6 minute read
Manifesting Abundance All Season Long
By Stacie roSe
In the Newbury award-winning folkloric, fantasy, adventure children’s novel “Where the Mountain Meets the Moon” by Grace Chin, a young child searches for good fortune. She travels far and wide to bring wealth and prosperity to her village, only to come to understand the abundance she already has. This wealth is in the form of deeply loving parents and a place of belonging. Once she realizes how abundant she has been all along, she returns to her village, where the dormant land and dying crops begin to produce green vegetation and food to feed her village.
Believe It
You must believe it to see it when it comes to living abundantly. Feelings of scarcity will only sink your ship. In other words, if you create a belief system around abundance, you will begin to see it in everything. How do we come to believe it? One must get back to basics and instill some positivity.
Back To Basics
Look at your life. Look at photos; look within the walls of your home and heart. Do you have someone to love and someone who loves you back? Do you have family or a close friend? Do you have a decent home, job or sweet pet? Aspirations? Food? Clean water? Dreams? Wishes? Something for which you are proud? A profession or passion that brings you joy? Take a good look at your existence and notice the things that bring you inner wealth.
You may have heard that abundance is a state of mind and a state of the heart. Dorothy Gale once spoke these words in the beloved movie “The Wizard of Oz,” “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard...”
This sentiment doesn’t suggest that one need not travel. It’s precisely the opposite. Part of travelling through life is coming home. We must travel to gain perspective, understanding and meaning. Whether travelling a short distance or to far away land, these experiences ofttimes help us more deeply understand the things that matter most. They are portals to enlightenment, illumination, and ultimately to our true selves. Whether you travel near or far, the moments spent along the journey provide the context for true appreciation of an abundant life.
Practice Abundance
You’ve probably heard people speak of the haves and have-nots or how the other half lives. And, of course, the grass is always greener on the other side. It all comes down to perspective, reframing things and steps you take toward abundance. You can practice mindfulness and anything under the sun. But when was the last time you practiced feeling abundant?
Smiling is contagious; studies have shown that people feel happier when they smile. Others smile back, and voila, you’re suddenly sailing a wave of good energy. The art of living in a state of abundance is similar. It’s moving through life with gratitude and acting as if. It means living as if you already have all you need and as if you’re the luckiest person in the world, knowing that more abundance is on the way and that you have enough to share.
Having it all could be your health, intelligence, a safe space, people who appreciate you, music and love in your heart, or a knack for cooking or growing food. The well is endless and overflowing.
Shifting Your Perspective
As our world becomes infinitely more complicated, challenges mount and we get knocked down a few times, it’s easy to bemoan the things we have yet to attain or achieve. We must pause. Social media constantly reminds us of the things we don’t have and how seemingly “not enough” we are. The litany of unrealistic portrays of perfectionism, fame, and wealth is a lot to process. How can we shake it off and pave a path to abundance?
There is a place where contentment and abundance merge, and we may learn that we possess way more than we ever realized. It isn’t an imaginary place or fictitious, farfetched destination. Still, it does take a bit of visualization, mindfulness, and a willingness to shift perspective. Putting it simply, we must continue to look within.
Counting our blessings doesn’t always come easy. Some of us naturally see the glass as half empty, while eternal optimists look on the bright side. Coming from a depleted, discouraged, deficient place does not make you pathetic, weak, or a negative person. It’s perfectly normal to feel less than when things get tough. Sometimes when it rains, it pours.
Turbulent moments are opportune times to tap into abundance. As a daily practice, it’s a huge pick me up and even a game changer. And, when the going gets tough, an abundant point of view can be just the thing to pull you through.
Rolling up sleeves and diving in will take grit and discipline. It’s essential to differentiate the type of abundance you are seeking. It may be feeling content in your relationships, home or sense of well-being that you are seeking. Inner wealth is a powerful, inspirational thing. Once you have clarity, you can begin to take positive action. You can lean into that feeling, allowing yourself to believe, get back to basics and begin to manifest.
A tried-and-true way to manifest wellness and shine a light on abundance in a sustainable way is to put pen to paper. You can even help your loved ones with this healthy habit.
Write It Down
When we write down our feelings and our most genuine thoughts flow from our hearts to the paper, we can sync up with our inner being. It’s a meditative, informative way of making sense of things. Writing helps substantiate things. Once you write it, you can begin to believe it, own it, make it so.
You may also see things you never noticed before you jotted them down. The spark that happens when you put words to paper is magic. If you were to list five things you were thankful for each day, you would realize that there are five things (at the very least) to be grateful for each day. Keeping a gratitude journal is a powerful tool. It takes little time and can change your mindset and the outcome of your day.
Breathe It In
A few deep breaths can change the trajectory of your day. Most people know it, trust it, and forget to do it. Five intentional breaths can change your disposition. Breathe out negativity, self-doubt and shame. None of that stuff serves you. Just breathe it right on out. Visualize all the abundance in your life as you continue to inhale and exhale gently.
Meditation is also a great way to center yourself in the present moment. Get comfy on a chair, yoga mat or plop right down on the floor. Two to five minutes can turn you around. If you’re not a meditator, perhaps you are a reader. There is no shortage of books about abundance.
The point is abundance can mean many things and come in many forms. The most crucial thing is to act, tap into that stuff and keep it flowing! Remain open-hearted, open-minded, and ready to receive abundance, cultivate it and care for that which you already possess.
Health Is Wealth
Proper food, hydration, movement, sleep and connection to others is vital to living abundantly. Feeling our best puts us in the right space to accept the gifts the universe sends and to create prosperity. Remember that self-love and small meaningful choices can make a big difference.
Quality food that is whole, seasonal and unprocessed is what your body needs most. Make sure you are getting ample plant-based nutrition. Hydration is not hard to achieve, but it takes discipline. Setting a timer throughout the day to keep on track with your water drinking goals works wonders. Getting out for a quick walk, soaking up some vitamin D and breathing in fresh air is a mood booster. It can help with anxiety, weight management, digestion and overall well-being. Your movement, your choice! Do something when you can because a little physical fitness goes a long way. Staying in touch with your family and friends may seem harder this time of year. Still, a quick coffee with a friend, a phone conversation or a journey into the world where there are people can be a pick-me-up.
Words of wisdom are good to fall back on when you need to regroup and connect with your own feelings of abundance.
Gentle reminders are sometimes necessary. As humans, we often overlook the beauty and blessings right before our eyes. But what if we gave gratitude a chance during this magical season and made living abundantly a priority? Things could look and feel very different.
Stacie Rose is a singer/songwriter, mother, producer, lover, blogger, integrative nutrition health coach, holistic lifestyle influencer and free spirit. She’s super passionate about making music, writing and helping others create sustainable wellness.