With its workforce of 1800 highly trained and experienced professionals, TSS / Total Specific Solutions creates successful business- and software solutions to high information challenges. Solutions for now, but also for the future. Solutions that help you prepare for what lies ahead - Anticipating Solutions.
Financial key figures Total assets (x € 1,000)
Total number of employees (FTEs)
201,110 Net sales (x € 1,000)
Net sales by solution in %
4.2 Consulting
26.1 Softwarerelated services
18.4 ICT Services
EBITAE (x € 1,000)
22,417 51.3 Software
Net sales by market in %
Net sales in %
Professionals / staff ratio in %
6 4 4
55.9 47
ICT and communication Consumer market Financial services Government Healthcare Industry / industrial
Non-recurring Recurring
Staff Professionals
Key figures profit and loss account (x € 1,000) 2012
Net sales
Key figures balance sheet (x € 1,000) Total assets Group equity Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets
Net sales and EBITAE (x € 1,000)
Total number of employees (FTEs)
2010 2009
161,714 16,826
Staff turnover (FTEs) 2011
196,684 1,629
19,756 326
-266 1,689
Net sales EBITAE
Number of FTEs at 31-12-2011 Number of FTEs at 31-12-2012
Inflow Outflow
Contents 5 Foreword 7
Anticipating Solutions
13 TSS stronger together 14 Cooperation: pinkroccade local government, aquima and everest 16 Cooperation: joint arrangement of lease cars 17 Cooperation: Pharmapartners and Pinkroccade Healthcare 19 The TSS companies 31 our clients 33 Everest for Anva 35 Pinkroccade local government for the municipality of ‘s Hertogenbosch 37 Pharmapartners for Ncontrol 39 Pinkroccade Healthcare for ‘s Heeren Loo 41 Yonder for Exact 43 Tass for Royal Boon Edam 45 KZA for ABN Amro 47 TSS companies look ahead
A publication by Total Specific Solutions (TSS) B.V., Utrecht, the Netherlands Concept: conflictamsterdam.com Actualisation: overburen.nl / pantheondrukkers.nl
Foreword Cutbacks or investment? This is a question which not only divides the guild of macroeconomists, but is also an issue which concerns the IT-sector. What must a company, organisation or institution do if cutbacks have to be made? Investments in IT are often easy prey for those who are looking to save costs, while spending cuts are easier made with the aid of IT. In other words, making cutbacks in IT is the choice of management focused on the short term, while cutback using IT is a choice for the long term. The latter is what the people of TSS do daily: creating innovative and stable software for specific sectors, which is used to make business processes more efficient and effective. That is also the reason why TSS still shows good operating results, while the economic downturn has still not abated. The direction implemented in 2010 is bearing fruit: the discussions with clients are often no longer about our software products and increasingly about the market. What is needed to be able to operate distinctively and successfully? TSS is always one step ahead and formulates an answer today to the customer requests of tomorrow in order to offer real added value as a long-term strategic partner. This requires in-depth sector-specific knowledge which the individual TSS companies have in large quantities. Investments are also made in this: that is why anticipating solutions
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
is our distinctive hallmark and why we produce anticipating software. TSS is doing well. In spite of a difficult market in 2012 we achieved a turnover of € 201 million. The expectation for 2013 is, given the economic context in which our clients operate, consolidation of those results. The internal processes - from the production process to the supply chain – are monitored strictly, which offers opportunity to grow further with our anticipating product development. Meanwhile we are taking social responsibility, especially in these times of crisis, by contributing to the improved and more efficient functioning of healthcare, the government and the financial sector, among others. We are optimistic about the developments lying ahead of us. Our joint strategy and our position as the largest vertical market software company in the Benelux form a solid foundation to base the increasing collaboration on between the TSS companies, of which some successful examples are set out in this annual report. They are evidence of the added value that we at TSS offer our clients, the clients of our clients and to society as a whole (citizens, patients and consumers).
Ready for the future vertical market software
Robin van Poelje – CEO Matthieu van Amerongen – CFO Abdeluheb Choho – CMO
anticipating solutions
Clients have an ever increasing need for sector specific software. Therefore, each TSS company serves its own market and develops intelligent software for the client’s client.
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Generating business value by using anticipating software
Now that computing power is no longer an issue in information technology and the Internet can facilitate full storage for the increase in communication and information needs, new times have arrived. How are we going to apply all this technology to create added value? How can we develop applications which actually serve people, society and business? Electronic patient files have not been a problem, technologically speaking, for a long time now, but are legally and politically still a contentious subject. In this field, technology is only able to function optimally when opportunity has been created for it in society. In another area the break through of the tablet which creates possibilities for many employees who are able and willing to work on the go, but what is the effect of this on business processes? It means a turning point in IT. The first change was from computerisation itself to helping clients further with ‘horizontal software’, specifically developed for work processes such as HR, finances and logistics. A relatively simple service, because an accounting process at a retailer is not much different from that at a municipality. Now that most horizontal processes can be supported by software, the growth and the need of clients lay in the development of software for specific market processes. The application for a passport can only take place at a municipality and the provision of medicines is reserved for healthcare. Those kinds of sector specific activities can only be supported by vertical market software. The quality of this software is particularly determined by the knowledge the developer has of the client process. Somebody who applies for a passport clearly notices the difference when the software for the procedure is developed from the technology perspective which steps need to be taken for the application from a technological perspective or from the citizen’s perspective: taking into
account individual wishes and needs. One person is happy with a reminder for the extension of his passport, the other is not.
Quick and manoeuvrable In short, it no longer boils down to computer isation, but rather to the business of the client: what does he need to be able to operate optimally? What offers added value, what are the developments, which demands will arise in the future? TSS focusses on what the client will need later on to better serve his clients: anticipating solutions. This means designing with a keen eye on the client’s client, the end user. Because end users are becoming more critical and make increasingly high demands which companies and organisations have to find a way to meet. These dynamics present vast challenges for software suppliers, but also offer opportunities for new plans and business models. That is why TSS is quick and manoeuvrable, is positioned close to the market to pick up the right signals and this way enables its clients to build up a head-start with new solutions. TSS does not start with the current technologies in mind when creating these solutions, but rather from the wishes and needs of the market, or better put: of the end user. It naturally uses the latest digital options to the fullest extent: working online using tablets and smartphones, efficient cloud computing, and new services such as Software as a Service (software offered online).
Best practices The seven companies of which TSS is comprised translate this anticipating vision into their approach of the market they know like the back of their hand, with a clear focus on
healthcare, the government and the financial sector. For instance, PharmaPartners and PinkRoccade Healthcare are market leaders in unburdening the healthcare sector by means of smart, client-focussed software applications. But while 24/7 services have been offered in the healthcare and financial sectors for years already, a multitude of governmental institutions still have a nine-to-five mentality. That is why PinkRoccade Local Government focusses on local authorities and helps the public service providers become available to citizens outside office hours as well. The much used business engine Aquima, deve loped by an independent company with the same name, provides the companies and institutions with the advantage that they can configure the programme themselves and therefore can bring their products quickly onto the market. Added value for the client, added value for the government, added value for citizens. This is just one example of the cross-fertilisation within TSS: thanks to mutual cooperation, the companies profit from each other’s experience and best practices.
From technology to business TSS focusses on the core business of its clients and is continuously anticipating movements in the market and clients’ demands resulting from it. Additionally, the discussion partners on the part of the clients keep changing. In the past, discussions were mainly held with the Head of ICT, now it is more often the people on the business side of the operation. Since the question is not what technology can do, but what the core business requires. This shift also had an impact on TSS, on both the software development as well as the required competences of the consultants. These are even more important now that budgets everywhere have become pressurised and companies have the growing tendency to cut
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
back on IT. By focussing on the client’s core processes, we can explain that it is more efficient and effective to cut back with the aid of IT. This is no sales talk. When software makes it possible for someone to fill in a permit application completely digitally and can monitor its progress, this will save a lot in costs. Otherwise, one would have to process all this information at Town Hall. ‘Citizens are the cheapest civil servants’ according to PinkRoccade Local Government. Every TSS company is working on this type of cost saving and quality raising software solution: catering to, sometimes only the potential requirements of the end user, they show their clients how business can be generated by making intelligent use of (online) software possibilities.
Focus on what the business needs
The client’s client TSS is comprised of first-rate software companies, distinctive through their specific expertise and within their specific sector. Through mutual cooperation these companies are able to combine detailed sector specific knowledge with high-quality IT, resulting in functional applications to meet future customer requests. Because it is all about the client’s client, the end user. Thanks to the efforts of TSS companies, the end user will be served optimally, also in the future. There are plenty of examples of this within TSS. Mijngezondheid.net, for example, is an online software solution through which people can make appointments with their family doctor, read up on the use of medicines, and request an e-consultation. By involving patients in their own health, the costs go down but more importantly, the quality of the treatment increases along with patient satisfaction.
TSS’ anticipating software products
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
TSS stronger together
Based on mutual cooperation and by combining expertise and experience, TSS companies are able to develop innovative software products to provide their clients with an edge in their markets.
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Cooperation PinkRoccade Local Government Aquima & Everest
Citizens ask for a personal approach The citizen takes the helm
At the moment there is no sector where flexibility and efficiency are as vitally important as in the local government. Laws and regulations change quickly, municipalities receive more duties without extra resources and citizens want customer-friendly, 24/7 assistance, preferably online. PinkRoccade Local Government wants to make this possible for citizens and municipalities and therefore looked for a new digital and flexible platform to enable the interaction between citizens and civil servants. The technology of TSS’ colleague Aquima combined with the expertise of Everest met these requirements. Half a year later the first jointly developed civil affairs appli cations for marriage registration, moving house and births was ready. The municipalities received these applications enthusiastically.
Intelligent e-form ‘Municipality as a Service’ (GaaS) is the name of the jointly developed platform. PinkRoccade Local Government knows the ins and outs of Dutch municipalities, Everest is the partner in development and provides their experience that it acquired jointly with Aquima in mid- and front-office of the financial sector. Each work process within civil affairs has, thanks to the pragmatic input of various municipalities, been brought back to fixed process steps and processed in intelligent e-forms which citizens can fill in online. They do not have to leave home to register moving house or the birth of a son or daughter. This new method creates more time for civil servants, while still having full insight in the progress. They get a warning message if
important information is missing or next steps need to be taken. Any legal changes only have to be entered in a single place, even when the changes influence several processes.
Customer experience “For citizens as well as civil servants this is a more pleasant way of working,” says Mat Keijers, business manager at PinkRoccade Local Government. “And more importantly: municipalities benefit from lower operating costs thanks to this innovative operational management.” GaaS delivers more than just digitalisation of citizens, adds Everest-colleague Freek Lemmers. “It is also about the customer’s experience and a personal approach. Someone who wants to register their marriage, can choose their wedding officiant, directly make an appointment and even search for the wedding location online. This makes organising the wedding easier and more fun. In case of permit applications other functionalities apply, such as an explanation why someone is not eligible for a permit, or which requirements still need to be fulfilled.”
Within TSS several software companies each serve a specific vertical market. By mutually cooperating and by exchanging knowledge, experiences and learning points, the companies of TSS are able to bring better online software products onto the market more quickly. This example shows how a faster time to market is achieved in the local government sector by using the expertise accumulated in the financial market.
Realizing business opportunities with anticipating software Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Cooperation Joint arrangement for lease cars
Sector specific software is our core Total Specific Solutions is comprised of seven different companies with a shared market vision. At the start of 2007 a decentralised organisation model was purposefully opted for. The TSS companies, which each have become successful and leading in their field based on their personal entrepreneurship, continued to, for example, organise their own HR, financial administrations and purchases. In 2011, the internal cooperation between TSS companies intensified because they started to use the same brand image, while retaining their independent marketing methods and expertise. In the year 2012, the cooperation was continued, through which the separate companies, with their increasing experience, develop the added value of TSS as an umbrella organisation. Meanwhile, the first steps have been taken to also utilise the economies of scale resulting from the cooperation. With as an initial tangible result: the leases car contracts.
Advantages of economies of scale
For the clients the type of lease car that TSS employee drive has little added value. That is why the seven TSS companies decided to standardise lease car contracts. Matthieu van Amerongen, CFO at TSS, led the operation: “We made a selection of a certain number of cars and alternative methods of transport. Limiting the options saves money. Subsequently we chose two leasing companies that best suited our requirements. It was not a coincidence that these were companies we had already worked with in the past.”
Core business Employees of TSS will in the future still choose a car themselves, but the choice has been limited
to the selected car makes. Subsequently, the request of an offer was sent to the two selected leasing companies. Van Amerongen: “The arrangements for TSS-employees are the same at both companies. This way we should be able to save ten percent on the joint leasing budget, without this affecting the employees. From January 2013, only the lease arrangements are standardised, the practical implementation remains decentralised. We have agreed not to add FTEs to the central organisation of TSS. We will stay with our core business, as we have always said to our clients.”
Economies of scale The success of this first project gave us a taste for more, admits Van Amerongen: “Now other joint purchase possibilities have also come into reach, from telephone and laptops to recruitment and legal services. The objective is not to centralise, but to purchase non-distinctive parts efficiently. An initiative for shared services for finance does not belong to here, since it would affect our decentralised structure too much. The TSS companies are successful as independently operating organisations that can offer added value by cooperation with their TSS-partners. We want to keep it that way. But there is no harm in utilising obvious economies of scale.”
What are the advantages of economies of scale for clients of TSS? By saving on nondistinctive parts, we can invest more in, for example, the development of software products. This way we can provide clients with better software more quickly, software that fully meets their communication and information requirements.
Cooperation PharmaPartners & PinkRoccade Healthcare
An anticipating outlook on healthcare The biggest challenge in healthcare is to offer more and better care at lower costs. To this date the costs of care are still increasing for reasons such as the ageing of the population. The solution for this problem requires a fundamental change. A joint objective that connects all care partners is the absolute precondition for improvement. PinkRoccade Healthcare and PharmaPartners used this ambition to develop a care vision for the broad field that is healthcare. From family doctor, pharmacist and care groups - the field of PharmaPartners - to hospital, mental healthcare and care organisation, in which PinkRoccade Healthcare is specialised.
Starting points The care vision states five principles for ideal healthcare: • Make extensive use of medical details; • Use this care knowledge throughout the chain; • Involve the care user and people within his immediate circle; • Form a multidisciplinary, scaled primary care; • Ensure vertically integrated care organisations. These principles form the starting point for an anticipating healthcare system that is active at four levels: specialist care on a national scale, regionally organised care, multidisciplinary care in the local neighbourhood and care at home.
Specific What does this specifically look like? To start close to home: elderly people keep living in their own homes longer and receive the care they need there. They take a measurement at home through an App on their smartphone and send the results
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
to their family doctor. The family doctor works in a multidisciplinary team with, for example, the pharmacist, physiotherapist, district nurse, home care services and medical specialist. This provides clients with the best treatment advice. Also at regional and national level new coalitions are being forged, between hospitals or through the concentration of knowledge-intensive care at a limited number of locations. A client will be prepared to travel somewhat further for a specialist cancer examination, for example.
Personal choice On the basis of this vision PharmaPartners and PinkRoccade Healthcare have started working together on practical healthcare solutions, which start from the care experience of clients and anticipate new initiatives and forms of coope ration. The challenge is to connect all parties involved in a seamless manner, so that they can share relevant information efficiently and safely, can transfer this information and coordinate with each other. New mobile applications, in particular, make it possible to give care users more control and to involve them in their care. Through more information about the benefits and effects, and in consultation with the doctor, it is possible that more often they will decide not to seek treatment, for example because the treatment is more invasive than the condition.
More and better care at lower costs
Through the cooperation under the TSS- umbrella, PharmaPartners and PinkRoccade Healthcare can come up with actual anticipating software solutions, because the patient as the end user is essential and all parts of the chain are working together towards this common goal. This developed care vision can be downloaded from www.nieuwzorglandschap.nl.
The TSS companies
Accessible care, better service for citizens, more digital options for consumers: TSS guarantees successful and practical software solutions. An overview.
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
“Agility in the financial sector� Kees Buisman, Managing Director of Everest. Buisman has worked in various positions at Bolesian over the course of ten years, including the positions of operational director and Managing Director. Buisman is the founder of Everest.
Everest is the business engineering organisation that translates business problems into innovative and practical software solutions. With this we streamline the work processes of our clients: financial services providers and central government.
Can that be done more conveniently? This is the question that Everest business engineers always ask. They are called upon when clients seek to streamline processes that are complex and rich in knowledge, because this in particular is where it is difficult for companies to analyse their workflow at an abstract level. The specialists at Everest take the client’s domain knowledge and begin to work: asking questions, unravelling, understanding, restructuring and logically building up. This way complex knowledge processes concerning, for example, subsidies, sector consultations, indications, insurances and mortgages can be accommodated in a modern architecture. Everest provides the ICT-processes of clients with a uniform and future-proof
logic. Everest regularly uses the business rule platform for this, which it developed in the last decade: Aquima. In 2012 this platform provided useful services at, among others, the ABN AMRO Hypotheken Groep (ABN-AMRO Mortgages Group), where the online handling of mortgages for various labels and channels was streamlined in an innovative and practical manner. Also, the National Service for the Implementation of Regulations of the Ministry of Economic Affairs now relies on the Aquima software platform for the provision of subsidies and granting of permits. To develop the potential of Aquima even further, on 1 January 2013, Everest has launched Aquima as an independent organisation in the market.
Everest is experiencing a steady growth in the field of sourcing, also because many companies with up to 500 employees have insufficient expertise and volume to maintain their own IT-department. In 2012 specialist teams of Everest took on and completed complex IT-projects for several clients. The cooperation with Robidus is an example of a long-term project. Everest assists Robidus in this project with the continued development of a software programme, while this is still in use by clients who manage their HR-processes with the programme. This is Everest all over: bringing organically grown complexity back to logical structures that are ready for the future, through innovative solutions.
“Making life easier for municipalities is our priority” Han Knooren, Managing Director at PinkRoccade Local Government. Previously Knooren was co-owner and Managing Director at Yuki and held various executive positions at McKesson.
With a shrinking budget and a growing services package for the general public and companies, local authorities have a challenge in store for them. PinkRoccade Local Government, as leading supplier of municipal software and service solutions, wants to support local govern ments with new software, flexible solutions and adequate provision of services close to the general public. To increase our influence and to be able to offer clients more-for-less, we looked critically at the orga nisation and costs structures in 2012. We opted for a heavily simplified organisational model, which is attuned to the way in which municipalities are organised. Community Affairs, Public Affairs, Space & Environment and Operational Management. The use of operating resources has also changed, as the focus has moved to investment in innovation and new applications.
With the takeover of PlanConsult at the end of 2011, 2012 has become a dynamic year. Sixty-five municipal social services were migrated from the old benefit system to the integral CiVision Samenlevingszaken Commmunity Affairs ICT-suite. The suite for work, income, care and education gives municipalities the tools to carry out their core business more effectively - having citizens participate in the community and the work process. A big advantage is the central client file; no more fragmented information for each service, through which residents get timely support when they need this. The citizen is the cheapest civil servant you will find, that is the idea behind another innovative product: iBurgerzaken (iCivilAffairs). This digital portal has been developed in co-creation with almost thirty leading municipalities. In addition
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
to cost efficiency, this new application satisfies the need of modern people for electronic services: they prefer to apply for passports and register for marriages from the comfort of their own home. Because of this expansion of their duties, local authorities see the need to make choices in their core activities. In the field of IT, PinkRoccade Local Government is increasingly taking over more tasks from the almost 200 municipalities which the company supports: such as hosting in a private cloud-environment, taking over technical management and support of end users. In case of a number of municipalities, the back-office of public affairs is also contracted out to PinkRoccade. With the offer of this service pyramid, making life easier for municipalities has become an important priority in the provision of service by PinkRoccade Local Government.
PinkRoccade Local Government has been delivering company software and services to local authorities for more than 30 years. Half of all Dutch municipalities and numerous regional water authorities and provinces are successfully making use of the software solution that we have developed specifically for them. Because of this they are able to better carry out their statutory duties and to further optimise their operational management. So that they can eventually offer an efficient, fast and streamlined provision of service – online and offline to citizens and companies.
“More care with fewer resources” Robi Nederlof, Managing Director at PharmaPartners. Since 1989 he has been director of PharmaPartners. He obtained his MBA and Master’s Degree in Business Informatics, among other qualifications, at the Erasmus University..
PharmaPartners develops and manages care systems for family doctors, outside-officehours doctor’s practices, public and hospital pharmacies, medical specialists and integrated primary care organi sations. Our company is based on cooperation, as are our software solutions. We want to contribute to high-quality, affordable, effective and accessible care with software based on innovative developments.
Together with PinkRoccade Healthcare, PharmaPartners forms the largest software company in Dutch healthcare. PharmaPartners is specialised in software solutions for primary healthcare, from practice computerisation for family doctors and pharmacies to systems that facilitate the close cooperation between family doctors and pharmacists. PharmaPartners, as market leader, feels responsible to deliver more care at lower costs to the Netherlands with the help of IT. The operational fragmentation in the Netherlands, with more than ten thousand providers in primary care, makes an integral approach difficult. That is why in 2012 PharmaPartners together with PinkRoccade Healthcare developed a care vision that
does not make political choices, but approaches care from an organisational perspective. As innovations from ICT will play an important role in the improvement of care, PharmaPartners opts for the role of stimulator and innovator. In addition to making the computerisation of practices for family doctors and pharmacists easier, the develop ment of new instruments that can support patients is enthusiastically deployed, from eHealth to applications for the iPad or other tablets. Hence the start of implementation of the patient portal Mijngezondheid. net (myhealth) in Almere in 2012. This portal gives patients the control over their own care file and offers the possibility of interaction with the care provider. The knowledge institute affiliated to PharmaPartners,
Health Base, also offers patients more independence. Health Base manages medical and pharmaceutical knowledge and offers this in an understandable manner, focussed on the patient. Lastly, HI-Systems, subsidiary of PharmaPartners, offer a safe administration of medicines in hospitals and other care institutions. By linking the electronic prescription system (Klinicom) to the information system of the pharmacist, the risk of errors in the administration of medicines decreases. When medicine is prescribed to a patient, there is immediate monitoring of the medicine and thanks to a registration procedure, staff can see exactly which patient receives which medicine and at which time.
“A lot to be gained in healthcare by seamless connections” Ton Hafkamp, Managing Director at PinkRoccade Healthcare. Hafkamp has been active within PinkRoccade since 1992, and in management roles since 2004.
Better care through clever organisation, the exchange of knowledge and dialogue. There is still a lot to be gained, is the conviction of PinkRoccade Healthcare, who, with forty years of knowledge and experience in the sector, is the number one cooperation partner for improvement of care. In co-creation with care professionals themselves, PinkRoccade Healthcare develops future-orientated solutions for the GGZ (Dutch Mental Healthcare Association), care and hospitals. The starting point is the improvement of the interaction between care professionals and between professional and client, the result of which is an affordable, adequate and better provision of service. The prevailing ICT-trend is, also in the care sector, to choose for standard
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
solutions that are configurable and interconnected. PinkRoccade Healthcare’s answer: the integrated total solution of mijnCaress, Quarant CareCTRL and Geniq, where all partners work together seamlessly. For example, in the case an employee calls in sick, his/her client appointments of that day are automatically planned in for colleagues with free hours, the report goes to the personnel file and the Working Conditions Service is informed in case the employee has frequently been sick in the past. As healthcare is in constant flux, PinkRoccade Healthcare is as well: inquisitive, thinking ahead with the care experience and care value as the starting points and continuously working on the next step. In 2012 that step was made, among others, with the intro-
duction of mijnCaress and left a solid footprint behind. This new generation of electronic client files is suitable for smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop. Smart at the back and simple to use, is the motto. The contact between the client, his family and the care professional is central, but also matters such as administration, planning, expense claims and financing flows are accommodated in this innovative solution. Thanks to the mobile application’s possibilities, the New Method of Working no longer presents any problems. In 2012 the Pink Private Cloud could count on a lot of keen interest from the market. Care organisations are more prepared to contract out hosting and management services than in the past, so that they can concentrate more effectively on their core responsibilities.
PinkRoccade Healthcare innovates healthcare services by creating smooth connections between people, insights, capacities and systems. We develop, supply and maintain software products in co-creation with the healthcare sector, using operational partnership as a starting point. We believe that a proper exchange of information and actual dialogue between care recipient and care professionals and between care professionals among themselves, creates an environment which brings the right care and care experience to the care user. We make this environment intelligent and thereby contribute to adequate and affordable care in the 21st century.
The organisational structure of TSS
“Winning software and a great place to learn” Ramon Zanders, Managing Director at Yonder: Zanders has a solid background in provision of service and outsourcing and was previously managing director at SAP Partner Project for People Netherlands
As an innovative and entrepreneurial software developer, Yonder contributes to the success of software companies. We know how to translate future developments - in the market as well as in the field of technology and society - into practical solutions. We work on innovating and optimising software and design processes from our Romanian locations.
Technological studies are highly respected in Romania and tens of thousands of technological students graduate annually. That is why Yonder, market leader in the outsourcing of software development for standard software, works mainly from the Romanian locations in Cluj and Iasi. The highly qualified software developers there can offer the quality that Yonder’s clients demand and expect. Yonder standardises and professionalises the process of software development, assuring the client of timely delivery
at the agreed costs. In 2012 Yonder obtained the CMMI-level 3 quality mark, with which it reached a level of profes sionalism and predictability of the software development processes which both in Romania and the Netherlands only a handful of companies can equal. This is one of the reasons why Yonder is well-known in Romania and has the reputation to be a great place to learn. The organisation confirms this by attracting young talent through Code Camps, the informal regional communities of developers. But also by
participation in events such as TED-ex and by participation in technology competitions such as the Imagine Cup, in which two Yonder-employees reached the finals in 2012. The solid financial result and steady growth prove that the propositions of Yonder cater well to the needs of the market. Yonder helps clients to create winning software by professionalising the process of software development and by continuously inspiring them with all the possibilities (digital) technology and innovations and improvements have to offer.
“Software engineering for innovation” Edwin Manten, Managing Director at TASS. Manten was previously director at Imtech Technical Systems and business unit manager at Ordina Technical Automation and High Tech Automation.
TASS is a prominent developer of embedded software for high-quality technical products. The software-engineers at TASS are dispatched to work in the Netherlands and Belgium, where they develop, implement and smoothly run technical innovative software. The reliability of the software produced by the people at TASS has been proven; that is why TASS is an important supplier for producers of MRI-scanners and radiation equipment. In 2012 the business location in Belgium exceeded
expectations. While in the past TASS was mainly engaged in its capacity as supplier, this role has steadily been expanding to that of knowledge provider since 2010. This strategy bore fruit, as verified for example by the tender acquired for the implementation of a new test strategy at ASML. In 2012 a successful trial with uCAN also took place. uCAN is an advanced platform which makes it possible to read vehicle data remotely and to make this available in a safe manner to vehicle fleet managers.
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
There is a significant commercial interest in this internationally unique product at the moment, which is sure to result in some sizeable orders in 2013. In 2012 TASS has taken preliminary measure to open a business location in Romania. The rapid growth of the activities in the Benelux requires extra capacity that is abundantly present, qualitatively as well as quantitatively, in Romania. TASS is therefore able to help even more clients to remain innovative with software engineering and advice in 2013.
TASS is a service provider in the field of technical software, embedded as well as appli cations. Our provision of service in this is attuned to the wishes of the client and the nature of the solution. In addition, we participate as an equal partner in - or as a contractor of product development processes.
“Security and test optimisation are the top themes” Ronald Kasteel, managing KZA. Previously Kasteel filled various management positions at Ordina, including that of CEO.
KZA is manager of software quality. The starting point is high-quality and reliable software with which organisations can achieve their objectives. We enable our clients to control aspects such as functionality, security, flexibility and costs and we give independent advice to reach solutions that make a difference.
KZA is the number one expert in the field of information security, quality assurance and testing. After a few slow years the company once again is at the cusp of growth. A thorough review preceded this in 2012. Behind the scenes a more solid foundation was being built - the right specialists, terms of employment in conformity with the market and a clear positioning. KZA has an outspoken vision of what good and safe software is and must be, and delivers to clients the expertise to set the standards higher and to maintain them. This expertise also translates, increasingly, into visibility through trade press, work-
shops or seminars in the sector. Security is a dominant theme, in that KZA looks further than the security method, but also analyses the organisation and the internal awareness of data security. Together with TSS company PinkRoccade Local Government, KZA launched a new security service especially for municipalities through which municipalities can comply with current guidelines. Using a series of scans the vulnerable places in the infrastructure are detected and dealt with. The municipality of Veere was the first to purchase this service. The initiative of test optimisation is also new, and can
offer an important reduction in costs to clients and software that meets their expectations. Many organisations perform too many tests, and on the wrong issues. KZA assesses the current testing process and then delivers an improvement programme for more effectiveness at lower costs, varying from employee-workshops to the improvement of the methodology or outsourcing of the testing process. Thanks to the major internal renovation, relevant new services, the loyalty of existing clients and new parties that KZA attracted, the company ended 2012 with a solid future perspective.
TSS 47 in top 100 of Europe’s best software companies th
our clients
Whether it concerns data security of a bank, a central client file for a municipality or automated access via a touch screen, each TSS company offers results and added value.
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Roel van Dijk director, ANVA
Everest/Aquima for ANVA
Online power for the benefit of the consumer
These are dynamic times for the insurance sector. Intermediaries no longer receive commission and critical consumers start their search for insurance by comparing prices on the internet. Saving costs and attracting customers through good service is the new credo.
The number one involved and expert partner in computerisation, creating value for the insurance sector
Business rule engine in combination with the basis software package ANVA: from policy offer to back-office
Connection to new internet technology, one single standard, different for each client, short development time
How it began
The result
“The financial crisis, a shrinking market, the internet as an increasingly important sales channel: these impact the demand for insurance companies and intermediaries. Our services must be faster and cheaper and user-friendly for our clients’ clients. This means innovating at high speed: connecting to the need for new internet technology and standardisation. For example, when a new policy is accepted, the data is often entered manually. This can be automated further. We had the choice to develop a new product ourselves or to make use of an existing product. We chose Everest: they could deliver quickly and had the best product qualitatively. More importantly, we were searching for a partnership, not a supplierclient relationship. Everest was prepared to invest in this and to adjust their product on certain points. Their company culture also fitted ours: reliability, expertise and flexibility. They understand our product and our market.”
“The basic software of ANVA has been extended with Aquima, Everest’s business rule engine. With this system, our clients have one single package for their entire operational management, from online policy quotation to acceptance and processing in the back-office. This way the system can, on the basis of entered product know ledge, rules of acceptance and experience facts, quickly make an online offer to consumers, or propose various options. For example, in case of car insurance, the premium depends on the age of the driver, where he lives and the car make. We are introducing the new Aquima OEM-solution to our clients in phases. The interest in the new option is high. Aquima not only offers more online contact possibili ties with consumers, but is financially accessible thanks to the standardised form in which we offer it. This increases the scope for action.”
“Bundling their strengths is beneficial to both companies. For Everest it is a way into a new market, for us it is the extension of the provision of service. For both it means business opportunities. If clients want further-reaching solutions than the basic package, such as a digital insurance portal, then we can develop these together. The proof of concept is there: with this new product we demonstrate what we can do together.”
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Leida Rasing Director of Labour Market and Social Affairs, municipality of ’s-Hertogenbosch.
PinkRoccade Local Government for the municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Support and service provision starts with knowledge about the client
The municipality of ’s-Hertogenbosch wants to accommodate as many social domains as possible within one system. Care was the first to switch to CiVision Samenlevingszaken (Social Affairs), Income followed mid 2012. The Work-domain will follow in 2013. By means of an innovation pilot, a new application was made available for Youth & Education.
The independent citizen is the starting point of the policy
CiVision Social Affairs - central client profile by linking social domains
All client information is bundled, the client does increasingly more himself, more service at lower costs
How it began
The result
“The cooperation actually grew organically. A few years ago, the Care module, which we used for the provision of social facilities, had to be replaced. During the process of outsourcing, CiVision Social Affairs stood out: a renewed package, standardised, but still sufficiently adjustable to our wishes. That standard was the most important requirement; less labour-intensive and therefore cheaper. In addition, the quality had to be high and we wanted to be able to link more aspects of social affairs to exchange data. Support services are based on the knowledge of the client and knowing in which areas you, as a municipality, have already had contact. For example, a family applies for debt assistance, however there can also be an existing addiction problem or social services has already visited them.”
“By bundling this information in CiVision we can help the family better and fewer care providers will be visiting. Another example: during a home visit every employee can open the central client file online, view data, add to it or enter a new request. Imagine that someone applies for a transport facility through the Social Support Desk, it would then be useful to know if the same application has also been made to Youth & Education. This prevents people from shopping at different departments and it helps us to handle our available budget more intelligently. Ultimately we are heading for digital provision of service. A resident himself can digitally view his file and increasingly arrange matters from the comfort of his own living room. Because of this flexible system we are ready for this development.
“This demands PinkRoccade’s support and speed. I like to call it a partnership with a hint of business. We make clear agreements, adhere to them, but there is also space for interim adjustments where necessary. The end goal is a realistic and feasible package. At the moment we are thinking together about the further development of the new application for Youth & Education. It is an innovative pilot: we have the substantive expertise, they have the set-up. When we are satisfied with the result later on, we will also start using the application.”
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Sander Benraad Director NControl
PharmaPartners for NControl
More profit, transparency and better service through co-creation
NControl started in 2010 with the improvement of the computerised business processes in the pharmacy sector. By linking the pharmacy information system Pharmacom to the online database of NControl, independent pharmacists can make more cost-efficient purchases and they have an overview of which patients have been provided with which service.
More profit for pharmacists through online support and better computerisation processes
Linking systems: In the process of entering subscriptions the pharmacist will receive a message about an attractive alternative product or additional information
Market leader with Pharmacom, thinking from the perspective of the end user, efficient workflow: effective and transparent
How it began
The result
“To be able to work properly, NControl needs data from the pharmacy information system. The step toward PharmaPartners was logical. Together with Pharmacom they are the market leader in the sector and therefore an important party to make agreements with. Now we have a proper division of tasks, each in their own territory. Pharmacom focusses on the local processes, NControl on the areas of central support and remote distance services. Pharmacists are currently under heavy financial pressure. Efficiency, more transparency to insurance companies and higher returns are important focus points in the market. This is the starting point of the cooperation between Pharmacom and NControl.”
“By linking the systems we contribute to these objectives. For example, pharmacists have made agreements with health insurance companies on additional services. This way elderly patients, who use several medicines, get an annual medication review, often in cooperation with the family doctor. NControl selects the patients on the basis of information from Pharmacom and informs the pharmacies when it is someone’s turn. Thanks to NControl, pharmacists can inform health insurers, clearly and in a simple manner, about which services they have provided to whom. This way they also provide insight into the importance of the provision of care. Consumers want to know this as well, especially as they are increasingly more active online. Transparency and good service are essential for pharmacists to be distinctive. The cooperation between NControl and PharmaPartners makes this possible.”
“Over the past years PharmaPartners has clearly opened itself up to the market. Listening closely to the requirements and seeing what their role can be in this. It is striking that the company also thinks together with other parties. I find that a fundamentally positive attitude: taking responsibility in the market, even outside of their core business.”
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Paul de la Chambre Chairman of the Supervisory Board, ’s Heeren Loo
PinkRoccade Healthcare for ’s Heeren Loo
Dozens of opportunities for improving quality
Offering better care with less money and being able to monitor new developments. When that cannot be accomplished with the in-house ICT, sometimes the best solution is: discontinue and rebuild. Therefore, ‘s Heeren Loo, the largest care provider in the Netherlands, opted for the introduction of the total mijnCaress package by PinkRoccade Healthcare for the care of people with mental impairments.
Care for people with a mental impairment, based on the idea that all people are unique and want to make their own choices.
Improvement of quality and transparency thanks to the integrated operational management of mijnCaress, from client file to back-office. Especially tailored for care homes, care for the disabled and home care
New working method for 10,000 employees, better quality, fewer risks, going live earlier than planned
How it began
The result
“At the time I took up my position, some five years ago, ‘s Heeren Loo was a fragmented organisation, comprised of five sectors. Everything was in quintuplicate, from payroll administration to ICT. The computerisation was poorly organised, inflexible and the electronic client file (ECF) did not meet the requirements. Standardisation was sorely needed. After a good outsourcing process, PinkRoccade Healthcare came out on top. With computerisation, it boils down to faith in ability and to trust the feeling of being on the same track. PinkRoccade is prepared to invest in the solution and to think along about the best structure. Just the introduction of the new ECF on its own and the accompanying training for more than 10,000 employees is a big project in itself. When there are obstacles, we sit around the table to find a solution. This mutuality is precious. In January we went live with the ECF, even earlier than planned!”
“The new ECF and the digital possibilities offer dozens of opportunities for improvement of quality and our care. Wherever employees are- at the home of a client or on location – they can consult and update someone’s file on their tablet. This saves valuable time and simultaneously limits the risk of errors in medication or errors during transfer. An incident report in a separate note can get lost and an employee can get sick. Parents also want to know how their child is doing; this is now possible because they have online access to the file. Daily reports could potentially be added to this service.”
“The proper provision of information is ultimately the basis for determining the course of the organisation. Our sector is dealing with the necessary changes to the system. Often it is not the change itself that is the problem, but the speed of implementation. From now on, through transparency and simple information, we can react and adjust more quickly when necessary. “
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Bert Siekmann Manager Product Management, Exact
Yonder for Exact
Flexible interface for own development department
Exact invests heavily in the further development of its business software. Innovation, simplicity and knowledge of the market are the keywords that dominate the current and future playing field of the internationally reputable software suppliers.
Smart solutions which seamlessly connect to sectors and business processes. Starter or multinational, helping Exact to grow.
Service management: new standard software, developed with Yonder
Fast switching and short development period, higher profit margin with new standard software, strategic partnership
How it began
The result
“Innovation is crucial to our success as well as that of our clients. It all starts by making clear choices. Additionally, our business software solutions focus on horizontal business processes such as HRM, CRM and Finance, in particular on three specific market segments: retail trade & distribution, production and provision of business services. We develop suitable functionalities for each market. Exact also works vigo rously on cloud computing and mobile Apps. Since 2010, Yonder has been a part of our virtual development team. We know our clients and their sector like no one else, our development team in Malaysia guarantees a competitive price and Yonder adds extra capacity, knowledge and skill to the development of standard software. They do more than lend a helping hand: Yonder is a flexible interface for our own development department, through which we can switch and scale up quickly. This reduces the development period.”
“In November 2012 we have thanks to Yonder - launched a new solution within our web based package Exact Synergy Enterprise: service management for companies that offer their clients a product-with-maintenance contract. To start with the basic tools to be able to carry out all activities as (cost) efficiently as possible, from service contracts to the planning of maintenance and the administration of incoming customer requests. In addition, the iPad-App is available. This makes the life of maintenance engineers much easier. The address, the problem and the possible solution appear on the screen. The App then finds the shortest route to the customer with Google Maps. It records any damage with the built-in camera, after which the customer signs digitally and the invoice is sent automatically. By being super-efficient, we help companies make their profit margin as large as possible.”
“Yonder is ambitious just like Exact, and that is good. We are growing towards a strategic partnership, past the hour-invoice-mentality or ‘you ask, we turn’. A good partner is pro-active, thinks critically along with you and guards the boundaries. Apart from this, our company cultures also fit together. We are pragmatic, hands-on, focussed on the human dimension, while being professional and focussed on results at the same time.”
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Gijs Bakker Innovation manager, Royal Boon Edam
TASS for Royal Boon Edam
From construction product to human interface
A control panel with buttons is no longer sufficient for the revolving door of the future. For this reason, manufacturer Royal Boon Edam was searching for the expertise of the evolution from buttons to touch screen.
International market leader in revolving doors and security products. Core values: clientfocus, expertise, innovation, energy conservation
Control panels through touch screen, suitable for computerised and the user-friendly access trend
Quality and reliability of process and product, simple scaling up with flexible project team, on-time delivery
How it began
The result
“A hundred years ago we mainly delivered doors - a construction product, nowadays our product is about human interface: usability and efficiency. Who is allowed to enter, and how do you process as many people as possible in a short amount of time? A control panel with buttons is no longer sufficient for the growing number of functions. This would require too many buttons. Hence the change to touch screens. TASS thinks along with you about the development of this interactive screen. We understand the door controls, they know the world of Apps and swiping. Furthermore, TASS knows how you can connect two worlds under one umbrella and how to disconnect them. After all, the door lasts ten years longer than the screen. Also, the interface must connect to all Boonproducts and be future-proof, so that we can cater quickly to any extra wishes clients might have. Today it is a barcode, tomorrow a mobile payment system.”
“Thanks to the progressive knowledge and skill of TASS, we can make use of the latest software techniques and technologies, due to which we will bring a high-quality and innovative system on the market next year at reasonable costs. Boon will then be at the forefront of the market with this system. We are now still in the early stages of the process, but we are looking forward to a long-term cooperation. TASS is good at understanding our sector and clients and knows the Boon-operating platform. The challenge is to translate this knowledge into a specific product that users will intuitively ‘get’ and with which clients can manage passenger flows and regulate access.”
“A movement can be seen in the market from security check everyone - to trust giving people computerised ccess on the basis of conditions entered in advance. It is going in the direction of self-service, at the airport as well as at the office. Our new system connects seamlessly to this new trend. For example, during the day everyone enters the office with their passes, at night only those who are authorised for this. If there is no reception area, then the system will indicate to which floor somebody has access. The controls can also be linked to the central control room. In case of fire, the facility manager is able to close or open all doors with one swipe using his smartphone from a remote location.”
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Michiel van Rees Vellinga Head Functions Solutions, ABN AMRO
Momentum created for improvements
These are turbulent times in the financial sector. During the past years ABN AMRO has undergone numerous changes, all of which had their effect on the internal IT-structures and the reporting processes dependent on them. KZA received the assignment to analyse the requirements of the integration tests, based on their expertise.
As one of the largest banks in the Netherlands, ABN Amro creates long-lasting value for all stakeholders: customers, shareholders, employees and society as a whole.
Optimisation of integration tests of Finance and Risk reports
Own online survey tool for audit, employees, those directly involved, broad support base
How it began
The result
“During the past years our organisation went through the necessary changes and all those changes must be implemented throughout the chain to always obtain the correct reports. Internal as well as external reports. It was time to check whether we were actually testing all those changes in the right manner. As the person responsible for the IT-organi sation which carries out the testing activities, I did not want us to perform this investigation ourselves, but I wanted an independent specialised party to do this. Our Centre of Excellence within the bank recommended involving KZA. I did not know KZA, but I liked their approach. I gave them free reign.”
“Within three months’ time a KZA-team of only a few men obtained all necessary information here. They did this through desk research, but mainly by interviewing many people. They did this very well: they interviewed from top to bottom, including the people who were directly involved in the testing. In addition, they made use of an internet-tool and a TPI-survey specially developed for this type of audit which was brought out to a large group of employees. This way everyone provided input, which was what we aimed for. They wanted the collected information not just to be anecdotal, but also to have statistical relevance. This resulted in a report which proposed a large number of improvements and it indicated where they could be achieved.”
“Because so many people within the organisation had spoken with the team of KZA or filled in the survey, awareness of and a support base for the coming changes was created at the same time. The results of the KZA-report met my expectations. Thanks to KZA, I now know our points of attention and I know where I have to start and what the focus must be. The KZA-team has created the momentum to start implementing improvements.”
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
TSS companies look ahead
What kind of developments are expected in the healthcare sector, within government or in the financial services? TSS looks ahead and anticipates.
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
Vertical market Healthcare PharmaPartners:
From service provider to stimulator by forging coalitions Homediagnosis with mobile applications
Rapidly increasing costs within healthcare necessitate more efficient care. This is difficult to achieve, because primary care in particular is operationally very fragmented. The inadequate infrastructure in the field of the provision of information and the sharing of knowledge does not work beneficially towards mutual cooperation between care providers, insurance companies and patients. Precisely in this area a software company such as PharmaPartners can make a difference.
New instruments The capacity for innovation within healthcare is great, but good ideas often run aground due to structural lack of money. In 2012, PharmaPartners developed an anticipatory vision of care, which will be put into practice in the upcoming years. An important part of this is the exploration of the possibility of improving the organisation of healthcare through local initiatives and thus to facilitate better care. Thanks to the rapid development in mobile communication, the patient is enabled to make an important contribution to better quality of care. There are measurable indications of cardiovascular incidents, such as sudden weight gain through the retention of fluid. When a patient uses a ‘smart’ weighing scale every day to monitor his/her weight, an application can detect the sudden weight increase and sound the alarm, even if it is just by making an appointment with a doctor. Many new instruments will have to be developed for self-diagnosis like this with mobile
applications. Although it is difficult to predict in advance which initiatives will actually contribute to better care, PharmaPartners expressly chose an anticipatory role when it comes to this development. Not only in the field of software, but also in forging coalitions between patients, care providers and insurers. All parties involved must, of course, get accustomed to the new possibilities for cooperation. Mijngezondheid.net serves as a successful example for this.
New medicines The relationship between doctor and patient is changing as a result of new software solutions, the same applies to the relationship between patient, pharmacist and pharmaceutical manufacturer. In the near future, a new generation of medicines can be customised for the individual patient, thanks to genetic profiling. Direct contact between patient and manufacturer increases because of this. A consequence in the field distribution will be that within the pharmaceutical industry a division will be made between the provision of information by pharmacists and the practical delivery of medi cines. PharmaPartners has built a system which is prepared for this development and facilitates the safe provision of medication: for care organised for individuals, in the neighbourhood, in the locality, regionally and nationally. In this manner PharmaPartners takes responsibility onto itself as software company and will contribute in the upcoming years to an important extent to the improvement of healthcare. Not as a follower, but as stimulator and innovator.
Vertical market Healthcare PinkRoccade Healthcare:
Exceeding expectations through co-creation The market forces that have commenced and the increasing demand for care require a different care system. Care organisations must work in a more business-like fashion, and at the same time provide quality. Hospitals are focussing more on their specialisms, which translates into short interventions between doctor and patient. The care-giving task is transferred to care and GGZ (Dutch Mental Healthcare). In addition, an increasing appeal is made on the personal responsibility of the care user and his immediate circle. To further improve care, and at the same time save costs, a change is needed in the system: more (multidisciplinary) cooperation within and outside the walls of care organisations and more dialogue between professionals, care users, and family caregiver. A good interface - with seamless connections - provides space for this dialogue. So that input and output are clear, information can be exchanged among all parties and medical data is also available to the care user or family caregiver.
Coordination of care themes The shift in care to cross-fertilisation and working in a multidisciplinary manner increases the need for vertical market software. No onesize-fits-all-solutions, but applications that are connected to specific care themes and target groups. PinkRoccade Healthcare, in cooperation
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
with the client, knows how to find the ideal balance between uniformity, costs control, speed of delivery and sector-specific solutions, through which care professionals can carry out their (shared) work optimally. One hot issue in every software solution is information security. Care organisations manage a larger amount of sensitive client data with the electronic patient files. It is a matter of social responsibility to embed this information regarding vulnerable target groups in such a way that the risk of a leak is minimal.
Cooperation as chance card To be able to quickly anticipate new developments, PinkRoccade Healthcare has substantively joined forces with PharmaPartners, the TSS-organisation offering software services to pharmacists and family doctors. The shared established care strategy is the basis for the shared developed solutions for the whole care system - from pharmacist and family doctor to disability and hospital care- which preceded a dialogue-driven and multidisciplinary care. This is a strong combination with potential: through co-creation, both parties unite the correct knowledge, market expertise and contacts, to develop products in a short time which surpass the market expectations.
Information security is a hot issue
Vertical market Local government
PinkRoccade Local Government
More services, more cloud The provision of public services is changing rapidly. Municipalities have acquired a central role in the life of Dutch citizens, from cradle to the grave. Benefits, job-seeking assistance, social support, youth care - more tasks have been given to local government, close to the citizen. At the same time, there is a need to strongly economise and more independence and personal initiative is expected from citizens. In their turn they set the bar higher for quality and accessibility of municipal provision of service.
Cloud basis for innovation at lower costs
Efficient organisation This demands faster switching and decisionmaking from municipalities: they have to do more with less. The focus on core tasks is an important trend which will continue in the upcoming years. Municipalities are focussing on the organisation at the front, which faces the citizen and determines the strategy. The efficient
organising at the back, such as ICT-management and back-office, are increasingly left to a private party with knowledge of the issues, whether or not in cooperation with the region. PinkRoccade Local Government caters to this need with the expansion of the provision of services. The service pyramid which the company offers clients, comprises of five service variants, from the delivery of flexible computerisation tools, takeover of the technical and functional management to support in the administrative handling of the public’s application. Cloud comÂputing is the basis for the future in this: municipalities do not need to establish their own ICT-department and can hire innovative forces at lower costs. This increases their speed of action. Furthermore, PinkRoccade makes great efforts in standardisation of systems, doing business in-house in a cost-conscious fashion and in substantive cooperation with TSS companies to be able to anticipate new market developments at an early stage.
Vertical market Central government and Finance Everest and Aquima
Simplicity in governance and finance, satisfied clients Everything has to be done cheaper, in the financial sector as well as in the government. Working efficiently, to be able to respond quickly to changes and to make choices in the tasks pack age is more important than ever. Ministries and agencies are working on simplifying policy and implementation, merging monitoring tasks and advisory functions or delegating tasks to municipalities. Change is necessary: the provision of service needs renewal. Consumers, citizens and companies prefer to arrange their own affairs, at any time of day. For example, to compare the costs of health insurance online, and then request a digital offer. Or simply arranging a permit on the tablet in the evening. Moreover, for the government it applies that by setting fewer and simpler rules, services to citizens and businesses have considerably improved.
Passing on work Everest’s flexible Aquima software platform, developed by the TSS company Aquima, with the expertise of Everest, enables financial institutions and authorities to put their digital provision of service in order and to maintain it, to serve clients optimally as well as to connect them and at the same time save costs. The platform converts the knowledge in the organisation - from permit requirements to acceptance standards for financial products - into clear rules and logical process steps, and makes this accessible online to citizens and companies. They can perform more actions themselves online and also follow the progress themselves. This saves employees a lot of work. For example, accepting a new policy
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
holder no longer needs to take place manually, unless it concerns an exceptional case. And the new client is satisfied: they were assisted quickly and know straight away where they stand.
Fast innovation The idea behind Aquima is ‘shaping knowledge instead of programming’. Because of this, innovation is within reach for both government and finance. Knowledge-intensive work processes are computerised in a short time and digitally available. Adjustments such as changes in the law, new insurance products or additional credit requirements can be entered by the organisation itself. The result is an efficiently run back-office and a provision of service that stays flexible and up-to-date. Clients reap the benefits. Through this method, agricultural companies can, as of recently, go to a central digital portal of the Ministry Of Economic Affairs for the application of subsidies. The portal was set up with the assistance of Aquima to replace the many loose applications that were running alongside each other. Also in the field of child protection considerable progress has been made. Parties such as the Child Care and Protection Board, the Police, the Youth Care Office, and the HALT Bureau (organisation to combat and prevent juvenile crime) were searching for a way of sharing sensitive information in a safe and effective manner. The Aquima-software now makes the effective exchange of this information possible between all authorities involved. At present, more than 1000 care professionals are working with this system.
Saving work, better service
Outsourcing software development is the trend Business tablet has different user requirements
There are few real software engineers in the Netherlands. This is different in Romania: the universities there turn out many highly qualified IT engineers every year. That is the reason why the software development at Yonder takes place mainly in the two Romanian business locations of Cluj and Iasi. The continuous influx of dynamic and idea-rich developers ensures that Yonder can continue to inspire its clients in the field of innovation. Yonder is the ‘trusted advisor’ for clients, continuously working on picking up which developments are being created and how these can be relevant to the client of the client.
Business applicability The keyword of the future is applicability: how can you make sure that what is technically possible can also be offered in a user-friendly manner? Because the movement in the market is clear: the tablet will be increasingly used for business purposes. Special tablet applications are needed for this purpose, with different requirements of use, context related user interfaces and the possibility of social interaction. Cloud will, as the infrastructure of an application platform, play a significant role, in which big data, the growing quantity of data which is collected, must always be made accessible in an efficient and intelligent manner. Yonder has gotten in line for this and made great efforts in high productivity platforms, which enable the client to offer new applications to
their clients cheaply and quickly. This is necessary, because technology changes at top speed: in two or three years’ time technical solutions can become outdated. At the same time the IT of a push-market is changing, pushed forward by technical possibilities, in a pull-market, in which one assumes that anything is technically possible and business will therefore require more functionality for less money.
Plug & play Applications are deemed to be ‘plug & play’, clients no longer have neither the money nor the patience for endless integration and implementation processes. This way the IT-partner changes from product supplier to service provider; the client will more often purchase a license for a monthly fee instead of investing considerable money in large software solutions. Companies, which are focussed on software development, will have problems, successful IT-companies will focus purely on market demand and industrialise the software development at the back through outsourcing and near-shoring. In a market in which the outsourcing of software development is still at an early stage, Yonder has already been successful for years with the professionalising, standardising and predicting of this software development process. The expectation is therefore that the current growth of Yonder will continue in the next years.
Innovation in seamless connections As a specialist in embedded software, TASS helps clients to manufacture better products, which they can offer to their clients with a shorter time-to-market. Reliability of the delivered software is of vital importance: clients such as producers of pacemakers and radiation equipment naturally do not accept anything less. However, also the automotive industry benefits from the quality of TASS. With uCan, the integral data registration system for personal cars, deve loped by TASS among others, leasing companies can at any time have all car data, from location and speed to acceleration, breaking force to tyre pressure at their disposal. TASS ensures that this information is available for safe online access through unfaltering mobile communication. The expectation is that the successful experimental processes we completed in 2012 will result in various orders in the next years.
Internet of things But development does not end there. The demand for mobile applications is becoming broader and more diverse. Cars in the near future must be able, in case of an accident, to warn the emergency services by themselves. It is one step towards the ‘internet of things’, where increasingly objects will communicate with each other, from domotics to street lights that
Total Specific Solutions 2012 / 2013
inter-coordinate light intensity. Systems are more often composed of smaller systems filled with embedded software, and the system as a whole is directed through a mobile App. How can we get the most out of this App and that equipment? That is the question the software-developers at TASS like to contemplate, because the innovation is precisely in the connection between those systems. And that is the field in which TASS feels at home.
Capacity expansion The greying of the population and fewer young workers in the Netherlands will have a large impact on healthcare. As a technical IT-specialist and system integrator, TASS sees numerous opportunities in 2013 in this field, where TASS-sister companies PharmaPartners and PinkRoccade Healthcare are already strongly represented. Their knowledge and clear vision of the processes in care provide various possibilities for cooperation and achievements in co-creation of software solutions to improve care even further. With the new TASS-business location in Romania, not only the necessary capacity expansion has been realised, but TASS now also has the advantages that near-shoring offers for fast and qualitative delivery of innovative embedded software.
Demand for mobile is broader and more diverse
Insight into the added value of IT New ways of testing and quality assurance
Society and clients continue to set new requirements for organisations. The IT which supports the operational management, must therefore be reliable, flexible and efficient. At the same time the question of whether it can be done cheaper is raised more often. Cost saving is an important driving force behind the client’s choice for more standard applications, such as the growing offer of cloud services. Another current movement is the outsourcing of computerisation outside of the Netherlands.
Company objectives These developments require a new way of testing and quality control. The effect on the company objectives will become more central in the measurements: distinctive capacity in the market and economic advantage. The role of KZA in this moves from test implementer (the supplier does this) to test management: helping clients to keep hold of the wheel by giving insight into the added value of IT. In this
manner organisations perform a more accurate assessment of when to make their own systems smarter and more agile to allow for distinctive core activities and where to deploy cheaper standard functionalities for support. Comparing is knowing, this belief also applies to the latest cloud applications: first testing and then selecting the most effective solution.
Improvement programme Another form of cost efficiency is test optimisation. There is still much to be gained: a quarter of the total ICT-costs is spent in the testing stage. Many internal testing procedures are time consuming and inefficient, because the tests are performed too late in the process or there are too many tests, and not on essential matters. By doing a series of audits with a realistic improvement programme, KZA seeks to make a specific contribution to improved testing processes of organisations and thereby considerable costs savings.
TSS 1 in Main 50 Ranking of Dutch best soft足warecompanies st
Other key figures
In thousands of euros 2012 2011 2010 Solvency Equity 57,309 44,732 34,663 Quasi shareholders’ equity 15,818 15,464 14,745 Total equity 73,127 60,196 49,408 Total assets 199,690 200,450 162,430 Solvency 37% 30%
Current Ratio Current assets 42,157 32,315 30,112 Cash 25,141 30,140 25,676 Total 67,298 62,455 55,788 Current liabilities 78,412 74,750 61,837 Current ratio 0.9 0.8 0.9
Net-debt/EBITDAE Cash -25,141 Long-term liabilities 37,538 Quasi shareholders’ equity -15,818 Amounts owed to credit institutions 14,399 Amounts owed to associated companies 121 Total 11,099
-30,140 50,387 -15,464 12,228 - 17,011
-25,676 47,575 -14,745 12,865 3,006 23,025
Operating results 16,956 Depreciation & amortisation 19,877 Exceptionals 227 EBITDAE 37,060
10,859 18,125 2,108 31,092
12,627 11,786 639 25,052
Net-debt/EBITDAE 0.3 0.5 0.9
Quasi shareholders’ equity concerns a liability in respect of which no interest payments and/or repayments are due in the short term. This liability is also subordinate to the related amounts owed to credit institutions. The ‘E’ in EBITDAE and EBITAE stands for ‘Exceptional’. The exceptional expenses are non-recurring expenses associated with acquisitions and restructurings. Operating companies are only permitted to state these expenses separately in the first year after acquisition. After the first year, it is no longer permitted to state exceptional expenses separately.
Total Specific Solutions Papendorpseweg 75 3528 BJ Utrecht +31 (0)88-660 33 33 www.totalspecificsolutions.nl
Everest Reitscheweg 55 5232 BX ’s-Hertogenbosch +31 (0)73-645 04 60 www.everest.nl
KZA Tolweg 5 3741 LK Baarn +31 (0)35-543 10 00 www.kza.nl
Pharmapartners Wilhelminakanaal Zuid 110a 4900 AA Oosterhout +31 (0)88-688 88 88 www.pharmapartners.nl
PinkRoccade Healthcare Fauststraat 3 7323 BA Apeldoorn +31 (0)55-599 92 00 www.pinkroccade-healthcare.nl
PinkRoccade Local Government Meerendonkweg 35 5216 TZ ‘s-Hertogenbosch +31 (0)88-661 00 40 www.pinkroccadelocalgovernment.nl
TASS Larixplein 6 5616 VB Eindhoven +31 (0)40-250 32 00 www.tass.nl
Yonder Nederland Papendorpseweg 75 3528 BJ Utrecht +31 (0)85-273 32 18 www.tss-yonder.com
Yonder Roemenië Calea Dorobantilor nr. 18-20 en 3-5 Cluj Napoca, Roemenië RO 4906881 +40 264 599 351 www.tss-yonder.com
TASS Belgium Gaston Geenslaan 9 B-3001 Leuven +32 16 24 16 80 www.tass.be
Total Specific Solutions (TSS) B.V. Papendorpseweg 75 3528 BJ Utrecht
T +31 (0)88 660 33 33 F +31 (0)88 660 33 40 E info@totalspecificsolutions.nl