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Leading by Example



Big things are in the works for the 2018 National Junior All-Breeds show this year. The Bashaw Agricultural Show Committee does a great job of supporting youthin the cattle industry, and they have just kicked things up a notch. In a recently announced partnership with MNP, the committee has launched the newly formed MNP Mentorship Program that will take place during theshow, August 15-18 in Bashaw, Alberta. The program is aimed at supporting newcomers to the cattle show worldby teaming them up with more experienced showmen during this year’s event.

Dawn Wilson, a member of the committee, is thrilled about the new element this year. “We are very fortunate to be working with MNP on this new program. When we contacted Scott Dixon about the concept, he was very excited. Working with MNP is a really natural partnership for us.” MNP has given the show the ability to hire 5mentors to support young cattlemen entered in the annual event. “The idea is to provide people during the show, who aren’t showing themselves, who are able to assist and teach the less experienced kids.” Wilson explains.

Mentor Andie Hadway helps a youth with their fitting techniques at at 2017 Stock Show-U

Image Credit: Top Stock Magazine

Mentorship has become a large part of the cattle industryin recent years through many different programs. The newly developed MNP program however, takes things in a little different direction. Rather than providing mentors to a select group of hand picked individuals, MNP and the Bashaw Agricultural Show Committee are working to provide assistance to all of those who may be in need at the show. Identified with MNP logos, the group of 5 mentors will be on hand for the weekend to answer questions, provide critique and generally support the young showmen entered in the national event.

Mentor Garrett Lundago shows a Champion at Olds Spring Classic.

Image Credit: Top Stock

The mentors have been carefully selected to be able to provide assistance to young cattlemen of all levels. “The mentors have all gone through or are just finishing the program here at the National Junior All-Breeds show.” Wilson explains. “They have the ability to help out the new people to the cattle showing world, as well as some of the more experienced kids at the show.” Since the list of mentors includes many friendly faces to the show cattle industry, they will be approachable and relatable to the young cattlemen competing, making it easier to ask for help! The 5 MNP mentors will be roving the show grounds, ready to offer help to anyone who needs it. The addition of the mentorship program is also a benefit to parents at the show. The mentors are able to take some of the stress off by making themselves available to help out where needed, allowing parents to enjoy themselves and take in more of the show as well.

Mentor Shallaine Daley competes at the 2018 Acme Steer Show.

Image Credit: Christine Boake

The mentors include familiar faces around the All-Breeds show. Each comes from an extensive background of cattle show experience and knowledge – GarrettLundago, a Bashaw native who graduated high school in 2017, is now actively persuing a career in the cattle industry and will act as one of the mentors for the weekend. Garrett is a familiar face at the fall shows where he is in constant demand as a custom fitter. Shallaine Daley, from the Carstairs area, started her show cattle career with her her time in 4-H and her enthusiastic presence has continued on the jackpot circuit. At age 23, she has recently aged out of the Junior National All Breeds program. Ty Deitrich of Forestburg, AB has been a constant figure among the youth and 4-H cattle shows across Canada. Graduating from NAIT in 2015 with his Graphic Design Certificate has allowed him to persue a career servicing the cattle industry, while still being involved in his family’s cattle operation at Redrich Farms. Laurie Morasch is integral to the running of her family's Lazy MC Angus – A Purebred Red and Black Angus operation located east of Bassano, AB. Laurie travels with her family all over North America, showing cattle, which makes her an ideal mentor for young people taking their first steps into the show cattle world. Andie Hadway, a past Stock Show-U professor, rounds out the group. Andie hails from Didsbury, AB where she works along side her parents on Westway Farms.

Mentor Ty Dietrich shows his family's Red Angus at the 2015 Farmfair in Edmonton, where they won Supreme Champion Bull

Image Credit: ShowChampions

Mentor Laurie Morasch accepts the Supreme Female award for her Purebred Angus at the 2017 Summer Synergy.

Image Credit: ShowChampions

The MNP Mentorship Program is ecstatic to be able to supply such a strong lineupof mentors to the young cattle producers entered in the Junior National All- Breeds show this year. The entire line up is available to assist any of the young showmen during the event, keeping the focus of the show on building skills in young producers through experience. Mentors will be on site to provide hands on help during show day, from the clipping and fitting process, all the way up to when the young showmen walk into the ring. The program is designed to build confidence in the less experienced competitors, while also expanding the knowledge of some of the more experienced ones as well.

MNP has been a huge supporter of youth in agriculture in many ways, and the new MNP Mentorship Program is just another example. Their support is working to create a positive and inviting environment for new entrants in the cattle show world, at the National Junior All-Breeds show. Along with all of the work put forth by the committee, MNP is helping to build the next generation of showmen, along with a new generation of mentors and supporters at the same time. Empowering young competitors to share their knowledge in an inviting and friendly setting, while encouraging those who are less experienced to seek out help and expand their horizons, is the perfect storm when it comes to building new leaders in the industry.

If you are looking forward to the National Junior All-Breeds Show this year, make sure you keep your eyes peeled for the MNP t-shirts!

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