Italian Critical Infrastructure Secretariat’s guidance for the continuity of critical infrastructures during the COVID-19 pandemic
It is a fact that Italy is one of the countries that has been most severely hit by the spreading of the COVID-19. Such condition has triggered an unprecedented response by all of the governmental offices and public authorities with the aim of reducing the diffusion of the virus, guaranteeing public health and supporting the continuity of critical infrastructures. Starting from the 11th of March 2020 and onwards, the Italian Government has called for a lock-down which has begun from the Lombardy region and has later been progressively extended to the entire territory of the Country. At the moment this article is written, Italy is still in a complete lock-down, due to the need to contain the spread of the virus and reduce the pressure on the healthcare system, which is overwhelmed because of the large
number of affected citizens that require intensive care or similar treatments. In this context, an important role in keeping the Country up and running, is the one of critical
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infrastructures and essential services. During these challenging times, in fact, the role of critical infrastructures is even more important, since the Country, more than ever, needs stable services. With all of the forces