Christmas dictionary

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Коледа Χριστούγεννα Karácsony Natale

Christmas – the period of time around 25 December, the day when Christians celebrate the birth of Christ

Ziemassvētki Boże Narodzenie Crăciun

Navidad Noel

Дядо Коледа Άγιος Βασίλης Mikulás Babbo Natale

Santa Claus – an imaginary old man with red clothes and a long white beard who, children believe, brings them presents at Christmas

Salatētis Święty Mikołaj Moș Crăciun

Papá Noel Noel baba

елха χριστουγεννιάτικο δέντρο karácsonyfa albero di Natale egle choinka

Christmas tree – a fir tree that people put in their houses and decorate for Christmas

brad de Crăciun

árbol de Navidad Noel Ağacı

Коледни топки χριστουγεννιάτικες μπάλες gömbök palle di Natale Ziemassvētku bumbiņas

Christmas balls glass balls which are used to decorate a Christmas tree

bombki globuri

bolas de Navidad Noel topları

ангел άγγελος angyal angelo

Angel – a spirit who is God's servant in heaven, and who is often shown as a person dressed in white with wings

eņģelis anioł/ aniołek Înger

ángel melek

елф ξωτικό manó elfo/folletto elfs

Elf – an imaginary creature like a small person with pointed ears and magical powers

elf elf

elfo cin

светлини φώτα, λαμπάκια lámpák luci spuldzīšu virtenes lampki choinkowe

Lights – electric lights to decorate a Christmas tree


luces Işıklar

Честита Коледа Καλά Χριστούγεννα Kellmes karácsonyt! Buon Natale

Merry Christmas (wishes) –

used to say that you hope someone will have a happy time at Christmas

Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

Crăciun fericit

Feliz Navidad Mutlu Noeller

подарък δώρο ajándék regalo dāvanas

Present – something you give someone on a special occasion or to thank them for something

prezent cadou

regalo hediye

cеверен елен τάρανδος szarvas renna ziemeļbriedis

Reindeer – a large deer with long wide antlers (horns), that lives in cold northern areast Christmas

renifer ren

reno ren geyiği

звезда αστέρι csillag stella zvaigzne

Star – a shape with four or more points, which represents the way a star looks in the sky

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