TSO Noteworthy—Fall 2018

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Fall with the TSYO

Introducing our new Orchestra members

FALL 2018

TSO Chief Executive Officer Matthew Loden and newly appointed TSO Music Director Gustavo Gimeno TSO NOTEworthy • Fall 2018 • page 1

Q&A with Emilie LeBel, TSO Affiliate Composer

Fall 2018 1

Message from the Chief Executive Officer


Commemorative gifts


Welcome back Sir Andrew Davis!


Fall with the TSYO


Introducing our new Orchestra members


Q&A with Emilie LeBel, TSO Affiliate Composer


Meet the Orchestra’s Donor Relations staff


Bravo to our partners


Upcoming events

Design Egg Design

Photography (cover & pg. 1) Marco Borggreve (pg. 1 & 3) Jag Gundu (pg. 7) Josh Abramovitz (pg. 7) Nicola Betts (pg. 7) Dan Chmielinski (pg. 7) Lacy Dagerath (pg. 8) Phillipa C Photography

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Maestro Gimeno will make his first appearances as incoming Music Director on June 28, 29, and 30, 2019, conducting The Firebird.

Noteworthy is distributed free of charge to the Toronto Symphony Orchestra’s donor community. Charitable Reg. No. 10525 5335 RR0001

Message from the Chief Executive Officer

Photo by Marco Borggreve

On a personal note

We are fortunate to have an ensemble of musicians that brims with talent and with potential to bring their artistry to new and diverse audiences across the city. It was a great privilege for me to be involved in the efforts of our Music Director Search Committee, even before my official arrival in mid-July. On September 17, we kicked off the 2018/19 season with the bold announcement of Spanish conductor Gustavo Gimeno being selected as the Orchestra’s 11th Music Director beginning in 2020/21, our 99th season.

Gustavo’s appointment is an important milestone, which will shape the TSO for years to come. I cannot imagine a more ideal partner for opening our next chapter. As Music Director, he will bring vibrancy, inspiration, and artistic intimacy that will only grow more potent over time. To officially open our season on September 20, we welcomed back Sir Andrew Davis as the TSO’s Interim Artistic Director for the 2018/19 and 2019/20 seasons. Sir Andrew has always remained an audience favourite following his TSO NOTEworthy • Fall 2018 • page 1

Photo by Jag Gundu

I have been constantly impressed by the passion and commitment of our volunteers, donors, and subscribers. Seeing how dedicated all the TSO patrons are is deeply rewarding, and I’m enjoying the early days of working with the Board of Directors to identify the myriad opportunities for the TSO in the broader Toronto community.

As the Toronto Symphony Orchestra’s new Chief Executive Officer, I want to offer my sincere thanks to the TSO community for the warm welcome I have received since joining the organization in mid-July.

tenure as Music Director and has embraced his new role with great enthusiasm, programing a concert season designed to showcase the remarkable talents of the Orchestra that he knows so well. We are looking forward to Sir Andrew returning early in the new year to conduct excerpts from Wagner’s opera Die Walküre alongside a selection of expressionist masterworks from Alban Berg. The theme of new beginnings continues this season as we welcome several new members to our artistic team and Orchestra. Canadian

composer Emilie LeBel has joined us as our new Affiliate Composer, as has Simon Rivard, in the role of TSO Resident Conductor and Conductor of the Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra (TSYO). Both Emilie and Simon are exceptional musicians, and I look forward to everyone experiencing their work. Joining the Orchestra are five new musicians who you can read more about later in this issue. They join a growing ensemble that now totals more than 90 musicians.

When enjoying concerts this season, please take some pleasure in knowing that the TSO’s accomplishments on stage and off are only possible because of your steadfast support as loyal patrons and dedicated volunteers. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity, and I look forward to seeing more of you over the coming months.

Matthew Loden Chief Executive Officer

Commemorative gifts We join the TSO community in celebrating the following individuals remembered and honoured over the past year. In memory of: Ms. Thea Abramson Mr. Malcolm Applegate Mr. H. Thomas Beck, CM Mrs. Mary Beck Mr. Sydney Blinick Mr. David M. Campbell Ms. Violet Agnes Clarkson Mrs. Marian Daley Mrs. Gail Louise Dawson Mr. George Dellio Mr. Johnnie Eisen Mr. Thomas A. Fekete Ms. Anna Grexton Ms. Joyce Grimes Ms. Joan Hart Mr. James Hughes Dr. S. O. Kjellberg Mr. James Maben Mr. John M. McCulloch Mitchell McKelvie Cox Dr. Donald Montgomery Mr. S. D. Moore Ms. Dorothy Morrow Mr. David E. Pettingill Mr. Flavio Pincente Mr. & Mrs. John H. & Norma Rogers

Mr. T. Iain Ronald, FCA Ms. Helen Seidner Mrs. Dagmar Simonik Mr. Alec Stables Mr. G. E. Tafler Mr. Christoph von Krafft Mr. George Wilk Ms. Barbara Wolfond Mr. Mitchell Wywiorski

Ms. Marianne Oundjian Mrs. Cristina Ronald Ms. Joy Sellers Mr. Stanley Shenkman Ms. Maria Szasz

In honour of: Ms. Catherine Beck & Mr. Laurence Rubin Mr. & Mrs. David & Renette Berman Ms. Kathleen Buckworth & Mr. Steve Webster Mr. Rick Butt & Mr. Edward Schein Mrs. Earlaine Collins Mr. Gary Corrin Perry & Rae Dellio Family Foundation Mrs. Rae Dellio Ms. Loie Fallis Mr. & Mrs. Blake C. & Belinda Goldring Mr. Douglas Gray & Ms. Maureen Callahan Mrs. Joyce Gutmann Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Beverley Lengyel Mr. David Nash

Gifts received after June 30, 2018

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Bravo, Peter! Thank you to the following donors who made gifts in celebration of Peter Oundjian. Dr. Anne Day Roberta and Richard Innes Mr. H. Linton Murray Mrs. Pellegrini Ms. Patricia Pigeon Bill Stephenson Nick & Marg Walker Robert Weppler Commemorative gifts to the TSO are accepted in memory or honour of any individual you wish to celebrate. Thank you to those who made gifts over the past year. As of October 26, 2018

Welcome back Sir Andrew Davis!

The TSO and Maestro Davis launch the 2018/19 season with Symphonie Fantastique The Toronto Symphony Orchestra, led by Interim Artistic Director Sir Andrew Davis, kicked off its 97th season on September 20. Maestro Davis held the role of Music Director of the TSO from 1975 to 1988, and he was subsequently honoured with the title of Conductor Laureate in recognition of his many years of artistic leadership. The opening concerts highlighted the Orchestra through the music of Hector Berlioz. Maestro Davis conducted not only Berlioz’s masterpiece—the gripping and highly imaginative Symphonie fantastique— but also his lesser-known Fantasy on Shakespeare’s The Tempest, featuring the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. Both works were recorded live by Chandos Records for future release. The intriguing Variations concertantes by distinguished Canadian composer Jacques Hétu—a remarkable concerto for orchestra that was commissioned and premièred by the TSO in 2006— completed the program.

“The interpretation was quite wonderful and executed with conviction and evident joy by the ensemble. The audience went wild of course, but that’s what one wants after a concert like this one. Davis and the TSO delivered.” — barczablog, review of Symphonie Fantastique

TOP: Sir Andrew Davis conducts Fantasy on Shakespeare’s The Tempest by Berlioz during the September 20 performance of Symphonie Fantastique BOTTOM: Sir Andrew Davis and the Orchestra thank the audience during the September 20 performance of Symphonie Fantastique

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The TSO’s Opening Weekend performances were generously supported by the Toronto Symphony Volunteer Committee in celebration of its 95th year.

Fall with the TSYO

The Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra kicks off its 45th season The Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra is celebrating a milestone season, and the fall has already brought a flurry of activity for the ensemble. Once again this year, members attended the TSYO Camp Weekend training intensive at YMCA Geneva Park over the Thanksgiving weekend. This annual event is an opportunity for students and coaches to spend concentrated time rehearsing in sections and as an orchestra—and to enjoy fun team-building and leadership activities. The members of the TSYO were also thrilled to participate in this year’s Fall for Dance North Festival at the Sony Centre, featuring a suite from Adizokan. Adizokan was commissioned and premièred by the TSO in October 2017 in partnership with Toronto-based Indigenous dance company Red Sky Performance, with music by Canadian composer Eliot Britton. The TSYO will have many further opportunities to shine on stage this season. The Orchestra is preparing for its first concert in November under the leadership of Simon Rivard, who joined the TSO team this season as the TSO Resident Conductor & TSYO Conductor. We hope to see you there! Just before the holidays in December, TSYO members will have the

TSYO members rehearse during Camp Weekend under the direction of TSO Resident Conductor & TSYO Conductor Simon Rivard

opportunity to participate in the annual TSYO Concerto Competition. Participants will perform for a jury consisting of TSYO faculty members and TSO musicians, and the event is free and open to the public. The winners of the Concerto Competition will have an opportunity to perform as soloists next season. One of last year’s winners—Duncan McDougall (violin)—performed with the TSO during the Young People’s Concert, The Mozart Experience, on November 3, while fellow 2017/18 winner Hannah Corbett (violin) will be featured during the TSYO Winter Concert in February.

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2018/19 TSYO season highlights TSYO Fall Concert Sun, Nov 25, George Weston Recital Hall Concerto Competition Mon, Dec 10, Knox College, University of Toronto Side-by-side concerts with the TSO Wed, Feb 6; Thu, Feb 7 & Sat, Feb 9, Roy Thomson Hall TSYO Winter Concert Sun, Feb 17, George Weston Recital Hall TSYO 45th Season— Closing Concert Sun, May 5, Roy Thomson Hall

2018/19 Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra members The TSYO is tuition-free. Each successful applicant is accepted as a TSYO member on a scholarship provided by the TSO and our generous supporters. Thank you to our donors whose contributions help train the next generation of talented young musicians. There were 265 applicants for 81 positions this season. A huge congratulations to all the young musicians who participated in auditions for this year’s TSYO—and a warm welcome to this year’s new and returning TSYO members. We’re very proud to have you with us. VIOLIN Brando Alberga Sarah Albishara Juliana Cao Hannah Corbett Joelle Crigger Claire Hur Jennifer Jiang Akasia Kellman June Kim Grace Lau Joseph Lee Ingrid Malmberg Sarina Mao Duncan McDougall David Mok Towa Paisley Evan Pyne Isabel Shen Shelley Shen Ellie Sievers Kay Tozawa William Wang Jessica Xiong Ian Ye Jennifer Yeung May Yu

VIOLA Matthew Chan Janet Chen Ji-A Choi Mathew Ko Vena Ching Wen Lin Maya Joy LindstromParkins Csenge Magyar Rosaleen Ryel Emad Zolfaghari CELLO Alonso Flores Esquivel Maya Grittani Ashley Jong Lucas Kim Daniel Lee Jake Lee Yuna Lee Ellamay Mantie Eugene Ye Justin Zhou DOUBLE BASS Tomas Casciato Dean Chen Avery Chiu Kalvin Coate William Dietrich Tyson Morishita Ryan Qiu Eugene Zhang

FLUTE Nerses Amirkhanyan Michelle Hui Yelin Youn OBOE Sophie Abbott Daniel Mok Cheng Han Wu CLARINET Zachary Goldstein Glen Hung Bruce Luo Audrey Michel BASSOON Quentin Kamieniecki Matthew So FRENCH HORN Jocelyn Chong Lucy Nesbitt Paolo Rosselli Sophie Shah Shin Yu Wang

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TRUMPET Andrew Mendis Natalie O’Donnell Adrian Rogers Matthew Smith TROMBONE Selena Cai Linus Chen Jake Colautti Jason Zhang TUBA Benjamin Whitby PERCUSSION Samuel Kerr HARP Sebastian Gobbels

Close to

40% of this year’s TSYO musicians are age 15 or younger.

Introducing our new Orchestra members

Five musicians join the TSO The launch of a new season at the TSO is always cause for celebration. Adding to the joy of returning to Roy Thomson Hall for the 2018/19 season, Interim Artistic Director Sir Andrew Davis and the Orchestra extended a warm welcome to five new players. Learn more about the Orchestra’s newest members (pictured left to right), including their highlights so far and what they are most looking forward to this season. Darren Hicks is the new TSO Associate Principal Bassoon. For the past three seasons, Darren was a Fellow at the New World Symphony in Miami Beach, Florida. A native of Middleton, Nova Scotia, Darren was named to the CBC’s “Hot 30 under 30” list of classical musicians in 2016. The Orchestra also welcomes TSO Viola Ashley Vandiver. Americanborn Vandiver has performed in over 30 countries—as both a violinist and violist—on five continents. Prior to joining the TSO, she was a violinist with the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa. She has been a member of The Santa Fe Opera Company Orchestra since 2014. A Montreal native and previous member of the Nashville Symphony Orchestra, Eric Abramovitz joins the ensemble as TSO Associate Principal Clarinet. Eric was a Sylva Gelber Career Grant recipient in 2016, and toured throughout Japan with the New York Symphonic Ensemble. He was named the Vandoren Emerging Artist of the year in 2017.

Born and raised in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Hugo Lee joins the Orchestra as TSO Oboe. A former student of TSO Associate Principal Oboe Keith Atkinson, Hugo holds a Bachelor of Music degree from The Juilliard School of Music. He is an alumnus of the Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra and the Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra.

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TSO Assistant Timpani/Section Percussion Joseph Kelly was previously a member of the New World Symphony in Miami Beach, Florida. Joseph earned his master’s degree from the Manhattan School of Music, where he received the Elizabeth Beineke Scholarship and the Outreach Award at the 2015 Commencement.

Photo by Nicola Betts

Darren Hicks, TSO Associate Principal Bassoon “I was lucky enough to perform with the Orchestra when I was a student at the Glenn Gould School in 2014/15, so reuniting with the bassoon section has been a definite highlight. Michael, Samuel, and Fraser are very special people and players, and I am elated to be back in Toronto playing with bassoonists who inspire me. Being able to call them colleagues is beyond surreal!”

Joseph Kelly, TSO Assistant Timpani/Section Percussion “The obvious highlight for me would be getting to start off my time with the TSO recording one of the most iconic works of all time, Symphonie fantastique. Another has been getting to know my colleagues. I’ve felt so welcomed by this orchestra and administration, which is truly a special thing. That warmth and encouragement makes me so eager to get out of bed and come to work so I can play with all of these wonderful musicians and people.” “Looking forward, I’m really excited for Mahler’s Second Symphony and also his Seventh later on in the year. These are two of my favourite works, and I can’t wait to hear the TSO play them both.” Hugo Lee, TSO Oboe “I grew up listening to the TSO, and it has been a thrill to be able to work in my home city and play TSO NOTEworthy • Fall 2018 • page 7

music alongside people who were my teachers, mentors, and musical idols. This is my first professional orchestra job, and the TSO is incredibly flexible—being whisked between different composers, time periods, and conducting styles each and every week is an absolute thrill.” “I’m most excited about being able to play the film concerts, as this is something I’ve never experienced before, not even in the audience. I hear John Williams’s music can be notoriously difficult, and I’m looking forward to the challenge!” Ashley Vandiver, TSO Viola “A big highlight for me was the incredible and bizarre coincidence that I got to sit next to my husband, cellist Alastair Eng, for my first week of work. We had been long distance for a few years, and we were so thrilled that we’d finally be in the same orchestra together. But getting to sit beside each other was really special and memorable!” “I am really looking forward to performing Act I of Die Walküre with Sir Andrew Davis at the end of January. A few years ago, I played first violin in the Canadian Opera Company’s production of Die Walküre, and it is some of the most moving and powerful music I have ever played. I’m really excited to learn the viola part and experience Wagner from the other side of the Orchestra.”

Photo by Lacy Dagerath

“I am very much looking forward to our late-November holiday concert where we will be playing an allTchaikovsky program. This concert is particularly exciting for me because it will be my first time performing the amazing Fourth Symphony, and nothing gets me into the holiday spirit more than The Nutcracker, so it will be a truly joyous time indeed.”

“In all my years of playing in ensembles, I have not once performed Messiah. I am lucky enough to play all six shows of Messiah this year with Johannes Debus. I love performing Baroque music. It’s a real challenge for any ensemble, but I know the TSO will rise to the occasion and deliver a spectacular run of this perennial favourite.”

Photo by Dan Chmielinski

Photo by Josh Abramovitz

Eric Abramovitz, TSO Associate Principal Clarinet “A big highlight for me is the fact that my first year joining the Orchestra coincides with one of the most exciting periods in the Orchestra’s history. With the big announcement of the new Music Director, and all the amazing plans for the future, it was quite special showing up on the first day and taking part in all the buzz. Talk about a good time to join the band!”

Q&A with

Emilie LeBel, TSO Affiliate Composer


What has been a highlight from your first few months with the Orchestra?

When I was young, I went to the TSO kids’ concerts, and I spent my teenage years attending TSO rehearsals with my high school music program. Later on, as a composer studying in Toronto, I attended many TSO concerts. Roy Thomson Hall has been a musical home for me, and after spending the past three years working in the USA, these past few months have felt like a homecoming.












What are you most looking forward to this season?

I am looking forward to the TSO’s performance at the 21C Music Festival in January. The concert features some of my favourite Canadian composers, including Jocelyn Morlock and Dorothy Chang. I am also looking forward to Barbara Hannigan in February. Her recording of Hans Abrahamsen’s “Let Me Tell You” is a favourite of mine, and I can’t wait to hear her sing Berg.


Photo by Phillipa C Photography

As the TSO’s new Affiliate Composer, Canadian Emilie LeBel will work closely with Interim Artistic Director Sir Andrew Davis, Composer Advisor Gary Kulesha, and the Artistic staff of the TSO. During her term, she will compose at least two works for the Orchestra, with her first work premièring in January 2019. Q

What does your work as the TSO Affiliate Composer entail?

The Affiliate Composer position is a two-year residency with the Orchestra. This position provides the occasion to compose two works for the Orchestra, which is a rare and exciting opportunity. I also get to sit in on rehearsals and meetings, allowing me to gain insight into the complexities of artistic decisions in rehearsals and artistic programming. Finally, I will also participate in educational work with young audiences as part of the Orchestra’s community-engagement programs.


Meet the Orchestra’s Donor Relations staff 1. Peter Hussell Vice-President, Development 416.595.4320 phussell@TSO.CA

2. Sarah Bullick Associate Vice-President, Development 416.595.4312 sbullick@TSO.CA

3. Steven Endicott Director, Donor Relations & Engagement 416.595.4267 sendicott@TSO.CA

4. Dawn Marie Schlegel Director, Donor Relations & Engagement 416.593.8832 dmschlegel@TSO.CA

5. Jade Irons Director of Corporate & Foundation Partnerships 416.595.4295 jirons@TSO.CA

6. Lindsay Becker Manager of Corporate Partnerships 416.595.4259 lbecker@TSO.CA

7. Yoomee Choo Development Officer, Foundations 416.595.4269 ychoo@TSO.CA

8. Abigail Brockhouse Senior Development Officer, Maestro’s Club 416.598.5380 maestrosclub@TSO.CA

9. Meaghan Duffy Development Officer, Annual Giving 416.598.5311 friends@TSO.CA

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Bravo to our partners

Upcoming events


Thank you to our government partners for their leading support on behalf of the people of Toronto, Ontario, and Canada, and to the Toronto Symphony Foundation for its significant ongoing support.

Open Rehearsals Experience the fascinating steps the Orchestra takes to prepare for a performance.

Messiah Sun, Dec 16, 2018 3:30–6:00pm


Mahler Symphony 7 Wed, May 15, 2019 10:00am–12:30pm



Backstage Tours Join TSO Production Manager Chris Walroth and TSO Principal Librarian Gary Corrin for an exclusive behind-thescenes experience at Roy Thomson Hall. Brass-level donors and above ($375+). Limited space available.

Tue, Jan 29, 2019 7:00–9:00pm Tue, Apr 9, 2019 7:00–9:00pm

RSVP We look forward to seeing you. To RSVP for a donor event, please contact Patron Services at 416.598.3375 or friends@TSO.CA.

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On behalf of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and the many talented artists, students, and citizens who benefit from your gift,

Thank you for your support.


Toronto Symphony Orchestra

500-145 Wellington St. W. Toronto, ON M5J 1H8


Thank you


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