7 minute read
by Toppoint
r o f anufactured
e nsen Toppoint BV
PO Box 2, NL-7690 AA Ber ge n t h e i m O000000 –P –– www. toppoint.com
MINTS Ingredients: agent (Magnesium salts of fatty acids), Flavours (Peppermint oil), Colours (Titanium dioxide), Glazing agent (Carnaubawax, Beeswax) Nutrition values per 100g:
Energy 1674 kJ, 394 kcal; Carbohydrate 98,5g of which sugars 96,1g of which Starch 2,4g; Fat 0,0g; Saturates 0,0g; Protein 0,0g; Salt 0,0g. Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Excessive consumption can have a
M Made laxative effect. in Europe; Nett. Weight:12gBest before end 00/0000. LT91794
Kaikki piparmintut on valmistettu BRC-sertifioidussa yrityksessä (maailmanlaajuinen elintarviketurvallisuuden standardi), jotta pastillien ainesosien alkuperää voidaan valvoa. Piparmintut pakataan HACCP-sertifioidussa tuotantolaitoksessa, joka on sitoutunut tuottamaan ja myymään turvallisia elintarvikkeita. Pastillit säilyvät 36 kuukautta.

European mints
European mints
Mints Ingredients: Sugar, Glucose syrup, Modified Potatostarch, anti-caking agent (Magnesium salts of fatty acids), Flavours (Peppermint oil), Colours (Titanium dioxide), Glazing agent (Carnaubawax, Beeswax) Nutrition values per 100g: Energy 1674 kJ, 394 kcal; Carbohydrate 98,5g of which sugars 96,1g of which Starch 2,4g; Fat 0,0g; Saturates 0,0g; Protein 0,0g; Salt 0,0g.
Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Excessive consumption can have a laxative effect.
Made in Europe; Nett. Weight: 5g Best before end 02/2022.
Manufactured for Toppoint BV – PO Box 2, NL-7690 AA Bergentheim – www.toppoint.com – LT91842 – PO000000

91842 European mints
European mints
European mints
Metallirasia, jonka sisällä 23 g hollantilaisia piparminttuja (sisältää sokeria). Koko: 62x48x15mm.
250 500 1000 2500
2,15 1,77 1,69 1,52 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus
Tyylikäs metallinen pastillirasia sisältää 5 g raikkaita Euroopassa valmistettuja minttupastilleja. Koko: 35x15x65mm.
250 500 1000 2500
2,29 1,89 1,81 1,66 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus
Matkalaukun muotoinen pastillirasia on hauska mainoslahja - paina kahvasta saadaksesi pastillin! (sisältää sokeria) Koko: 42x18x72mm.
250 500 1000 2500
2,21 1,83 1,75 1,60 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus
Yhdellä painalluksella aukeava metallirasia, jonka sisällä 12 g piparminttumakeisia. (sisältää sokeria). Koko: Ø45x15mm.
250 500 1000 2500
1,78 1,53 1,41 1,30 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus
Pastillirasia kauniilla muotoilulla. Kirkkaat värit. Sisältää 5 g raikkaita Euroopassa valmistettuja minttupastilleja. Koko: 35x15x65mm.
250 500 1000 2500
2,25 1,87 1,79 1,62 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus
Sugar free mintS with SweetenerS
ingredients: Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids) Sweeteners (sorbitol, acesulfame K, aspartame*). Peppermint Oil, menthol flavour. Contains a source of phenylalanine. nutritional information: Average Values Per 100g Energy 980kJ, 392 kcal, Protein 0g, Carbohydrate 98g of which Sugars 0g, Polyols 98g. Starch 0g, Fat 1,43g of which Saturates 1,14g. Fibre 0g, Salt 0,01g. Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Made in China best before end: 00 / 0000. Net Weight: 7gManufactured for Lensen Toppoint BV-PO Box 2, NL-7690 AA Bergentheim - www.toppoint.com - LT91793 - PO

91793 Sugar free mints

Sugar free mintS with SweetenerS
ingredients: Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids) Sweeteners (sorbitol, acesulfame K, aspartame*). Peppermint Oil, menthol flavour. Contains a source of phenylalanine. nutritional information: Average Values Per 100g Energy 980kJ, 392 kcal, Protein 0g, Carbohydrate 98g of which Sugars 0g, Polyols 98g. Starch 0g, Fat 1,43g of which Saturates 1,14g. Fibre 0g, Salt 0,01g. Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Made in China best before end: 00 / 0000. Net Weight: 7gManufactured for Lensen Toppoint BV-PO Box 2, NL-7690 AA Bergentheim - www.toppoint.com - LT91726 - PO
Sugar free mintS with SweetenerS
ingredients: Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids) Sweeteners (sorbitol, acesulfame K, aspartame*). Peppermint Oil, menthol flavour. Contains a source of phenylalanine. nutritional information: Average Values Per 100g Energy 980kJ, 392 kcal, Protein 0g, Carbohydrate 98g of which Sugars 0g, Polyols 98g. Starch 0g, Fat 1,43g of which Saturates 1,14g. Fibre 0g, Salt 0,01g. Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Made in China best before end: 00 / 0000. Net Weight: 6,5gManufactured for Lensen Toppoint BV-PO Box 2, NL-7690 AA Bergentheim - www.toppoint.com - LT91799 - PO
91799 Sugar free mints
Sugar free mintS with SweetenerS
ingredients: Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids) Sweeteners (sorbitol, acesulfame K, aspartame*). Peppermint Oil, menthol flavour. Contains a source of phenylalanine. nutritional information: Average Values Per 100g Energy 980kJ, 392 kcal, Protein 0g, Carbohydrate 98g of which Sugars 0g, Polyols 98g. Starch 0g, Fat 1,43g of which Saturates 1,14g. Fibre 0g, Salt 0,01g. Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Made in China best before end: 00 / 0000. Net Weight: 5gManufactured for Lensen Toppoint BV-PO Box 2, NL-7690 AA Bergentheim - www.toppoint.com - LT91725 - PO

91726 Sugar free mints
Suorakaiteenmuotoinen rasia, sokerittomia piparminttumakeisia. Paino: 7 grammaa. Koko: 79x48x6mm.
250 500 1000 2500
1,30 1,19 1,07 0,94 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus 91725 Sugar free mints
Litteä, pyöreä rasia. Umpivärinen valkoinen, muut värit huurrettuja. Paino: n. 6,5 grammaa. Koko: Ø62x0mm.
250 500 1000 2500
1,30 1,19 1,07 0,94 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus
T-paidanmuotoinen minttukarkkirasia. Rasia aukeaa T-paidan alareunasta. Soveltuu digitaaliseen väripainatukseen. Paino: n. 7grammaa. Koko: 73x73x6mm.
250 500 1000 2500
1,30 1,19 1,07 0,94 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus
Peukalonmuotoinen minttukarkkirasia (sokeriton). Rasia aukeaa ranteesta. Soveltuu digitaaliseen väripainatukseen. Peukku sille! Paino: n. 5 grammaa. Koko: 83x58x7mm.
250 500 1000 2500
1,30 1,19 1,07 0,94 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus
Sugar free mintS with SweetenerS
ingredients: Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids) Sweeteners (sorbitol, acesulfame K, aspartame*). Peppermint Oil, menthol flavour. Contains a source of phenylalanine. nutritional information: Average Values Per 100g Energy 980kJ, 392 kcal, Protein 0g, Carbohydrate 98g of which Sugars 0g, Polyols 98g. Starch 0g, Fat 1,43g of which Saturates 1,14g. Fibre 0g, Salt 0,01g. Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Made in China best before end: 00 / 0000. Net Weight: 7gManufactured for Lensen Toppoint BV-PO Box 2, NL-7690 AA Bergentheim - www.toppoint.com - LT91773 - PO
91773 Sugar free mints

Sugar free mintS with SweetenerS
ingredients: Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids) Sweeteners (sorbitol, acesulfame K, aspartame*). Peppermint Oil, menthol flavour. Contains a source of phenylalanine. nutritional information: Average Values Per 100g Energy 980kJ, 392 kcal, Protein 0g, Carbohydrate 98g of which Sugars 0g, Polyols 98g. Starch 0g, Fat 1,43g of which Saturates 1,14g. Fibre 0g, Salt 0,01g. Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Made in China best before end: 00 / 0000. Net Weight: 7gManufactured for Lensen Toppoint BV-PO Box 2, NL-7690 AA Bergentheim - www.toppoint.com - LT91778 - PO

91778 Sugar free mints

Sugar free mintS with SweetenerS
ingredients: Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids) Sweeteners (sorbitol, acesulfame K, aspartame*). Peppermint Oil, menthol flavour. Contains a source of phenylalanine. nutritional information: Average Values Per 100g Energy 980kJ, 392 kcal, Protein 0g, Carbohydrate 98g of which Sugars 0g, Polyols 98g. Starch 0g, Fat 1,43g of which Saturates 1,14g. Fibre 0g, Salt 0,01g. Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Made in China best before end: 00 / 0000. Net Weight: 7gManufactured for Lensen Toppoint BV-PO Box 2, NL-7690 AA Bergentheim - www.toppoint.com - LT91779 - PO

91779 Sugar free mints
Sydämenmuotoinen rasia. Huurrettu punainen tai umpivärinen valkoinen. Paino: 7 grammaa. Koko: 72x65x7mm.
250 500 1000 2500
1,30 1,19 1,07 0,94 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus
Talonmuotoinen rasia piparminttumakeisia. Avataan savupiipusta. Paino: n. 7 grammaa. Koko: 73x65x7mm.
250 500 1000 2500
1,30 1,19 1,07 0,94 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus
Kuorma-autonmuotoinen rasia piparminttumakeisia. Avataan takaosasta. Paino: n. 7 grammaa. Koko: 90x55x7mm.
250 500 1000 2500
1,30 1,19 1,07 0,94 Hintaan sisältyy digitaalinen painatus Aloituskulut: 72,00 € per painatus, tilaus