MINISTER OF TOURISM HON. EDMUND BARTLETT, CD, MP The Tourism Linkages Network’s Christmas in July initiative continues to revolutionize the approach to corporate gift shopping by strategically promoting locally made products. In addition to encouraging the purchase of Jamaican-made items as corporate gifts, this innovative venture encourages the support of our small business sector, promotes job creation and boosts income generation. Participants over the years have been chalking up millions of dollars in sales through contracts negotiated at the event. The 50 highest earners of Christmas in July 2019, made a combined total of $9.2 million by participating in the event. There was an overwhelming response to the event this year, with one hundred and eighty three (183) manufacturers and artisans, grasping the opportunity to display their locally-made corporate gift items for assessment, in their quest to secure a spot among the exhibitors at the first-ever virtual staging of the Christmas in July Tradeshow. This demonstrates the importance of the event not just to the tourism sector, but on a much larger scale; to the restoration of the national economy at this time. One key product of this virtual event is this catalogue. This exceptional product index introduces the work of local entrepreneurs to a much wider audience that will now have access to the delightful collection of authentic Jamaican art and craft, spa products, paintings, furniture, footwear, clothing, confectionery, processed foods and wines, just to mention a few. These unique items will make thoughtful and innovative gifts that I am sure business clients and customers will love. I also encourage everyone to support the businesses that are showcased in this catalogue as you purchase your gifts for the Holiday Season. In doing so, you will be supporting the high quality work of these local producers and their communities as well. I applaud the collaborative work of the Tourism Linkages Network, the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) and their partners, which has made this excellent Christmas in July catalogue possible. Enjoy browsing through the catalogue, share it with others and be sure to make your purchase.
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