Topgames dictionary

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TOPGAMES DICTIONARY This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



България Βουλγαρία Bulgária Bulgaria is a country in the Balkans on the western side of the Black Sea. It is surrounded by Romania to the north, Serbia to the northwest, the Republic of Macedonia to the southwest, Greece to the south, and Turkey to the southeast. Being located close to the Turkish Straits means the key land routes from Europe to Middle East and Asia pass through Bulgaria. Bulgaria is one of the few exotic nations of Europe, due to the fact that it boasts sublime beaches, lovely churches, winter sport opportunities, to name a few. Although it is not regularly visited compared to other European nations, it is a beautiful place, with a wide range of activities for a traveller to do.

Bulgaria Bulgārija Bułgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaristan

Гърция Ελλάδα Görögország Grecia Greece is a country in Southern Europe, on the southernmost tip of the Balkan peninsula, with extensive coastlines and islands in the Aegean, Ionian, and Mediterranean Seas. It shares borders in the north with Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Bulgaria, and Turkey. It has an ancient culture that has had a significant influence on the arts, language, philosophy, politics, and sports of western society, including the genres of comedy and drama, western alphabets, Platonic ideals and the Socratic method, democracies and republics, and the Olympics. Furthermore it's a geographically appealing place to visit, with a mountainous mainland and idyllic island beaches

Grieķija Grecja Grecia

Grecia Yunanistan

Унгария Ουγγαρία Magyarország Ungheria Hungary is a country in Central Europe. Member of the European Union and the Schengen Border-less Europe Agreement. The country offers many diverse destinations: relatively low mountains in the northwest, the Great Plain in the east, lakes and rivers of all sorts (including Balaton - the largest lake in Central Europe), and many beautiful small villages and hidden gems of cities. Top this off with Hungary's great accessibility in the middle of Europe, a vivid culture and economy, and you get a destination absolutely not worth missing if you're in the region.

Ungārija Węgry Ungaria

Hungria Macaristan

Италия Ιταλία Olaszország Italia Italy is a large country in Southern Europe. Together with Greece, it is acknowledged as the birthplace of Western culture. Not surprisingly, it is also home to the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world. High art and monuments are to be found everywhere around the country. It is also famous worldwide for its delicious cuisine, its trendy fashions, luxury sports cars and motorcycles, diverse regional cultures and dialects, as well as for its many beautiful coasts, alpine lakes and mountains (the Alps and Apennines). No wonder it is often nicknamed Il Bel Paese (The Beautiful Country). Two independent mini-states are surrounded entirely by Italy: San Marino and Vatican City. While technically not part of the European Union, both of these states are also part of the Schengen Region and the European Monetary Union, (EMU). Apart from different police uniforms, there is no evident transition from these states and Italy's territory, and the currency is the same. Italian is also the language in both city-states.

Itālija Włochy Italia

Italia İtalya

Латвия Λετονία Lettország Lettonia Latvia is a European state which is situated on the coast of Baltic Sea. One of the three Baltic states, Latvia is bordered by Estonia to the north, Lithuania to the south, Russia to the east, Belarus on the south east, and the Baltic Sea on the west. The most famous travel spot is the capital Riga, a World Heritage Site. There are also many other great places to see, both urban and rural, such as Liepaja with its unique former secret military town of Karosta and a magnificent beach. Kuldiga with Europe`s widest waterfall and Cesis with its medieval castle ruins are also interesting. Tourists can also enjoy the wild beauty of Latvia's unspoilt sea coast, which is 500 km long and consists mainly of white, soft sandy beaches. Forests, which cover approximately a half of Latvia's territory, offer many nature trails and nature parks.

Latvija Łotwa Letonia

Letonia Letonya

Полша Πολωνία Lengyelország Polonia Poland is a country in Central Europe. It has a long Baltic Sea coastline and is bordered by Belarus, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast),Slovakia, and Ukraine. The countryside throughout Poland is lovely and relatively unspoiled. Poland has a variety of regions with beautiful landscapes and small-scale organic and traditional farms. Travellers can choose different types of activities such as bird watching, cycling or horseback riding. Culturally, you can visit and/or experience many churches, museums, ceramic and traditional basket-making workshops, castle ruins, rural centres and many more. A journey through the Polish countryside gives you a perfect opportunity to enjoy and absorb local knowledge about its landscape and people.

Polija Polska Polonia

Polonia Polonya

Румъния Ρουμανία Románia Romania Romania is a country located north of the Balkan Peninsula on the western shores of the Black Sea. It is a country of great natural beauty and diversity and a rich cultural heritage. enchants visitors with its scenic mountain landscapes and unspoilt rural areas, but also with its historic cities and its busy capital. Over the last decade, it has seen significant development and is one of the most recent members of the European Union. Still, it may surprise some of its visitors who are used to western Europe. Romania is a large country which can sometimes be shocking with contrasts: some cities are truly Western Europe; some villages can seem to have been brought back from the past. While it has significant cultural similarities with other Balkan states, it is regarded as unique due to its strong Latin heritage. Things for which Romania is famous include: the Carpathian mountains, Constantin Brancusi, wine, medieval fortresses, Mircea Eliade, Dacia cars, Dracula, stuffed cabbage leaves, Nadia Comaneci, the Black Sea, Gheorghe Hagi, sunflower fields, painted monasteries and the Danube Delta.

Rumānija Rumunia România

Rumania Romanya

Испания Ισπανία Spanyolország Spagna Spain is a diverse country sharing the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal at the western end of the Mediterranean Sea. It is the country with the second-largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, after Italy, and the largest number of World Heritage Cities. Spain is considered an exotic country in Europe due to its friendly inhabitants, relaxed lifestyle, its cuisine, vibrant nightlife, and world-famous folklore and festivities. Among many places worth visiting are Spain's thriving capital Madrid, the vibrant coastal city of Barcelona, the famous "Running of the Bulls" at Pamplona, major Andalusian cities with Islamic architecture, like Seville, Granada and Córdoba, the Way of St. James and the idyllic Balearic and Canary Islands.

Spānija Hiszpania Spania

España İspanya

Турция Τουρκία Törökország Turchia Turkey is on the Mediterranean, in the Anatolian region of West Asia, with a small section in Southeastern Europe separated by the Turkish Straits (Bosphorus, Sea of Marmara, and Dardanelles). With the Black Sea to the north and the Aegean Sea in the west and Mediterranean Sea to the southwest, Turkey is surrounded by Bulgaria and Greece to the west, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to the northeast, Syria, Iraq and Iran to the southeast.

Turcija Turcja Turcia

Turquia Türkiye



(Christmas, Easter and St. Valentine’s Day)

ангел άγγελος angyal angelo

angel – a spirit who is God's servant in heaven, and who is often shown as a person dressed in white with wings

enģelis anioł/ aniołek Înger

ángel melek

кошница καλάθι kosár cestino

basket – a container made of thin pieces of plastic, wire, or wood woven together, used to carry things or put things in

grozs kosz, koszyk or koszyczek coș cesto sepet

приятел φίλος barát fidanzato draugs chłopak

boyfriend – a boy or man that you are having a romantic relationship with


novio erkek arkadaş

кутия шоколадови бонбони κουτί με σοκολατάκια csokoládés doboz

box of chocolates – a box filled with a sweet brown food that you can eat as a sweet or use in cooking to give foods such as cakes a special sweet taste. It is usually given on special occasions

scatola di cioccolatini šokolādes konfekšu kārba bombonierka cutie cu ciocolată

caja de bombones bir kutu çukulata

зайче λαγός nyúl coniglietto trusis

bunny – a word for a rabbit, used especially by or to children

zajączek iepuraș

conejo tavşancık

Коледа Χριστούγεννα Karácsony Natale

Christmas – the period of time around 25 December, the day when Christians celebrate the birth of Christ

Ziemassvētki Boże Narodzenie Crăciun

Navidad Noel

Коледни топки χριστουγεννιάτικες μπάλες karácsonyi gömbök palle di Natale Ziemassvētku bumbiņas

Christmas balls - glass balls which are used to decorate a Christmas tree

bombki globuri

bolas de Navidad Noel topları

елха χριστουγεννιάτικο δέντρο karácsonyfa albero di Natale egle

Christmas tree – a fir tree that people put in their houses and decorate for Christmas

choinka brad de Crăciun

árbol de Navidad Noel Ağacı

Великден Πάσχα húsvét Pasqua Lieldienas

Easter – a Christian holy day in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his resurrection

Wielkanoc Paște

Pascua o Semana Santa Paskalya

яйце αυγό tojás uovo

egg – a round object with a hard surface, that contains yolk and white which is produced by a female bird, snake, insect etc

ola jajko ou

huevo yumurta

елф ξωτικό manó elfo/folletto elfs

elf – an imaginary creature like a small person with pointed ears and magical powers

elf elf

elfo cin

приятел φίλος barát amico or amica draugs

friend – someone who you know and like very much and enjoy spending time with

przyjaciel or przyjaciółka prieten

amigo o amiga arkadaş

приятелка φίλη barátnő fidanzata draudzene dziewczyna

girlfriend – a girl or woman that you are having a romantic relationship with


novia kız arkadaş

Христос Възкресе Καλό Πάσχα Kellemes Húsvétot!

Buona Pasqua Priecīgas Lieldienas!

Happy Easter (wishes) – used to say that you hope someone will have a happy time at Easter

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Świąt Wielkanocnych

Paște fericit Feliz Pascua Mutlu Paskalyalar

сърце καρδιά szív cuore sirds

heart – the part of you that feels strong emotions and feelings

serce inimă

corazón kalp

светлини φώτα, λαμπάκια lámpák luci spuldzīšu virtenes lampki choinkowe

lights – electric lights to decorate a Christmas tree


luces Işıklar

Честита Коледа Καλά Χριστούγεννα Kellmes karácsonyt! Buon Natale

Merry Christmas (wishes) – used to say that you hope someone will have a happy time at Christmas

Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

Crăciun fericit Feliz Navidad Mutlu Noeller

стихотворение ποίημα vers poesia

poem – a piece of writing that expresses emotions, experiences, and ideas, especially in short lines using words that rhyme (end with the same sound)

dzejolis wiersz poezie

poema şiir

подарък δώρο ajándék regalo dāvanas

present – something you give someone on a special occasion or to thank them for something

prezent cadou

regalo hediye

cеверен елен τάρανδος szarvas renna ziemeļbriedis

reindeer – a large deer with long wide antlers (horns), that lives in cold northern areas

renifer ren

reno ren geyiği

овца πρόβατο bárány pecora


sheep – a farm animal that is kept for its wool and its meat

owca oaie

oveja koyun

Дядо Коледа Άγιος Βασίλης Mikulás Babbo Natale

Santa Claus – an imaginary old man with red clothes and a long white beard who, children believe, brings them presents at Christmas

Salatētis Święty Mikołaj Moș Crăciun

Papá Noel Noel baba

звезда αστέρι csillag stella zvaigzne

star – a shape with four or more points, which represents the way a star looks in the sky

gwiazda/ gwiazdka stea

estrella yıldız

сладкиши γλυκά édesség caramelle konfektes

sweets – small pieces of sweet food made of sugar or chocolate

słodycze dulciuri

caramelos şekerleme



ябълка μήλο alma mela ābols

apple – a hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin and is white inside

jabłko măr manzana


банан μπανάνα banán

banana banāns

banana – a long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skin

banan banană plátano muz

морков καρότο répa carota burkāns

carrot – a long pointed orange vegetable that grows under the ground

marchewka morcov zanahoria


краставица αγγούρι uborka cetriolo gurķis

cucumber – a long thin round vegetable with a dark green skin and a light green inside, usually eaten raw

ogórek castravete pepino salatalık

портокал πορτοκάλι narancs arancia apelsīns

orange – a round fruit that has a thick orange skin and is divided into parts inside


portocală naranja portakal

праскова ροδάκινο őszibarack


peach – a round juicy fruit that has a soft yellow or red skin and a large, hard seed in the centre, or the tree that this fruit grows on

persiks brzoskwinia

piersică melocotón şeftali

круша αχλάδι körte pera bumbieris

pear – a sweet juicy fruit that has a round base and is thinner near the top, or the tree that produces this fruit

gruszka pară pera armut

картоф πατάτα krumpli or burgonya patata kartupelis

potato - a round white vegetable with a brown, red, or pale yellow skin, that grows under the ground

ziemniak or kartofel cartof patata patates

домат ντομάτα paradicsom pomodoro tomāts

tomato – a round soft red fruit eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable

pomidor roșie tomate domates



Чао! Αντίο! Viszlát! Ciao or arrivederci Atā! Pa pa! or Cześć!

Bye! – informal goodbye

La revedere

¡Adiós! Hoşçakal!

Здравей! Γεια! Helló! Ciao Sveiki!

hello – used as a greeting when you see or meet someone

Cześć! Salut

¡Hola! Merhaba!

На колко си години? Πόσων χρόνων είσαι;

Hány éves vagy? Quanti anni hai? Cik tev gadu?

How old are you? – a way to ask someone about his or her age

Ile masz lat? Câți ani ai? ¿Cúantos años tienes?

Kaç yaşındasın?

Благодаря Ευχαριστώ Köszönöm Grazie Paldies

Thank you – used to tell someone that you are grateful for something they have given you or done for you

Dziękuję Mulțumesc

Gracias Teşekkürler

Как се казваш? Πώς σε λένε; Mi a neved? Come ti chiami? Kā tevi sauc?

What’s your name? – a way to ask someone how is he or she called

Jak masz na imię? Cum te numești?

¿Cómo te llamas? Adın ne?












A hole for marbles

Дупка за топчета

Τρύπα για βώλους


Caurums akmeņiem

Dołek na kulki

O gaură pentru pietricele

Meşeler için çukur

Lyuk a golyónak


Call name

Вика по име

Πες όνομα

Di el nombre

Izsaukt vārdu


Numește pe cineva

İsim söyle

hívd a nevet

chiama un nome

Catch somebody

Хвани някой

Πιάσε κάποιον

Atrapa a alguien

Noķert kādu

Złapać kogoś

Prinde pe cineva

Birini yakala

Elfogni valakit

Acchiappa qualcuno

Catch the ball

Хвани топката

Πιάνω τη μπάλα

Atrapa el balón

Noķert bumbu

Złapać piłkę

Prinde mingea

Topu yakala

Kapd el a labdát

Prendete la palla





Dzīties pakaļ






Choose a name

Изберете име

Διαλέγω όνομα

Elige un nombre

Izvēlēties vārdu/nosaukumu

Wybrać imię/ nazwę

Alege un nume

Bir isim seç

Válassz egy nevet

Scegliete un nome

Clap my hands rhythmically

Пляскай в ритъм

Χτυπάω παλαμάκια ρυθμικά

Aplaude rítmicament

Ritmiski sist rokas

Uderzać rytmicznie w dłonie

Bate din palme

Ellerini ritmikçe çırp

Ütemesen tapsolok

Battete le mani ritmicamente

Dodge the ball

Пропусни топката

Απόφυγε τη μπάλα

Esquiva el balón

Izvairīties no bumbas

Unikać piłki

Ocolește mingea

Toptan kaç

Kerüld ki a labdát

Schiva la palla

Don’t touch it

Не пипай

Μην το αγγίζεις

No lo toques


Nie dotykaj tego

Nu atinge


Ne érintsd

Non lo toccare

Draw a circle

Нарисувай кръг

Σχεδίασε έναν κύκλο

Dibuja un círculo

Zīmēt apli

Narysuj koło

Desenează un cerc

Bir daire çiz

Rajzolj egy kört

Disegna un cerchio














Romper la olla



Ai pierdut



Hai perso

Form a circle

Направете кръг

Σχηματίζω κύκλο

Haz un círculo

Izveidot apli

Ustawić się w kółku

Faceți un cerc

Daire oluştur

Alakíts kört

Fate un cerchio










Form teams

Направи отбор

Σχηματίζω ομάδες

Forma equipos

Izveidot komandu

Stworzyć drużyny

Formează echipe

Takım oluştur

Alakíts csoportot

Formate delle squadre

Give something as a reward



Pagar prenda



Dă un premiu

Ödül ver

Jutalmat ad


Go back

Връщам се

Πήγαινε πίσω


Iet atpakaļ


Mergi înapoi

Geri git

Gyere vissza

Vai indietro

Grab the ball

Хвани топката

Άρπαξε τη μπάλα

Coge el balón

Paķert bumbu

Chwyć piłkę

Ia mingea

Topu yakala

Megfogni a labdát

Afferra la palla












скрий се




Schować się



Bújj el


Hit somebody out


Χτύπα κάποιον για να βγει έξω

Golpear a alguien


Zbić kogoś

elimină pe cineva

Birini oyundan çıkarmak

Kiütni valakit

Colpisci qualcuno

Hold hands

Дръжте се за ръце

Κρατηθείτε από τα χέρια

Coge las manos

Sadoties rokas

Złapać się za ręce

Ține-te de mâini

Elele tutuş


Tenetevi per mano

I saw you

Видях те

Σε είδα

Te vi

es tevi redzu

Widziałem cię

te-am văzut

Seni gördüm


Ti ho visto

It’s your turn/ Now you are “IT”

Твой ред е

Τώρα είναι η σειρά σου

Tú la llevas/ Tu paras

Tagad ir tava kārta

Twoja kolej/ Teraz ty

Tu urmezi

Sıra sende/ “Ebe” sensin

Te vagy a következő

E’ il tuo turno

Kick the ball


Κλώτσα τη μπάλα

Golpea el balón

Sist bumbu

Kopnąć piłkę

Lovește mingea

Topa vur

Rúgd a labdát

Dai un calcio alla palla

Lose the game

Загуби играта

χάνω το παιχνίδι

pierde el juego

zaudēt spēli

Przegrać grę

a pierde un joc

oyunu kaybetmek

elveszti a játékot

perdere la gara










Pass the ball

Подай топката

Πέρνα τη μπάλα

Pasa el balón

padod bumbu

Podać piłkę

dă mingea mai departe

pas ver

Átadni a labdát

Passa la palla

Run around / move around (the circle)

Движи се в кръг

Τρέξε γύρω από τον κύκλο

Correr alrededor (del círculo)

Skraidi apkārt

Biegać dookoła

Fugi de jur împrejur

Etrafında koş(daire)

Fuss körbe

Corri intorno

Run away


Τρέξε μακριά








Safe place

Безопасно място


Casa/ barrera

Droša vieta

Bezpieczne miejsce

Loc sigur

Güvenli yer

Biztonságos hely



Πήγαινε να ψάξεις

Ves a buscar

iet meklēt



Aramaya git


vai a cercare

Send up the ball

Подай топката

στέλνω τη μπάλα ψηλά

lanzar el balón

nosūtīt bumbu

Podrzuć piłkę

trimite mingea

topu havaya at

dobd fel a labdát

lancia in alto la palla

Stand behind

Заставам отзад

Στάσου πίσω

Quédate detrás

Nostaties aiz

Stanąć za

stai în spatele

Arkasında dur

Állj mögé

stai dietro

Stand in the middle

Заставам по средата

Στάσου στη μέση

Quédate en medio

Stāvēt pa vidu

Stanąć w środku

stai în mijloc

Ortada dur

Állj középre

mettiti al centro

Stand in two rows

Застани в две редици

Σταθείτε σε δύο σειρές

Formar dos filas

stāvēt divās rindās

Stanąć w dwóch rzędach

stați pe două rânduri

İkisıra halinde dur

Két oszlopba állj

Formate due file

Stand on one leg

Стой на един крак

Στάσου στο ένα πόδι

Quédate sobre una pierna

stāvēt uz vienas kājas

Stanąć na jednej nodze

stai într-un picior

Tek ayak üstünde dur

Fél lábon állni

Stai in piedi su una gamba

Stand opposite

Застани срещу

Στέκομαι απέναντι

Quédate en frente

Stāvēt pretī

Stanąć naprzeciwko

Stați față în față

Karşılıklı dur

Állj szembe vele

Mettetevi di fronte











Start the game

Започни играта

αρχίζω το παιχνίδι

empieza el juego

sākt spēli

Zacząć grę

începe jocul

oyunu başlat

kezdd el a játékot

inizia la gara

Take free space

Заеми свободното място

Κατάλαβε ελεύθερο χώρο

Coge un sitio libre

Aizņemt tukšu vietu

Zająć wolne miejsce

ocupă un spațiu liber

Boş yere geç

Hagyj szabad helyet

prendi un posto libero

Throw the ball

Хвърли топката

Πετώ τη μπάλα

Lanza el balón

Mest bumbu

Rzucić piłkę

Aruncă mingea

Topu at

Dobd el a labdát

Lancia la palla

Turn around

Завъртам се

Γύρνα από την άλλη πλευρά



Odwróć się/ obróć się


Etrafında dön

Fordulj meg

Gira intorno

Walk under (the bridge)

Върви под моста

Περπάτα κάτω από τη γέφυρα

Camina por debajo (del puente)

Staigāt zem (tilta)

Iść pod (mostem)

Mergi pe sub (pod)

Altından geç (köprü)

Elmenni alatta

Cammina sotto (il ponte)

Win the game

Спечели играта

κερδίζω το παιχνίδι

gana el juego

uzvarēt spēli

Wygrać grę

a câștiga un joc

oyunu kazanmak

megnyeri a játékot

vincere la gara

You are fired



Estás eliminado

tu esi atrasts

Jesteś zbity

ești eliminat

sen yandın


sei squalificato

You are out

Ти си аут

Είσαι εκτός

Estás eliminado

tu esi ārā


ești eliminat






Черна дъска πίνακας tábla lavagna

blackboard – a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing on with chalk

tāfele tablica tablă

pizarra tahta

тебешир κιμωλία kréta gesso

chalk – small sticks of a white or coloured substance like soft rock, used for writing or drawing

krīts kreda cretă

tiza tebeşir

дете παιδί gyerek bambino/bambina bērns dziecko

child – someone who is not yet an adult


niño o niña çocuk

деца παιδιά gyerekek bambini bērni dzieci

children – the plural of child


niños çocuklar

клас τάξη osztály classe klase

class – a group of students who are taught together

klasa clasă

clase sınıf

Класна стая αίθουσα osztályterem aula klases telpa

classroom – a room that you have lessons in at a school or college

klasa or sala lekcyjna sala de clasă aula/ clase sınıf

студент μαθητής or Φοιτητής diákfiú alunno or studente skolnieks

pupil / student (a boy) – a boy who is being taught / a boy or a man who has finished school and is studying at university

uczeń or student elev

alumno erkek öğrenci

студентка μαθήτρια or Φοιτήτρια diáklány alunna or studentessa skolniece

pupil / student (a girl) – a girl who is being taught/ a girl or a woman who has finished school and is studying at university

uczennica or studentka elevă

alumna kız öğrenci

училище σχολείο iskola scuola


school – a place where children are taught

szkoła școală

escuela okul

бюфет κυλικείο ebédlő mensa ēdnīca

school canteen – a place in a school where meals are provided, usually quite cheaply

stołówka cantina școlii

comedor okul kantini



(The names of the seasons,weather and places to go)

есен φθινόπωρο ősz autunno

autumn – the season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooler

rudens jesień toamnă

otoño sonbahar

плаж παραλία strand spiaggia pludmale

beach – an area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a lake

plaża plajă

playa kumsal

гора δάσος erdő foresta mežs

forest – a large area of land that is covered with trees

las pădure

bosque orman

езеро λίμνη tó lago ezers

lake – a large area of water surrounded by land

jezioro lac

lago göl

лист φύλλο levél foglia lapa

leaf – one of the flat green parts of a plant that are joined to its stem or branches

liść frunză

hoja yaprak

океан ωκεανός óceán oceano okeāns

ocean – one of the very large areas of sea on the Earth's surface

ocean ocean

océano okyanus

дъжд βροχή eső pioggia lietus

rain – water that falls in small drops from clouds in the sky

deszcz ploaie

lluvia yağmur

река ποτάμι folyó fiume upe

river – a natural and continuous flow of water in a long line across a country into the sea

rzeka râu

río nehir

пясък άμμος homok sabbia smiltis

sand – an area of beach or desert

piasek nisip

arena kum

море θάλασσα tenger mare jūra

sea – the large area of salty water that covers much of the earth's surface

morze mare

mar deniz

мида κοχύλι kagyló conchiglia


shell – the hard protective covering of an animal such as a snail, mussel, or crab

muszla scoică

concha kabuk

пролет άνοιξη tavasz primavera pavasaris

spring – the season between winter and summer when leaves and flowers appear

wiosna primăvară

primavera İlkbahar

слънце ήλιος nap sole saule

sun – the large bright object in the sky that gives us light and heat, and around which the Earth moves

słońce soare

sol güneş

лято καλοκαίρι nyár estate vasara

summer – the time of the year when the sun is hottest and the days are longest, between spring and autumn

lato vară

verano yaz

Лятна ваканция καλοκαιρινές διακοπές nyári szünidő

vacanze estive vasaras brīvdienas

summer holidays – a time of rest from work, school etc or a period of time when you travel to another place for pleasure

wakacje vacanța de vară

vacaciones de verano yaz tatilleri

вятър άνεμος szél vento vējš

wind – moving air, especially when it moves strongly or quickly in a current

wiatr vânt

viento rüzgar

зима χειμώνας tél inverno ziema

winter – the season after autumn and before spring, when the weather is coldest

zima iarnă

invierno kış




Топка μπάλα labda palla bumba

ball – a round object that is thrown, kicked, or hit in a game or sport

piłka minge

pelota o balón top

бейзболна бухалка μπαστούνι ütő mazza

bat – a long wooden stick with a special shape that is used in some sports and games

nūja pałka drewniana bâtă

bate sopa

ловя πιάνω elkapni prendere ķert złapać

catch – to get hold of and stop an object such as a ball that is moving through the air

a prinde

coger/atrapar yakalamak

Игра παιχνίδι játék gioco spēle

game-an activity or sport in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules

gra joc

juego oyun

скачам χοροπηδώ ugrani saltare lēkt

jump – to push yourself up into the air, or over or away from something etc using your legs

skakać a sări

saltar atlamak

терен Γήπεδο pálya campo di gioco laukums

pitch – a marked out area of ground on which a sport is played

boisko teren

terreno de juego saha

играя παίζω játszani giocare

play – to take part or compete in a game or sport. When children play, they do things that they enjoy, often with other people or with toys

spēlēt grać a se juca

jugar oynamak

поставям τοποθετώ tenni mettere likt

put – to move something to a particular place or position, especially using your hands

kłaść a pune

poner koymak

бягам τρέχω futni correre


run – to move very quickly, by moving your legs more quickly than when you walk

biegać a fugi

correr koşmak

Скачане на въже σχοινάκι ugrálókötél corda per saltare lecamaukla

skipping-rope – a long piece of rope with handles that children use for jumping over

skakanka coardă

cuerda de saltar atlama ipi

хвърлям ρίχνω dobni lanciare mest

throw – to make an object such as a ball move quickly through the air by pushing your hand forward quickly and letting the object go

rzucać a arunca

lanzar or tirar fırlatmak



сметка λογαριασμός blokk conto

bill – a written list showing how much you have to pay for services you have received, work that has been done etc

konts rachunek factură

cuenta fatura

автобус λεωφορείο busz autobus autobuss autobus

bus – a large vehicle that people pay to travel on


autobús otobüs

фактура τιμολόγιο számla fattura rēķins

invoice – a list of goods that have been supplied or work that has been done, showing how much you owe for them

faktura factură

factura fiş

пътуване ταξίδι utazás viaggio ceļojums

journey – a time spent travelling from one place to another, especially over a long distance

podróż excursie

viaje seyahat

самолет αεροπλάνο repülőgép aereo lidmašīna

plane – a vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one engine

samolot avion

avión uçak

квитанция απόδειξη nyugta ricevuta


receipt – a piece of paper that you are given which shows that you have paid for something

paragon chitanță

recibo makbuz

Билет εισιτήριο jegy biglietto biļete

ticket – a printed piece of paper which shows that you have paid to enter a cinema, travel on a bus, plane etc

bilet bilet

entrada o billete bilet

екскурзия Εκδρομή ή ταξίδι kirándulás gita brauciens

trip – a visit to a place that involves a journey, for pleasure or a particular purpose

wycieczka drumeție

viaje gezi

This dictionary was made within the Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius Multilateral School Partnership project 2013-2015 number: 2013-1-TR1-COM06-48453 and is titled „TOPGAMES Traditional Openair Games to Improve Children ‘s Skills ” by the partners from: Bulgaria – Основно училище "Бачо Киро" (Osnovno uchilishte "Bacho Kiro"), Veliko Tarnovo Greece – 12ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αλεξανδρούπολης, Alexandroupoli Hungary – Debreceni Vörösmarty Mihály Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola, Debrecen Italy - Istituto comprensivo Bersagliere Urso, Favara Latvia – Eglaines Pamatskola, Eglaine Poland – Zespół Szkół w Gałkowie Dużym, Gałków Duży Romania – Scoala Gimnaziala Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Baia Mare Spain – Escola Vincente Ferrer, Sant Boi de Llobregat

Turkey – Izmir Konak Misak-i Milli Ortaokulu, Izmir

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