Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance

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Newsletter News at a glance

No. 2. May 2010



Torun. City of Culture and Art

Photo: Daniel Pach

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Toruń. City of Culture and Art , Torun is a city where things happen. Every year sees about 1,500 cultural events; some of them are for the general public while others are usually intended for limited and more discriminating audiences. There is enough variety on offer for everyone to enjoy. The City of Nicholas Copernicus takes pride in its professional theatre companies and museums. There are several art galleries, two cultural centres and numerous clubs where concerts and exhibition previews are held. Two Houses of the Muses (community centres), the Youth Community Centre and many other institutions of that kind are also present on the cul, tural map of Torun. From among hundreds of small and big events, the following are definitely worth a special men, tion: Torun Festival of Science and Art, ‘Probaltica’ International Festival of the Baltic States’ Music and Art, ‘To-

, Torun. City of Culture and Art , Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie


Torun. City of Culture and Art

Photo: Daniel Pach

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance 05

, run – Music and Architecture’ Summer Festival, ‘Kontakt’ International Theatre Festival, ‘Klamra’ (Clinch) Academic , , Theatre Meetings, Torun Book Festival, Torun Summer Film Festival, TOFIFEST International Film Festival, ‘Song of Songs’ International Ecumenical Festival of Christian , , Music, Od Nowa Jazz Festival, Torun Blues Meetings, New Art Fair and the International Puppet Theatre Festi, val. The cultural season lasts in Torun throughout the year. It is impossible to give names of all the places where ‘cul, , ture is made’ in Torun thanks to which Torun is becoming a city of culture and art. That is why we must shorten our list to only a few selected institutions and regular events.

, Torun. City of Culture and Art , Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie


Torun. City of Science

Photo: Andrzej Romański

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance 07

Toruń. City of


, For hundreds of years now Torun has constantly remained a significant centre of culture and science. Here Nicholas Copernicus was born to later become an eminent astronomer, mathematician and an economist, one of the greatest contemporary scholars and the author of De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, in which he presented his heliocentric theory of the universe. , The rich academic tradition of Torun is cherished and continued at Nicolaus Copernicus University, the largest in northern Poland, and in four other institutions of higher education, which are outside the public sector. The total enrolment at the University is 40,000 students, who can choose from among 54 areas of study and over 100 specialisations.

, Torun. City of Culture and Art , Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie


Torun. City of Science

Photo: Andrzej Romański

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance 09

Every year NCU organises ca 100 conferences and symposia attended by an impressive number of several hundred scientists from Poland and abroad. The Ministry of Science and Information offers sumptuous grants to the NCU academic staff, who implement over 190 projects every year within the framework of the ministerial programme. The academic staff travel on study and lecture tours, attend conferences and engage in research in many countries. Simultaneously, the University is visited by about 500 foreign researchers from various countries and continents. Many NCU university staff are members of prestigious international research organizations and cultural societies. The University has modern research facilities within the university structure. The staff also work in other research centres in Poland and abroad, for example, in Spitsbergen. Since the 1990s a 32-metre radiotelescope, the third largest in Europe, has been in operation in the Centre for Astronomy , located in Piwnice near Torun run by Prof. Aleksander Wolszczan. The creation of the National Laboratory for Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics enabling Polish physicists to carry out most advanced research has been the most recent confirmation of the high rank held by the University.

, Torun. City of Culture and Art , Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie

Institute B61

Photo: Radosław Worek

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance 11

, Torun’s artist of the month exclusive


Institute’s B61 Productions take place on the border of arts and sciences, combining elements of a theatrical performance, acting songs, hip-hop concert. Where the idea of staging ,in such an eclectic form did came from? Jan Swierkowski [Institute B61]: The Institute B61 combines multiple forms, but this is rather a sort of a ‘semi-controled accident’ than assumption. We are committed to full freedom in the arts. Institute B61 in the end, is not some deadly serious artistic creation. We want everyone both the audience and the creators just to have fun. May the entirely scientific topics - such as, “the evolution of stars” be interesting for contemporary readers?

, Torun. City of Culture and Art , Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie

12 Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance


But it is hard for me to imagine that it could be boring! “The evolution of stars” – when did the last time you hear something so mysterious and romantic? The whole trick lies in the appropriate form of communication! Sometimes I fell asleep on the lectures about quantum physics, though it does not mean that the quanta are boring. Let me give another example, if the Champions League final would be played at exotic stadium in Myszków and broadcast would be made from one portable camera, despite the fantastic events on the pitch, no one would even watch presentation of teams in front of TV! I would not blame the players, only the transmission. So it is with science, therefore, a form of the Institute is such eclectic - it must be interesting. Projects of Institute B61 are taking place in unusual spaces. What fascinated you in nineteenth-century forts? For me the incredible thing about Fort was primarily the acoustic and the immensity of this building. To, run Fortress is a dozen of massive buildings, which are accompanied by dozens of smaller ones which actually if properly used, could stand for our city. It’s really unique!

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Realizations of Institute B61 are characterized by an intimate nature. Is it important for you direct contact between the viewer and the artist? YES! We wish to directly approach the viewer and escape from the ordinary mass and repeatability of concerts and performances. Concrete spectacle of Institute B61 takes place only once. Even if we play it one day eight times, each time is quite something else. What we want to do is to be very special and unique. What new projects are planned in the near future by the Institute of B61? Soon at the Tofifest Film Festival, which begins on June 26 ,,The Institute B61-Operation Slapstick� will present sound and light properties, while in September we will invite our audience to the first police station, which introduced rules of quantum physics to the everyday criminology.

, Torun. City of Culture and Art , Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie

Mekka for theatre lovers

Photo: Wojciech Szabelski

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance 15

Mekka for theatre lovers France has its theatre centre in Avignon, Great Britain , in Edinburgh and Poland in Torun. That is what we were thinking in 1991 when in the hundred years old buil, ding of the Torun theatre and few sport clubs the International KONTAKT Festival happened for the first time. The idea behind the festival was to confront for the first time in Europe after the fall of the iron curtain, the theatre ensembles from East and West. Exaggeration? Maybe. However the international theater festival KONTAKT speaks for itself presenting each year several incredible stories, which you can experience from the 22nd to the , 28th of May in Torun. This year it is a story about Vietnam, performed by the Riminii Protokoll Theater, the story told

, Torun. City of Culture and Art , Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie

16 Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance

by the RO Theatre from Rotterdam of fourteen mothers, all with different ethnic backgrounds, that shows energy, strength and incredible sense of humor. Another story that can inspire you is the one of the tenants from the communal flat, that directed by the Hungarian Victor Bodo discover the mystery, hidden behind the wall. KONTAKT also presents the tale of the healer from Latvia, Martha from the Blue Hill and a true story of the actor, who searched into the life of his grandfather discovering during his journey three men serving in the three hostile armies. Both are being told by the artists from the Alvis Hermansis group from Riga. Finally Pansori Brecht SACHEONGA by Jaram Lee from Seul is an attempt to create a moder-nised Pansori (an epic song performed by an actor-singer) performed by a sorikkun (singer) who sings the words of the story. And The Cut of Mark Ravenhill, in which Thomas Ostermeier from Berlin is questioning the limits of the state’s concern with our security. In other words KONTAKT presents several models of theater, from the documentary, post dramatic to almost classic, represented by the important Moscow Wachtangow Thea-

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tre, Old Theatre in Cracow and National Theatre in Warsaw. Today, after 20 years of the festival, its symbol can be Lies Pawels from Belgium, which “White Starr” won the festival in 2005. For this edition of KONTAKT she prepared with the , team of Horzyca Theatre in Torun “ Caritas. Two Minutes of Silence”, which questions the limits of tolerance, acceptance and truth. More on: www.teatr.torun.pl

, Torun. City of Culture and Art , Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie

Fryderyk Chopin Route

Szafarnia | Photo: A. Hermann

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance 19


Chopin Route , Torun. City of Culture and Art

Chopin Year 2010 celebrations were launched at midnight . on the 1st of January in Zelazowa Wola, the birthplace of the pianist and composer. The region of Kujawsko-Pomorskie also celebrates this special year by organizing many exhibitions and concerts commemorating the great artist. Chopin was attached to our region and spent part of his childhood here. Therefore, we recommend trekking along the especially created Fryderyk Chopin Route in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region, which links the provincial cities in some way tied to the composer’s life. The route also includes the places, important for Chopin because of two women he loved: his mother Justyna nee , . Krzyzanowska, and Maria Wodzinska, his first love interest.

, Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie

The CUSTODES project is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the Central Europe Programme.

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You can now explore the five touristic routes liked to Chopin’s name and you can do it by car, bicycle or if you really determined even on foot! The beautiful landscape of Kujawsko-Pomorskie will surely reward your efforts! More information on: www.visitkujawsko-pomorskie.pl

, Torun. City of Culture and Art , Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie

The potential for investors in Kujawsko-Pomorskie

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance 23

The potential

for investors in Kujawsko-Pomorskie , Torun. City of Culture and Art

The authorities of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region are deeply involved in promoting its attractiveness for potential investors. In 2010 the Marshal Piotr Całbecki with the vice-marshal Edward Hartwich signed an agreement aiming to create the innovative Investor Servicing System. This system will not only be responsible for the economic development of our region but will also dramatically increase its competitiveness by helping the influx of direct foreign investments. In order to deliver the best quality land for our investors, our region is also participating in the IV edition of the competition “The Land for the Medal”, to which all the mayors of the local communes are invited. The laureates of the competition will

, Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie

The potential for investors in Kujawsko-Pomorskie

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Newsletter. News at a glance 25

have the chance to promote their communal lots as the best land for the production investment. The winning parcels of land will also be the first to be recommended to the foreign investors. Moreover, the winners will have the possibility to use the logo “The Land for the Medal” to promote their lots. It is worth noting that many lots of land taking part in the previous competitions have been extremely ,successful with the foreign investors. The land near Torun’s Technological Park that has been entirely booked by the investors and that won the Land for the Medal competition in 2007 is probably the best example. The land in Łysomice awarded in the first edition of the competition, where the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone was created and where Japanese companies such as Sumimoto Chemicals or Kimoto have planted their factories confirms this successful trend.

, Torun. City of Culture and Art , Torun. City of Science , Torun’s artists of the month exclusive interview Mecca for theatre lovers Fryderyk Chopin Route The potential for investors in KujawskoPomorskie

Information Office of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Avenue de Tervuren 84, 1040 Brussels tel.: (+32) 2 734 12 17, fax.: (+32) 2 734 29 96 brussels@kujawsko-pomorskie.pl www.mojregion.eu

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