World Security Report - Summer 2020

Page 11


How technology can form part of the solution to tackle terrorism

Today’s terror landscape is more fluid and complex than ever. International terrorism remains a serious threat and the threat of domestic terrorism remains persistent overall, with actors committing crimes in the name of violent agendas. It cannot be denied that police and intelligence services are doing their utmost to protect society against the omnipresent threat of a physical attack. But it may not be enough on its own to counter and thwart terrorist attacks. Whilst there is not a consistent view of what is driving knife crime across the UK, most will agree that the causes are nuanced, and that one single approach on its own, is unlikely to provide a solution to this growing issue. The situation therefore demands a new, more holistic security response that is proactive, adaptable and dynamic. The evolving threat of terrorism

The nature of terrorist threats have evolved, moving away from large-group conspiracies towards lone operator attacks, which have become more common over recent years with the rate of serious knife crime offences rising sharply in some areas outside London. These lone or small group attackers have often been radicalised online, where they are urged to carry out impulsive acts of violence. Without a clear group affiliation or guidance from a higher power, lone offenders are a lot harder for security | World Security Report - 11

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