Unilever Freezer Sales Scheme 2012

Page 1

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Green Benefits Total Refrigeration continues to focus on pressures on the world’s resources At Total Refrigeration we recognise that the world population reached 7 billion. are still increasing. On 31st October 2011 the scheme We are continuing to develop our Green Benefits , so that our as part of the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan equipment customers can benefit from the best possible ent. During whilst minimising their impact on the environm including 2011, we launched some exciting new products roved range Wall’s Maxivision with LED lighting and an imp Wall’s Maxivision III LED of upright freezers. Expo 500 Green Benefits programme carries the All our equipment that meets the criteria of the equipment appears. Green Benefits logo on any literature where this helps us to Listening to our customer feedback is key, and work closely develop the next generation of equipment. We improve our with our equipment suppliers to continuously a unique products. These products are manufactured to imum benefit Total Refrigeration specification to offer the max to our customers. We are proud of our products.

Green Benefits logo

Dave Parkes Managing Director.

Green Benefits Pack

This on-going commitment to increase the number of units we supply onto the Green Benefits programme has allowed us to increase our sales of Hydrocarbon refrigerant freezers from 94% in 2010 to over 97% in 2011 and target an even greater number in 2012.

Green Benefits strip

Electricity usage

lifetime savings. These Benefits programme we show the annual and Where a unit meets the targets of the Green Benefits strip. are displayed using the elements in this Green Green Benefits Model Values are savings usage in green Industry Standard or Previous when compared Model usage in red between units annually and for lifetime - £0.12 Annual Savings Green KWh and an assumed ings Sav me Benefits eti lifetime of 8 years Lif £xx logo





0845 127 2527

Green Benefits & Environment


Woodland Trust Total Refrigeration Limited are also actively supporting the Woodland Trust (Reg. Charity in England and Wales No. 294344; in Scotland No. SC038885) by planting a tree for every piece of refrigeration equipment recycled. Over 10,500 trees have been planted across the UK since the scheme began in 2006. The team at Total Refrigeration has also been out with the Woodland Trust and helped to plant trees on a number of occasions. For more information on this please view the news page on our website: www.totalrefrigeration.co.uk

n Disposal of refrigeratio equipment

t rigeration equipment tha If you have a piece of ref e vid pro to py hap will be you no longer require we removal of this equipment you with a quote for the n be disposed of correctly from your site. It will the visions of the UK under the duty of care pro islation. For every piece leg tion tec environment pro we collect and dispose of of refrigeration equipment 97% of it is recycled.

The Carbon Trust Freezers that are on the Energy Technology List have this logo against them. This means that they have passed stringent tests and are energy efficient – saving you money on electricity costs. In addition, 100 per cent first-year Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECA) allow the full cost of an investment in designated energy-saving machinery to be written off against the taxable profits of the period in which the investment is made. The general rate of capital allowances for spending on plant and machinery is 20% a year on the reducing balance basis.

See www.eca.gov.uk for more details.

is a member of the Total Refrigeration Limited nce s WEEE Producer Complia Advantage Waste Broker Scheme nce plia Com er duc Pro Scheme and our WEEE E/FC0255QV. Total Membership Number is WE EE responsibility of WE Refrigeration take on the ply (from 13th August sup we ent ipm refrigeration equ l wil pay for the actual 2005) – this means that we ensuring that it is ent ipm recycling of that equ disposed of correctly.

Collection & Disposal Charges Price £ (Ex. VAT)

Model Unilever owned freezer


Collection of customer owned freezer


y)* (at the same time as a new freezer deliver

Collection only of customer owned freezer (not at the same time as a new freezer


delivery)* *Size limit applies


0845 127 2527


Maxivision III LED range

! r e h c u o v k c o t s 0 0 1 £ Extra from the Every freezer purchased in 2012 Maxiv ision III LED range †† 0 will receive an EXTRA £10 eam stock voucher for ic† e cr worth £150 at RRP A Maxivision has been proven to sell on average 42%** more ice cream than a non-Wall’s chest freezer.* This demonstrates the importance of having a well sited, highly visible freezer in your store. The Wall’s Maxivision also boasts graphics showing the ingredients that help to make delicious Wall's ice cream, making the freezer more attractive to the modern shopper.

††Previously sold with £300 stock vouchers face value.


*Research conducted IRI September 2007


0845 127 2527

Wall’s Maxivision III LED

Why LED lighting? Reduced maintenance: LED lights have a longer expected life than equivalent fluorescent lights Greater peace of mind: LED lights are covered by a 5 year warranty





Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£450 £600 RRP †

** An nu al ic e cr ea m sa le s of £1 0,0 00 co uld ha ve be en £1 4,2 00 wit h a Ma xiv isi on



Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£450 £600 RRP †



Wall’s Slimline Maxivision III LED Previous £300 plus £100 extra


Width x Depth x Height (mm)

No. of Temperature Compartments Range

Wall’s Slimline Maxivision III LED

816 x 875 x 1333


-18 C / -22 C

Wall’s Maxivision III LED

1266 x 875 x 1333


-18 C / -22 C

Vouchers Face Value

†Ice Cream at RRP £(inc.VAT)

Price £(Ex.VAT)




£300 £400






£300 £400




†Value of Wall’s ice cream at RRP from the ice cream stock vouchers when freezer is purchased online. For the avoidance of doubt, retailers are free to set their own retail prices. All freezer purchases on the telephone receive £50 less vouchers in face value than quoted above.


0845 127 2527


Maxivision III LED range

Reduced running costs: LED lights use less electricity than equivalent fluorescent lights

Chest freezers

Wall’s Queue 6




Plus vouchers for ice cream worth † RRP


Plus vouchers for ice cream worth † RRP



Wall’s Queue 6

Wall’s Vista 6

Its slimline design makes it perfect for siting where floor space is limited or aisles are narrow. £35

See www.totalrefrigeration.co.uk for details.



Wall’s Queue 6 Wall’s Vista range




Plus vouchers for ice cream worth † RRP


Wall’s Vista 12





ucher! Extra £100 stock vo

Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

purchased in †† Every Wall’s Vista 18 00 £1 A TR an X E ive ce re ll 2012 wi cream stock voucher for ice † worth £150 at RRP


£300 £450 RRP †


Wall’s Vista 18 £2 0 0 Previous extra 0 plus £10 sta 18 Vi a h it w


Width x Depth No. of Temperature x Height (mm) Compartments Range

Wall’s Queue 6

751 x 461 x 825


Vouchers Face Value

†Ice Cream at RRP £(inc.VAT)

Price £(Ex.VAT)






















£200 £300




-10 C / -24 C

Wall’s Vista 6

680 x 650 x 880


-14 C / -23 C

Wall’s Vista 12

1000 x 650 x 880


-14 C / -23 C

Wall’s Vista 18

1500 x 650 x 880


-14 C / -23 C

†Value of Wall’s ice cream at RRP from the ice cream stock vouchers when freezer is purchased online. For the avoidance of doubt, retailers are free to set their own retail prices. All freezer purchases on the telephone receive £50 less vouchers in face value than quoted above. ††Previously sold with £200 stock vouchers face value.



0845 127 2527

Hawking trolleys The portable ice cream selling solution!

Wall’s Hawking Trolley Standard Wheels

Ben & Jerry’s Hawking Trolley Standard Wheels

Chest freezers & Leisure freezers



Plus vouchers for ice cream worth † RRP

Large wheel version also available - see website for details.


Runs for up to 10 hours without power!!


Cornetto Soft


Wall’s Cornetto Soft

Exceptional taste, satisfaction and huge profits



Plus vouchers for ice cream worth † RRP




Width x Depth No. of Temperature x Height (mm) Compartments Range


Vouchers Face Value

†Ice Cream at RRP £(inc.VAT)

Price £(Ex.VAT)


Wall’s Hawking Trolley Standard Wheels

770 x 710 x 960







Ben & Jerry’s Hawking Trolley Standard Wheels

770 x 710 x 960







Wall’s Cornetto Soft

680 x 650 x 880


-14 C / -23 C







†Value of Wall’s, Ben & Jerry’s and Cornetto Soft ice cream at RRP from the ice cream stock vouchers when freezer is purchased online. For the avoidance of doubt, retailers are free to set their own retail prices. All freezer purchases on the telephone receive £50 less vouchers in face value than quoted above. *Based on Wall’s / Ben & Jerry’s Vista 6. Please note the height of the Hawking Trolley with large wheels will increase to 1050mm.


0845 127 2527


Display freezers Ben & Jerry’s Upright Vista 500



Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£1,269 +VAT

£280 RRP †

Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£280 RRP† Ben & Jerry’s Midi Vista 280



Ben & Jerry’s Counter Top 65



Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£300 RRP † £85

Model Ben & Jerry's Counter Top 65



Width x Depth x Height (mm)

No. of Shelves

Temperature Range

510 x 470 x 830

2 + Base

-15 C / -25 C


Vouchers Face Value

†Ice Cream at RRP £(inc.VAT)

Price £(Ex.VAT)




















Ben & Jerry's Midi Vista 280

620 x 590 x 1711

5 + Base

-15 C / -25 C

Ben & Jerry's Upright Vista 500

668 x 765 x 1990

5 + Base

-15 C / -25 C

†Value of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream at RRP from the ice cream stock vouchers when freezer is purchased online, Counter Top 65 ice cream RRP based on 150ml tubs and Upright Vista 500 / Midi Vista 280 ice cream RRP based on 500ml tubs. For the avoidance of doubt, retailers are free to set their own retail prices. All freezer purchases on the telephone receive £50 less vouchers in face value than quoted above. Please note the Midi Vista 280 has fixed shelves.



0845 127 2527

Chest freezers £359 Ben & Jerry’s Vista 6

Ben & Jerry’s Queue 6




Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£150 RRP †

£150 RRP †

Ben & Jerry’s Queue 6 Its slimline design makes it perfect for siting where floor space is limited or aisles are narrow.

Ben & Jerry’s Queue 6


Ben & Jerry’s Vista range






Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£300 RRP †

Ben & Jerry’s Vista 12



Width x Depth No. of Temperature x Height (mm) Compartments Range

Ben & Jerry’s Queue 6 Ben & Jerry’s Vista 6 Ben & Jerry’s Vista 12

751 x 461 x 825 680 x 650 x 880 1000 x 650 x 880

6 6 12


Vouchers Face Value

†Ice Cream at RRP £(inc.VAT)

Price £(Ex.VAT)




















-10 C / -24 C -14 C / -23 C -14 C / -23 C

†Value of Ben & Jerry’s 150ml tubs of ice cream at RRP from the ice cream stock vouchers when freezer is purchased online. For the avoidance of doubt, retailers are free to set their own retail prices. All freezer purchases on the telephone receive £50 less vouchers in face value than quoted above.


0845 127 2527


Display & Chest freezers

See www.totalrefrigeration.co.uk for details.

Take Home freezers

£1,279 +VAT

Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

Wall or aisle sited take home ice cream freezers

£270 £400 RRP †

£1,149 +VAT

Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£270 £400 RRP †

Wall’s Take Home Island 250

Wall’s Take Home Upright Vista 500


£560 £85




Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£270 £400




Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£270 £400 RRP †

Wall’s Take Home Island 200





Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

Wall’s Take Home Upright Vista 1100

£270 £400 RRP †

Wall’s Take Home Island 150





Previous £200 plus £100 extra


Width x Depth x Height (mm)

No. of Shelves / Compartments

Temperature Range

Wall’s Take Home Island 150

1558 x 978 x 753


-18 C / -25 C

Wall’s Take Home Island 200

2058 x 978 x 753


-18 C / -25 C

Wall’s Take Home Island 250

2558 x 978 x 753


-18 C / -25 C

Wall’s Take Home Upright 668 x 765 x 1990 Vista 500

5 + Base

-15 C / -25 C

Wall’s Take Home Upright 1346 x 765 x 1990 Vista 1100

10 + Base

-15 C / -25 C

Vouchers Face Value

Take Home Ice Cream Price at RRP £(inc.VAT) £(Ex.VAT)




£200 £300






£200 £300






£200 £300






£200 £300






£200 £300




†Value of ice cream at RRP from the ice cream stock vouchers when freezer is purchased online. For the avoidance of doubt, retailers are free to set their own retail prices. All freezer purchases on the telephone receive £50 less vouchers in face value than quoted above. Please note that the Take Home Island range are not supplied with baskets or dividers contact Total Refrigeration Ltd for baskets/divider options and prices - and locks are not available. ††Previously sold with £200 stock vouchers face value.



0845 127 2527

Take Home freezers Two tier take home ice cream freezers

ucher! Extra £100 stock vo

purchased in All Take Home freezers A £100 2012 will receive an EXTR ice cream me ho e stock voucher for tak worth £135 at RRP


£1,359 +VAT

Plus vouchers for ice cream worth


£270 £400



Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£270 £400 RRP †

Wall’s Take Home B-Ice

Wall’s Take Home Mini B-Ice

Back of House Storage freezers Buy a Rio H100S storage freezer for £2 99 (+VAT) or a Rio H150S storage freezer for £3 59 (+VAT) when purchasing a branded freezer at the same time.


£439 +VAT


Model shown Rio H100S Storage Freezer



Figures based on the Rio H100S Storage Freezer

Previous £200 plus £100 extra Width x Depth x Height (mm)

No. of Compartments

Temperature Range

Wall’s Take Home Mini B-Ice

800 x 820 x 1270


-18 C / -22 C

Wall’s Take Home B-Ice

1258 x 820 x 1270


-18 C / -22 C

Vouchers Face Value

Take Home Ice Cream Price at RRP £(inc.VAT) £(Ex.VAT)




£200 £300






£200 £300




†Value of ice cream at RRP from the ice cream stock vouchers when freezer is purchased online. For the avoidance of doubt, retailers are free to set their own retail prices. All freezer purchases on the telephone receive £50 less vouchers in face value than quoted above. ††Previously sold with £200 stock vouchers face value.

Model Rio H100S Storage Freezer Rio H150S Storage Freezer

Width x Depth x Height (mm)

No. of Compartments

Temperature Range

1000 x 650 x 880


-14 C / -23 C

1500 x 650 x 880



Price £(Ex.VAT)










-14 C / -23 C

0845 127 2527


Take Home & Storage freezers

Energy efficient Hydrocarbon ice cream storage freezers

Carte D’Or scooping freezers Carte D’Or Rumba 10/13

Model shown Rumba 10

Fantastic NEW Carte D’Or Rumba

scooping freezers with illuminated front panel for high visibility and deep display to double-stack ice cream tubs.

Carte D’Or Rumba 10



Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£1,200 † RRP

Carte D’Or J9/J7 Extra

Carte D’Or Rumba 13


ng Full scooping traini o als le sa of int and po given with every Rumba purchase!


Plus vouchers for ice cream worth

£1,200 † RRP

Carte D’Or J9 Extra

Carte D’Or J7 Extra



Plus vouchers for ice cream worth † RRP

Plus vouchers for ice cream worth † RRP






£240 Model shown J7 Extra

Savings stated are for J7 Extra

Model Carte D’Or Rumba 13

Width x Depth x Height (mm)

No. of Tubs in Display

Temperature Range

1750 x 926 x 1277

13 x 5 ltr

-10 C / -18 C

Vouchers Face Value

†Ice Cream at RRP £(inc.VAT)

Price £(Ex.VAT)


























Carte D’Or Rumba 10

1357 x 926 x 1277

10 x 5 ltr

-10 C / -18 C

Carte D’Or J9 Extra

1656 x 723 x 1224

9 x 5 ltr

-15 C / -20 C

Carte D’Or J7 Extra

1341 x 723 x 1224

7 x 5 ltr

-15 C / -20 C

†Value of Carte D’Or ice cream at RRP from the ice cream stock vouchers when freezer is purchased online. For the avoidance of doubt, retailers are free to set their own retail prices. All freezer purchases on the telephone receive £50 less vouchers in face value than quoted above.



0845 127 2527

Carte D’Or Top 7

£1,249 +VAT

Plus vouchers for ice cream worth † RRP




All Carte D’Or freezers supplied as standard with:

£659 £450

Carte D’Or scooping freezers

• Collars • Cone holder • Scoop • Washpots


Plus vouchers for ice cream worth † RRP

Carte D’Or SP6


Model Carte D’Or Top 7 Carte D’Or SP6

Width x Depth x Height (mm)

No. of Tubs in Display

Temperature Range

1367 x 690 x 1175

7 x 5 ltr

-15 C / -20 C

998 x 709 x 1335

6 x 5 ltr


Vouchers Face Value

†Ice Cream at RRP £(inc.VAT)

Price £(Ex.VAT)














-14 C / -23 C

†Value of Carte D’Or ice cream at RRP from the ice cream stock vouchers when freezer is purchased online. For the avoidance of doubt, retailers are free to set their own retail prices. All freezer purchases on the telephone receive £50 less vouchers in face value than quoted above.


0845 127 2527


Frequently Asked Questions When do I receive my ice cream stock vouchers? Vouchers are sent out with your invoice 3-5 days after the delivery of your ice cream freezer.

Where do I get my ice cream from?

If you are looking for a wholesaler to buy it from then you can call the Wall’s Wholesaler nu mb er – 0208 242 6069 – an d they can provide yo u with the details of yo ur local wholesalers.

What warranty do I get with the ice cream freezer? It comes with a 1 year full parts and labour warranty included.

Do you offer extended warranties? Yes, you can purchase a further 2 years extended warranty when purchasing your ice cream freezer.

What happens when the freezer is delivered? The freezer will be unwrapped and taken to the place of installation by the delivery drivers. The freezer then needs to stand for 4 hours before plugging it in and 24 hours before putting any ice cream in.


How do I redeem my vouchers? Purchase your ice cream fro m your wholesaler as normal and sen d off a copy of the invoice and you r stock vouchers to the handling hou se. The full details of how to redeem them and the address to send the m to can be found on the back of the actual vouchers.

What point of sale is available? Visit www.wallsiceshop.co.uk to view the range of point of sale available for you.

Do the freezers need any ventilati on?

Yes. We recommend that you leave at lea st 5cm free space around all sides of any unit to all ow for good airflow. Failu re to do this could re su lt in poor performance or it even breaking do wn.

Do the vouchers have an expiry date? Yes, you have 6 months to redeem your vouchers from the date printed on the front of them.

What do I do if I have a problem with the freezer?

If you have a warranty iss ue with your freezer during the warranty perio d, please call our Customer Service Team on 0845 127 2527 who will be happy to he lp.


0845 127 2527

.co.uk www.totalrefrigerachtimoon re! Order your freezer on-line and much, mu

All of the literature that Total Refrigeration produce are available to download as pdf's.

d ezer on the website an Order your branded fre

vouchers get ÂŁ50 more stocke te lephone. th than when ordering on

If you lose the Quick Start Guide from the back of your freezer then another can be downloaded from here.

r latest news. Stay up to date with ou

time on the ow what the lead kn to t an w u yo Do ill be? Just icular product w rt pa a of y er liv de code in and put your post t uc od pr e th se you choo y box and it'll show lit bi la ai Av y er liv the De . a choice of dates

FAQ’s & Website

Ordering spare parts on-line for your ice cream freezer in 2012


Each product page contains extensive information - from the siz e of it through to its electricity consumption.

0845 127 2527


What’s New for 2012 N EW

Sell more ice cream by stocking the bestsellers* Magnum White is the No. 2 selling impulse ice cream in the UK*


Magnum Classic stays as the No. 1 impulse ice cream in the UK*


Magnum Double Caramel is growing 5 times as fast as Mars® Xtra*


Cornetto Strawberry is the UK’s No. 1 filled cone impulse ice cream* Now with NEWstand-out packaging!


Calippo Shots has the lowest calories of our ice creams at 25 kcal. (1% of an adult's guideline daily amount)



Solero Exotic Explosion is the UK’s No. 1 adult refreshment impulse ice cream*



Feast is the No. 3 choc snack impulse ice cream in the UK* Calippo Orange is the UK’s No. 2 selling kids impulse product*



Twister is the UK’s No. 1 selling kids impulse ice cream* Cornetto Enigma is growing faster in value sales than Cadbury's Flake 99*

These TOP TEN account * for 44% of all category sales www.totalrefrigeration.co.uk 0845 127 2527 16

Just follow the Wall’s “Six Steps to Sell” to grow your Ice Cream sales No.2

No.1 Let people know you sell ice cream Use branded point of sale items like pavement signs, flags and bins.

Make your cabinet easy to find Site an attractive cabinet near both the till and other impulse products.



Draw attention to your cabinet

play boards and basket Use cabinet stickers, dis r stand out. eze labels to make your fre

Keep your cabinet clean & full 50% of sales are lost due to unappealing cabinets!**


Stock ice cream all year round

No.5 Stock the best sellers

Non Price Marked Packs are Also Available

In the Convenience channel, 27% of ice cream sales occur in winter!†

Proof it works l

www.totalrefrigeration.co.uk 0845 127 2527 * SIG, Total Impulse incl. WW & SD excl. AOI & MOL, Value Sales, YTD 3 September 2011

** RMS Instore 2009

† SIG, Total Convenience Impulse, Value Sales, MAT to 3 September 2011

Wall’s ice cream & the Six Steps to Sell


Unilever and Sam Chapman of Paperlane (an independent newsagent) in Eastbourne worked together to show how implementing the “Six Steps to Sell” can grow your ice cream sales. Sam saw a 230% increase in units sold in August compared to her July sales, following Unilever’s visit.

Is your ice cream freezer missing something? m basket? ea cr e ic e ls u p im n a Are you missing ers been lost or it id iv d n io is iv x a M r Have you s a lid broken? a H e? b tu t h g li ew requires a n Lost a lock? - and that if an ment items in stock of replace carry a wide range em next day? can often deliver th Did you know that we we en th m 3p re fo ced be order for them is pla




Light Tubes

Cornetto Soft Dispensers


If you need a replacement part for your ice cream freezer just call 0845 127 2527 with your freezer serial number to get it replaced.



0845 127 2527

Customer Information

Total Refrigerat ion for those Custom have teamed up with Bibby L easin ers months rather who wish to pay for equipmen g to offer leasing than paying the t* whole purchase over a period of The initial outla y is minimal – as price at the star little as three mo You choose the re t. nths paymen

● payment period ts to start with. – from 2 to 4 years ● Not paying th . e full amount at the start means ● VAT is paid on that your capital each payment th can be used elsew at is made mont here. can also be a sig hly rather than ad nificant sum. ded to the purch ● Whilst ice cre as e price at the sta am is being sold rt - which from the freezer to use saved capit the profits can co al. nt rib ut e to the repayments ● You know how rather than havin much you need g to pay each mont ● Tax incentives h wh ich ca n on leasing – 40% help manage your can be claimed bu dg et purchasing. The s. back per year on customer is advis your tax bill as op ed to seek guida posed to 25% wh nce and advice fro en Please note that m their accounta leasing is only ava nt. ilable for bus All lease fac

iness use and is ilities are underw subject to status ritten by a custom For more inform . Call for details ers individual circ ation see www.b . umstances at the ibbyfinancialserv time of proposal. ices.com *Leasing is subjec t to a minimum order value of £1, 500. Business use rs only and writte n quotes upon req uest.

Can we help? 0845 127 2527 Our Customer Service Team are here to help ALL customers. If you have a question about your freezer please feel free to call us.

Freezer Warranty & Extended Warranty ● All freezers are sold with a 1 year full parts and labour warranty.

ty ● An additional 2 years full parts and labour warran

Redemption of your Unilever Ice Cream Voucher ● Where vouchers are sup plied,

as part of the freezer price, the approp riate vouchers will be sent by post to the custom er along with their invoice for the sale. ● Invoices (and vouchers) are posted to the customer after the freezer has been delivered and paid for. ● Vouchers should be sen t to the handling house in line with instructions clea rly stated on the reverse of the voucher. ● Vouchers will be redeem ed by the handling house and the cheque sent to the customer provided all terms & conditions are met .

Total Refrigeration One Stop Shop


Model Ben & Jerry's Counter Top 65 Ben & Jerry’s Queue 6 Ben & Jerry's Vista 6 / 12 Rio H100S / Rio H150S Storage Freezer

Additional Warranty Cost £(Ex. VAT)


Wall's Cornetto Soft Wall’s Queue 6 Wall's Vista 6 / 12 / 18 Ben & Jerry's Hawking Trolley Carte D'Or SP6 Wall's Hawking Trolley Wall's Take Home Island 150 Ben & Jerry's Midi Vista 280 Ben & Jerry's Upright Vista 500 Carte D'Or Top 7 Walls Maxivision III LED Wall's Slimline Maxivision III LED



Wall's Take Home Island 200 Wall's Take Home Island 250 Wall’s Take Home Mini B-Ice Wall's Take Home Upright Vista 500 Carte D'Or J7 Extra Wall’s Take Home B-Ice Carte D'Or J9 Extra Carte D'Or Rumba 10 / 13 Wall's Take Home Upright Vista 1100

0845 127 2527

£165 £220 £275


Spare parts & Customer information

d, in conjunction with Unilever UK Limited has develope Stop Shop’ facility ‘One a ted, Limi tion igera Total Refr In addition to rs. ome cust ring cate for our retail and ing edge of lead the at supplying ice cream freezers care, Total Refrigeration l enta ronm envi and gy nolo tech tional warranty on Limited can offer customers addi disposal of redundant and ction freezer purchases, colle ted can offer a range of Limi tion igera Refr l Tota . zers free customised, covering a equipment, both standard and e requirements. hous of range of front and back

se: can be purchased at the time of your freezer purcha

Warranty Exclusions

g faults not Total Refrigeration Ltd reserve the right to charge for the followin Faults caused by the incorrect siting of the cabinet, eg. using outdoors, siting in windows/drafts etc. Faults resulting from incorrect installation. Faults resulting from electrical supply, plug or fuse problems and use of electrical extensions. Faults caused by water supply failure or other plumbing or drainage problems. Calls requiring adjustments to thermostats, timers, controllers or on/off switches. Faults caused by defrosting cabinets or faults resulting from lids not being closed. Faults resulting from lack of maintenance e.g. blocked condensers, blocked drains, filter changes etc.

covered by the warranty:

Faults caused by exceeding the load level or incorrect product in the cabinet e.g. ice pops in freezers, warm drinks in chillers etc. (this may affect performance and increase operating costs). Faults in lids, frame or cosmetic damage, not notified at the time of delivery or installation. Replacement of seals/gaskets or fluorescent light tube/lamp replacement. Faults caused by operator misuse. Product or any other losses. Please note that the warranty is not transferable. For full terms and conditions of business and warranty terms and conditions, please refer to our website: www.totalrefrigeration.co.uk All new freezers have a quick start guide attached to the rear.

Terms and Conditions

ons which can be found at our website All orders placed with us are subject to our terms and conditi and conditions before placing your order. terms these with f yoursel ise www.totalrefrigeration.co.uk. Please familiar



The Unilever Freezer Sales Scheme is made available by Total Refrigeration in conjunction with Unilever.


This Freezer Sales Scheme is available only whilst stocks last and may be withdrawn without notice. We reserve the right to alter prices without notification. All items are subject to VAT at the current rate. All prices shown exclude VAT. Payment cannot be made by cheque.

3. 4. 5.

The Freezer Sales Scheme is only open to retailers in the U.K. Prices quoted include standard delivery to an unrestricted ground floor U.K. mainland site only. Prices available on request for delivery outside

12. 13.


The freezers in the Freezer Sales Scheme are purchased subject to a condition that the customer will stock Wall's branded impulse ice cream in 50% of the freezer space and that at least 50% of the total is visible space on the unit will remain Wall's branded. This agreement for 3 years commencing from the date of delivery but may be terminated at any time after the first year by giving not less than one month's notice in writing to Total Refrigeration Limited. any Any freezer supported by vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash or other goods other than those stated. Any vouchers lost or stolen cannot be replaced.


All new freezers are purchased with a one year full parts and


In the unlikely event of a breakdown, neither Unilever nor Total Refrigeration Limited will be liable for any consequential loss or damage other than repair of the freezer if within the one year warranty, provided that the freezer has been well maintained, is clean and is being operated in a suitable environment.


Cancelled orders and abortive deliveries will incur a surcharge. to Title and equipment supplied by Total Refrigeration Limited will pass


Unilever UK Ice Cream stock vouchers are supplied as part of the Unilever date Freezer Scheme and are valid for a period of 6 (six) months from the of invoice. Unilever UK Ice Cream stock vouchers are only available for redeeming against Wall's, Carte D'Or and Ben & Jerry's ice cream products.


Waste Electrical and Electronic Regulations (WEEE) - in accordance with the WEEE Regulations Total Refrigeration Limited is responsible for the final disposal of all equipment purchased on or after 13th August 2005 customers will be charged for the distribution costs at the time of

For more information on Point of Sale material please visit


the customer upon payment in full.

collecting the unit.


labour warranty.

parts For the avoidance of doubt, no refund will be paid on any orders (or of orders) returned other than where applicable under the warranty scheme.

Models shown are for illustrative purposes only. Please note freezer graphics may vary. the It is the retailer's responsibility to ensure that any products stored in nts freezer are insured and the retailer should make their own arrangeme in this respect.

14. 15.

the U.K. mainland.


of The freezers in the Freezer Sales Scheme are suitable for the storage as frozen products and should not be used to freeze down products such costs. ice pops etc. as this may affect performance and increase operating



on For equipment purchased before the 13th August 2005 Total Refrigerati both Limited will make a commercial charge on the customer that covers the disposal of the unit(s) and the associated distribution costs. or Total Refrigeration Limited undertakes to either replace free of charge of to put in good working condition (at it's absolute discretion) any parts in the freezer, or the freezer itself, that becomes defective, at all times accordance with the guarantee set out in Total Refrigeration Limited Conditions of Business which can be found at www.totalrefrigeration.co.uk/terms-and-conditions In the interest of product development Total Refrigeration Limited ns reserves the right to change any of the details, prices and specificatio within this brochure without notice. All freezer prices and stock voucher levels are correct at the time of going to press.

Total Refrigeration Limited, Unit 2A, East Tame Business Park, Rexcine Way, Talbot Road, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 4GX Tel: 0845 127 2527 Fax: 0161 366 7374 Email: sales@totalrefrigeration.co.uk www.totalrefrigeration.co.uk Consumer Credit License number: 6228 37/1 Total Refrigeration Limited Registered in England & Wales No 56226 2 Registered office: Unilever House, Spring field Drive, Leatherhead, KT22 7GR

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