Grindr interview by Torsten Højer, Beige magazine

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and then joel created

Grindr He’s the creator of the most exciting new media cruising application since Gaydar, and he’s proud. Torsten Højer logs on to Joel Simkhai, inventor of Grindr


here are relatively few things that bring gay men


from across the world together. One is the release

t o g e t h e r,”

of a new Madonna album. Another is the fight for

S i m k h a i

equality. But arguably the biggest is the shared


love of online cruising.





In the late 90s, Gaydar emerged and we all logged on; by

the late noughties, Facebook added a different dimension to

who live in

the opportunities of online networking; and now, as just about

the same apartment block don’t meet each other, but Grindr is

everything goes mobile, there’s a new kid on the block, eager to

changing that - at least in the gay world. When I was holidaying in

steal your attention.

Miami recently I got talking to a guy on it who said he was in the

Grindr, an app for Apple’s iPhone, shows users 100 photos and profiles of men using it nearby. Users can create their own

same building as me. So we decided to meet up out front and we had a great chat for twenty minutes.

ad, browse profiles and chat with each other. According to Joel

“A few days later when I was flying back to LA, I was at the

Simkhai, Grindr’s creator, most dating sites focus on compatibility

airport and a guy using Grindr said he was hanging around as

criteria such as looks and interests, but ignore the importance of

his flight was delayed. It turned out we were on the same flight

proximity. “From my perspective, I think distance is the first or

and then sitting only two rows from one another. To me, it’s not all

second criteria,” he said. “If someone is a mile away or 500 feet

about sex, but getting people talking – why not get to know your

away, you’re much more likely to meet them than if they are many

neighbours? I find it all very exciting.”

miles away.” Thirty-three-year-old LA-based Simkhai is a man on a mission. He says he’s always been obsessed with who’s around him, who lurks nearby that could be a new friend or a new fuck.

But the name Grindr does imply some sort of sexual movement, doesn’t it? “Well, we thought it was like grinding people together like a social stew, actually!” he says. “And we thought the name also

“I’ve always known there was a gay guy living in my building,

sounded like a mix of ‘guy finder’. Of course, most people think

that there’s a gay guy on the plane with me, sitting somewhere

of it as the act of grinding on someone else. But we’re good with

nearby,” he says. “So I’ve always thought, what’s the best way

that - we see Grindr as sexy; we’re comfortable with sex and our

to connect with them? How can I communicate? The answer is

sexual identity. But it’s not all about sex; it’s not called Fuckr!

mobile. Everybody’s got a cell phone. When the second-generation

We’re not just about hooking up.”

iPhone came out with GPS, that was it. The idea was born. Then

Interestingly, Simkhai says he never intended the app to be used

when the iPhone FBK system [a software development tool] that

continuously as a flirting tool; it’s more, he says, to help people

makes it fairly straightforward to create apps was launched, I

make that first connection and then meet up in the real world.

could take it further. I called my friend and said ‘the future is now’.

He’s aware that the app is very visual and therefore victim to

It was my eureka moment.”

saucy images of men who look like they only have one thing on

Grindr, launched one year ago, now has around 500,000 users worldwide – a number that is growing by 1,500 people per day.

their minds, but insists that as gay men we are very visual people. “It’s like a virtual bar,” he says. “In the real world, you’re attracted

“It’s mind-boggling,” Simkhai laughs. “I sit here in my LA office

to the person by their looks, and then you meet and get to know

and on the admin system I can obtain data on where people are

more about them. We never envisioned this to be an app that you

using Grindr and it’s going crazy. It’s in Tokyo, it’s in Paris – I have

spend weeks on chatting back and forth, it’s a simple meet on

one user in Kazakhstan, and even one in Tehran.”

Grindr then arrange to meet in real life and take it from there. For

I put it to him that being the only user in a country kind of defeats the object of the whole thing. “He’s definitely the loneliest user!” Simkhai confirms. “There’s a guy in northern Alaska who’s the loneliest American user. But

For more information on everything Grindr, visit www. You’ll need an iPhone to use it, although compatibility with other phones is planned.

Joel Simkhai

me, the goal is real meetings.” So, the future is bright. Simkhai is (quite rightly) bursting with excitement about his new toy, and stunned that gay guys are enjoying playing with it as much as him. But where from here?

it’s got to start somewhere! For a while I was the only user,

“We’re looking at other platforms – Blackberry for example,” he

and therefore the loneliest user. It’s also good to know that

reveals. “We’re looking at additional features, such as the option

Kazakhstan has a gay population, and hey, Grindr is a good app

to turn off Grindr when you’re at work, but get a message alert

to use discreetly and confidentially. Hopefully this will become a

as an SMS, or a search facility where you can filter guys based

tool for people in countries where homosexuality is illegal to help

on criteria such as ethnicity or career. We’re also keen to explore

them find like-minded people.”

other routes, such as what Grindr can also show you other than

Simkhai, without intending to, has become something of the

guys, such as bars, or parties or coupons or happy hours nearby.

virtual cupid for isolated and persecuted gay guys who would

It’s the same question that I’m completely obsessed by: what

otherwise have no connection with other gay men. “I’m relishing

or who around me am I interested in knowing? What’s going on

my new role as matchmaker!” he jokes.

tonight? What should I do later? We’ve really only just scratched

But it’s not all about Mr Tehran hooking up with Mr Kazakhstan.

the surface of what’s possible, and as technology advances, we’re

“One of the most crazy things about Grindr is that it’s bringing

excited about what Grindr can provide.”

vol 3 issue 1 | beige | 49

48-49 Feature 4 Grindr.indd 49

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