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RockHill Publishing LLC was founded on the principle that a new writer is no less talented than one who has been published for years. The journey to get published should not be a path of heartbreaking and soul crushing rejections. However, there are some lessons that only time can teach, but you do not learn talent, you only perfect it over time.
RockHill Publishing LLC was formed to cut through the submission stack of unread writers and find those whose talents may otherwise never be discovered. I had an idea that the fast track to publication lay in the short story. Being able to write several short stories in the time it takes to write one full length novel surely increases the chances of “being discovered”. However, fighting ones way to the editor’s desk of magazines is no easier than breaking down the doors of a publishing house. Our submission model will be the synopsis, characters' outline, and sample chapter. We guarantee that all who submits will be read and an evaluation giving.
We are known and remembered by the symbols and icons we use. The name RockHill symbolizes a publishing house built on solid foundation, the Rock, and above the littered landscape, the Hill, to give clear vision. Not so high as to be unattainable, or unable to see the small gems among the big stones. The logo of a dragon perched upon the rock also conveys a duel meaning. First, dragons find themselves in multiple cultures across the world showing the universality of ideas. Secondly, dragons are both the protectors and defenders of the realm. For some cultures they bring good luck and fortunes while chasing away the bad spirits. For others they bring death and destruction to the corrupt and the wicked. My dragon sits upon the RockHill bringing good luck and fortunes to new writers and warding off corruption and wicked ways.
A native New Yorker, born and raised in the Bronx, J L Hill spent his adolescent years in Fort Apache, the South Bronx 41st precinct during the 60’s, during a time when you needed a gang to go to the store. Raised on blues, soul, and rock & roll gave him the heart of a flower child. Educated by the turmoil of Vietnam, Civil Rights, and the Sexual Revolution produced a gladiator. Realizing the precariousness of life gave him an adventurous outlook and willingness to try anything once, and if it did not kill him, maybe twice.
After years in the computer world he returned to his first love, unleashing the characters in his head. Still a hopeless insomniac, he feels free to pound out plots. J L Hill is a prolific storyteller writing crime stories, fantasies, and sci-fi, with a slant on the dark side of life.
The next step on his journey naturally led to the business of publishing. He started RockHill Publishing LLC not only to publish his own work, but to give others access to the literary world. His computer background and experiences in word processing give him insight into what it takes to create good books.