1 minute read
Jumping from the frying pan into the fire; reliving my recovery
left his phone on the table, and once again, my spidey sense told me to check out his phone.
simone@carib101.com HUMAN
Why didn’t I just walk away and let that man go? Why didn’t I trust my gut when I got that feeling?
I realize now that I had to go through what I went through with M; as painful as it was, it taught me a lot about myself, and about the fact that there are people in this world who are in so much pain that they put that pain out into the world, and onto people.
M kept calling me, and I admit; I fell for his charms. The relationship between D and I was coming to an end; the writing was on the wall. I remember one day when I was in D’s house, he had
I know that there is some controversy on this whole phone thing. Some people say that going into someone’s phone is a complete violation of trust, and I agree. I will not make excuses for it, but I will say this; every time that my intuition has whispered to me, “Something is not right,” and then I do my research (check someone’s phone), whatever I was feeling is validated. Yes, I had betrayed someone’s trust, but they had also betrayed mine.
In his messages, there was a discussion that he was having with another woman, and she asked him, “Are you going to get married anytime soon?”
His response, “No! The girl I am talking to knows that I have no intention of getting married.”
My heart broke again that day, and instead of being mature and walking away with my head held high, I did