Trellis - V16, No3 - Apr 1989

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A learning & experiencefor the town and country gardener, homeowner and apartment dweller.

SUNDAY, et e APRIL 23rd, | s3 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Civic Garden Centre


Vol. 16, No. 3

EDITOR: Iris Hossé Phillips

ADVERTISING INFO: (416) 445-1552

Registered charity number 0228114-56

TRELLIS is published ten times a year as a members' newsletter by the CIVIC GARDEN CENTRE, 777 Lawrence Avenue East, North York, Ont. M3C 1P2. Tel. No.: (416) 445-1552. Manuscripts submitted on a voluntary basis are gratefully received. No remuneration is possible.

Lead time for inclusion of articles and advertising material is six weeks: manuscripts and material must be received by the 15th of the month to insure publication. For example, material received by October 15 will be included in the December issue of Trellis.Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre.

The Centre is located in Edwards Gardens, at Leslie Street and Lawrence Avenue East. It is a non-profit, volunteer-based gardening, floral arts, and horticultural information organization with open membership.

Printed by York Printing House Ltd.


The Civic Garden Centre is open from April 1st to October 31st.

Weekdays: 9:30a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Weekends: Noon to 5p.m.


The Civic Garden Centre is open from November 1st to March 31st.

Weekdays: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Weekends & Holidays: Noon - 4:00 p.m.


May 16, 1989, 7:30 p.m.

This meeting will be held in the Garden Hall Auditorium with seating for only 125.

Members will be required to obtain tickets. These can be picked up in person at the Centre or if this is difficult please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to receive your tickets. Non-Members $4.00

Members no charge. Registration deadline -May 9, 1989. (Please no telephone reservations.)

Geoff and Audrey Williams, a husband and wife team from Vancouver and world travellers, will tell of their exciting adventures into the untamed mountains of Turkey. Their discoveries include rare iris, crocus, cyclamen and many other wildflowers.


The April issue of Trellis is eight pages longer than the regular Trellis and we are still short of space! | have room for only two comments: Firstly, National Garden Week is April 17 to 23; Secondly, a member has queried a statement in Mary Perimutter s article Year-end roundup about depositing oil dregs in a sandbox. Our apologies that we did not insert the adjective non-toxic before oil .

Feeling Creative?

Cornucopia , our annual arts and crafts sale needs a new name to suggest the Christmas theme. Submit your suggestions to the Centre by April 20. The prize for the winner is a $25.00 Gift Certificate from the Trellis Shop.


April 5th - 17th

Elizabeth Scully & Jackie O'Hora

Watercolours Scenery, Flowers & Still Life

April 18th - May 1st Pat Stewart Country visions


Editoriaku: oy et Bos Rae i 1

Gourmet Gardening above Ground . ... 2

Erom the BookShiop e, [0ag. i B in 4 13

Eromithelibrany s dis oo i diing A 9

Botanical Illustration in Watercolour. .. 12

Sale of Hanging Baskets .. .......... 15

Classified Advertisement ... ........ 15

VelunlEerCOMeR: 5 e o S 14

Catch the Gardening Spirit .. ... ... ... 4

Rud FookingiShow Paha NS it G 8

PanayotiKelaidis =~ 0 e Sl 1oash

ALRimetmie o o S 1

GComing.Events ..e 10

SpringiRlantSale . it i s insert

PerenniakSale: & oo e 1T e i 6-8

el ShODRIT b ¥ it T st (1 16

May Members Programme .. ... ... .. 1

Gourmet Gardening above Ground

The world of gardening has been swept away by the housing boom! The trend to smaller houses and postage stamp sized gardens has led to the introduction of gourmet, miniature vegetables. The edible garden has moved to the patio and balcony.

Containers for miniature vegetables can be purchased, constructed, or borrowed in any size or shape. Soil can be bought packaged or created from a special recipe to satisfy any plant. The restriction in the past for the garden above the ground has been the lack of suitable container plants. Not any more. This year seed companies everywhere are listing many exciting vegetables, in miniature sizes, which are ideal for containers. This is good news for small families, balcony gardeners, and gardeners with a limited area. My own townhouse garden does not have any room in the beds for vegetables; therefore, out of desperation purchased a half barrel and grew zucchini and tomatoes. The tomato looked very attractive last year with geraniums and dusy miller around its base. This year | think will try some peppers with Red Sails lettuce.

The size and depth of the containers is crucial to the success of the plants. All must have excellent drainage. Large containers (over 12 in. (30cm)) should have gravel in the bottom for drainage. A mesh of window screening or similar material (panty hose) will keep the soil from sifting down into the stones and washing out through the drainage holes. Do not reuse soil from last years containers because it

may contain plant disease spores or insects that will infect the new plants. The soil mixture is an important item as it must have sufficient weight to hold down the pot during a gale and also hold enough moisture to carry the plant from one watering to the next. For container plants this could be as short as an hour during a hot sunny July day. Large pots and a water retaining aid such as Water Power are a solution to this problem. A combination of soil and soilless media will prove to be the best medium in most cases. This mixture is often a very personal creation and unigue to each garden. like to use 2 soil, V4 peat moss, 1/8 vermiculite and 1/8 perlite. To this, | add some bone meal and blood meal. This year | am planning to try the new slow release fertilizer 14-14-14. It will forgive me for some of my forgetfulness with respect to fertilizing.

National Garden

Some of the plants specifically developed for growing in containers are miniature versions of the regular ones. The following are available from the seed companies:

Dominion Seed House (DSH), Ontario Seed Company (OSC), and Stokes Seeds Limited (SS).

Beet - Little Mini Ball (SS), Badger Baby (OSC), (DSH)

Cabbage - Mini Cole (DSH)

Cabbage Savoy - Spivoy (DSH)

Cress - Fine Curled, (all)

Carrots - Many Baby or Little Finger, (all)

Cucumber - Bush Pickle (SS), Pot Luck (DSH), Salad Bush (OSC)

Eggplant - Baby Bell (SS)

Kohlrabi - any type, (all)

Lettuce - any looseleaf type, (all), Tom Thumb Butterhead (DSH)

Muskmelon - Musketeer (SS), (DSH)

Parsley, any type, (all)

Pea - Patio/Midget (DSH)

Peanut - Early Spanish (SS), (DSH)

Peppers - any type, (all)

Pumpkin - Sweetie Pie, (SS), Jack be little (OSC), Baby Pam (DSH)

eRadish - Any type, (all)

Spinach - Any type, (all)

Tomato - Cherry types, Red Robin (SS) (OSC), Tiny Tim (SS) (OSC), Cherry Gold (SS)

Tomato - Patio type, Pixie Hybrid (DSH), Small Fry (DSH), Dwarf Champion (SS), Stakeless (SS)

Strawberry - Any type, (all)

Watercress - any type, (all)

Zucchini and Squash - Any type is suitable for large containers

Many herbs are an excellent choice for containers on the patio. They enjoy full sun and are easy to grow.


Enjoy this display of hand hooked rugs and pictures made by the hooking class of the Civic Garden Centre. Taught by Clarke Sherbo and Awdrey Clark.

May 17, 1989, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Admission $3.00

DOMINION SEED HOUSE | Country Garden Centre

It is amazing how flowers can transform a house into a distinctive home. The Country Garden Centre (retail outlet for Dominion Seed House) has one of the largest and most varied selections of seeds available, over 1200 varieties.

Everything for the gardener or would-be gardener - inside or outside - winter or summer - we've got it. Extensive garden book selection, tropical house plants, indoor light systems, quality garden tools and coldframes. Steinmax Chipper/Shredders to shred leaves, plant materials and small branches; composters to convert garden debris into compost to enrich your soil next year. Drop in to-day and make your selections for this years garden. See our fabulous

selection of box plants, perennial plants, and small flowering bulbs, available for spring planting (April/May).

Catalogue and Fall Bulb Brochure FREE on request.

Business Hours (Peak Season) - April 3 to June 3

Mon, Tues, Weds, Sat: 9 am to 6 pm Thurs and Fri: 9 am to 8 pm

Closed Sundays and Holic ays. Except Victoria Day (Open 9 am to 5 pm)

Corner Guelph St. (Hwy. 7) and Maple Ave. Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4A2

Phone (416) 877-2460

Serving Canadian Gardeners since 1928

SAVE 10%

Bring this coupon before May 27/89 and receive 10% off all in-store purchases.



Limited Enrolment Registration deadline: April 17, 1989



City: Postal Code:

I ENCLOSE A CHEQUE FOR $30.00 (member) [J $35.00 (non-member) [ I HAVE ADDED $8.00 FOR MY BOX LUNCH [J]


Please charge the fee to my Credit Card

Credit Card No.:

Date of Issue:


Date of Expiry:

For those who wish, a delicious box lunch will be served in the Floral Hall. However, if you choose to bring your lunch, coffee and juice will be available.



Two delightful itineraries, each of six days duration with weekly departures from London beginning April 25 until October 7.

TOUR #8 - SOUTH WEST TOUR VISITS: Wakehurst Place, Wilton House, Killerton House, Long Cross Victoria Gardens, Rosemoor, Marwood Hill and Stourhead.

TOUR #9 - NORTH EAST TOUR VISITS: Ickworth, Sandringham House, Clumber Park, Harewood House (Capability Brown s legacy) Speke Hall, Powis Gardens, Waddesdon Manor.

Price fromLondon

$ basedon twosharing a twin room with private bath, full breakfast and dinner and all admission fees.

Ask your travel agentfor the new Glenton tours catalogue.


1989 our 60th anniversary year.


The Civic Garden Centre is pleased to present two exciting evenings with Panayoti Kelaidis, curator of the rock garden area at The Denver Botanic Gardens, on April 25th and 26th at 7:30 p.m. Both evenings are open to everyone with a $4.00 charge for non-members each evening. Mr. Kelaidis will share his outstanding knowledge and accompany both lectures with a presentation of his magnificent slide collection.

Mr. Kelaidis has developed and constructed America s best known rock garden at The Denver Botanic Gardens into a major collection featuring over 4,000 cultivations. As curator, he is a spokesman for the Rocky Mountain area, promotes the use of native plant material, and acquaints people with the wealth of species in this region.

April 25th 7:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.

The Civic Garden Centre s Annual Meeting Guest Speaker: Panayoti Kelaidis 8:30 p.m.



Mr. Kelaidis will demonstrate that there can be interest in the rock garden throughout the year. His theory don t plan for Spring, design for Winter insures that something exciting is happening in the rock garden at all times. Many of these plants can be used for hardy perennial borders.

April 26th 7:30 p.m.

Members Programme

Guest Speaker: Panayoti Kelaidis


Mr. Kelaidis will guide us through the Iris family with emphasis on smaller, wild Iris found throughout the world. He will show us the forerunners of the bearded Iris and how the different groups are related.

Both evenings will appeal to everyone. Keep the dates April 25th and 26th open and share the experience with us!


Perennials are special plants in the garden. Once they have settled their roots into place, they become a constant companion. A plant that is always present, reliable as Old Faithful and a constant reminder that perennials are worth the extra care in planning and garden preparation. They make very few demands on their owners and reward them with consistent blooms year after year. The Civic Garden Centre is again holding a Perennial Sale on May 6 and 7, noon to 5 pm. As a special preview, C.G.C. members can receive a 10% Discount on our Member s day, May §, from 2 pm to 6 pm. Drop in on this special day to purchase your spring perennials. The following list contains a selection of the plants available at this sale. The perennials are subject to availability and are priced from $2.49 for a 4" pot. Some varieties will be in larger pots.

Remarks Dried flowers Dried flowers Dried flowers Ground cover, Divide frequently Divide frequently Ground cover Biennial Disease and Insect Free Seeds readilyTolerant of poor soils Rock garden Self seeds Rock garden ground cover Rock garden Rock garden Divide each year Grown for foliage Tolerant native plant Rock gardens or border Divide frequentlyFertilize regularly Rock garden Do not overfertilize Divide frequently Moist areas Deadhead for prolonged bloomsMass for effect

Common Name Fernleaf Yarrow Common Yarrow Sneezewort Bugleweed Bronze BugleweedVariegated Bugleweed Hollyhock Pasque Flower Golden Marguerite Marguerite Dwarf Columbine Columbine White Rock Cress Pink Rock Cress Thrift Ghost Plant Silver Mound Artemisia Butterfly Weed Aster Michaelmas Daisy AstilbeFalse Rock Cress Basket of Gold English Daisy Giant Rockfoil Carpathian Bellflower Mountain Bluet Height

caucasica Rosea Armeria pseudarmeria Glory of Holland Artemisia ludoviciana Silver King Artemisia schmidtiana Silver Mound

Asclepias tuberosa Aster alpinus Aster novi-belgii Astilbe x Arendsii

Aubrieta deltoidea Aurinia saxatilis Bellis perennis

Bergenia cordifolia Campanula carpatica Centaurea montana

Ground cover for rock gardensBiennial, protect over winter Plant in masses Cutting garden Do not crowd Good cut flower Self seedsDrought tolerant Stake. Young plants and seeds poisonous Keep moist. Fertilize regularlyStake BiennialHumus Mulch Foiiage disappears after bloomingPlant exudes a volatile gasBiennial. Stake. Leaves Poisonous Leaves disappear after flowering Rock gardenDrought tolerant Deadhead for prolonged blooming Blooms all summer Protect over winter PH should be slightly alkaline Fertilize yearly Night Fragrance Divide Summer or Fall Tolerates moist areas Grown for its foliage Divide in Spring

Name Snow in Summer Wallflower Pyrethrum Shasta Daisy Shasta Daisy Dwarf Shasta Daisy Feverfew Tickseed Delphinium Delphinium DelphiniumSweet William Garden Pink Fringed Bleeding Heart Bleeding Heart Gas Plant Foxglove Leopard s Bane Draba Globe Thistle Blanket Flower Geum Geum Perennial Baby s Breath

Daylily Dame s RocketCoralbells Rose MallowFragrant Plantain Wavy Leaved Plantain Lily

Botanical Name

Cerastium tomentosum

Cheiranthus Cheiri

Chrysanthemum coccineum

Chrysanthemum maximum Alaska

Chrysanthemum maximum Marconi

Chrysanthemum maximum Little Miss Muffet

Chrysanthemum Parthenium

Coreopsis grandiflora Baby Gold

Delphinium elatum Black Knight ium elatum Lady Guinevere ium elatum Summer Skies

Dianthus barbatus Dianthus plumarius

Dicentra eximia

Dicentra spectabilis Dictamnus albus

Digatalis purpurea

Doronicum cordatum Draba species Echinops Ritro Gaillardia x grandiflora Burgundy Geum Quellyon Lady Stratheden Geum Quellyon Mrs. Bradshaw Gypsophila Paniculata

Hemerocallis hybrids

Hesperis matronalis

Heuchera sanguinea

Hibiscus MoscheutosSouthern Belle Hosta plantaginea Hosta undulata

Remarks Rock garden plant Rock garden plant ivide in August Mulch heavily Dried FlowerAlkaline soil. Rock garden Dried FlowerPropagate by seeds Wetland Plant No serious problems Biennial. Dried flower Needs Staking Divide every three years Wetland Plant Attracts Hummingbirds Easily NaturalizedTolerant of poor soils Ground cover Dormant after Flowering Prefers well drained soil Subiject to powdery mildewGround cover Dried flower, Invasive Well drained sites Named for ladder-likearrangement of leaves Mulch and keep moist Very Tolerant Rock garden ground coverDivide in the Spring Roots once used as soapRock garden Rock garden Rock garden EdgingLemon Frangrance Divide in Spring or Fall Ground cover

Height 20cm 30cm 90cm 60-120cm30-90cm15-30cm 60-90cm 60cm im 60-90cm 60-90cm 60-90cm 45-75cm 1-1.2m 60-90cm .3m 30-60cm15-20cm 60-90cm.9m 1-1.2m 15cm 60cm 30-60cm 37cm 15-30cm60-90cm 5-10cm 60-90cm 30-90cm 38cm 20cm

Common Name Edging Candytuft Dwarf Bearded Iris Tall Bearded Iris Torch LilyEnglish Lavender Edelweiss Sea Lavender Blue Flax Cardinal Flower Blue Lobeli Money Plant Lupine Maltese Cross Purple Loosestrife Bergamot or Bee Balm Forget-Me-Not Evening Primrose Japanese Spurge Oriental Poppy Beardtongue Garden Phlox Moss Phlox Chinese Lantern Plant Balloon Flower Jacob s Ladder Polyanthus Primrose Coneflower Pearlwort Perennial Salvia Soapwort London Pride Saxifrage Stonecrop Stonecrop Hen and Chickens Creeping Thyme Speedwell Periwinkle

Botanical Name Iberis sempervirens Snowmantle Iris Baby Blue , Baby Yellow , Baby White Iris hybridsKniphofia Uvaria Lavandula angustifoliaLeontopodium alpinum Limonium latifolium Linum perenne Lobelia Cardinalis Lobelia sip Lunaria annua Lupinus hybrid Lychnis chalcedonica Lythrum Salicaria Monarda didyma Myosotis sylvatica Oenothera fruticosaPachysandra terminalis Papaver orientale Beauty of Livermore Penstemon barbatus Phlox paniculata Phlox subulata Physalis Alkekengi Platycodon grandiflorus Polemonium caeruleum Primula x polyantha Rudbeckia fulgida Sagina subulata Salvia x superba Saponaria officinalis Saxifraga umbrosa Sedum spurium Dragon s Blood Sedum spurium Iceberg Sempervivum tectorum Thymus x citriodorus \eronica spicata Vinca minor

for members who return this order form prior to May 1st, 1989.


Members Wednesday, May 17th, 1989

Non-Members May 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 1989

Six plants per box $1.39

*Marigold Perfection Yellow A colourful plant for the back of the border. Numerous flowers all summer until the frost.

Marigold Diamond Jubilee Yellow A tall (65 cm) yellow Marigold that has large 7 cm blooms. Very tolerant to the summer wind and rain.

Marigold Yellow Climax A tall Marigold well suited for cutting. Yellow Climax reaches 90 cm at maturity.

*Nicotiana Nicki Red (Nicotiana alata) Flowering Tobacco provides a medium height (40 cm) plant that flowers all summer.

*Nicotiana Nicki Rose An old fashioned bedding plant that has received renewed interest, Nicotiana does well in light shade or sun.

*Nicotiana Nicki White Nicotiana is an easy to grow plant that requires no staking or pinching. The plants are slightly scented in the evening.

Portulaca Sundance Mix (Portulaca grandiflora) A very good ground cover for hot, dry sunny areas. Most of the semi-double flowers stay open all day for a longer show.

Salvia Red Hot Sally (Salvia splendens) One of the earliest Salvias to bloom. Deep red blooms reach a height of 25 cm. Flowering continues throughout the summer.

Salvia Red Pillar A medium growing Salvia (35 cm). The fiery-red blooms stand high above the deep green foliage. Full sun and a well drained soil is preferred.

Salvia Splendens Tall Red A late flowering plant (late July) that is ideal for the back of a border. This Salvia will ultimately grow to 75 cm.

Salvia farinacea Victoria Blue Intense violet-blue flowers adorn this 45 cm plant. Victoria is a heat and drought resistant plant that is excellent for cutting or drying.

Salvia farinacea Victoria White New this year is the silver-white form of Victoria. The tall (51 cm) form makes this plant a good contrast to many annuals.

Snapdragon Little Darling Mix (Antirrhinum majus) A dwarf growing plant with a butterfly type flower. Little Darling grows to 30 cm and flowers better in full sun.

Snapdragon Sprite Formula Mixed The vivid colours of this medium (40 cm) Snapdragon make it a popular cut flower.

Snapdragon Rocket Mix A tall Snapdragon bred for hot weather tolerance. The sturdy stems make this tall plant (30 cm) ideal for cutting all summer.

*Thunbergia Susie Orange (Thunbergia alata) The Black Eyed Susan Vine is useful in hanging baskets, window boxes or trained on a fence for sun or partial shade. Each flower has a characteristic black eye.

Verbena Novalis Deep Blue (Verbena x hybrida) This plant has a dwarf habit and prolific, deep blue flowers with dramatic white eye. This plant is an AAS winner for 1989.

Verbena Showtime Blaze Masses of red-scarlet flowers cover this heat tolerant plant. Showtime Blaze reaches 25 cm in height and will spread to double its height.

Verbena Showtime Mix This Verbena has brilliant flowers on uniform, compact plants of 30 cm. Showtime Verbena are heat tolerant and are ideal for borders.

Verbena Trinidad Rose An AAS winner in 1985, this Verbena has vibrant rose coloured flowers on 25 cm plants.

*Vinca Little Bright Eye (Catharanthus roseus) Madagascar Periwinkle withstands heat, drought, and pollution. This plant has white flowers with a red eye throughout the summer.

*Vinca Little Delicata A uniform plant that tolerates sun or part shade. The glossy leaves are contrasted by the white flowers with rose eyes.

*Vinca Little Pinkie Pink flowers cover this warm weather plant. The 20 cm plants are ideal for borders, window boxes or hanging baskets.

Zinnia Burpeeana Giant Mix (Zinnia elegans) This Zinnia produces 15 cm cactus type blooms. The medium height (50 cm) plants are bushy and have an outstanding colour range.

Zinnia Pulcino Mix Double dahlia type flowers adorn this plant. The Zinnia will reach a height of 35 cm and produce many flowers for cutting.

Zinnia State Fair Mix A tall growing plant (90 cm) that produces 12 cm broad petaled flowers. This Zinnia is highly resistant to mildew and alternaria.

Plants marked * are 4 per box.

PETUNIAS are the second most popular bedding plant in Canada, following Impatiens. No other plant can beat the flower power of Petunias. These plants have flower colours and types to please every gardener.

The Single Grandiflora types are the most popular petunia with up to 12 cm:blooms. The following are in this group;

Blue Lace has light orchid blue flowers with darker veins. The 8 cm blooms are fringed.

Burgundy is a rich velvety wine-red shade that blends well with other Petunias.

Red Flash flowers early and has good weather tolerance.

Touche is a deep rose-red fringed Petunia.

White Flash is an excellent Petunia with pure white, large flowers and cream coloured throats.

Cascading Grandiflora Petunias are ideal for planters and window boxes.

Supercascade Pink is one of the most popular colours. The 10 cm blooms are outstanding.

Supercascade Red is ideal for window boxes and planters.

Royal Cascade is a rich velvety-purple colour that blooms early.

White Cascade is a favourite in the garden. Its bright white flowers contrast well with many other bedding plants.

Floribunda Petunias are the latest types to be introduced. They are extremely prolific and resist the weather well.

Coral Madness has 5 cm blooms in mass all summer.

Plum Madness has darker violet veins. Even rain cannot stop these flowers.

Red Madness Petunias bloom like crazy all summer.

Summer Madness is the original member of this group and is salmon-red with deep rose veins.

White Madness has the same degree of disease resistance as the other Madness Petunias.

The next group, the Double flowered Petunias offer a unique form of bloom.

*Cardinal is a red form of double Petunia.

*Cherry Tart is a double flowering Petunia that is rose-pink and white.

*Purple Pirouette was a 1987 AAS winner. The large flowers are purple edged with white.

*Snowberry Tart is an all white double Petunia.

IMPATIENS (Impatiens Wallerana) are the most popular plants for shaded areas. The Blitz varieties can tolerate more sun than the Novette ones. Up to a half day of morning sun will be tolerated. A very versatile plant, Impatiens can be grown in hanging baskets, planters or garden beds. Four plants per box. Each box $1.49

*Novette Bright Orange has bronze leaves to accentuate the brilliant orange blooms. Novette Impatiens are compact growing and reach 30 cm.

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*Novette Deep Rose is a brilliant colour in the garden. This Impatiens is an ideal flower for hanging baskets and window boxes.

*Novette Mixed has large blooms (3 cm) on 30 cm plants. Ideal for partly sunny or shady areas.

*Novette Pink is a popular garden plant. It is a cool feeling colour.

*Novette Salmon is a unique colour for the garden. It heads the list of popular colours for 1989.

*Novette Scarlet is a deep orange-red and brilliant in a shady or partially sunny area.

*Novette Violet is a rich colour that blends well with many other garden flowers.

*Novette White is a perfect compliment to the other Novette members. White is always a welcome addition to add a cool look to the garden.

*Futura Wild Rose has been a gardener s favourite for years. The flowers are a deep iridescent rose with a white eye.

*Showstopper Pink is ideal for hanging baskets. The darker eye is a pleasing accent.

*Blitz Orange has the largest Impatiens blooms (5 cm) other than the New Guinea.

*Blitz Red is one of the tallest Impatiens at 35 cm. It can withstand more sun than the Novettes.

*Blitz Rose is a tall growing Impatiens of vivid rose colour. All the Blitz Impatiens are excellent for baskets, planters and massing in the garden.

*Blitz White is the ideal compliment for the other Blitz Impatiens.

NEW GUINEA SUNSHINE IMPATIENS are a very unique group of plants. These sun loving Impatiens will tolerate almost a full day of sun. They all produce huge single blooms reaching 6 cm. The sunshine Impatiens are grown in a 4 in. (10 cm) pot and are priced at $2.19.

Astro is a new selection for our 1989 plant sale. It is a bi-colour light pink with dark reddish foliage.

Corona is a dark pink with a green and yellow variegated leaf. The colours become brilliant in the sun.

Gemini is a favourite among gardeners. It has a bright green and yellow leaf offset by vivid pink flowers.

Nova is characterized by having bronze and yellow foliage. The flowers are large and deep orange.

Red Planet is back once again. This plant has velvet-red flowers on plants that are brightly variegated green and yellow.

Twilight is back by popular demand. Many C.G.C. members like the two-tone colour of Twilight s flowers against the dark foliage.

CUTTING GERANIUMS were the third most popular 1988 bedding plant. These geraniums are in a 4 inch (10 cm) pot and are priced at $1.99.

Kim has returned in 1989. The typical red colour makes this Geranium outstanding for the garden.

Pink Expectations is a good pink to add to the garden. It will blend with many other sunny annuals very well.

Snowmass is a white Geranium that will perform well in the garden.

Wendy Ann is a salmon coloured Geranium that is ideal for a pastel garden.

Yours Truly is a brilliant orange-red colour. This is ideal for areas of full sun.

A recent introduction to the geranium scene are FISHER GERANIUMS from cuttings. These plants have a compact growth habit with masses of semi-double blooms. The early flowering varieties are ideal for many uses. Fischer Geraniums are grown in 4 inch pots (10 cm) and are priced at $2.19.

l:l Blues has large, intense bright pink blooms on a compact plant. This plant is ideal for window boxes and planters.

Schone Helena is a stunning salmon-rose colour. All plants tolerate the weather without shattering.

l:] Tango has bright dark red semi-double flowers. The leaves are a dark green colour.

The SEEDLING GERAMIUMS are available by the flat for $27.00. Eighteen plants are in each flat in 3" inch pots (9 cm). Seedling Geraniums are ideal for mass displays in the garden.


Pinto Rose is a rich rose pink colour with a white centre. This plant flowers almost continuously throughout the summer.

Pinto Red is an excellent all round Geranium for the garden. The bright scarlet blooms are held high on sturdy, strong plants.

Pinto White is an early, uniform member of this group. This white adds a cooling feel to the garden.

For trailing plants, IVY GERANIUMS are ideal. lvy Geraniums are early to bloom and flower well in full sun or light shade. All the lvy Geraniums are grown in 4 inch pots (10 cm) and are priced at $2.25.

Harvard is a very popular plant for hanging baskets and planters. The flowers are double and burgundy in colour.

Mexicana is a semi-double Ivy Geranium with early blossoms. This plant creates an attractive hanging basket with the white blooms edged with dark scarlet.

Romy is a Fischer Ivy Geranium. The flowers are double and deep red in colour. Romy will flower well in light shade or full sun.

Sybil Holmes is a popular favourite. It produces double blooms of a bright pink colour.

FIBROUS ROOTED BEGONIAS are one of the most versatile plants for the garden. They are excellent as border plants for sunny areas, hanging baskets in the semi-shade or patio pots under a shady porch. They come in a wide range of flower colours and leaf colours, too. For 1989 the Begonias are four plants per box and priced at $1.49.

*Gin has the typical bronze leaf of the Cocktail series and is a deep rose colour.

*Linda is the most popular pink Begonia. It grows to 20 cm and has medium green leaves.

*Rum is a new addition for 1989. It has bronze leaves and an interesting flower, white edged with red.

*Scarletta grows to 20 cm tall. The bright scarlet fowers are excellent companions to Viva, Vodka and Whiskey.

*Viva has a pure white flower. The compact free flowering plants mix well with all the other Begonias.

*Vodka has brilliant red flowers set off by their bronze foliage.

*Whiskey tops off the list with bright white flowers and dark bronze leaves.

The TUBEROUS ROOTED BEGONIAS are varieties that prefer morning sun or partial shade. These Begonias produce large 6 cm blooms of deeply shaded colours. The Tuberous Begonias are ideal for hanging baskets and planters in semi-shade. The plants will be in individual four inch (20 cm) pots and are priced at $2.49.

Nonstop Apricot has semi-double blooms on a 25 cm plant.

Nonstop Orange are a deep colour that is attractive in planters.

Nonstop Pink is unsurpassed in beauty.

Nonstop Salmon is outstanding in a shady garden.

Nonstop Scarlet is a bright red that thrives best under bright shade.

Nonstop Yellow is a brilliant colour to brighten a shady area.

FUCHSIAS are the glamorous stars of the hanging basket scene. The exquisite flower shapes and colours make this plant an attractive feature in the garden. This year Fuchsia will be available in a four inch pot for $2.19

Beacon is an early blooming plant. It is a single variety that is upright growing. The flowers are rose with a dark rose bell (corolla).

Marinka is a basket type of Fuchsia. The leaves are variegated green and yellow with a red single flower.

Purple Swingtime is a double flowered basket type of Fuchsia. It has spectacular dark red flowers with purple bells (corolla). This plant is ideal for a semi-shady basket.

Red Ribbon is an upright growing plant with single, pinkish-white flowers with a rose bell. The leaves are a bronze green colour.

Swingtime is the most popular Fuchsia variety. It is double and ideal for baskets. The flowers are light rose with a white bell.

An ideal plant for use as an accent in planters is DRACAENA or Spikes. These plants (Cordyline indivisa) are suited for sunny areas and tolerate drought conditions. The Dracaena are available in 3%z inch pots (11 cm) at $2.09.

Dracaena 3'2 pot.

One of the most rewarding group of plants to grow in the garden are VEGETABLES. All of the vegetables are six per box and are priced at $1.39.

Onion Sweet Spanish are mild and sweet tasting. Large globe shaped bulbs are produced.

Parsley is the best known garnish. It is easy to grow in sunny garden area.

Parsley makes an ideal plant for containers.

Pepper California Wonder is a nonhybrid sweet bell Green Pepper. This Pepper matures in 75 days.

Pepper Sheppard is a sweet red Pepper that matures in 68 days. This Pepper prefers a warm sunny area in the garden.

l:l Tomato Better Boy matures in 70 days and is an indeterminate type plant. This is a very popular Tomato because of the large (14 oz) fruit, and disease tolerance (Verticillium, Fusarium and Nematodes).

Tomato Beefstake is an old nonhybrid favourite. The fruit are extra large and mature in 96 days.

Tomato Early Girl is the earliest slicing Tomato. It matures in 52 days. It is an indeterminate (pole) type plant with 4-6 ounce fruit.

Tomato Sweet 100 produces hundreds of sweet one inch (2.5 cm) fruit. These Tomatoes are ideal for salads.

Tomato Tiny Tim is a dwarf plant in a 7 inch pot (17 cm) and priced at $3.59. This plant will grow to 18 inches tall and matures early (45 days).

l:] Tomato Patio Prize is a container grown Tomato. It is available in a 10 inch (25 cm) fibre pot at $4.99. This plant is ideal for small gardens as well as containers and tubs. Three to four ounce fruit are produced on the compact plants.

Our large selection of 10 INCH HANGING BASKETS will be available for your selection at the plant sale. A wide assortment of sun and shade loving baskets are all priced at $16.95 for your selection.

All plants listed in this brochure are subject to availability from our grower. Conditions beyond our control may warrant some substitutions.


From the Library


THE GARDEN, by Deni Brown, London, Unwin, 1988.

Despite its title, Deni Brown s book includes culinary herbs only incidentally; what concerns her are plants that are visually interesting. Thus she describes, in detail, about 50 plants with variegated foliage and unusual flower forms and colours. lllustrations are line drawings from Gerard s Generall Historie of Plantes (1597) and the author s own excellent colour photographs.


Exeter, Webb & Bower, 1988.

George Smith, an internationally acclaimed authority on flower decoration, describes 150 specially commissioned designs in many different styles, from the very grand to the informal. Accompanied by Tim Megson' s fine colour photographs, each arrangement is described in detail, with advice on mechanics and conditioning of the plant material.


Registration deadline: June 30, 1989

Fee: $40.00 members, $50.00 non-members

Time: 9:45

6 week course on Wednesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26, August 2, 9

Instructor: Pearl Wilby

Fulfill your artistic needs by taking this comprehensive course. The emphasis is on plants, both cultivated and wild, useful for flower arranging as well as for drying or preserving for future use. The first session is a lecture and demonstration showing the principles of flower arranging please bring notebook and pencil. The following sessions are practical work. Suggestions of the type of plant material that you should bring will be made at the first session. Containers and mechanics are available at the Trellis Shop.

Better Gnomes and Gardens

Introducingthe gnomesfrom Gormley Knoll. Each character sculpted in charming detail, cast in ciment fondu, signed, numbered and handpainted in enchanting colours. Capture the spirit of an English cottage garden. Send $1 for our colour brochure.


Coming Events at the Centre

Southern Ontario Orchid Society General Meeting INTRODUCTION TO GARDEN DESIGN,

Registration deadline April 1

Members $35.00 Non-Members $45.00, 4 week course

Men s Garden Club


Registration deadline March 6

Members $35.00 Non-Members $45.00, One day course


Members Pre-Order Pick Up


York Rose & Garden


Registration deadline April 4

Members $15.00 Non-Members $25.00, One day course

Garden Therapy Meeting

Toronto Gesneriad Society Show

Rhododendron Society of Canada

Toronto Gesneriad Society Annual Plant Show & Sale

Toronto Cactus & Succulent Club DO IT YOURSELF SPECIAL OCCASIONS

Registration deadline April 13

Members $40.00 Non-Members $50.00, 3 week course PRESSED FLOWER WORKSHORP,

Registration deadline April 14

Members $20.00 Non-Members $30.00, 2 week course


Members $30.00 Non-Members $35.00 Lunch $8

Geranium & Pelargonium Society


Speaker: Panayoti Kelaidis

Around the Seasons in the Rock Garden


The Genus Iris Panayoti Kelaidis

Canadian Chrysanthemum & Dahlia Society


Registration deadline April 27

Members $20.00 Non-Members $30.00, 2 week course



Society 4th

Steeles Ave. W. (2 miles west of Highway 10) R.R. 10 Brampton L6V 3N2

Knowledgeable staff 7 days a week (9-5pm) mid-April - mid-Oct.

Over 3000 different hardy plants, alpines, dwarf conifers and shrubs, _ Hardy ferns, vines, groundcovers and native wildflowers Gift Certificates $10. up (10-15-20 etc.{ by mail any time All Year Send


The Civic Garden Centre is indeed fortunate in securing a return teachihg engagement with the highly accomplished English artist and popular instructor, Dorothy Bovey.

This five-day art course, for experienced art students, will allow for concentrated practice, reinforced by frequent critiqgue from the instructor. Output is much greater than in any other lesson format.

A materials list will be provided upon registration and a representative from Curry s Art Supply will be at the Centre on June 5. All supplies are available at a 25% discount.

The instructor, Dorothy Bovey, is widely travelled and has served as botanical artist on expeditions in Africa, Australia, and Asia.

She has received five gold medals from the Royal Horticultural Society of London for her paintings.

Please bring suitable plant material, of your choice, as subject matter.


June 510 9, 1989

Time: 10a.m.-1p.m. (Lunch break) 2p.m.-5p.m.

Registration is limited to 18 students.

Please register by May 29, 1989



Members: $110.00 Non-members: $135.00

From The Bookshop

Spring has arrived and with it come plans for summer vacations. This is the time of year to read a garden guidebook. Several good ones are available and they make for inspired vacation planning.

The American Garden Guidebook by Everitt L. Miller and Jay S. Cohen (M. Evans and Company Inc. $14.50) is the best moderately-priced book. It covers 28 American states and Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edward.Island, and Nova Scotia. Quite detailed descriptions are given for 339 gardens. Included are types of flowers found in each garden, opening times, and a list of facilities. Edwards Gardens receives a nice write-up in this book.

Gardens Of North America and Hawaii: A Travellers Guide by Irene & Walter Jacob (Timber Press. $34.00) covers 1400 gardens in the United States and Canada. The descriptions are brief and factual.

The Travelers Guide to American Gardens edited by Mary Helen Ray & Robert P. Nicholls (University of North Carolina Press. $31.50) is the newest guide book and covers over 1,000 gardens. This appears to be a very good guide book as the history of each American state is given, plus an indepth description of the gardens. Nice line drawings are included throughout, plus maps showing the location of each garden. This is a user-friendly book and it is obvious the authors have toured most of the gardens.

If you are planning a tour to Britain an inspiring book is Great Gardens Of Britain by Peter Coats (Crescent Books. $17.95). The pictures are beautiful, and a history of each garden is given. Opening times are stated, and a small map shows the location of the gardens.

| hope these books will stimulate you to visit interesting gardens during your travels this summer.

%Humber Keeps You GROW

* |n Business Since 1948

* 20 Acres of Garden Centre

e Qver 50 Greenhouses

* 20,000 sq. ft. Garden Store

¢ Residential & Commercial Design & Instillation

Growers of over 1,000 hardy perennials, available year round. Over 200 varieties of herbs. Over 125 kinds of novelty geraniums.


Drop in or write forournew books: Perennials for Ontario Gardens

Only $3.95

Berries for your garden

Only $1.75

Humber Nurseries, where flowers bloom 365 days a year, offers Toronto s largest selection of: Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Annuals, Perennials, Roses, Ceramics, Chemicals Soils, Wicker & Landscape Hardware

Our Professional, Courteous staff are here to help with any garden questions.

HUMBER NURSERIES LTD. v R.R. #8 Brampton, Ont. Hwy. #50, 1/4 mile

ANorth of Steeles Ave. South of #7 highway 7940555 677-9711

*Member Landscape Ontario* **OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK**


If you have any free time this spring, please sign up for a volunteer shift.

* Home Show

® Pansy Sale

¢ Catch the Gardening Spirit

¢ Perennial Sale

* Hanging Basket Sale

¢ Annual Plant Sale

March 31st April 9th

April 7th 2 - 6 p.m.

April 8th & 9th Noon - 5 p.m.

April 23rd

May 5th 2 - 6 p.m.

May 6th & 7th Noon - 5 p.m.

May 13th 2 -6 p.m.

May 14th 9 am. - 5 p.m.

May 17th 1 -8 p.m.

May 18th 1 - 8 p.m.

May 19th 10 a.m. -5 p.m.

Please phone Carolyn Dalgarno. We need you!

Classified Advertisement

Light garden, good condition, $250. Three trays; 4 wide; timer; fan. 924-6946.

Henny Markus

Landscape Designer/Horticulturist

Specializing in Native Wildflower Gardening 535-7683

An assortment of varieties for sun andshade $16.95 each

May 13th, Noon to 6 p.m. May 14th, 9 am. to 5 p.m.


or the love ofgardens.

When you re at work on the garden you love, A remember Sheridan Nurseries. At Sheridan, we have the finest selection of nursery stock in ' Canada, including over 750 types of plants and trees grown on our own farms. And all of our nursery stock is guaranteed for one full year. If you need any advice to help make your garden even lovelier, just ask. Advice is free and

.our staff is expert. They ll help in any way they can all for the love of gardens, at Sheridan.

LANDSCAPE DEPARTMENT: Metropolitan Toronto, Markham, Mississauga and Oakville 822-7575


L5J 2Y4



e PICKSEED Canada #1 grass seed for sun, heavy ¢ shade and 100% bluegrass seed for an attractive ° dark green lawn


Stunning encyclopedia of more than 850 of the best varieties of roses developed in this century. Over 400 colour photographs are featured. This book will make a rose addict of anyone who reads it.

e CIVIC GARDEN CENTRE APRONS top quality dark green washable gardening aprons with pockets for garden tools $19.95

e NEW FOR THE GARDEN A special ORGANIC SECTION featuring one of the largest selections of organic fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides in Ontario. Of special interest is INSECTIGONE a new 100% natural insecticide made from diatomaceous earth. 200 gr $6.95

Civic Garden Centre Executive Committee

President: Dr. Brian Bixley

1st Vice-President: Mrs. Susan Macaulay

2nd Vice-President: Mr. Klaus Bindhardt

Treasurer: Mr. Robert Saunders

Board of Directors

For 1988: Mr. Charles Coffey, Mr. Mark Cullen, Mrs. Margaret Killey, Mrs. Susan McCoy, Mrs. Judy Samuel, Mr. Robert Saunders, Mr. Phillip S. Tingley, Mrs. Dorothy Weir

For 1988 and 1989: Mrs. Anne Bawden, Mr. Klaus Bindhardt, Dr. Brian Bixley, Mrs. Eliane Hooft, Mrs. Heather MacKinnon, Mrs. Gail Rhynard.

For 1988, 1989 & 1990: Mrs. Cicely Bell, Mr. Stuart Gilchrist, Mr. Alan Grieve, Mr. Kenneth H.C. Laundy Mrs. Susan Macaulay, Mr. Victor Portelli of Metropolitan Toronto Parks and Ms. Laura Rapp.

s N 7


Have your planting plan prepared by a professional landscape consultant who will visit your home. The Landscape Consultant will listen to your landscape ideasand provide a scale drawing of your new landscape that is g easy to follow.

This service is available for only $50 per front and back yard ($100 for both) within our designated area. Fee is refundable with purchase of Weall and Cullen nursery plants valued at $400 or more ($100 refunded with a minimum $800 plant purchase). Ask at your nearest Weall and Cullen location for more details.

7 locations to serve you #8 opening in Etobicoke in May.

May we invite you to join us?

W at the Civic Garden Centre warmly welcome new members. Join us, and you will make friends who share the same interest in gardening, the floral arts and horticulture that you do. In addition to the many exciting classes, garden shows, speakers, clubs-within-the-Centre, etc., that will be available to you, our membership fee entitles you to the following:

e Annual subscription to members

e Free borrowing privileges from one of newsletter Canada s largest horticultural libraries

* Discounts on courses, lectures

* Discount on Soil Testing Service and workshops S

* 10% discount on most purchases in

* Free Admission to the the Trellis Shop Members Programmes

o Special local and international

e Access and discounts at special Garden Tours members day plant sales

e wmem smsm APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP wme s s s

Mail to:

anssons aTsatose

comambass inas I (please enclose cheque, with form, payable to The Civic Garden Centre)

I If this is a Gift Membership:

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