7 minute read

Inquiry 4: What role should Germany play on the modern world stage?

What role should Germany play on the modern world stage?

C3 Framework Indicator

D2.His.12.9-12. Use questions generated about multiple historical sources to pursue further inquiry and investigate additional sources.

D2.His.16.9-12. Integrate evidence from multiple relevant historical sources and interpretations into a reasoned argument about the past.

Staging the Compelling Question The focus of this inquiry is contemporary German foreign policy and its historical context as well as other contemporary domestic issues.

Supporting Question 1 Supporting Question 2 Supporting Question 3

How does the war in Ukraine demonstrate a shift away from Germany’s foreign policy post-WWII? What are the risks associated with the war in Ukraine regarding Germany’s international relationships? What are the risks associated with the war in Ukraine regarding to domestic issues within Germany? What can be done to remedy these issues?

Formative Performance Task Formative Performance Task Formative Performance Task

Students work in expert groups to research evidence supporting the question and report their findings to their home group. Students work in expert groups to research evidence supporting the question and report their findings to their home group. Students work in expert groups to research evidence supporting the question and report their findings to home group.

Featured Sources Featured Sources Featured Sources

Source A: Graphic Organizer

Source B: “In Foreign Policy U-Turn, Germany Ups Military Spending and Arms Ukraine.” Source A: Graphic Organizer

Source B: “Ukraine Wants German Tanks and More Weapons. But Can Europe Provide?” Source A: Graphic Organizer

Source B: “How Germany’s Approach to Russia Backfired”

Source C: “70% of Germans Back Ukraine Despite High Energy Prices, Survey Shows.”

Summative Performance Task Argument: Students write an essay in response to the compelling question, providing at least three sources to support their arguments in two or three body paragraphs.

Extension: Have the students write a letter to the German government, in which they share what they believe Germany should do in response to the war in Ukraine and future international conflicts.

Taking Informed Action

Understand: Research the United States’ response to the war in Ukraine.

Assess: Examine the arguments for and against further support of the war (e.g., establishing a no-fly zone).

Act: Write a letter to local representative that outlines support or opposition to future strategic decisions in Ukraine.


What role should Germany play on the modern world stage?

Target Grade Level: 10th Grade Target Course: World History


The focus of this inquiry is contemporary German foreign policy and its historical context as well as other contemporary domestic issues. Students will be tasked with answering the compelling question: What role should Germany play on the modern world stage? After reviewing the current war in Ukraine with the students, the students will work in different “governmental agencies” (aka small groups) to conduct research and answer supporting questions. They will present their findings to the class. For their summative performance task, students can either write an argumentative essay in response to the compelling question, using evidence gathered during small group work and class discussion, or they can prepare an oral presentation.


In response to the war in Ukraine, Germany has made a drastic shift in its foreign policy about sending weapons to countries at war. Up to this point, Germany had been committed to blocking weapons from being sent to conflict zones since the end of World War II. The situation is further complicated by Germany’s reliance on Russian oil. Despite rising energy prices, the majority of German citizens remain in favor of supporting Ukraine (“70% of Germans Back Ukraine,” 2022).

This lesson allows students to gain an understanding of Germany’s post-WWII military policy and compare it with their response to Ukraine, including all the domestic challenges it poses as well.

For further background information, see:

• Marsh, S., and S. Siebold. “Analysis: Putin Forces Germany to Step Up to Role as Global Power.” Reuters,

February 28, 2022. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-forces-germany-step-up-role-globalpower-2022-02-27/. • Feldenkirchen, M., et al. “Germany Plans for a Winter Without Gas from Russia.” Spiegel, July 29, 2022. https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/the-energy-shock-germany-plans-for-a-winter-without-gasfrom-russia-a-3058931c-d3c8-4146-9144-3f957f490f88.


• “70% of Germans Back Ukraine Despite High Energy Prices, Survey Shows.” Reuters, July 15, 2022, www.reuters.com/business/ energy/70-germans-back-ukraine-despite-high-energy-prices-poll-2022-07-15.


2–3 days (depending on how the work is divided between groups and what Summative Performance task is chosen)


• Third Reich • Chancellor • Social Democratic Party • Reichstag • Zeitenwende • Nord Stream


• Graphic Organizer (Scan QR Code) • Barbaro, Michael, et al. “How Germany’s Approach to Russia Backfired.” New York Times, April 8, 2022, www.nytimes.com/2022/04/08/podcasts/the-daily/germany-russia-oil-gas.html. • Eddy, Melissa. “In Foreign Policy U-Turn, Germany Ups Military Spending and Arms Ukraine.” New York Times,

February 28, 2022, www.nytimes.com/2022/02/27/world/europe/germany-ukraine-russia.html. • Same article as above, without a paywall: Eddy, Melissa. “In Foreign Policy U-Turn, Germany Ups Military Spending and Arms

Ukraine.” New York Times/News for Energy, February 28, 2022, https://newsforenergy.com/fossil-fuels/in-foreign-policy-uturn-germany-ups-military-spending-arms-ukraine/. • Kirby, Jen. “Ukraine Wants German Tanks and More Weapons. But Can Europe Provide?” Vox, September 17, 2022, www.vox. com/world/2022/9/17/23355120/ukraine-wants-more-weapons-can-europe-provide. • “70% of Germans Back Ukraine Despite High Energy Prices, Survey Shows.” Reuters, July 15, 2022, www.reuters.com/ business/energy/70-germans-back-ukraine-despite-high-energy-prices-poll-2022-07-15. • Vox. “Putin’s War on Ukraine, Explained.” YouTube, March 2, 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVu8QbxafJE. (8:48 minutes)


Warm up: What do we already know about the war in Ukraine? Why did Putin invade? What is the current status?

Optional: play this video to review historical context of War in Ukraine (if students are not familiar or need to review)

Video link: Vox. “Putin’s War on Ukraine, Explained.” YouTube, March 2, 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVu8QbxafJE. (8:48 minutes)


How does the war in Ukraine demonstrate a shift away from Germany’s foreign policy post-WWII?

➤ Formative Performance Task 1 Explain Germany’s foreign policy post-WWII.

Assign one student in each home group to represent the “Historical Department” of the German government. Their job is to meet with their “expert groups” (aka the other students assigned to the Historical Department), research evidence supporting question 1 (using sources provided and conducting further online research), and complete their section of the graphic organizer. After discussing their findings with their expert group, they will return to their home group and report their findings.

➤ Featured Sources 1 • Graphic Organizer • Eddy, Melissa. “In Foreign Policy U-Turn, Germany Ups Military Spending and Arms Ukraine.” New York Times,

February 28, 2022, www.nytimes.com/2022/02/27/world/europe/germany-ukraine-russia.html. • Same article as above without a paywall: Eddy, Melissa. “In Foreign Policy U-Turn, Germany Ups Military

Spending and Arms Ukraine.” New York Times/News for Energy, February 28, 2022, https://newsforenergy.com/fossil-fuels/ in-foreign-policy-u-turn-germany-ups-military-spending-arms-ukraine/.


What are the risks associated with the war in Ukraine regarding Germany’s international relationships?

➤ Formative Performance Task 2 Assign one student in each home group to represent the “Foreign Policy Department” of the German government. Their job is to meet with their expert groups (aka the other students assigned to Foreign Policy Department), research evidence supporting question 2 (using sources provided and conducting further online research), and complete their section of the graphic organizer. After discussing their findings with their expert group, they will return to their home group and report their findings.

➤ Featured Sources 2 • Graphic Organizer • Kirby, Jen. “Ukraine Wants German Tanks and More Weapons. But Can Europe Provide?” Vox,

September 17, 2022, www.vox.com/world/2022/9/17/23355120/ukraine-wants-more-weapons-can-europeprovide.


What are the risks associated with the war in Ukraine regarding domestic issues within Germany? What can be done to remedy these issues?

➤ Formative Performance Task 3 Assign one student in each home group to represent the “Domestic Policy Department” of the German government. Their job is to meet with their expert groups (aka the other students assigned to Domestic Policy Department), research evidence supporting question 2 (using sources provided or conducting further online research), and complete their section of the graphic organizer. After discussing their findings with their expert group, they will return to their home group and report their findings.

➤ Featured Sources 3 • Graphic Organizer • Barbaro, Michael, et al. “How Germany’s Approach to Russia Backfired.” New York Times, April 8, 2022, www.nytimes.com/2022/04/08/podcasts/the-daily/germany-russia-oil-gas.html. (30:38 minutes) • “70% of Germans Back Ukraine Despite High Energy Prices, Survey Shows.” Reuters, July 15, 2022, www.reuters.com/business/energy/70-germans-back-ukraine-despite-high-energy-prices-poll-2022-07-15.


Students can write an essay in response to the compelling question, providing at least three sources to support their arguments in two or three body paragraphs


Students can present in groups. They will share their findings and their group’s consensus in response to the compelling question.

Extension Option (Choice of Creative Format instead of Argument)

Have the students write a letter to the German government, in which they share what they believe Germany should do in response to the war in Ukraine as well as future international conflicts.

Taking Informed Action

Understand: Research the United States’ response to the war in Ukraine.

Assess: Examine the arguments for and against further support of the war (e.g., establishing a no-fly zone).

Act: Write a letter to local representative that outlines support or opposition to future strategic decisions in Ukraine.


• Spanish translations of news articles. • Spanish captioning for audio or video. • NewsELA articles, available in multiple reading levels. • Add guiding questions to graphic organizer for each source.

John DeMar (TOP 4, 2022) teaches World History and AP U.S. History at Santee Education Complex in Los Angeles, California.

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