram: ffmusclesandcurves
4. TikTok: @evelynifbbpro
5. Facebook: Evelyn Flaharty
1. Find more delicious recipes by visiting topdoctormagazine.com
1. For more information on the world’s most comprehensive heart health supplement, check out their website at https://cardiomiracle.com/.
2. Follow Cardio Miracle on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/cardio_miracle?utm_ source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
1. Schaefer, C., et al. “The Role of Peptides in Cardiovascular Regeneration.” Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2021.
2. Sinclair, D. “NAD+ and Mitochondrial Health in Aging.” Cell Metabolism, 2020.
3. Smith, J., et al. “BPC-157 and Tissue Repair: Implications for Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal Health.” Journal of Peptide Science, 2022.
4. For inquiries regarding speaking engagements, health, wellness, and strength, please contact Ashleigh Quint at IG @up_lift_gym or via email at Ashleigh@uplift-gym.com.
1. Dr. Ken Davis is available for speaking engagements, workshops, and coaching sessions.
2. He can be reached at info@davisahs.com, 973.744.7447, or Davis Advanced Health System, 66 Park St., Suite 101, Montclair, NJ 07042.
1. Spruill, T. M. (2010). Chronic psychosocial stress and hypertension. Hypertension, 55(4), 1064-1071.
2. American Heart Association. “Limiting Alcohol to Manage High Blood Pressure.” www.heart.org, 2016. https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/changes-you-can-make-to-manage-high-blood-pressure/limiting-alcohol-to-manage-high-blood-pressure.
3. Ridker, P. M., et al. (2000). C-reactive protein and other markers of inflammation in the prediction of cardiovascular disease. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 46(6), 1113-1119.
4. Chen, X., et al. (2018). Anxiety disorders and the risk of atrial fibrillation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Circulation, 137(13), 1260-1267.
5. Dimsdale, J. E. (2008). Psychological stress and cardiovascular disease. Psychosomatic Medicine, 70(6), 674-679.
6. Yusuf, S., et al. (2004). Effect of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with myocardial infarction in 52 countries (the INTERHEART study): Case-control study. The Lancet, 364(9438), 937-952.