1 Saturday 17th September, 10am-5pm Riviera International Conference Centre, Chestnut Avenue, Torquay, Devon, TQ2 5LZ Ageing Well Festival 2022 Festival Programme 01803 www.ageingwelltorbay.com/awf22info@torbaycdt.org.uk212638

Intro by Festival Committee - pg. 2-3 Transport & Parking - pg. 4 Stalls - pg. 5 Meet your Community Builders - pg. 6-7 Entertainment - pg. 8-9 Speakers - pg. 10-11 Advice - pg. 12-13 Health & Wellbeing - pg. 14-15 Workshops - pg. 16 Arts & Crafts - pg. 17 Venue Map - pg. 18-19
It seems incredible how the festival has developed, and the committee’s confidence increased to ensure we include something for everyone. This year will hopefully be no exception. Despite losing some space with the changes at the RICC, the map in your programme should make it easy to get around and make your selections. If not, there are plenty of volunteers around to help you. Easily identified in our high viz jackets.
Content of programme correct at time of printing, may be subject to change due to schedule changes/cancellations etc.
Hello and welcome to our eighth festival, our final one under the Ageing Well Torbay banner and the National Lottery Community Fund. Let’s make it a massive celebration of what we have achieved and the legacies we have left behind.
Lots of familiar faces are entertaining us throughout the day alongside some new acts in the Forum. Please give them a warm welcome and join in when you can. You’ll also find refreshments, both hot and cold served in there too!
The Community Builders in the Arena are showcasing just some of the groups and activities started up during the past seven years and new groups are starting all the time. Make sure you catch up with your area; you may discover a new activity!
in the Grace Murrell suite start on the hour throughout the
The Burdett room has health and wellbeing stalls to visit and various gentle exercise groups to suit all abilities. Our Advice Corner includes information of great value to us all and the many stall holders are showcasing all they have to offer in our glorious Bay. Our sincere thanks to everyone who has supported us on this very special day. We couldn’t do it without you.
Finally, a huge thank you to you for coming along. It is so good to see you all face to face. Our past two virtual festivals ensured the show went on, but we are happy to be back doing what is important, celebrating and meeting up with friends old and new. Enjoy. See you flashmobbing or belly dancing, maybe? We have first aiders on hand if needed! From your committee, supported and advised by Jess Slade, David Gledhill and Matt Saunders, who have also done all the producing and publicity for our festival. A big thank you to anyone who has helped in any way.
Ageing Well Festival Committee: Richard James, Carol Kendall, Pamela Oatley, June Pierce, Rodger Smith, Paula Stewart, Frank Wye Love, Live, Laugh, Learn
Talks day and are, as always, very diverse. Again, hopefully, something of interest to you.
This year’s Ageing Well Festival will take place at the Riviera International Conference Centre - on Chestnut Avenue, in Torquay, Devon, TQ2 5LZ, close to the seafront and next to Torre Abbey. For more information about the venue itself, visit the Riviera Centre’s website: www.rivieracentre.co.uk
Parking: Due to very limited on-site parking availability, we strongly advise car sharing where possible. The parking that is available is Pay & Display (by card & coin) only. Limited free bookable parking at the Riviera Centre will be available for blue badge holders only, and must be booked in advance. To book a space, phone 01803 212638, or email ageingwell@ torbaycdt.org.uk. Spaces are first come, first served. You will need to tell us your car’s registration number and make/model.
Transport & parkIng
By Bus: There are several bus services that stop nearby, including 12, 22, 122, and Gold. We will be operating a free shuttle bus service from 10am between the Torre Abbey Meadows bus stop on Torbay Road (bottom of the steps up to the gardens) and the Riviera Centre on a regular basis throughout the day, with the last bus going at 5:30pm. View the local bus guide on Torbay Council’s website for all the local routes and services available: www.torbay.gov.uk/roads/travel/bus
Or go to Stagecoach’s website for route planning & bus timetables: www.stagecoachbus.com

Stalls & Advice Corner - arena Balcony Find out what’s on your doorstep, with stalls run by local groups, clubs, services and organisations - our array of stalls is bigger and more diverse than ever, by popular demand. Delivery Partners Advice Corner All-day: • Healthy Lifestyles Team •(NHS)FallsPrevention (NHS) • Torbay Assembly • Financial (FAIR)InformationAdvice,&Resilience&CitizensAdvice • Healthwatch Torbay • Age UK Torbay • Visual Eyes Torbay • Live Longer Better • LocalMotion • Imagine This... • And many more All-day: • Torbay Neighbourhood Watch & Safer Communities • Exeter Community Energy • Wollen Mitchelmore • Torbay Community Helpline • Torbay Mencap • Devon Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Services • And more... Partners and Projects from around Torbay, who’ve worked alongside the Ageing Well Torbay programme: Advice Corner - an area for 1-2-1 confidential discussions for advice and support: • Torbay Versus •ArthritisFriends Around the •BayBabbacombe & St. Marychurch Local History Society & Probus • Unleashed Theatre ••CompanyLibrariesUnlimitedGuideDogsfortheBlind•DisabledSailingAssociation • Torbay Retired Active Club (TRAC) • And manymany,more (do visit as many as you can) Community Groups & Local Organisations Here’s just a sample of the many groups and organisations with stalls at this year’s festival:

This is your chance to meet all the lovely people who come to our fabulous groups, find out what we are really like and how our groups work! You could join a coffee morning, drop into a knit and natter, dip into a craft group, meet Friends of Clennon Valley and find out where the walking groups go.
There are lots of short activity demos too - all strutting their stuff throughout the day. Yoga, Line Dancing, Pilates, Wheelchair Dancing, Flashmob, Hula Hooping, Belly Dancing, Bollywood, Scottish Country Dancing and Music with Dennis and Daryl. Don’t miss out! Come and sample this all-day feast of fun with us all from across the Bay!
Meet your Community BuilDers - arena Our entire community building team will be at the Ageing Well Festival this year!
What do they do at ‘the Shed’ in Chelston? Who will you meet at the Crafty Fox? What’s Music at the Museum like? You could explore a community garden, join a band, have a go at ‘pitch and putt’, meet some drama queens or try on costumes. What’s your thing? Classical music, a quiz, pyrography, yarn bombing, mosaic, lunch club, dominoes, skittles, pool, board games, books, bikes, writing or a memory café?
Come and meet your Community Builder in their ‘patch’ on our ‘map’ of all our neighbourhoods right across the Bay.

Hooping Music at the Museum with Dennis & Daryl, ‘Galway Girl’
Beacons Wheelchair Dancers, ‘Havana’ Yoga at the beach Ageing Well
Torbay Scottish Country Dancing Group Yoga Meditation with Victoria
Short demonstrations are available to watch throughout the day: Come and learn an easy group Flashmob dance routine in half an hour! - Join our flashmob rehearsals at 12 noon and 3pm. Meet Marianne and Clare at ‘Wellswood’ next to the main entrance doors in the Arena at 11:45am and/or 2:45pm to go to our rehearsal room together. Flashmob performances follow at 12:45 & 4pm.
Saffannah Belly Dance, ‘Windows of the East’ Bollywood Brixham, ‘Ude Dil Befikre’
Yoga with Victoria All Saints Line Dancing, ‘Hillbilly Rock Hillbilly Roll’ Pilates with Dee from Torbay Healthy Lifestyles.

EntertaInment - Forum Hall 10:4510am-4:45pm:All4:10-4:45pm:4-4:10pm:3:30-4pm:3-3:25pm:2:20-2:50pm:1:40-2:10pm:1-1:30pm:12:20-12:50pm:11:40am-12:10pm:11:30am:Day: Old Gaffers Shanty Crew Sandy Sparkle, singer A word from your hosts, Ageing Well Torbay Twogetherness, singing duo Happy Dancing with Clare Parker Torquay Rock Choir Beowulf Swordplay, by South Devon Players Torquay Rock Choir DanceFlashmobparty with Clare Parker Timeline of Ageing Well through the ages, from 2015 to now and beyond…Please add your memories to our photos through the years Halo Photo Booth With fun props, a themed backdrop, and instant photo prints to take home a memory of the festival Entertainment throughout the day, including lots of music with space to dance. Your compères are Sandy Sparkle & Richard James. Meet your lIne-up: Sandy Sparkle An award-winning professional singer and multi-tribute artist, vintage vocalist, and 1940’s WWII re-enactor based in Torbay. Her career has taken her across Europe, Canada, the USA and New Zealand. Sandy will be the compère and performing at the festival.

South Devon Players
Hot food and drinks will be available from the serving area at the back of the Forum, with cold food and drinks at the Forum bar.
Vivien and Barrie West were performing in the clubs and theatres of the North during the late 60’s and 70’s and their repertoire reflects the songs they were singing at the time from Dusty Springfield to Neil Diamond plus a show song or two.
Clare Parker Clare trained at London Contemporary Dance School and has worked as a dance artist for over 20 years including with Northern Ballet Theatre, Richard Alston Dance Company and Balbir Singh Dance Company. She has been leading our Ageing Well Flash mobs all over the Bay for the past seven years and bringing joy to many people on their doorsteps, dancing with ‘Arts on Call’ during lock-down. Old Gaffers Old Gaffers is the name of our shanty crew, based in South Hams. Most members have some association with the sea and have been singing traditional songs for many years. They have a large repertoire of songs giving a real taste of the life of the seafarers and local Devon people from the past. Rock Choir Members don’t have to audition and don’t have to have any experience with singing in choirs. Rock Choir is full of people who love to sing, meet new people and have fun together. Rock choir sing uplifting, upbeat pop and rock songs in harmony and perform to make others feel happy and to make people smile!
The South Devon Players are an internationally award winning, inclusive, intergenerational Brixham theatre and film team, founded and led by Laura Jury. They perform around Torbay and the South West; with international tours now in negotiation.

Room B 3-3:45pm:2-2:45pm:1-1:45pm:12-12:45pm:11-11:45am: Brixham Past & Present with John Risdon Two communities as one and part of Torbay. Oldway Gardens and Sustainable Plants with Tim Eley Restoration of the Oldway Gardens by volunteers, and the use of sustainable plants. Paris Singer and Oldway Mansion with Ian Handford The life of Paris Singer and his association with Oldway Mansion. A Guide Dog’s Journey with Maureen Pugh How a guide dog helps to change lives. The Drinking Fountains of Torquay with David Hinchliffe The stories behind some of the old drinking fountains to be seen on our streets, and a glimpse at some we have lost. Speakers - Grace Murrell suite Guide dog, studio light & tax calculation photos courtesy of freepik.com

Great Saturday nights in Torquay with Kevin Dixon Interesting stories of the night life in Torquay, in days gone by. Tax, Care & the New Guy with Phil O’Toole, from Silvertime Legal Providing advice and information on paying for long-term care, and protecting your assets.
A variety of subjects to challenge and inform. Room C 3-3:45pm:2-2:45pm:1-1:45pm:12-12:45pm:11-11:45am: The Glamorous and not-so Glamorous Life in TV & Film with Vivien & Barrie West Stories of what life is really like in front of the camera - hard work and unpredictable. Meet the Disabled Sailing Association team with Shirley Musgrove (President & Chair) & Stephen Norman (Voluntary Skipper) An overview of the organisation. Tax, Care & the New Guy with Phil O’Toole, from Silvertime Legal Providing advice and information on paying for long-term care, and protecting your assets.

The HOPE course supports people with long-term health conditions, encouraging people to learn new strategies and techniques for their physical and mental wellbeing.
Hope Overcoming Problems Effectively (HOPE) with Jane Eastwood & Esther Gorrod
Digital Health Devon with Simon Culley from Healthwatch Torbay A ‘digital drop in session’. Offering free guidance on how to use the internet to access local health, social care and wellbeing resources. Falls Prevention with Jane Reddaway & John Gunson Falls are often caused by easily missed hazards, that are easy to fix around your home.
Knee injury photo courtesy of freepik.com
Room A 4:15pm:3:30-3:15pm:2:30-2:15pm:1:30-1:15pm:12:30-12:15pm:11:30am-
Digital Health Devon with Simon Culley from Healthwatch Torbay A ‘digital drop in session’. Offering free guidance on how to use the internet to access local health, social care and wellbeing resources. Energy and Money saving this Winter with Shaun Caddick from Exeter Community Energy Top tips for surviving the energy crisis this Winter. Murrell
Advice - Grace
You’ll get a checklist to help you consider if all your rooms are safe.

Hints and tips from those in the know around the Bay, with talks and drop-in sessions. Room D 4:15pm:3:30-3:15pm:2:30-2:15pm:1:30-1:15pm:12:30-12:15pm:11:30am- Energy and Money saving this Winter with Shaun Caddick from Exeter Community Energy Top tips for surviving the energy crisis this Winter. Hints and Tips to improve your Wellbeing in Older Life with Mandie Giles from Age UK Torbay A workshop to talk through small things that we can all do prepare for older age and stay as independent as we can. How to Live your best Life, and Live Longer Better with Claire Beney & Louise Trewern from Active Devon & Live Longer Better Hear from key experts and those whose lives have been changed – Join the Revolution. Advice and Myth busting about housing for older people with Mandie Giles & Mark Shephard A workshop that will explain more about evictions, Section 21’s, tenants’ rights and what support there is locally. Sharing your Healthcare Feedback with Healthwatch Torbay A presentation from your local independent consumer champion for health and social care demonstrating the importance of sharing your feedback and experiences of using healthcare services.

Moves to Music with Mary Qiriaqi Dance your way to fitness - from tried and tested Keep Fit moves to ballet, Latin, Western, Bollywood, Greek and all things in between.
Hula-Hooping with Evis Akinsanya Try out Hula Hooping. No previous experience needed just be prepared for some fun and laughter.
Bollywood Dance Fusion with Nicola Hall A mix of hip hop, Latin, contemporary, fitness, urban, and TikTok to improve fitness and coordination.
Health & WEllBEInG - BurDett
Tai Chi with David Start Tai Chi is based on a martial arts form which is beneficial to health and stress management.
Exercise sessions to try
Qigong with David Start A Chinese system of physical exercises, breathing control and meditation for the purpose of cultivating health and spirituality.
Pilates with Dee Allbrook, from Torbay Healthy Lifestyles Put the change process in action with six ‘core’ principles which underpin ‘Contrology’ . Caution advised for those with health conditions, participation at own risk. Appropriate footwear advised.

Stalls New Earth Wellness with Erica Morris The most valuable investment you can make in yourself is time. Paper Whisperer with Simon Oatley Origami - have fun paper folding, and see what you can create. Lifestyle Consultant with Amy Cardrick Love your skin, try Temple Spa Skin Care Products, with a hand massage & advice. Reflexology with Lynsey Gallimore Reflexology is a non-evasive and individual holistic therapy. Torbay University of the 3rd Age (U3A) Activities with Peter Snowdon An organisation that is about learning new things and making new friends. Devon Farm Kitchen with Joe Bradshaw An innovative new social enterprise delivering ‘Deliciously Satisfying’ frozen meals direct to your home in South Devon, with every penny of profit going to support Rowcroft Hospice. Herbs Etc. with Albert Beswick A display of herbs, demonstrating the health benefits and recipes available for gardeners of all skill levels. Physical fitness is strength, stamina, suppleness & skill. Qigong, colourful stones, Origami, Skincare, Hand Massage & Herbs photos courtesy of freepik.com

Beginners Belly Dance Workshop with Saffannah Dance Duo Learn some basic moves to mobilise your hips and shimmy to a lively fun track by Classes - arena Balcony Bar something new
Strength and Balance Exercises for Older Adults with Julia McDonald Safe and effective exercises to help and improve strength and balance. Tripudio – Breath of Joy with Nicola Hall Tripudio is the Latin word for “Dance”, movements are combined Yoga, Tai Chi, Dance and more. A gentle workout, which helps relieve tension, regain mobility, balance, and improve circulation. Singing for Pleasure with Richard Toomer from Rock Choir Join in and sing your heart out - with fun vocal warm-ups and some simple harmonies, see how singing with other people can make you feel confident, uplifted and happy. Improvised Comedy Drama with Jeff Sleeman Comedy improvisation. A great way to connect with people and have a lot of fun. Simple word games and improvised dialogue (think of the TV show ‘Whose Line is it Anyway?’).

Christian Creative Network with Jo Leach A local branch of a national organisation based in Torquay that supports and encourages local artists. They have put on a number of successful exhibitions in the area. They welcome new members to this very friendly and supportive group. Advice and Paper Crafts with Claire Shears from SWISCo’s Recycling team SWISCo’s Recycling Support Co-ordinator team will be on hand answer your questions about the new recycling campaign Right Stuff Right Box and any other questions you may have about recycling. The team will also be running paper making sessions. Pebble Painting with Melanie Adams Come along and create pebble art to take home with Inspirational words and a picture (until the pebbles run out!) Embroidery Taster with Barbara Neale from South Devon Stitchers An embroidery taster session with a friendly group, who share a passion for embroidery and many other forms of stitching. arts & Crafts - Forum Balcony Get stuck in, and let the creativity flow! Yarn photo courtesy of freepik.com

Riviera18 Centre layout* bemayprinting,oftimeatcorrectvenueof*Arrangement/layout etc.changes/cancellationsscheduletoduechangetosubject Festival Entrance

19 Arena Balcony - pg. 5 Arena Hall - pg. 6-7 Forum Hall - pg. 8-9 Grace Murrell - pg. 10-13 Burdett - pg. 14-15 Arena Bar - pg. 16 Forum Balcony - pg. 17

Have fun & stay active for free! This is all about empowering YOU, the individual, to increase and/or maintain your physical ability, cognitive capacity, and stay socially connected, to challenge yourself to live the best life YOU can. Declining fitness often reduces ability, NOT ageing. The Live Longer Better programme includes a short course of 12 modules to share knowledge, which can be completed online in your own time, or in face to face classes run across Torbay. There are also opportunities to try activities or groups, join where you would like to, become an Activity champion and share what you have learnt with others! For more details, contact Jess Slade - ring 07772 023170 or email jessslade@torbaycdt.org.uk Website: www.torbayassembly.com/live-longer-better