Scandinavian Mushrooms Text Tor Kjølberg
The huge northern woods The huge northern woods are home to hundreds of edible mushrooms, and a few deadly ones, if you do not have an experienced mushroom picker or book at your side, it is a dangerous business.
Northern Scandinavians have an obsession with mushrooms, a passion shared with the Russians. In times of famine, they have made up as significant part of the diet in northern Scandinavia – many species picked and used are not even considered good to eat in other parts of the world and by means of salting, pickling and drying, mushrooms can even be preserved through the winter. In southern Scandinavia mushrooming is not so popular, maybe because there are not so many woods to pick them in. Learn more about Scandinavian mushrooms.
the woods in the mushroom-picking season as they might pretend they are not there at all, and they will try to escape or hide behind trees; or, if anyone encounter is unavoidable, they are definitely not out to pick mushrooms, just walking the dog. A lot more mushrooms than you might think are edible, and quite tasty at that, but only a few are really delicious. Mushrooms are as much about consistency as they are taste. Many have a lovely flavor, but are too slippery or gummy to be good when roasted.
Norwegians and Swedes are taught from childhood what to pick and what not. Since species are easy to find and identify, but, even then, you must take a comprehensive mushroom book with you. I am absolutely not saying this to put anyone off the experience – it’s greatly rewarding – but just to remind you to play safe.
Mushrooming is a national pastime in the autumn, every family having their secret places, which they do not share. It’s quite fun if you meet someone in
When you pick a variety, the less good ones can be made into a very tasty soup, while the best should be eaten on their own, in all their glory.
You must also remember that mushrooms vary, and the following descriptions apply strictly to those found in Scandinavia: mushrooms
Feature image (on top): Photo by Andrew Ridley / Unsplash