The specialists in solving problems, with furniture.
C ont en ts
Our classic range of proven beds and cabinets which pioneered the combination of durability and value with a homely feel for furniture across a wide spectrum of care.
This range of beds and cabinets offers the same qualities as Tough Standard and also includes the features needed to minimise ligature risk wherever this may be needed.
Optional Extras
Make it easy to customise your Tough Furniture to get just what you need.
Conventional sprung mattresses and choices of ‘secure’ and waterproof types.
Our enhanced range of beds and cabinets for the most difficult of care environments, with design features to cope with a wide and diverse range of challenging behaviours.
TV and storage cabinets with polycarbonate screens.
Hopesay Lounge Range
Contemporary good looks to the ‘Tough’ standard, a new range in oak
New varieties of upholstered seating with leatherlook vinyl and fabric covering choices.
Tables & Chairs
Dining tables and chairs plus height adjustable tables.
Kitchen Units
For lifeskills kitchens and any other environment that needs the Tough standard.
New furniture to optimise the learning environment for complex needs and ASD.
From large scale project to a complete one-off, we can make to order too.
Po lyc ar bo nat e Prot ect ion
Sp e ci al Ed ucat ion
Custom Made
Orders / Delivery / Aftersales / Environmental Policy
Track Record
View our extensive list of satisfied customers
Every care has been taken to represent all information accurately in this brochure. Colours are represented within the limitations of the print process, please ask for samples of material if required. Under our policy of continuous improvement Tough Furniture reserves the right to amend specification or availability without prior notice. Dimensions are given in millimetres to trade tolerances, to convert to inches divide by 25.4
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
The S pecialists
Solv i n g pr o b l e ms . . .w ith fur nitur e Tough Furniture is m ade for a diverse spectrum of care environments where challenging behaviours can pose a variety of problems. We have specialised in designing and manufacturing for these areas for 21 years and built up an unrivalled wealth of experience in the process. One of the company’s hallmarks is our award-winning track record of innovation and customisation in response to customers’ needs, driven by the application of new technologies. Tough Furniture first solves the problem of combining real durability with a homely feel, and delivers excellent value along the way through a build quality that means it lasts well wherever it goes. More than this, our close interaction with a wide range of care providers, frontline staff and their clients means we can also help manage and solve the idiosyncratic problems of challenging behaviours in care, as illustrated throughout this brochure. Our policy is simply to look after our customers by listening to their needs and providing furniture solutions combined with good service. This includes bespoke design if needed plus free delivery to rooms and continuing aftersales backup for maximum value and peace of mind. 70-80% of our business comes from repeat orders from satisfied customers, though we’re always pleased to meet new faces too.
Tough Standard - The Classic Range on pages 4-9
Safely Tough - Ligature Resistant Furniture on pages 10-15
Tough Plus - The Enhanced Range on pages 18-23
The Hopesay Collection - a new departure in oak on pages 24-27
The 2011 Awards
LORD STAFFORD for innovation and collaboration AWARDS
674 3 4 0
Finalist Innovation Achieved
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
The C las s ic Ran ge Tough Standard is our original range of beds and cabinets which first truly set the standard for furniture to be domestic in feel but also highly durable in challenging care environments. It has a long track record of delivering quality, peace of mind and excellent value for money for a wide spectrum of providers and service users. It also evolves as needs develop, recognised by our business award win for ‘Technology, Innovation and Enterprise’ The next five pages show the wide choices available and the construction details that set this furniture apart. On page 16 are the optional extras such as locks to help customise the choices to better meet your needs. ‘Safely Tough’ our ligature resistant range is on page 10, ‘Tough Plus’ for more specialised and challenging areas is on page 18, and our unique wide range of ToughView polycarbonate protection furniture is on page 21 THE QUALITY That Makes The DIFFERENCE
Face panels of 18mm melamine faced MDF to match cabinets
24mm birch multiply framing, mortice & tenon-jointed into solid beech hardwood legs and secured with steel screws
28mm thick pine slats are securely fixed with blunt screws. Solid beech headboard frames bolt right through the leg
Quality, Durability, Value
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
B eds B e d & H ea d b o a r d
( s i ng l e)
h 343 w 970 l 1995
SB-2 4’
( t hr ee q ua r t er ) h 3 4 3 w 1 2 7 5 l 1 9 9 5
SB-3 4’6”
( d o ub l e)
h 343 w 1425 l 1995
B e d & H ea d b o a r d + 2 D r a w er s
( s i ng l e)
h 343 w 970 l 1995
SB2D-2 4’
( t hr ee q ua r t er ) h 3 4 3 w 1 2 7 5 l 1 9 9 5
SB2D-3 4’6”
( d o ub l e)
h 343 w 1425 l 1995
Opt io n a l S o l i d B ed b a s e ( a v a i l a b l e fo r a ny b ed )
BB-2 4’
( s i ng l e)
( t hr ee q ua r t er )
4’ 6” be ds ha v e a s o l i d b a s e a s s t a nd a r d
Built to last
674 3 4 0
Mattress choices See page 17
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
S peci fi c atio n Doors & Drawer Fronts Made of hard wearing wipe clean melamine faced 18mm MDF in beech finish, or optional choices of other woodgrains or colours to suit all tastes ( see page 16 ). All corners and edges are rounded to a user friendly 3mm radius.
Hinges Standard hinges are double cranked, to give an exceptional 270 degree opening door. This means there’s no stress point where leverage will break them. Screwed from two directions for extra grip, all visible screwheads throughout are tamper resistant as standard.
Handles Standard are steel D handles with a matt chrome finish, securely fixed with tamper resistant bolts right through the door or drawer front.
Cabinets These are made from beech effect wipe clean melamine faced 18mm MDF, with matching 8mm backs. Fixed shelves. Delivered fully assembled, some larger items are in sections to bolt together.
Drawers Made of sturdy 12mm plywood, including the bottoms, on a strong steel runner (40kg) with an easy action. Hardened steel restraints are standard to prevent removal of the drawer from the cabinet.
Tough Furniture Cabinets are tested for Strength and Stability to BS4875 Parts 7&8(2006) Test Level 5 - Severe Contract Horizontal Surface Durability of cupboard tops tested to BS6250 Part 3 - Severe Level
Quality, Durability, Value
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
War dr obes /S to rage
Be d si d e C ab i n e t
BC £ 189
h 637 w 410 d 422
Bedside Cab in et wit h D rawer
BCD £2 4 0
h 637 w 410 d 422
Smal l C he s t of d ra we rs
CD3 £290
h 676 w 510 d 525
La rg e C he s t of d ra we rs
CD 8 £405
h 870 w 810 d 525 T oy / S t ora g e B o x w i t h l o ck s
T OY £263 £314
h 516 w 1000 d 495 w i t h ca s t o r s
Top boxe s t o fi t a b o v e w a r d r o b e s
Si ng l e W ar d r o b e
WT £ 350
h 1800 w 610 d 595
Sin gle Wardrobe wit h St orage
WD 2 £4 4 6
h 1800 w 610 d 595
D ou b l e W a rd robe
D WT £546
h 1800 w 810 d 595
Doubl e W a rd robe wi t h s t ora g e
WSU £595
h 1800 w 810 d 595
TBS £166
h 600 w 610 d 595
TBD £248
h 600 w 810 d 595
Built to last Optional Extras See page 16
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Stu dy
D e s k & C u pboar d Unit
CDK £ 452
D esk & Dra we r Pe d e s t a l
DDK £ 4 68
h 757 w 1010 d 525
CCB is key locked as standard, or optional starkey lock. Prepared for wall fixing (See page 1 6 for details). Supplied with a 6 way surge-protected power outlet so only one plug required.
h 757 w 1010 d 525
S i ng l e S t ud y De s k
SD K £204
h 757 w 810 d 525
S t ud y S he l f Uni t
S1 £84
h 5 6 0 w 800 d 230
Lowe r B ookc a s e U n i t
S3 £204
h 8 6 9 w 810 d 380
Co m p u t e r C upboar d
CC B £ 860
h 1800 w 810 d 595
Quality, Durability, Value Dining Seating page 34
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
S to rage
T o p B o o k c a s e Unit
S2 £224
h 98 4 w 8 1 0 d 2 3 0
Sideboard/D resser
SBD £560
h 1853 w 810 d 5 2 5
O pe n S t ora g e / Dre s s e r
S4 £428
h 1853 w 810 d 380
B ookc a s e
BK £298
h 1 8 53 w 810 d 315
S i d e b o ar d w ith Dr aw er
SB2 £ 340
h 869 w 810 d 525
Sideb oard Un it
SB 1 £282
h 869 w 810 d 5 2 5
Round C of f e e T a bl e
CT R £194
h 380 d 600
Re c t a ng ul a r Co ffe e T a b l e
CT £205
h 3 8 0 w 450 d 750
Built to last Optional Extras See page 16
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
L i gatur e R es is tant F ur n it u re
The ‘Safely Tough’ range has the same build quality as ‘Standard Tough’ plus the features shown below which minimise the most ob vious ligature risks while still retaining a homely feel, making it a straightforward and cost effective choice for areas such as mental health and secure accommodation. Some of our customers have extensive risk assessments which require a more focussed approach. This may be found in our ‘Tough Plus’ range page 18 or we can also offer our award-winning custom design and manufacture service. Tough Furniture is well experienced in meeting complex and unusual customer spe cification. Half Shelf Clothes rail (collapsible magnetic rail available on request)
Optional inset safety mirror
Heavy Duty Strip Hinge. Manufactured especially to our requirements has a much higher specification than a standard piano hinge.
Inset Handle Bolted right through
Optional Extras See page 16
Further options available with this range: Two types of lock Sloping tops Wallfix facility Inset shatterproof mirrors Colour choices
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
Box B eds
Bed base & panels made of 18mm melamine faced MDF. Internal 24mm Birch multiply framing to provide strength and stability and transmit weight to the floor.
S t a ndar d Box Bed
(s i ngl e)
(three qua r t e r ) h 378 w 1263 l 1948
(doub l e)
h 378 w 958 l 1948
h 378 w 1413 l 1948
Additional reinforcement bar is standard for wider beds, optional for singles please enquire.
This PU Box Bed features a polyurethane edge trim which is impact resistant and waterproof, moulded with a radius to all corners and edges.
P U Box Be d
(s i ngl e)
h 378 w 958 l 1948
Quality & Durability
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Mattress choices See page 17
B e d r oom C abi nets /W ar drobes
Quality & Durability Safety Mirrors page 23
Be d si d e C ab i n e t
SF - BC 2 £ 194
h 637 w 410 d 405
B edside Cab in et wit h D rawer
SF - BC D £247
h 637 w 410 d 4 0 5
Brackets for wall fixing included.
O pe n W a rd robe / S he l f Uni t
SF-WOW £576
L a r g e C h e s t o f Dr aw er s
SF - C D8 £ 418
h 818 w 810 d 525
h 1800 w 810 d 595
O pe n S t ora g e Un i t
SF-WOU £576
h 1800 w 810 d 595
Small Ch est o f D rawers
SF - C D 3 £294
h 676 w 510 d 5 2 5
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
War dro bes
Sa f e l y T o u g h S i n gle W ar dr obe
SF - W T £ 364
h 1800 w 610 d 595
Saf ely Tou gh Wardro be/St orag e
SF - W D 2 £460
h 1800 w 610 d 5 9 5
S a f e l y T oug h Doubl e W a rd robe
SF-D WT £570
To p b ox es t o fit ab ove wa rd robe s
SF - T BS £172
h 600 w 6 1 0 d 5 9 5
SF - T BD £259
h 600 w 8 1 0 d 5 9 5
sin gle
dou b le
h 1800 w 810 d 595
SF-WSU £623
h 1800 w 810 d 595
Sl o p i n g to p s a v a i l a b l e fo r a l l w a rd ro b e a n d ta l l s to ra g e u n i ts . Se e p a g e 16 fo r m o re d e ta i l s
Ligature Resistant Furniture
674 3 4 0
S a f e l y T oug h D o u b l e Wa r d r o b e / S t ora g e
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Optional Extras See page 16
Stu dy
Quality & Durability TV Protection page 21
Si d eb o ar d w i t h Dr aw er
SF - SB2 £ 359
Sideb oard Un it
h 818 w 810 d 525
SF - S B 1 £294
S i ng l e S t ud y De s k
SF-S D K £204
h 818 w 810 d 5 2 5
h 757 w 810 d 525
De s k & Dra we r P e d e s t a l
SF-DDK £474
h 757 w 1010 d 525
Fully lockable storage for computer, monitor and peripherals. Space for monitor inside: w 520 h 420 d 230
Secur e C om puter D esk
SCD £709
S t ud y S he l f Uni t
h 1 2 7 3 w 1010 d 600
S1 £84
h 560 w 800 d 230
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
A nt i Li g a tu r e Sh e l f
ALS £93
h 560 w 800 d 230
S to rage
T o p B o o k c a s e Uni t
S2 £ 224
h 984 w 810 d 230
B ookc ase
BK £298
O pe n S t ora g e / Dre s s e r
h 1853 w 810 d 315
S4 £428
h 1853 w 810 d 380
S i d e boa rd / Dre s s e r
SF-S B D £578
h 1853 w 810 d 525
L o w e r Bo o k c a s e Unit
S3 £ 204
h 869 w 810 d 380
Ligature Resistant Furniture
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Dining Seating page 34
Opti onal Ex t ras These optionals extras can be added to ‘Tough Standard’ or ‘Safely Tough’ ranges to customise the furniture in order to better meet your needs. They are already fitted on the ‘Tough Plus’ range. Lock Options Individual Key Numbered for personal privacy and for ordering replacements. Masterkey available. L £19.50
Wallfix Preparation Cabinets are fitted with brackets. Fittings are supplied. The back corners are cut out to suit the skirting size, so the cabinet fits flat against the wall. WF £30
Starkey Can be added to any door or drawer for staff control access, needing only one universal key. Typically for clients with learning difficulties.
The skirting size must be supplied to us on order to avoid delay to delivery. We require the height and depth of the skirting board.
SK £19.50
Inset Handles Bolted right through the door or drawer front. IN £3.80 ea
These five optional extras can be added to any of the three Tough Furniture ranges Sloping Top Used in situations where climbing is an issue.
Bed Protection Tray Moulded plastic tray to fit into the well under the mattress of our single beds with wooden legs and a solid base. It gives both long term protection for the bed and easy, hygienic management of incontinence problems. PT £90
SP - Single Wardrobe £105 SP2 - Double Wardrobe £123
Extra Shelves Can be added to most cabinets
Castors Can be fitted to some items
ES £20
CS £50
Inset Safety Mirror Polycarbonate mirror recessed into door WM £45
h 400 w 300
These woodgrains and colours are optional choices for the doors and drawer fronts of all cabinets and for matching facing panels of beds, B eech is the default choice which is illustrated throughout our brochure with the exception of the Hopesay Lounge Range (Oak Only). Please add the appropriate code to items when ordering
B - Beech
A - Ash
LO - Lime Oak
BB - Atoll Blue
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
SB - Soft Blue
J - Jade
Mattresses All mattresses comply with BS7177 Ignition source 5 Medium Hazard Classification Standard Fabric Mattress 13 gauge interior sprung
MS £75
( s i ng l e)
h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 9 00
l 1900 (6’3” )
MS-2 4’ £86
( t hr ee q ua r t er )
h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 1 2 00 l 1900 (6’3” )
MS-3 4’6” £97
( d o ub l e)
h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 1 3 50 l 1900 (6’3” )
Water-resistant Mattress Interior sprung
WP2 £121
( s i ng l e)
h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 9 00
l 1900 (6’3” )
WP2-2 4’ £154
( t hr ee q ua r t er ) h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 1 2 00 l 1900 (6’3” )
WP2-3 4’6” £179
( d o ub l e)
h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 1 3 50 l 1900 (6’3” )
Secure Mattress: Solid foam core + PVC cover with stitched and sealed seams. Waterproof, wipe clean, hygienic and tear resistant for challenging environments.
SCM £248
( s i ng l e)
h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 9 00
l 1900 (6’3” )
SCM-2 4’ £330
( t hr ee q ua r t er ) h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 1 2 00 l 1900 (6’3” )
SCM-3 4’6” £373
( d o ub l e)
h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 1 3 50 l 1900 (6’3” )
Soft Touch Foam Mattress: Soft and breathable cover with heat welded seams, fully waterproof, wipe clean and hygienic.
HM £187
( s i ng l e)
HM-2 £275
( t hr ee q ua r t er ) h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 1 2 00 l 1900 (6’3” )
HM-3 £298
( d o ub l e)
h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 9 00
l 1900 (6’3” )
h 1 8 0 ( 7 ”) w 1 3 50 l 1900 (6’3” )
Foam Bed Base: Solid foam base with soft breathable cover with heat welded seams. Fully waterproof, wipe clean and hygienic. For use with soft touch foam mattress shown above.
* custom sizes can be made to order
674 3 4 0
FB £389
( s i ng l e)
FB-2 £517
( t hr ee q ua r t er ) d 4 5 0 ( 1 8 ”) w 1 200 l 1900 (6’3” )
FB-3 £582
( d o ub l e)
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
d 4 5 0 ( 1 8 ”) w 9 0 0
l 1900 (6’3” )
d 4 5 0 ( 1 8 ”) w 1 3 50 l 1900 (6’3” )
The Tough Pl us Ran ge
Mattress choices See page 17
Optional Extra Bed protection tray See page 16
Secure Environments
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
B eds
This is an enhanced version of Tough Furnitu re which is specified for the most challenging environments. When fixed down and locked it can cope with very challenging behaviours and is widely used in mental health, secure and severe learning disability / ASD accommodation.
‘ Tou g h P l us ’ s ta nd a rd fe a tu re s i n c l ude: • Locks to all doors and drawers with a choice of two types, key lock or star key. • Inset handles, heavy duty strip hinges and half shelf clothes rail to minimise obvious ligature risks. • Wall fix preparation to make easy work of securing cabinets. • Doors and drawers inset within the carcase to remain secure when locked. See page 16 for technical details & colour options.
* all bed heights are to the bed platform.
To u gh Plu s Bed
T o ug h Pl us B ed - w i t h l o ck a b l e s t o r a g e (si ngl e)
h 333 w 970 l 1995
( s i ng l e)
h 3 3 3 w 9 7 0 l 1995
TPB-2 4’
(three quart e r ) h 333 w 1275 l 1995
TPLB-2 4’
( t hr ee q ua r t er ) h 3 3 3 w 1 2 75 l 1995
TPB-3 4’6”
(doub l e)
TPLB-3 4’6”
( d o ub l e)
h 3 3 3 w 1 4 25 l 1995
h 5 2 5 w 9 7 0 l 1995
h 333 w 1425 l 1995
To u gh Plu s Bed - wi th 2 dra w e r s
(s i ngl e)
T o ug h Pl us C a b i n B ed h 333 w 970 l 1995
( s i ng l e)
TP2D-2 4’
(three qua r t e r ) h 333 w 1275 l 1995
TPCB-2 4’
( t hr ee q ua r t er ) h 5 2 5 w 1 2 7 5 l 1995
TP2D-3 4’6”
(doub l e)
TPCB-3 4’6”
( d o ub l e)
h 333 w 1425 l 1995
h 5 2 5 w 1 4 2 5 l 1995
All prices include headboard as shown. Beds are available without a headboard. Wall fixed headboards are available on request. Please enquire.
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Cabin et s
Severe Learning Disability, Mental Health & ASD
Be d si d e C ab i n e t
T P - BC 2 £ 244
h 63 7 w 4 1 0 d 4 0 5
B edside Cabin et with D rawer
TP-BCD £316
h 637 w 410 d 405
Ch e s t of Dra we rs
TP-CD8 £ 5 26
h 818 w 810 d 525
De s k & Dra we r Uni t
TP-DDK £563
h 757 w 1010 d 525
S i d e boa rd U n i t
T P -SB 1 £345
h 818 w 810 d 525
Seats 4 Flooring grade laminate top with high durability PU edge. see page 34
T o u g h P l u s C i r c ular Table
T P - R T4 £ 572
h 76 0 dia 1 1 0 0
To u gh Plu s Sin gle Wardrobe
T P- W T £414
h 1800 w 610 d 595
To u gh Pl us W a rd robe / 2 Dra we r
TP-WD2 £ 5 49
h 1800 w 610 d 595
T oug h Pl us Doubl e W a rd robe
TP-DWT £639
h 1800 w 810 d 595
T oug h Pl us D o u b l e Wa r d r o b e / S t ora g e
T P -WSU £730
h 1800 w 810 d 595
* Optional Extras including sloping tops, inset safety mirrors and extra shelves, can be found on page 16
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
Pol y car bonate Pr ote c t io n
Tough View is a wide range of protection cabinets which feature lockable screens constructed from quality polycarbonate, which is safe and immensely strong. Now it’s possible not just to preserve your items such as TVs and Computers in challenging environments but also to make a stylish display and create a truly homely atmosphere. Our customers have such a variety of things to protect and display (we’ve even made fishtank units!) that we routinely make one-offs as part of our custom manufacturing service. As always just give us a call.
T V C a bi ne t
FS 1 £630
h 1095 w 800 d 485 TV Size 26”
M e d i um T V C a bi ne t
FS 2 £686
h 1165 w 970 d 485 TV Size 32”
La rg e T V C a bi ne t
FS 3 £722
h 1245 w 1080 d 485 TV Size 37”
* Larger/Custom sizes made to order POA
T o u g h P l u s D i s p lay Dr es s er
TP-DD £ 700
W a l l M ount e d T V C a bi ne t
WM T V 1 £352 WM T V 2 £408 WM T V 3 £441
h 7 5 6 w 9 7 2 d 280 T V Si z e 32” h 7 9 0 w 1 0 8 0 d 280 T V Si z e 37” h 8 4 0 w 1 1 7 4 d 280 T V Si z e 42”
A Wall mounted TV Cabinet is available for large wall mounted TV’s with built in DVD player. (Based on the TVS below) (Please specify LHS or RHS DVD access on purchase)
h 1780 w 810 d 525
WM T V -D V D £408
h 6 9 6 w 972 d 290 T V Si z e 32”
Lockable storage for your computer, monitor & peripherals.
S e c u r e C o m p u t er Des k
SC D £709
h 1 2 7 3 w 1 0 1 0 d 6 0 0 Mo n it or Siz e 19”
Co rn er TV C a bi ne t
CTV £872
h 1163 w 1290 d 822 TV Size 32”
S m a l l T V C a bi ne t wi t h DV D s i d e a cce s s
TVS £276
h 5 1 6 w 6 0 6 d 2 6 7 T V Si z e 19”
* it is recommended that all polycarbonate cabinets are wall fixed for added security.
High Strength Protection
67 43 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Locking Options See page 16
Dis pl ay /S tor age C abin et s
Pro t e c t i v e S i n g le Shel f Uni t
PC - SS £ 299
Pro t e c t i ve Doubl e S he l f Uni t
PC-DS £ 5 95
h 1060 w 610 d 220
Prot e c t i ve B a s e U n i t
h 1060 w 1210 d 220
P C-B £276
h 869 w 510 d 510
N ot i c e boa rd
NB1 £230
h 600 w 900 d 87
M e d i um N ot i c e boa rd Ventilated polycarbonate protection screen. Constructed in solid beech timber frame with locking door for access to curtains or blinds. Window size and styles vary and are made to order. Please enquire.
NB2 £289
Prot e c t i ve T o p B o o k ca s e U n i t
PC-S2 £370
h 985 w 810 d 266
Prot e c t i ve L o w e r B o o k ca s e U n i t
La rg e N ot i c e boa rd
NB3 £347
*Only available with Starkey Locks.
h 875 w 900 d 87
h 875 w 1170 d 87
PC-S3 £350
h 869 w 810 d 380
These units can be ordered separately or bolted together.
High Strength Protection
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
S afety Mirro rs
Saf et y Mirro r - B eec h Frame
MM £108
h 570 w 490 d 32
S i m pl e S a f e t y M i rror
SS M £60
h 400 w 300 d 18
La rg e Po s t e r F r a me
P F3 £135
Sin gle B ath ro om Cab in et
MC - S £170
h 500 w 300 d 2 0 0
h 975 w 620 d 18
Doubl e B a t hroom C a bi ne t
M C-D £328
h 500 w 600 d 200
L o ng S a f e t y M i rr or - Beech F r am e
M ML £ 218
h 1 50 0 w 4 9 0 d 3 2
M e d i um P i ct u r e F r a me *Please Note: These cabinets are not specified for storing controlled drugs. We can supply suitable approved cabinets. Please enquire for details
Locking Options See page 16
P F2 £87
h 560 w 460 d 18
All storage units on these pages should be wall fixed for security. Brackets and fixings are supplied and included in the price. Please confirm at time of order the size of skirting cutout if required. S m a l l Pi c t u r e F r a me
P F1 £62
h 420 w 330 d 18
Maximum Visibility
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Contemporary oak style
Full Rig TV Unit TV & DVD Protection with locking polycarbonate screens, shelves, panel and Media Base Unit. HL T V1 £1040
h 1477 w 1512 d 438 TV Size 37”
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
Oak L ounge Ran ge
Durability, Safety, Va lue!
Locking Options See page 16
Wall Mounted TV Cabinet & Media Base Unit TV & DVD Protection with locking polycarbonate screens
Media Base Unit TV and DVD Unit
HLT V 2 £ 830
H LT V 3 £418
h 7 9 7 w 1 0 6 6 d 2 7 1 TV Siz e 37”
h 5 1 3 w 1 5 1 2 d 438
* TV & DVD player are not included.
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Zi g Z ag Bo okcas e
HLZ £ 287
T a l l S t ora g e Uni t
H LT S £195
h 1815 w 700 d 355
h 1815 w 385 d 355
S hort S t ora g e Uni t
H LS S £147
h 1140 w 385 d 355
Contemporary oak style
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
Oak L ounge Ran ge The Hopesay Lounge Collection is made to our high build specification for real durability, quality and value. Using high quality solid materials rath er than conventional lightweight boards common to modern furniture construction, we are able to design and manufacture contemporary furniture to suit ‘challenging environments’.
S m al l Coffee Table
HL CTS £16 0
T ri pl e S i d e boa rd
H LS B 3 £539
h 4 5 5 w 556 d 556
L ar ge C offee Table
HL CTL £17 9
h 790 w 1315 d 465
Doubl e S i d e boa rd
H LS B 2 £364
h 4 5 5 w 1006 d 556
h 790 w 830 d 465
Durability, Safety, Va lue!
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Locking Options See page 16
Sett ees Our high durability lounge seating is specified to complement our existing ranges and deliver the same rugged good service and long-term value, and is backed by a maintenance repair service. All frames are plywood lined to all faces including the bottom which is fixed with security screws, and there are no visible staples. Coverings are Severe Contract quality, see page 31 (Optional polycarbonate bases are available to allow inspection for contraband ÂŁPOA).
Good Looks & Value for money
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
Fabric Options See page 31
Sett ees Ly dbur y Lydb ury A rm c ha i r
LYD £483 £524
h 890 w 810 d 800 f a bri c A f a bri c B
Ly d bury 2 S e a t S e t t e e
LY D -2 £729 £802
h 890 w 1320 d 800 f a bri c A f a bri c B
Stokesay Stoke s a y A rm c ha i r
ST O £ 6 67 £ 7 08
h 940 w 930 d 870 f a bri c A f a bri c B
S t oke s a y 2 S e a t S e t t e e
ST O-2 £945 £1019
h 940 w 1500 d 870 f a bri c A f a bri c B
S t oke s a y 3 S e a t Se t t e e
ST O-3 £1087 £1180
h 940 w 1800 d 870 fa b r i c A fa b r i c B
Wenl ock Wen l oc k A rm c ha i r
WEN £ 6 67 £ 7 08
h 870 w 970 d 870 f a bri c A f a bri c B
W e nl oc k 2 S e a t S e t t e e
WEN-2 £945 £1019
h 870 w 1580 d 870 f a bri c A f a bri c B
W e nl oc k 3 S e a t Se t t e e
WEN-3 £1035 £1180
h 870 w 1835 d 870 fa b r i c A fa b r i c B
H opes ay Hope s a y A rm c ha i r
H OP £ 5 88 £ 6 29
674 3 4 0
h 750 w 920 d 810 f a bri c A f a bri c B
H ope s a y 2 S e a t S e t t e e
H OP -2 £840 £914
h 750 w 1580 d 810 f a bri c A f a bri c B
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Tub Ch airs Radnor
R adno r Tu b Ch air
RA D £ 4 40 £ 4 67 £33
h 790 w 777 d 650 fab ric A fab ric B Opt io n al ex t ra weigh t in g 10K G
Good Looks & Value for money
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
C a y nha m T ub C ha i r
CAY £383 £410
h 750 w 700 d 700 f a bri c A f a bri c B
2 5 kg e xt ra we i g ht i nc l ud e d
Dining Seating page 34
Uphols ter y C h o ic es All upholstery coverings supplied are: Waterproof, Washable, Stain and Urea Resistant, Anti-Microbial, Severe Contract quality, Flame retardant to BS 7176 Crib 5
Pan az B r o o k l a nd Le a th e r Lo o k V i n y l
Price Code A
Hide Green
Pan az P a nve l l e B re a th a b l e Stre tc h F abric
Price Code A
In t e rv e n e Hi g h P e rfo rm a n c e Fa b ri c
Price Code B
with a 5 year guarantee for durability. Customers report that this fabric has an enhanced resistance to picking where this is a problem.
Y H106
Y H 071
Y H 100
* All colours are guides only, please request a sample for accuracy.
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Quality, Style, Afford able Th e solid beech frami ng of o u r t able s i s not on ly morti ce an d t e n o n e d i n t he tr adi ti onal way, b u t ar e als o r ei nf or c e d wi th steel dowels an d bo lt s i n b oth d ir ecti ons. W e have c r e a t e d a c l a s sic ally s tyl i s h and acce s s ible t able wi t h gr e at hi dden s trengths .
A l l table top s are made fr o m 25mm M D F f ac e d wi th a fl oor in g g r a d e l a m i n ate .
Round T a bl e Leg construction detail
R ect a n g u l ar T abl e
T2 £ 410
h 760 w 900 d 1500 seats 6
R ectan gu lar Table
T3 £446
h 760 w 900 d 1800 seat s 6/8
New feature - Nylon leg caps to help prevent water ingress..
Re c t a ng ul a r T a bl e
T4 £483
h 760 w 900 d 2100 seats 8
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
RT4 £457
h 7 6 0 d 1 1 00 seats 4
S q ua re T a bl e
T1 £383
h 7 6 0 w 9 0 0 d 900 seats 4
Educational Tables See page 37
Our Tough Plus table is constructed from solid beech timber with a cross brace to make it even stronger than our standard table with its hidden strengths (see opposite) Flooring grade laminate top has a moulded PU edging which is very impact resistant and hygenic.
The tables have a variety of applications as well as being ideal for wheelchair provision.
Flooring grade laminate top
R o u n d C o f fee Table
C TR £194
Our Height-Adjustable Tables feature a unique telescopic leg which is easy to adjust and securely fits into a specially constructed top to deliver both the trademark ‘Tough Furniture’ strength and complete accessibility.
h 380 d 600
High durability PU edge.
Leg height range 730 - 930 530-730 height also available) Re c t a ng ul a r H e i g ht A d j us t a bl e T a b l e
HT2 £410 R e c t a n g u l a r Coffee Table
CT £205
h 380 w 450 d 750
674 3 4 0
Tou gh Plu s Tab le
T P- R T 4 £572
h 760 d 1 1 0 0 seat s 4
h adj w 1500
d 900
S q ua re H e i g ht A d j us t a bl e T a bl e
HT1 £389
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
h adj w 900
d 900
Dini ng Ch airs Both the upholstered squabs and the laminate frames of these chairs can be separately replaced making them very budget friendly for long term maintenance and keeping up appearances. See ‘Aftersales’ on page 41 for details.
D i n i n g S i d e c h a ir
DC1 £ 110
h 4 3 0 s eat w 5 1 0 d 6 1 0
W o o d e n S i d e /A r m C hai r
W C1 £ 116 W C2 £ 154
h 4 4 5 s eat w 4 9 0 d 5 4 0
D in in g Armc h air
DC2 £114
Di ni ng A rm c ha i r
D C3 £147
h 430 seat w 510 d 6 1 0
h 450 seat w 525 d 600
Di ni ng C ha i r
D C4 £165 D C4W £134
h 4 9 0 s e a t w 460 d 530 h 4 9 0 s e a t w 460 d 530 woo d e n s e a t o p t i o n
Skids (ava i l a bl e f or a l l d i ni ng c ha i rs )
SKD £48
S e c ure S t ool
D C7 £110
w i t h ar m s
Dining Chairs upholstered in Panaz Panvelle, a modern soft to touch fabric. It is waterproof, breathable, washable, antibacterial, durable and stain resistant. Flame Resistant to B S 7176 C r ib5. Tear Strength to BS4303 Severe Contract. Vinyl and other fabrics also available.
Old Gold
h 4 7 0 s e a t w 500 d 500
* All colours are guides only, please request a sample for accuracy. For more options see page 31
Quality, Comfort, Style
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
Kitch en s We supply kitchen units made to ‘Tough Furniture’ specification which have proved very popular for residential units and lifeskills training areas. Full layout drawings for installers are supplied with the job, and we are happy to either design a layout with the customer, or work from their architect / designer’s brief.
Drawerline base unit 300/400 Drawerline base unit 500/600 Drawerline double base 1000 D’line corner base, door 500/600 4 Drawer stack 300/400 4 Drawer stack 500/600 Hiline base unit 300/400 Hiline base unit 500/600 Hiline double base unit 1000 Hiline corner base, door 300/400 Hiline corner base, door 500/600 Single sink base 500/600 Dbl sink base, drawer/dummy 1000 Double sink base hiline 1000 Double sink base hiline 1200 Base Elec. Appliance housing 600
£268 £272 £533 £426 £344 £397 £189 £210 £420 £353 £363 £237 £497 £420 £462 £128
K-LU K-OH K-OH-T K-C K-WC-3/4 K-WC-5/6 K-WC-7/8 K-WC-1000 K-WCT-3/4 K-WCT-5/6 K-SU K-CWC-600 K-WT K-EP K-ID
Tall larder unit 600 Base oven housing 600 Tall oven housing Carousel unit Wall cupboard 300/400 Wall cupboard 500/600 Double wall cupboard 700/800 Double wall cupboard 1000 Tall wall cupboard (720) 300/400 Tall wall cupboard (720) 500/600 Wall shelf unit 500/600 Corner wall cupboard 600 x 600 Worktop ‘Omega’ 4100 x 600 x 40 Other worktop materials Base end panel Door for built-under fridge/freezer
£497 £158 £546 £114 £118 £130 £228 £250 £147 £162 £ 82 £323 £116 £POA £ 30 £ 42
Please enquire for more information regarding kitchens
Durable, Modern, Flexible Optional Extras See page 16
67 43 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Special Educ atio n
The Toughflex range of classroom furniture has been designed especially for SEN schools and units. It’s the result of close collaboration between our design team and the staff of special schools for students with learning difficulties, complex needs and ASD. This combination of experience optimises the learning environment with furniture that creates new possibilities and actively helps to solve practical problems. TM
Toughflex offers great budget value by being both safe and durable in sometimes challenging environments as well as highly flexible in layout. This flexibility makes it easy to create suitable work / play areas within the classroom, then easily alter them in response to changing needs and also cater for varying sizes of student. TM
School Work Station A heavy duty construction in a choice of sizes to create a distraction free working area. It can be augmented with a variety of optional shelf and storage units. Please enquire for more details
Lockable Storage Unit (to take 12 shallow & 6 deep trays)
LT S £399 LT S-T £455
*under desk storage is an optional extra. See below.
Scho o l W o r k s t a tion
Sc h ool Workst at io n
h 1 30 0 w 1 0 5 0 d 8 3 0
h 1300 w 1200 d 830
W S2
des k hei ght 7 6 0
W S4
desk h eigh t 760
W S2 -710
des k hei ght 7 1 0
W S4 - 7 1 0
desk h eigh t 710
W S2 -640
des k hei ght 6 4 0
W S4 - 6 4 0
desk h eigh t 640
W S2 -590
des k hei ght 5 9 0
W S4 - 5 9 0
desk h eigh t 590
£ 425
h 869 w 1060 d 520 without trays with trays
Computer Work Station Heavy duty construction, fully lockable & secure, with manual gas assisted monitor lift mechanism.
C om put e r Wo r k St a t i o n
CWS £890
h 1300 w 1200 d 830
U n d e r De s k S t o r age ( to s tor e 3 s hallo w c lassroom t rays)
WS-UDU £ 42
h 402 w 356 d 446 per unit ( s i ngle s ide o n ly o n WD 2)
* Monitor, computer etc not included
Flexible Learning Environments
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
Special Educ atio n
Our School Tables (ST1 & ST2) have heavy duty, steel base frames, powder coated in a silver finish. Together with a flooring grade laminate top and rounded corners, our school tables are very strong and highly durable.
Leg height range 730 - 930 530-730 height also available) H e a v y Du t y R e c tangular S chool Table
ST 1 £ 375
Heavy Dut y S e m i c i rc ul a r S c hool T a bl e
ST 2 £386
h 760 l 1500 d 750
C ut - A wa y H e i g ht A d j u s t a b l e T a b l e
ST 3 £410
h 760 l 1500 d 750
Secure Plus Computer Desk Heavy duty construction, fully lockable and secure with monitor protected by safe polycarbonate screen.
Classroom Screens Screens faced in acoustic fabric to create flexible spaces within the classroom. For a fully flexible environment, our optional extra bracketing system will allow you to configure your screens into the perfect environment. Our 4 different shaped brackets will allow you to create any manner of configuration to customise the classroom environment. ‘U’ shape around a desk and ‘L’ shape are to name just a few.
S ecur e P l u s C o mputer Des k
Classroom Sc reen s
Screen Configuration Example
S t ra i g ht
SP C D £ 890
h 1175 w 1050 d 730
SC R £230
h 1325 w 1 2 0 0
Bracket Options
(Supplied with fixings)
h a d j l 1500 d 750
X- S ha pe
T- Sh a p e
L- Sh a p e
£10 £10
Same ‘Tough’ Quality & Value
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Cus tom Made We have always made special items for individual customers who require furniture tailored to suit specific requirements. It is often how new products see the light of day. With the ongoing investment in advanced CAD (computer aided design) and machine technology, special manufacture items have become even more accessible and cost effective.
Non-standard unit combining wardrobe and drawer unit.
Non-standard bed with raised side panels to help prevent the user falling from the bed.
Dining room waste unit to help with lifeskills training.
Base storage unit to the ‘Safely Tough’ specification.
Below: Our factory is centrally located in the Shropshire Hills - vistors welcome by appointment.
Bespoke Design
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
Cus tom Made Whether it’s a simple change of dimension or a highly specialised design, our custom made products retain the same standard of build quality and fitness for purpose that will qualify them as ‘Tough Furniture’. If you have a specific requirement that our standard products do not meet, please enquire. Our Sales and Design team will be more than happy to help you.
Bedroom storage unit with splayed corner to minimise injury risk.
Special secure storage for electronics with lockable polycarbonate protection screen.
Cupboard and drawer units combined into a built-in run.
Polycarbonate protected wall mounted TV/ DVD unit.
Cot Bed designed for a user prone to fitting. Secured padding (not shown) inside the cot helps prevent against injury while the fold down sides prevent falling from the bed.
Same ‘Tough’ Quality & Value
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Or der s /De livery How To Order Orders are to be submitted in writing ( email, fax, letter or purchase order). Please show the quantity required, the combined names and code letters of both the item and the woodgrain / colour choice for it, followed by the name and code of any optional extras that may be wanted (see page 16 ), and then the prices. For example: 1 x BCD - B 1xL
Bedside Cupboard with Drawer Beech Keylock to top drawer only
£240 £19.50
(If you require skirting cutouts in a cabinet as part of the wallfix option, please send us the skirting size at time of order, or as soon as possible afterwards, to avoid delay to your delivery) Alternatively you can just phone, fax or email us with your requirements and we will return a written quotation for your approval and signature for you to place the order. Once your order has been received we will return a Confirmation of Order. Please check this carefully and contact us if you have any queries. If this Confirmation doesn’t arrive, please check we have received the order. All our furniture is made to order, please allow for a lead time averaging up to 8 weeks, the expected time will be confirmed on order. Prices shown in this brochure are nett and VAT must be added at the prevailing rate (unless an exemption applies and is confirmed.) Orders are accepted only under our standard terms and conditions (see page 43) unless agreed in writing otherwise. Payment terms : where credit facilities are arranged are strictly 30 days of invoice date, otherwise payment on delivery. Please note that all single doors are hinged on the left and desk pedestals are on the right, as illustrated, unless specified otherwise on your order.
Procurement Cards Accepted
Tough Furniture Ltd Stokewood Rd, Craven Arms Business Park Shropshire SY7 8NR
01588 674 341
01588 674 340
Delivery The prices shown include delivery to the rooms (mainland UK) at a convenient time which we will confirm with you approximately a week beforehand. Our delivery personnel will leave the furniture ready to use and remove all packaging for recycling, but are not responsible for wall fixing or for clearing or removing any existing furnishings. Small items may come by courier, and usually chairs and settees will arrive separately direct from our suppliers, though this will all be co-ordinated by ourselves, so contact us if you have any queries. For safe delivery please ensure that all access is adequate, and contact us beforehand if there are any doubts or difficulties with this. (In the event of agreed deliveries being refused or inaccessible then redelivery charges may apply)
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
A f t e r s al es /Env ir onm ental Polic y Aftersales Service Our customers are supported for many years after the furniture has left the factory. Value for money comes with durability both short and long term, and we also understand and appreciate the importance of safety and keeping up appearances in care provision. Tough Furniture has been designed for ease of repair, and we can provide spare parts for maintenance at reasonable cost and any amount of advice for free. Please call for assistance if required. Details of recommended cleaning and maintenance information arrive with the delivery and can also be obtained from our website www.toughfurniture.com Of course the most common request is for spare keys, so here are the codes to use when ordering them : RK replacement key £2 RL replacement lock £10
Axidents Can Happen!! RSK replacement starkey £2 RSKL replacement starkey lock £10
Environmental Policy At Tough Furniture we take seriously our responsibilities in regard to the impact of all company activities on the environment, which is why : All timber and timber based materials used in its manufacture are of renewable European origin sourced from accredited suppliers, who meet the requirements of F SC - ST D- 40- 004 (Version 2) EN for Chain of Custody Certification. All woodwaste produced is consumed on site by the factory’s integrated carbon-neutral heating / incineration plant. Cardboard packaging is re-used until depleted and then goes for recycling. Delivery schedules are routinely planned with dedicated software to optimise the transport footprint while serving our customers. Design for quality and maintenance means a very long product lifecycle which is good for both customer and the environment. And last but not least, we have just achieved ISO 14001 Environmental Certification.
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Tr ack R ec o rd Below is an indicative list of the customers supplied over the past year among public bodies, as well as numerous private care groups. Establishments supplied include special schools, residential and daycare centres for children and adults with learning difficulties, children’s homes, respite care, psychiatric / mental health provision, detox/rehab and bail units throughout the UK (Export enquiries handled) Local Authorities Aberdeen City Council Bolton Council Borough of Poole Bournemouth Borough Council Bristol City Council Cardiff Council Carmarthenshire County Council Cheshire West and Chester Council City of Bradford MBC City of Edinburgh Council Conwy County Borough Council Cornwall Council Cumbria County Council Darlington Borough Council Derby City Council Derbyshire County Council Dorset County Council Durham County Council East Renfrewshire Council Essex County Council Fife Council Highland Council Islington Council Kent County Council Kirklees Council Leeds City Council Lincolnshire County Council London Borough of Richmond upon Thames London Borough of Waltham Forest Manchester City Council Medway Council Middlesbrough Council Milton Keynes Council Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Newcastle City Council Newport City Council North Ayrshire Council North East Lincolnshire Council North Lincolnshire Council North Tyneside Council Northumberland County Council Nottinghamshire County Council Oxfordshire County Council Powys County Council Sheffield City Council Shropshire Council Slough Borough Council Somerset County Council South Gloucestershire Council Southampton City Council Staffordshire County Council Suffolk County Council Surrey County Council Tameside MBC Trafford Council Wakefield Council West Berkshire Council West Sussex County Council Westminster City Council Wirral MBC Wrexham County Borough Council
Voluntary Agencies Action for Children Barnardo’s Caldecott Foundation The David Lewis Centre Leonard Cheshire Homes National Autistic Society National Society for Young People with Epilepsy Royal National Institute for the Blind Royal School for Deaf Children Scottish Society for Autism Sense Seashell Trust Surrey Community Development Trust Tyne and Wear Autistic Society Wessex Autistic Society West Midlands Autistic Society Wirral Autistic Society NHS Trusts Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Univerity Local Health Board Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health NHS Trust Black Country Partnerships Calderstone NHS Trust Central and North West London NHS Trust Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust NHS Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership Trust Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Dorset Healthcare NHS Trust Dudley and Walsall Mental Health NHS Trust Dumfries and Galloway NHS NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Hampshire Partnership NHS Trust NHS Highland Humber NHS Trust Kent and Medway NHS Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Lincolnshire NHS Shared Services Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust NHS Lothian Health Board Merseycare NHS Trust North East Wales NHS Trust North Essex Partnership NHS Trust Northern Health & Social Care Trust Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Mental Health NHS Oxfordshire Learning Disability NHS Trust Portsmouth City Teaching NHS Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Solent NHS Trust South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust South London and Maudsley NHS Trust South West London & St George’s NHS Trust South West Yorkshire NHS NHS The State Hospital Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Trust West London Mental Health NHS
www.toughf u r n it u r e . c o m
To u g h Fu r n iture Ltd: Standar d Te r ms a n d C o n d it io n s o f Tr a d i ng 1 . G e ner a l
2 . Des cr i p ti o n
3 . Del i v e r y
4 . Pa y me nt
5 . Di s p ute s
6 . R i s k a nd T i tl e 7 . Fo r ce Ma j e u re
8 . L a w Ap p l i cabl e
674 3 4 0
sal es@t o u g h f u r n it u r e . c o m
Tough Furniture Ltd Stokewood Rd Craven Arms Business Park Shropshire SY7 8NR
01588 674 340
01588 674 341
is a Trademark and a Registered Trademark of Tough Furniture Ltd