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the geese atop the garden shed

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It was a cold spring morning when the pair of geese flew in At first they wandered the parking lot, getting a lay of the land

Occasionally wandering in to check out the gardens or confidently taking their time crossing the busy street to the park across the way

Days passed like this Asphalt to garden to park

Asphalt to garden to park

Then one morning, when the trio of gardeners, set off to start their day they discovered this feathered pair had built a home atop their garden shed

And as the days passed, the female hunkered down spending more and more of her time snuggled up within her nest as her male companion stood guard from down on the garden path Dealing with each passerby, with a warning hiss

The horticulture team of three, tried their best to keep their distance To respect the family’s space And there grew a kind of understanding between gardener and geese

“We mean no harm”, the gardeners said, sidestepping father goose and in response the male would let out the gentlest little hiss

This continued until one day, when the sun’s warm rays lit up the garden beds, blue skies all around them, not a single cloud in sight

The mother rose to stretch her legs, as she felt a stirring within the eggs And before the gardeners had time to blink three bright-yellow, fluffy goslings Could be seen upon the shed

And soon enough the young goslings Were ready to leave the nest

Following their guardians

They stepped up to the edge And taking one great leap

Landed upon the mulch beneath

And off they stumbled, this family of five to explore their brave new world outside.

By Megan Blacquiere

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