The coronavirus has created uncertainty and a genuine sense of isolation and fear all around the globe, with schools, businesses, restaurants, and even entertainment complexes all closing to stop the progression of the virus. There has never been a time when we’ve needed books as much as right now. To fill the need for immediate access to affordable ebooks, we’ve launched TopShelf Weekly. This brand new, direct to reader publication features the best in indie and traditional ebooks, available for immediate download at affordable prices. We with work with authors to sync our weekly ebook listings with other services to maximize marketing efforts and present the best value to readers. TopShelf Weekly, in combination with promotions on BookBub or a limited-time Amazon price reduction, could radically boost your chances of hitting a bestseller list. Moreover, we promote Kindle Unlimited, as we feel, this is an excellent way for readers to explore new authors without risk. TopShelf Weekly is different from TopShel