laser special We take a look at the machines and the technologies that have revolutionised non-surgical medical aesthetics
breaking the barrier The inner functions of the skin’s ability to renew itself
camera, action! Behind the scenes of the new Juvederm ad
alsO in tHiS iSSUe
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LITERARY GOOD fACIAL SCuLpTInG Creating good practice literature
Cheek enhancement with dermal fillers
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The on e stop a e sthetic s s ho p
eDitOr’s letter One area of aesthetic medicine that has seen huge advances in the last decade is laser and light based treatments. in the past few years clinics have been given tools at their disposal to treat skin conditions, remove hair and rejuvenate skin. even more recently we have seen the evolution of fractional lasers, offering effective resurfacing treatments with less downtime and lasers that can remove fat, offering a real alternative to liposuction. but with so many different indications and yet many more machines on the market, understanding the technology and working out what machine best fits your practice needs can be a minefield. as such we have dedicated this month’s special feature to lasers. We give you an overview of the history of lasers and lights in aesthetics and show how the technology has evolved as well as looking at the best machines currently on the market and examining the effectiveness of home use devices (p22-32). as well as this we go behind the scenes at the shooting of the new Juvederm® advert as part of this month’s on the Scene (p14-16), speak to the man behind medik8, elliot isaacs (p19-20) and look at facial sculpting using dermal fillers (p34-36). We also show how e-commerce can benefit your practice (p40-42) and bring you the latest news about the cosmetic news expo 2010 (p52). i hope the last few weeks of 2009 are busy and fruitful for your businesses and wish you a happy christmas and prosperous 2010.
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eDitOr’s chOice SkinbrandS’ HydraFacial™
cONteNts 6
NeWs We round up the latest people, product and industry news
this month i was lucky enough to try out the hydraFacial™, courtesy of Debbie thomas at the Daniel hersheson salon on the fourth floor of harvey nichols. the treatment has been brought to the Uk by skinbrands,
14 ON the sceNe We go behind the scenes at the shooting of the new Juvederm® ad and much more
the distributor of skinCeuticals and skin Medica, so while it may sit nicely in the urban medi-spa settting of harvey nics, it differs from many of the other pampering treatments on the menu in the fact that it offers true anti-ageing results.
19 peOple iN prOFile We speak to the man behind Medik8 – elliot isaacs
22 laser special: rise OF the MachiNes We take a look at the machines and the technologies that have revolutionised non-surgical medical aesthetics
30 laser special: hOMe-Use DeVices godfrey town examines home-use laser and iPl devices
34 NON-sUrGical Dr bob khanna on cheek sculpting with dermal fillers
38 VieW ON: sKiN Dr Carl thornfeldt on the inner functions of the skin’s ability to renew itself
40 best practice ron Myers explains how your business can benefit from e-commerce
Found in some of the most exclusive locations such as the Bellagio resort and Spa and caesars Palace Hotel, casino and resort in Las Vegas, the treatment has become a hit with a-List celebrities such as eva mendez and minnie Driver, because of its low down time and visible results. a true lunctime procedure, the Hydrafacial™ is a great add-on treatment for clinics and medi-spas offering advanced facial rejuvenation and has a good return on investment. ideal for clients who want to dip their toe into aesthetics, it is a non-ablative skin resurfacing procedure that integrates cleansing, exfoliation, extraction and hydration and has minimal recovery. it can also be used to carry out the revolutionary Skinmedica Growth Factor facial treatments, which involve a proprietary mixture of human growth factors, cytokines, soluble collagen, antioxdiants and matrix proteins. Scientific studies have shown that the HydraFacial™ effectively and safely improves skin quality by increasing thickness, repairing the dermal matrix and delivering beneficial antioxidants. clinical improvements include improved facial tone and texture, less dyschromia and fewer fine lines. after the treatment my skin felt great but without the redness that some more agressive treatments can produce. i was able to head sraight off for a meeting without looking like i had had anything done! if it is good enough for eva and minnie, it is good enough for me!
44 bUsiNess FOcUs hilary Ford on how to create successful practice literature
48 traiNiNG spOtliGht We find out how harley aesthetics has carved a niche with its specialist nurse-only botulinum toxin training courses
50 cOMpaNY prOFile having just announced some exciting news, we find out more about laser Care services
52 cOsMetic NeWs eXpO the latest on our april 2010 event
53 Dates FOr the DiarY training course, conference and meeting dates
54 sUGGesteD reaDiNG the papers, journals and clinical studies you can’t afford to miss
charlotte Body Publisher 01268 754 897 Vicky eldridge editor 01268 754 897 m: 07931 924 322 emilia Bronze associate Publisher 01268 754 897 Peter Johnson, art Director 01268 754 897 charlie crocker Designer 01268 754 897 Hollie-Jane Dunwell account Manager 01268 754 897 Holly Waters event and editorial assistant 01268 754 897 Shauna Peters Production assistant 01268 754 897
DISCLAIMER The editor and the publishers do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors nor do they accept responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the subject matter in this publication. In all matters the editor’s decision is final.
For over 10 years, Q-Med has provided you with the ultimate tools for instant aesthetic correction. First with the Restylane® range, and now with Macrolane™ – the innovative non-surgical treatment that naturally regenerates body contours. What links these treatments is Q-Med’s unique and patented Stabilized Non-Animal Hyaluronic Acid, NASHA™ gel. The safety, efficacy and reliability of NASHA is supported by robust clinical documentation making it the safety benchmark. NASHA ensures a long-lasting aesthetic effect consistent with its high biocompatibility and low risk for inflammatory reactions. To find more information about how Q-Med can help you with clinical business support, please visit
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News | Round Up
aPriL 16th & 17th
2010 NeWs iN brieF
lcs acaDeMY aNNOUNces Master’s DeGree iN cOsMetic MeDiciNe
lCs academy has teamed up with the University of greenwich to become the first training provider in the Uk to offer a Master’s degree in cosmetic medicine. the first module of the new qualification, which will be entitled ‘laser and light based therapies in Medical Cosmetic Practice’, will start in January 2010. this will be a 30 university credit module rated at ‘M’ level. the course marks a huge step forward for the industry and will enable practitioners to become a recognised specialist in this field. Because of the nature of the requirements for this course, it will only be open to independent prescribers. Dr elizabeth raymond, Director of education at LcS academy commented, “the introduction of the master’s course has been a challenge but we are delighted to be able to offer the first truly comprehensive, verifiable and university validated master’s course in cosmetic medicine. Details of additional modules to the qualification will be released soon and will include core modules for botulinum toxin treatments, dermal fillers and volumisers as well as optional modules for practitioners with specialist interests and those wanting to broaden their knowledge of cosmetic medicine. credits towards the master’s qualification can also be gained from relevant and approved university post graduate diplomas, such as dermatology, and from the production of an evidence based portfolio of expereince.” Dr Phillip Dobson, medical Director of LcS academy added, “We believe that the master’s course representes the ‘coming of age’ for comsetic medicine. Both LcS academy and the university recognise that there are practitioners who, by virtue of their training, clinical practice and experience, will fulfill many of the requirements for the qualification; accordingly, for a limited period, we have been able to provide a specialised ‘fast track’ route for these practitioners, which will allow them to gain credit for their prior experience and learning. as an example, in terms of the first module, for medical and dental practitioners or independent nurse prescribers, who already hold qualifications in this area i.e. Btec in laser/iPL treatments, we are able to offer a bridging module to allow them to build on and enhance their knowledge to master’s level by attending a short conversion course and submitting the necessary additional assessments and course work.” see this month’s Company Profile for more information (p50-51).
asa DisMisses cOMplaiNt aGaiNst baaps aD cosmetic surgery lightly has been cleared by was placed in a number of women’s magazines by the british association of aesthetic Plastic surgeons (baaPs).
Thinking of cosmetic surgery? Be sure. Be safe. When you’re considering cosmetic surgery, you need to be sure that your surgeon is properly qualified. If they’re not, then you could be putting your health at risk. Our members are fully trained plastic surgeons, and have undergone a rigorous six year training programme with regular assessments. For the best advice, please visit our website and search our members register.
the Harley medical Group questioned whether the advert misleadingly implied that surgical procedures could be performed without any degree of risk, whether it implied other surgeons were not as well-trained as BaaPS member surgeons and whether it implied BaaPS members were suitably qualified in plastic surgery because there was no such formal qualification. However, the advertising Standards authority dismissed the claims.
Johnson & Johnson announced last month that it was to close ColBar and discontinue the manufacture and marketing of Evolence. J&J bought Colbar in 2006 for $159 million but was unable to find a buyer for the company, which it had been trying to sell over recent months for between $20-40 million. Efforts are still underway to sell ColBar’s facilities, in which tens of millions of dollars were invested. The remaining employees have been let go. On the Evolence website a message has been posted saying “On November 3, 2009, we announced our intention to discontinue the manufacture and marketing of Evolence® products. Patients and medical professionals who may currently be using Evolence® products can be assured that they remain effective for the approved indications with a favorable safety profile.”
Cosmetic News has now introduced a recruitment section to its website Whether you are looking for new staff or trying to find a new, more challenging, role yourself, this is the place to go. Listings are free for those wanting to advertise positions within their clinics. Among the jobs featured this month are a laser nurse to lead a new cosmetic clinic in Solihull, an experienced clinic manager for a well established and respected company in Birmingham, a patient coordinator in Bristol and an aesthetic nurse’s role in London.
LIPOAMINOACIDS PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE ANTI-AgEINg PROTECTION Two new lipoaminoacid ingredients work in complementary ways to help fight against skin ageing, according to a recent study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science. Palmitoyl glycine and cocoyl alanine were studied using a number of in vitro and ex vivo techniques that illustrated their potential as new anti-ageing actives, according to scientists at ingredients supplier SEPPIC, which manufacturers the products. The researchers concluded that together the actives had a complementary effect and therefore led to both a regulation and restoration effect on some of the main ageing-associated disorders. Acting on tissue architecture, cell-cell interaction, cell longevity and the extra cellular matrix, the actives are ‘new prospects’ in the fight against skin ageing, they concluded.
an advert urging young women not to undertake the standards watchdog. the advert (pictured)
Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have concluded that the 940nm wavelength laser is superior for treating facial spider veins (telangiectasias) as compared to the 532nm wavelength laser. The findings, which appear in the recent issue of Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, are the first time these lasers were tested against each other for superiority. According to the researchers, while both the 532 and 940nm wavelength lasers are effective for facial telangiectasias, they lacked evidence to support whether one wavelength was superior to the other, until now.
COLLAgEN 360 LAUNCHED Mesoestetic has launched a new range, which aims to prevent ageing inside and out. The Collagen 360 degrees range includes both cosmeceuticals and nutricosmetics that have been specifically designed to invert the loss of collagen that the body suffers and to fight against the signs of ageing. It is the first fully integral cosmeceutical treatment that regenerates collagen thanks to the synergic combination of its four products:Collagen 360 intensive cream, Collagen 360 eye contour, Collagen capsuled mask and Collagen 360 elixir.
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“The very positive publicity the Accent has attracted has kept us very busy, we are delighted at the results we get on both body and facial treatments” Dr. Andrew McCall, clinic 158 - Glasgow
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“Dr Kim Lloyd: “At Crendon Skin Clinic we aim to bring our clients the safest, most effective, non-surgical cosmetic treatments and equipment available. The Harmony has increased our turnover by 50% and the feedback from clients is fantastic. The Accent is already proving to be even more popular than the Harmony. I am confident our addition of the Soprano xl will be unbeatable combination of the best equipment currently available”.
IN-Motion™ is Alma Laser’s proprietary technology that virtually eliminates discomfort during aesthetic treatments, such as those provided by the AccentXL.
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News | Round Up
alMa lasers raNKeD 15th iN DelOitte techNOlOGY Fast 50 aWarD 2009 alma lasers ltd, has been named the 15th fastest growing company
treatment. We have seen rapid increase in our client’s income over the
in the Deloitte technology Fast 50 program. the program is presented
last few months, as they can now offer their patients better results over a
by Deloitte brightman almagor. rankings are based on the
shorter/faster procedure, being able to offer consistently the highest level
percentage revenue growth over five years from 2004-2009.
of treatment.
“alma Lasers is the only laser company to make the top 15
“the new accent XL™ and Harmony™ High power Pixel Pro Laser,
leading technology companies, while none of our competitors even
makes our clinical proposition very attractive, this enables the clinics to
made it to the top 50, which is a tribute to our technological advantages
develop and expand their treatment range, using these multi-application
and demonstrates our financial stability”, says Guy Goudsmit, managing
expandable treatment platforms. With record breaking 70 FDa approved
director of aBc Lasers, distributors of alma lasers for the UK and ireland.
clinical indications, the Harmony XL™ is the market leader in expandable
“Since the launch of the breakthrough Painless Laser Hair removal
Laser, nir, UV medical platform. We would like to thank our loyal clients for
- Soprano XL™, our users now offer their clients a unique painless
making our global success possible.”
cOsMetic sUrGerY bOOM iN WOMeN OVer 50 Women in their 50s and 60s are increasingly going under the knife to tackle droopy breasts, according to a leading cosmetic surgery firm. mybreast has reported a 30 per cent increase in breast surgery inquiries from 50 to 65-year-olds in the past year. norman Waterhouse, one of the founding surgeons of mybreast commented, “We have seen an increasing number of women in their 50s coming in for breast reductions and lifts. “many women with large breasts have had discomfort for many years and by the time they reach 50 and over, they decide to do something about it. this type of breast surgery has a high satisfaction rate from patients. rather than wanting larger breasts, this age group of women are sick of droopy breasts so come in for a breast lift (mastopexy). “When people think of breast cosmetic surgery, they normally just think about implants, but there are many more ways to reshape the breast without using implants such as the mastopexy.” consultant plastic surgeon Stephen Hamilton added, “there is a greater acceptance now for women in this age group to under-go cosmetic surgery, where as when their mother’s were in their 50s, there would have been a lot of stigma attached. Women in their 50s and 60s also feel a lot younger these days than women of that age group did 20-years-ago and want their appearance to correspond with that.”
la scieNce braNches iNtO hair lOss la science has launched two new anti hair loss products: Follicle stimulating shampoo and anti hair loss serum. Used daily the Follicle Stimulating Shampoo helps nourish the hair and maintains the optimum conditions for a healthy scalp. tri-peptides help increase blood circulation to the scalp while also helping to delay the process from anagen to catogen hair growth phase by the inactivation of 5a reductase which inhibits DHt, the major cause of hair loss. Used twice daily on thinning areas the anti Hair Loss Serum delivers active ingredients via a unique nanoencapsulated delivery system, which infuses the base of the follicle with active ingredients to produce healthier hair and extend the growth phase of the hair cycle. the advanced copper peptide complex increases the blood vessel network to the hair follicle, increasing the size of the follicle and encouraging natural hair growth.
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aPril16th &17th 2010
News | Round Up
FrOM MeDical tO aesthetics
technology previously used in hospitals for fragmenting kidney stones, is now being used to break up fat, improve the appearance of cellulite and provide overall toning and inch loss. the Storz medical accoustic Wave therapy device, distributed by Demilec, has been used in the medical field for many years in the treatment of pain for tennis elbow, shoulder syndrome and many muscular disorders work using high energy pressure waves applied to the body. Pressure waves correct and strengthen the fibres between fat cells, increases blood circulation, which helps smooth lumpy cellulite, thus the skin quality improves and gives a firmer skin tone. an applicator is passed over the skin which emits pressure waves that activate the connective tissue at high frequencies which smoothes out cellulite and improves skin quality. the treatment takes around three minutes per area. Six to 10 sessions, twice weekly are recommended to get the best results with maintenance once every three months. the treatment is not painful and feels like a ‘gentle pummelling on the skin’. it can be used on the thighs, buttocks and stomach. two studies were conducted in Switzerland by Dr christ on 120 women, showed that skin tightening improved by up to 110% (a pressure sensor measured the skin elasticity and demonstrated the improvement) and an average of three inches were lost. cellulite improved by more than 70%.
stUDY sUppOrts aNtiOXiDaNt sUppleMeNts FOr aGeiNG sKiN taking a dietary supplement containing coenzyme Q10 and
of skin roughness and fine wrinkles were carried out at the start of the
a selection of antioxidants and minerals can decrease skin
study, then at four week intervals until week 12.
roughness and fine wrinkles, according to a recent study.
according to the researchers, the depth of skin roughness and
Sixty female subjects were randomly assigned to either the
fine wrinkles were not significantly different between placebo and
supplement, manufactured by australian-based nutritional supplement
treatment group at the beginning of the study, but by the end of week
manufacturer Blackmores, or a placebo. after 12 weeks of taking the
four there was a significant reduction in the treatment group.
supplement once daily those in the treatment group experienced a
By the end of the study, skin roughness and fine wrinkles had reduced
significant improvement in skin roughness and fine wrinkles, whereas
by 21.22 per cent, compared to a 1.7 per cent improvement in the
those in the
placebo group. the satisfaction of the study participants with the
treatment was also measured and questionnaires investigated whether
group did not,
a reduction in pore size, skin roughness, wrinkles, and decrease and
according to
homogenization of skin colour was experienced. a reduction in
the researchers
pore size, skin roughness and fine wrinkles, was seen by those in the
based at
treatment group at a significantly higher level than those taking the
placebo, but there were no perceived changes in pigmentation levels.
the supplement contains antioxidants (coenzyme Q10, beta-carotene,
grape seed extract, French maritime pine bark extract, green tea
extract and D-alpha-tocopheryl acetate), minerals (zinc and selenium)
and glycosaminoglycans.
acNe scars siGNiFicaNtlY iMprOVeD bY a cOMbiNatiON treatMeNt OF phOtODYNaMic therapY aND percUtaNeOUs cOllaGeN iNDUctiON, saYs stUDY the appearance of facial acne scars showed greater improvement with a combination treatment of photodynamic therapy (PDt) and percutaneous collagen induction (PCi or medical needling) with the environ® surgical roll-Cit(tM) compared to PDt alone, a study has shown. the results of the pilot split-face comparison were presented by Hilton Kaplan, mD PhD, medical advisor for environ® distributor DermoGenesis, at the 2009 Joint annual meeting of the american Society of Dermatologic Surgery (aSDS) and american Society of cosmetic Dermatology and aesthetic Surgery (aScDaS). PDt uses photosensitive chemicals activated by light to treat targeted areas of acne scarring. medical needling with the environ® Surgical roll-cit(tm) improves scarring by creating micro-clefts in the skin, which initiates a platelet-driven healing cascade that results in regenerative forms of collagen and elastin. after three treatments, the side treated with PDt and Pci showed an average increase in type i collagen and epidermal thickness that was, respectively, 5.46 and 10.5 times greater than the side treated with PDt alone. results were verified by comparing clinical photographs and histological samples obtained prior to and after the treatments. Four subjects with facial acne scarring and Fitzpatrick skin types ii to iV were included in the pilot study. During the treatment, medical needling was performed on the right cheek of each subject. then, 5-aminolevinic acid (aLa) was applied to both cheeks and activated by iPL (400-700nm). Sunscreen and environ® topical products containing fat forms of vitamins a and c were used daily throughout.
News | Round Up
aPril16th &17th 2010
FDa 510(K) clearaNce FOr NeW FraXel re:stOre® DUal
solta Medical has received FDa 510(k) clearance for the new Fraxel re:store Dual laser system. the Fraxel re:store takes fractional laser technology to the next level by adding a novel 1927nm wavelength, the first ever application of a thulium laser in the aesthetics market. the new Fraxel re:store Dual system is optimised for both face and large body areas to address clearance of pigmentation and other superficial skin conditions. Prior to the non-ablative Fraxel re:store Dual system, laser skin resurfacing procedures were largely limited to the face. the expanded versatility of the new system, with the addition of the new 1927nm wavelength, increases the areas of the body that physicians can treat and further demonstrates Solta's dedication to producing the safest and most effective aesthetic energy devices in the industry. Solta medical has recently been touring europe in a state-of-the-art airstream outfitted with thermage and Fraxel treatment stations. as part
To subscribe to cosmetic news, the UK’s only free of charge medical aesthetics trade magazine log on to to make sure you dont miss an issue...
of its illumination tour. the tour visted 11 cities across europe and was in THE VOICE OF YOUR INDUSTRY
London last month. see this month’s laser special (p22-32) for more on Fraxel re:store.
complications The dos and don’ts of dealing with problems
tOp Of the dOcS We speak to Dr Carl Thornfeldt
Are sunbeds ever safe?
botulinum toxin special 20 years of Botox®, exclusive Jean Carruthers interview, Azzalure® launch and much more
roLL wItH It Collagen Induction therapy
WHAT WOMEN WANT? Skincare desires revealed
Your new industry magazine
The big debAte
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Now ANd tHEN Advances in liposuction techniques
Permanent fillers: yes or No?
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SkincAre special
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The ingredients that have shaped the cosmeceuticals market
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the uk’s only free of charge medical aesthetics trade magazine
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the truth behind the age old adage that ‘if you want to know what your wife will look like when she is older, look at her mother’ has been proven by a team of researchers. Dr matthew camp and colleagues at the Loma Linda University medical center in california found that the faces of mothers and daughters wrinkle and sag in exactly the same ‘pattern’ as they get older. they scanned the faces of mothers and daughters and saw that the skin and soft tissues showed the same pattern of wasting away and loss of elasticity. the similarity becomes most apparent when the daughter reaches their mid-30s, they claimed. this is the first that actually proves scientifically that your mother truly reflects how you will age. to measure the full spectrum of ageing, they examined 10 sets of similar looking mother-daughter pairs, aged from 15 to 90 years old. Using state of the art facial imaging and 3D computer modelling, the authors found a consistent pattern of sagging and volume loss, specifically around the inner corners of the eye and lower eyelids.
laser phYsics NeW Face MasK
laser Physics has introduced a new face mask for use when carrying out laser procedures such as tattoo/hair removal, skin resurfacing or surgery. Particles in the plume generated by these procedures are so fine that they are not filtered by regular facemasks, however the new Laser Physics facemask has 0.1 micron filtration specially designed for laser procedures or indeed wherever a plume is generated. the disposable masks are designed with single elastic to keep mask secure and enable easy breathing.
NeWs iN brieF VASER SUPERIOR TO STANDARD LIPOSUCTION A study has confirmed that VASER-Assisted Lipoplasty (VAL) delivers superior results over traditional Suction-Assisted Lipoplasty (SAL) in skin retraction and blood loss. The multi-center, prospective, randomised, single-blind, controlled clinical trial showed that the VASER demonstrated 53% improvement in skin retraction per mL of aspirate removed relative to the standard SAL method, and a 26% reduction in blood loss. The study involved twenty female patients between the ages of 20 and 48 who received contra-lateral treatment with traditional liposuction and VASER Lipo in one or more anatomical regions that included the upper arms, upper back, flanks, outer thighs, and inner thighs for a total of 33 regions. Patients were blinded to the technology that was used on them and aspirate was kept separate and analyzed for blood content. Skin retraction was measured using changes in UV tattoos placed prior to surgery.The study was funded by Sound Surgical Technologies LLC, and the authors received no stipends to participate in the clinical trial.
SPF ON THE gO DermaQuest has introduced a new product to its DermaMinerals range. The DermaMinerals ‘on-the-go’ powder SPF 30 retails at £49.99 and will allow clients to apply SPF 30 solar protection without removing their make-up. The product also has the added benefit of being rated as ‘Very Water Resistant’. The product includes a retractable brush that dispenses mattifying minerals to touch-up shiny areas and provide SPF protection. It also contains dermaxyl, archipelago sea minerals, rice starch and honeysuckle extract. The natural colour blends with all skin tones and the brush is soft and non-shedding.
SYNERON TO ACQUIRE PRIMAEVA Syneron Medical has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Primaeva Medical. Primaeva developed an FDA approved minimally invasive RF aesthetic device for the treatment of skin wrinkles and laxity. The proposed acquisition is subject to customary conditions and is expected to close before the end of calendar year 2009. Syneron expects to introduce the non-surgical skin tightening Primaeva technology in 2010. Syneron will acquire Primaeva for $7 million in cash, with potential additional consideration of up to $23 million in cash contingent on the achievement of commercial milestones.
the best laser in the world and dont just take our word for it...
I am happy to confirm that the Soprano XL Hair Removal system has been very well received by our patients and that they have all been truly amazed that it is a pain free treatment. The staff have found the laser system very easy and safe to use and we have been very pleased with the service and support we have received from ABC Lasers. dr rita rakus mBBs Founder member of the BaCd, Clinic in Knightsbridge. Known as the London Lip Queen.
“Soprano painless hair removal has transformed the laser hair removal experience for our clients. Working with other Lasers too, the Soprano hits all the right notes.” dr patrick Bowler. Founder & medical director of Court House chain of 10 Clinics and co founder of the British association of Cosmetic doctors BaCd.
“We offer a wide range of treatment modalities for clients seeking to remove unwanted hair using technology supplied by ABC lasers. The Soprano XL has enabled us to provide previously unavailable pain-free treatment and successfully include darker skin types in our patient pool. We recommend the Soprano XL without reservation.” dr. peter ilori is the founder of ‘the Beauty society’ - a premier provider of medical spa, aesthetic, dental and specialist orthodontic services.
When opening my new clinic I was looking for a system which stood above the rest. The painless technology from the Soprano XL has opened up a new and increasing market for my business in both Laser Hair Removal and Skin Tightening. One year on, results are excellent and many of our new clients come by word-of-mouth recommendations from our happy client. dr ravi Jain, BaCd, owner riverbanks Clinic, winner Best new clinic award 2008-2009.
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News | Round Up
cellUWell sONic laUNcheD bY bella Vita a revolutionary new slimming system, the Celluwell sonic, is being launched exclusively in the Uk by bella Vita international. Developed in collaboration with an italian medical university research department, the new treatment system is clinically proven to produce an average inch loss of four inches in selected areas such as thighs, abdomen and upper arms in just four ten minute sessions.
WELLNESS TRADINg LTD INTRODUCE POST PEEL MASk Wellness Trading Ltd has introduced a mask that provides an immediate cold effect relaxing stressed skin in just 10 minutes. Used post peel the Freeze Capsuled Mask is can enhance your client comfort and appreciation. The mask has been specifically developed as a complimentary therapy post chemical peeling. It helps to re-establish the hydrolipidic film of the skin and optimise levels of hydration and elasticity in the skin. The crystal fibers are an innovative material for medical and aesthetic use, 100% natural and safe.
Known as transdermic Lipo-Sonication, the new treatment protocol utilises an ultrasound delivery system through a specially developed and patented method. Described by mD of Bella Vita international, Karen Johnson, as ‘a ground breaking development for the slimming market’, celluwell Sonic has been successfully trialed through independent case studies to assess the efficiency and results of this innovative technology. the low frequency ultrasound emissions are controlled through the patented handpiece to deliver sound waves at clinically safe levels to effectively break down fat cells quickly and effortlessly. Karen added, “We are really excited to be the first beauty product specialists to promote the celluwell Sonic system in the UK. celluwell offers the UK beauty industry a brand new sales opportunity with a good return on investment that’s safe and easy to use with impressive results virtually guaranteed. the fact that it has been developed through university backed independent clinical trials and proven to work so well in such a short space of time is inspiring and will give practitioners and clients alike full confidence in using the system.”
bOOb JObs aND bOXiNG: a KNOcKOUt techNOlOGY new healing technology, hailed by some of the world’s top aesthetic plastic surgeons as
the ideal solution for their face-lift and boob job patients, has now been adopted by Wba heavyweight champion David ‘the hayemaker’ haye. the boxer who recently defeated 7-foot-tall ‘beast from the east’ nikolai Valuev was introduced to hilotherapy – a revolutionary, patented treatment which drastically reduces post-trauma swelling and pain (in many instances eliminating bruising altogether) and avoids the risk of nerve and tissue damage by using controlled cold temperatures – by physiotherapist kevin lidlow after being forced to withdraw from a fight in June because of an injury. the system, which circulates cool water through adaptable cuffs that comfortably fit most parts of the body and face, was introduced to the UK at the meeting of the British association of aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BaaPS) in September where consultant plastic surgeon, former BaaPS president and top craniofacial expert norman Waterhouse, who was the conference’s keynote speaker, referred to it as the ideal option to ensure post-surgery patients return to normal activities in record time. the revolutionary technology is widely used by top athletes and professional sports clubs around europe. it can be used all over the body – anywhere where swelling, pain and haematoma are present or need to be prevented. the adaptable cuffs can be set at the exact required temperature, to the degree, anywhere between +10°c and +30°c to promote the body’s natural healing forces. mr Waterhouse said, “there is good evidence that this technology has been effective in reducing bruising and swelling after major facial surgery. early results from using it for facelifts have been very encouraging.”
TRIPOLLAR® HITS THE HIgH STREET WITH BOOTS LAUNCH Ultragen’s flagship home use beauty gadgets TriPollar POSE and STOP have launched into Boots. TriPollar POSE works on the upper arms, thighs, abdomen and buttocks to help create a smoother, more defined silhouette. In recent clinical trials it was found to tighten lax or sagging skin, generate inch-loss and reduce the appearance of unsightly cellulite and visible signs of stretch marks. TriPollar STOP boosts the skins dermal collagen production to improve the appearance of sagging jaw line, reduction of fine-lines and wrinkles. In a recent clinical trial done in Paris all participants showed visible improvement after the first treatment and 86% of testers said their skin looked younger and/ or more radiant.
ROUgH MICRODERMABRASION MAY BE BETTER FOR SkIN REMODELINg Using a coarse-grit hand piece to conduct microdermabrasion may be more effective in dermal remodeling than mediumgrit use, according to a study in the Archives of Dermatology. 40 adults aged 50 to 83 years who had clinically photodamaged forearms underwent focal microdermabrasion and provided skin biopsies after treatment with hand pieces of varied abrasiveness. When the subjects underwent coarse-grain microdermabrasion, the skin responded by producing a wound-healing response of rapidly increased cytokeratin 16 production, and activation of the AP-1 transcription factor in the epidermis. Dermal remodeling also occurred with induction of types I and III procollagen and collagen production enhancers, while a medium-grit hand piece did not generate the same dermal remodeling results.
COSMECEUTICALS NICHE CONTINUES TO gROW IN US The niche market for US cosmeceuticals is continuing to grow despite the fact that the cosmetics category in the country as a whole is set to decline this year. The value of the cosmetics market in the US is set to fall by 1.2 per cent in 2009, to reach a value of $60.37bn, but market researcher IBISWorld says that in contrast the cosmeceuticals category should grow by 7.7 percent to reach a value of $3.5bn.
SEASONAL LAUNCH FOR YOUNgBLOOD Youngblood Mineral Make-up has launched a limited edition cosmetics bag, designed for the Christmas party season. Each individual Youngblood Holiday glam kit contains: Youngblood Vixen Lipstick, Youngblood Truly Red Lip Liner Pencil and Youngblood Venetian Sun Loose Blush in a silver cosmetic case. The winter must have retails at £38.
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ON the
sCene oUt anD aBoUt in tHe inDUStry tHiS montH
JUVeDerM PhOtO shOOt, Paris a glamorous photo shoot was held in Paris to create a new series of ads for allergan’s Juvederm range. the company launched a television and print marketing campaign last year and, following its success, have now created a new series of adverts to promote Juvederm Ultra and the newly launched Juvderm Voluma, as well as some new exciting products that the company will be announcing in the new year. the crew arrived at the studio early to set up the photo shoot with was overseen by allergan’s marketing team including richard Glover and Janet Kettels from the London office. the Parisian photographer took hundreds of shots to ensure that the perfect images were created to embody the company’s message. allergan conducted a number of focus groups prior to the photo shoot to ensure the success of next years marketing campaigns. the research showed that consumers wanted to a model to have a balance between moody, sexy and personable. the adverts will still incorporate the image used in allergan’s adverts last year of the needle as a feather, which is designed to show that dermal filler treatments are non-invasive and painless. the ads will be targeted at consumes who
a quick touch up between shots
in make-up
already have a knowledge of non-surgical treatments in a bid to encourage repeat custom to clinics using Juvederm.
no hairs out of place
the photographer examines his work
the concept of the needle as a feather is designed to show that dermal fillers don’t need to hurt
the model relaxes between shots as one of the members of the hair and make-up team makes sure she is still looking perfect
one of the ads is mocked up on screen
the model gets ready for the photo shoot the make-up artist at work Practicing the pose
PriVate Dentistry aWarDs, interCOntinental hOtel, Park lane a lavish ceremony at the intercontinental hotel in Park lane marked the annual Private Dentistry awards. the event was attended by more than 500 professionals from the dental industry. cosmetic dentist Dr Bob Khanna was given the accolade of UK Private Dentist of the year. He is the youngest ever recipient of the award, which took in to account his achievements in both clinical work and teaching in the UK and internationally and for his work in establishing the international academy of advanced Facial aesthetics (iaaFa). He said, “i feel delighted to have won this award since peer recognition is the highest accolade a professional can hope to achieve. i sincerely feel that all the hard work and dedication to be the very best that i can be has been worth it!”
Dr Bob Khanna and wife Sonia after he was named UK Private Dentist of the year
Dr Bob Khanna celebrates winn ing at the Private Dentistry awards
Natural beauty without surgery. In the field of facial beauty, introducing Juvéderm® ULTRA. A SoftLifting therapy based on small injections by a clinician, Juvéderm® ULTRA provides immediate, natural and long-lasting results. It softly lifts and smoothes targeted areas of the face.
To learn more go to If you need more information ask a qualified and trained aesthetic healthcare professionnal. The Juvéderm® ULTRA range of products is a medical injectable device distributed by Allergan Ltd. CE mark N° 0459 Date of Preparation June 2008 ACA /0251/2008
Debra rObsOn-laWrenCe Website re-laUnCh, lOnDOn (right) right) the swanky roof garden of the Sanctum Soho Hotel was the setting for semi-permanent make-up legend Debra robsonobsonhe new and improved site has been given a makeover to Lawrence’s website re-launch. the make it easier to navigate. itt includes information on Debra’s treatments and training courses as well as testimonials, a news he design team behind the website as well as Debra’s section and an e-store selling Debra’s permanent make-up supplies. the friends and colleagues joined her for cocktails and canapés at the hotel in central London. managing director Stephen Handisides welcomes guests to the launch
mike Doxford and marcela Sanchez from
Vivienne Smith from aesthetic recruitment and tracey Beesely from SkinBrands
Lorna Jackson and Dan Huxley from the consulting room™
Julie mason (left) and Kelly Wilson (right) from absolute cosmetics with Stephen Handisides
cosmetic news expo organizer, Holly Waters, charlotte Jacobs and Lynne thomas from Flipside Pr and cosmetic news associate publisher emilia Bronze
Dawn Forshaw from Finishing touches (centre) celebrates with some of Debra’s friends
Dr mark Harrison (Harley aesthetics), Jonathan rosenfield (Soho travel) and Dr richard Sibthorpe (Harley aesthetics)
Dr Patrick Bowler (courthouse clinics), Debra robson-Lawrence and Dr ravi Jain (riverbanks clinic)
absOlUte COsMetiCs laUnCh, h, lOnDOn (abOVe) a new consumer magazine aimed at educating the public about cosmetic treatments had its launch party in london last month. absolute cosmetics is the brain-child of Kelly Wilson and Julie mason. the girls have teamed up with consumer information website in order to offer consumers both online and in print advice. the magazine will be free and will be distributed nationwide. the launch was held at Dreamvault in Great titchfield Street and was attended by a mixture of industry professionals, manufacturers and suppliers and members of the press.
John Spedtsberg (Venus concept)
marc Davies and eva Sanchez from recovery Post Surgery
David Wall and Jemma cooke from Galderma
Linda Wormald ( and Sangita condon (medical aesthetic Group)
bODy COnFerenCe, lOnDOn FaCe ltd launched bODy, the sister conference to FaCe, at the royal College of Physicians. the event was focused on the latest advances in treatments for the body and took place over one day. Wigmore medical chairman David Hicks opened the conference with a short message about the business opportunities of including body contouring procedures. the morning then continued with presentations by consultant plastic surgeon mr David Gault on laser lipolysis; Dr ravi Jain and Dr Kai-Uwe Schlaudraff on VaSer; US physician Dr Vivian Bucay on laser and light based cellulite treatment and Professor yeouda edoute on multi polar rF and electro magnetic therapy. other speakers included consultant plastic surgeon mr Shailesh Vadodaria, and Dr Stephen Bassett, who spoke about non-invasive rF based devices for body contouring. During lunch the delegates had an opportunity to chat to exhibitors who included: aBc Lasers, Body Language, candela, carleton, cynosure, cytori, Dermapure, DeKa, consulting room, Galderma, Hamilton
mike mazza, tingy Simoes from Wavelength Pr and cosmetic news editor Vicky eldridge
Fiona Sibeijn (merz), Gary Bulch (Dermapure), nick medzianowski Sinclair (Surface imaging) and charlotte Body (cosmetic news publisher)
Wai chan and Suzanne Dunleavy from Hamilton Fraser
ruth Kerrison from cosmetic Surgery and aesthetic estheticss magazine with tracey Beesley from SkinBrands
Dr toni Phillips (renew medica), David Hicks (managing director, Wigmore medical) and terina Denny (Body Language)
Sonia amerigo (managing director, citySpa) and Lorna Bowes (Wigmore medical)
Fraser, invasix, Lumenis, merz, recova, rioBlush, Sigmacon, Smooth Shapes, Sound Surgical, Syneron and Wigmore medical. after lunch the conference continued with lectures on ‘the pathogenisis of obesity’ by Professor Syed Haq; ‘Breast augmentation with or without an implant, is it a real option?’ by mr Vik Vijh; ‘contouring with Long term Fillers’ by Dr timm Wolter and fat grafting by Dr eric Daniels. a drinks reception was held in the foyer at the end of the day, organiser raffi eghiayan said, “the idea for BoDy was to create a conference based purely on body treatments and to offer practitioners a chance to see the best speakers in the UK and abroad. the event, the first of its kind, was a success. We had a lot of positive feedback from delegates. We hope that BoDy will grow over time and eventually become a must visit conference spanning over two or even three days. We have had calls for the conference to become an annual event and i don’t see why it shouldn’t.”
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Here’s what doctors are saying about IRIDEX lasers: “I have been using the Gemini® laser from IRIDEX for the past 6 years for a multitude of applications. The Gemini is one of my go-to lasers for treatment of telangiectasia and dyspigmentation of the face.”
‘Patients are really suprised how little discomfort there is and how little time the treatment takes. Gemini® is the most popular laser in my practice. I would recommend it to anyone who desires to provide top notch clinical results.
Edward V. Ross, M.D.
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For more information on the full range of IRIDEX lasers, please contact Carleton Medical Ltd: Photo courtesy of Dr. William Baugh
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People in Profile | Elliot Isaacs
FOr scieNce
We speak to the man behind medik8, elliot isaacs, about how he went from experimenting in the lab behind his dad’s pharmacy to creating one of the most exciting British cosmeceutical brands in the industry
lliot isaacs was fascinated by science and how things worked from a very young age. at the tender age of seven, the now CeO and medical director of Pangea laboratories limited, got in trouble with his mum for dismantling her new italian kettle so he could find out how it worked. “the kettle was in pieces all over the floor, when Mum got home”, he explains. “i just wanted to see how it worked. to me it was a mystery that needed solving. if i was scientific as a child it was in a practical way rather than academic.” elliot recalls experiencing first-hand the potential power of skincare after seeing a documentary on retin-a in the 80’s that sent throngs of people into his father’s chemist trying to get hold of the product. this unwittingly planted the seed earlyon for developing a unique brand focused on clinically proven technologies using pharmaceutical grade ingredients. “around the same time as the kettle was being replaced, i remember being allowed to stay up late on my school holidays - my parents watching a Horizon or Panorama programme on this new wonder product called retin a”, he says. “i distinctly remember them debating about whether or not people should be allowed to buy it – i think my mum might have been in favour! naturally i had no idea of the context but i recall it seemed an important thing. this memory etched deeper the very next day when helping out at my Dad’s chemist shop. it was jammed packed with ladies looking to get their hands on this retin-a stuff and since it was a prescription product, my father could not dispense it over the counter. i’m certain that this experience drew me towards the efficacious end of the business” it was a natural progression for elliot to go on to study pharmacology and physiology and it was during his time at Leeds University that he first became interested in bioavailability and drug delivery systems, an interest that would be pivotal to his later career in skincare. “there was one particular lecture that really had an impact on me”, elliot explains. “We were talking about the delivery of drugs, a topic of interest to any university student. there is a common misconception that still pervades in some quarters that topical preparations will not go through the skin. the lecturer went on to recall the tale of a tobacco farmer in Virginia who had on a hot summers day after hours of harvesting, jumped on the back of the pickup truck sitting on top of the bales of tobacco leaves for the journey home. the damp sack cloths and the farmer’s sweaty dungarees and hot vasodilated legs, provided the perfect
“there is a common misconception that still pervades in some quarters that topical preparations will not go through the skin“
conditions for nicotine poisoning. not only did the drug travel through the skin and into the bloodstream but also through the wet sack-cloth and denim clothing. all this and the concentration of nicotine in raw tobacco leaves is only around 5%. this tale dates back to the early 1900’s and supposedly the farmer was taken to a local hospital with nausea, palpitations and intermittent loss of consciousness. no-one at the hospital was sure of the causes for his symptoms, he was merely undressed and bathed as per usual admission procedures and left on a bed to rest, his clothes put in a brown paper bag. after a few hours, with no medical intervention, his symptoms disappeared completely and he made a full recovery. the doctors amazed but assured of the rehabilitation agreed he could be discharged. the farmer put back on the same jeans as he came in with, those that had been left in a paper bag in a cupboard. He collapsed at home just hours later with the same poisoning but was not taken out of his clothes when he rested and reputedly he did not recover.... So much for molecules not penetrating through the skin”
People in Profile | Elliot Isaacs hOMe anD aWay
after graduating from university elliot decided to travel the world, and what initially was planned as a short trip, turned into five years away from home. it was during his travels that elliot came across another piece of the puzzle that would lead him to developing his own skincare brand. “i was stuck somewhere in Laos”, he says. “We were having some kind of visa problems and i was waiting for a friend to return from the embassy. i was staying in a village where they ran a cooperative of sorts with about 200 people. one group was busy extracting a liquid from the stems of an odd looking green plant. they were using it to make a mayonnaise-style dessert comprised of the sweet nut oil they pressed and the village well water. it was incredible to watch them do this work. they were using a completely organic unpurified plant-based
sister aCt
When he returned to the Uk elliot decided that he wanted to do something in skincare and his first opportunity came when his sister complained about suffering side effects from a product she was using to combat redness in her skin. “one of the ingredients in the base was causing more irritation than the actual active ingredient was alleviating”, elliot explains. “i was pestering the manufacturers for information as to why they included this irritating emulsifier and if it was necessary, and someone in the research area told me that, because it was a medicine, they were not allowed to change the formula without completely re-registering the whole product, which would cost them hundreds of thousands pounds.” armed with this knowledge elliot went into the lab at in the back of his dad’s pharmacy in Barnet and started to experiment. “i got all the ingredients in from various suppliers and created the same product but this time with a different base. i suggested to my sister to try it instead”, he says. “it was the same active ingredients so it was not like i invented anything, but just by removing the irritants i was able to effect a completely different outcome. i just thought ‘this is ridiculous, if i can do this in a few weeks in my Dad’s lab what else can i do?’. So i borrowed £200 for materials and started the process which led to the medik8 brand you see today. i have never looked back.” the product that elliot created in that lab was his vitamin K product red alert, the first in the medik8 range and now europe’s biggest selling professional anti-redness product.
best OF british
From these small beginnings Medik8 has grown to be widely acknowledged as one of a few british cosmeceutical companies with a product selection that successfully gains customer recognition while facing stiff and well-established foreign competition. manufactured under the umbrella of Pangaea Laboratories Limited, which was incorporated in 1999 as a privately-owned biotechnology laboratory to manufacture cosmeceuticals, the range includes six collections: cleanse, Prevent, correct (including the Pretox range), Hydr8 and Body. most recently the company has launched c-tetra, a serum containing tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate, a potent and highly stable derivative of vitamin c, and the‘titanium Dermaroller’, designed for use with other medik8 products or alone to trigger new collagen synthesis. there are four patents pending on the development of a new roller due to be released in 2011. “c-tetra is in my opinion the biggest advance in topical skincare probably in the last five years”, elliot says. “it really does work and we are really excited about it. it is a sensational product.” the company is also planning a new range of chirally correct peels for the first quarter 2010 and has recently launched its sister brand, nanogen, which specialises in hair thickening, hair retention and hair regrowth. the nanogen Scalproller™ is the first specifically designed roller to help treat thinning hair and based on the lessons learnt and technology developed from the medik8 microneedle roller.
emulsifier which could create creams without heating and with only manual low shear stirring. this we were taught was impossible. cold-processing was not practical with unrefined plant emulsifiers. i was transfixed and began to ask questions about the plant and where it came from. i immediately saw the application for skincare. the trend for ‘organic’ skincare had not started back then and there weren’t that many natural emulsifiers in skincare so that really interested me. of course anita roddick had made a big impact but this was really just about body care and pampering rather than using green technologies within pharmaceuticals to get the best of both worlds. of course, as you know, this movement towards naturals and organics has been huge so i clearly wasn’t the only one thinking that, but i think i came at it from a slightly different perspective in that my first love was the efficacious side of the business.”
the right ingreDients
ingredients – how they work and how they are delivered – are key to the Medik8 brand and elliot is incredibly passionate about maintaining a strong ethical scientific grounding behind his products. “With cosmeceuticals there is so much more to it than the name of an ingredient on a packet. For example a product may contain vitamin C but what type of vitamin C? how has it been extracted? how has it been stabilised? how is it being administered? how is it being stored? What has it been mixed with? all of these things are important and it’s not just about scoring points. it is real science.” medik8 is a 100% professional skincare line which uses a whole raft of active ingredient, all of which are included at clinical trial dosages. Whether its peptides, antioxidants, botanicals or functional ingredients, they believe in results driven products only and every product is backed by scientific reason and clinical research. elliot’s knowledge of bioavailability also means that the products incorporate the right form of topical delivery from liposomes to nanoemulsions and everything in between. “there is no point having a magic bullet if there is no gun to fire it.” “one of the most crucial things for a cosmeceutical product to really work is the length of time the products are left following manufacture and prior to use”, he adds. “medik8 makes every effort to use the most stable ingredients in combination with bespoke packaging and storage conditions; however the factor we are most proud of is our ‘small batch guarantee’ where we carefully balance demand and supply to ensure fresh produce but no supply delays.” elliot is also extremely conscientious about being ‘green’ but is anxious not to align medik8 with ‘greenwashing’. the company embraces the many synergies which can be gained from green production, including using plant emulsifiers to facilitate cold processing saving energy, money and reducing functional chemical loadings. it also adheres to the Green chemistry guidelines of the US Department of the environment and uses recyclable packaging with materials sourced from the UK and carbon neutral secondary packaging. to offset the usage of water, medik8 also works with a charity to donate 10 litres of water to africa for every one litre they use. “We claim to be the first green cosmeceutical”, elliot says. “our philosophy is that we will fix your skin and we will do it in the most environmentally friendly way that we can. as i don’t like greenwashing i can’t sit here and say the consumer media hasn’t influenced us because it has. For example we don’t use parabens when actually i think there is little if any safety concerns with methylparabens.” elliot’s efforts to ensure they are manufacturing their products in an environmentally friendly way reinforce one of the biggest philosophies behind the medik8 brand of fusing science and nature.“i don’t feel that there has to be this conflict between science and nature. We believe in botany. most advances, most pharmaceuticals, most drugs that we take, come from plants so i don’t as a scientist like this trend for people outside of science hijacking botany and saying that science and nature can’t mix, because they do and have for centuries. Skincare doesn’t have to be natural/organic or scientific, it can be both but it also shouldn’t be organic or natural for the sake of it. We are into results not dogma. as a cosmeceutical brand, our primary mission is to produce efficacy. Where we can enhance our results or not diminish them, we will strive to employ all and any organic and green technologies. We’re just not puritanical about it.” it is this philosophy that elliot believes truly makes a cosmeceutical and sets medik8 apart from some of its competitors. and it’s British to boot.
Laser Special | Rise of the Machines
rise OF the
We take a look at the evolution of lasers in aesthetic medicine and examine some of the best machines on the market
aser and light procedures have
been used in medicine for decades
a laser is essentially a high-energy beam of light with unique properties. laser light consists of photons (small particles of light) which are emitted from the laser and all these photons have the same wavelength or colour.
however it is in the aesthetic and
Different wavelengths of light are preferentially absorbed by certain types of tissue (chromophores) and as such
dermatology fields that their use
different laser light can be used to target different chromophores in the skin such as melanin, hemoglobin or
has really begun to explode. the
water. Different types of laser emit different wavelengths of light so typically a particular laser will be more suited
demand for light-based aesthetic
to targeting a specific chromophore and therefore lasers are usually designed to treat a specific indication.
treatments has never been greater
intense Pulsed Light (iPL) systems differ from lasers in that they can deliver multiple wavelengths (or colours)
and an increasingly age-conscious
simultaneously. iPL systems emit a broad band spectrum of light, which is then filtered to deliver a specific band of
society coupled with technologies that provide safe reproducible results is certainly fuelling this trend. according to Mintel Uk consumer spend on health and beauty treatments is expected to reach more than £1.7M by 2010, with the highest revenue being generated
wavelengths to the tissue. “When photons are absorbed by a chromophore the resulting effect depends on the speed at which the light is delivered to the tissue, in other words the pulse duration of the laser or iPL” explains Dr Jon exley, mD of Lynton and with many years of research in laser physics. “Pulses of light which are milliseconds long will allow the photons to be absorbed by the chromophore resulting the generation of heat, this is known as the photothermal effect. Light delivered in very short pulses (such as nano-seconds) will result in a photomechanical effect, which, as the name suggests, can cause physical rupture or shattering of the target chromophore (e.g. tattoo pigments).” in considering a laser or iPL and how suitable it is for a specific indication, the key criteria are wavelength and pulse
by laser/iPl treatments [health
duration. is the wavelength of light emitted preferentially absorbed by the correct target chromophore and is the pulse
& beauty treatments, Feb 2006].
duration going to result in the desired effect on the tissue? and finally, is their sufficient energy to ensure that the effect is
laser technology has developed significantly in recent years and laser and light based treatments are now one of the pinnacle tools at the hands
clinically significant – will it work? Lasers for skin rejuvenation have traditionally been divided into two main groups: ablative and non-ablative. ablative lasers work by delivering wavelengths of light to the skin, which are very heavily absorbed by water. Lasers such as co2 (10.6 µm) or erbium yaG (2940 nm) are commonly used as both these wavelengths are both well absorbed by water.
of medical aesthetic practitioners.
the heat generated in the tissue when the light is absorbed causes water to vaporise resulting in a thermally ablative
laser and light systems come in a
effect in which the outer layers of the skin are removed (tissue is ejected from the skin when the vaporised water tries to
plethora of different specifications
escape). this treatment is often referred to as ‘skin resurfacing’.
with as wide ranging indications as
non-ablative lasers use wavelengths of light which are not so well absorbed by water and so they cause a generalised
skin rejuvenation, treatment for sun
thermal damage to the tissue. often wavelengths chosen for non-ablative rejuvenation have a deeper penetration
damage and pigmentation, wrinkle
into the skin and cause reversible thermal damage to the tissue, which results in a skin tightening effect through the
improvement, hair removal, vein
subsequent healing process. in recent years fractional lasers have emerged offering the benefits of ablative skin
removal, treatment of skin diseases
resurfacing with a co2 or er:yaG without the associated downtime and risks. the technology can be used with either
such as psoriasis and acne, and now
ablative lasers or non-ablative lasers. Fractional lasers deliver light to the skin in an array of microscopic ‘dots’ by using
even the removal of unwanted fat and the improvement of lax skin.
laSERS: a BRiEf ovERviEW
specialised lenses or scanners. this method of light delivery restricts the zone of damage to small columns of coagulated or ablated tissue each surrounded by healthy skin.
RiGHT on Q – Q-SWiTCHED laSERS Q-switched lasers are often confusing as certain wavelengths are found in both long pulsed and Q-switched lasers but they do very different types of treatment. For example long pulsed nd:yag (1064 nm) is used for hair removal yet Q-switched nd:yag (also 1064nm) is used for tattoo removal. in fact a Q-switch is a small device which can be mounted inside a laser to modify the system allowing it to deliver incredibly short pulses of light at high energy and so it is important to distinguish between the two as they have considerably different clinical effects despite being the same wavelength. it is also important to be aware of the two types of Q-switched laser available, passive Q-switch and active Q-switch. active Q-switch lasers deliver a single high energy pulse of light in nanoseconds and this technology is well accepted as the gold standard for treatment of dermal pigmentation or tattoos. Passive Q-switch lasers deliver very short pulses of light (also nanoseconds) but the energy of each pulse is much lower and so the light is typically delivered in train of pulses.
BUyinG a laSER
information that they are being given by the companies who are selling to
investing in a laser system is a big financial commitment, especially
them. this puts them in a much stronger position to be able to make good
in these hard economical times, and with so many machines on the
decisions about what equipment they need.”
market, designed for so many different indications, making the right
if you are considering buying a laser system for the first time or are looking to
choice is not easy.
change the system you have in your clinic then there are a few key questions
Dr Phil Dobson, who has extensive experience in the field of lasers and
you should be asking. Firstly, do you have an existing flow of customers to
provides training in the field as well as Laser Protection advice and cQc
support the investment? if you are just starting out, can you justify making
registration assistance under the umbrella of his company LcS, advises, “i
such a big financial commitment? if you can’t, many laser companies are
suppose the first decision someone needs to make is what treatments they
now offering the option of rentals or leasing, which may give you a chance
want to do. People usually do it in reverse. they know of, or have heard of, a
to see if the system is a viable option for your clinic before you buy. Find out
company and they say ‘i will have one of those machines, what treatments
what your competitors locally are doing, if they are all offering hair removal,
does it do?’ whereas perhaps a better way to do it is to ask ‘what is my skill
then is that going to be a viable options for you? What area do you live in
base? What treatments do i want to provide in my clinic?’ and then start to
and what types of clients visit your clinic? What skin types do they majority
look for equipment that provides those treatments. What we are finding is
of you patients have? if you live in an area where the majority of your clients
that an increasing number of people are coming on a core of Knowledge
have skin types iV or V, then certain machines will not be suitable?
course to learn the language and to get the basic information before
on the following pages we round up some of the best laser systems on
they buy a machine, so that they can understand they credibility of the
the market from multi-platform systems to tattoo and hair removal…
MUlti PlatFOrM lasers HaRMony (aBC laSERS) as aBc Lasers’ flagship device, the Harmony is the only FDa approved laser platform for up to seven distinct indications, including tattoo removal, hair removal, skin rejuvenation/tightening and acne, the single unit provides maximum flexibility, with multiple interchangeable modules and guaranteed upgradeability to accommodate a growing aesthetic practice. modules include: advanced Fluorescence technology (aFt™) – Light-based technology for a wide range of skin treatments including skin rejuvenation, vascular/pigmented lesions, hair removal and acne. near infrared technology – the near-infrared 780-1,000 module is intended for use for deep dermal heating and is indicated for the treatment of lax skin in areas such as face, neck and underarm. long-Pulse 1064nm nd:yag technology – For the treatment of facial wrinkles, as well as deeper and reticular leg veins. Q-switched nd:yag technology – For the treatment of tattoos and dermal pigmented lesions. erbium yag laser technology - the module is indicated for minimally ablative resurfacing procedures including wrinkles and scar revision. long-Pulse 1320nm nd:yag technology – the module is indicated for the non-ablative treatment of facial wrinkles, improving the appearance of photo-aged skin. Pulsed UVb technology – For restoration of lost pigment and psoriasis. Pixel 2940nm er:yag technology – the Harmony module for fractional ablative skin resurfacing.
lUMina Q PlaTfoRM (lynTon)
THE lUMEniS onE PlaTfoRM (lUMEniS)
lumina is ideal for the treatment of deep and superficial vascular lesions,
the Lumenis one combines Universal iPL® , alumina™ Skin renewal
unwanted hair, superficial and dermal pigmentation, photo-rejuvenation,
radio frequency technology, LightSheer® laser technology for hair
active acne and multi-coloured tattoo removal.
removal and multi-Spot™ nd:yaG technology for vascular legions
the system has many unique features, including an integral printer for treatment
and leg veins. Lumenis one technology offers high repetition rates
record keeping, patient databases for instant and accurate records and digital
– up to 1Hz – enabling fast and efficient patient treatments (three
imaging, as well as interchangeable Light Guide (iLG) technology, all in a
times or more faster then older technologies). it's light, ergonomic
platform designed to accept application upgrades. Lumina is the only platform
treatment heads enable quick, easy and fatigue-free patient
system to offer actiVe Q-switch technology combined with long pulsed lasers
treatments. the filters and light guides pop in and out for added
and iPL. the Lumina can be taken as an ‘iPL only’ specification at first and
operator efficiency. the graphic user interface offers a ‘Basic’
upgraded to add further iPL and laser applications as required onto its small
mode and a versatile ‘advanced’ mode for ultimate flexibility.
single platform, giving a truly lifetime service.
taken together, these features and many others ensure the ultimate treatment experience for both the operator and the patient.
Laser Special | Rise of the Machines EliTE™ aESTHETiC WoRkSTaTion (CynoSURE)
JoUlE (SCiTon) the Sciton JoULe provides
the elite™ aesthetic Workstation is a highly versatile, multi-
the widest array of aesthetic
function system, which provides various applications for laser
and surgical procedures
therapies including hair removal, treatment of facial and
available from a single,
leg veins, treatment of benign epidermal pigmented lesions
scalable system, because it
(including sunspots and freckles) and the appearance of
is the world’s first optiPlex™
photo-aged skin with LaserFaciaL. the system combines 755-
platform to accommodate
nm alexandrite laser and the 1064-nm nd:yaG laser technology
three distinct delivery
in one system enabling you to perform multiple procedures
modes: arm, fiber, and
on a client in one visit and in significantly less time than with a
broadband light. JoULe
single-wavelength system.
can include all nine Sciton laser and light modules and will also accommodate future modules yet to be developed. the arm mode
GEMini (iRiDEx)
includes contour™ trL, clearScan™,
the Gemini 532nm /1064nm multi-application laser system performs
thermaScan™, ProFractional™ and
93% of the most common cosmetic laser procedures. With 28 FDa-
ProFractional-Xc™. the broadband light
cleared indications, two distinct wavelengths, 42 spot sizes and
mode includes BBL™ and Skintyte™ and
adjustable power, pulse width and pulse duration settings, the system
the fiber mode includes: Pro-V™ and
is incredibly versatile. Suitable for treating skin types i-Vi, the system has
ProLipo PLUS. the versatility of the JoULe
continuous parallel contact cooling and uniform energy distribution
readily enables combination treatments
to eliminate hot spots. cleared indications include: vascular legions
with many in the same session.
including telangiectasia, rosacea and port wines stains; pigmented lesions including melasma and freckles; cutaneous lesions, including verrucas and skin tags; acne vulgaris; leg veins (red and blue); skin tightening; skin rejuvenation and permanent hair reduction.
alEx TRivanTaGE (CanDEla) alex trivantage treats multicolour tattoos across a broad range of patient skin types, and is renowned for its superior ability to treat hues of green, blue and black. the alex trivantage advanced laser technology removes even stubborn coloured ink. its powerful and effective performance means that it can remove tattoos in 30% less time.
Q-PlUS (lynTon laSERS) the ultimate Q-Switched laser platform for tattoo removal and pigmentation, the the Q-PLUS c incorporates both a Q-switched nd:yaG Laser System, operating at 1064/532nm, and a Q-Switched ruby Laser System operating at 694nm, allowing all tattoo colours to be effectively treated, as well as pigmented lesions. the Q-Plus lasers use revolutionary technology to deliver the light in a ‘square spot’ instead of the traditional circular beam. the square spots can be tessellated easily to ensure that there is complete
its speed and precision are what makes it unique. Previously removing multi-coloured tattoos meant using multiple lasers. the Q-switched alex trivantage laser builds upon its proven performance of the 755nm Q-switched alexLaZr with the addition of 1064nm and 532nm Q-switched laser wavelengths to dramatically expand the practitioner’s ability to treat tattoos of all colours gently and effectively.
coverage of the tattoo without small gaps of untreated pigment. the laser output intensity is also homogonised giving a uniform intensity across the profile of the beam which reduces pin point bleeding during treatment. the Q-PLUS a is a high-powered active Q-Switched nd:yaG laser system operating at 532nm and 1064nm, having a maximum energy of 1J per pulse (at 1064nm). the Q-Switched output at 1064nm is ideal for tattoos with blue and black pigments, as well as benign dermal pigmentation. the Q-Switched output at 532nm is effective for the treatment of red and orange tattoo pigments as well as benign superficial pigmentation. removal is effective and quick due to the high peak powers, the large spot sizes and the high repetition rates.
skin reJUVenatiOn lasers PEaRl anD PEaRl fRaCTional (CUTERa) the Pearl combines the impact of resurfacing lasers with the gentleness and safety of non-invasive
Q-SWiTCHED RUBy laSER (PolaRiS) ruby remains one of the best lasers for the removal of tattoos and pigmented lesions. With adjustable spot sizes, treatments are quick and effective. the Polaris Q-Switched ruby Laser produces pulses of energy that are very short, but high in energy. the light from the laser (694nm) is absorbed by the pigment in the tattoo but not the surrounding skin. the pigment heats up and breaks down into smaller particles that the body can dispose of naturally.
procedures to treat ageing and sun-damaged skin. it reduces wrinkles, uneven texture and solar damage with fewer treatments and less overall recovery than other technologies. Pearl Fractional is a new volumising fractional laser, designed for improving photodamage, tone and texture in just one treatment. Pearl Fractional’s unique laser wavelength offers a safe but intense treatment to reverse the signs of ageing. this combination gives patients dramatic results in a single treatment with approximately one week of recovery.
Results You Can RelY on “The ultimate in combination laser and light therapy for face, hands and body to optimize results.”
InnovatIve technology Safe, effective treatments with the industry’s most dynamic product portfolio, distinguished by expandable modular platforms that adapt to your changing needs and future breakthroughs. Before
Mini 360 Protocol for the face and neck Photos courtesy: James Chan, MD
AFT 570 SR
Photos courtesy: Fernando Stengel, MD
Pixel Laser
Photos courtesy: Amber Brown, MD
Multiple technologies can be combined during a single session or repeated frequently and spread out over 60 days. • When performed in a single treatment session, the Mini Laser360TM program consists of AFT for pigment and vascularity, ST for skin tightening, and Pixel for fractionated skin resurfacing. • The Traditional Laser360 treatment consists of 4-6 treatment sessions, layering multiple technologies (AFT, ST and Pixel), spaced about 10-15 days apart over a 60-day period.
Pixel ST
AFT 420 Acne
Photos courtesy: Elizabeth VanderVeer, MD
Before AFT 540 VP
Photos courtesy: Elizabeth VanderVeer, MD
Pixel Laser
Photos courtesy: Bhupendra Patel, MD
Tattoo Removal - Photos Courtesy: Fernando
Urdiales, Instituto Médico Miramar, Málaga , Spain
ContaCt us on: tel: 0845 1707788,,
Traditional Laser360
Photos courtesy: Rick Jackson, MD
WINNER - UK BEST LASER SUPPLIER 2008-2009 As voted by clinics
Laser Special | Rise of the Machines fRaxEl RE:SToRE® DUal WavElEnGTH SySTEM (SolTa MEDiCal) the Fraxel re:store® Dual system is the latest addition to the range of Fraxel treatments to address both deep and superficial resurfacing indications for all skin types anywhere on the body. Prior to the non-ablative Fraxel re:store® Dual system, laser skin resurfacing procedures were largely limited to the face. the non-ablative Fraxel re:store® Dual system takes the industry leading Fraxel technology to the next level by adding a novel laser wavelength, the first-ever of its kind in the aesthetics market. the new 192nm wavelength will enable physicians to better address pigmentation and other dyschromia on the entire body with minimal discomfort, increasing the areas of the body that you can treat. offering superior results, the new Fraxel re:store® technology effectively targets the skin surface for smoother, fresher looking skin with less downtime than comparable ablative treatments. Benefits and features of the Fraxel re:store® Dual Wavelength System include: deep and superficial resurfacing in one system with dual fiber laser technology; accelerated clearance of unwanted pigmentation; improved patient comfort with cooling delivered directly to the treatment area; treatment of larger and multiple body areas in a single session, meaning expanded results with fewer trips to the doctor’s office and faster treatments with newly improved design. the system has just received FDa 510(k) clearance.
yoUlaSER Co2 (lynTon laSERS) the yoULaSer co2 is a state-of the-art ablative fractional laser for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. Fractional laser technology is an extremely effective and safe way to treat patients for wrinkle reduction, all types of scarring (including acne scarring), pigmentation
CanDEla QUaDRalaSE
and dyschromia.the yoULaSer co2 System
the candela QuadraLaSe c02 treatment
utilises fractional photothermolysis, which is
is advanced, sophisticated and unique in
the treatment of microscopic volumes of skin
design. the procedure delivers many tiny
with individual pulses from a laser, leaving the
dots of laser light in a unique QuadraScan
surrounding area intact to facilitate a rapid
pattern, which reduces heat build-up,
healing process. treatments can be just as
meaning that QuadraLaSe delivers a
effective, but the skin heals much faster than if
faster, more comfortable skin enhancing
the entire area were treated at once. in addition
treatment. QuadraLaSe has proven
to this, the yoULaSer co2 System is an ablative
effective in eliminating the effects of the
laser system. the 10.6µm wavelength is strongly
sun and ageing of the skin, smoothing
absorbed by skin tissue. as a result it removes
lines and wrinkles, skin tightening and
all layers of the skin at the treatment site, rather
even acne scars. treatments range from
than just coagulating epidermal and dermal
mild to aggressive based on the extent
tissue. thus, in ablative fractional mode, the
of rejuvenation you’re looking for. the
yoULaSer co2 System delivers the potency of
downtime is dependant on individual cases,
ablative treatments with the safety of non-
but is usually only seven to 10 days.
ablative fractional lasers, whilst in fully ablative mode it can also deliver the full efficacy of the more standard co2 resurfacing lasers.
hair reMOVal lasers
CanDEla GEnTlEMax GentlemaX offers practitioners unsurpassed speed, efficacy and easeof-use, and offers its customers a configurable, multiple wavelength
device without compromising on product specifications, power or performance. Versatility is synonymous with the GentlemaX which
Lumenis revolutionised its ‘Gold Standard’ LightSheer with vacuum-assist
combines 755nm and 1064nm treatment capabilities, and removes
technology and by dramatically increasing the spot size to 22 x 35 mm
unwanted hair, leg and facial veins, fine lines and wrinkles, vascular
with the LightSheer DUet. the DUet enables you to treat backs and legs
and pigmented lesions and skin laxity.
comfortably in only 15 minutes, making hair removal profitable, without
candela GentlemaX is the fastest laser
the need for anesthetics and gel. the LightSheer DUet includes two
of its kind, offering unprecedented
optimal wavelength 800nm diode hair removal laser systems on one
speed of 18 mm spot sizes and
versatile platform. LightSheer et has a fluence up to 100 J/cm2, chilltip™
repetition rates up to 2Hz, with fewer
continuous contact cooling and pulse widths up to 400nm while Light
laser pulses. its 26,333 watts of peak
Sheer HS includes the largest spot size of any diode laser, integrated
power gives the GentlemaX speed,
vacuum-assisted technology, pulse widths of up to 400nm and requires no
efficacy and ease-of-use advantages
cooling or anaesthetic. the LightSheer family of diode laser systems has an
over all other platform devices. the
unsurpassed library of clinically documented success. it treats all skin types
GentlemaX treats all skin types, its dual
including tanned skin, most hair colors, depths and diameters. in addition
wavelength capabilities giving the
to documentation of clinical efficacy with hair removal and permanent
GentlemaX the ideal settings to suit
hair reduction, the LightSheer is also FDa cleared for the treatment of
the steady flow of clients through your
pseudo folliculitis barbae (PFB), benign pigmented lesions and leg veins.
door, including those with tans.
SoPRano xl (aBC laSERS) as the leading laserdiode hair removal system available, the Soprano XL combines the gold standard features of 810nm diode Hr with an exclusive SHr ‘in motion’ approach, which delivers safe, fast and effective results. Soprano XL claims to be the world’s first virtually painless laser-based hair removal system. Harnessing cutting-edge laser technology, the treatment quickly and permanently removes unwanted hair, whilst ensuring your clients remain comfortable throughout. Suitable for all areas of the body and all skin types, Soprano XL has a large spot size to deliver fast results in just a few short sessions with no recovery time and very few side effects. the Soprano also boasts the highest fluence and fastest throughput on the market at 120 J/cm2. in-motion™ laser technology generates pulses of infrared diode laser energy, which gradually heat the hair follicles until they can no longer produce new hair. this also eliminates the problem of patchy hair removal.
Medical laSeRS designed to British standards you can trust!
in PaRtneRShiP with PRofeSSionalS
one for each of the
• Hair Removal • Vascular treatments • Tattoo Removal
potential skin types
profit from the growing trend for tattoo removal
the Soprano XL has seven different treatment programs,
plus the new SHr mode. With Soprano XL numbing gels and anesthesia are also a thing of the past as a unique Dualchill™ treatment tip cools and calms the skin, ensuring the most comfortable treatment possible.
The latest Q-fractional IPL technology for skin rejuvenation
PolaRiS 1064 lonG PUlSED nD:yaG laSER PoLariS 1064 Long Pulsed nd:yaG LaSer can be safely and successfully used for the removal of hair on all skin types, Fitzpatrick scale i-Vi, is the ideal solution for the busy clinic. one of the many advantages of using Laser light at 1064nm is that melanin absorption is very low. as a result the risk of skin pigmentation damage, either
true needle free Mesotherapy for the delivery of active substances. As featured in Marie Claire and Elle
hyper or hypo, is very low, making long pulsed nd:yag lasers the only choice for hair removal on skin types iii-Vi. the Polaris long pulsed nd:yag can also be used for the treatment of red and blue,
medical microdermabrasion the original and still the best
broken capillaries on both the leg and the face.
T: 01234 841 536 28
Energist - The Complete Solution for Light-Based Systems Choose from the most comprehensive range of Pulsed Light Systems in the industry - all made in the UK. Following Energist's recent acquisition of the iPulse Professional range of pulsed light systems, Energist is now able to offer the ideal light treatment system for everyone. Contact us to find the perfect system for your needs! * New * ‘Specialist’ Applicator * Most advanced pulsed light system available * Proven VPL technology TM
* Hair removal, Skin
* Double the fluence of standard 530nm applicator * Developed specially for Dermatologists
Rejuvenation, Acne,
* Up to 110J/cm2
Thread veins, Pigmentation
* Treat larger vascular and
* 25000 hair removal shots
pigmented lesions
* Anti-ageing, acne, skin
* Choose from, i200+, i300 &
i400 models
* Unique DELTM technology.
* Low capital cost
* Red, Blue Magenta output -
* User-changeable lamps
all in one head!
* Large Treatment area * Faster, lower cost treatments * Portable and light-weight
* Safe on all skin types, even tanned skin * Fully adjustable intensity
* Hair removal only system * Proven VPLTM technology * Easy to use touch panel * Upgrade option to full UltraPlus system * Great entry-level system for even the smallest salon
* Treatment of: Micro-Needle Rollers * Collagen stimulation
* Wrinkles * Acne Scarring
* Enhanced product penetration
* Pigmentation * Stretch marks
Tel: +44 (0) 1792 798768 Fax: +44 (0) 1792 762099
Laser Special | Home-Use Devices
NO PraCtitiOner
reqUireD Laser Protection adviser godfrey town on home-use Laser and iPL devices
edia exposure of light-based technologies and medical as well as scientific validation that lasers and intense Pulsed Light (iPL) devices produce measurable results in hair removal and skin rejuvenation has led to the introduction of miniaturised, low-cost devices for in-home use by the consumer. Several leading brands are now entering this expanding sector but are these low-cost systems credible and how do they compare with professional treatments? Godfrey town is an international authority in light-based technologies and serves more than 300 laser establishments in UK as their Laser Protection adviser. in this article, he offers some insight into home-use devices.
this year has seen the launch on the high street and online of a number of home-use devices for hair removal and skin rejuvenation
Home-use light based treatments by consumers have been documented as far back as 2003 (1, 2) and this year has seen the launch through catalogue shopping, on the high street and online of a number of home-use devices for hair removal and skin rejuvenation. these include major consumer brands such as Philips SatinLux, Boots Smooth Skin by iPulse and remington iLight. Home-use hair removal devices from less well-known manufacturers have already been granted FDa-clearance in USa for over-the-counter sale to consumers (Spectragenics, tria and Home Skinovations, Silk’n). Boots Smooth Skin home-use iPL has sold in thousands in the UK during the last few months. Several safety and efficacy studies have also appeared in international peer-reviewed journals confirming meaningful hair reduction figures and relatively few side effects but still inferior to some professionally delivered treatments. Whilst all of these studies were medically supervised rather than performed at home, it is clear that permanent hair reduction results are acceptable (3, 4, 5, 6). Safety is a major consideration for the consumer and the literature indicates that ocular safety systems incorporated by reputable manufacturers position home-use lasers as class i devices. Home-use iPL devices have no specific international safety standard to comply with for optical radiation hazard and manufacturers should rely upon the iec tr 60825-9 and the international committee on non-ionizing radiation Protection (icnirP) Guidelines on Limits of exposure to Broad-band incoherent optical radiation. So far, i have found that only the iPulse home-use hair removal iPL has been tested under these international standards (7). roosen et al found in an in vitro study that one low-fluence iPL caused mild trauma to the hair shaft, interrupting the hair cycle and inducing temporary hair loss (8). a preliminary histology study with the iPulse home-use iPL by trelles confirms that in several Skin type ii subjects, primary thermal effects were evident in the hair shaft due to thermal absorption including an immediate inflammatory infiltration reaction of the perifolliculum together with changes in hair architecture and detachment from the skin. Further histological studies are needed to establish the extent of hair damage in these home-use devices. as the cost of technology has come down, recent years have seen an expansion in north america and most european countries in the use of intense pulsed light devices by nonmedically qualified therapist operators outside of the medical clinic, in spas and salons. Given the huge consumer demand for cosmetic hair removal, it is perhaps unsurprising that companies are eager to offer new technology products to the general public.
Laser Special | Home-Use Devices
WHERE DoES all THiS lEavE THE PRofESSional Salon PRaCTiTionER anD THE CliEnT? Firstly, we need to recognise that home-use products are already here and growing in number and popularity, whether we want it or not. some of them are ineffective and some may not be safe and we must be informed about the devices themselves and be ready to ‘pick up the pieces’ when homeuse treatments go wrong. We should also explore opportunities to use proven home-use devices alongside our own professional treatments e.g. for on-going home-care top-up treatments as part of a total professional treatment regimen. Secondly, home-use devices are not suitable for all skin types (usually excluding Fitzpatrick Skin types V-Vi) and FDa clearances do not so far allow use on the face and neck. these home-use devices also require significantly more treatments than is commonplace in the clinic environment where higher fluences, larger spot sizes and faster repetition rates permit a speedier and more efficient treatment with the reassurance of professional counselling and support.
REfEREnCES: thirdly, many consumers will be uncertain about issues of
1. rohrer te, chatrath V, yamauchi P, et al. can patients treat themselves
safety, suitability for use with underlying medical conditions
with small a novel light based hair removal system? Laser Surg med 2003;
(e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, hormonal conditions, etc) and
33: 25-29.
contra-indicated medication. 2. hodson Ds. current and Future trends in Home Laser Devices Semin Lastly, many home-use users will still require professional
cutan med Surg 2008;27: 292-300.
treatments for difficult body areas and conditions not treatable at home such as intimate body areas, backs,
3. Wheeland rg. consumer use of a battery-powered, handheld,
pseudo-folliculitis barbae, polycystic ovaries and the
portable diode laser (810nm) for hair removal: a safety, efficacy and ease-
treatment of acne, benign pigmented and vascular lesions.
of-use study. Laser Surg med. 2007;39: 476–493.
as experts in this field we must maintain our professional
4. alster ts, tanzi eL. effect of a novel, low-energy, pulsed-light device for
position and be ready to offer paid-for consultation support
home-use hair removal. Dermatol Surg 2009;35: 483–489.
to cosmetic clients seeking help in resolving any issues related to self-treatments or offering in-salon treatments
5. Mulholland, rS. Silk’n - a novel device using Home Pulsed Light™ for hair
where home-use is unsuitable. in the absence of adequate
removal at home. J cosmetic Laser therapy 2009;11:2: 106-109.
international standards we would do well to scrutinise the available published clinical studies and compare claims
6. emerson r, town G. Hair removal with a novel, low fluence, home-use
made by manufacturers with objective industry reports
intense pulsed light device: Preliminary results. J cosmetic Laser therapy
measuring the parameters of these devices (9).
2009; Vol. 11:2: 98-105.
as the beauty industry has seen with previous examples
7. eadie e, miller P, Goodman t, moseley H, assessment of the optical
of home-use products, home waxing kits and home
radiation Hazard From a Home-Use intense Pulsed Light (iPL) Source. Laser
electrolysis has had no impact on professional services.
Surg med 2009;40: 520–528.
another example is the recent popularising of home teeth whitening amongst consumers, which has driven
8. roosen g, Westgate G, Philpott m, Berretty P, nuijs t, Bjerring P.
the demand for professional treatments in almost every
temporary Hair removal by Low Fluence Photoepilation: Histological Study
dental practice. With the recent increased publicity for
on Biopsies and cultured Human Hair Follicles. Laser Surg med 2008;40:
home-use laser and iPL devices and the consequential
raising of consumer understanding and awareness, it is
reasonable to suppose that the same may already be
9. town g, ash c. measurement of Home Use Laser and intense Pulsed
true of driving demand for professional hair removal and
Light Systems for Hair removal: Preliminary report. J cosmetic Laser
skin rejuvenation treatments.
therapy 2009;11: 157–168.
2Qtrs_65x265mm.qx7:Layout 1
Page 1
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Non-Surgical | Facial Sculpting
chiNUP Dr bob khanna on chin augmentation with restylane® SubQ
s our experience and confidence in the use of dermal fillers grows, we aesthetic professionals are looking beyond simple rejuvenation techniques to identify how they can be best used to restore facial harmony in all patients of all ages. Use of nonpermanent dermal fillers such as restylane® SubQ means we can offer patients a highly effective, non-surgical `contouring’ option, tailored to their specific needs.
Dr bob khanna is a cosmetic and reconstructive dental surgeon. He runs clinics in ascot, reading,
approximately one quarter of patients in my aesthetic practice come to me for chin
Harley Street and manchester, and was one of
treatment. Some just want mild `sculpting’ in order to improve their overall facial
the first dentists in the world to venture into facial
balance and may combine it with cosmetic dental treatment or other aesthetic
aesthetic procedures, using botulinum toxin and
procedures. others are seeking bigger changes that traditionally would have
dermal fillers, more than 12 years ago. He lectures
been treated surgically, either by repositioning the jaw or inserting an implant. chin
internationally and has trained more than 6,500
augmentation with restylane® SubQ is a non-surgical option for those patients
doctors, dentists and plastic surgeons under the
seeking a less-invasive corrective procedure. it also provides an opportunity
umbrella of the Dr Bob Khanna institute, which
for patients to see the potential benefit of a temporary enhancement before
was given the accolade of training course
committing to surgery.
of the year at the aesthetic medicine awards 2008. in 2003, he was awarded a Fellowship
the successful use of restylane® SubQ in the chin is dependent on there being
from the international academy of Dental
enough underlying soft-tissue support to product movement. it has been
Facial aesthetics in new york. He is also founder
suggested that the anatomy of the chin creates natural pockets for restylane®
and president of the international academy of
SubQ, which is probably why i see so many satisfied patients and long-lasting results
advanced Facial aesthetics (iaaFa) and clinical
using my techniques. it is safe, effective and extremely easy to use and, by using
lecturer at the royal college of Surgeons (FDGP
a systematic approach of injecting and evaluating throughout the procedure, i
aesthetic masterclass). most recently, he was
can sculpt the perfect chin. i see increasing opportunities to use it in conjunction
awarded UK Private Dentist of the year 2009 in the
with cosmetic dentistry to correct this common aesthetic problem without major
Private Dentistry awards.
surgical intervention.
nOn-sUrgiCal Chin aUgMentatiOn
rrespective of the amount of augmentation required, using restylane® SubQ allows me to adopt a gradual, three-dimensional approach to contouring and sculpting the chin. it has a greater thickness and viscosity than the majority of other products
in the restylane® range and has been developed specifically for use where greater volume is required. in this article, i discuss the marking up, injection points and different volumes and placement of restylane® SubQ in mild, moderate and severe augmentation of the chin.
MilD aUgMentatiOn (FigUres 1–5)
fter thorough assessment, including full-face and profile photography for medico-legal reference (see Figures 1 and 2), i mark the treatment area. For a mild augmentation, i draw a vertical line from the lower lip to the inferior margin
of the chin (see Figure 3). i also mark the outer lateral boundaries of the planned augmentation. For all chin treatments, i usually administer two intra–oral mental blocks and then deeply infiltrate the centre of the symphysis region with lignocaine plus 2% adrenalin. i find that 2 -3mL is usually sufficient to ensure a totally pain-free procedure. although it is possible to use topical anaesthesia, i think that local anaesthetic makes sure that treatment is totally pain-free. Following sterile procedures at all times, i inject with the patient sitting in a semi-upright position so that i can allow for gravitational effects. i use a variety of needle sizes (between 18G and 23G) with a length of at least 1.5 inches. this means that i can perforate
the skin and gain access to the whole treatment area and minimise the need to make multiple punctures. this is particularly beneficial in mild cases where i usually access the chin centrally, just beneath the mandibular border (see Figure 3). although the amount of restylane® SubQ needed differs according to each patient, i usually find that about 1-2 mL placed subdermally is sufficient to achieve the desired effect in a mild case. one of the advantages of using restylane® SubQ is that you can evaluate and adjust the result in a systematic manner. i inject between 0.5 mL and 1.0 mL at a time and then immediately assess the result. although this involves removing the needle and re-entering the site each time, it enables me to avoid over-treatment and ensure optimal aesthetic results. When the procedure is complete i usually sculpt the area with careful directional massage to develop an even contour and ensure that there are no step tissue deformities (see Figures 4 and 5). after treatment, i instruct the patient to avoid manipulation of the chin, and advise them to go to sleep lying flat on their back rather than their side. i also warn them that they may experience a little stiffness or tautness in the skin and suggest using standard nSaiDs for a couple of days following treatment if needed. Bruising is rare in the chin but i do warn patients of possible temporary lower lip mobility, particularly when they smile, because the treatment can affect the lower lip depressor muscles. i usually assess for any asymmetry and check for patient satisfaction at a three-week review. if necessary i re-inject, using small volumes of restylane® SubQ or Perlane®, to address any small inaccuracies. However, as i adopt a very careful, systematic approach to treatment, it is extremely rare that this is needed. i believe that extensive hands-on training and ongoing clinical practice are essential in gaining familiarity with not only the volumes required for each patient but also the three dimensional assessment before, during and after the procedure.
Figure 1: Profile view of a patient requiring mild augmentation of the chin
Figure 2: Frontal view of a patient requiring mild augmentation of the chin
Figure 3: marking up the patient for mild augmentation of the chin (the injection point is marked with a )
Figure 4: Profile view of a patient immediately post-treatment for mild augmentation of the chin
Figure 5: Frontal view of a patient immediately post-treatment for mild augmentation of the chin
Non-Surgical | Facial Sculpting
Figure 6: Profile view of a patient requiring moderate augmentation of the chin
Figure 7: Frontal view of a patient requiring moderate augmentation of the chin
Figure 8: marking up the patient for moderate augmentation of the chin (the injection points are marked with a )
Figure 9: Profile view of a patient immediately posttreatment for moderate augmentation of the chin
Figure 10: Frontal view of a patient immediately post-treatment for moderate augmentation of the chin
Figure 11: Profile view of a patient requiring extensive augmentation of the chin
Figure 12: Frontal view of a patient requiring extensive augmentation of the chin
Figure 13: marking up the patient for extensive augmentation of the chin (the injection points are marked with a ●)
Figure 14: Profile view of a patient immediately post-treatment for extensive augmentation of the chin
MODerate aUgMentatiOn (FigUres 6-10)
ith a moderate augmentation, marking up the treatment area is slightly more complicated as
shown in Figure 8. i usually need to treat a larger area and inject a larger volume so use three different needle entry points. i find that accessing laterally and injecting towards the midline works well in these patients (see Figure 8). as with a mild augmentation, i usually place the restylane® SubQ subdermally, using a 1.5-inch (18G to 23G) needle. Patient needs vary but i usually inject between 2-4mL in a moderate augmentation (see Figure 9 and 10). again, i continually assess the treatment after each injection before sculpting the area with careful massage to achieve the desired contour.
extensiVe aUgMentatiOn (FigUres 11-15)
s already mentioned, where a greater volume of restylane® SubQ is required, i find that accessing laterally and injecting towards the midline is usually a
better approach (see Figure 13). in addition, i find that the product is best placed supraperiostally beneath the muscle layers and along the mandibular bone. this means i avoid over-filling the immediate subdermal plane and risking potential ischaemic damage to the skin. it also provides an excellent platform for adding further layers in the subdermal plane if needed. an extensive augmentation usually requires > 4 mL; the patient pictured here required a total of 8 mL of restylane® SubQ to achieve a perfect result (see Figures 14 and 15). For more information on facial aesthetics courses at the Dr bob khanna training institute contact or call 07956 378526.
Figure 15: Frontal view of a patient immediately post-treatment for extensive augmentation of the chin
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View on | Skin
the barrier
Dr Carl thornfeldt gives his views on the inner functions of the skin’s ability to renew itself the skin is an incredibly complex organ of the human body and it serves as our first line of defense against disease-causing microbes and toxins. Until the early 1990s, the outer most layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, was believed to be metabolically static, like cellophane. this concept cause a faulty understanding of how to treat and prevent skin diseases, including visible skin ageing. at the time, the best way to treat dry skin was to apply thick, greasy products such as petroleum jelly or cold cream. this idea also severely limited research on how to prevent, treat
Dr Carl thornfeldt is a practicing dermatologist with 25 years of skin research experience, 21 US patents granted and more than 20 scientific publications in the area of treatment of skin. He is also the president, ceo, and chief scientific officer of episciences, inc. and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of oregon Health Sciences center. in 2003 and 2005 he was selected as one of the top 50 doctors in the US by the Sinatra Health report. the only dermatologist on the list, Dr thornfeldt has spent over a decade researching the skin barrier and cutaneous inflammatory conditions. He developed the epionce® skincare range, based on his research that linked the effects of two damaging biological processes in the skin: chronic inflammation and disruption of the skin’s natural protective barrier. By providing a highly effective skin wellness line that works at the cause of these conditions, he believes epionce® products are changing the way skin professionals can help their patients improve the performance and health of their skin.
and heal skin diseases that afflicted millions of people. more recently skin researchers, myself included, have been involved in breakthrough discoveries at the University of california, San Diego and at the University of california, San Francisco, which have ultimately revolutionised how we look at the skin’s structure and function. Let’s review the basic structure of the skin. the skin consists of three distinct tissues: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous. the epidermis contains four layers: stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum and stratum basale. the dermis is made up of two layers: papillary and reticular. the subcutaneous fat is the deepest layer.
“The skin is an incredibly complex organ of the human body and it serves as our first line of defense against disease-causing microbes and toxins” the research team found that the stratum corneum is in fact a mixture of cells and lipids. Picture a wall made of bricks and mortar. in this visual the bricks are the skin cells and the mortar represents the lipids. these seven to 10 layers of bricks and mortar sit at the very top of the skin and serve as shields to environmental hazards, water, bacteria and everything else that comes in contact with our external body. Within the stratum corneum resides the cutaneous permeability barrier, whose main function is to protect the deeper cells. this term rightly portrays the image of a wall whose main function is to protect. the skin must undergo continued renewal and regeneration of cells due to environmental damage.
liPid balance eqUalS HealtH
With this understanding of the mechanisms a 1:1:1 ratio of these three lipids. Disruption of the barrier occurs when this ratio is out of balance. lipid imbalance results due to sun exposure, radiation, reduced humidity from the weather, repeated behind skin function, hydration and drying, temperature extremes and emotional stress as well as harsh ingredients in we can consider skincare products, soaps and cleansers. if the barrier is interrupted, these three lipids are not integrated at the same rate. instead cholesterol and how products can free fatty acids are integrated directly after the skin is disrupted, while the ceramide does not integrate help the skin naturally until later. Production of precursors begins in the basal layers (stratum basale), which is between the epidermis and dermis and matures into specialised ceramides at the surface. in other words, when the skin regenerate itself barrier is disrupted, it heals at different rates. Our research team discovered that the permeability barrier consists of specific ratios of three key lipids: cholestorol, ceramides and free fatty acids. in its normal healthy state the skin has
When acute inflammation occurs in the skin, such as sunburn or a chemical
ageing. each pathway represents a mechanism that, when triggered, in turn
peels, several natural healing responses are triggered, including the creation of
effects matrix metalloproteinases (mmPs). these mmPs are a type of amino acid
more collagen and elastin. However when acute inflammation is left un-treated
and play an important role in tissue remodeling. as the mechanisms each come
it may become destructive chronic inflammation, which contributes to visible
to the conclusion of their pathways, they may ultimately lead to the destruction
skin ageing and skin diseases, such as cancer.
of collagen and elastin or create keratinocytes.
there are five possible cascades created by insults against our skin, which
When the collagen and elastin are being destroyed then microscars result
occur daily through factors such as sun exposure, lifestyle and diet. First it is
which enlarge to become fine lines and wrinkles. When the keratinocytes are
very important to note that, should the barrier be disrupted, it is then wide
created, they can multiply to become premalignant keratoses, which could
open to disease-causing microbes, which leads to all types of secondary
lead to skin cancer. While none of these consequences appear to the naked
infections. often times what skincare professionals find is with an individual
eye immediately, the damage is being done on a daily basis and accumulates
with cracked severely dry skin that has become painfully inflamed due to
over the years. if the skin can avoid constantly battling all of these cascades,
microbes gaining access to the vulnerable lower layers of the skin, treating
then it is able to stay in its healthy state, hereby optimally regenerating and
this infection is equally important in healing the dry skin.
fortifying itself against further external assaults.
the other cascades play a role that contributes to skin disease and visible skin
natUral Skin regeneration
the second requirement for a product to help
a magnifying camera one can see that these
By now one may begin to realise that there
the skin regenerate itself is its delivery of active
moisturisers simply sit on top of the skin, keeping the
is a difference between the function of pure
ingredients at high enough concentrations
skin moist but not providing any other therapeutic
moisturisers, which simply increase the water-
through the cutaneous permeability barrier without
value to its barrier.
holding capacity of he skin, and barrier-repairing
destroying the barrier. Limited delivery means
moisturisers. Hydration alone may actually disrupt
limited or no benefit. Strategies to increase the skin’s
the third requirement is to prevent the activation
the barrier integrity, so these two functions are
permeability to active ingredients, in many skincare
of the proinflammatory cascades, which is
not necessarily linked. With this understanding of
products, results in the destruction of the skin barrier
impossible to do if the first step is not met. if a
the mechanisms behind skin function, we can
in a physical way. one example to this destruction
product has optimal therapeutic concentrations
consider how products can help the skin naturally
is mechanical exfoliation via manual scrubs or
of active ingredients in a stable formulation,
regenerate itself. to do so, the presence of three
then it must work to inhibit each of the five
crucial factors is required. the first requirement
pathways within the cascade effect. Simply
is optimal therapeutic concentrations of active
While these are helpful procedures to accelerate
inhibiting one will allow the others to continue
ingredients in a stable formulation. if a product does
skin cell turnover, they are removing the top
and cause more inflammation and, in turn, cause
not have this then it cannot be beneficial to the
protective layers of the stratum corneum, increasing
more damage to the skin. thus, an appropriate
skin. the formulation needs to take into account the
its vulnerability to external assaults. Destruction
combination of the key ingredients is necessary
appropriate pH levels of the acid mantel of the skin.
of the barrier without immediate barrier repair
to effectively assist the skin in rejuvenating itself.
For example, the reason that sunscreen needs to be
aftercare then triggers the cascades that will
For example, vitamin c only stops the iL-1● and
applied every few hours is because the sunscreen
negate any therapeutic value. Several active
iL-1● mechanisms noted on the chart, whereas
breaks down with sun exposure as it mixes with the
ingredients should be delivered at once, because
a network of antioxidants such as date palm
acids in the skin barrier. also is the concentrations
human skin requires multiple compounds in order
extract, meadowfoam, flax and apple work to
of the active ingredient are not jointly therapeutic,
to produce a healing effect. What is needed is a
inhibit all of the mechanism pathways. it is only
then they can work against each other rather than
product that separates the cells and the lipids to
by using products with this unique combination of
with each other. an effective skincare product
create micropathways for the active ingredients
active ingredients and couple with a specialised
is formulated like an effective multivitamin. the
to reach the targeted cells without generating
precision delivery system, that the skin will truly be
adequate concentrations and ratios of active
inflammatory factors.
able to regenerate and be healthy.
ingredients are needed to work together in order to achieve optimal skin health.
“Skincare products that do not attempt to open the skin’s barrier are equally ineffective at directing the active ingredients to a place where they can be therapeutic”
“A deeper understanding of the skin’s function and how its natural regeneration process works is incredibly important”
beyond tHe SUrFace as skincare practitioners it can be tempting to use whatever products smell or feel the best, however, a deeper understanding of the skin’s function and how its natural regeneration process works is incredibly important. Finding
Skincare products that do not attempt to open
products that can meet the criteria listed
the skin’s barrier are equally ineffective at directing
above will enable you to assist clients in
the active ingredients to a place where they
allowing their skin to function as it was
can be therapeutic. in looking at the skin with
created to do so.
Best Practice | E-Commerce
Net prOFit
ron Myers on how your practice could benefit from having an online shop Discretion, convenience and easier price comparisons for product brands have all helped to fuel the growth in sales of a huge range of diverse products and services on the internet. this phenomenon has not escaped the aesthetic or ‘health and beauty’ industries with cosmeceuticals, post-cosmetic surgery garments, hand-held lasers and other systems for home use hair removal and skin rejuvenation all now readily available from a myriad of online stores. We also have first hand experience in the online sales market with an e-commerce site launched in 2008 – – that specialises in selling a carefully selected range of products in the medical aesthetic market sector to the public. in this article we explore the potential reasons for, and how to go about setting up your own e-shop.
ron Myers has more than 13 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry in a variety of sales and marketing, sales management and business development roles working for Smith Kline Beecham, novartis, and allergan Pharmaceuticals. ron was involved in the launch of Botox® and mD Forté® glycolic peels into the UK market place in 1994. He set up a specialist consultancy service in 2002 with business partner martyn roe. Since then they have been busy working on a variety of high profile projects in the aesthetics industry, including the development of Wigmore medical’s concept as a specialist aesthetic distributor; the launch of the Facial aesthetic conference and exhibition (Face) – now the UK’s largest non-surgical medical aesthetic conference; business development projects with individual medical aesthetic clinics and website design and development, including e-commerce sites and the launch and management of mediZen – a non-surgical medical aesthetic clinic - in conjunction with Dr David eccleston. in addition ron and martyn developed – launched in 2003, and now the largest specialist aesthetic information website in the UK, and winner of ‘Best aesthetic Patient information Website’ at the aesthetic medicine awards 2008
WHy SHoUld yoU Have an e-SHoP?
price, (although some of these discounted items
most beauty, non-surgical medical aesthetic,
approved distributors).
may be short dated and the sites may not be
cosmetic dental and even cosmetic surgery based businesses have embraced the concept
in addition to providing a more convenient 24/7
of cross-selling one or more retail skincare
route of repeat purchase for your customers,
ranges to their client base. the overall aim is
clinics offering this service have also benefited
to encourage consumers to use a brand that
from keeping their telephone lines open for new
is generally not available in high street retail
client enquiries for clinic treatments, rather than
outlets so that they return to the clinic for repeat
fielding several calls a day for repeat purchases
purchases. Local customers may pop into the
of skincare brands.
clinic to purchase items as they run out – others may ring the clinic to re-order and have items
a growing number of industry participants have
sent in the post.
already launched their own e-shops. these include larger clinic chains such as Sk:n and
clients who initially purchase skincare products
transform medical Group (who promote their
from you will naturally be inclined to want
own-brand skincare line to lock customers into
to repeat purchase the product from you,
repeat sales via themselves), alongside much
(providing the product performs). if they prefer
smaller individual businesses who understand the
to buy retail products on the internet, because
benefit of providing a convenient online portal
of convenience, and you don’t provide
for repeat sales of retail items to their client base.
an online shop, you can guarantee that, (whatever distributors tell you about restricting
the additional advantage of an e-shop is that
the availability of their products on the internet),
you may also sell retail products to customers
they will find a route to purchase the brand that
who browse your site, but who don’t actually
you are selling via an online source. ebay™ and
book in for professional treatments. this gives you
price comparison sites such as www.kelkoo.
a new database of potential clients for you to will focus on websites selling at the lowest
market your professional in-clinic treatments to.
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Best Practice | E-Commerce
HoW do i Set UP an e-SHoP?
credit cards can be expensive, so comparison shopping for
there are many ways to set up an e-shop, from ‘do-it-
the best deal is vital , and be sure to read all the fine print as
yourself’ packages to hiring web designers, or buying or
‘hidden’ charges like cancellation fees are not uncommon.
leasing ready made customisable shopping portals from a selection of 100s of providers.
merchant accounts can sometimes be hard to get and the monthly fees add up, so if you’d rather not have your own
Prices can range from as little as £20/month for basic sites (if
merchant account, third party credit card processors will
leasing), to multiple £1,000s for custom built sites.
process your debit and credit card orders for you.
the sophistication of your e-shop (especially from an order
one of the most widely used third party providers is Paypal™
management and tracking perspective) is probably the
(owned by eBay™). Google™ also launched its own service
key difference between the cheaper and more expensive
two years ago called Google checkout™, which is gaining
options that you can buy. the more volume that you
in popularity. there are usually no monthly fees (depending
anticipate going through your e-shop, the better system you
on your trading volume) and they charge a ‘per transaction’
will need in order to effectively track orders and deliveries,
fee and send you payment for all your orders processed,
returned items, out-of-stock items and any credits required,
minus their fee and a reserve fee. a reserve fee is withheld
plus keep track of ordering and stock levels.
to cover any charge backs you may have. if you have no charge backs within a period of time, your reserve will be
“If you want to ensure that retail skincare is a core element to your business, (and we believe that it should be for most aesthetic practices), then the convenience of online purchasing will become increasingly important”
refunded to you.
diStribUtion many clinics do not have the space to hold large stock levels of retail items plus packaging materials; in addition, they may not have staff who have the time to devote to regular ‘picking and packing’ of retail orders, alongside posting items in a timely manner. Depending on the level of retail sales that you anticipate having to pack and post you may want to employ the
Payment ProceSS
services of a fulfilment house who will hold stock in their
although some small scale e-shops rely on customers sending
warehouse and handle packaging, posting and returns
cheques through for online purchases, we would definitely
on your behalf. However, fees for this service do vary
recommend that you have an online payment option.
considerably and it can be difficult to find a provider who will manage small quantities.
Preparing your website to process orders online isn’t as difficult as you may think. there are basically two options.
the first option is to set up a merchant account. this entails
if you want to ensure that retail skincare is a core element
either making arrangements with your current high street
to your business, (and we believe that it should be for
bank or using one of the many online providers, such as
most aesthetic practices), then the convenience of online
WorldPay™ or netBanx™, (we currently use nochex™ for
purchasing will become increasingly important. you may also
our online shop). the second option is to use a third party
want to offer a special discount or loyalty scheme for some
credit card processor.
high value customers to ensure that they continue purchasing from you rather than other online providers or discounters.
When it comes to choosing which merchant account
Provider to deal with, (there are hundreds out there), the one
Setting up an online shop is not difficult, but the planning and
factor that influences most people is the cost. accepting
implementation process can be time consuming.
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Business Focus | Practice Literature
hilary Ford on creating successful practice literature over the past few months we have been discussing the basics of marketing and explaining how it can help you and your practice. an essential part of your marketing campaign is practice literature – brochures, treatment leaflets and so on. these help to convince potential patients that you are the right practice for them, as well as communicating all the necessary medical and aftercare information.
LayinG tHe FoUnDationS before you start to think about your practice literature, you first need to be sure about the visual identity you want your practice to have. in many cases, this will focus on your logo and the colours you use. you may be completely happy with your current identity, but if you feel it is perhaps hilary Ford is one of three directors at Blue Horizons. She has been working in marketing for almost 20 years, in a wide range of sectors including luxury yachts, call centre recruitment and, for the last eight years, the dental and medical sector in the UK and europe. Blue Horizons offer a full range of marketing services, including patient welcome packs, treatment leaflets, websites and consultancy.
looking a little dated, then now is the ideal time to refresh it. even if you think it still looks great, it is worth asking the opinion of friends and family – it is far better to make any changes at this stage, so your image can be consistent throughout. Don’t spend too long agonising over your logo. Some people think that their logo will be something that is instantly recognisable to other people, and so it needs to look absolutely perfect. in fact, it is only big corporations who have that kind of logo, and they will usually have spent huge amounts of their vast marketing budget to make it so familiar to us. your logo simply needs to reflect the image that you want your practice to have, an image that you are happy with and that will appeal to the type of clients you want to attract. colour plays an important role. Blues are often used by medical professionals because they are clean, calm and relaxing – greens can have a similar effect. companies aiming at the young and trendy sector tend to go for brighter colours, those who want to attract older people often go for more muted, traditional hues. Be careful when using red – it has some positive connotations such as love and strength, but also some negative ones including danger and blood – not ideal in the medical aesthetic sector! it is absolutely vital that your logo is professionally designed, and bespoke to you. you don’t need to spend thousands of pounds on it, but please don’t be tempted to do it yourself or download a cheap generic one from the internet, they do not promote an image that is suitable to a professional medical aesthetic sector.
this is the item which will reap the biggest benefits for your practice. it
(USPs). these could be the qualifications, expertise and reputation of your
does require an initial investment, but it will be money well spent.
surgeons, a particular aspect of customer care, or anything else that you feel should make your practice the practice of choice.
Bristol Plastic Surgery, whose surgeons include BaaPS President nigel mercer, printed their new welcome pack earlier this year. Practice manager Jill Holt
your welcome pack also gives you the chance to make a great impression
comments, “a quality welcome pack is essential to convey our professional
on potential clients, just by the way it looks. the design, the materials you use
image, and helps to give patients more confidence in us. it is also a valuable
and little extras like special finishes can all make a big difference to the way in
tool for our consultants, as it can be used to reiterate vital information such as
which your clients will perceive you.
aftercare instructions or potential side-effects. imagery is very important – again, it needs to appeal to your potential “We have had an excellent response to our welcome pack. our patients
patients. try to avoid overly-clinical photos, these can be very off-putting.
really appreciate the easy-to-understand explanations of our treatments, and
instead, use photos that reflect the lifestyle and interests of the type of
find the information about our quality of care very reassuring.”
clients you wish to attract. For example, if you want to focus on providing breast surgery to younger women, your photos should be of younger
a typical welcome pack incorporates all the information that your potential
active women with a look to which your patients can aspire. But if you
patients will need. it gives you the opportunity to tell them more about your
specialise in face-lifts and other anti-ageing procedures, then your photos
practice and why they should come to you for their treatment, rather than
need to reflect this with images of older but still relatively wrinkle-free men
go elsewhere. it can also include treatment leaflets, giving full details of every
and women.
procedure that you carry out. the text is important too. once your potential client has been won over by the it is not about promoting the actual treatments – professional ethics prevent
design and photos, they will want to find out more about you. Keep the text
that. it is about letting people know about your skills and expertise, in an easy-
jargon-free and reader-friendly, without being patronising. Keep it as brief as
to-understand, down-to-earth and accurate way, and reassuring them that
possible – we appreciate that you need to explain what your qualifications
you offer the levels of medical care and customer service that they need.
are, but reams of text detailing your every career move, examination and
you also need to let potential patients know about those aspects of your
published paper are unlikely to be read by patients, and the sheer length of
service that set you apart from others – your ‘Unique Selling Propositions’
text could put them off exploring your welcome pack further.
after surgery, such as bruises and stitches. it also tells
We feel that every medical aesthetic
them exactly what they need to do, and avoid, to
practitioner should provide patients with
help ensure maximum results.
leaflets giving full, factual details of the treatments they perform. this gives an
the potential risks and complications section can
additional professional touch, and helps to
make a very daunting read, but are nevertheless a
prevent any potential for misunderstanding.
vital inclusion. Patients need to know the potential risks they are taking so they can make an informed
your treatment leaflets are a little different from the
decision about whether to go ahead. in addition,
rest of your welcome pack. they are not there to
it is always wise to provide information like this in
promote your clinic, and are certainly not intended
writing, just in case something should go wrong
to promote the treatments. their role is simply to
and the patient tries to claim they were unaware
communicate all the necessary information to your
of the risks.
clients, in a clear, easily understandable and jargonfree manner. a lot of this information will usually be given during a
USinG yoUr WeLcome PacK eFFectiVeLy
consultation, but research shows that people forget
the best welcome pack in the world will be
half of what they have heard immediately, and just
completely useless if it is left to gather dust
two days later can only remember about a quarter
behind a reception desk. to ensure you get the
of what you told them. So it is vital that your patients
most from your investment, you need to use
have information they can take home, read at their
it properly, and have effective and efficient
leisure, and refer back to if necessary.
follow-up processes.
We advise our clients to divide their treatment
your pack should be sent to anyone who
leaflets into distinct categories – an introduction,
enquires about a treatment(s). this means that
information about the procedure itself, plus advice
your staff need to ensure that they get every
on aftercare and potential risks and complications.
caller’s name and contact information, and that they then send a welcome pack to them.
the expected information arrived and asking if the
the introduction needs to be brief and realistic,
note that the pack does not need to include all
prospective client needs any further information.
explaining what the treatment is and what it aims to
your treatment leaflets, just those relating to the
you can, if you wish, offer to book an initial
achieve, without actually promoting the benefits.
procedure in which they are interested.
consultation as well.
information about the procedure itself can also
the welcome pack should be accompanied by a
Finally, it is also good policy to use questionnaires
be kept fairly brief. clients do not need detailed
covering letter, which includes a section to explain
to gain clients’ feedback on each stage, from
step-by-step descriptions, just an outline of what
that the practice will contact the enquirer in a week
their initial contact with you to the aftercare you
will happen.
to ten days to see if they have any further queries.
offer. these can pinpoint any weaker areas of your
and, of course, you should follow this through.
service that can be improved, and provide an
the aftercare section is perhaps the most important
this isn’t being pushy or ‘sales-y’, it is simply good
opportunity to acquire valuable testimonials from
part. it explains to patients what they can expect
customer service. you are ensuring that
satisfied clients.
the uk’s oNly free of chArge m
be pArt
The Business De
April 16
A body of informAtion for the The Cosmetic News Expo is the UK’s first free of charge trade show for the aesthetics industry, giving you a unique opportunity to gather knowledge about the latest treatments and developments at the same time as networking with your peers and attending hands-on workshops and lectures, without breaking the bank. With Galderma signed up as Platinum Sponsor, this is the one date in the aesthetics calendar that you can’t afford to miss. Whether you are a cosmetic doctor, aesthetic nurse, dermatologist, plastic surgeon, cosmetic dentist, aesthetician or practice manager, there is something for you at the Cosmetic News Expo 2010. * Please note that the Cosmetic News Expo is designed for industry professionals only and workshops and lectures featuring prescription only medicine, such as botulinum toxin, will only be open to suitably trained medical practitioners.
medicAl Aesthetics TrADE shoW
of the
esign Centre, Islington, London
6th & 17th 2010
e AEsThETiCs iNDUsTry the ultimAte tool for your business The Business Design Centre, Islington, London April 16th & 17th 2010
Training Spotlight | Harley Aesthetics
NUrsesOnly We find out how harley aesthetics has carved a niche for Botox® training for nurses When it comes to training, Harley aesthetics is one company that differs entirely from all its competitors. not actually a training company, Harley aesthetics is a division of the Harley Street group of companies, which has been offering medical services for more 15 years from its premises at 77 Harley Street. run by dr mark Harrison, Harley aesthetics was established to tap into the growing aesthetics market four years ago and to offer nurses an easier and more convenient way to carry out botox® treatments by providing them with a remote prescription service. the training arm of Harley aesthetics was established so that dr Harrison, and medical director dr richard Sibthorpe, could ensure that all of the nurses they were prescribing for were trained to the same standard and that they were happy with their ability to carry out the treatments on their behalf. as such Harley aesthetics doesn’t make any
on today’s course there are three nurses, all
money out of its training. the courses cost £400
of whom are new to aesthetics. they have
to cover the cost of product used, training
travelled from Bradford, newcastle and
material, models and lunch and are subsidised
tunbridge Wells to do the course and have
for all nurse practitioners who register to use the
diverse backgrounds with one currently working
the afternoon session is entirely hands on. Dr
Harley aesthetics Botox® administration remote
as a community nurse and another working as a
Harrison gives a demonstration, running through
consultation Service.
mental health nurse in a&e.
what needles to use and how to make up the
With more than 200 nurses on its books and
the morning session is focused on theory. Dr
delegates are then able to practice on facial
more than 25,000 remote prescriptions under
Harrison gives a thorough introduction and
prosthesis’ and each other before the models
its belt, Harley aesthetics is now the biggest
overview of the use of Botox® in both medicine
come in later in the afternoon.
user of Botox® in the UK. the training it offers is
and aesthetic practices as well as neuortoxin
just for nurses wanting to carry out botulinum
pharmacology, how to store the product,
the small group size means the nurses get a lot
toxin. While the company does offer an
advertising dos and don’ts with prescription
of one on one time with Dr Harrison and the
advanced Botox® training course, this is only
medicines and the mHra guidelines for
training is very detailed and comprehensive,
for nurses who have been doing Botox® for
administration. Facial anatomy, indications
not surprisingly when Dr Harrision will be taking
a minimum of a year and who have done a
for aesthetic use, dilutions, contraindications
responsibility for their future patients by signing
significant amount of treatments.
and injection sites and techniques are also
scripts for them.
product and avoid cross contamination. the
discussed in theory. the ‘introduction to Botox®’ course is the
there is also no guarantee that you will pass.
main focus of the training division. it focuses
Dr Harrison also provides guidance on setting
there is no certificate of attendance, Dr
on practical experience with ‘hands-on’
up and running an aesthetic business and goes
Harrison either passes or fails delegates at the
administration of Botox® to at least two models
through the legal implications for nurses as well
end of the day.
per practitioner. once delegates have paid
as the current regulatory guidelines. He also talks
a deposit and provided their nmc numbers,
about the Harley aesthetics remote prescription
“it is very rare for people to fail”, he says, “but we
they are sent out pre-course material to allow
service, which allows the nurses to administer
have had a few. mostly it is just that they can’t
them to ask questions during the course and
Botox® under the directions of an aesthetic
get the math. if i would not be happy for them
give them a grounding of knowledge before
doctor via telephone or video conference.
to inject me they do not pass.”
Before lunch the nurses take a short exam to test
Harley aesthetics’ unique business model
their knowledge on both the pre-course reading
means that there is no other course quite like
the courses are small and informal with a
and what they have learnt that morning. Dr
it for nurses wanting to carry out botulinum
maximum of six nurses per course and always at
Harrison goes through the papers before the
toxin and despite recent criticism of the
least one trainer to every two to three nurses. the
practical session in the afternoon and revisits
practice of remote prescribing from the
training is carried out in the main by Dr Harrison,
any areas of the theory where the nurses were
independent Healthcare advisory Services,
who is joined by Dr Sibthorpe when necessary.
still unsure.
who wants to see the practice stopped
the day. they then receive a comprehensive resource pack on the day of the course.
under its Shared regulation model (see last month’s cosmetic news or visit for more on this subject) Harley aesthetics is so confident in its business model that it is now developing its website to improve both its training and remote
tHe BaSicS
consultation process. the new website will include additional training videos and facilities for nurses to keep all their patient records. this will be invaluable for nurses who are working as mobile practitioners, giving them additional support.
aCCreDitatiOn: no certificate of attendance is awarded.
COUrses OFFereD: Beginners and advanced Botulinum toxin. nurses
Delegates either pass or fail. if they fail they will be required to re take
must be practicing for at least a year/carried out a significant number of
the course and practice under the guidance of the trainers until they
treatments before they can take the advanced course
are happy they are competent. Delegates are also required to sit a
FaCilities: training is carried out in Dr mark Harrison’s consulting room
short exam. once you have passed you will receive a ‘certificate of
at Harley aesthetics, 77 Harley Street
trainers: Dr mark Harrison and Dr richard Sibthorpe COsts: £400 including Vat. if you have already done a botulinum toxin
POst COUrse sUPPOrt: the training is designed primarily for
training course with someone else the course is £300
consultation Service. this service is seven days a week. nurses pay for
reFreshMents anD aMenities: coffee, tea, juices and biscuits
each remote consultation and get discounted insurance and product as
nurses signing up to Harley aesthetics’ Botox® administration remote
during registration and breaks as well as sandwiches at lunchtime
well as the remote prescriptions
MaxiMUM nUMber OF Delegates Per COUrse: maximum
What the Delegates saiD:
of three delegates per trainer. Groups tend to be between three and six
“i thought the course was very very good. i was particularly pleased
nurses at a time
with the amount of people who were here as it meant we got plenty
OPen tO: nurses only PrODUCts UseD: Botox® (allergan) COUrse literatUre: a comprehensive folder including presentations, information on Botox®, mHra guidelines and Harley aesthetics’ services as well as a cD with copies of consultation and record keeping forms. Pre course literature is sent out so delegates can study before the training day
hanDs On training: the afternoon session is practical. Delegates
of hands on experience. my cousin is a nurse and i would definitely recommend the course to her.” sam gray, tunbridge Wells.
“i really enjoyed it. i was a little nervous at first but we got plenty of practical time so i feel so much more confident now.” hana Mandanua, halifax
“i think the course is really good. Very informative.” Susan
are able to practice on facial prosthesis’. to complete the course
delegates have to inject three areas on a minimum of two models
COntaCt Details: 0207 487 2772,
the Lawrence Aesthetic Academy Non Surgical Cosmetic Training Courses
• Foundation and advance training courses in Botulinum toxin and Dermal Fillers recognised by Hamilton Fraser insurers • Experienced faculty in teaching & training injection techniques and the methodology of how to structure an aesthetic clinic • At the end of training course delegates will be able to competently perform the various injection techniques they have learnt without supervision
Other COurses AvAilAble
• BIRMINGhAM 14.11.09
• Chemical Peel
• BIRMINGhAM 28.11.09
• BIRMINGhAM 30.01.10 • LONDON 27.02.10
• MANChESTER 27.03.10 for further course dates visit www. thelawrenceaestheticacademy.
• Microsclerotherapy • Workshops (half and 1 full day)
Book online and receive 10% Discount Promotion offer ends 31st October 2009
for further information visit or telephone 0121 694 0757
Company Profile | LCS Ltd
haNDleD With Care
lCs ltd has just become the first training provider in the UK to offer a master’s degree in cosmetic medicine. We find out more about this exciting development and the company behind it
lcS ltd has just announced the launch of the first ever master’s level university qualification in cosmetic medicine. the news marks a new era for the industry and the company, which has come along way since it was first set up in 2003
based in Willen, near Milton keynes, lCs was originally set up with one objective in mind, to make life easier for clinics, hospitals and private practitioners to register with the Care Quality Commission (formerly the healthcare Commission). six years on, the company has carved a niche in aesthetics working closely with users of laser and intense Pulsed light systems (iPl) and providing them, as well as acute hospitals, private doctors and clinics in other fields, with assistance throughout the entire registration process. “the name Laser care Services is a bit misleading because we don’t just cover lasers”, says medical director Dr Phillip Dobson. “We cover the full spectrum of acute hospitals, infertility units, hair transplant clinics – anyone who needs to be registered for healthcare services.” Dr Dobson established the company after leaving his job as medical director for Laser Vision correction centres, where he had developed not only a passion for regulatory compliance but also for training. “i was responsible for making sure that the centres were registered, that they were legal and that they operated to the appropriate standard so i got quite a lot of experience in the regulatory compliance side”, he explains. “i was also an international trainer so i got interested in lasers and laser safety and at the same time i developed an interest in the cosmetic and aesthetic side. When i left the company i decided to combine the regulatory and compliance and the aesthetic side, which fit in very nicely because there was a niche in the market at the time.”
LcS is now the biggest regulatory compliance advisory service for the
maSterinG coSmetic meDicine
aesthetics industry, as well as providing accredited training courses
although the registration arm of the business is where lCs has
under the umbrella of the LcS academy – including the new master’s
its routes, it is in the field of education that the company has
in conjunction with the University of Greenwich – and running a working
really excelled. the lCs academy, was established in 2008
clinic. it is by combining this level of training with its consultancy work and
to expand on the company’s commitment to offering training
its working clinic all under one roof, Dr Dobson believes that is what gives
and education. headed up by Dr elizabeth raymond, the
LcS its strength. “the combination of the three work in synergy”, he says.
author of the original bteC laser qualifications, the academy
“We are able to offer training support and practical elements to anybody
was awarded edexcel Centre status earlier this year, enabling
who we see on the consultancy side and conversely we can offer the full
it to offer fully accredited bteC awards in the field of laser,
regulatory compliance to anyone who comes to us for training. it is the fact
medical, cosmetic and aesthetic treatments, including the CQC
that we have got all of those three elements working together and that we
mandatory ‘Core of knowledge’ on laser safety, laser Protection
provide it all in house that means we can deliver a much better service.”
supervisor Courses and a CQC Compliance workshops which includes preparing for the ‘Fit Person’ interview. however it has
as well as Dr Dobson, who is a chartered radiation Protection Professional,
now broken new ground with the launch of its Master’s degree,
rPa 2000 certificated Laser Protection adviser and cQc recognised
in conjunction with the University of greenwich.
expert medical Practitioner, the LcS team includes Jorge rodriguez ,who has a Btec (Laser and iPL Safety management) and is a certificated
With no other qualification like it in the industry, the master’s is truly
Laser Protection adviser; Dr elizabeth raymond Brown who is a chartered
an exciting development and in Dr Dobson’s words marks a ‘coming
radiation Protection Professional and rPa 2000 certificated Laser
of age for csometic medicine’. the degree will enable practitioners
Protection adviser and is Director of education for the LcS academy and
who are serious about aesthetic medicine to become a recognised
nichola Dobson, who is the company’s regulatory compliance Director.
specialist in this field. the first module of the new qualification (‘Laser and Light Based therapies in medical cosmetic Practice’) will start in
reGiStration SerViceS
January 2010. this will be a 30 university credit module rated at ‘m’ level and will cover all aspects of laser and light based technology
Under the law, anyone operating a class 3b, 4 laser or intense Pulsed
use including more invasive treatments such as Smartlpo. Because of
light system must register with the CQC before they begin using it to
the nature of the requirements for this course, it will only be open to
treat patients. this involves compiling an application pack, putting
independent prescribers.
appropriate policies and procedures in place and demonstrating fitness in terms of the persons running the service, the premises to
Dr raymond says. “Details of additional modules to the
provide the service and the way in which the service is run. the
qualification will be released soon and will include core modules
process can be quite a complex and daunting one so this is where
for botulinum toxin treatments, dermal fillers and volumisers as well
lCs comes in and with more than 900 Care Quality Commission
as optional modules for practitioners with specialist interests and
and healthcare Commission registrations to its name to date, the
those wanting to broaden their knowledge of cosmetic medicine.
company certainly knows its stuff.
credits towards the master’s qualification can also be gained from relevant and approved university post graduate diplomas, such
“one of the big differences between us and some of our competitors is that
as dermatology, and from the production of an evidence based
we actually build the application packs for them”, says Dr Dobson. “even for
portfolio of expereince.”
a simple laser clinic the pack is still a four inch ring binder so we find it is much more efficient, both for our time and theirs, if we ask them for the information
Dr Dobson adds,“What we have done is taken the whole concept
and we put the form together. the questions are quite obtuse at times and
of cosmetic medicine to the point where it becomes a true
until you have done it several times you don’t really know what they (the
academic qualification. We have added in all the things that
cQc) want. We can ask the question in common english and say ‘this is
are covered in cosmetic medicine rather than just aesthetic
what this means, what is the answer?’. they can then tell us and we can put
practice for botulinum toxin and fillers. essentially we have covered
it into the correct terminology when it goes into the application. obviously
everything that a fully rounded practitioner in cosmetic medicine
like a tax return we have to send it back to them to make sure it has been
will need to be able to do.
completed accurately and get them to sign it before it is submitted, but it means that we speed that process up quite a lot.”
“Both LcS academy and the university recognise that there are practitioners who, by virtue of their training, clinical practice and
the company also provides its customers with a comprehensive set
experience, will fulfill many of the requirements for the qualification;
of policies and procedures needed to meet regulatory requirements
accordingly, for a limited period, we have been able to provide
including complaints management, information management, human
a specialised ‘fast track’ route for these practitioners, which will
resource policies, control of infection and health and safety. as well as this it
allow them to gain credit for their prior experience and learning.
offers Laser Protection advice and provides writing and support of medical
as an example, in terms of the first module, for medical and dental
protocols for use of laser and iPL systems from its in house expert medical
practitioners or independent nurse prescribers, who already hold
Practitioner (Dr Dobson).
qualifications in this area i.e. Btec in laser/iPL treatments, we are able to offer a bridging module to allow them to build on and enhance
“We generate the policies and the procedures that are necessary in order
their knowledge to master’s level by attending a short conversion
to meet the professional minimum standards, which again can be quite
course and submitting the necessary additional assessments and
complex if people have never done them”, says Dr Dobson. “they also do
course work.”
vary from the particular type of service that the person wants to provide so we can tailor them specifically and provide them with all the support
if you want to find out more about the Master’s course contact
paperwork and forms that they need to fill in as well as providing them with
elizabeth raymond on 0845 003 7315 or send an email to
local rules, risk assessments and laser protection advice.” or visit
Cosmetic News Expo 2010
bY Design
FinD oUt HoW yoU can Be a Part oF tHe UK’S onLy Free oF cHarGe eXHiBition anD eDUcationaL SymPoSiUm For tHe aeStHeticS inDUStry, the COsMetiC neWs exPO 2010 As 2009 draws to a close many people are starting to look forward to 2010 and
expanding sector. With pharmaceutical giant Galderma already confirmed as the event’s
what the new year will bring. One date you should be putting in your diary is the
Platinum Sponsor and a host of other leading industry manufacturers and suppliers signed
Cosmetic News Expo 2010. Taking place at the historic Business Design Centre
up to exhibit, the Cosmetic News Expo is a must visit for professionals working within
in Islington, London on April 16 and 17, the Cosmetic News Expo is the only
medical aesthetics or looking to branch in to this field.
event of its kind in the UK. The philosophy behind the event comes from Body Media’s extensive experience in
Whether you are a cosmetic doctor, aesthetic nurse, dermatologist, plastic surgeon,
running shows for other niche markets. We believe that education should be available
cosmetic dentist, aesthetician or practice manager, there is something for you at the
to everyone, no matter what their budget, so we have designed a show that allows you
Cosmetic News Expo 2010. Although the event is free, it is not open to the public and
to gather knowledge about the latest treatments and developments at the same time as
delegates/visitors will be asked to register in advance so they can be given appropriately
networking with your peers and attending hands-on workshops and lectures, for free.
colored badges to show what their profession is. The event is designed for industry professionals only and workshops and lectures featuring
The event will be sponsored by manufacturers and suppliers, who are also dedicated to
prescription only medicines, such as botulinum toxin, will only be open to suitably trained
offering continued education and training to professionals working within this exciting and
medical practitioners.
WHo SHoULD Be tHere
eDUcation iS Key
Situated in fashionable Islington, the Business Design Centre
We believe that education should be open to everyone and, as
• • • • • • •
is London’s most stylish venue. Opened more than 20 years
such, have designed a workshop and educational programme
ago in 1986, and formerly the Royal Agricultural Hall, the
to support the Cosmetic News Expo exhibition. The preliminary
Cosmetic Doctors aesthetic nurses Dermatologists Dentists Plastic surgeons aestheticians Clinic Managers
building was rescued from demolition in 1981 by entrepreneur
programme will be available in next month’s issue of Cosmetic
Sam Morris and was fully restored and re-opened as the
News and on our website The
UK’s first integrated trade exhibition and conference complex.
auditorium at the Business Design Centre has the capacity
for 450 people and we will be running programmes on both days of the event covering everything from business skills and
Whether you are looking for new products or equipment or
how to build a successful practice to the latest techniques
just want to catch up with all of your suppliers under one
and treatments with lectures from both UK and international
roof, then the Cosmetic News Expo is for you. Our exhibitors
speakers. As well as this there are also four workshop rooms
range from laser and IPL manufacturers to dermal fillers, toxins
where hands-on training and masterclasses will take place.
and skincare (see exhibitors list). We will also be having an exhibitors party on the night of the 16th at a venue close to the BDC. VIPs from the industry will be invited to join us at this exlcusive event. See next month’s Cosmetic News for more information.
eXHiBitorS WiLL incLUDe • • • • • • • • • • • 52
abC lasers arC recruitment boston Medical group ltd Cosmetic Courses Cynosure euromedical systems ltd galderma hamilton Fraser lynton lasers skinov 8 Zanco Models
For further information regarding exhibition space please contact:
T: 01268 754897 E: For event related sponsorship opportunities contact:
EmILIA BRONzE T: 01268 754897 E:
PLatinUm SPonSor
Dates FOr the DiarY
We round up upcoming events, training courses and meetings
MaRCh 2010
1 Care Quality Commission Compliance Workshop,
19 Mapperley Park Laser Protection Supervisor (LPS) Skills
2-3 BTEC Professional Certificate: Medical Laser and IPL,
Workshop, Nottingham,
1 Intraderm Basic Filler, Harley Street, London,
19 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Advanced Botulinum Toxin,
13 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Oral Facial,
2 Laser/IPL ‘Core of Knowledge’ Course,
19-21 Lynton Skin-Laser Applications - Advanced (3 day),
14 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Advanced Dermal Filler,
2 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Advanced Dermal Filler,
20 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Beginners Dermal Filler,
15-18 BTEC Professional Award: Aesthetic Laser & IPL Therapies,
4 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Advanced Botulinum Toxin,
20 Wigmore Medical Training NeoStrata Peels, London,
18 Mapperley Park Core of Knowledge Laser Training, Nottingham,
23 Wigmore Medical Training Introduction to Skincare Peels and
19 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Beginner Botulinum Toxin,
Innovative, Interactive Symposium Featuring Ground Breaking
Derma Roller, London,
Trends and Procedures, Walkdorf Astoria Hotel, New York
24 Wigmore Medical Training Introduction to Botulinum Toxin Type
20 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Advanced Botulinum Toxin,
5 Medics Direct Foundation Dermal Fillers Training, Glasgow,
A, London,
26-28 BTEC Professional Certificate:
21 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Beginners Dermal Filler,
6 Medics Direct Foundation Botulinum Toxin Training, Glasgow,
Medical Laser/IPL Therapies,
22 Care Quality Commission (CQC) Registration and Compliance,
5 Med-fx Basic Hands-on Botulinum Toxin Course, Manchester,
30 Foundation Botox and Dermal Fillers Training Course,
22-25 18 Mapperley Park BTEC Principles of laser and light based
6 Med-fx Basic Hands-on Dermal Fillers Course, Manchester,
30 Advanced Botox and Dermal Fillers Training Course,
Hair removal and photorejuvenation, Nottingham,
7-10 BTEC Professional Award - Aesthetic Laser & Light Therapies,
30 Chemical Peel Half Day Training Course, Birmingham,
27 FaceTec+ Training Introduction to Botulinum Toxin Type A, 27 Foundation Botox and Dermal Fillers Training Course,
12 Cosmetic Courses Foundation Botulinum Toxin & Dermal Filler Training Course.National Training Centre, Buckinghamshire,
FEBRuaRy 2010
12 Innomed Training, Advanced Aesthetics (Botulinum Toxin &
1 CQC Compliance Workshop,
Dermal Fillers) London,
4 Wigmore Medical Training Sculptra, London,
28 FaceTec+ Training Introduction to Dermal Fillers,
12 FaceTec+ Training Intermediate/Advanced Lips Course, Solihull,
10 Wigmore Medical Training Introduction to Skincare Peels and
12 Medics Direct Skin Peels Training (Christmas special – half
Derma Roller, London,
price!), Glasgow,
11 Wigmore Medical Training Introduction to Botulinum Toxin Type
13 Medics Direct Advanced Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Fillers
A, London,
Training (Christmas special – half price!), Glasgow,
12 Wigmore Medical Training Introduction to Fillers, London,
DiaRy Spotlight: DR DES FERnanDES uK viSit JanuaRy 26 2010
Leading South African
13 FaceTec+ Training Intermediate/Advanced Botulinum Toxin
17 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Refresher Course,
plastic surgeon Dr Des
Type A, Solihull,
16 Intraderm Basic Filler, Leicester,
22 CQC Compliance Workshop,
17 Intraderm Basic Botox, Leicester,
23 Laser/IPL Safety Core of Knowledge,
27 Advance Botox and Dermal Filler Training Course, Manchester,
Fernades, will be visiting the UK next year to give a presentation on medical needling. Dr Fernandes is one of the pioneers in
23 Mapperley Park Core of Knowledge Laser Training, Nottingham,
JanuaRy 2010
this field and has written
a number of clinical papers on the topic. He
8-11 International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS), Paris,
24 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Chemical Peels,
will conduct two half-day events; one aimed at
skincare therapists and one aimed at aesthetic
15 FaceTec+ Training Open Seminar for people interested in
24 Laser / IPL Protection Supervisor Training,
nurses and doctors. On Tuesday January 26
finding out more about facial aesthetics,
from 3pm – 6pm Dr Fernandes will present to the
16 FaceTec+ Training Introduction to Botulinum Toxin, Watford,
24 Wigmore Medical Training NeoStrata Peels, London,
17 FaceTec+ Training Introduction to Dermal Fillers, Watford,
25 Wigmore Medical Training Advanced Toxin Techniques, London,
venue will be in central London and the event will
18 Mapperley Park Core of Knowledge Laser Training, Nottingham,
27 Foundation Botox and Dermal Fillers Training Course,
be followed by a drinks reception. Cost for the
event: £85 + VAT and is bookable through the
18 Laser/IPL Safety Core of Knowledge,
27 FaceTec+ Training Introduction to Botulinum Toxin Type A,
International Institute of Anti-Ageing (iiaa) on 020
venue TBC,
8450 7997 or via email:
18 Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute, Beginners Botulinum Toxin,
28 FaceTec+ Training Introduction to Dermal Fillers, venue TBC,
• If you have any dates you would like to add to our Dates for the
Diary section please email •
aesthetic audience on his latest needling invention, the Focus Kit, introduce the Body Roller and give a live needling demonstration as well as giving a lecture on the physiology of photodamage. The
Suggested Reading
SuggeSted Reading LAsER AND LIgHT spECIAL Alexiades-Armenakas MR, Dover JS, Arndt KA. The spectrum of laser skin resurfacing: nonablative, fractional, and ablative laser resurfacing. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008 May;58(5):719-37; quiz 738-40. Alster TS, Tanzi EL. Effect of a novel low-energy pulsed-light device for home-use hair removal. Dermatol Surg. 2009 Mar;35(3):483-9. Berlin AL, Hussain M, Phelps R, Goldberg DJ. A prospective study of fractional scanned nonsequential carbon dioxide laser resurfacing: a clinical and histopathologic evaluation. Dermatol Surg. 2009 Feb;35(2):222-8. Biesman BS. Fractional ablative skin resurfacing: complications. Lasers Surg Med. 2009 Mar;41(3):177-8. Bodendorf MO, Grunewald S, Wetzig T, Simon JC, Paasch U. Fractional laser skin therapy. J Dtsch Dermatol ges. 2009 Apr;7(4):301-8. Bogdan Allemann I, Kaufman J. Fractional photothermolysis-an update. Lasers Med Sci. 2009 Sep 29. Bogle MA. Fractionated mid-infrared resurfacing. Semin Cutan Med Surg. 2008 Dec;27(4):252-8. Brightman LA, Brauer JA, Anolik R, Weiss E, Karen J, Chapas A, Hale E, Bernstein L, Geronemus RG. Ablative and fractional ablative lasers. Dermatol Clin. 2009 Oct;27(4):479-89, vi-vii. Butani A, Dudelzak J, Goldberg DJ. Recent advances in laser dermatology. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2009 Mar;11(1):2-10. Chiu RJ, Kridel RW. Fractionated photothermolysis: the Fraxel 1550-nm glass fiber laser treatment. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2007 May;15(2):229-37, vii. Cho SB, Lee SJ, Kang JM, Kim YK, Oh SH. Combined fractional laser treatment with 1550-nm erbium glass and 10 600-nm carbon dioxide lasers. J Dermatolog Treat. 2009 Jan 1:1-3. Christiansen K, Bjerring P. Low density, non-ablative fractional CO2 laser rejuvenation. Lasers Surg Med. 2008 Sep;40(7):454-60. Cohen SR, Henssler C, Horton K, Broder KW, Moise-Broder PA.Clinical experience with the Fraxel SR laser: 202 treatments in 59 consecutive patients. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 May;121(5):297e-304e. Cohen SR, Henssler C, Johnston J. Fractional photothermolysis for skin rejuvenation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Jul;124(1):281-90. Collawn SS. Fraxel skin resurfacing. Ann Plast Surg. 2007 Mar;58(3):237-40. Dierickx CC, Khatri KA, Tannous ZS, Childs JJ, Cohen RH, Erofeev A, Tabatadze D, Yaroslavsky IV, Altshuler GB. Micro-fractional ablative skin resurfacing with two novel erbium laser systems. Lasers Surg Med. 2008 Feb;40(2):113-23. Fife DJ, Fitzpatrick RE, Zachary CB. Complications of fractional CO2 laser resurfacing: four cases. Lasers Surg Med. 2009 Mar;41(3):179-84. Geraghty LN, Biesman B. Clinical evaluation of a single-wavelength fractional laser and a novel multi-wavelength fractional laser in the treatment of photodamaged skin. Lasers Surg Med. 2009 Aug;41(6):408-16. Goldman A, Gotkin RH. Laser-assisted liposuction. Clin Plast Surg. 2009 Apr;36(2):241-53, vii; discussion 255-60. Goldman MP. Observations on the use of fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing. J Drugs Dermatol. 2009 Jan;8(1):82-6. Gotkin RH, Sarnoff DS, Cannarozzo G, Sadick NS, Alexiades-Armenakas M. Ablative skin resurfacing with a novel microablative CO2 laser. J Drugs Dermatol. 2009 Feb;8(2):138-44. Graber EM, Tanzi EL, Alster TS. Side effects and complications of fractional laser photothermolysis: experience with 961 treatments. Dermatol Surg. 2008 Mar;34(3):301-5; discussion 305-7. Greco JF, Soriano T, Lask GP, Kim J. Combination treatment with broadband light and erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet microlaser peel for photoaged skin: case report of four patients. Dermatol Surg. 2008 Nov;34(11):1603-8 Groff WF, Fitzpatrick RE, Uebelhoer NS. Fractional carbon dioxide laser and plasmakinetic skin resurfacing. Semin Cutan Med Surg. 2008 Dec;27(4):239-51. Hodson DS. Current and future trends in home laser devices. Semin Cutan Med Surg. 2008 Dec;27(4):292-300. Hunzeker CM, Weiss ET, Geronemus RG. Fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing: our experience with more than 2000 treatments. Aesthet Surg J. 2009 Jul-Aug;29(4):317-22. Ichikawa K, Miyasaka M, Tanaka R, Tanino R, Mizukami K, Wakaki M. Histologic evaluation of the pulsed Nd:YAg laser for laser lipolysis. Lasers Surg Med. 2005 Jan;36(1):43-6. Jih MH, Kimyai-Asadi A. Fractional photothermolysis: a review and update. Semin Cutan Med Surg. 2008 Mar;27(1):63-71. Katz B, McBean J. Laser-assisted lipolysis: a report on complications. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2008 Dec;10(4):231-3. Kim KH, Geronemus RG. Laser lipolysis using a novel 1,064 nm Nd:YAg Laser. Dermatol Surg. 2006 Feb;32(2):241-48; discussion 247. Lapidoth M, Yagima Odo ME, Odo LM. Novel use of erbium:YAg (2,940-nm) laser for fractional ablative photothermolysis in the
treatment of photodamaged facial skin: a pilot study. Dermatol Surg. 2008 Aug;34(8):1048-53. Mordon S, Eymard-Maurin AF, Wassmer B, Ringot J. Histologic evaluation of laser lipolysis: pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAg laser versus cw 980-nm diode laser. Aesthet Surg J. 2007 May-Jun;27(3):263-8. Mulholland RS. Silk’n--a novel device using Home Pulsed Light for hair removal at home. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2009 Jun;11(2):106-9. Narurkar VA. Nonablative fractional laser resurfacing. Dermatol Clin. 2009 Oct;27(4):473-8, vi. Ogden S, Griffiths TW.A review of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. Br J Dermatol. 2008 Nov;159(5):1036-50. Parlette EC, Kaminer ME. Laser-assisted liposuction: here’s the skinny. Semin Cutan Med Surg. 2008 Dec;27(4):259-63. Prado A, Andrades P, Danilla S, Benitez S, Reyes S, Valenzuela G, Guridi R, Fuentes P. Full-face carbon dioxide laser resurfacing: a 10-year follow-up descriptive study. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Mar;121(3):983-93. Rahman Z, MacFalls H, Jiang K, Chan KF, Kelly K, Tournas J, Stumpp OF, Bedi V, Zachary C. Fractional deep dermal ablation induces tissue tightening. Lasers Surg Med. 2009 Feb;41(2):78-86. Ramsdell WM. Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2009 Jan-Feb;11(1):62-3. Reddy BY, Hantash BM. Emerging technologies in aesthetic medicine. Dermatol Clin. 2009 Oct;27(4):521-7, vii-viii. Reszko AE, Magro CM, Diktaban T, Sadick NS. Histological comparison of 1064 nm Nd:YAg and 1320 nm Nd:YAg laser lipolysis using an ex vivo model. J Drugs Dermatol. 2009 Apr;8(4):377-82. Reynaud JP, Skibinski M, Wassmer B, Rochon P, Mordon S. Lipolysis using a 980-nm diode laser: a retrospective analysis of 534 procedures. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2009 Jan;33(1):28-36. Rinaldi F. Laser: a review. Clin Dermatol. 2008 Nov-Dec;26(6):590-601. Ross EV, Swann M, Soon S, Izadpanah A, Barnette D, Davenport S. Full-face treatments with the 2790-nm erbium:YSgg laser system. J Drugs Dermatol. 2009 Mar;8(3):248-52. Saluja R, Khoury J, Detwiler SP, Goldman MP. Histologic and clinical response to varying density settings with a fractionally scanned carbon dioxide laser. J Drugs Dermatol. 2009 Jan;8(1):17-20. Sandel HD 4th, Perkins SW. CO2 laser resurfacing: still a good treatment. Aesthet Surg J. 2008 JulAug;28(4):456-62. Rinaldi F. Laser: a review Clin Dermatol. 2008 Nov-Dec;26(6):590-601. Tanzi EL, Wanitphakdeedecha R, Alster TS. HYPERLINk Fraxel laser indications and long-term follow-up. Aesthet Surg J. 2008 Nov-Dec;28(6):675-8; discussion 679-80. Tierney EP, Kouba DJ, Hanke CW. Review of fractional photothermolysis: treatment indications and efficacy. Dermatol Surg. 2009 Oct;35(10):1445-61. Tierney EP, Kouba DJ, Hanke CW. Review of fractional photothermolysis: treatment indications and efficacy. Dermatol Surg. 2009 Oct;35(10):1445-61. Tierney EP, Hanke CW. Recent trends in cosmetic and surgical procedure volumes in dermatologic surgery. 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Face the future
with confidence Azzalure® is the new choice of Botulinum Toxin Type A for aesthetic use. • Fast onset of action (median time to onset 2-3 days)1 • Long duration of action (up to 5 months)1 • High level of patient satisfaction (93% after 6 months, following one treatment session)2
Azzalure® is indicated for the temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe glabellar lines seen at frown, in adult patients under 65 years, when the severity of these lines has an important psychological impact on the patient.
New... ... aesthetic choice
Azzalure® Abbreviated Prescribing Information Presentation: Botulinum toxin type A (Clostridium botulinum toxin A haemagglutinin complex) 10 Speywood units/0.05ml of reconstituted solution (powder for solution for injection). Indications: Temporary improvement in appearance of moderate to severe glabellar lines seen at frown, in adult patients under 65 years, when severity of these lines has an important psychological impact on the patient. Dosage & Administration: Botulinum toxin units are different depending on the medicinal products. Speywood units are specific to this preparation and are not interchangeable with other botulinum toxins. Reconstitute prior to injection. Intramuscular injections should be performed at right angles to the skin using a sterile 29-30 gauge needle. Recommended dose is 50 Speywood units (0.25 ml of reconstituted solution) divided equally into 5 injection sites: 2 injections into each corrugator muscle and one into the procerus muscle near the nasofrontal angle. (See summary of product characteristics for full technique). Treatment interval should not be more frequent than every three months. Not recommended for use in individuals under 18 years of age. Contraindications: In individuals with hypersensitivity to botulinum toxin A or to any of the excipients. In the presence of infection at the proposed injection sites, myasthenia gravis, Eaton Lambert Syndrome or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Special warnings and precautions for use: Use with caution in patients with a risk of, or clinical evidence of, marked defective neuro-muscular transmission, in the presence of inflammation at the proposed injection site(s) or when the targeted muscle shows excessive weakness or atrophy. Patients treated with therapeutic doses may experience exaggerated muscle weakness. Not recommended in patients with history of dysphagia, aspiration or with prolonged bleeding time. Seek immediate medical care if swallowing, speech or respiratory difficulties arise. Facial asymmetry, ptosis, excessive dermatochalasis, scarring and any alterations to facial anatomy, as a result of previous surgical interventions should be taken into consideration prior to injection. Injections at more frequent intervals/higher doses can increase the risk of antibody formation. Avoid administering different botulinum neurotoxins during the course of treatment with Azzalure. Contains human albumin, risk of transmission of an infection cannot be excluded. To be used for one single patient treatment only during a single session. Interactions: Concomitant treatment with aminoglycosides or other agents interfering with neuromuscular transmission (e.g. curare-like agents) may potentiate effect of botulinum toxin. Pregnancy & Lactation: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.
Side Effects: Most frequently occurring related reactions are headache and injection site reactions. Generally treatment/injection technique related reactions occur within first week following injection and are transient and of mild to moderate severity and reversible. Very Common (≥ 1/10): Headache, Injection site reactions (e.g. erythema, oedema, irritation, rash, pruritus, paraesthesia, pain, discomfort, stinging and bruising). Common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10): Facial paresis (predominantly describes brow paresis), Asthenopia, Ptosis, Eyelid oedema, Lacrimation increase, Dry eye, Muscle twitching (twitching of muscles around the eyes). Uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to <1/100): Dizziness, Visual disturbances, Vision blurred, Diplopia, Pruritus, Rash, Hypersensitivity. Rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000): Eye movement disorder, Urticaria. Packaging Quantities & Cost: 1 Vial (125u) £64.00 (RRP). Marketing Authorisation Number: PL 06958/0031. Legal Category: POM. Full Prescribing Information is Available From: Galderma (UK) Limited, Meridien House, 69-71 Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts. WD17 1DS, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1923 208950 Fax: +44 (0) 1923 208998. Date of Revision: March 2009. Copyright © 2009 Galderma (UK) Ltd. Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at Adverse events should also be reported to Galderma (UK) Ltd. References 1. Azzalure® Summary of Product Characteristics. 2. Ascher B et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 2004; 51: 223-33. Azzalure® is a registered trademark of Galderma. Date of preparation: April 2009 AZZ/11/0409