2023 Go East of Edmonton Travel Guide

Page 6

of Edmonton

Major Events are colour coded to the Highway Sections.



See ad page 97.


3 Andrew Townwide Garage Sale

3 Wainwright Crazy Muley Ultra Run

3 Athabasca Riverboat Assn Jet Boat Rally


3 Egremont Days, Parade & Car Show

3 Mannville Community Wide Garage Sale



3 Lamont Town Wide Garage Sale


HANDMADE See ad page 89.

3-5 Lloydminster 4-H Expo

3-Sept 4 Fort Saskatchewan Visit our Sheep


BAZAAR OUTDOOR MARKET Swap Meet on the 3rd. See ad page 78.

4 Venice Picnic



RACES & PRO RODEO See page 59.

9 Round Hill Farmers Day & Twilight Auction

9 Wainwright Fire N Wheels Show n’ Shine


See page 85.

10 Streetfest Lloydminster

10 HOLDEN FARMER'S DAY See ad pg 119.

10-11 Radway Home & Garden Trade Show

Add events to your phone or tablet GoEastofEdmonton.com/Events

10-11 Viking Cloverlodge Stampede & Viking Community Festival

11 Vegreville Legion Breakfast


See ad page 56.

15 Provost Museum Heritage Days


See ad page 97.

16-18 PROVOST KINSMEN SPLASH & SMASH See ad page 145.

16-18 Plamondon Music Festival


See ad page 140.

17 Cherry Grove Motorcycle Ride for Dad


17 Lloydminster Just Kruzin Show & Shine


17 Ardrossan Parade & Picnic

17 Boyle Summer Rumble Tradeshow


17-18 Cold Lake Fishing Derby

17-18 Forestburg Raceway Bracket Races

6 Over 500 Annual Events online at GoEastofEdmonton.com
5-6 Camrose Resort Casino Eagles Tribute Band 6 Marwayne Community Wide Garage Sale 6 Egremont Community Centre Garage Sale 6 Mundare Town Wide Garage Sale 6 LAMONT BULLARAMA SUPREME XXVI See ad page 76 6 Vegreville Home Business & Makers Market 6 Chauvin Mother's Day Market & High Tea 6 Cold Lake Quad Poker Rally 6 Brookville Spring Market 6 Bawlf Community Garage Sale & Show n’ Shine 7, 14, 21, 28 BOYLE SPRING FLING BARREL RACING JACKPOTS See pg 34 12-14 Bruderheim Edmonton & Area Classic Rabbit Show 13 Elk Point 2nd Chance Trail Ride 13 Two Hills Wayside Bike Blessing 13 Camrose The Rose City Invitational PBR 13 Forestburg Raceway New Racers Only Day 13 Mannville Vintage Bridal Fantasy and Just Married Classic Car Show 14 Egremont Mother's Day Breakfast 14 Vegreville Legion Breakfast 20 Ashmont Critter, Plant & More Sale 20 BATTLE RIVER RAIL SIP N' RIDE EXCURSION See ad page 139 20 Lac La Biche Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park "Music in the Forest” 22 Ukrainian Village Celebration Of Dance 26 Vegreville Legion Steak Fry 27 Forestburg Town Wide Garage Sale 27-28 Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement Pro Rodeo 27-28 Tofield Community Wide Garage Sales 28 Josephburg Ag Society Classic
Photo Contest Submission by Charlene Tondu Wainwright Stampede & 3 Camrose Resort Casino Johnny Cash Tribute


See ad page 97.

18 Camrose Purple Martin Festival

21 National Indigenous Day

21 Bruderheim Indigenous Day- Walker School

22 Wainwright Stampede Kick-Off




ANNIVERSARY See ad page 89.

23-24 Sherwood Park Ravenwood Music Festival


See ad page 109.


See ad page 123.


24 Holden Junior Cattle Show

24 Lac La Biche Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park Music in the Forest



See ad page 77.

25 Cold Lake Rainbow Run

27 Vermilion Taste Of Vermilion


30- July 1 Forestburg Area 53 Trucking Races

30 - July 2 EDGERTON PBR BULLARAMA & SPORTS DAYS See ad page 126.

30-July 2 Sedgewick Chuckwagon & Chariot Races

1 CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS - See GoEastofEdmonton.com events calendar for list of Canada Day events.

1 Lac La Biche Mission Canada Day Celebration

1 Alliance Sports Day

1 Thorhild Stampede

1 Smoky Lake Special Market - Kid’s Day

7-9 Plamondon Mud Bog


See ad page 91.

7-8 HAIRY HILL RODEO See ad page 81.

7-9 Gibbons Pioneer Days

7-9 Bonnyville Gear Grabbers Race Weekend


See ad page 80.



8-9 Alberta Free Fishing Weekend


See ad page 76.

8-9 Stoney Lake Stampede


See ad page 112.




MEMORIAL RALLY See ad page 82.


15 Lac La Biche Alberta Wife Carrying Contest


See ad page 125.


14-16 Viking Chuckwagon & Chariot Races


RODEO See ad page 144.

15 Frog Lake Rides on the Reserve Car Show

15 Elk Island National Park Parks Day

15 Alberta Parks Day

16 Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village Music Fest


16 Viking Museum Show & Shine

20-23 Strathcona County YEGPin Pinball & Arcade Expo

21 Czar Lake Bullarama

21 Bonnyville Gord Bamford Concert


WRESTLING See ad page 43.

22 Lac La Biche Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park Music in the Forest

22-23 Sherwood Park Highland Gathering & Games

22-23 Forestburg Raceway Bracket Races

26 Vermilion Fair Kickoff


See ad page 102.

28 Josephburg Gord Bamford Concert


See page 32.

29-30 BRUCE STAMPEDE See ad page 120.

29-30 Forestburg Raceway Bracket Races

30 Irma Gratton Coulee Show 'N Shine

30 Boyle Special Shoreline Market



See ad page 122.

3-6 Camrose Big Valley Jamboree

4-7 Lac La Biche Mid Summer Sports Days


See ad page 48.


5-6 Forestburg Area 53 Raceway Bracket Races


See ad page 48.

5 Cold Lake Aqua Days


1to September3, 2023 Over $6000 in Prizes! NEWSTICKERS&NEWGAMEBOARD! To play, see pages 146-151.

AUGUST continued...

7 Tofield Heritage Classic Show & Shine

7-9 Round Hill Bench Show


SPECIAL MARKET See ad page 48.

7 Lloydminster Heritage Day



See ad page 97.



See ad page 117.


See ad page 84.



See ad page 46.



12 Wetaskiwin Reynolds-alberta

Museum Ride To Reynolds

12 LOUGHEED FAIR See page 142.


13 Strathcona County L'Etape Canada


See ad page 98.


CPCA FINALS See ad page 112.

17-20 Cold Lake Extreme Mudfest

18 Fort Saskatchewan Movie Under the Stars 18-20 MUNDARE AGRI-DAYS FAIR

See page 78.

18-20 Cold Lake Show & Shine Car Show


See ad page 49 & 52.


19 South Cooking Lake Trail Days



19-20 Kikino Silver Birch Rodeo

19-20 Alberta Open Farm Days

19-20 Forestburg Raceway Bracket Races

19-20 Vegreville Bunnock Tournament

19-20 Lac La Biche Alberta Open Farm Days

19-20 Strathcona County Open Farm Days

19-20 Cold Lake Annual City-Wide Sale

20 Ukrainian Cultural Village Ukrainian Day

20 Vilna Show N Shine


25-27 Cold Lake Summer Rush Music Festival

26 Lac La Biche Sir Winston Churchill Prov. Park Music in the Park

26 Egremont Community Centre Garlic Festival

26 Camrose County Cherry Lane Bed & Breakfast

Concert on the Course featuring Travis Dolter


TRACTOR PULL See ad page 89.


HANDMADE See ad page 89.



SEPTEMBER continued...

9 Vermilion Art in the Park


See ad page 141.

9-10 Two Hills Taste of Two Hills


9 Lac La Biche Culture Days at the Mission


See ad page 77.

9-10 Forestburg Area 53 Raceway Chapman Memorial Bracket Races

10 Vegreville Legion Breakfast


15 Lac La Biche Old Fashioned Afternoon Tea at the Mission

16 Lloydminster Fall Fest


16 Lac La Biche Lakeland Dark Sky Celebration

16 Egremont Community Centre Harvest Dinner


23-24 Forestburg Raceway Bracket Races

29 Vegreville Legion Steak Fry

30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

30-Oct 1 Wetaskiwin Reynolds-Alberta Museum Metal Art Show & Sale






5 Boyle Special Thanksgiving Market

5-9 SMOKY LAKE PUMPKIN FAIR & SPECIAL MARKET on the 7th. See ad pg 49.

6 Provost Museum Harvest Fest

8 Vegreville Legion Breakfast

7-8 Forestburg Area 53 Raceway Bracket Races


See ad page 80.


21 Lac La Biche Rotary Wine Tasting Fundraiser

8 Over 500 Annual Events online at GoEastofEdmonton.com
1-30 Alberta Culture Days 1-2 COLD LAKE FEAST AT THE BEACH See ad page 65. (Pictured below). 2-4 Ryley-Tofield Slo-Pitch Tournament 2-3 REYNOLDS-ALBERTA MUSEUM HARVEST FESTIVAL Round Hill Show n' Shine & Threshing Demo Fort Saskatchewan Sheep Leaving Parade Strathcona County Experience Alberta Roadside Stand Tour Cherry Grove Car Show Glendon Pyrogy Festival & Cruise Night

21 Wetaskiwin Reynolds Alberta Museum Rocky Horror Picture Show


HANDMADE See ad page 89.

28 Bruderheim Halloween Movie Night

27 Plamondon Family Halloween Dance

27 Vegreville Legion Steak Fry

28 Plamondon Adult Halloween Dance


See ad page 43.

31 Bon Accord Halloween Howl

31-Nov 4 Lloydminster Stockade Round-Up

25 Holden Christmas Market

25 Lamont Community Christmas Light Up




EXPRESS See ad page 139.


See ad page 80.

26 Forestburg Christmas Market


See ad page 43.


5 Myrnam Christmas Market

11 Remembrance Day Ceremonies

12 Boyle Special Christmas Market

12 Vegreville Legion Breakfast


See ad page 49.

18 Chipman Coyote Country Christmas Craft

Sale & Community Dinner

18, 25 Bruderheim Christmas Market

17 Savour Vermilion

17-19 Gibbons Hometown Christmas Weekend


CRAFT FAIR See ad page 113.


FEST See ad page 89. 23-26 Lac La Biche Festival of Trees

1 Waskatenau Christmas Light-Up



Parade of Lights on the 1st. See ad page 141.

1-31 Fort Saskatchewan Enchanted Forest

2, 9, 16 Bruderheim Christmas Market

2 Legal Christmas Craft, Trade Fair & Light Up

2 Tofield Winter Festival

2 Bon Accord Winter Wonderland

2 Wainwright Santa Claus Parade

2 Wetaskiwin Christmas at Reynolds Alberta Museum Hawaiian Style


2 Plamondon Christmas Festival de Noel


2 Mundare Christmas Extravaganza

2 Mannville Christmas Extravaganza

2-3, 16-17 SHERWOOD PARK

WHOLLY HANDMADE See ad page 89.

3 Egremont Community Centre Smoresland & Christmas Craft Market

9 Alliance Santa Daze and Parade of Lights


MARKET See ad page 112.

9 Plamondon Community Christmas Party

Get it fresh and support local across the region...from local makers, bakers and growers – you can find it all here!


Boyle Farmers’ Market

Thurs 12-3pm - pg 34

Lac La Biche Farmers’ Market

Fri 3-5:30pm - pg 38

Smoky Lake Farmers’ Market

Sat. 10-Noon - pg 48

Vilna Farmers’ Market

Sun 1-3 - pg 49


Fort Saskatchewan Market - Year-Round

Fri 5-8; Sat-Sun 10-4 - pg 70

Andrew Farmers’ Market

Sat. 1-3pm - pg 80

Sherwood Park Farmers’ Markets

Wed. 3-7pm - pg 90

Sherwood Park Wholly Handmadeand NOSH Food Fest - pg 89

Vegreville Pysanka Park Market

Thurs. 5-8pm - pg 97

SHOW See ad page 61.

For 2024 Events visit

9 IRMA SANTA DAY See ad page 122.

10 Vegreville Legion Breakfast

31 Boyle New Year's Eve Community Dance


Kitscoty - Farmstead Outdoor Market

2nd Tues May-Sept pg 108

Lloydminster Border City Farmers’

Thurs. 12-5pm - pg 112


Camrose Saturday Market

Sat 10-1pm - pg 130

Wainwright Farmers Market

Sat (monthly) 10-3 - pg 125

For a complete list of Farmers’ Markets visit:


goeastofedmonton.com/things-to-do/winter-adventures/ • Family Day Festivals • Winter Festivals • Snowmobile Rallies • X-Country Skiing • Downhill Skiing • Ice Fishing • Dark Skies & Night Sky Viewing
24 Radway
Market 24
24 Cold Lake Santa Claus Parade
Vegreville Legion Steak Fry 24 Fort Saskatchewan Holiday Light Up 25 COLD LAKE CHRISTMAS CRAFT
25 Lloydminster PBR Winter Classic 25 Provost Historic Main Street Christmas

Experience Premier

Métis Crossing – Open year round with signature and culinary experiences and special events. It features a new Lodge, Wildlife Park and is now a year round destination with international exposure. Learn about the distinct Indigenous story of the Métis people. Located on the majestic North Saskatchewan River in Smoky Lake County (see page 47).

Fort Heritage Precinct – Where Alberta’s settlement history began! Step back in time to the days of the Fur Trade in Treaty 6 Territory at the 1875 Northwest Mounted Police Fort located in Fort Saskatchewan (see page 71).

Indigenous Crafts, Gifts & Art St. Brides Trading Post - pg 53

Dreamcatchers Gift & Art Gallery - pg 70

Legal - a bilingual community featuring over 35 murals portraying the history of francophone families (see page 32).

Plamondon - a bilingual community featuring Mini Parc Heritage Park - miniature replicas of Plamondon’s first buildings and homesteads in Lac La Biche County (see page 35).

Northern Alberta Bilingual Routes - Explore thematic routes with over 200 bilingual attractions (see page 30).

Northeast Alberta Museums

Explore Francophone, Indigenous history and unique collections at these museums: Plamondon Museum - pg 35; Lac La Biche Museum & Discovery Centre, Portage College Museum Of Aboriginal Peoples’ Art & Artifacts, Lac La Biche Mission National Historic Site - pgs 38-40. Plus, Musée St. Paul Museum pg 5 Bonnyville Museum pg 60 and Cold Lake 6, Museums pg 64.

12 GoEastofEdmonton.com/Things-to-do/Attractions See more throughout this Travel Guide! F ort Heritage Precinct Lac La Biche Museum by PlayOutsideGuide.com Dreamcatchers Gift & Art
Métis Crossing

Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village

Cultural Attractions

Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village – The history of Ukrainians in Alberta stretches back over 130 years, when the first Ukrainians to Canada settled in the Edna-Star region (Lamont County) The story of early Ukrainian settlement and culture is brought to life at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, where visitors can explore historic buildings and chat with first-person interpreters and tour guides (see page 77).

Basilian Fathers Museum in Mundare, features an intriguing collection showcasing Ukrainian heritage (see page 79).

Ukrainian GiftwareCeramic Cottage, Vegreville (see page 91).

Scan Me for attractions


Pysanka Festival

50th Anniversary

July 7-9

Central Rural East Alberta Museums

Discover the roots and community history of the CREAM – Central Regional East Alberta Museums located along Highways 16, 14 and 13. There are 17 museums to explore! Railway, agricultural & settlement exhibits and machinery are featured collections in this area (see the CREAM Museum Highway Tours on page 114).

Romanian Pioneer Museum of Boian is Alberta’s only Romanian Museum showcasing artifacts, documents and family histories of the first Romanian immigrants to Alberta (see page 82).

Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Reynolds-Alberta Museum – This international awardwinning museum is all about celebrating machines, located in the City of Wetaskiwin. Visitors will get to see a wide variety of automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, tractors, industrial & agricultural equipment and more (see page 127).

Battle River Train

Excursions – Ride the rails on seven delightful themed trips. Located southeast of Camrose in Flagstaff County Book a train trip today! (See page 139).

UCHV Photos by Government of Alberta

• Vilna Mushrooms (2 blocks off Mainstreet)

• Glendon Pyrogy (Hwy 882)

• Andrew Mallard Duck (Hwy 855)

• Mundare Sausage (Hwy 855)

• Vegreville Pysanka (Hwy 16)

• Lloydminster Border Markers (Hwy 16)

• Chauvin Softball (Hwy 610)

• Smoky Lake Pumpkin Park (Downtown)

• Elk Point Peter Fidler Statue (Hwy 41)

• Bonnyville Angus Shaw Statue (Located at the Bonnyville Museum)

• Wainwright Free Standing Clock Tower (Downtown)

• Fabyan Train Trestle (near Wainwright off Hwy 14)

• Heisler Baseball Glove (along Hwy 855)

• Legal Murals - French Mural Capital of Canada over 35 around the community.

• Redwater Oil Derrick (Just off Hwy 28)

• Lac La Biche - David Thompson Monument (Churchill Drive, Lac La Biche)

• St. Paul U.F.O. Landing Pad (Hwy 28)

• Lamont County - Church Capital of North America - There are more churches here per capita than anywhere in North America.

• Daysland Crocus Flower (at Welcome Sign)

• Diplomat Mine Interpretive Site(Hwy 855) Canada’s only surface coal mining museum.

Dove statue Map not to scale. St.Paul ElkPoint Heinsburg OnionLake Dewberry Clandonald FortGeorge &Buckingham House Derwent Kitscoty Lloydminster Vermilion Mannville Irma Kinsella Viking Bruce Holden Ryley TwoHills SaddleLake Lavoy Myrnam HairyHill Ranfurly Chipman Tofield Camrose Wetaskiwin Wainwright ParadiseValley Fort Saskatchewan Sherwood Park ? ? Smoky Lake Lamont Andrew Vilna Ashmont Mallaig Boscombe GoodfishLake LacLaBiche Bellis Kikino Willingdon Gibbons Waskatenau Boyle Newbrook 45 38 63 41 36 36 45 15 28 A 14 16 16 17 641 Vegreville 29 # 41 14 28 ? Glendon Bonnyville ColdLake 29 45 28 ElkIsland National Park 28 N Bruderheim Radway Legal Victoria Settlement Metis Crossing Marwayne 17 646 IronHorseTrail # 21 Fabyan TrainTrestle Our Lady of the Highway Shrine 36 Sedgewick Forestburg Lougheed Hardisty Alliance Killam Strome Heisler Daysland Bawlf Provost Bodo Czar Edgerton Chauvin 856 834 53 56 13 13 Thorhild Athabasca 18 St. Albert Edmonton 2 55 2 855 DiplomatMine InterpretiveSite Redwater Innisfree Mundare See more throughout this Travel Guide! World’s Largest Perogy, Glendon @sandypardy04 on the Roadtrip Adventure Game #GoRoadtrips2022 Find a complete list of the Roadside Attractions at GoEastofEdmonton.com World’s Largest Sausage, Mundare by Nikki Zenari Roadtrip Adventures Photo Contest Submission Share your photos with #GoEastofEdmonton #GoRoadtrips2023 26
golf 15 ARDMORE - Golf Course & Mini Golf GIBBONS - Jurassic Forest Mini Golf WAINWRIGHT - Riverdale Mini Park BONNYVILLE - Rocky Meadows Country-Getaway Mini Golf VERMILION - Provincial Park erdaiv l R e MiniGolfbyPlayOutsideGuid e .com
er - Po n rs in c W ha e T m o a m G li e n z s ri o P n, st S a t e . h P t a r u o l N
Photo Contest Winner: Cold Lake Beach by Stacey Marks

From rolling hills to black sandtraps, to an island green, there’s a lot to be challenged by at more than 40 golf courses in the region! Check out the Stay & Play Packages offered by some courses featured in this section.

780.875.GOLF (780.875.4653) www.rollinggreen.ca 18 Hole, Par 71, Grass Green Golf Course *Proshop and Golf Course *Equipment Rentals *Licensed Restaurant & Patio *70-site RV Park Also see our info on page 109. OnWesterlyoutskirtsofLloydminsterwitheasyaccessofHighway16 780-336-3424 vikinggolfclub@telus.net To book your tee time call: 4431 - 55 Ave., Viking *Bright and spacious lounge with dra beer & cocktails available. *Chinese Restaurant on-site. *Full Service Campground 1 block away. *Out-of-Town Campers offered 2 for 1 Green Fees *2 for 1 Green Fees Special on all Mondays 780-374-3633 73 Years of Golfing Excellence dayslandgolf.com Come play the Island Green! 18 HOLE CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE www.CoalCreek.ca P. 780.663.2473 FULL SERVICE RV PARK RR 182 & Twp Rd 492, SW of Ryley
& RV


Athabasca Golf & Country Club


Boyle - Skeleton Lake Golf & Country Club 780-689-2455

La La Biche Golf & Country Club



Ardmore Golf Club 780-826-4509

Bonnyville Golf & Country Club


Cold Lake Grand Centre Golf Club


Cold Lake Golf & Winter Club


Elk Point Golf Club 780-724-3733

Gibbons Goose Hummock Golf Resort 780-921-2444

Long Lake - Northern Ridge Golf


Redwater Golf Club 780-942-3993

Smoky Lake Golf Club


St Paul Golf Club 780-645-4077

Vilna Golf Course 780-636-3660

EAST - HWY 15 & 45

Fort Saskatchewan Golf & Curling Club 780-998-3372

Fort-In-View Golf Course


Marwayne Lea Park Raven View Golf Course 780-847-2651

Mundare - Whitetail Crossing 780-764-3999

Myrnam/Derwent Golf Club


Two Hills Lions Golf Club



Kitscoty Golf Club 780-846-2950

Lloydminster Golf & Country Club






See ad page 100.

EAST - HWY 16 continued...


Sherwood Park 780-467-7373

Northern Bear Golf Club


Country Side Golf Course


Legends Golf & Country Club


Fox Run Golf Course 780-998-4653

Vegreville Kinsmen Golf Course


Vermilion Golf Club 780-853-4444





780-755-2462. See page 126.

Irma Golf Club 780-754-2184

Tofield Golf Course 780-662-3457



Wainwright Riverdale Mini Park


Wainwright Golf Club 780-842-3046

Wainwright - Arm Lake Rec Area



Camrose Golf Course 780-672-2691

Camrose Whistle Stop Golf Course



CLUB 780-374-3633

Forestburg Golf Course


Hardisty Lakeview Golf Course


Hughendon Golf Club


New Norway Silver Creek Golf Course 780-855-3982

Provost & District Golf Club



GOLF COURSE - 780-375-2154

Sedgewick Golf Course


18 Hole Golf Course

*Serviced Seasonal RV Sites Available

Located near: Camrose, Hay Lakes, Toeld and Sherwood Park

Adjacent to Miquelon Lake Provincial Park 20340 TWP 494A, Camrose County

Club House: 780-662-2499


For a complete list of over 40 Golf Courses across the region visit GoEastofEdmonton.com/Golfing
Double Dam Golf Course

Here are just a few of the many great local community trails around the region:

North of Edmonton

• Hike or Bike the Athabasca Landing

Trail – part of the northern leg of the Trans Canada Trail which starts by Fort Saskatchewan and leads north to Athabasca.

Northeast of Edmonton

• The Cold Lake Bike Park has 6 km of year-round trails and jump features for mountain bikers of all skill levels.

• In Lac La Biche, the lakefront trail stretches over 10 km from downtown all the way to Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park.

Southeast of Edmonton

• In Camrose, there are 38 km of trails winding gracefully through the Stoney Creek Valley.

• Northeast of Wainwright the Wainwright Wildlife Society Trail winds along the Battle River with viewpoints along its 6 km of multi-use trail.

• Hardisty Nature Trails10-15 km trek on the most scenic trails in Flagstaff Cnty - see ad 144.

East of Edmonton

• Fort Saskatchewan’s Scenic River Valley trail system has over 19 km of trails.

• Vegreville’s Community linked trail system leads all around town.

River Valley Alliance is completing a 100 km North Saskatchewan River Trail Network connecting Fort Saskatchewan & Strathcona County Riverside Trails.

Explore 1000+ km of trails at 100+ Parks, Campgrounds & Natural Areas. Read the Community stories and the Campground Listings for more details about local parks and trails.

See MAP pages 2 & 3 for locations.

East of Edmonton Trails in the Beaver Hills Biosphere

Beaver Hills Biodiversity Trail – Located east of the Strathcona Wilderness Centre on Rg Rd 211 and Twp Rd 530, a 2 km trail with benches, lookout points and a picnic area allow you to experience biodiversity, culture and the story of the land (see page 90).

Cooking Lake/Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area – A trail network of 170 km used for hiking, cycling, equestrian, snowshoeing, skating, snowmobiling and cross-country skiing hosting the Canadian Birkebeiner Ski Festival.

Elk Island National Park – with over 80 km of trails, take in the diverse landscape and observe the aspen woodlands, glistening lakes and prairie meadows.

Miquelon Lake Provincial Park – 18 km of well-groomed and interconnected trails great for birdwatching.

Ministik Lake Sanctuary – is Alberta’s oldest preserve, featuring 75 sq km of trails that are less frequented allowing you to enjoy a quaint experience.

North Cooking Lake Natural Area Located at 52209 Rg Rd –213, it has great trails for birdwatching and a quiet stroll through the wetlands, forests, and prairie land.

Strathcona Wilderness Centre – 12 km of trails at this fourseason outdoor adventure centre with disc-golf, hiking, wildlife watching, tent camping, picnicking and more (see page 89).

Check out our Regional Trail Guide! Explore trails from across the region at: 18

Trails Northeast of Edmonton

Cold Lake Provincial Park – known for its beach, the park is also home to 11.5 km of trails to hike or bike.

Garner Lake Provincial Park – a 5 km trail to hike or bike while enjoying the interpretive signs highlighting local wildlife and vegetation.

Moose Lake Provincial Park – 7 km of trails with stunning Jackpine forests and lakeside views, close to Bonnyville.

Long Lake Provincial Park – home to 17 km of trails in the White Earth Valley Natural Area to hike, view wildlife, horseback ride or go geocaching and is accessible year-round.

Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park – over 10 km of trails, known for its Boardwalk trails, old growth forest and lakeside views.

Lakeland Provincial Park - over 25 km of trails. The longest trail in the Park - starts at Shaw Lake day use area where you can connect to many lakes with backcountry camping.

Trails East of Edmonton

Vermilion Provincial Park – 12 well-maintained trails spanning the distance of 23 km makes this park and campground a favourite for all outdoor enthusiasts.

Trails Southeast of Edmonton

Dilberry Lake Provincial Park – 13 km of trails located southeast of Chauvin allow you to experience the area’s lush aspen forest.

Big Knife Provincial Park – the 8.5 km of uncrowded trails near Forestburg allow you to escape the city and get into nature.

Alberta’s Iron Horse Trail (278 km) – Stretching from Waskatenau to Heinsburg and up to Cold Lake, this abandoned CN Rail Line welcomes all types of trail users.

Lakeland Provincial Recreation Area (140 km) – in the Lac La Biche region, these trails are shared by ATV and snowmobiles. Highlights include Dabbs Lake Trail, the Wishbone Trails and the Puller Lake Trails.

Lakeland Breakers Trail System (35 km) – Located in Two Hills County north of Beauvallon, these trails can be used in summer or winter. These trails are also known as the Cougar Patch or Beauvallon Cabin Trails. Find trail maps at lakelandbreakers.com

North Bruderheim Provincial Recreation Area – a designated OHV/ATV recreation area with 14 km of terrain is located just north of Bruderheim and east of Highway 830 on Twp Rd 565.

Poachers Landing Provincial Recreation Area – Popular for hiking, ATVs, and snowmobiles, this network of trails and bridges north of Boyle, is located along the Athabasca River.

Redwater Provincial Recreation Area (100 km) – 5 minutes from Redwater is one of the largest sand dune fields in the region. Used extensively by ATV and snowmobile riders this area contains many looping trails.

Burnt Rock Adventure Co. - see pg 107.

Mach 1 Sports - see pg 68. Off Road Rentals - see pg 38.

#GoEastofEdmonton @GoEastofEdmonton
Share your

The Best Guide to Camping Northeast, East

& Southeast of Edmonton

(includes Northeast Lakeland and East Central Alberta Campgrounds)


ISLAND LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 12 sites. Day use area. Services:

P=Power W=Water S=Sewer



(N) Recreation: small boat launch, pier, bird watching, fishing and fish cleaning stn. From Athabasca: West on Hwy 2, go north to Twp Rd 681 (becomes Twp Rd 682) follow east to RR 235, head south, at Twp Rd 680 gowest1.5km.780-675-2273

walking trails, playground. From Athabasca North on Hwy 813, turn east on Twp Rd 684. TurnrightonRR214tothepark.






>> campground has an advertisement.


Most campgrounds have firepits, picnic tables and shaded/wooded sites. This campground guide also includes Trail & Recreation information. Services, dates to open/close, and phone numbers listed are subject to change.

Know before you go... AlbertaFireBans.ca

Open: May to Oct. 20 sites and tenting area. Baseball diamond. Services (N) Located 2.5 kmfromAthabasca(acrosstheroadfromthe GolfClub)780-675-5587/780-213-0803

BAPTISTE LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 12 Tenting sites. Day use area, picnic shelter Services: (N) Recreation: Boat launch, playground, pier, fishing. From Athabasca: West 17 km on Hwy 2 (becomes Hwy 812) continue west (becomes Twp Rd 664).780-675-2273

FORFAR RECREATION PARK - Open: May to Sept. 73 sites. Daily to Seasonal available. Group area with cookhouse. Caretaker, day use area, firewood Services: (N)

Recreation: Boat launch, playground, pier, beach, swimming, trails, ATV compound, fishing & fish cleaning stn. From Athabasca: South on Hwy 2, 18 km to Hwy 663 West 23km.GoNorthonRR250.780-675-2273

GHOST LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 5 sites, Day use area. Services: (N)

Recreation: small boat launch, pier, fishing and fish cleaning stn. From Athabasca: West on Hwy 2, continue North to Twp.Rd. 683. Headwest2km.780-675-2273

JACKFISH LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 35 sites. Day use area, Group camping, cookhouse, Firewood. Services:

(N) Recreation: Boat launch, playground, pier, swimming. 10 km From Athabasca: East on Hwy 55 two km to Airport Road head north. Go east on Twp Rd 670. Go north on RR213andthenEastonTwpRd672. 780-675-2273

LONG LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 4 sites. Day use area. Services: (N) Recreation: small boat launch, hiking, fishing. From Athabasca: South on Hwy 2 for 18 km to Hwy 663, west 15 km to Twp Rd 650. Follow as it (becomes RR 250) to Twp. Rd.651headingwest.780-675-2273


May to Sept 10 sites, Day use area Services: (N) Recreation: boat launch, pier, fishing. From Athabasca: West on Hwy 2for15kmtoHwy812headsouth13kmto TwpRd.652headWest7km.



Summer Three shelters Services: (N)

Recreation: boat launch, quad trails,




BOYLE RV PARK - 27 sites, toilets

Services: (PW)780-689-3643

HOPE LAKE CAMPGROUND -Open:Mayto Sept 51 sites Daily, seasonal, group camping available. Caretaker, day use area, cookhouse, firewood Services: (N)

Recreation: Boat launch, playground, pier, beach, hiking trails, ATV compound, swimming, fishing. From Boyle: North on Hwy 63, 6 km to Skeleton Narrows Road, thennorth11kmonRR191.



CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 6 sites, Day use area Services: (N)

Recreation: small boat launch, bird watching. From Boyle: North on Hwy. 63 to Twp. Rd. 665. Go east to Rg. Rd. 181 head south to Blue Heron Estates. Turn east on Twp. Rd. 664 and go 3 km south on RR 180.


LEGEND Services (PWS/N)
N=No Hookups
Cold Lake M.D. Park


AREA - Open May to Sept. 6 sites. Firewood, toilets, picnic/cook shelter, non-potable water Services: (N)

Recreation: Boat launch, horse corrals, hand launch, loading ramp, playground, hitching rails, trails for ATV, equestrian, hiking, biking, snowmobiling. North of Boyle at Athabasca River next to La Biche RiverWildlandProvincialPark.



RESORT –780-689-4363


CHUMP LAKE CAMPGROUND – Open May-Sept. 53 sites, beach, day use area. Services: (N) Recreation: boat launch, fishing, trails – hiking, ATV 1 km west and2kmnorthofCaslan.


Open May-Oct, 67 sites, day use area, firewood, picnic area. Services: 15/30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, trails, boat launch, swimming, beach, fishing. 4 km N of Caslan off Sec. Rd. 663.780-689-2074



Open: Year-round. 4 sites with wall tents on deck platforms, includes beds, water, heater, firepit, picnic table and toilet. Sleeps up to 4 people. Group camping.

Caretaker Powered group shelter

Services: (N) Recreation: Trails, Yearround Adventure Pkgs & Experiences. Winter camping. Located on Kikino Métis Settlement, 14132 Twp Rd 624, close to WhitefishLake.780-623-8885

SILVER BIRCH RESORT - Open: Yearround. 30 sites, 206 seasonal stalls, day use area, dump station, flush toilets, showers, group use area, 9 cabins, caretaker Services: 30 amp, (P/N)

Recreation: beach, playground, horseshoes, boat launch, fishing, ATV trails. From Hwy 36, go east of Twp Rd 624onWhitefishLake.780-623-3252


>> LAC LA BICHE COUNTY www.laclabichecounty.com

See AD page 38.


Open: May-Sept. 89 sites, group use area 5 sites, day use, firewood, showers, flush toilets store Services: 15/30 amp (PW/N). Recreation: boatlaunch,fishing, beach, playground, swimming. 6 km east ofLacLaBicheonHwy663. 780-623-9222


See AD page 38. Open: May-Sept. Services: (P). Potable water fill station. Groupsites.Reserveatboldcenter.ca laclabichecounty.com/p/campgrounds

CAMP 3F GROUP CAMP – Open: MaySept. 4 cabins available, group camping, flushtoilets.Fishing. Services: (N). 2km N of Plamondon on HWY 858 and 5 km NEonTWPRoad682.780-798-3478

CROW LAKE PROV. PARK - Open MaySept. 30 sites, firepits. No firewood available. Services: (N) Recreation: Hand boat launch, canoeing, kayaking, nonmotorizedboats. 780-743-7437

For locations of BEACHES, LAKES, PARKS, and Recreation Areas refer to the Campground Listings in this Guide and on the Regional Map - pages 2 & 3.


See Ad page 38. Open: May - Sept. 43 sites, firewood, picnic area. Services: (P/N) Recreation: boat launch, beach, fishing, playground, swimming. SE of Lac LaBiche.Firstcome,firstserved. 780-623-9436or780-623-8503 laclabichecounty.com/p/campgrounds

HEART LAKE CAMPGROUND – Open May-Sept. 10 sites, free firewood, group camping Recreation: beach, boat launch, fishing, playground, swimming. 62 km N of Lac La Biche on HWY 881. 780-623-2130

LAKELAND PROV. PARK –includes campsites at Dabbs Lake, Helena Lake, Blackett Lake, Jackson Lake, Kinnard Island. Lakeland Canoe Circuit– 38 rustic backcountry campsites locatedthroughoutthehiking,bikingTrails and Canoe network of lakes in Lakeland Prov Park. Canoe Circuit area & Shaw Lake Day Use area is open year-round, multi-use trails 100 km 1-877-5372757.www.albertaparks.ca

LAKELAND PROV REC AREA - Open: May-Sept 262 sites 4 different campgrounds; Pinehurst Lake - Open May - Sept - 125 sites, Touchwood Lake - 87 sites, SeibertLake-42sites, Ironwood-8 sites, dump station, firewood. Services: (N). Spencer Lake - 3 campgrounds.

Recreation: In the PRA there is ATV/OHV/snowmobile trails designated, but no OHV use permitted in campgrounds. Beach, boat launch, fishing, hiking, swimming. S & E of Lac La Biche.1-877-537-2757



See Ad page 38. Open May - Sept. Services: (N). Recreation: Day use area, picnic shelter Firewood. First come firstserve.780-404-6196



- Open: May - 0ct. 72 sites, group camping, showers, store, dump station, firewood, canoe & kayak rental Services: 15/30 amp (P/N). 2 tipis, 5 summer cabins and 10 year-round cabin rentals, Community facility for rent

Recreation: trails, boat launch, beaches, bird watching, biking, hiking, playground, swimming, fishing. 13 km NE of Lac La BicheoffSH881. 780-623-4144











SPRUCE POINT - 780-623-3930

YOUNG’S BEACH -780-623-2604


CENTENNIAL RV PARK – Open: Apr-Oct. 16 sites. Services: (P/N) Reservations are only accepted for group camping. Located at the south end of 43 Street off of50Avenue.780-961-3773.

CENTENNIAL FISHING POND & DAY USE PARK –locatedwestoftheRVPark. Recreation: Fishing pond, playground, 3 kmwalkingtrails. Enjoy

the relaxing lifestyle of your OWN LOT with these full season campsite rentals. 21
P ark
Photo Contest Submission by Sarah Hart | V ezeau Beach M.D.



ARDMORE CAMPSITE - 10 sites. Services: (N). Recreation: Iron Horse Trail, golf, fish pond, mini golf. 5013-48 St.780-826-4509


BELLIS LAKE - Open: May - Oct. 25 sites, day use area, toilets, firewood. Services: (N) Recreation: canoeing, fishing, picnic area, playground. 2 km S ofBellisturn-offonHwy28.


KADUK LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May - Oct. 13 sites, toilets, picnic shelter, firewood. Services: (N) Recreation: boat launch, motor boating, canoeing, fishing. 7 km N of Bellis. 587-335-5510





See AD pg 63.


Open: May - Sept. 198 sites, showers, cookshack, day use, firewood, flush toilets, picnic shelter, dump stn. Services: (P/N). Recreation: boat launch, beach, playground, fishing, trails. 2 km N of Bonnyville on Hwy 41, 18 km W on Sec. Rd. 660 & 2 km S at Mooselake. 1-877-537-2757.

MOOSE LAKE PROV. PARK -Open:May - Sept. 59 sites, picnic area, dump station, day use area, firewood, covered cookshack, group camping. Services: 30 amp, (P/N). Recreation: playground, trails, hiking, boat launch, birdwatching,swimming,fishing. 10kmWHwy660,then2kmS. 1-877-537-2757

MOOSE LAKE PELICAN POINT M.D. PARK - Open: May-Sept. 57 sites, 2 group sites, caretaker, day use area, firewood, dump stn. (N). Services: Recreation: trails, boat launch, canoeing, swimming, beach, paddle board rentals, fishing, playground, 6 km trails.16kmWonHwy.660then6.5km SonRR474. 780-573-8828.


- Sept. 93 sites, caretaker, firewood, day use area, group camping, dump stn, laundromat, store, toilets, showers. Services: 30 amp, (P/N). Recreation: boating, beach, bird watching, baseball, beach-volleyball, horseshoes, soccer, 13 km of trails, day-use horse staging area, fishing, playgrounds. SE of Bonnyville. 780-826-4140.


GETAWAY - See AD page 58. Open year-round. 60 sites Services: (P/W/S). 50 amp, pull-thrus. Seasonal & yearly site rental. Group site and shelter. Flush toilets, showers, laundry, free WiFi (limited access). Recreation: inflatable water slide and play area, spring-fed pond, playground, farm yard mini-golf, 1 km hiking trail, river floating, Saskatoon U-Pick and RV Rental. Located 13.4 km north of Bonnyville and 3.4 km west on Twp.Rd.624A.780-826-6053

VEZEAU BEACH M.D. PARK - Open: May - Sept. 23 sites, 1 tent site, 3 overflow, day use area, picnic area, outhouse, showers, laundromat, caretaker, dump station, flush toilets, firewood. 30 amp, (PWS). Services:

Recreation: playground, golf course, boat launch, beach, jump pillow, fishing. 5 km W of Bonnyville on Hwy 28 – next to visitorcentre.780-826-6337.

POPLAR ESCAPE RV – 780-812-4507

The best uncrowded beaches in Alberta... there are dozens of great beaches around the region. Here are some of the top picks:

Northeast of Edmonton

• Kinosoo Beach and Cold Lake Provincial Park

• Moose Lake Provincial Park and M.D. of Bonnyville Parks

• Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park, Lac La Biche

• Garner Lake Provincial Park, Smoky Lake County

• Floating Stone Lake, St. Paul County

• Long Lake Provincial Park, Thorhild County

East and Southeast of Edmonton

• Wapasu Lake - day use, Minburn County

• Pelican Point, Camrose County

• Camp Lake, Beaver County

• Dillberry Lake Provincial Park, Chauvin

• Hardisty Lake Park




COLD LAKE M.D. PARK - Open MaySept. 155 sites, caretaker, day use area, group camping, tenting, overflow, firewood, flush toilets, coin showers / laundry, dump stn. 30 amp Services: (P/N) beach, boating, Recreation: fishing, swimming, soccer, volleyball, playground,picnic.2301-1Ave. 780-639-4121.


117 sites, (26 sites (P/W), 79 sites (P), 12 walk-in tent, day use area, firewood, dump stn, group camping, flush toilets, showers, store w/firewood, ice, ice cream & camping supplies. Services: (PW/N). bird watching, Recreation: boat launch, beach, fishing, playground, 11.5 km of trails. 5 km NE of Cold Lake offHwy28.780-594-7856


PARKS - Open: May-Sept. East - 26 sites, day use area, firewood, picnic area. Services: (P/N). West - 24 sites, dump station, firewood, caretaker, concession. Services: (P/N).

Recreation: boat launch, beach, fishing, playground, swimming. 25 km W of Cold Lake along Hwy. 55 & 5 km N onRR444.780-573-6443.


OpenMay-Sept,57sites. Services: (P).

Recreation: boat launch, beach, swimming. 16kmNofColdLake. 780-594-7856

ETHEL LAKE M.D. PARK - Open: MaySept. 11 sites, caretaker, firewood, picnic area.(N). Services: Recreation: camp kitchen, boat launch, fishing, horseshoes, playground, swimming. From Cold Lake 8 km W on Hwy 55 and 10kmNonHwy897. 780-573-9569.

Reservations for Alberta Parks: Reserve.AlbertaParks.ca or 1-877-537-2757 General Info: www.albertaparks.ca


See AD page 65. Open: Apr 1 – Oct 31. 12 Sites. Two night, weekly or monthlyrentals.Caretaker,firewood,fire pits and picnic tables, free Wifi, free laundry services, free private showers, free black water pump outs. Services: 15/30 amp(PWS) Recreation: beautiful landscape with wildlife viewing, petfriendly walking trail’s past horse ranch, bird sanctuary. Free storage for seasonal RV site renters. Non-gated easy access. Also rents cabins and cottages. 3 minutes to Kinosoo Beach and splash park, close to shopping. Located 3.5 km W of Cold Lake on 1st ave. Address: TWP 63408RR423.780-639-3114.

FRENCH BAY PROV REC AREA –Open May-Sept.10sites–dayuse,firepits, picnic area. Services: (N). NO firewood. Recreation: boating, beach, fishing, swimming. Nearby, Kinosoo Ridge Aerial Adventure Park opens in 2022, a 60' high towering structure with several skill levels to choose from. 15 km NE of Cold Lake.780-573-7828

>> HAMILTON HOUSE INN & ADVENTURES RV PARK See AD –page 64. 4 sites. Services: (P/W/S) weekly and monthly rates. Picnic table, group use firepit. Access to some B&B amenities. Recreation: lawn games, on-site hot tub, canoe rentals, fishing charters, lake tours, hiking, and biking. 10 minutes southeast of Cold Lake in CherryGrove.780-594-7257or 780-812-6525


Open: May – Sept. 67 sites, caretaker, picnic area, dump station, outhouses, day use area, firewood. (N). Services:

Recreation: playground, boat launch, fishing. North of Bonnyville. West of Iron River on Hwy 55, then 30 km N on R.R. 473. 780-826-0556.

350 FARMS GLAMPING –431-777-9210

GoEastofEdmonton.com/Outdoor-Adventures Camp Lake | Beaver County

BODINA RESORT –780-826-7165

BAYWOOD RV PARK – 780-573-3108 or780-812-6612



RUNWAY RV PARK –780-815-3246


ELK POINT REC. PARK - Open: MayOct. 17 sites, firewood, picnic shelter. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, golf, multi-use Iron Horse Trail. On edge of town on Sec Hwy646bygolfcourse.


ELK POINT RIVER PARK – Open May to Oct. 8 sites, day use area, picnic shelter, viewing deck. Services: (P/N) 3.5 km southofElkPoint. 780-724-3810

ELKS WILDERNESS PARK - 12 sites, 3 day use, firewood, water On Kehewin Lake,9kmNofElkPoint.



May-Sept 33 sites, boat launch, firepits, fish cleaning station, pier, toilets.Nopotablewater


WHITNEY LAKES PROV PARK - Open May – Sept. Whitney Lake 53 sites. Ross Lake 149 sites. Services: (P/N). Day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, group use areas, picnic shelter, showers Recreation: playground, volleyball, horseshoes, trails (40km), hiking, beach, swimming, canoeing. 27 kmEofElkPointonHwy 646.



RIEL BEACH CAMPGROUND – 46 sites, showers Services: (P/N)

Recreation: playground, beach, fishing. NofFrogLakeoffHwy897.




RESORT - 102 sites Services: 30/50

amp(P) Recreation: golfing, Jurassic Forest Interpretive Centre. 1-23210, TownshipRoad564. 780-921-2444.




Open: May-Sept. 29 sites, firewood, day-use area, outhouses, caretaker on site Services: (N) Recreation: boating, canoeing, beach, fishing, playground. From Hwy 28 S on SH 882 for 6.4 km, E on Twp Rd 594 for 3.3 km andSonRR482for1km.


MINNIE LAKE EAST & WEST M.D. PARK Open: May-Sept. East - 11 sites –day use, store, caretaker, toilets, firewood. Services: (P/N) West - 7 sites, boat launch, outhouse, firewood Recreation: beach, canoeing, fishing, playground, volleyball, paddle board rentals, swimming, day-use, change rooms.5kmNEofGlendononHwy660. 780-573-6666.


WATERTOWER CAMPSITE -6sites,day use area, firewood Services: (N) Recreation: playground, hiking, ATV, equestrian, boat launch, canoeing, North Sask River. Southside of Heinsburg.



See AD page 44. Year-round RV sites OffHwy831onLongLakeRoad.



See AD page 44. Open May – Sept Private Seasonal RV Park 50 sites Services: PW (30/ 50 amp), Sewage Removal, 10 x 12 Shed with each site.

Coin Operated Laundry Recreation: Large Green space, - horse shoe pits, volleyball net Small rental cabin available for extra guests. ATV cutline trail right out of property Golf courses, fishing, public beach, convenience store nearby TWP 631A 19222 – Long Lake ProvincialParkRoad.403-669-3579


While on your paddling adventure soak in the spectacular scenery of the region’s lakes and rivers. Enjoy canoeing, kayaking and tubing at various locations including the North Saskatchewan River, Battle River, Vermilion River, Athabasca River and the Beaver River.

Visit AlbertaParks.ca and learn about the many Parks for paddling, including the only Canoe Circuit in Alberta at Lakeland Provincial Park in the Lac La Biche region. The 38 kilometre paddle is an exceptional experience. When portaging between the seven lakes, use the canoe carts available to add to the ease and enjoyment.


Sept. 220 sites, showers, concession, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, picnic shelter, day use area, group camping, laundromat Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, volleyball, golf, interpretive programs, trails (26 km) hiking, biking, equestrian, beach, swimming, boat launch & rentals, motorboating, canoeing, fishing. 38 km N of Waskatenau on SH 831.780-576-3959


RESORT 780-576-3939


MALLAIG BEACH CAMPSITE - Open: May - Labour Day 24 sites. firewood, cook shack, fish cleaning stand Services: (N). Recreation: children’s play area, beach, swimming, boating, fishing. Just south of Mallaig on Vincent Lake.780-645-5263



CAMPGROUND - Open: April-Oct. 11

sites, dump station and water station nearby Services: (N). Swimming and showers nearby. On Hwy 38 (48 Ave) in town. 780-942-3519





See AD page 54

ST PAUL RV PARK - Open: May - Sept. 40 sites, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: golf, baseball, by swimmingpool. 4800-55St.



CAMPGROUND - Open: mid-May to mid-Oct 82 sites, day use area, firewood, fishpond, flush toilets, picnic shelter, showers, wifi, caretaker

Ser vices: 30&50 amp (PWS)

Recreation: soccer field, multi-use trails.Locatedat4012-53Ave.


For Contest details & rules visit: GoEastofEdmonton.com/Photo-Contest

Vermilion Provincial Park | Jeremy Dersken ZenSeekers.com
Tag your pics with #GoRoadtrips2023 & #GoEastofEdmonton or enter on our website.

Alberta FREEFishing Weekend July8&9!

Go fishing at over 100 lakes, ponds and rivers with over 10 species of fish that await your hook, many of which are great in both summer and winter. Test your rod on the North Saskatchewan River for Alberta Sturgeon; or for the more popular: Northern Pike, Goldeye and Walleye, which can also be caught in the Athabasca River and many others!

For a complete list of Fishing Holes visit GoEastofEdmonton.com/Fishing

ALBERTA SPORTFISHING REGULATIONS for complete details visit: albertaregulations.ca


- Open: May - Sept. 65 sites, caretaker, day use area, dump station, group camping, firewood for sale, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelter, showers, gazebo. Services: 30 amp (P/N).

Recreation: playground, volleyball, trails, hiking, biking, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, canoeing, fishing, Boyne Lake. From Ashmont west on Hwy 28, N on RR 120 for 8 km, turn right on TwpRd603.780-726-3428.


Open: May - Sept. 34 sites, day use area, firewoodforsale,picnicshelter,gazebofor group use, tenting area, caretaker, showers. Services: 30 amp (P/N).

Recreation: playground, horseshoe pits, volleyball, trails, hiking, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. From Hwy 881, turn west Twp 562 for 4.8 km, south 1.6 km. 780-645-2639.


Open: May - Sept. 45 sites, caretaker, day use area, dump station, flush toilets, showers, firewood for sale, group camping & gazebo rentals, picnic shelter, tent area. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, horseshoe pits, volleyball, beach area, swimming, motor boating, water skiing, sailing, canoeing, fishing. 12kmWofElkPointonHwy646. 780-724-2381.

WESTCOVE CAMPGROUND at Vincent Lake – Open:May-Sept.66sites,dayuse fee, dump station, flush toilets, showers, group camping, picnic shelter, wifi, caretakeronsite,tentingarea. Services: 15/20 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, basketball, tennis, equipment rentals, trails, hiking, biking, horseshoes, pickleball, beach, spray park, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. From Hwy 881 N of St. Paul, W on Twp Rd 590 and N onRR100.780-645-6688.

STONEY LAKE COMMUNITY CAMPSITE (P/N),boatlaunch.RgRd81offHwy646.



A fully treed secluded seasonal campground located south of St. Paul on theNorthSaskatchewanRiver. www.bearridge.ca


>> SMOKY LAKE COUNTY smokylakeregion.ca

See page 46.

HANMORE LAKE Open: May – Sept. 2 campgrounds 53 sites. Day use area, toilets, firewood, group camping, picnic shelter Services: (N). Recreation: playground, hiking, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. 16 km N of Smoky LakeonHwy.855;then4kmWest.


ISLAND LAKE REC AREA - 10 sites, toilets, firewood, picnic shelter. Services: (N) Recreation: boat launch, canoeing, fishing. 20 km N of Smoky Lake on Hwy 855,then3kmNE. 780-656-6580


See AD page 47. Open: May - Sept. 41 sites, 10 trappers tents, firewood, showers, picnic area, playground, gift shop, special events. Services: 30 amp (P/N) Recreation: horsehoe pits, trails, hiking, swimming, boating, canoeing, fishing on the North Saskatchewan River. 15 km south of Smoky Lake on Hwy 855, 1 km East on Victoria Trail off Hwy 855. 780-656-2229

MONS LAKE REC AREA - Open: AprilOct. 8 sites, treed, day use area, firewood. Services:Recreation: (N). playground, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. 6.4 km E of Smoky Lake on Hwy. 28; 3.2 kmNand0.4kmW. 587-335-5510


picnic area, fishing, electric motor/rowing boats. 3 km east of Smoky Lake on Hwy 28,10kmNonRR165.

SMOKY LAKE GOLF RESORT – Open May-Oct. 14 sites. Showers, picnic tables, firepits. Services: 30 amp (PWS). Recreation: golf, playground. 1 minute N oftown.780-656-2121

SMOKY LAKE RV PARK - Open: AprilOct. 12 sites, showers. Services: 30 amp (PWS) Recreation: nearby playground, baseball, museum, spray park.4612-54Ave. 780-656-0394


GARNER LAKE PROV. PARK - Open: May - Sept. 61 sites, day use area, dump station, firewood, picnic shelter, showers. Services:(P/N). Recreation: playground, volleyball, sports field, trails, hiking, biking, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. 5 km N of Spedden off Hwy 28. 780-594-7856


CENTENNIAL PARK - 8 sites, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, picnic shelter, playground. Services: (N). West side of town. 780-398-3741

HALFMOON LAKE PARK - Open: MaySept. 11 seasonal sites, day use area, firepits, caretaker on site, store, picnic shelter. Services: 30 amp(P)

Recreation: playground, hiking, biking, beach, swimming, boat launch. 14 km W ofThorhildalongHwy.18&12kmS. 780-961-3308



Open:May-Oct. 32sites,firewood,picnic shelter. 30 amp , toilets Services: 15/ (P/N). playground, golf, Recreation: beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, sailing, canoeing.2 km E of Vilna along Hwy. 28 and km N. 2 780-656-8984


- See AD page 51. Open year-round. 70 sites, firewood, heated washrooms & showers. Cabins. Services: (20&30 amp P/W), dump sation Recreation: Indoor activitycentre,movieroom,hottub,hiking trails, ATV trails, multi sport coursespickleball, playround, children’s zipline, splash pool. 14125 Hwy 652 south of Vilna.780-656-6559


Photo Contest Submission by Ali Bedard Hamilton House Inn & Adventures, Cold Lake


See AD page 52. - Open: Year-round. 150 sites (100 seasonal sites w/P), day use area, dump station, firewood, outhouse toilets, showers, caretaker, store. Services: 15 & 30 amp (P/N).

Recreation: playground, beach, swimming, boat launch, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. Hwy 36 proceed 22 km N, 10 km E to dead-end, follow signs (at WhitefishLake). 780-636-2819.


>> PINE CREEK CAMPGROUND & REC AREA See AD page 46. Open: April - Oct. 8 sites, picnic shelter, firepits, tables, green space camping. Services: (P/N) NW corner of Waskatenau next to ball diamonds.780-358-2208.

EASTHWY 15 & 45


(TURNER PARK) - See AD page 72.

Open: May - Oct. 42 sites, firewood, flush toilets, showers, on-site manager.

Services: 50, 30, 20 amp(PWS/N)

Recreation: playground, volleyball, trails (68 km paved), hiking, biking, x-c skiing, canoeing. 10701 River Road. 780-9984074 www.fortlionscampground.ca


LAMONT RV PARK -780-895-2220



PARK) See AD page 85 Open: AprilOct. 132 sites, dump station, 2 camping cabins, firewood, family reunion building, 2 camp kitchens, showers, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelters, free wifi.

Services: 30 amp, (P/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, golf, horseshoes, hiking, swimming, boating, boat launch, fishing on North Sask. River. 17 km N of MarwayneonSH897.780-847-2273.



ANDREW RV PARK - Open: May - Sept. 16 sites, dump station, flush toilets, showers. Services: 30/50amps. (PWS/N)

Recreation: playground. In town next to Duck.780-365-3687



CAMPGROUND - Open May-Oct. 24 sites, dump station. Services: (PWS/N).

Recreation: baseball, oval race track. www.campreservations.ca780-796-3731


CLANDONALD CAMPGROUND - 6 sites, dump station on grounds near Community Hall. (P/W).780-853-8339 Services:

RUSYLVIA HALL CAMPGROUND - Open May-Sept. 6 sites. (P/N). Recreation: 3 ball diamonds, playground. Located 10 km westofClandonald.780-787-2201.


DEWBERRY CAMPGROUND - Open MaySept. 39 sites. (PWS/N) Monthly/weekly rates.1stAvenorth.780-847-3034



LAKE CAMPGROUND Open: Mid-MayOct. Day use area, firewood, flush toilets, picnic shelter, showers, dump station Services: (N). Recreation: playground, golf,trails(80kmofhikingtrails),canoeing. 780-922-5790 Reservations: 1-877737-3783orreservation.pc.gc.ca

>> ELK ISLAND RETREAT - See AD page 90 Escape into nature in this peaceful, quiet private campground just a short drive from Edmonton and minutes from Elk Island National Park. Stay in a beautiful glamping accommodation: 4 Geodesic domes, 2 modern yurts, and 3 comfy cabins. A beautiful hexadome event tent is available for small weddings, corporate retreats and other events. There are also 36 fully serviced RV sites. Long term rates available. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N).Coinoperatedshowers&laundry, firewood, free WIFI. Recreation: Nature trails, horseshoe pits and volleyball net. NorthonRR212offofHwy16.

780-998-0708 elkislandretreat.com

CAMPGROUND 85. See AD page

Open: April - Nov. 24 sites, day use area, dump station, flush toilets, showers, free wifi. Services: 30 amp (PWS). 2nd Ave & 2nd St South. 780-847-3784


DRAHOMANOW REC. AREA - 8 sites, dump station, firewood, flush toilets. Open weekends only or by appt. Playground, baseball. Services: (N). South of Mundare. 780-632-7486

MUNDARE RV CAMPSITE – Open Year round. 18 sites. Services: (PWS) Next to rec. centre and spray park. 5116 – 50 Ave. 780-764-3929

UKRAINA PARK CAMPGROUND – Open May–Sept.25sites,flushtoilets,showers, picnic shelters, concession building rental. Services: (P/N) Recreation: baseball, playground. NorthsideonHwy 855. 780-603-1073



Rentals are for full season. May-Sept.

Recreation: canoeing, fishing, tubing, multi-use trails, playground. N of Myrnam ontheNorthSask.River.bearridge.ca


Open: May - Sept. 24 sites, showers, dump station, firewood, pavilion with kitchen, caretaker on site, store, group camping, day use area. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N).

Recreation: playground, horseshoe pits, beach, swimming, boat launch, electric motor boating, canoeing, fishing. 5 km W onHwy 45&6kmS.780-208-0223. campreservations.ca

MYRNAM CAMPGROUND - 5 sites. Dump station. (N) By arena. Services: 780-366-3910

MYRNAM DERWENT GOLF & CAMPGROUND - 17 sites Services: (PW/N). From Hwy 45 N on RR 85, E on Twp Rd554.780-366-2190

Burnt Rock Adventures Co. brand name canoes, kayaks, paddle boards, plus bikes, apparel and accessories. Vermilion. See ad page 107.

Mach 1 Sports - bikes, boards, clothing & accessories. Cold Lake. See ad page 68.


Burnt Rock Adventures Co. See ad page 107.

Off Road Rentals - 24/7 SUP, kayaks, paddle boats, fishing boats, UTV’s, ATV’s, snowmobiles and more. Lac La Biche - see ad page 38.

L&D Marine Rentals & Repairs - Offers all types of marine engine & Sea-Doo repairs, plus boat rentals. See ad page 61.

Franchere Sporting GoodsCarries camping and fishing gear, plus boat rentals near Bonnyville. See ad page 61.

Hamilton House Inn & Adventures - Rents canoes on a private lake near Cold Lake. See ad page 64.

Wicked Watersport Rentals Rents kayaks, SUPs, pedal boats & go fly-boarding on Kinosoo Beach, Cold Lake. See ad page 65.


Grand Rapids

Wilderness Adventures offers Athabasca River multiday jet boat trips and fishing trips. Log cabin rentals. Helicopter tours and more. See page 33.

Grand Rapids Wilderness Adventures


Hamilton House Inn & Adventures offers fishing charters and shoreline boat tours - pg 64. Anglers Bait Tackle & More offers summer fishing tours located at Evergreen Birch Lodge. See pg 67. Edgewater Experiences - offers fishing packages on a 30 ft. cabin cruiser. See page 64.

25 GoEastofEdmonton.com/Outdoor-Adventures

Less than 35 minutes east of Edmonton lies a year-round oasis where bison roam freely, sun glistens off lakes and ponds, and stars light-up the night sky; Elk Island National Park. This gentle wilderness of aspen woodlands, prairie meadows and pockets of wetland is a wildlife-watchers paradise; free roaming bison, elk, deer, moose, and more than 250 bird species call this place home.

Activities: hike or bike over 80 km of trails, rent canoes and paddle around the islands on Astotin Lake. Fun doesn’t end as the sun begins to set; go camping at Astotin Lake Campground, stay warm by a fire and look into a sky filled with stars and dancing Northern Lights. Without the glow of city lights around you’ll see more than you knew existed!

Park Information: parks.canada.ca/pn-np/ab/elkisland


For camping visit https://parks.canada.ca/voyage-travel/reserve



thcounty.ab.ca See AD page 81.

GELETA PARK - 5 sites. Day use area, washrooms, showers. (N). Services: Recreation: playground, tennis / basketball courts, beach volleyball, soccer field, baseball diamonds. Hwy. 36 S of town.


SANDY LAKE PARK - Open: May – Sept. 37 sites, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, pavilion with kitchen, day use area, caretaker on site. Services: 15 amp (PW/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, horsehoe pits. 9 km W on Hwy. 45 & 13 km N on Sec.Rd.860.780-768-2330. www.campreservations.ca




RV PARK - Open May-Sept. 6 sites, water. Services: (P/N). 4 miles north of Hwy 45 on RR143.780-768-3932.

WILLINGDON CAMPGROUND & RV PARK15 sites, flush toilets, showers. Services: (PWS). IntownonHwy45.780-657-3358




See ad page 109. Open year round. 50 sites, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, laundry, rec centre, tourist information, online reservations. 15/30/50 amp Services: (). playground,offleash PWS Recreation: area, hiking/biking trails, horse shoes, movies, books and yard games. Nearby trout pond and golf. 5 min west of LloydminsteralongHwy16atthecornerof RR22. 780-875-4663 campnrv.ca

WEAVER PARK - Open: April - October. 63 sites, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, picnic shelter, caretaker. Services: 30, 50 amp, (PWS/N). Recreation: playground, minigolf,museum. 44St(Hwy16E)&45Ave. 306-825-3726


>> MANNVILLE RIVERVIEW GOLF & RV RESORT See AD page 100. Open May – Sept. 63 sites, caretaker, café, flush toilets, firewood, group camping, pull-thrus, restaurant/ store, showers, seasonal sites. Services: 50 amp (PWS) Recreation: golf course, horseshoe pits. 3.5 km N of Hwy 16 on Hwy 881, 2 km E onTwp510A.780-763-2252.




CAMPGROUND & REC. PARK See AD page 99. Open: May - Sept. 59 sites, day use, flush toilets, showers, group camping, picnic shelter, on-site manager, concession. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, horseshoe pits, trails. Hwys 16 and 870 junction at Innisfree, then 1 km S at Birch Lake. 780-592-2414. campreservations.ca.


PARK See AD page 98.

Day Use Recreation Only: Open May to Sept. Beach, firepits, picnic tables, canoeing, non motorized boating, playground, picnic shelter, swimming, 4 km of trails, birdwatching, washrooms, wildlife viewing. 4 kmSofHwy16onRR115.

Enjoy beautiful night skies, stargazing and special astronomy programming and events at four Dark Sky Preserve locations in the region. The Beaver Hills Dark Sky Preserve includes Miquelon Lake Provincial Park, Cooking Lake Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area, and Elk Island National Park. Lakeland Provincial Park, just east of Lac La Biche, is Alberta’s newest Dark Sky Preserve. Bon Accord is recognized as Alberta’s Dark Sky Community - a great place for stargazing just north of Edmonton.

Learn more about our Night Sky Adventures or visit:

KITSCOTY KITSCOTY REGIONAL PARK - Open: MayOct. 19 sites, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, picnic shelter and shower building. Services: 30 amp (P/N), internet. Recreation: baseball, golf, horseshoe pits, trails,park.Intown.campreservations.ca


Day Use Recreation Only: Open June to Sept. Canoeing, firepits, Wildlife viewing. South of Kitscoty on 897, West on TWP 490 for5.5km.www.vermilion-river.com


>> ROLLING GREEN FAIRWAYS GOLF COURSE & RV PARK - See AD pg 109. Open 70 sites, showers, toilets, May-Sept laudromat, restaurant. Services: (PWS) up to 50 amp. Recreation: playground, golf stay & play packages. West side of Lloydminster offHwy16.780-808-1667

SANDY BEACH REGIONAL PARK 20 km N onHwy.17.306-825-2092

See AD page 101. Open year-round. 60sites.Coinoperatedshowers, washers anddryers,fencedonallsides. Services: 30 amp (PWS). 780-763-6404. Situated onHwy16&881.


THREE CITIES REGIONAL PARK - Open: May - Sept. 8 sites, day use area, group camping, flush toilets, showers, picnic shelter. Services: 30 amp (PW/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, horseshoepits.1kmE.780-745-2287

>> STRATHCONA COUNTY strathcona.ca/Adventure


REC AREA - Back country camping for Youth/Education Oriented Groups onlyreservations required. Recreation: interpretive programs, trails (170km), hiking, biking, x-c skiing, equestrian. E of Sherwood Park on RR 210 just past Twp Rd524. 780-922-3293


See AD page 90. Escape into nature in this peaceful, quiet private campground just a short drive from Edmonton and minutes from Elk Island National Park. Beautiful glamping accommodations include: 4 Geodesic domes, 2 modern yurts, and 3 comfy cabins. A beautiful hexadome event tent is available for small weddings, corporate retreats and other events. There are also 36 fully serviced RV sites. Long term rates available. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Coin operatedshowers&laundry,firewood,free WIFI. Recreation: Nature trails, horseshoe pits and volleyball net. North on RR 212 off of Hwy 16. 780-998-0708 elkislandretreat.com



Dark Sky Viewing at Elk Island National Park by Shane Turgeon


CENTRE See AD page 89. Walk in tenting sites for individuals & groups. Water, firewood. Lodge holds up to 41 people. Services: (N) Recreation: interpretive programs, ski rentals, trails, hiking, biking, disc golf, x-c skiing. 16 km E of Sherwood Park on Baseline Rd, Twp. Rd. 530&RR212.780-922-3939.



CAMPGROUND at the Pysanka Park. See AD page 93. Open: May - Sept. 65 sites, concession, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, picnic area, visitor centre. Services: 30 amp, (P/N). Recreation: playground, trails, hiking, biking. fishing. In town next to PysankaoffHwy16A 780-632-6800.


RESERVOIR - Day use only. Fishing trout pond, toilets, birdwatching. Along Hwy 16 N ofVegreville.780-632-6800




VERMILION PROV. PARK - Open: May-Oct. 111 sites, 3 sites available for winter camping, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelter, showers. (PWS/N). Services:

Recreation: playground, spray park, canoeing, baseball, horseshoe pits, minigolf,trails(20km),biking,x-cskiing.Intown, followsigns. 780-853-4372




See AD page 122.

50 sites, group camping, flush toilets, showers, dump station, day use area. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Baseball. In town.780-754-3665.

IRMA GOLF CLUB RV PARK - 12 sites 30 amp(P/W).780-754-2184


>> BEAVER COUNTY beaver.ab.ca campreservations.ca

See AD page 116.

RYLEY CAMPGROUND - Open: MaySept. 20 serviced sites, pull thru sites. Water and dump station nearby. No firewood. Services: 15/30 amp (P/N).

Recreation: playground, baseball. 47 St. & 50 Ave. 780-663-3653



Open: May - Sept. 88 sites, 8 group sites, large sites available, caretaker on site, concession, day use area, dump station, firewood,flushtoilets,groupsites,showers, picnic shelter / cookhouses. 30 Services: amp (PWS/N). birdwatching, Recreation: playground, volleyball, basketball, tether ball, horseshoe pits, non powered boating, canoeing, trout pond fishing, backcountry hiking, birdwatching. Located next to Coal Creek Golf resort. 49117 Rge Rd. 182 campreservations.ca


See AD page 118.


DILLBERRY PROVINCIAL PARK Open midMay - Sept. 83 sites, flush toilets, dump station, showers, firewood, store, fish cleaning stations. Services: (P/N). Recreation: beach, swimming, playground, sport fishing, sand dunes, x-country skiing, hiking, 13.5 km of trails. SE of Chauvin on Hwy17.780-858-6915

KING’S PARK CAMPGROUND Open May 15-Oct 15, 12 sites, flush toilets, showers, dump station. Services: (PWS). In town by WaterTower.780-858-3881



CAMPGROUND – Open May – Sept. 27 sites, caretaker, firewood, golf, playground, licensed dining. Services: (P) East on Hwy 610. 780-755-2462.


CAMPGROUND See AD page 126.

– Open May – Oct, 12 sites, dump station, picnic area, play area, Services: (PWS), 50 Ave&Hwy894.780-755-3933.

RIBSTONE CAMPSITE – Open May – Sept. 5 sites, picnic shelter. Services (N). On Hwy 14,15kmEofEdgertonturnoff.


HOLDEN CAMPGROUND - Open: May-Oct. 8 sites, day use area, dump station. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, spray park, ball diamonds. 48 Stand52Ave.780-688-3928.

Open: May 1 - Sept. 30, 35 sites, (5 pull thrus), handicap accessible clubhouse, coin operated laundry, private shower, private bathroom, mini kitchen and common area, winter storage available, gated community. Services: 30/50 amp (PWS). Recreation: Golfing and fishing nearby. N of Miquelon Lake. 780-4469842or780-701-5171.


PARK - 66 large sites. Daily, weekly, monthly rates and seasonal sites available. Services: 50 amp (P/W/S) Recreation: Discountavailableongreenfees. 780-663-2473.


CAMPGROUND – Open May-Sept. 40 sites, showers, toilets. Services (P/N).

Recreation: Horseshoes, playground, swimming pool, volleyball. W of Tofield –51123 Rg. Rd. 200. 780-662-4439

TOFIELD CAMPGROUND Open May-Oct.18 sites, indoor washroom/shower facilities, dump station. Services: 30 amp (P)and Wifi. First come, first serve, no reservations. Self-registration at time of arrival. Located at 4730-51 Ave. near mainstreet, trails and sportsgrounds. 780662-3269


EASTVIEW PARK - Open: May - Oct. 18 sites, firewood, flush toilets, showers, picnic shelter, day use area. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, horseshoe pits, soccer, golf. Main St.to55Ave.780-336-4747

GoEastofEdmonton.com/things-to-do/camping www.youngfartsrvparts.ca ORDER ONLINE - WE SHIP ACROSS CANADA! LARGEST SUPPLY! LOWEST PRICES! Call 587-844-2398 Curbside Pickup or Shipping Only No In-store Shopping 27

East of Edmonton has some of Alberta’s best wildlife viewing opportunities. Look for over 250 species of birds, such as herons, pelicans and bald eagles; also bears, beavers, bison, moose, elk, deer and more! Best spots to see wildlife include Elk Island National Park and Beaver Hills Biosphere Area, Beaverhill Lake Natural Area, the North Saskatchewan River Valley, Métis Crossing and Lac La Biche Region; amongst many Alberta Parks and natural areas all over the region.

VIKING cont’d...

CAMP LAKE PARK Open: May - Sept. 73 sites, 12 group sites, caretaker on site, concession, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, group camping, picnic shelters, cookhouses, concession. 15, 30 amp, (P/N). Services:

Recreation: playground, basketball, volleyball, mini-golf, horseshoe pits, trails, hiking, 2 beaches, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, sailing, canoeing.48118RgeRd112. www.campreservations.ca


ARM LAKE REC. AREA - Open May-Sept.

124 sites, caretaker, concession, dump stn, laundromat, showers. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Recreation: golf course, beach, boating, playground, trails, next to Clear Lake with boat launch, fishing, 15 km of trails. 15km E of Wainwright on Hwy 14, 7 km S on Hwy.610,followsigns.780-842-4727

DR MIDDLEMASS CAMPGROUND - Open: April - Oct. 30 sites, day use area, dump stn, firewood, flush toilets, showers, laundromat, picnic shelter Services: 15 amp (PWS/N) WiFi. Recreation: playground, trails. At 80515St.Wainwright. 780-842-3541

FABYAN CAMPSITE - Open: May - Sept. 5 sites, picnic shelter 12 km W of Wainwright inRiverValleyalongHwy14.780-842-4454


110 sites, concession/dining, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, group camping, picnic shelter, caretaker on site. Services: 30 amp (PWS).

Recreation: playground, baseball, volleyball, 18 hole golf course, mini-golf, horseshoe pits, trails, hiking, biking. beach, swimming, canoeing on Battle River 16.4 kmNofWainwrightonHwy41. 780-842-2996





See AD page 129.


BASHAW CAMPGROUND 16 sites. Flush toilets, trailer dump, wood. Services: (N). On Hwy53.780-372-3911

BASHAW GOLF CLUB 780-372-2333


>> CAMROSE RV PARK See AD page 131. 107 sites, standard & pull through sites,laundry&showerfacility,internet(Wifi), firewood, confectionary and RV supplies. Services: 30, 50 amp (P/W/S). Recreation: short walk to CRE Events Building and Camrose Resort Casino. Golf course nearby, children’s playground. Located just off Hwy 13eastontheCREGrounds. 780-678-2888.


CAMPING - 6 sites, See AD page 128. picnic tables, firepits, showers, washrooms. Services: 30 amp (P/N) Recreation: Volleyball, playground 19312 Township Road440. 780-678-9368


See AD page 128. Open: May-Oct. 100 Sites, sani-dump, laundry mat, showers, over-sizedsites,daily,weekly,monthlyand Seasonal sites. Services: Full Service and “Value Village” with no services. 20, 30 amp, Group sites PW Recreation: Golfing. Licensed clubhouse, horseshoe pits, volleyball courts. RR 18525 Sec Hwy 609Rosalind.780-375-2154

EDBERG CAMPGROUND - Open MaySept. 5 sites. Camp kitchen, dump stn. S ofCamroseonHwy609.780-877-3999

FERINTOSH CAMPGROUND - Open May - Sept. 19 sites. Day use area, firewood., camp kitchen, dump station. Services: (P/N).OnLassenDriveinFerintoshonHwy 21SofCamrose.780-672-4765


See AD page 127. Open: May - Sept. 22 sites. Day use area, group camping. Services: (P/N) Recreation: fishing NWofCamrose.780-878-3200


MIQUELON LAKE PROV PARK - Open: May-Oct. 273 sites, caretaker, day use area, showers, dump station, firewood, toilets, picnic shelter, group camping, store/visitor centre. Reduced services in winter. Services: 15/30 amp (P/N).

Recreation: playground, golf, interpretive programs, trails (20 km), hiking, biking, canoeing. From Hwy 21, 20kmEonHwy623. 780-672-7274




Day Use Recreation only. Open yearround. Canoeing, dock, non motorized boating, boat launch, fishing, fire pits, trails, playground, picnic shelter, swimming, washrooms, wildlife viewing. 11.5 km S on Hwy 56 to TWP 452 and E 8 km to RR 185.

NEW NORWAY CAMPGROUND - Open May - Oct. 6 sites, camp kitchen, flush toilets, dump station. Services: (P/N).

Recreation: baseball Along Hwy 21 780-672-4446

PELICAN POINT PARK - Open May - Sept. 56 sites, caretaker, concession, day use area, firewood, group camping, flush toilets, showers, picnic shelter, wheelchair access. Services: (P/W/N) Recreation: beach, boat launch, boating, fishing, horseshoe pits, swimming, trails, mini golf, playgrounds. On Buffalo Lake, 10 km eastofBashawonHwy53&6kmS. 1-877-537-2757.

ROUND HILL CAMPGROUND - Open May - Sept. 10 powered sites, firepits, flush toilets, showers at Rec. Bldg. Services: (P/N) Recreation: balldiamonds. 780-672-6271



TILLICUM BEACH PARK – Open May –Sept. 7 sites, day use area, showers, flush toilets Services: (P) Recreation: playground, trails, baseball, boat launch. 16 Km East on Hwy 13, 14 km South on Hwy956.780-672-4446.


GoEastofEdmonton.com/things-to-do/camping See full details to all the best campgrounds and camping destinations across the region!
LindaJ.Long Wainwright
Photo Contest Submission by Linda J. Long



CAMPGROUND - 12 sites, large overflow camping, cookhouse, group camping Services: (P/N). Recreation: Playground 1 km south of Daysland on Rg Rd 163. 780-384-4100


CAMPGROUND – 29 sites, flush toilets, free firewood, showers, group sites, trails. Services: (PWS/N).780-374-3633.

ROZI’S RETREAT – Open year round On Hwy13.780-373-2385.

>> FLAGSTAFF COUNTY AREA & FORESTBURG See AD page 136. flagstaff.ab.ca/tourism

ALLIANCE VILLAGE CAMPGROUND - 4 sites. Public washrooms, showers, dump stn. Services: (P/W). 780-879-3911.

BATTLE RIVER CAMPGROUND – Open May – Sept. 5 sites, picnic shelter 3 km S ofSH602onHwy36.780-879-3911

BATTLE RIVER CROSSING RESORT & CAMPGROUND Open mid-May - Sept. 40 sites, 6 group camping areas. Large group tent area. Caretaker, day use, pull thru sites, firewood, picnic shelter Services: (P/N) Recreation: beach, birdwatching, kayaking, tubing, trails, playground, basket disc golf course. Off Hwy 36, west onTwpRd410toRR144gosouth4.8km (southofForestburg).780-385-1365

BIG KNIFE PROVINCIAL PARK – Open mid-May-Sept 51 sites, day use, Recreation: playground, fishing, boat launch, 7 km of trails, dump station, motorboats, canoeing, tap water. Services: (N), 5 miles west of Forestburg on Hwy 53, then 7 miles south on Sec. Hwy855.403-742-7516


CAMPGROUND – 15 sites, gazebo

Services: (N) Recreation: nature trail, fishing. 8 Km West of Forestburg & 8 Km SouthonHwy855.780-384-4100

FORESTBURG GOLF & RV PARK – 17 sites. Washroom and showers. Services: (PWS) Golf Just off SH 856 Recreation: on50Ave.780-582-3693


Open May - Oct. 28 sites, flush toilets, showers, firewood, group camping, dump stations, playground. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N).4901-47St.–780-582-3668

GALAHAD VILLAGE CAMPGROUND - 6 sites, group camping, toilets, showers, dump station, gazebo. (P/W). Services: 780-384-4100


CAMPGROUND - 10 sites, showers

Services: (PWS). Recreation: playground, baseball, basketball, walking trails In town at Haultain Avenue & Greenfield Street.780-889-2263

STROME CAMPGROUND Services: (N). InvillageoffHwy13.780-384-4118


FISH LAKE CAMPGROUND – 20 sites, day use area, group camping. Recreation: basketball, horseshoe pits, gazebo, bird watching, picnic shelter, fishing, playground, swimming, non-motorized boating. ervices: 30 amp (P) – 2.5 Km S W of Hardisty off Hwy 13 on RR102 780384-4100


Open May – Oct. 58 sites, caretaker, day use area, firewood, group camping, flush toilets, showers. Services: (PWS). Recreation: beach, boat launch, motor boating, canoeing, playground, picnic shelter, dump station, golf, baseball, swimming, nature trails. In town from 47 St. & Hwy 881 go S. 780-888-2700.




Open: May-Sept. 55 sites, day use area, dump station, free firewood, flush toilets, showers, picnic shelter, group camping Services: (PWS/N) 30 amp Recreation: baseball, playground, skateboard park, pavedtrail. 4616-57St.780-385-3977.



LOUGHEED CAMPGROUND – 15 sites, picnic shelter, baseball, museum. Services: 15&50 amp (PWS). Recreation: picnic shelter, baseball, museum, trout pond nearby SouthsideofHwy13.



BANNISTER CAMPGROUND Open MayOct. 53 sites, flush toilets, picnic shelter, site stoves Services: (PWS) 30 amp

Recreation: next to Rec Centre, bowling alley, pickleball, tennis courts, skateboard park and ball diamonds. 53 Ave. in Provost SportsPark.780-753-2261

BODO COMMUNITY CAMPGROUND – 10 sites, flush toilets, showers, dump station. Services: (P).Hwy899.780-753-6353

CAPT AYRE LAKE & RESORT - Open MaySept. 83 sites, day use, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelter, dump station. Services: (P) Recreation: beach, horseshoe pits, paddle boat rentals. 17 km W of Cadogan along SR 600 & 1.4 km S. 780-857-2105



SHORNCLIFFE LAKE CAMPGROUND Open May-Sept. 50 sites, day-use, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelter, dump stn, laundromat, museum Service: (PWS)

Recreation: motor-boating, beach 3 km westofCzar. 780-857-2435



Open: May–Sept, 59 sites, beach, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, shower, group camping, picnic shelter Cabin rentals available. Services: 30 amp (PWS)

Recreation: wading pool, paved trail, golf, canoeing, swimming, playground, spray park. 1 km North of Sedgewick on R.R. 124.




74 sites, washroom, showers, cook houses, coin laundry, games room, dump station.

Services: (P/W/S) Recreation: playground, trout pond. 2.4 km E of Jct. Hwy 2A & Hwy 13east.780-352-7258


Smoky Lake County - pg 47


RESORT Cold Lake - pg 67


& SUITES Cold Lake - pg 66



Cold Lake - pg 67


Near Cold Lake - pg 64


Camrose County - pg 128



Smoky Lake - pg 50


St. Paul - pg 56


Trappers tents - pg 47


Cabins. Marwayne - pg 85


Domes, yurts, cabins, tipi. Near Elk Island National Park - pg 90


CENTRE - The Lodge Strathcona County - pg 89





Killam - pg 141


8 Hotels across the region. 1-855-933-1933

Canalta Lac La Biche, St. Paul

Canalta Camrose, Provost

The Landing - St. Paul

Ramada Lac La Biche

Ramada Wainwright

Ramada Camrose

29 See the complete Accommodations Guide at GoEastofEdmonton.com/Places-To-Stay
S CA N ME Learn more at GoEastofEdmonton.com/Communities North of Edmonton | Northeast Lakeland Region Métis Crossing and Indigenous Tourism Photo Contest Winner Best Water Adventure | Sailing on Cold Lake by Garth Petterson

Legal is a friendly, bilingual community located 20 minutes north of St. Albert on Highway 2. The town values its French culture, which dates back to 1894.

Legal is the “French Mural Capital of Canada”, with the highest concentration of murals per capita in the world. Admire over 35 painted murals on the walls of buildings found throughout the town, which portray the history, events and challenges of the francophone families, the organizations and the religious communities. Explore the murals via a self-guided tour with an online map available at legal.ca or download the Balado Discovery app. Experience and enjoy the French culture during F te au Village on July 28-30, 2023. ê Visit legal.ca for more details and events.

Visit the 12-acre Citadel Park, complete with an arena, ball diamonds, soccer fields, skateboard park, and walking trails. Stop by for a picnic, or camp at Centennial Park. Enjoy the company of friends and family as you watch the sunset around a campfire. Drop a fishing line in the stocked trout pond, while the children climb on the nearby play structures. Peruse the mainstreet shops, enjoy some sweets from Heidi’s Haus, indulge in local cuisine, or browse the mural art walk.

4907-50 Ave, Legal

Heidi’s Haus

4907-50 Ave., Legal 780-777-4988

See ad for hours on the right.

See pages 146-151.

Mon-Thurs 10-6 pm, Fri 12-8 pm Sat 10-6 pm, Sun 12-4 pm

Roadtrip Adventure Game | Legal Murals by @carolbenitez0120 #GoRoadtrips2022

The Athabasca region is located just 90 minutes north of Edmonton, providing year-round opportunities for daytrips & staycations. The residents of the region benefit from a rural lifestyle with access to beautiful green spaces, lakes, and the scenic Athabasca River

Enjoy the outdoors at Athabasca’s riverfront area featuring picnic areas, a spray park, a playground, a skateboard park, and seasonal food trucks. Don’t miss the Magnificent River Rats Festival here on June 30 & July 1, 2023. Venture out to one of many beautiful lakes to camp and enjoy paddling or boating. Access the Athabasca River at one of the 3 boat launches. Go golfing at one of the 3 golf courses in the region, or try disc golf at Rocky Lane Fairways. Hike along the Athabasca Landing Trail and experience the Tawatinaw Valley. The Muskeg Creek Walking Trails are situated within the Town of Athabasca and offer 17.5 km of trails to explore. Tucked away in the Boreal Forest along the Athabasca River is Grand Rapids Wilderness Adventures where you can experience the freedom that only a river can bring. Book your adventure today!

Explore the downtown Athabasca area and you will find a great variety of shops and cafes. A must stop is Paddymelon Gifts, Espresso & Eatery! Visit the perfectly named shop – A Little Bit of Everything. Check out Glas Floral Studio, an amazing collection of unique quality items and giftware that is ever changing. There’s something for everyone at Bubels, a large department style store including fashions, toys, sports memorabilia, party decor and more. Next door, it’s any sport any time, that’s the motto for Cheap Seats Sporting Goods. Up on the hill on 49 street, visit Bear in Mind Vintage situated in a 1912 House which adds a distinct character to the shop full of local gifts, vintage, décor and of course bears.

Shop for locally made items at the Athabasca Farmers’ Market every Saturday from 10-2 pm May to September at the scenic Athabasca Riverfront. When you’re all done shopping, enjoy a delicious meal at Johnny’s Eatery

Take a road trip east on Highway 55 to the Village of Boyle for the Boyle Farmers’ Market (see next page).

Read our blogHow We Loved “Local” in the Beautiful River Town of Athabasca! Scan or visit Trip Ideas at GoEastofEdmonton.com


Connect with us on Social Media for event updates!



Every Thursday - Noon to 3 pm May 18 to September 7

Boyle Community Centre


Located 1 km East of Boyle along Hwy 663


Planning a wedding, family reunion or corporate celebration? Looking for a location with lots of parking and camping room but still close to town? The Boyle Ag Grounds are available! Contact Lindy for more information 780-689-1511

New Year’s Eve Dance

Dec. 31

Pancake Breakfast, Parade, Kids Activities, Dance, Farmers’ Market, Food Vendors, Cowboy Church, Beer Gardens and more!

Betterment Committee

August 11 & 12, 2023

Recreation facilities include RV park, tennis courts, ball diamonds, community center, youth & fitness center, hockey arena & curling rink, spray park, playgrounds, & seniors drop in center.

Camping, boating, waterskiing, walking trails, golfing, fishing, cross country, downhill skiing and more!

780-689-3643 www.boylealberta.com

t Agricul tric tu is ra D l S & oc le i y et o y B
r l k y e o t B

The Lac La Biche Region is your playground of opportunity, located 30 minutes east of Boyle on Highway 55, and less than one hour north of Vilna on Highway 36. The hamlets of Lac La Biche and Plamondon are the urban service areas for a municipality covering more than 12,000 square kilometres. Enjoy the scenic rolling farmland, panoramic lake views and tranquil forests.

Take a roadtrip 30 km west of Lac La Biche off Highway 55 and you will reach the hamlet of Plamondon—one of four officially bilingual communities in Alberta You can also visit the Plamondon Museum, which honours the first bilingual community that was a mix of French and Métis peoples. Contact the museum to visit the charming Mini Parc Heritage Park and walk among miniature replicas of Plamondon’s first buildings and homesteads. The Park can be found on the east side of Plamondon, located off 100 Old Trail Road.

This small community offers accommodations, fuel and supplies, food, and shopping services. Ladies can enjoy boutique shopping just south of Plamondon at Straight & Arrow Boutique featuring new women’s clothing and accessories. A visit to this boutique promises to be a great personal shopping experience!


White Sands Resort

- Driving Range

68445 Rg Rd 160A, 10 km N of Plamondon

Daily 10am-9pm 780-798-2254

POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023

Lac La Biche Bold Centre

8702-91 Avenue, Lac La Biche

Daily 8am-9pm 780-623-3829

See pages 146-151.

#GoEastofEdmonton &

2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide
Photos by PlayOutsideGuide.com (L) Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park and (R) Lac La Biche Mission



Step back in time! The Lac La Biche Mission interactive tours provide visitors with a glimpse into what life was like within the area during the early 19th century. Visit the Lac La Biche Museum & Visitor Information Centre just steps from the main beach at McArthur Park. Enjoy interactive displays, wildlife mounts and new exhibits. The Portage College Museum of Aboriginal Peoples’ Art & Artifacts features the world’s only permanent collection of works by Professional Native Indian Artists Inc., also known as the Indian Group of Seven. The David Thompson Statue, honouring the famous fur trader and mapmaker, is located on the shore of Lac la Biche Lake.

With over 100 lakes and more than 1000 campsites in the area, the region is a perfect place for outdoor adventure. Start right in Lac La Biche at McArthur Park – enjoy the beach, the spray park, and bikes, canoes and kayak rentals. Check out the 22 km of paved trails around the lake. As Alberta’s only island provincial park, Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park has walking and biking trails through old-growth forests, white sandy beaches, and camping areas. You can also stay in full-service lake-view cabins, or book lake-view tipis complete with raised platform beds and access to full-service bathrooms and a kitchen.

Every Friday 3-5:30 pm Easter til Christmas at the Lakeland Agricom
Lac La Biche Farmers’
GoEastofEdmonton.com Providing you with quality equipment for all of your backcountry access and recreational needs serving all of Northeastern Alberta! From SUP, Kayaks, Paddle Boats, Fishing Boats, ATV’s, UTV’s, Snowmobiles and more! Plus, check out our Off Road Adventures Tours & Packages offroadrentals.ca 780-623-8020 #24 Nipewon Road Lac La Biche Lac La Biche Museum & Visitor Information Centre 9910 - 101 Ave. (Main Street), Lac La Biche 780-623-2818 Mon-Sat 10 am - 6 pm Sun 10 am - 5 pm
Your Rest Stop Destination. 9024 Beaverhill Road, Lac La Biche 780-623-4224 beaverhillshell.ca Family owned and operated Beaver Hill Shell Pizz a s R ice Bo w ls Medi t err anean Pla t es Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner Take Out Made Easy - Call Ahead.

Nearby, play a round of golf at the Lac La Biche Golf & Country Club. Another beautiful area to explore is Lakeland Provincial Park & Provincial Recreation Area. The 38 km worldrenowned canoe circuit includes up to seven lakes making it an exceptional experience.

Popular events include the Lakeland Country Fair - join them on July 14 & 15 and celebrate their 50th Anniversary of the Lac La Biche Agricultural Society Along with the Fair, an exciting new event is coming on the 15th – the Alberta Wife Carrying Championship. Guaranteed to bring some laughs! Visit laclabicheagsociety.com for more details and to register Alberta Parks is pleased to host monthly “Music in the Forest” events in May, June, July, and August, with the annual Dark Sky Celebration in September Visit albertaparks.ca for more details. You can also visit laclabicheregion.com for community events.

In the hamlet of Lac La Biche, you will find all you need for shopping, dining, sporting goods, and the best rest stop! For unique gifts and locally homemade items, the Lac La Biche Farmers’ Market held every Friday afternoon is an ideal stop. Authentic Indigenous made artwork and gifts are available at the Lac La Biche Native Friendship Centre. Canadian Get your gear at Lac La Biche Sporting Goods. Always worth a stop is Highpoint Clothing and the Fat Unicorn Brewery Tap & Grill. For a rest stop like-no-other, visit They are proud to Beaverhill Shell feature an Italian fire stone pizza oven, where they cook flatbread styled pizzas, alongside many other dishes. Did you know? In 2019, Beaverhill Shell won Canada’s Best Washroom – definitely worth the pit-stop!

If you’re looking for fun on the water or some off road adventures, Off Road Rentals has you covered They’re selection of SUP’s, kayaks, paddle boats, ATVs, UTVs, and snowmobiles are sure to create forever lasting memories!

Set up camp at the one of the Lac La Biche County Campgrounds - Fork Lake, Owl River, and the Bold Centre. Enjoy a relaxing and comfortable stay at the Canalta Hotel and Ramada in Lac La Biche, book your stay at CanaltaHotels.com.

Drive 30 minutes south of Lac La Biche to reach the Silver Birch Resort and Rodeo Grounds at . Located on the tranquil Kikino shores of Whitefish Lake, there are miles of trails for hiking, biking, quadding, and birdwatching. Rodeo action takes place on August 19-20, 2023. Enjoy wall tent camping in a pristine forest at Hideaway Adventure Grounds. Book one of the many authentic Indigenous experiences year-round with the seasonal adventure packages - great for individuals or groups.

780-623-1727 | laclabichemuseum.com Located on Main Street 9910 - 101 Ave Lac La Biche Open Daily 9am - 5pm (summer) Open Tuesday - Saturday 9am - 5pm (winter) @llbmuseum
NOR THEAST OF EDMONTON 40 Read our blog “Experience Culture, History, and Adventures at Métis Crossing and Lac La Biche” by Karen Ung from Play Outside Guide. Scan or visit Trip Ideas Stories at GoEastofEdmonton.com GoEastofEdmonton.com
@llb_museum @llbmuseum

Gibbons is a vibrant and growing community “Rooted in Family”. The town is situated along the picturesque Sturgeon River valley, at the focal point of Highways 28 and 28A

Gibbons offers something for everyone with plenty of parks, trails and playgrounds, including the brand-new inclusive playground located at Memorial Park. Echo Glen Park includes over 2 km of natural walking trails along the Sturgeon River Valley The park also has picnic areas, outdoor cooking stoves, and the improved fish pond fishing area, stocked yearly with trout. Take the kids to the historic themed playground at Riverview Park that compliments the end of the River Valley trail (part of the Historic Athabasca Landing Trail). For more green space and history, visit Oliver Park, home to the Gibbons Museum The museum’s collections include historic buildings filled with a century’s worth of fascinating equipment, tools and artifacts. Gibbons also has a range of facilities including a skateboard park, a spray park, and a leading-edge fitness centre. Popular events include Pioneer Days on July 7-8, the Town-Wide Garage Sale on September 9, and Hometown Weekend on November 17-19. For more event updates and details visit gibbons.ca.

Just north of town, lies a premium family vacation destination – Goose Hummock Golf & RV Resort and Jurassic Forest Meet life-size dinosaurs face to face while exploring this 40-acre prehistoric preserve, complete with a mini golf and learning centre. Book your getaway today! Circle

See pages 146-151. POST

...you could find yourself permanently Rooted in Gibbons. Visitor Information Centre Open Mon-Fri June-August Gibbons Museum 780-233-7300 4708 - 48Avenue Come experience what Gibbons has to offer... www.gibbons.ca 780-923-3331
2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide
Echo Glen Park Photo Contest Submission by Christy Tocheniuk | Jurassic Forest
your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton &
4619-50 Ave., Gibbons
Plan your Roadtrip with our Roadtrip Videos GoEastofEdmonton.com/Videos
Daily 8am-9pm 780-923-3693

Nestled in the heart of Sturgeon County, Bon Accord enjoys its proximity to the cities of Edmonton, St. Albert and Fort Saskatchewan. The community is situated along Highway 28, a major route to destinations in northeast Alberta. Its name is derived from the French phrase “Bon Accord”, the ancient motto of Aberdeen, Scotland, and the ancestral home of the town's first settler

Popular annual events include Family Day celebrations, Easter Egg Hunt, Canada Day Pancake Breakfast, Music in the Park, Harvest Days, Halloween Howl, Winter Wonderland, and more. Visit bonaccord.ca for event details and updates.

can also look for them at markets in the Edmonton area.

Take some time and visit this familyfriendly community - you are always welcome!

The sky’s the limit at Bon Accord – enjoy the spectacular aurora borealis at given times of the year – only minutes from Edmonton. Community residents have the best of both worlds, a rural environment with immediate access to full amenities and services of a large urban centre. An environmentally progressive community, a solar farm has been constructed along Highway 28. New to the community are Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations

Bon Accord has numerous parks for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy

Visit downtown for a variety of services: Chelsea’s Family Restaurant & Pub and Golden City Bistro, plus a pharmacy, a liquor store and more. Bon Accord is home to numerous home-based businesses that provide unique items such as Pottery by Heather, plus dog treats, candles, photography, dog grooming, and much more.

Just minutes away, you will find Prairie Gardens & Adventure Farm, a family-owned and operated attraction – prairiegardens.org. Further north, you will also find a large variety of local veggies at the family owned Erdmann’s Gardens & Greenhouses. You

42 POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton
pages 146-151.
Sky WalkingTrail • Canada Day Pancake Breakfast • Music in the Park • Harvest Days • Winter Wonderland Parks & Playgrounds 780-921-3550 For updates and events visit: bonaccord.ca welc s o y m a e lw ! ea
Food Town 4915-50 St., Bon Accord Open daily 9am-9pm 780-921-2511
Bon Accord Solar Farm

Visit North America’s largest free-standing oil derrick, Discovery Derrick No. 1, located in the heart of the town. Explore Redwater Museum showcasing a wide collection of photos and artifacts. Check out its exhibit telling the story of “When Oil Hit Redwater”: a fascinating look at a history of boom and bust during the 1950s. Watch for updates on Discovery Days, and the weekly summer Farmers’ Market. Play a round of golf at the Redwater Golf Club and set up camp at the Redwater Campground. Beat the heat with the kids in the outdoor swimming pool. Ride the Redwater Sand Hills Natural Area, featuring one of the largest sand dune fields in the region. Located only five minutes east of town, enjoy over 100 km of trails, nature hikes, birdwatching, horseback riding, and recreational areas —great for ATV riders and nature lovers!

Take a quick roadtrip to Den of Antiquity featuring unique country antiques and collectibles. Northwest of Redwater, you’ll find Erdmann’s Gardens & Greenhouses where they grow beautiful hanging baskets and planters, along with a wide variety of vegetables and potatoes.

Radway is located 40 minutes northeast of Edmonton within Thorhild County along Highway 28. Explore this hamlet for some history and for its great events.

Today, wooden country grain elevators are a rare sight on the prairie landscape. See the last of the five grain elevators that once marked the skyline of Radway. Tour the 1929 Krause Milling Company Grain Elevator, which operated during the Great Depression. Book a tour by calling 780-736-3542.

The Radway Agricultural Society is proud to host several events at the Agri Centre, which acts as a community hub. The centre is an excellent venue for music events, weddings, and family reunions, with camping available. Also, don’t miss the popular Pioneer Days on July 22nd! Enjoy fishing? Come to Radway Fish Pond for a relaxing day of trout fishing.



ANTIQUITY UNIQUE COUNTRYANTIQUES • QUILTS •PETTINGZOO • INTERIORDECORATION• • F O L K A R T • • C O L L E C T I B L E S B Y G O N E S • C U P B O A R D S Open 10-5 daily May - Oct. Phone first for out-of-season hours 780.998.1470 or 780.990.7794 Hwy 38 & Victoria Trail N. 57017 RR 211 www.denofantiquity.ca Redwater Redwater Sandhills Area T rails Radway Agri Centre & Grounds Call 780-938-6345 to book the AgriCentre for your next event! Perfect for weddings and family reunions for all sizes. FREE CAMPING June 10 & 11 - Home & Garden Trade Show Nov 4 - Millenia Supper & Dance July 23 & Oct 29 - RCW Wrestling Nov 24 - Christmas Market Jan 2024 - RCW Wrestling, Pancake Supper Feb 2024 Apr 2024 - Easter Market & RCW Wrestling Radway Agricultural Society July 22 - Radway Pioneer Days pancake breakfast, quilt show, bench show, Summer Market, Show & Shine, bouncy castles, parade, beer gardens, steak supper & dance, free camping North of Bon Accord. 59032 RR 233 From Bon Accord 26 km N on Lily Lake Rd, 1.6 km E and 1.6 km N or 8 km S of Hwy 18 on RR 233. Watch for Signs! GREENHOUSE Open: 10am-7pm May 1-June 8* (*tentative closing date) 780-961-3912 erdmannsgardens.com
Store July 1 - Aug 31 Wed & Fri only 12-8pm, Sat 10-6pm SHOP ONLINE!

Thorhild County is located 45 minutes northeast of Edmonton via Highway 28. The County's rural nature offers residents and visitors family-friendly activities and enjoyable events.

Step through the doors into a general store from the past at the Thorhild Museum and view exhibits depicting the pioneers who settled in the area. Did you know? Newbrook is known for the Newbrook Observatory, which captured the first North American photograph of the world's first satellite, Sputnik No.1, on October 9, 1957. For more information visit newbrookhistoricalsociety.com.

Thorhild Centennial Park is where you will find the Thorhild Outdoor Swimming Pool, camping, tennis courts, a playground, and ball diamonds. Half Moon Lake Park Natural Area is in the southwest area of the County and has a scenic campground. Enjoy the trails, have a picnic in the day-use area, and use the boat launch. Long Lake Provincial Park is a popular destination with full amenities, including camping and a relaxing beach. Nearby, is a golf course and the White Earth Valley Natural Area, with 17 km of multiuse trails.

Check out the hidden gem – Nook in the Woods, southwest of Thorhild, here you’ll find a huge variety of unique products Nearby, visit Moose Wood Acres - a farm store offering quality meat products and local foods including cheese, baking and more! Also, on your way to Long Lake along Hwy 831, you will find The Gathering Place Co-op, a local food store and restaurant. Park your RV for the summer by booking a site at Ramark Park or at George’s RV Park

Thorhild Co-op Food Store

221-2 St., Thorhild

Mon-Sat 8-7pm; Sun 10-5pm


See pages

Year Round RV Sites 1 mile from Long Lake Provincial Park. 780-966-3511 44 Seasonal Private RV Park 30 & 50 AMP, Water, Sewage Removal 10x12 shed on each site May - September 403-669-3579 TWP 631A19222 – Long Lake Provincial Park Rd ramarkparkmodels.com 1.5 hrs Northeast of Edmonton BOOK YOUR SEASONAL SITE TODAY! *Large Selection of Teas & Spices *Cheese, Wine & Beer Kits *Gourmet Foods *Jewellery *Clothing *Upholstery Services *Watkins Products *Rawleighs Products *Gift Items *Essential Oils *Socks & Slippers *Mercy MSM Independent Amsoil Dealer (Synthetic Oil, filters, etc.) 59204 Rg. Rd. 223 (on paved Opal Road) Box 720, Thorhild,AB T0A3J0 1-877-398-2075 Unique country store with many items... www.nookinthewoods.ca 27th Year! Sonia or Ernst Zellweger Thorhild, AB
780-206-8010 Open Wed-Sat 10-5 pm COMPLETE FARM STORE stocked with local meats, cheese, ice cream, pickles, baking & seasonal treats.
59510 RR 231, Thorhild County
Long Lake Provincial Park

Waskatenau (pronounced WAS-ET-NA), originally known as Pine Creek, is considered the Baseball Capital of Alberta. The small, progressive community of 247 residents is located 45 minutes northeast of Edmonton on Highway 28.

Go hiking on the Nature Trail that starts at the wooden train trestle (dating back to 1919), and follows the creek for a 1/4 mile. This point of the old rail line is also the western trail-head for the Iron Horse Trail, which heads east for 260 km of multi-use activities. Just south of town near the North Saskatchewan River is the 58 km Victoria Trail, once an Indigenous trail leading to the Victoria Settlement. As you go east on Victoria Trail, you will pass by the new Pine Creek Retreat on your way to see the RCMP Memorial Statue It is 15 km east of Highway 831, and was constructed in 1998 by the Victoria Home Guard Society to honour the original 20 members of the Northwest Mounted Police who travelled to Fort Edmonton on the Victoria Trail in 1874.

The top-notch facility, Pine Creek Ball Park is considered one of the top baseball facilities and hosting sites in Alberta. Set up camp at the Pine Creek Campground, which has powered camping stalls, a camp kitchen, and shower facilities. Plus, don’t miss Waskatenau Fair Days on August 11-13, 2023!

T&T Iron Horse RestaurantHwy 28 at Waskatenau

Open Mon-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri-Sun 8am-9pm 780-358-2333

See pages 146-151.

Métis Crossing is the first major Métis cultural interpretive centre in Alberta, and is a premier centre for Alberta Métis cultural interpretation, education, gatherings, family fun and more. Metis Crossing is equipped to host large gatherings and intimate tours, open for guests year-round from all over the world. Sitting on 512-acres of land, comprised of river lot titles from the original Métis settlers in the late 1800s.

The Visions, Hopes and Dreams Wildlife Park is home to Heritage species that last roamed these hills around 1865 including: Woods Bison, Plains Bison, White Bison, Elk, White Elk, and Percheron horses. The Cultural Gathering Centre showcases traditional Métis Craftsmanship and is home to the gift shop, dining with Indigenous culinary experiences, and is popular for special events, weddings and gatherings. Stay at the boutique luxury Lodge to relax and reconnect in a special blend of comfort and Métis History. For campers, enjoy both powered RV campsites, tent camping, as well as comfort camping in Traditional Métis Trappers tents, that are furnished with beds & wood heaters. In the summer of 2023 new skywatching domes will be opening. Métis Crossing is located just off Hwy 855, only 10 minutes south of Smoky Lake, overlooking the North Saskatchewan River For upcoming events and to book signature experiences visit metiscrossing.com.

Go 5 km east from Métis Crossing, you will find the Victoria Settlement Provincial Historic Site. Costumed interpreters bring this former Fort and pioneer settlement to life. It is the site of the oldest building still on its original foundation in Alberta. Open May 20 to September 4, 2023 Wed-Sun 10 am - 5 pm. For events, programs and experiences visit victoriasettlement.ca

picnic shelter flush toilets firepits/tables located NE corner of Waskatenau next to ball diamonds picnic shelter flush toilets firepits/tables located NE corner of Waskatenau next to ball diamonds The Smoky Lake Region is a beautiful area full of opportunities for outdoor recreation and major events that are held throughout the year (see pages 48 & 49).
W askatenau Holy F amily School Playground by Jamie Laurel Hanmore Lake by Brenda Adamson




Every Saturday 10 - Noon at the Agricultural Complex

Special Markets:

Easter Market - April 8

Kid’s Day - July 1

Heritage Days - Aug 7

Pumpkin Fair - Oct 7

Christmas MarketsDecember 2, 9, 16




2 action packed days of LRA Rodeo!

Parade, Pancake Breakfasts

Kids Events, Steak Supper

Dance with live band

Kory Wlos on August 5th




REGION All ages welcome! 6 pm - 1 am Smoky Lake Pavilion Entertainment Hosted by the Kinette Club of Smoky Lake @kinetteclubofsmokylake
Family event for all ages and skill-levels. Sunday High-Stakes Slot Race Monday - Barrel Racing action for all categories of competition. Bellis 780-645-0079 @randyrussmemorialbarrelrace Fun for the whole family! Parade, Bench Show, Prizes Country Fair Games for every age! Christmas Craft Fair - November 18 Farmers’ Market - Check website for upcoming dates! vilnaagsociety.com @vilnaagsociety Huge Farmers’ Market Corn Maze, Kid’s Activities Show ‘n Shine, Ethnic Showcase Midway, Beer Gardens Giant Pumpkin Drop and so much more! 780-656-3674 Giant Pumpkin Weigh-Off! @smokylakepumpkinfair October5-9 August18-20 August6&7 Smoky Lake Pumpkin Fair ~ Giant Pumpkin Drop

The town of Smoky Lake proudly proclaims itself as the Pumpkin Capital of Alberta The town is just under an hour and a half drive east of Edmonton on Highway 28.

Be sure to snap a photo at the Pumpkin Park located next to the Smoky Lake Visitor Centre CN Train Station. The Station was designated in 2022 as an Historic Resource under the Alberta Historical Resources Act. The Visitor Centre is open weekends and holidays from July 1 to August 31. Right next to the Visitor Centre is Alberta’s Iron Horse Trail This multi-use trail is perfect for hiking, biking, quadding and horseback riding in the summer, then bring out the snowmobile and the horse-drawn sleigh when the snow falls.

Visit the Smoky Lake Museum, located on the north side of town, which displays several artifacts and historic photographs of the area. A large antique machinery collection and the restored Pakan ferry are also hosted here. The Smoky Lake RV Park overlooks a ravine and is situated between the museum and the agricultural complex. Nearby, the kids can have a splash at the spray park. Enjoy a round of golf or camp at the beautiful Smoky Lake Golf Course.

The County region has over 10 campgrounds and parks for you to enjoy including the popular Hanmore Lake, comprised of two campgrounds, a beach, and playground areas.

Pumpkin Park

Smoky Lake Rodeo

Pictured above: Smoky Lake Visitor Centre CN Station | Roadtrip Adventure Game photo by @sonnamdoma #GoRoadtrips2022

50 NOR THEAST OF EDMONTON 780-656-3615 Historic Hotel *History&Luxury ModernRooms *ATMMachine Restaurant *DailySpecials *Catering Liquor Store Lounge *VLT’s *Food‘til9:00pm 4 Wheatland Ave. Downtown Smoky Lake across from Pumpkin Park & the Iron Horse / Trans Canada Trail 5504 - 44 Ave. Convenience Store, Café, Gas, Diesel Kitchenette, Jacuzzi Suites 5404 - 44 Ave. 780-656-3515 780-656-3738 Cold Beer, Spirits, HUGE Wine Selection, Growler Bar Located next to Super 8 780-656-2164 www.SmokyLakeInn.com email: leesa@smokylakeinn.com Smoky Lake 780-656-3690 3 Wheatland Ave Smoky Lake Your store for hardware, plumbing, electrical, paint, fishing tackle and MORE! Open Mon-Sat 9am - 6pm grantmillerchevbuickgmc.com
Check our FB page for hours. 154 White Earth St, Smoky Lake *Ice Cream Sandwich Bites *Strawberries *Skittles & more! *Tropical Breeze *Strawberry Banana *Wild Berry & more!
51 NOR THEAST OF EDMONTON Nightly, Weekend, Seasonal Rates Membership Opportunity All campers are welcome year-round whether it be for one night or for an extended stay! 14125 Hwy 652, Hamlin, AB Book your holiday or tour of the resort today! 780-656-6559 • Public Camping • Membership Camping • Open Year Round • 24 Hour Security • On-Site RV Storage • Dump Station • Indoor Activity Centre • Movie Room • Oversize Drive-thru & Back-in Sites • Spacious Serviced Treed Sites • Indoor Showers and Toilets • Power, Water, Dump Station • Hot Tub • Firewood FR o E w E T NightsCa g mpin when you Presentthis Ad Testimonials: “This place is magic!”, Geordie “I want to quad the Iron Horse Trail again.” Linda “Gas prices would have curtailed our camping if it were not for Northern Lights RV Resort.” Jim Less than 2hoursnortheastofEdmonton! farm fresh meat, eggs, vegetables, artisan sausages, Ukrainian foods, canning, honey, jerky, pepperoni serbenfarms.com 780-656-8585 See website for store hours. Corner of Hwy 28 & RR 180, 5 km west of Smoky Lake POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton See pages 146-151. Lucky 7 Grocery 13 Wheatland Ave., Smoky Lake Mon-Fri 8am-6pm Sat & Sun 8am-6pm 780-656-3504

The Village of Vilna, is a historic little boomtown featuring restored heritage storefronts and buildings. It is located on Hwy 28 east of Smoky Lake, with a large trading area of farms, lake resorts, and First Nations’ reserves.

Home to Alberta’s oldest operating pool hall and barbershop – this provincially designated historic building was constructed in the 1920s and still has many of its original features. Stop into Cyr’s Nostalgia & Gifts for Visitor Information and great gift shopping at the end of mainstreet. Bring your camera when you visit Vilna’s Mushroom Park, site of the World’s Largest Mushrooms. Join the Vilna Agricultural Society this summer as they host Boomtown Fair Days August 18-20, 2023. Plus, watch for their Farmers Markets held at the Cultural Centre on Sundays throughout the summer

Just east of Vilna on Hwy 28 is the Bonnie Lake Campground, great for fishing, swimming, and boating. Sink a few balls at the Vilna Golf Course. Travel east of Vilna through the hamlet of Spedden and be amazed by the view of Garner Lake Provincial Park. Go north of Vilna to enjoy the recreation and resort facilities at Paradise Cove Resort on beautiful Whitefish Lake. South of Vilna is Northern Lights RV Resort where they offer unlimited camping year-round (see ad page 51).

Bellis is located just west of Vilna along Highway 28. Stop in and check out the huge antique selection at Heritage Corner Shoppe It’s also a great stop off the Iron Horse Trail to purchase a cold drink and snack on a hot day Just 2 km south of the Bellis turn-off is Bellis Beach Lake, a quaint little lake with good perch and rainbow trout fishing. Travel through Bellis to Kaduk Lake, another wonderful spot for camping and fishing.

Paradise Cove Resort

Paradise Cove Resort



The Cornerstone of Our Community Clancy Richard Arena, St. Paul High School Rodeo April 21-23, 2023 Aug 31Sept 3, 2023 Clancy Richard Arena, St. Paul stpaulagsociety.com 780-645-4373 | agsociet@telus.net ©Penny Stratford Photography Cyr’s OPEN MON-FRI 10 - 4:30 PM MAINSTREET, VILNA, AB ATB AGENCY | 780-636-3666 780-636-3937 Mainstreet Bellis Heritage Corner Shoppe *Antiques *Art *Books *Vintage *Collectibles *Housewares *Music *Gifts *Furnishings Open Mon-Sat 10-5pm (Closed Tues & Sun.) Winter hours - by chance or appt. vilnaagsociety.com AUGUST 18-20, 2023 AUGUST 18-20, 2023 Parade, Bench Show, Old School Country Fair Games, Prizes Parade, Bench Show, Old School Country Fair Games, Prizes
Vilna Mushrooms | Roadtrip Adventure Game photo by Crystal Skelton #goroadtrips2022

The County of St. Paul is located two hours northeast of Edmonton and has a diversified economy with tourism, agriculture, and oil and gas activity. The main trade centres are the towns of St. Paul and Elk Point.

Welcoming visitors in the Town of St. Paul is the world’s first UFO landing pad It was built as a 1967 Canadian Centennial project. Adjoining the pad is the Visitor Information Centre. History enthusiasts will enjoy touring Musée St. Paul Museum, which showcases the town’s origins as a Métis colony, the arrival of the homesteaders and the agricultural history of the area. Explore the historic Destrubé House–a building that was owned by some of the earliest settlers northeast of St. Paul.

Swing your clubs at the 18-hole St. Paul Golf Course with a fully stocked pro-shop and full service restaurant. Enjoy the multi-use Iron Horse Trail that runs through town. It features a staging area that boasts a 14 stall shelter for wagon and horse riders looking to make a stop in town, plus a year-round campground. You can find spray parks in St. Paul at Lagasse Park and at Westcove Campground at Vincent Lake. Kids are sure to have some fun at the St. Paul Skate Park.

St. Paul Agricultural Society puts on a great show for the Lakeland Rodeo Association Finals. The rodeo action takes

place August 31 to September 3 (see ad page 52). East of Ashmont, is the hamlet of Mallaig–home to Haying in the 30's event on August 5 & 6. This major fundraising event provides financial assistance to cancer victims undergoing treatment. Visit hayinginthe30s.com.


E: stbridestrading@mcsnet.ca

Open: Mon-Sat 10-5pm

Visitor Information Centre

5012 - 53 St., St. Paul

Open Tues-Sun 10am-6pm

Closed Mondays. 780-645-6800

See pages 146-151.

10 miles west of St. Paul and 1/2 mile south of St. Brides on Hwy 36.
St. Paul Skate Park

St. Paul Region continued from page 53...

You’ll find numerous businesses in St. Paul and a large variety of retail shopping and other services along Highway 29. Twisted Fork restaurant features locally inspired cuisine, with menus designed to fit products and flavours in season. The walls of the restaurant showcase original pieces from local artists that can be purchased as a souvenir of your dining experience or a gift for that special someone Watch for the St Paul Midweek (Wednesdays) Farmers’ Market, and the Friday Farmers’ Market

at the Centennial Senior Centre. For eclectic treasures, give yourself lots of time to visit Loree’s Antiques & Collectibles There is nothing quite like the Cornerstone Co-op In St. Paul, this is the place to shop with a grocery store and pharmacy, home centre, liquor store, and a gas bar with propane cylinder fills & RV sani-dump.

Located near St. Paul is the ultimate Pow Wow Station - St. Brides Trading Post – it is northeast Alberta’s largest supplier of Aboriginal art, crafts, supplies, regalia and more. When you are all shopped out, relax and book a stay at the Canalta Hotel or The Landing Hotel & Conference Centre Both hotels offer complimentary breakfast, a fitness centre, a pool, and high speed internet access. Or, get ready for camping at Smyl RV with parts, service and sales of new and used RVs. Book one of their RV Rentals for this summer (see ad page 27).

@twistedforksp twistedforksp.com


Welcome to Elk Point – a friendly, progressive community of over 1500 residents, on Highway 41 two hours northeast of Edmonton.

Snap a photo of the 32-foot Peter Fidler statue, which celebrates the history of the 1790s fur trade. Discover its story at Fort George and Buckingham House Provincial Historic Site, 11 km east of town via Highway 646. Check their website for hours of operation at fortgeorgebuckinghamhouse.ca. From the North West Rebellion to the 1980s, over a century of history, is depicted on a 100-foot mural near the Town of Elk Point Library on 50th Ave.

Go golfing and play sports at Elk Point Recreation Park. Go fishing at the new trout pond. Enjoy 4 seasons of recreation on the Iron Horse Trail. Stay at a great selection of campgrounds and lakes around Elk Point, including the Riverside Campground located a mile south of town on the scenic bank of the North Saskatchewan River. It has an awesome viewing deck. Elk Point’s spray park (pictured on pg 55) is a popular coolingoff spot for the kids, located north of A.G. Ross Arena.

Summer events in and around Elk Point include: 2nd Chance Trail Ride - May 13, Mainstreet Car Show on June 3, and a Canada Day full of family fun. Stoney Lake Stampede is July 89. Follow Elk Point Chamber of Commerce on Facebook for more updates.

Visit the award winning, Golden Loaf Bakery or try Magic Pizza, or the Empress Restaurant & Lounge. Cool off with the best slushes and soft ice cream from Home Town Grocers. ElleRain Boutique has the latest in women’s fashions. Pick up your groceries and spirits at the Cornerstone Co-op locations. Get your fishing license and all the gear at RONA. Check out the great selection of fabrics at Sew Heavenly Quilting. If you would like to make this your home or summer retreat, visit LakelandRealty.ca.

St. Paul County operates four outstanding recreation and camping facilities: Westcove, Lac Bellevue, Stoney Lake, and Floating Stone Lake, all complete with serviced sites, and an on-site caretaker. Online reservations can be made at CampReservations.ca.

You can also enjoy camping at Mallaig Beach on Vincent Lake just south of Mallaig. Go camping along the North Saskatchewan River east of Elk Point at Heinsburg where the Railway Theme Park holds the impressive restored 60,000 gallon CN water tower & CN station.

The Iron Horse Trail, is a multi-use, recreational trail that runs the length of what was the Canadian National Railway line. This is the longest continuous stretch of the Trans Canada Trail in Alberta. The trail begins in Waskatenau, going all the way to Cold Lake and a southeast branch that ends in Heinsburg. It’s popular year-round with horseback riders, hikers, cyclists, skiers, snowmobilers, and ATV users. Trailheads in the county are located at St. Paul, Mallaig, Elk Point, Lindbergh and Heinsburg. Multiple staging areas, rest stops and some accommodations are distributed the length of the trail making it perfect for planning a multi-day excursion.


MCSNET, based in St. Paul, is proud to be a Major Sponsor of the 2023 Roadtrip Adventure Game.

As Alberta’s homegrown internet service provider, our team understands the importance of investing in our local communities because we live and work in them. mcsnet.ca

Grocers 5022 - 50 St., Elk Point Open daily 8am-9pm 780-724-3776
pages 146-151.
lakelandrealty.ca Shirley Harms, Broker 780-614-9447 5014-50 Ave, Elk Point teamlakeland@telus.net Office: 780-724-3030 Personalized, Professional Service Tues-Fri 10-5:30 Sat 11-4 4824 - 50Ave. (in the big church) Elk Point, AB 780-724-4272
Canada Day Celebrations
St. Paul Region continued...

The place to go is Pyrogy Park, home of the World’s Largest Pyrogy (see photo on page 14). The park is equipped with picnic areas, washroom facility and gazebo, two modern playgrounds, including a zip line, and of course, the must-see giant Pyrogy. Plan to attend the Glendon Parade, Derby & Mud Bogs on August 12th, and the Perogy Festival & Glendon Cruise Night on September 9th. For more events visit villageofglendon.ca.


Korner Mart and Gas

203 Railway Ave., Glendon

Open Sun-Thurs 8am-8pm

Fri & Sat 8am-9pm


Bring your ATV and travel down the Iron Horse Trail as it works its way through Glendon. There is now a paved portion of the Iron Horse Trail that runs through the village making it great for walks, bicycling and wheelchairs. Set up camp at Minnie Lake M.D. Parks - a small, warm lake with a beach, swimming platform, ice cream shack and playground. It has everything you need for a lazy summer afternoon Just 30 minutes down the road is Wolf Lake M.D. Park perfect for a rustic backcountry camping experience. For a complete list of activities and adventures throughout the area, check out the Adventure Guide online at md.bonnyville.ab.ca.

See pages 146-151.

• Canada Day Celebrations - July 1

• Glendon Parade, Derby & Mud Bogs - Aug 12

• Glendon 30th Annual Pyrogy Festival and Glendon Cruise Night - Sept 9

For more event details & updates call or visit:


World’s Largest Pyrogy at

Pyrogy Park

Visitors are always welcome in Glendon, the Pyrogy Capital of the World. The village is located 8 km north of Highway 28 on Secondary Highway 882. Glendon Derby & Mud Bogs

Located just over two

Edmonton, Bonnyville is a bustling community – perfect for a getaway or camping trip, and celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 2023!

A statue of Angus Shaw, a late 1700s fur trader and explorer, stands guard at the Bonnyville & District Museum, where you can relive the adventures and witness the hardships of life in the fur trade. It also features the pioneering families of the area.

The kids will get the best shower from the Big Moose at the Splash Park (4100 Lakeshore Drive). Book a tee time and swing your clubs at the Bonnyville Golf & Country Club. Go birdwatching at Jessie Lake, which is home to hundreds of shore and songbirds (including Great Blue Herons, cranes, ducks and eagles). Viewing platforms and a 10 km interpretive trail enrich your experience. The Bonnyville & District Centennial Centre is a year-round hub for recreation, fitness, events and entertainment, including a 32-foot indoor Climbing Wall

#TakeItToTheLake in the M.D. of Bonnyville, which operates 12 campgrounds in the Bonnyville and Cold Lake Region, including Chicken Hill Lake, Moose Lake and Muriel Lake - all within 20 minutes of town. Be sure to bring your toys and enjoy some family fun. On the west side of Bonnyville you can camp at the Vezeau Beach M.D. Campground The M.D. of Bonnyville Visitor Information and

Town of

Interpretive Centre (VIC) is located in the Shaw House on the shores of Moose Lake, adjacent to the Vezeau Beach M.D. Park and the newly constructed dual-vehicle boat launch. Other amenities include a jumping pillow for kids, electronic recharging station, along with the Trading Post to purchase souvenirs and more! Plus, learn some history about the area when visiting the Centre. continued...

h o u r s n o r t h e a s t o f
Enjoy our natural beauty! Join us... 1-866-826-3496 town.bonnyville.ab.ca See the larger than life statue of Angus Shaw and experience our history at the Bonnyville & District Museum. • Abundant Lakes & Trails • Campgrounds • Birdwatching at
Lake • Scenic Bonnyville Golf & Country Club Bonnyville...
• Canada Day
• WPCA Chuckwagon
• Canadian Pro Rodeo
• Fall Fair & Farmers Market - September • Festival of Trees - December @BonnyvilleAB
Celebration - July 1
Races - June 8-11
- June 10-11
Angus Shaw Statue by PlayOutsideGuide.com Splash Park

From Vezeau Beach you can take the Moose Lake Trail going northeast that will take you all the way around the lake to the junction with the Iron Horse Trail along Highway 660. The Iron Horse Trail continues through Bonnyville where you can go ATVing or horseback riding.

Plan to be in town for the Rodeo and Chuckwagon Races on June 8-11 and Jennie’s Diner Show & Shine and Swap Meet on June 17. Watch for fun events at the Bonnyville & District Centennial Centre. Plan to do your Christmas shopping at the Bonnyville Craft Show on November 4, and the Cold Lake Craft Show on November 25. For other community events visit town.bonnyville.ab.ca.

For a truly unique experience Rocky Meadows CountryGetaway, north of Bonnyville, offers an exceptional escape! It is much more than just a campground. You can have some fun playing a round of “farm themed” mini-golf with the family, picking in-season berries to take home with you, and stocking up on some farm fresh jams, jellies and fudge. This unique getaway is 13 km north of Bonnyville off Hwy 41 near the Beaver River.

You’ll find a multitude of shops, eateries and hotels along Highway 28 and all the way through Bonnyville. A must stop is at the corner of 51 Ave & 51 St – Jennie’s Diner & Bakery, a Classic 1950s restaurant. A local favourite is the Neighbourhood Inn, complete with dining, a pub and a great patio.

Be sure to pick up some award winning cider at Journey North Cider Co, located five minutes west of Bonnyville on Highway 28. Their cranberry cider was a Great Lakes International Cider & Perry Competition gold medal winner, as well as an Alberta Beverage Awards best in class.

14 Buildings to Explore Picnic Areas • RV Parking

Open May through August

For hours: 780-826-4925 or visit bonnyvillemuseum.ca

4401 - 54 Ave, Bonnyville

Shop at the weekly Farmers’ Markets for local produce, baking, goodies and more. For an ag-tourism experience in the M.D. of Bonnyville visit Charlotte Lake Farms or 350 Farms. Visit Moe’s Garden & Greenhouse, a full-service garden centre just off Highway 41 west of Bonnyville. The lush oasis has a great variety of annuals, perennials and hanging baskets to choose from.

North of Ardmore, plan to go shopping at Treasures of Yesterday with over 3000 sq ft of display space featuring all things vintage, antiques and collectable. Franchere Sporting Goods located on Highway 660 west of Bonnyville is your local source for all things hunting and fishing, with rentals at Franchere Bay Recreation Area. If you’re needing a tune up on your marine engine including Sea-Doo repairs, give L & D Marine Rentals a call to book your appointment.

April 22-June 15 Daily 9am-8pm

June 16-Sept 30 call

Bonnyville Visitor Information Centre & Interpretive Centre #2 46300 Twp Rd 611 (Shaw House)

Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm Sat-Sun 10am-6pm 780-826-3171

See pages 146-151.

Bonnyville continued...
hours. – FREE ADMISSION –Contact Pat: 780-594-4610 Bonnyville Craft Show
Centennial Centre
4 • 10-4pm Cold Lake Craft Show
Lake Energy Centre
Over 3000 sq ft of treasures! 780-812-1204 Visit us at: POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton &

The City of Cold Lake, located 3 hours east of Edmonton, is surrounded by natural beauty from its clear blue waters with sandy beaches, to the rugged forest backdrop. It’s a four-season playground that attracts those with a sense of adventure.

You may see jets in the skies on weekdays, but you can also see historical and current aircraft displayed on pedestals at CFB 4-Wing Gateway Park, and at the main downtown intersection in Cold Lake. History buffs won’t want to miss the Cold Lake Museums. It is a multi-theme museum located on the old site of 42 Radar Squadron at the top of Radar Hill Road. The separate buildings house an Aboriginal Gallery, a Heritage Gallery, an Oil & Gas Gallery, and an Air Force Museum. There are also outdoor displays of aircraft and a radar dome.

Cold Lake Chamber of CommerceVisitor Information Centre

4009 - 50 Street, Cold Lake.

Open year round. 1-800-840-6140

The Energy Centre is the hub of activity. This state-of-the-art facility hosts sporting events, concerts, trade shows, and more.

Casino Dene is where you can play, dine, unwind, and stay. It features over 250 slot and VLT machines, table games, poker tournaments and live entertainment. It’s located 7 km south of Cold Lake on Highway 28

For the avid golfer, enjoy the Grand Centre Golf Club or the Cold Lake Golf & Winter Club nestled just off Veteran’s Drive on Canadian Forces Base 4 Wing Cold Lake.

continued on page 64...

GoEastofEdmonton.com NORTHEAST OF EDMONTON 62
Cold Lake Bullarama

Surrounding the Cold Lake Museum, the Cold Lake Bike Park & Trails has 6 km of mountain bike trails for all skill levels including a pump track, jump features, and more. The Beaver River Trestle south of Cold Lake is a highlight of the Iron Horse Trail. The trestle is 1/2 km long and 60 metres high. Cold Lake Provincial Park also has an 11.5 km trail system for hiking and mountain biking. The Municipal District of Bonnyville operates the popular Cold Lake M.D. Park, a lakeside campground right in the city limits. If you want a less urban setting, check out Crane Lake M.D. Parks, or for an intimate lakeside camping experience book a site at Ethel Lake M.D. Park

Some major 2023 events planned for this summer include: Aqua Days on August 5, Extreme Mudfest August 17-20, and Cold Lake Car Show on August 18-20. Come September long weekend don’t miss Feast At The Beach – a family-friendly event filled with food and music on the shores of Cold Lake. Kinosoo Beach is the ideal location to host all of the festival goers. A range of food trucks from across Alberta will be serving up delicious food. Sit on the beach or in the beer gardens and listen to the amazing bands and music. For families, there is a Kid Zone which offers endless entertainment for kids. There is something for everyone at Feast at the Beach!

Check out the largest Alberta Approved Farmers’ Market in the Lakeland every Thursday from 3:30-6:30 pm at the Agriplex. Visit coldlakeag.com for more event updates this summer

Roadtrip to Ardmore, west of Cold Lake, and you’ll find fun at the Ardmore Golf Course and Mini Golf.

On the southside of Cold Lake, enjoy many great events during the year from the Agricultural Society including Cherry Grove



The Cold Lake Museums and the Cold LakeAir Force Museum is a combination of four distinct galleries that reflects the history of the Cold Lake Region and CFB Cold Lake.

Motorcycle Ride for Dad on June 17, and a Car Show on September 4. Nearby, get adventurous at the new Aerial Adventure Park at Kinosoo Ridge! It is a 4-level customized climbing structure featuring a range of climbing elements that will challenge both adults and kids. In the winter at Kinosoo Ridge, take to the hills and go skiing and enjoy the tubing park at Kinosoo Ridge Snow Resort. It is Northeast Alberta’s premier downhill ski facility!

TheAir Force Museum

The Oil & Gas Gallery

The Heritage Gallery

TheAboriginal Gallery

Located at top of Radar Hill Rd, Cold Lake,Alberta

Open May Long Weekend

to end of August. 10-4 pm

Tues-Sat with Sundays in July & Aug.




• 5 Guest Rooms

• Conference/Party Room perfect for meetings, family reunions, weddings and other family events.

• Full Breakfast

• Outdoor Hot Tub

• Fireside & BBQ Facilities

• Fully Serviced RV Sites

• Hiking/Biking & XC Ski Trails with equipment rentals

• Canoeing on a Private Lake (5 rental canoes)

Your hosts: Brian & Debbie Hamilton

10 minutes SE of Cold Lake in Cherry Grove

For reservations or to book a tour:

Ph: 780-594-7257

Enjoy luxury boating tours on a 30ft cabin cruiser. Packages include watersport activities, dinner cruises, packages and more.
Country Retreat Featuring... www.hamiltonhouse.com
the Very
Popular... Fishing Charters & Private Beach Tours on Cold Lake

Explore more than 400 square kilometres of water on Alberta’s seventh largest lake and enjoy the beauty of the Cold Lake Marina and Kinosoo Beach. Named one of Canada’s top 25 beaches by Canadian Geographic Magazine, Kinosoo Beach is a three-block stretch of fine sand on Cold Lake’s north end.

How to get here? After you enter Cold Lake’s main shopping areas, keep heading north on Highway 28. You’ll go past the TriCity Mall and past the turn off to Highway 55. Keep following Hwy 28 all the way to Lakeshore Drive and Cold Lake Marina.

At Lakeshore Drive, you will find a number of exceptional accommodations, unique eateries and shops.

Follow Lakeshore Drive further north to reach the main beach where you’ll find the Splash Park, beach volleyball courts, a playground, a rope off swimming area and a concession with ice cream, burgers and snacks. Where to Park? Street parking is available along 1st Avenue and Tamarack Street right along the beach front. Come early on sunny days as parking fills up quickly.

Brian Hamilton of Hamilton House Inn & Adventures knows all the secret spots on Cold Lake for fishing. Book half day or full day fishing packages. In the winter, you can rent cross-country skiing equipment to enjoy 12 km of trails around their private lake.

Wicked Watersport Rentals is your one-stop shop for having a wicked experience on Cold Lake located right at Kinosoo Beach. Explore the hidden bays and coves of Cold Lake with a boat rental located at the Cold Lake Marina. A day at Kinosoo Beach wouldn’t be complete without paddling along the shores on a single or double kayak, a stand-up board, or a 4-person pedal boat. With a certified instructor, take to the skies on their Flyboard! Or enjoy the scenic lakefront on one of their electric scooters or bicycles. Come winter, catch the big one comfortably from one of their fully equipped solar operated ice shacks.

Whether it’s summer or winter fishing tours, or simply looking for specialized lures and bait, check out Anglers Bait Tackle & More, located on-site at Evergreen Birch Lodge Resort. Enjoy the waters by booking a luxury boating tour on a 30ft cabin cruiser with various packages available from Edgewater Experiences.

Kinosoo Beach at Cold Lake

Great Places to Stay in Cold Lake!

In Cold Lake there is a great selection of brand name hotels to local favourites like the Lakeland Inn or Hotel Dene located right next to the Casino Dene. The unique accommodations sets Cold Lake apart from other destinations. Experience the very best and award-winning accommodations available right here!

Waterfront Harbour Bed & Breakfast is close to the marina on Lakeshore Drive with awesome views of the lake. This is where comfort and sleep are top priority with stunning panoramic lakefront views and delicious breakfasts! Relax in one of five unique rooms with their own private bathroom to satisfy individuals, couples and families.

Nearby, you can rent fully self-contained suites and cottages overlooking the marina at Edgewater Cottages & Suites, where a variety of Experience Packages are available.

Just 3 minutes east of Kinosoo Beach, you will enjoy tranquility throughout the 142 acres at Evergreen Birch Lodge Resort. Here, you will not only take a load off and relax, you will also

reconnect with yourself and nature in a very comforting, and natural setting.

On the southside of Cold Lake at Cherry Grove, a pure woodland oasis awaits you. Hamilton House Inn & Adventures features a private wilderness lake for you to enjoy Take in the fresh air and relax in an outdoor hot tub. Explore the hiking and biking trails or book a fishing charter. These unique stays are excited to welcome you!

Cold Lake Marina

802 Lakeshore Drive

(by the boat launch)

Open daily 8am-9pm


See pages 146-151.

Kinosoo Ridge Adventure Park

63231 Rg Rd 411, Cold Lake

Check hours at kinosoo.ca


Edgewater Cottages & Suites www.edgewatersuites.ca E: edgewater609@gmail.com Enjoy comfort and luxury on the shores of beautiful Cold Lake. Surrounded with mature gardens and serene viewing decks overlooking the marina with amazing sunsets. Self contained suites, fully equipped with everything to ensure your stay is truly memorable. Offering luxury boating and dinner cruises and other fun packages. 609 Lakeshore Drive, Cold Lake 1-866-660-4191
780-812-8971 Vis continued... POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 &#GoEastofEdmonton
Waterfront Harbour B&B photo by PlayOutsideGuide.com
67 NOR THEAST OF EDMONTON • Rated #1 B&B in Cold Lake for the last 8 years! • 2018 Named one of Trivago’s Top 10 Bed & Breakfasts in Canada • Government approved rates • Proud member of Indigenous Tourism Alberta • Best views of Sunrise over Cold Lake • 4 bedrooms w/ensuite • 3 bedroom suite • Full gourmet breakfast • Kristy Jean Art studio on-site • Rent the complete venue for exclusive use with a minimum 2 night stay! 780-654-2132 info@waterfrontharbour.ca www.waterfrontharbour.ca (rated by Lux life magazine 2019, UK) Check our reviews! 607 Lakeshore Drive, Cold Lake Situated right on the lake EVERGREEN BIRCH LODGE RESORT Just 3 minutes west of Kinosoo Beach, Cold Lake North CALL US AT 780-639-3114 www.evergreenbirchlodge.com • ANGLER’S BAIT & TACKLE FISHING GUIDE ON-SITE Contact: Kimat780-660-9336 •3 BEDROOM BIRCH LODGE & EAGLES NEST LODGE •6 BEDROOM EVERGREEN LODGE •2 BEDROOM COTTAGES • TINY HOUSES / CABINS • LOG BUNKHOUSE (sleepsupto5) • RV SITES Rated 5/5 Stars in 2022 •FirePits& BBQ Facilities •DogPark•Playgrounds •4.6kmofWalkingTrails •Coveredoutdoorseating for60people 2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide

Find all your needs for shopping and dining starting from the Highway 28 corridor through the downtown area, and further north to the marina and lakeshore areas.

Grab a coffee at Beantrees Café as you shop downtown Cold Lake for great finds like Polished Pumpkins Children’s Boutique, and Puur Athletics. A must stop is Dobbin’s – a candy, gift and toy store featuring unique & retro candies. The kids will be overjoyed! To bring back memories of years gone by, stop into Fad’s Vintage and check out all of the antiques and collectibles.

Before you hit the trails, get geared up with Mach 1 Sports. Your #1 sporting store for BMX, Mountain Bikes, Fatbikes and Ebikes, plus scooters, skateboards and more!

Dine by the Lakeshore at any of these delicious choices: Jonny Waffles, Clark’s Eatery and Mamacita’s or try the patio dining at Cold Lake Brewing and Distilling Co.

68 NOR THEAST OF EDMONTON 780-594-2626 5451 - 55 St, Cold Lake mach1sports.business.site Check us out at @mach1sports Mach 1 in Cold Lake is #1 in Quality Equipment, Parts, Clothing, Footwear & Accessories for DobbinsOnline.com SHOP ONLINE: 5015 Unit A, 50 Ave. Cold Lake 780-661-2125 OPEN DAIL Y Check FB for hours. 4819 - 51 St.,Cold Lake 780-573-4723
our blog “Summer Fun in Cold Lake and Bonnyville!” by Karen Ung from PlayOutsideGuide.com. Scan or visit Trip Ideas Stories at GoEastofEdmonton.com
Learn more at GoEastofEdmonton.com/Communities Beaver Hills Biosphere & Elk Island National Park North Saskatchewan River & Vermilion River Regions The Ukrainian Cultural Capital of Canada
Photo Contest Submission | Vegreville Country Fair by McKenna O’Shea


Here, everyone is welcome. Community leaders, neighbours, and business owners share a commitment to the principles of diversity and inclusion. This commitment to inclusivity is evidence that the city is creating a place where every single

person is respected for who they are. It’s a value that makes the community welcoming to individuals and families, visitors, and businesses in this one-of-a-kind city.

Open Tues-Sat 11-5 pm

10210 100 Ave, Fort Saskatchewan | 780-589-2787


Downtown you will encounter the Fort Heritage Precinct nestled on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River It showcases the history of the North West Mounted Police, Alberta’s Provincial Gaol (jail), and early settlers in the area through a village of historic buildings. The Fort Heritage Precinct is also a great outdoor recreation area where you can enjoy events and festivals, feed the city’s flock of sheep, and enjoy beautiful trails year-round. Unique downtown shops and restaurants are within easy walking distance of the Precinct in the city’s historic downtown. The Fort Heritage Precinct summer hours are Monday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm from the May long weekend to September.

The Alberta Lottery Fund Art Gallery at the Dow Centennial Centre hosts month-long art shows and exhibits displaying the work of visual artists and craft artisans. The Shell Theatre offers a variety of performances to delight audiences. For indoor recreation, the Dow Centennial Centre has a gymnasium, an ice arena, a soccer field, a running track and a fitness centre. In addition, don’t forget to make a splash in the swimming pool over at Harbour Pool

Gourmet Cookies * Brownies & more caughtinthecookiejar.ca

9825-104 St. Fort Saskatchewan | 780-589-2253

Enjoy the outdoors with a picnic at Turner Park or Legacy Park; and book a fully serviced campsite at the Fort Lions Campground located in the river valley. Play at the Kin Family Spray Park or catch a fish at the Lion’s Community Fish Pond at West River’s Edge. There are more than 75 km of paved trails ideal for walking, and cycling.

continued on page 72...

Indigenous family owned & operated gallery showcasing local arts & gifts!

Visitors can also enjoy a skateboard park and swing their clubs at the local golf courses.

Popular events in the city include the Legacy Park Family Festival in early June. Summer is officially back with the beloved, turf-trimming sheep! Plus, enjoy local food, entertainment and other community activities. (The sheep graze the parks around the Fort Heritage Precinct Thursdays-Sundays and holidays throughout the summer). Kick off your Canada Day with the annual Pancake Breakfast, then make your way over to watch the parade, see the Show n’ Shine, Farmers’ Market, and more fun! Love fiddle music? Plan to take in the Grand North American Old Time Fiddle Championship on July 13-16, 2023 at the Dow Centennial Centre. Other community events include in August. Movie Under the Stars

It’s a community favourite often attracting up to 1000 peopleso come early to pick out your spot! Be sure to come back in early September for the and bid the Sheep Leaving Parade woolly friends farewell. Celebrate the holiday season for the city’s Light Up Celebration in November. For more event details visit fortsask.ca.

Shop at the new Fort Saskatchewan Market – a yearround indoor market. Join them every weekend and support local small businesses and artisans! Free entry but donations to the local food bank are appreciated. For local food to take home, shop at the outdoor downtown Farmers’ Market, Thursdays from 4-7pm – June 15 to September 14. When life gives you lemons, eat cookies instead. Find scrumptious cookie sandwiches, giant cookies or cookie dough from Caught in the Cookie Jar While you’re in the area, check out over 50 local handmade vendors, as well as, a great selection of clothing including Wanakome and Ragwear at Country Chic. Quilters love Kountry Knits & Sewing Centre for its variety of yarns, fabrics, and all other sewing goods. A must stop for beautiful authentic arts & gifts is Dreamcatchers Gift & Art Gallery, a local Indigenous family-owned business. While downtown, admire the beautiful jewelry at Legacy Jewellers.


Perry’s 2 for 1 Pizza & Pasta has been serving the community for over 30 years and has a reputation for the best pizza in town! Other local favorites for dining include Modo Mio and Atlantic Kitchen.

Fort Lions Campground

Full serviced sites located in the river valley next to downtown Fort Saskatchewan at 10701 River Rd. Connected to the city’s fabulous Trail System with on-site park manager.

Reservations: 780-998-4074 www.fortlionscampground.ca


Sat-Sun 8am-8pm


See pages 146-151.

July 13-16, 2023

Thursday & Friday afternoon Open Jam Sessions

Friday evening - Barn Dance & Open Mic

Saturday - Fiddle Contest, Guest Entertainer, Junior Fiddling Mini-camp, Banquet & Dance

Sunday - Fiddle Contest, Guest Entertainer, After-party at Montana's

& Banquet Tickets available at Dow Box Office or Online at TicketPro
Centre, Fort Saskatchewan Event
• Comfort Inn Host Hotel
• On-site Camping
a fee)
• Restaurants
walking distance
from a
• Pick
ticket choices
Info & Fiddler Registration www.wildrosefiddlers.org | 780-906-6862 GRAND NORTH AMERICAN OLD TIME FIDDLE CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND NORTH AMERICAN OLD TIME FIDDLE CHAMPIONSHIP OverPrizeMoney $16,000!
POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton & Dow Centennial Centre 8700 - 84 St., Fort Saskatchewan
Book a stay in the City at one of the many brand name hotels.



- Bruderheim is the Home of the Bruderheim Meteorite — the largest recovered meteorite fall in Canadian history. The meteorite fell March 4th, 1960.

- Bruderheim Museum located in Walker School

2023 Events

Edmonton & Area Classic Rabbit Show

- May 12-14

Indigenous Day - Walker School - June 21

Canada Day Parade & Activities - July 1

Family Fall Festival & Slo Pitch Tournament

September 16

Halloween Movie Night - October 28

Remembrance Day - November 11

Christmas Markets - Nov 18, Nov 25,

Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16

Recreation Facilities

- Bruderheim Heritage Trails throughout the Community

- Three Playgrounds

- Queen’s Park

- Gazebo Park - visit the “Big Chair”

- Starlight Campground with Fully Serviced sites & Disc Golf Course

- Cosmic Skatepark

- Karol Maschmeyer Arena

- Outdoor Rink

- Soccer Fields

- Baseball Diamonds

- Bruderheim Ag Grounds

- Bruderheim Memorial Community Hall

For more information: 780.796.3731

Town of Bruderheim, Box 280 T0B 0S0
www.bruderheim.ca @bruderheim
de an t d n u e p v d e at r e o s F
visit & follow us at:

The Town of Bruderheim – Home of the Bruderheim Meteorite – is a progressive and welcoming community located just off Highway 15, 20 minutes east of Fort Saskatchewan.

Visit Lamont to experience city living – country style! Located just 35 minutes east of Edmonton on Highway 15. Lamont is a great destination if you are wishing to head out for

Check out a piece of the Bruderheim Meteorite at the Bruderheim Firehall. The meteorite fell in 1960 and is THE largest recovered meteorite fall in Canada. The impact from giant rock shook homes – it could be heard from over 5,000 sq km – about 700 fragments were found in the area.

Plan to visit the Old Walker School, a four-room birch veneer schoolhouse built in 1908. The school was in operation until 1927, when it was destroyed by fire. A new school was built on the same site, which still stands today at the north end of Queen Street. Nowadays, the school is a museum and a designated Provincial Historical Resource—to visit, book an appointment by calling 780-910-8810 or email bruderheimagsoc@shaw.ca.

Follow the paved Bruderheim Heritage Trail that links neighbourhoods and scenic sites throughout the community. Watch for markers that offer information on Bruderheim’s cultural and natural heritage. The trail system provides access to playgrounds and is a great opportunity to walk, run, or cycle.

Enjoy a skate at the Cosmic Skatepark or visit the Spring Creek Wetland Interpretive Centre, behind the Town Office, and learn why wetlands and native plants are so important to quality of life. Those with a love for nature and gardening will be thrilled to explore Queen’s Park at the south end of Queen Street. Heritage signs in the park give visual depictions of the town's history

Camp at the Bruderheim Starlight Campground at a fully-serviced or unserviced site. Reservations can be made online at bruderheim.ca

Bruderheim Shell

4804 - 48 Ave.

Open daily 8am-9pm


See pages 146-151.

Relive a piece of Bruderheim’s German heritage with a stop at the local meat shop featuring traditionally-made smoked meats, sausages, jerky and more.


visit to the Mohyla monument, which marks the centenary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada, located just north of Lamont. A few must-sees are the murals on the north wall of Lamont High School, north and east walls of the area, Lamont Health Care Centre, and several other locations around town.

Your store for hardware, plumbing, electrical, paint and MORE! 780-895-2454 5109 - 50 Ave Lamont Open Mon-Sat 9am - 6pm EAST OF EDMONTON
| 5702 47 Ave Lamont info@daysinnlamont.com | daysinnlamont.com
a weekend or short trip. Lamont has a full range of services and amenities, including local parks, tourist and workforce accommodations, and a variety of shopping and dining options.
#GoRoadtrips2022 @carolbenitez0120

Come check out the Bike Pump Track and cool off at the spray park located in Hillside Park. You can also fly a kite on top of the massive hill, or have a picnic while the kids play at the playground. Feel free to use the exercise equipment, or enjoy the view off Mallards Landing. Relax with a day of fishing at the Lamont Fish Pond, home to a great population of trout, refreshed every spring. Lamont is also the gateway to Elk Island National Park where you could be spending days hiking, camping, and relaxing while watching the large herds of bison.

Catch all the action this summer with the Lamont & District Agricultural Society as they host the Bullarama Supreme on May 6th, and the Summer Sizzler Rodeo on July 8-9, 2023. Complete with kids rodeo, combine crunch, dance and more.

Gallery of Gifts

The agricultural grounds are located in the County at the junction of Highway 15 and Highway 831, then go two miles south to Township Road 552 (watch for signs). Free camping is available for both events!

Go bargain shopping during Lamont’s Town-wide Garage

Sale on June 3rd. Visit Elk Island Thrift Store for all things vintage and retro, books, clothing and more! Stop into L amont Home Hardware for all your supplies. Book a relaxing stay at the Days Inn by Wyndham located on the west side of Lamont. For great local products visit Gallery of Gifts and Harvest Market located just north of Lamont.

Harvest Market




For a visit call:

Creating Local Connections 195018 - Hwy 29




Lamont Petro Canada

5411 - 50 Ave., Lamont

Trudy A. Harrold 780-975-4688

For a visit call: 780-975-4688

195018 - Hwy 29, Lamont

Open daily 8am-9pm 780-895-7659

See pages 146-151.

2023 Events

75 EAST OF EDMONTON Welcome to the Town of Lamont Bullarama Supreme - May 6 Town-Wide Garage Sale - June 3 July 8-9 Summer Sizzler RodeoLamont Community Christmas Light Up - November 25
Hillside Park Bike Pump Track Spray Park Mallard’s Landing Lamont Trout Pond Enjoy www.lamont.ca 780-895-2010 Just 35 minutes east of Edmonton on Hwy 15
Sharing the Surplus
Lamont Summer Sizzler Rodeo by Diane Gorski

Just a quick trip east of Edmonton, Lamont County has a combination of beautiful landscapes, rich cultural heritage and unique attractions and events that make it the perfect destination for daytrips and weekend getaways.

As the Cradle of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada, Lamont County is proud of its heritage and it’s also known as the “Church Capital of North America” with over 40 historical churches! Take a day or a weekend to discover each historical gem during a selfdriving tour and experience the County’s beautiful countryside and fascinating history The church brochure is available at lamontcounty.ca/visitors/church-tour. The Babas & Borshch Ukrainian Festival usually held in August is postponed this summer, however the event will be back in 2024. Watch for updates! You can appreciate Ukrainian culture by visiting Lamont County’s major attraction, the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village. The exploring doesn’t end there, across from the Village is Elk Island National Park. Both sites are perfect for the whole family to enjoy!

In the northern part of the County, visit Spirit ‘n Ewe to shop their selection of candles, crystals, oils and cards. Pre-book an Oracle Card Reading and make your shopping experience truly one-of-a kind!

76 EAST OF EDMONTON 780-908-4601 www.spiritnewe.com Check FB or website for hours. Metaphysicalin-storeexperience. 573065 RR 192 Lamont County Candles, crystals, oil,cards.
Bison squaring off at Elk Island National Park by Veronica Marchand

Nestled in Coyote Country, just 45 minutes east of Edmonton on Hwy 15, Chipman is a welcoming, quiet and affordable community, situated in the heart of a highly productive agricultural area. Chipman was first settled in 1892 with the arrival of homesteaders from Parry Sound, Ontario, then followed by a wave of settlers from Ukraine. Both groups have played an important role in the growth of local agriculture and the heritage of this community Chipman has easy access to Elk Island National Park and is considered to be commuter community to nearby larger centres. Come see members of the Edmonton Soaring Club fly motorless aircrafts — visitors can watch or experience soaring through the air with professional gliders pilots who lift off from the Chipman airstrip. Plan to take in the Coyote Country Outdoor Market on June 4th inconjunction with the ever popular

! Chipman Car Crafters Show & Shine

The Town of Mundare is just a 45-minute drive east of Edmonton, easily accessible from the Yellowhead Highway, as well as, along Highway 15. It’s a great day trip destination, and a great place to live.

History buffs will enjoy the Basilian Fathers Museum, a worldclass facility with an intriguing collection of artifacts showcasing Ukrainian culture and religious heritage. The museum is also the town’s Visitor Information Centre. A stop in Mundare is not complete without seeing the 42 ft high (6 ton) sausage replica known as the World’s Largest Sausage built by the Stawnichy family in 2001. Plan to attend Agri-Days on August 18-20. For more event updates and details visit www.mundare.ca.


Join us for... EVENTS EVENTS

Chipman Car Crafters




May 6



Over 350+ vehicles on display!

Other community events include:

• Chipman Players Annual Dinner Theatre - March

• Chipman Ag Society Cutter/ Wagon Rally - April

• Chipman Lions Club Old Time Harvest Dance - In late October

• Chipman Golden Seniors Perogy Suppers

• Coyote Country Christmas Craft Sale & Community Dinner - Nov. 18

| 780-363-3982

July 1, 11 pm

August 18-20

December 2

For more details: www.chipmanab.ca

There are plenty of outdoor activities to keep the whole family busy, including a skateboard and spray park, and the 18-hole Whitetail Crossing Golf Course Residential lots are for sale around the golf course and around town; check out the listings with a local realtor Ukraina Park is also a great place to take in the sunshine. The park has three baseball diamonds, a playground, and sites for camping.

Mainstreet is the place to be! As you’ve been looking in awe of the World’s Largest Sausage, you’ll want to stock up your cooler with the real deal at Stawnichy’s Sausage. For a homemade meal and delicious desserts, dine at Baba’s Bistro – the Sticker Station for the Roadtrip Adventure Game (see page 80). Stop in at the Mundare Bakery for some fresh baked goods, or try one of their island-inspired meals using authentic Jamaican spices and recipes to tantalize your tastebuds. For all your quilting supplies, visit The Chicken Coop.

Baba’s Bistro Baba’s Bistro

Specialty Coffee - espresso, lattés

Homemade: Soups, Sandwiches, Perogies, Cabbage Rolls, Pies, Baked Goodies (cinnamon buns, scones, mufns, mini pies).

Paint Nites, Game Nites & more! Plus, In-house Library

Open 7 days a week 8 am to 6 pm


5215 - 50 St., Mundare

OPEN YEAR ROUND BasilianMuseum.ca
& Dine-In
Rolls Sweet
Frozen • Soups
Basilian Fathers
Yeast Breads and
Breads • Donuts Jamaican
Meals - Fresh &
Jamaican Patties • Homestyle Juice
780-860-1223 5231 50 St., Mundare ORDER
Check website for hours.

Baba’s Bistro 5215 - 50 St, Mundare Open daily 8am-6pm 780-764-2226

Andrew’s Original Pizza & Pasta 5002-50 Ave., Andrew Open daily 11am-9pm 780-365-2001

See ad page 79. See pages 146-151.

POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023

#GoEastofEdmonton &

The Village of Andrew is located at the junction of Highways 855 and 45, only 60 minutes east of Edmonton. Enjoy the small-town charm and a stroll down Ed Stelmach Avenue, named in honour of the local resident and Alberta’s 13th Premier.

Every Sat. 1-3 pm

May 6 - Oct 7, 2023 at the Andrew Arena

Take your picture with the World’s Largest Mallard – it’s an Instagram moment you can’t find anywhere else. Bring your binoculars to the designated wildlife viewing areas south and east of Andrew Explore the village’s history with a visit to the Andrew Museum in the train station, featuring themed rooms of displays and artifacts.

Andrew Agricultural Society is proud to host the popular Garlic Festival in October at the Andrew Community Centre. This event includes a whole lotta garlic, a fabulous farmers’ market, children’s activities, and a community-wide scarecrow contest. From spring to fall, shop for fresh produce, gifts and crafts at the popular Saturday Farmers’ Market from 1 to 3 pm. Visit andrewagsociety.com for event updates and details.

Outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy the baseball diamonds and a skateboard park. Set up camp at the fully serviced RV Park. Centennial Park is the site of flower gardens and a large gazebo, popular for weddings, gatherings, and performances.

Twelve minutes east of Andrew on Highway 45, lies the hamlet of Willingdon. Visit the World’s Largest Lapel Pin, located at the Tourist Park Campground, right along Highway 45. A must stop is E.T.’s Craft Shop, where you’re sure to find a unique craft or gift made by local vendorsdefinitely worth a roadtrip!

Saturday, October
3 Townwide Garage Sale (Arena) Oct 14 Nov 26 SPECIAL MARKETS Bench Show, Huge Farmers’ Market, Pancake Breakfast, Pyrogy Lunch, All Day Entertainment, Kids Activities, Supper & Dance, Silent Auction at the Andrew Community Centre Garlic Festival Market (Community Centre) Christmas Market
the Heat Tournament/MarketSlopitch (Community Centre)
more info
www.andrewagsociety.com (Community Centre)
contact Anna Lee 587-936-0840
VLT’s Live Entertainment Homemade Burgers & Smoked Pork Friday Steak Nite with Buffet Sunday Brunch Buffet Tues-Thurs 9am-12am Fri 9am-1am Sat 10am-1am Sun 10am-6pm Plus, WATCH FOR POP UP EVENTS at the vegreville location ANDREW HOTEL & lIQUOR bOX 5102 Stelmach Ave, Andrew | 780-365-3505 Real Canadian’eh Burger 2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide
Roadtrip Adventure Game photo by @sandypardy04
Floor - Pool

Welcome to the County of Two Hills—a diverse region of historical, recreational, agricultural, and industrial opportunities situated in beautiful rolling hills near the North Saskatchewan River. The communities in the region offer a wonderful blend of town and country with amenities of urban life while being nestled in a vast agricultural region.

Located between Willingdon and Hairy Hill is the Historic Boian District, featuring St. Mary’s Romanian Orthodox Church and a museum dedicated to local Romanian pioneers. The Romanian Pioneer Museum of Boian is located on RR 143, four miles north of Highway 45. It is an open-air museum, which preserves artifacts, documents, and family histories of the first Romanian immigrants that came from Bukovina to Alberta between the years 1895 and 1915. (See ad page 82).

The hamlet of Hairy Hill is home of the popular Hairy Hill Rodeo! Fun fact: the hamlet was named by settlers who found the hills covered in bison hair shed by the herds. In the 1900s when the Canadian Pacific Railway laid its tracks, they found all the hair on the large hills and the hamlet had its name. Tourists can now see a bison statue with a plaque on mainstreet.

33rdANNUAL JULY 7 & 8



6pm- Rodeo,KidsWildPonyRace, WildHorseRace, WildCowMilking

9pm- Dance(PhysicalphotoIDrequired)


8-11am- PancakeBreakfast


4pm-Rodeo,KidsWildPonyRace, SheepRiding,WildHorseRace, WildCowMilking,SilentAuction

9pm- Dance(PhysicalphotoIDrequired)

FromHwy45-2milesSouth onRgRd141&1/2mileEast

by K
Hill Rodeo
FordetailscontactViolet780.768.3880or 780.208.9254
RodeostockprovidedbyTrachStockLtd.&RollingHillsRodeoCo. LRA&WildroseSanctioned
Free camping, please bring your own lawn chairs.
ATM On-Site
©Don Randall

The Town of Two Hills, located 1 5 hours east of Edmonton, is a welcoming multi-cultural community. Once settled by European pioneers, it is now home to many Mennonite families who have emigrated from Mexico, bringing a distinctive Mexican flair to local dining and shopping establishments.

Visit Pioneer Park to see the bronze statue of local pioneersMr. & Mrs. Dowhaniuk, commemorating 100 years of Ukrainian settlement. You can also check out the Two Hills Historical Society outdoor museum along Highway 36, featuring a display and items used by the pioneers of the area.

Around town, you can enjoy the sports facilities, several playgrounds, an arena, a recreation centre, and a youth centre.

Located on the west side of Two Hills, is the picturesque and challenging Lions Golf & Country Club, the envy of many other courses in northeast Alberta. This is a rolling links-style course with challenging narrow fairways, strategic hazards and noticeable beauty

The Wayside Fallen Riders Memorial Park located along Highway 45 near town, features a monument honouring fallen riders. Watch for bikers and activities during the Run to the Hills Memorial Rally – July 13-23, 2023.

• Wayside Blessing of the Bikes - May 13

• Run to the Hills Memorial Rally - July 13-23

• Taste of Two Hills - September 9-10

• Two Hills Lions Golf & Country Club -

Challenging 9 hole course with Weekend Golf & Camping Packages

• DM Geleta Park - Camping & Day Use Area

• Wayside Memorial Park - Open May-Oct.

• Pioneer Park - A quiet recreation area

• Two Hills & District MuseumHighlighting the area’s Ukrainian heritage

780-657-3395 townoftwohills.com

Romanian Pioneer Museum of Boian

An open air museum that showcases artifacts, documents and family histories of the rst Romanian immigrants to Alberta.

Memorial Service and Roll Call, poker run, pig-roast, chili cook-off, Show‘n Shine, bike games, vendors, bikini bike wash, beer gardens, live bands, BBQs, stunt riding, family friendly, onsite camping, CLAYTON BELLAMY CONCERT & MORE!

Open Sundays

11 am - 5 pm May Long Weekend to September Long Weekend

Boian Annual Picnic BBQ & Entertainment - Sunday, July 16, 2023

Located 4 miles east of Willingdon on Hwy 45 & 4 miles north on Rg Rd 143

Contact: Clayton Hutscal 780-289-5872 | chutscal@telus.net


EAST OF EDMONTON Outdoor Exercise Equipment at Geleta P ark www.GoEastofEdmonton.com
us on Romanian Pioneer Museum of Boian

Go fishing at the stocked trout pond with a picnic area on the south side of town. Across the road, camp at DM Geleta Park and enjoy a picnic at the park. The park features a playground, outdoor exercise equipment, tennis courts, a beach volleyball net, basketball courts, soccer fields, a variety of campsites, and brand new baseball diamonds.

Enjoy recreational opportunities at Jackfish Lake/J. Dudar Park near Myrnam, west off Hwy 881 and Sandy Lake Park, west of Two Hills off Hwy 45. Both have great services available for campers. Sandy Lake features a pavilion building with a full kitchen and stage. Lakeside resort living is popular around Lac Santé, and there are two boat launches. Or, drop your boat in the North Saskatchewan River at the boat launch in Duvernay.

Twenty minutes northwest of Two Hills is the Romanian Pioneer Museum of Boian. Join them on Sunday, July 16 for their Boian Annual Picnic BBQ & Entertainment (see ad page 82).

The dove is the village symbol because in Ukrainian, Myrnam means Peace to Us. Their giant dove overlooks the Dove Peace Park. A perfect oasis to enjoy some homemade baking from CJ’s Restaurant or pick up a variety of snacks from the Myrnam Convenience Store. They also have ice cream! If you’re a crafter stop into Sentimental Salvage & Design.

Two Hills Pizza & Wings

5002-50 Ave., Two Hills

Mon-Sat 11am-8pm

Sun 11am-7pm


Myrnam Convenience

4814 - 50 Ave, Myrnam

Open Mon-Sat

9am-9pm Sun 10am-6pm


See pages 146-151

As you turn off Hwy 45 onto Hwy 881 you will immediately see a popular roadside attraction, the Ukrainian Catholic Church and its perfectly crafted miniature (as pictured above).

The Myrnam & Derwent Golf Course is unique in a forested location. Relax in the clubhouse, or a fully serviced campsite. A very family friendly venue to golf and explore the countryside. If you’re looking for seasonal camping with beautiful secluded sites, contact Bear Ridge Campground situated along the scenic North Saskatchewan River just north of Myrnam.

Of special interest, Myrnam’s school has won several “green” awards, providing vegetables to local restaurants, selling plants from their greenhouses, and is currently building tiny homes and solar powered golf carts at their state-of-the-art CTEC education centre, which offers technical and trades learning.

83 EAST OF EDMONTON Visit our Beautiful Dove Park Myrnam/Derwent Golf Club & Campground www.Myrnam.ca Play 9 holes and go camping at For upcoming community events visit: Only 5 km East of Myrnam • 780-366-2190 Village of Myrnam 780-366-3910
Located at the junction of Highways 45 and 881, Myrnam is an active community with many opportunities for family recreation.
Visit the quaint Village of Derwent, located on Highway 45, 50 km east of Two Hills. No visit to Derwent is complete without trying their famous Super Loaded Pizza at the Derwent Hotel, located at the end of mainstreet.
Roadtrip Adventure Game | Myrnam Churches by Crystal Skelton Canoeing on the North Saskatchewan River

Clandonald, is a family-friendly country escape, located in the County of Vermilion River, 2 km south of Highway 45 or 10 km east of Highway 41.

Marwayne, located 10 minutes north of the Yellowhead Highway, is a community of just over 600 friendly people who are proud of its small-town atmosphere. Situated in a picturesque location at the intersection of Highways 45 and 897, Marwayne provides a family-oriented, welcoming lifestyle with city amenities nearby

continued on page 85...

The community holds several family friendly events throughout the year. All ages look forward to the Clandonald Country Fair to be held August 12, 2023 with tons of fun for the whole family!

The agricultural grounds feature a modern hall with commercial kitchen and holds many of the community’s social functions. It also has six power and water RV sites, a dumping station and a ball diamond.

Clandonald continued...

Clandonald is proud to be home to some unique businesses including Hideaway Hair Salon and Serendipity Massage - where you can enjoy a spa-like experience. You can stay at the The Lodge at Clandonald, and shop for groceries and home decor at the Clandonald Country Store.

For sportsmen, Clandonald Fish & Game Assn. operates a gun range. Not far away, Rusylvia Hall and ballpark has three ball diamonds, a playground and six powered campsites.

Clandonald Country Store

113 Centre St.

Open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm

Sat 10am-2pm

Sat afternoon & Sun: Sticker dispenser


See pages 146-151.

August 11~Receive Exhibits for Bench Show

Bench Show

Pancake Breakfast Parade

Pipes & Drum Band

Tractor Pedal Pushers

Mutton Bustin’

Family Entertainment


Golf Ball Draw

For more information contact Ron 780-853-7863 or Susanne 780-581-7615
Bingo FREE ADMISSION Reimagine. Redefine.
www.clandonaldalberta.ca POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton &
Goldmine Children’s Races

Take the kids to Westview Park with playground equipment, an outdoor rink, walking trails and a new splash park! Located on 2nd Street South, Westview Park is a short walk from the Marwayne Legion RV Park. The Campground offers full-service camping sites with power, washroom and shower facilities, WiFi, and a dumping station.

Enjoy the many sporting events, dances and activities that take place at the hall, arena, curling rink, and in the downtown core. Don’t miss Marwayne’s Rodeo Street Dance on June 7th. Take a short 10-minute drive north of Marwayne on Highway 897 to find exciting events and scenic views at Lea Park It is home to the popular Lea Park Professional Rodeo taking place on June 9-11, 2023. Make sure you take the drive to the top of Snake Hill and see the spectacular view of the North Saskatchewan River. Plus, it overlooks Lea Park Campground, Rodeo Grounds and Lea Park Raven Golf Course. It’s a great place for a family reunion or to just stay the weekend. At Lea Park Jubilee Regional Campground, stay at fullservice camping sites with power, washroom and shower facilities, free WiFi; or stay in a camping cabin. Now offering seasonal and long-term sites.

Though Marwayne is a village, it has so much to offer. In its revitalized downtown core, grab a coffee, visit local shops, have a meal at one of the restaurants or even stop in for a cold one at the Historic Marwayne Hotel and stay the night. Treat the kids with ice cream or fudge at Kat Traks Sweet Shop. Go boutique shopping at No Need to Nock, get your camping supplies at the Home Hardware and check out the great selection of beer, wine and spirits at Marwayne Liquor Store.

Marwayne Legion RV Park


We’re here for all of your hardware needs ....and more!

19 Railway Ave. N.

Lea Park

Full Service RV Sites (30 amp) Washroom & Shower Facilities Free WiFi & Dump Station


LocatedattheendofCentreStreet bytheArenaandCommunityHall. 780-847-3784

Wine, Beer & Spirits 27 Railway Ave. N. Mon-Sat 10 am - 7 pm Sun 11 am -5 pm 780-847-4636 Mainstreet Marwayne Coin Operated Washers & Dryers 9 am - 8:30 pm Daily Custom Laundry Service 780-872-0011 780-847-2110 Located at No Need to Nock Tue-Fri 10 am - 5 pm 27 Railway Ave S. www.atb.com Marwayne Agency *Fudge/Taffy *Ice Cream *Bottled Water *Car & Truck Wash *Propane 780-847-4405 20 Railway Avenue Open Daily 9 am - 7 pm 27 Railway Ave S. Women’s Fashions & Accessories NO NEED TO NOCK NO NEED TO NOCK 780-847-2110
Over 100 Sites * 2 Cabins Great Family Reunion Facilities Seasonal & Long Term Sites 9 miles north of Marwayne 780-847-2273 *Walking Trails *Splash Park *Westview Park *Marwayne Campground & Community Hall *Lea Park Golf Course Village of Marwayne | 780-847-3962 | marwayne.ca Community Wide Garage Sale - May Marwayne PBR - April 2024 68th Annual Lea Park Rodeo - June 9-11 For more details visit: leaparkrodeo.com POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton & Kat Tracks Sweet Shop 20 Railway Ave., Marwayne Open Mon-Fri 9am-7pm Sat 9am-8pm, Sun 11am-5pm 780-847-4405 See pages 146-151.
Bros. Hardware Ltd.


HWY 16

Set in the centre of Alberta’s energy and agricultural heartland, Strathcona County is a thriving, successful and vibrant community of over 98,000 rural and urban residents. Only a 10-minute drive from the capital city of Edmonton, you will find Strathcona County - Sherwood Park is your doorstep to adventure!

Visitor Information Centre

Sherwood Park Chamber of Commerce 100 Ordze Ave (off Wye Road).

Open Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 5 pm 780-464-0801

Community Welcome

Fort Saskatchewan - Sherwood Park

Start your adventures in Sherwood Park at the Strathcona County Museum and Archives which showcases rotating exhibits that portray the County’s natural and human history Explore special exhibits, children’s programs, and an Indigenous peoples display. The museum is located at the corner of Wye Road and Ash Street.

Visit Centre in the Park where the Community Centre is a yearround hub for events, cultural and learning activities. Amenities include the library, the Gallery@501 art gallery, indoor event spaces and outdoor plazas, located on Festival Lane, just off Sherwood Drive. Within walking distance, Festival Place – a vibrant multi-use centre for the arts–hosts over 100 professional performances and summer’s annual Qualico Patio Series. Millennium Place is a multi-purpose recreation facility located off Broadmoor Boulevard and offers family and sports activities for all ages.

In Sherwood Park, visit the beautifully landscaped, 27 acre Broadmoor Lake Park to enjoy summer and winter recreational activities Just next-door is the stunning Broadmoor Public Golf Course This top rated 18-hole course is right in the heart of Sherwood Park with challenging holes and scenic views. In fact, there are seven golf courses in Strathcona County including the Jack Nicklaus signature course at Northern Bear Golf Club.

Welcome To Your New Home To Grow Your Business Be Part Of Our Community Welcome Package To Receive Your Free Welcome Package Contact Val - 587-357-2072 Val.welcome@hotmail.com GoEastofEdmonton.com
Photos above: Branches Fresh Food Experience in Greenland Garden Centre and the Strathcona County Roadtrip Adventure Game Sticker Station at Strathcona Wilderness Centre by PlayOutsideGuide.com

Around Strathcona County, you can find 8 spray parks to cool off in the summer Visit https://www.strathcona.ca/recreationevents/parks-and-trails/spray-decks/ for locations. Explore the natural areas around the world-renowned Strathcona Wilderness Centre and enjoy camping, trails, picnics, or even disc golf. The Centre is located 16 km east of Sherwood Park and is open daily year-round. Next door you will find Dreamcatcher Ranch where you can take in fun events and meet their furry friends. Join them for their 20th Anniversary on June 23rd.

It’s a glamping paradise at Elk Island Retreat, where you can stay in a yurt, a cozy cabin, or beautiful geo-domes. Enjoy more time in the wilderness while you go hiking at Elk Island National Park – get there early to avoid the crowds, or better yet visit the park on a weekday The County is home to several lakeside campgrounds great for RV and tent camping.

A standout feature for this area, and for Alberta, is the UNESCO Beaver Hills Biosphere Reserve. Take your pick of major outdoor attractions in the Biosphere: Elk Island National Park, the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, or Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Recreation Area with over 170 km of summer and winter multiuse trails. Beaver Hills Dark Sky Preserve and the Beaver Hills Biodiversity Trail are unique experiences in the area. Located at the southeast corner of Strathcona County is the Ministik Bird Sanctuary, which protects many threatened species of birds and wildlife. A portion of Strathcona County also includes the beautiful Sherwood Park Natural Area, located off Rg Rd 231.

Strathcona County


913 Ash St., Sherwood Park

Tues-Sat 10am-4pm

Sun-Mon Sticker


Strathcona Wilderness



POST See pages 146-151.



Super 8 by Wyndham Edmonton South | 780-433-8688

2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide
31 Broadway Blvd Sherwood Park 780-467-6727 Holiday Inn Express St. Albert | 587-290-1837 your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton &
52535 Rg Rd 212,
Open daily 9am-4:30pm
Sherwood Park

Adventures begin in Strathcona County!

Spending time outdoors can make you thirsty. A great place to recover (or just go straight to – we don't judge) is at any of the local breweries found in Sherwood Park. 70 Acre Brew Co. expanded with a new patio last year, and Manual Labour Beer Co. is opening its doors to the public this spring. There are also plenty of distilleries like Grey Dog Distilling, Hawke Prohibition, and even a winery to check out. Barr Estates Winery offers tasting tours and education about their winemaking process – it's a cool experience to check out!

If we’re mentioning drinks, then food should also be discussed With the variety of restaurants in Strathcona County, you're sure to satisfy every craving you’ve ever had – EVER. From the Mexican staple La Patrona to southern style barbeque of That BBQ Place, the only issue you'll run into is picking which restaurant is at the top of your list to try. Make sure you don't miss out on the Instagram-worthy aesthetic (and food) you can try at Bodega Tapas Bar.

If boutique shopping gets your attention more than food or adventures, don't worry – we have you covered there as well! You can't go wrong stopping in to see what’s new at Fox & Willow – a wonderful country store with beautiful home decor! In Sherwood Park, you can check out what’s new at Driftwood Designs. Located in the heart of Sherwood Park is your destination stop – Real Spirit Women’s Boutique, offering unique, boho chic, fashionable trends for all women. Country Chic, located in Sherwood Park Mall, carries over 50 local handmade vendors. Feeling crafty? Stop in and make one of their DIY signs or plan a sign making get together Stop by the Emerald Hills Shopping Centre if you're looking for some of the more recognizable big-brand stores.

The Art Society of Strathcona County offers online and in-person art workshops. Take in their Artist Home Studio Tour on September 16 & 17, 2023.

With over 10 top brands of hotels, Sherwood Park is the place to stay when travelling in the area. Stay close to shopping at Park Centre Hotel, or enjoy premium accommodation such as the Hampton Inn. Enjoy free breakfast, WiFi, and more at the Ramada by Wyndham in Sherwood Park – book your stay today!

Follow Strathcona County for their weekly blog at strathcona.ca/weekends –where you’ll find fun things to do, restaurants to check out and places to shop at!

Or scan to

88 EAST OF EDMONTON 1995 Brentwood Blvd. Sherwood Park 780-951-7268 21245 Township Road 552 Fort Saskatchewan 780-217-2944 @foxandwillowhomedecor
September 16 & 17, 2023 - 10am to 5pm Tour the home art studios of Strathcona County artists! Self guided and FREE!! Click on the QR code for map and guide Find us at www.artstrathcona.com or on or Art Socie ty of Str a thc ona Coun ty
70 Acre Brew Co.
Country Chic
Fox & Willow Home Decor
53044 RR #213, Ardrossan 780-809-1047 Next door to Strathcona Wilderness Centre Birthday Parties Photography Venue Chicken, Goat, Nature Yoga Blacksmithing Workshops Time on the Land | Guided Meditation Forest Bathing | Scavenger Hunts Haunted Trails | Light Up The Trail Join us for our 20thAnniversaryCelebration Friday, June 23 Come meet the animals up close! Our Ranch offers: dreamcatcherassociation.com/tourism For more event details visit: @DC_tourism @dc.tourism 89 EAST OF EDMONTON Antique Tractor Pull & Show 53452 Rge Rd 225 (10 km NE of Sherwood Park) *Follow the signs!* Photo by Larilea Studios Strathcona Vintage Tractor Assn. strathconavintagetractor.com February, April, June, August, September, October, December March, September & November Free Admission! whollyhandmade.com 401 Festival Lane in Sherwood Park 780-908-7223 2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide

Take your pick of three fabulous outdoor Farmers’ Markets in Sherwood Park. The Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market takes place at Emerald Hills (3000 Emerald Drive) on Wednesdays from 3-7 pm from May 17 - October 4. The Baseline Market is also on Wednesdays from 4-7:30 pm at the Home Depot parking lot from June to Sept. In the summer, the Salisbury Greenhouse Market is on Thursdays from 4 7 pm. With9 annual events, don’t miss the Wholly Handmade Shopping Extravaganzas and the Nosh Food Fests – where it’s all about local. The hamlet of Ardrossan, located just off Highway 16, is home to the Ardrossan Farmers’ Market. Get your fresh produce and baking every Tuesday from 4:30-7:30 pm during the summer Take the whole family to the popular on June 17, 2023. Ardrossan Picnic & Parade

Other major events in Strathcona County include: the awesome outdoor music festival – Ravenwood Experience on June 23-24, the Sherwood Park Canada Day Festival and the Sherwood Park Highland Gathering on July 22-23. Come August 13, ride like you’re in the Tour de France. L’Étape Canada – is one of 28 worldwide amateur race cycling events that will make you feel like a true Tour de France champion. If you own a bike, this event is for you - beginners to seasoned cyclists are welcome! Other great events in the County are South Cooking Lake Trail Days on August 19, Strathcona Vintage Tractor Pull and Show on August 26-27, and Savour, a great foodie event, on September 10.

Luxurious Geodesic Domes, Modern Yurts, Comfy Cabins & Tipi. Fully serviced RV Sites.

Showers, Laundry, Walking Trails Charcuterie Boards (served Thurs-Sun).

780-998-0708 elkislandretreat.com

Minutes from Elk Island National Park

Located north of Hwy 16, the Josephburg Agricultural Society produces many livestock events and a popular concert series. The Moyer Recreation Centre is a hub of activity year-round. Christmas in the Heartland is a celebration of Christmas traditions and festival markets in the north Strathcona County community halls. Christmas in the Country follows shortly after and is the south Strathcona County Christmas celebration and markets. Mark your calendar for the Canadian Birkebeiner Ski Festival on February 9-11, 2024. For updates and details, visit the events calendar at Strathcona.ca. There’s always something to do in Sherwood Park and Strathcona County; enjoy the must-see spots and enjoy adventure!

GoEastofEdmonton.com EAST OF EDMONTON
Sherwood Park Farmers’ Market by PlayOutsideGuide.com

A history rich with culture, plus many new shops and services, makes Vegreville a welcoming community to create some memories and have some fun! Only an hour drive from Edmonton on Highway 16, it’s a great place for day-tripping, a quick getaway, or an extended vacation.

Take a road trip to see the World’s Largest Pysanka (Ukrainian Easter Egg), at the Pysanka Park just off Hwy 16A in Vegreville. Pose like you are picking up the Pysanka and post it with #PickUpThePysanka. More than just a great selfie stop, there’s a full day of family fun activities here. You can camp, bike, fish, or have a perfect picnic. Be sure to drop into the Visitor Information Centre, where you can also pick up a souvenir and other unique gifts, open mid-May to end of September Check in here for camping, and other fun activities. Borrow one of three paddle boats FREE available for to pedal around the Elks Pond. Looking to stretch your legs after a long drive? Borrow-a-bike for for an hour or for the day - just bring it back before the FREE Visitor Centre closes. All bikers need to do is provide a valid


Ukrainian Ceramics, Pysanky & Supplies, Wooden Ornaments, Matreyshka Dolls, Embroidery Paerns, Tablecloths, Linens, Framed Eggs, Porcelain Dinnerware, Icons, Jewelry & CDs


Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 39 Vegreville

5037 - 52Ave., Vegreville

Open: Wed-Fri 3-10 pm Sat.12-6 pm (hours subject to change)

Legion Breakfast ~ 2nd Sunday of the month 9-1 pm


~ Last Friday of the month 5:30-7 pm

Legion Poker

~ Wednesday evenings 7 pm

~Thursday evenings 6:30 pm Bingo

Catering and Hall Rental available. Please call for rates and availability or Email us at rclbr39@telus.net


driver’s license, fill out an online waiver and wear the provided helmet. At the Park, the kids will also enjoy the concession, the playground, the trails, and fishing in the pond. Camp next to the Pysanka Park at the with Vegreville Municipal Campground 65 sites, including powered sites and non-powered sites for RV tenting.

Nearby along Highway 16, Our Lady of the Highway Shrine is beautifully sculpted from Italian white marble. It’s the only one of its kind in Canada. Behind the monument, exquisitely marked stones display the Stations of the Cross in a tranquil park setting.

continued on page 94...

V egreville Pysanka F estival
2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide

www.ZieglerFashion.com Mon-Fri


Swing your clubs at the Vegreville Kinsmen Golf Club Splash into Summer at the Lion’s Club Community Spray Park right next to an awesome playground and the Vegreville Centennial Library.

Enjoy birdwatching and fishing at the Vegreville Trout Pond, located just south of town along Highway 16. It’s a popular spot for rainbow trout stocked annually by Alberta Fish and Wildlife.

Shop for a great selection of locally grown and crafted products, at two Farmers’ Markets: the – Vegreville Farmers’ Market

Fridays, April to December at the Elk’s Hall 5002 - 55 Ave, 8:3011:30 am – Thursdays, June 22, and Pysanka Park Market

August 31 from 5-8 pm at the Pysanka Park.

enter & win! play

Thurs-Sun 9am-8pm


EAST OF EDMONTON 94 GoEastofEdmonton.com *Garlic Sausage *Ham Sausage *Kubby Patties *Fresh Meat Cuts *Specialty Items PRIME CUTS MEAT & DELI LTD. 5029 - 50 Street, Vegreville 780-632-6149 Mon. - Fri. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Sat 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
5008-50 St, Vegreville
10-5 pm E: zieglerfashion@telus.net Watch FB & Website for Upcoming Quilt Classes
POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton &
Information Centre
Enjoy Vegreville’s major events in 2023! On June 2-4 it’s the Dash to Summer Chuckwagon Races including an Open Horse Show, Chicken Races, Beer Gardens and more. The RCMP Musical Ride is coming to town on June 16 to put on an unforgettable performance in celebration of their 150 years! Come Father’s Day (June 18) it’s the 30th Annual Father’s Day Event complete with Show & Shine, Demo Derby, antique tractors and more. Celebrate Ukrainian culture during the 50th Annual Vegreville Pysanka Festival on July 7-9. Come August 9-13, kick off five days of fun at the 120th Annual Vegreville Country Fair complete with midway, kid’s fun zone, petting zoo, grandstand entertainment, chuckwagons, and so much more! Throw some bones at the Vegreville Bunnock Tournament on August 19-20. Watch for the Vegreville Legion music events, fantastic breakfasts, steak nights and more! Be sure to like and follow Explore Vegreville on social media and check out vegreville.com for the latest news, events, and attractions you can enjoy in the region! Pysanka Ave., Vegreville
Mon-Wed 9am-5pm
See pages 146-151.

Love Pizza? Look no further, there are several great choices to choose from! You can save big and fill your belly at the award-winning Perry’s 2 for 1 Pizza and Pasta featuring delicious dishes including pizza, wings, and subs for delivery or takeout. Or, savour a relaxing tasty meal at Boston Pizza and enjoy an evening in their sports bar. Vito’s Steak and Pizza has been proudly serving delicious food for over 20 years – stop in for pizza, steak, pasta, and burgers.

Stroll through historic downtown Vegreville to find a selection of unique gifts, souvenirs, and local delicacies while taking in the stunning murals and interesting historical sidewalk plaques. Visit Vegtel Engraving for unique gifts, souvenirs, jewelry and more Next door, Vegreville Natural Health Centre features genuine herbs, grains, and supplements to help you live a natural and healthy lifestyle. Find authentic handmade Ukrainian ceramics, tablecloths, wooden ornaments, and icons at the Ceramic Cottage Don’t miss Ziegler Fashions & The Quilt Rack where you can find a large variety of quilting fabrics and supplies. For a large selection of gifts, locally made products, souvenirs, and travel needs, shop at Vegreville Drug Mart. For tasty local food, visit Prime Cuts Meat & Deli, home to beloved Vegreville Garlic Sausage. They also carry a great selection of specialty Ukrainian items including perogies and cabbage rolls.

On the east side of town, stock up on your groceries or replenish supplies for your road trip at Adam’s No Frills They have you covered with value pricing that’s simply hard to beat.

On the west side of town, Envy Boutique carries a beautiful selection of women's clothing and accessories. Stop in so you can be looking and feeling your best! For a great selection of wine, local craft beer and specialty spirits, visit Liquor Den



a Week Including Holidays

continued... EAST OF EDMONTON 95 2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide Proudly serving Vegreville & area since 1990. 4925 - 50 Ave, Vegreville 780-632-3999
50 Ave., Vegreville
(3689) | envyboutiqueveg.ca
Carlton Cards • Lottery
Giftware 780-632-7660 Vinet’s Village Mall #112, 4925
Stay at the Vegreville Suites located within walking distance of shops and restaurants A variety of amenities are available such as an indoor pool with a waterslide, 24-hour business centre, WiFi, and complimentary breakfast. Avenue
Open Tues-Sat • Prescriptions •
- 50
Open 8:30 am Mon-Fri Open 7

For all your auto repairs - Ray’s Mechanical and Vegreville Mechanical can help keep you safe on the road. Check out the vehicles at Grant Miller Motors from the best of the best that GM Canada offers, along with a superb selection of Certified PreOwned vehicles. Take advantage of their quick lube service - no appointment necessary! Electric vehicle? Great news, at Canadian Tire Vegreville, there is a total of 8 stalls with Tesla Superchargers and Flo Charging Stations. Looking for RV Parts? Young Farts RV Parts carries both new and a huge inventory of used RV parts. Check them out online at youngfartsrvparts.ca (see ad page 27). Looking to go further than a roadtrip? Dreamaker Vacations is your trusted travel team. It doesn’t matter where you go, it's who is beside you. Pattie is a Certified Wedding and Event Planner with 16 years of home-based travel experience specializing in all-inclusive locations, cruising, and group travel.

Listen to the award-winning Country 106.5 radio station–your source for local news, sports weather and more. Tune in every Friday morning at 8:15 am for the “Go East of Edmonton Regional Events Rundown” Listen online at Country106.ca

EAST OF EDMONTON 96 VEGREVILLE MECHANICAL LTD. *Brakes *Transmissions *Engines *Air Conditioning *Inspections: School Bus, Out-of-Province & Insurance 780-632-4140 4829 - 50 Avenue, Vegreville • Work Guaranteed • RAY’S MECHANICAL & UHAUL Light & Heavy Duty Mechanical, AMVIC Licenced RV Repair, Small Engine Repair New & Used Tire Sales and Installation 780-632-7181 E: raycymbaluk1@gmail.com 52432 RR 154, Vegreville Vegreville continued... grantmillermotors.com Making Your Vacation Dreams Come True Pattie Kisilewich UEPC™, UWPC™ Travel, Wedding and Event Planner All-inclusive, Cruises and Group Travel Pattie@dreamakeryeg.com 587-987-5110 @DreamakerYEG www.dreamaker.vacations
www.nofrills.ca 4734-50 Ave., Vegreville 8 am - 9
daily @adamsnofrills

The County of Minburn has a population of 3,188 and is located 45 minutes east of Edmonton. The countryside is full of rich farmland with bountiful wildlife, beautiful scenery, and miles of peaceful country roads. Interspersed throughout are small and friendly communities including the hamlets of Lavoy and Ranfurly.

Just east of Vegreville on Highway 16A is the internationally recognized Rotary Peace Park featuring a Peace Grove of 12 trees, where you can relax and enjoy the park. It offers a large picnic area, shelter with a fireplace and a covered BBQ area that can be reserved for private functions. On the southside of Hwy 16 by Vegreville you can enjoy many species of birds while fishing at the Vegreville Trout Pond. This scenic parcel of land boasts a man-made lake stocked with rainbow trout. Head east on Hwy 16 by the hamlet of Lavoy and you will see Akasu Hill This Hill is a historical site encompassing both Akasu Lake and Akasu Hill. The Hill was a rest stop for native tribes, Akasu being the Cree Indian word meaning "sick". It is believed the name originates from natives who got sick drinking the water from the lake and the hill was where they came to perish. Akasu (Sickman Hill) is the highest geodetic elevation on the Yellowhead Highway between Edmonton and Winnipeg, Manitoba (2500 ft. above sea level). The County is proud to be home of Wapasu Recreation Conservancy Park only 1/2 hr east of Vegreville. It is a scenic oasis making a perfect daytrip for the whole family!

Plan to attend the Ranfurly Agricultural Fair on Sunday, August 13, 2023. It’s a great way to spend a Sunday together with the family, and don’t forget to visit their Museum.

Ranfurly Ag Society

Agricultural Fair Agricultural Fair presents...

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Pancake Breakfast 8 am, Parade 10 am, Kids Games, Horse Show, Gymkhana, Bench Show, Steak Supper 5 pm

Watch for posters on these events:

Steak Suppers: April, June, August & October, 2023 Advance tickets call Kirby at 587-280-0094

Easter Ham Bingo, Christmas Turkey Bingo

Wapasu Recreation Conservancy Park

More than 100 years strong, Innisfree is a community-driven village rich with history and pride. Located one hour and 15 minutes east of Edmonton and one hour west of Lloydminster, Innisfree is perfect for a daytrip or weekend retreat.


Enjoy year-round facilities in the village including a public trout fishing pond, baseball diamonds, tennis courts, and playgrounds. For a lesson in history, visit the Prairie Bank of Commerce Museum in the village (see also the CREAM Museum tour on page 114).

Innisfree offers a wonderful camping experience at the Innisfree Birch Lake Campground & Recreation Park located 2 km south on Birch Lake. It is an excellent place to unwind and see colourful summer sunsets. A total of 59 sites are available to reserve. An on-site manager, concession booth, firewood for a fee, flush toilets and showers are available for registered campers. Fill up your vehicle at the large rest area just off Highway 16 when pulling into the village. While there, you will see a fantastic view of Birch Lake.

Take in some summer events including their Father’s Day event located at the Innisfree Fish Pond, Canada Day Celebrations and the Innisfree Fair to be held August 9, 2023.

If you like the beach, then you’ll also find the nearby Wapasu Recreation Conservancy Park, a terrific place for leisure and water recreation. This County Park aims to preserve and protect the wildlife habitat in and around the Lake. Wapasu Lake is a known migratory stop for white swans and countless wildlife species. Trails are developed to the summit that showcases a panoramic view of the lake and surrounding area. Enjoy the playground, beach area, day-use, and recreational areas along the lakeshore.

Publishers of these official Regional & Community Guides h eMarketer REGIONAL MARKETING SPECIALISTS Jolene Kisilevich 780-632-6191 E: jolenek.design@gmail.com TheMarketer.biz graphicdesignIadvertising I publishing Idigital marketing @GoEastofEdmonton @VegrevilleDirectory GoEastofEdmonton.com VegrevilleDirectory.ca VISIT Country106.ca CONNECT WITH US Your Source for Local News, Sports and Community Information that Matters to You. Rest, Relax, Renew...at Birch Lake Ph: 780-592-2414 | E: birchlakecampground@gmail.com 59 Sites (Power & Non-Power), Group Camp, Flush Toilets, Showers, On-Site Manager, Concession Booth, Firewood for purchase www.innisfree.ca/tourism/campground Innisfree Birch Lake Campground & Recreation Park Reserve at: www.campreservations.ca Open May Long Weekend to Labour Day Weekend innisfree 99 EAST OF EDMONTON


*Cold Beer *Wine & Spirits

Open 6 days a week Mon-Sat


Big City Selection

Hometown Atmosphere

4646 - 46 St., Mannville

Just off Hwy 881

Explore & Enjoy...

• Crossroads Museum & Visitor Information Centre

• Historical Telephone Exchange Museum

• WWII Vintage Aircraft Gun • Mannville Centennial Public Library

• Recreation Centre & Arena • Mini Golf Course

• Ball Diamonds w/Covered Concession Area

• Community Gazebo

• RV Wastewater Disposal Station • Shop Local Retail Businesses

• Senior Housing & Long Term Care Facility • Seniors Centre

• Mannville School K-12 with Multi-Ability Playground

• Community Wide Garage Sale - June

• Bike Rally & Elks Dinner - June

• Canada Day Festivities - July

• Agricultural Society Fair & Parade - August

• Christmas Extravaganza (Craft Show & more) - December

For event updates follow or visit us at: @villageofMannvi @villageofmannville

You’ll find the Village of Mannville surrounded by scenic river valleys and beautiful rolling fields. This community of over 828 residents is located almost two hours east of Edmonton at the junction of Hwy 16 and Secondary Hwy 881.

Mannville is home to the first AGT building in Northern Alberta, now the Mannville Historical Telephone Exchange Museum. It’s the only type in the province to have a working 1240 Northern Electric switchboard, built in 1917. Commemorative homesteaders’ plaques and military cenotaphs can also be seen throughout the village. II In 1967, a World War anti-aircraft memorial gun arrived from Winnipeg a landmark anchor to – it is m s Mannville Crossroads Museum ain treet. Visit the to view an amazing doll collection from around the world.

Visit the highly rated, 9-hole Mannville Riverview Golf & RV Resort 6 km northeast of Mannville, winding across the Vermilion River. The course includes a clubhouse with a licensed restaurant, pro-shop and banquet services. A fully serviced 63site RV Park offers daily and seasonal camping; bring your family and experience the tranquillity of camping under the stars.

Don’t miss the Community-wide Garage Sale on June 3, Bike Rally & Elks Dinner, along with Canada Day Festivities and the popular Mannville Agricultural Fair & Parade on August 19. Take the kids to the multi-ability playground, or enjoy a family picnic at the community gazebo.

Mannville Riverview Golf & RV Resort

Features a 9-hole course with grass greens, practice putting green, barbeque & banquet facilities, licensed restaurant, outdoor patio, playground, and scenic walking trails. Serviced seasonal lots and camp sites available. Located 6 km northeast of Mannville, off HWY881.

For more information and bookings call 780-763-2252

For Online Tee Time booking visit...



©Photo by Dragon Hare Studios
info@mannville.com www.mannville.com

Park your RV at Mannville RV Park featuring showers and a laundry facility with year-round hook-ups. For a unique outfit, head over to Crocus Coulee Reworn where women’s clothing is upcycled into new beautiful pieces. Something Sweet Coffee & Bakeshop is the perfect reason to veer off Highway 16 and enjoy a specialty coffee with homemade treats. Be sure to stop into Village Treasures quilt shop where you’ll find a large selection of fabrics and patterns for your next quilting project. Cornerstone Co-op is a great place to stop for baked goods, produce and groceries. For a great selection of beer, spirits, wine and even non-alcoholic beverages, stop into Mannville & Area Liquor Store. Check out all of the cool vintage items at Mannville Indoor Vintage Flea Market. Before you head out for your next road trip, be sure to stock up on snacks, soft drinks, and delicious ice cream at Confectionery 881. For beautifully hand-crafted knives and knife classes, visit Storch Knives located southwest of Mannville.

A rustic bakeshop serving the tastiest homemade treats, specialty coffee, breakfast, lunch & gluten friendly items!

Open Wed - Fri 8-5pm


5126 - 50 St, Mannville

See pages 146-151.

101 60 Fully Serviced Sites Power, (30 AMP Breakers) Water and Sewer (21 Sites Year Round Hook-ups) (27 Sites with Shade Trees, Overflow: 33 Gravel Sites) RV Park Office: 780-763-6404 RV Park Manager: 780-853-1129 or 780-763-2222 RV Park Owner: 780-853-0007 www.mannvillervpark.com Mannville RV Park Situated on Highway 16 and 881, Mannville • Fenced on all Sides with Exit and Enter Driveways • 3 Coin Operated Showers: 1 Shower, 1 Sink, 1 Toilet in each • 3 Commercial Coin Operated Washers and Dryers • Easy Access to Highway 16 and 881 • Close Proximity to: UFA Fuel, Confectionery, Liquor Store, Grocery Store and 2 Banks. Box 60, Mannville, AB T0B 2W0 EAST OF EDMONTON
www.StorchKnives.com 780-853-0237 Custom handmade on-site to your design. R.R.4, Mannville Hunting & Camping, Fillet, Folded, & Kitchen Knives “Come to the Little Convenience Store...with a whole lot more!” 780-853-7306 5127-47 St, Mannville CFWE Radio Bingo Seller AGLC Retailer Ice Cream / Retro Candy Sweet & Salty Treats Grocery / Household Items
VillageTreasures.ca Upcycled, 780-581-5128 5004 - 46 St., Mannville OpenWeds10-5pmbyapptanyotherday Confectionery 881 5127-47 St., Mannville Mon-Sat 11am-9pm Sun 12pm-9pm 780-853-7306 Wed-Sun10-5pm 4611-47aAve,Mannville New Vendors Welcome 403-679-9958

Travel two hours east of Edmonton to the junction of Highway 16 and Highway 41 to experience the growing town of Vermilion. With a population of over 4,500 people, Vermilion features excellent cultural and recreational facilities, plus new retail and commercial developments.

Photo Contest Submission by Janna McLaughlin | Vermilion Agricultural Fair

Equine Show

Sheep, Cattle & Poultry Shows

Stock Dog Trials

Modified Tractor Pulls

Antique Tractor Pulls

Chuckwagon Races

Grandstand Shows

Trade Show

Exhibit Hall

Fireworks...and more!

117 Years!

Thursday, Friday, Saturday


Step back in time at the Vermilion Heritage Museum, located in a historic school with seven galleries and two display buildings (see also page 114).

Go golfing at the Vermilion Golf Club located on the south side of Highway 16. Camp at the Vermilion Provincial Park, the town’s community treasure, which spans over nine miles (750 hectares) along the south shore of the Vermilion River Valley The park is open year-round and boasts 23 km of hiking and biking trails, a spray park, mini-golf, soccer fields, a trout pond and playgrounds to enjoy. Once winter arrives, enjoy the Nordic skiing trails where Beckie Scott, Canadian Olympic gold medalist, trained.

continued on page 106...

EAST OF EDMONTON 102 GoEastofEdmonton.com
For more information call Vermilion Agricultural Society 780-853-4108 vermilionag.ca
27, 28 & 29
Parade • Midway Heavy Horse Show
Don’t miss the popular Vermilion Agricultural Fair on July 2729, 2023. Featuring the popular Heavy Horse Show, Sheep, Cattle and Poultry Shows, plus midway, tractors pulls and much more! For more community events, be sure to visit vermilion.ca.



See pages 146-151.

Visitors will enjoy Vermilion where friendly faces greet customers within an array of shopping and dining establishments in four districts: along Highway 41, in Junction Sixteen 41, on Railway Avenue and through Vermilion’s beautiful old-style downtown. Shop for the latest in ladies and men’s fashions, accessories, western wear, giftware, and home décor Vermilion has several dining options from a fabulous sit down meal to food on-the-go!

A local favourite, café supports local artists and The Red Brick sources from regional producers for its healthy meals.

As you follow the Go East Sippin’ Trail, stop at the Copper Cork Distillery to check out the magnificent towering copper still and try some of the finest spirits made with locally sourced ingredients. They have something for everyone to enjoy.

Vermilion is proud to be home of Old School Cheesery Ltd. Visit their new cheese plant and retail store located on 49 Avenue, and try the delicious locally made Alberta artisan cheese. Watch for updates on the Vermilion Farmers’ Market that takes place monthly.

Grab a delicious fruit smoothie at Booster Juice at the downtown Co-op Gas Bar Before heading out on your next daytrip or getaway, check out Cornerstone Co-op with locations in Vermilion for all of your grocery, pharmacy, liquor, gas and propane needs.

Treat yourself and the kids to ice cream, flavoured popcorn, and fun retro candy at Night Owl Sweets and Treats And don’t forget about the cotton candy!

Check out the unique Lighten Up Shop for all things gifts, home decor, crystals and more. They also carry a variety of health food supplies such as supplements, natural body products, and essential oils. Plan to grab a healthy lunch here too at The Hungry Hippie – it’s a local favourite for salad and sandwiches.

106 GoEastofEdmonton.com EAST OF EDMONTON Ph/Text: 780-581-8944 E: theredbrick17@gmail.com www.theredbrickvermilion.ca 5018 - 50 Ave, Vermilion Mon Tues Wed Fri 8-7pm Thurs 8-9pm l Sat 8-5pm Café and Health Food Store The Red Brick
your trip
#GoEastofEdmonton & Visitor Information Centre 4606 - 52 St., Vermilion
with #GoRoadtrips2023
Premium Handcrafted Spirits made from locally harvested Prairie Grains 4930 - 50 Ave., Vermilion Tues - Fri 4-10 pm Sat 2-10 pm Tap Room, Tastings, Off-Sales, Tours 825-388-0027 or 780-853-3535 www.coppercorkdistillery.ca Ice Cream Retro Candy Flavoured Popcorn 5025-50 Avenue, Vermilion | 780-581-5724

For great boutique shopping, be sure to visit Craig’s Cornerstone consisting of three 100-year-old buildings in the heart of Vermilion’s historic downtown. Walk through six amazing shops at Craig’s Cornerstone. The boutiques foster an indoor shopping atmosphere unlike anything else in the region Uniquely U Styles is your stop for the latest in ladies fashions with over 5000 sq ft to browse through. Sage Apparel is another great option to find something new for both women and men. Shop for brand name shoes, handbags and accessories at Harbrook and Paisley For the younger ones, head to MACKModern Age Clothing for Kids and you will find cute outfits, shoes, swimwear and more. For handcrafted and locally made products and gifts, visit Underground Local Treasures. Located in the same space you will also find beautiful art from local and area artists and artisans of all kinds at Upper Level Pottery & Art Gallery.

Visit Burnt Rock Adventure Co. to get geared up for your next fun adventure. They stock equipment from bikes to kayaks, skateboards and more! Inquire about summer rentals.

Have a great stay in town at the Pomeroy Inn & Suites, Super 8 Hotel or Days Inn.

2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide Quality outdoor products offering an adventurous and active lifestyle! 4917 - 50Ave, DOWNTOWN Vermilion 825-388-0123 Summer rentals available! burntrockadventureco.com Fresh Soups Salads Sandwiches 4925 - 50 Ave. Vermilion 780-581-8220 Crystals Jewellery Gifts Home Decor Metaphysical Store 4925 - 50 Ave. Vermilion 780-853-2999 lightenupshop.ca @lightenuptherapy @lightenupvermilion @thehungryhippieab Visit our website for other store locations, events, markets and on-site tours: oldschoolcheesery.com 780-853-5617 4926 - 49 Ave., Vermilion Come visit us at our new cheese plant & retail store!
Photo by Paul Lavoie | ZenSeekers.com

Located at the junction of Hwys 16 and 897, is the Village of Kitscoty. It is named after a famous cromlech, or burial chamber – three large stones in a tripod arrangement –found near a settlement in England known as Kits’ Coty House. See the miniature replica underneath the Kitscoty water tower

Stroll through Heritage Park where you can view 100 varieties of lilacs and plaques honouring the pioneering spirit of the community From Heritage Park follow the eco-friendly walking trail to scenic Centennial Park for viewing tranquil wetlands or enjoying a picnic. The Kitscoty Regional Park Campground

offers beautifully treed sites with power, nestled between the golf course and ball diamonds. Book your campsite online with campreservations.ca. Kitscoty Golf Club is within walking distance and features sand greens. Join the Village for fun events including Celebrate Kitscoty! Visit www.vokitscoty.ca for more event updates and details.

Give yourself lots of time to shop at Farmstead Market & More featuring a huge variety of artisanal & locally made products. Enjoy a latte and a tasty lunch at their Bistro and treat the kids to ice cream next door at Main Street Scoops! Watch for their Outdoor Markets every 2nd Tuesday from May to September. Across the street, you will find Only Sourdough Bakehouse & Pizzeria where they specialize in artisan sourdough - flour and water fermentation – no yeast! Did you know? This process creates vitamins, minerals and good fibre for your belly Eating sourdough products will keep you fuller and help you feel better – so go ahead, indulge in their delicious pizza, bagels, breads and more!

Only Sourdough Bakehouse & Pizzeria

4905-50 St., Kitscoty Sun-Thurs 11am-8pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm 639-536-5565

See pages 146-151.

#goeastofedmonton &

EAST OF EDMONTON 4905 - 50 St., Kitscoty Order through FB @onlysourdough or phone 639-536-5565 * Artisan Sourdough * Breads * Pizzas * Bagels * Cakes * Cookies & more! Enjoy our... • Heritage Park • Centennial Park • Regional Park Campground • Golf Course Watch for these events: • Community Dinner Theatres • Celebrate Kitscoty • Christmas Craft Show www.vokitscoty.ca 780-846-2221
#gor oadtrips2022 b y@christinegramsst eink e Local Bistro Open Mon-Wed 10-6pm Thurs 10-8pm Fri 10-6pm Sat 11-5pm 780-205-3961 4908-50 St. Kitscoty FarmsteadMarket.ca Shop ~ Over 300 local gift, craft & food vendors Eat ~ Lattes, soup, sandwiches, pastries & more Outdoor Market every 2nd Tues May-Sept
your trip with #goroadtrips2023

Experience the Vermilion River Region, which spans thousands of hectares of aspen parkland, tracts of rolling prairie and the river valley vistas of the North Saskatchewan, Battle, & Vermilion Rivers.

Rural attractions in the County include area greenhouses and farm-gate fare. Visit Chatsworth Farm and other farms during Open Farm Days on August 13. Red Feather Ridge is a year-round rustic, yet sophisticated retreat and conference centre with a 160-seat dining room, offering a beautiful location that is a perfect venue for weddings or reunions.

In the northern part of the County, lies the hamlet of Dewberry located between Clandonald and Marwayne, at the junction of Highway 45 & Secondary Highway 893. Be sure to have your photo taken with the World’s Largest Chuckwagon located at the entrance to Dewberry The hamlet is known for a number of events held at the Sports Grounds. Stay for awhile at one of the beautifully treed sites at Dewberry Campground Shop for supplies at the Cornerstone Co-op on Centre Street.

Go camping at the Lea Park Campground and play a round of golf on-site, located just 9 miles north of Marwayne There are four other golf courses throughout the County to challenge golfers of all skill levels. For a quiet afternoon, take a trip south of Highway 16 to picnic and birdwatch at Lindsay Evans Park. You’ll also enjoy quiet, relaxing year-round camping at CampN RV in the County, near Lloydminster Another campground just outside the city of Lloydminster is Rolling Green Fairways & RV Park - now offering seasonal camping.

Paradise Valley, located 50 km southwest of Lloydminster, or south of Kitscoty on Hwy 897, has a long and rich agricultural history. The village was once home to six grain elevators along the rail line. Only one still stands as a designated Alberta Historical Resource. Now converted to the Climb Thru Time Museum, it showcases a unique look at agricultural life. Be sure to visit Paradise Valley in June during the 3 Cities Fair with the action packed APCCA Chuckwagon & Chariot Races

Village of Paradise Valley

780.808.1667 rvpark@rollinggreen.ca www.rollinggreen.ca Stay & Play Rates available for Daily & Monthly Comes with all Membership Benefits Inquire within. Showerhouse,Laundry,Washrooms, Playground,24HrOn-siteManagement, NoThroughTraffic OnWesterlyoutskirtsofLloydminsterwitheasyaccessofHighway16 New for 2023: Seasonal Lots Available DiscountedAllCampingRates for2023 CampN
780-875-4663 www.campnrv.ca Located 5 min west of Lloydminster along Hwy 16 Fully serviced sites Open year round Laundry, showers & WIFI Off leash area, Clean facilities Group camping, Event planning
Photo by Carissa Arnold
Home of the Climb Thru Time Museum
10-5 pm daily & Paradise Valley 3 Cities Fair
23-25, 2023 www.villageofparadisevalley.ca
Three Cities Arena & Recreational Park complete with campground, playground and Rodeo Grounds. Photo Contest Submission by Shane Cartier

Lloydminster is the city where you have the unique ability to be in two places at once – Alberta and Saskatchewan! Make Lloydminster your destination for great experiences and first-class shopping, located 2.5 hours east of Edmonton on Highway 16.

One of the unique calling cards of Lloydminster is that it’s home to the World’s Largest Border Markers. The border markers, each standing 100 feet tall, are visible from miles away

There is something for everyone at the Lloydminster Museum & Archives. Their permanent gallery features the Barr Colonists’ journey and settlement in Canada, and the growth of Lloydminster They also have a large travelling gallery that hosts travelling museum exhibitions, temporary displays and art exhibitions. The museum also offers two art studios for both art creation for all ages, as well as pottery instruction on the wheels. They are located at 4207- 44 Street.

Gold Horse Casino is located just off Highway 16 in Lloydminster. This casino features slot machines, live table games, poker tables, the Bar & Grill, Deli, and an event centre. Top-notch entertainment is held year-round in the event centre. Close to nearby hotels and shopping, this casino is the premiere entertainment destination in the border city.

110 GoEastofEdmonton.com
#GoRoadtrips2022 photo by Crystal Skelton | World’s Largest Border Markers

If you’re looking for outdoor fun, there are many amenities to enjoy in the 200-acre Bud Miller All Seasons Park. Splash in the spray park, have a game of beach volleyball, enjoy the walking trails, or play a round of mini-golf or disc golf If regular golf is your passion, test your skills at the Lloydminster Golf & Curling Centre located in the city, and at Rolling Green Fairways Golf Course located just outside Lloydminster. Come down to the Lloydminster Outdoor Pool and splash and play on the two waterslides, all while beating the heat! If you’re looking to stay indoors, take a dip in the indoor pool at the Bioclean Aquatic Centre and enjoy the 150-foot waterslide, diving board and whirlpool. Better yet, head over to the Lloyd Lanes Bowling Alley for glow bowling offered on Fridays and Saturdays.

Be sure to take in all of the family fun at the Lloyd Ex Fair on July 12-15, 2023, featuring a parade, midway, live entertainment, and agricultural shows. Plus, don’t forget the food – mini donuts, elephant ears, snow cones – all of your summertime favourite foods that you can only find at the fair! Come August 16-20, 2023, it’s the New Lloydminster Nissan CPCA Finals. If you’re new to Chuckwagon racing, prepare yourself for a wild week of heart pounding excitement, nail biting suspense, and wholesome fun for the whole family. These horses were born to run and when the whistle blows, you’ll see just how fast they can fly! Visit lloydex.com for more events and details.

Did someone say Greek? Plan a pleasurable stop at Spiro’s, a third-generation eatery where they pride themselves on creating a classy family dining atmosphere You’ll find an exclusive selection of Greek delicacies made in-house from age-old recipes, including their famous Spiro’s Secret Sauce.

Let our family serve yours Always 10% Off Takeout & Free Delivery 2 for 1 Pizza & Pasta YiamasThursday Half Price all Wine Friday & Saturday Prime Rib 1408 50Avenue, Lloydminster, AB Celebrating over 50 years in business! Founders of the famous “Spiro’s Secret Sauce” (available for purchase at spiros.ca) 780-875-4241 Spiros.ca 111 2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide EAST OF EDMONTON
OPEN DAIL Y Check FB for hours. 1404 - 50 Ave #103 Lloydminster 780-871-2851 DobbinsOnline.com SHOP ONLINE:

For those who love to support local farmers and artisans, be sure to check out the Border City Farmers’ Market The market boasts an array of locally grown vegetables, honey, chocolates, health and wellness products, handmade crafts, to name a few.

Make some memories at Dobbin’s candy store. Take a trip through time exploring unique and nostalgic candies that are hard to find. Your sweet tooth will thank you! For more fun, a visit to Walkn' on Water is a must. Find unique toys, games, novelties, and puzzles fit for any kid. You know who will be thanking you!

Both located along Highway 16, the On The Border Bakeshop is too tasty not to try and check out the wonderful Willow Creek Clothing & Collectibles.

An award-winning shopping experience – the Home Hardware store in Lloydminster is truly a unique shopping destination. Enjoy amazing gift shopping, a Mark Cullen approved garden centre complete with a garden patio at Timber Café

Another great shopping experience is the Lloydminster Christmas Craft Fair taking place November 17-19, 2023. Join them as they celebrate their 35th year in making this event the region’s largest gift and variety show! You will find handmade crafts, businesses, antiques and more with something for everyone of all ages.


If you’re looking for a place to stay, there are a variety of hotels throughout Lloydminster If camping is what you are looking for, stay at Weaver Park Campground in the city, and just on the west outskirts of Lloydminster is Rolling Green Fairways Golf Course & RV Park Take advantage of their Stay & Play rates (see ad page 16). Another great campground located 5 minutes west of Lloydminster is CampN RV, off Highway 16. Open year-round, this campground is situated in a quiet relaxing country setting (see ad page 109).

There’s a lot to take in while visiting the Border City! Be sure to tag #DiscoverLloydminster and #GoEastofEdmonton when sharing your Border City adventures!

48th Year of Make it...Bake it...Grow it!...Sell it!

August 16-20

112 GoEastofEdmonton.com EAST OF EDMONTON
continued... Lloydminster Thursdays 12 pm - 5 pm Year Round Saturdays 11 am - 4 pm Winter Only Christmas Markets Dec. 9 & 16, 2023 11 am - 5 pm
Enter to win $100 in market money each month!
New Vendors Welcome!
Lloyd Ex Fair | Photo by Videre Images

Central Rural East Alberta Museums

Camrose Heritage Railway Station & Park* 4407-47Ave


May 20 -Aug 26

Tues-Sat 10-5 pm, Sun 12-5pm www.canadiannorthern.ca

Chauvin & District Museum*

4810 - 1Ave

OpenAug 5-Sept 4

Mon,Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 1-4 pm; Wed 6:30-9 pm 780-858-3881


Edgerton Museum* SW corner of Edgerton


Victoria Day-Labour Day

Mon-Fri 1-4 pm

Sat-Sun 2-4 pm


Holden Historical Society Museum*



Mid-May to mid-Sept

Fri-Sun 12-4 pm



Innisfree Prairie Bank of Commerce Museum* 5203-50Ave (mainstreet)

780-592-3886 or 780-592-2116

Victoria Day-Labour Day Tues-Sun 10-2 pm 6

Irma Museum* north end of mainstreet



Victoria Day-Labour Day Sun 2-4 pm



Kingman Regional School Museum* Mainstreet


Year round Mon-Wed 2-4:30 pm or by appt


Lougheed Iron Creek Museum* east side of Lougheed 780-386-2337/3970 or 780-888-2123 www.villageoflougheed.com


Paradise Valley Climb Thru Time Museum* 780-745-2150/2412

June-Aug Mon-Sun 10-5 pm daily


The Legion of the Frontiersmen* 20510 Hwy 14 780-913-7563/ 780-944-9392

May long-Sept long Sat. 12-4 pm

Tofield Museum* 5020-48Ave, service road off Hwy 14 780-662-3269


Tues-Sat 10-5 pm www.tofieldalberta.ca

Vermilion Heritage Museum* 5310-50Ave


Victoria Day-Labour Day

Viking Museum* north end of mainstreet 780-336-3066 or 780-385-0910

Victoria Day-Labour Day 10-5 pm 7 days a week


Provost & District Museum*

5360 - 49Ave. 780-753-6667

May 20 - Sept 16 Wed, Fri & Sat 1-6 pm www.provostmuseum.com


Ryley Museum* 5103-49 St

780-886-8144/ 780-663-3653

July-Aug Wed, Fri, Sat 1-5 pm; www.ryley.ca


Wainwright Museum* 1001-1Ave


May 2-Aug 31

Tues-Sat 10-4pm

*Call for summer or winter hours

13 14
1 2 3 4
ElkIsland NationalPark Paradise Valley Edgerton Chauvin Provost Lougheed Viking Irma Holden Ryley Tofield Kingman Camrose Wetaskiwin Edmonton Mundare Vegreville Strome Sedgewick # 26 21 2 21 Wainwright Vermilion Innisfree Ranfurly Mannville Hardisty Czar 41 16 16 14 13 14 17 36 623 617 619 833 834 854 626 855 857 870 881 881 631 619 614 610 883 833 Lloydminster Sherwood Park 1 4 3 10 2 5 6 8 7 9 14 15 1617 11 13 12 UkrainianCultural HeritageVillage local history exhibits • heritage demonstrations • archives & local art • historic buildings community history books • classic farm machinery
Pictured above Left: The Legion of the Frontiersmen Right: Edgerton Museum & visits by appointment.
Learn more at GoEastofEdmonton.com/Communities East Central Alberta’s Picturesque Parkland & Prairie Battle River Region | Reynolds-Alberta Museum
Photo Contest Submission | Fall Roadtrip to Mistahiya near Wainwright by Donn Ulmilla


A leisurely half-hour drive east of Edmonton brings you to one of Alberta’s hidden gems – Beaver County The unique ag-tourism, heritage and cultural attractions will provide a memorable experience for visitors and a chance to enjoy the country

Beaver County is once again participating in the Roadtrip Adventure Game with two awesome campground locations. Either park makes for a great stop to stretch your legs, have a picnic and enjoy the outdoors. The West Sticker Station is at Black Nugget Lake developed out of a former coal mine. It has spacious treed sites or back-to-nature tenting with scenic hiking trails. The lake is perfect for canoeing, kayaking, and trout fishing. Next door is the 18-hole Coal Creek Golf Resort with full-service seasonal campsites available. (See Golf Section on page 16). North of the golf course is Maple Park Farm where you can purchase plants, fresh vegetables, cut flowers and more.

For hours & location visit:

The East Sticker Station is at Camp Lake Park, east of Viking, and north of Kinsella, it is the perfect place to enjoy waterskiing, and spending an afternoon swimming or relaxing at one of the lake’s two beaches, plus hiking trails, beach volleyball and more. (For more sticker station information see page 121).

Beaver County West Black Nugget Lake Campground 49117 Rg Rd 182

(southeast of Tofield) Mon-Sat 10am-8pm Sun 10am-6pm


See pages 146-151.

Bedding Plants, Fresh Vegetables, Cut Flowers, Herbs & more! 780-662-3820 mapleparkfarm.com
10 min from Tofield Greenhouse &
Centre HWY
Black Sandtraps at Coal Creek Golf Resort

Take a drive to Tofield and discover this hidden gem just 40 minutes east of Edmonton. This thriving community boasts a population nearing 2100 residents and features a variety of local and unique businesses serving the area.

A great place to begin your visit is at the Beaverhill Lake Nature Centre and Museum, located on the service road to Tofield. The facility is home to numerous interpretive displays on the rich natural and cultural, history of the area, as well as a supply of tourist information to assist your further travels. Located in the same facility, Tofield Museum is one of the most popular sites in the area (see page 114 for more details). Another museum to visit is the Legion of Frontiersmen just west of Tofield. The museum displays Frontiersmen history, military memorabilia, a nature display and a stone cenotaph (see also page 114).

Tofield is excited to bring back the popular Snow Goose Festival in April at Beaverhill Lake – featuring the Beaverhill Bird Observatory – one of the few federally recognized birding areas in Canada. As many as 250 species have been sighted each year, with about half of them making their summer homes in the area. It is an ideal location for avid or casual birders.

Go bargain hunting during Tofield’s Community Wide Garage Sale in May. Celebrate Canada Day with a pancake breakfast, parade, market, ball games, Gymkhana, inflatables, fireworks and more! Then in August, dust off your cowboy boots and join the fun during Tofield Western Days including the Promenade and Street Fair events.

Stroll the walking trails, take the kids to the spray park, play ball and soccer, or enjoy an afternoon of golf at the Tofield Golf Course. Enjoy the quiet setting with a picnic in one of the many parks and playgrounds located in town. West of Tofield is a family-owned Corn Maze – big fun for the whole family.

continued on page 118...


Snow Goose Festival - April 22-23


Community Garage Sales - May 27-28

Canada Day - July 1

Western Days - August 10-13

Total Ry-Tof Tournament - September 2-4

Winter Festival - December 2

*RV Park *Spray
*Ball Diamonds *Soccer Fields *Trail System *Parks & Playgrounds *Arena *Curling Rink *Beaverhill Lake Nature Centre *Museum *and more!
us on:
Just 40 minutes east of Edmonton on Hwy 14.
Come for a visit...stay for the fun!
Promenade/Street Fair mainstreet Tofield

continued from page 117...


780-446-9842 or 780-701-5171

A wide array of businesses serve this area including the wellknown Busy B Bargains There, you’ll find a plethora of items . that are “next to new.” Every 2nd & 4th Friday, catch the Tofield Farmers Market that runs 2-5 pm at the Community Hall. Take a short drive to visit for fresh vegetables and Maple Park Farm cut flowers. Enjoy pleasant family dining at or Uncle Roger’s watch a sporting event broadcasted live in the lounge with friends. Tofield is now home to a brand new candy shop – The Sour Moose – full of all things sweet! Check out their awesome selection of hard to find, nostalgic and exotic candies.

Looking to stay overnight?


The Sour Moose

5105 - 53 Ave Unit B, Tofield

Tues-Fri 10am-7pm

Sat-Sun 10am-6pm

Mon: Sticker Dispenser

See ad on left.

See pages 146-151.

Bring the camper and stay at the Tofield Campground located right in town. Find Black Nugget Lake Park nearby for an alternate camping experience with a stocked lake for fishing. Coal Creek Golf Resort is adjacent to the park which features seasonal camping sites and is just 15 minutes from Tofield Also nearby, with seasonal RV sites are Miquelon Hills Golf Course, and Bluebird RV Park which welcomes snowbirds, both located near Miquelon Lake Provincial Park.

Ryley is in the centre of Beaver County, 50 minutes east of Edmonton. The village and its nearly 500 residents enjoy a tranquil, small community atmosphere.

Tour the Ryley & District Museum housed in two old country schools joined together (see also page 114). You can also visit the working museum of George’s Harness and Saddlery with its antique making and repairing equipment from all over North America. Shop or grab a bite to eat at other mainstreet businesses, including the famous Ryley Sausage. Ryley is home to the only indoor swimming pool and fitness centre in Beaver County with a climbing wall and a hot tub. With a great variety of facilities, the Ryley Sports Grounds are an active place yearround. Enjoy phase one of the skating/BMX Park, home to two pickleball courts, three slo-pitch and one hardball shale diamonds, a concession, as well as, Ryley Lion’s Club Playground and Earth Academy Park with walking paths. Park your RV and spend a relaxing weekend at the campground with powered sites. For more details and events visit ryley.ca

Nostalgic | Exotic Sour Candy | Hard to Find Candies Treats | Snacks | Gifts and More!
| 780-662-0551 sourmoose.ca 5015 - 53 Ave Unit B, Tofield Snowbirds Welcome • Reservations Required • Gated Community • Winter Storage

The Holden Museum is a popular stop located east of the Mainstreet Cenotaph (see also page 114). Another attraction is The Gallery, set in a historic 1915 converted church building – a venue for artisans of all kinds, including arts, crafts, and country décor The venue is also perfect for art shows, hosted on a regular basis. Open weekends or by appointment.

Holden is proud to be home to the Beaver Regional Arts Society, which offers a variety of entertainment at the Paragon Theatre The Season Series is four performances and a homecooked dinner available at the Holden Community Hall after each show The Beaverhill Players manage the Paragon Theatre and provide bigscreen movies, local talent shows, and live theatre events.

Country charm and community spirit abound in this cozy village on Highway 14, one hour east of Edmonton. It has plenty to offer with annual events and local attractions.

The Holden Agricultural Society hosts the family-fun Holden Farmer’s Day Celebration on June 10th; and the Junior Cattlemen Show on June 24th at the Holden Complex featuring competitions in grooming and handling. A delicious dinner and entertainment finish off the day Other events include the Legion Pig Roast and the Christmas Market.

The Village Campground offers three 30-amp power sites, four un-serviced sites, and an overflow space all in a quiet, well-kept area. Nearby, enjoy kids can enjoy the spray park.

The Gallery 4916-49 Ave., Holden Sat-Sun 12pm-4pm Mon-Fri Dispenser 780-983-5700

See pages 146-151.


Shop for local art at The Gallery on your weekend roadtrip, and check out NU2U2 store for gently used clothing and accessories located on mainstreet.

NU2U2 ConsignmentClothing

Storethatsupports communityneeds.

Tuesdays& Saturdays 12-4pm 780-245-3921


Players managesthe ParagonTheatre. Large screenmovies, concerts,livetheatreand otherperformances.

Detailsat beaverhillplayers.com

The Gallery

Set in a beauful and historic 1915 converted church building, this is a venue for arsts of all kinds. As well as hosng arsc events and shows regularly, The Gallery offers local arts, cras and country decor.

119 2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide
780-688-3928 All the great details are at www.holden.ca
isalive inthis1911building. Open MaytoSeptember on weekends, or anyme byappointment. 780-688-3593 AgSociety hostof HoldenFarmer’sDay Saturday,June10,2023 &JuniorCaleShow June24,2023 atthe
arenaand Mul-recreaonalFacility Homeofthe‘Famous HomemadeBurgers’
Museum History
HoldenComplex, Ice

The hamlet of Bruce is 115 km east of Edmonton on Highway 14. Join the residents of Bruce in July for one of the oldest rodeos in Canada – Bruce Stampede! Along with the pro rodeo, enjoy pancake breakfasts, parade, dance and a local rodeo – July 29 & 30, 2023.

Bruce is proud to be home of the Bruce Hotel, an icon in Central Alberta for over 100 years. The small, yet regal hotel once hosted weary travellers in its 10 rooms. Now, the present-day building fills nearly every weekend with hungry diners indulging in a fantastic steak supper. Claimed to serve the best steak in Alberta – book your reservation today! Did you know Bruce is home to Quilt N Friends - a cozy quilt shop that offers longarm quilting and beautiful quilts for sale. Check them out on mainstreet.


The charming Town of Viking, located at the junctions of Highways 14 and 36, is known as the home to the Sutter brothers. Six Sutter brothers played in the NHL at the same time, often as team captains.

208 Main Street, Bruce

Longarm Quilting | Fabric | Notions 780-688-3484

Mon - Fri 10 - 3 pm or by appointment. Call or text 780-238-7737

Make plans to visit Viking this summer for the many familyfriendly 2023 events. On June 10 & 11, plan to attend the 43rd Annual Cloverlodge Stampede The stampede is hosted in conjunction with the Viking Community Festival Events include a parade, kids activities, pancake breakfasts, and beer rd gardens. The Viking Agricultural Society is excited to host their 3 Annual APCCA Chuckwagon & Chariot Races at the Cloverlodge Stampede Grounds. There is so much planned at this 3-day event on July 14-16, including a ball tournament, an outdoor family dance and a pancake breakfast. If you need to cool down and watch some great hockey in early August, come to the Brettzky’s Hockey Challenge at the Viking Carena Complex August 10-13. Started by Brett Sutter, this annual weekend event brings together volunteers and community groups. All funds raised are distributed through the Viking community to support youth sports and activities.

Stay in Viking at the full servicedy- Eastview Park Campground Shaded within a canopy of huge trees, it s a beautiful ’ campground, located beside the recently updated Eastview Park playground. This themed playground as designed to represent w

Since 1914

STAMPEDE July 29 & 30, 2023


Contact: Rob 780-336-6424 or Doug 780-608-5322

120 SOUTHEAST OF EDMONTON FREE Camping & Parking Canada’s Oldest 1 Day Pro Rodeo July 30 at 1 pm Weekend
Events: Pancake Breakfasts, Parade, Dance, Local Rodeo
Franklin Rodeo Co.
Come see our Quilts for Sale! Come see our Quilts for Sale!
P ark continued....
#GoRoadtrips2022 by Crystal Skelton | Viking

Viking continued....

the community s roots; the Viking Ship with its sails d a ’ an climbable whale Other amenities include swing sets and a gazebo with picnic tables for a relaxing picnic or wiener roast. Take a trip back in time at the Viking Museum, formerly the Viking Hospital. Located at the north end of main street, this village of restored buildings includes a one-room schoolhouse, a log store, a church, and a farmhouse. Visitors can tour rooms with its collections of historical tools and vintage International Harvester tractors from Viking and its surrounding community Be sure to find the restored a Milk Wagon listed in the provincial archives as the last operating horse-drawn delivery wagon used in Viking until 1965. Grab a map at the Viking Museum and experience Viking’s civic pride by touring the community, businesses, and the beautiful tree-lined streets.

At the south end of main street, stop at the Station Gallery to view local artists’ work on display and tour the still active Viking CN Train Station. This station has the only operational historical waiting room & station, between Edmonton and Winnipeg and is


• Fresh Meat & Deli Counter

• Groceries

• In-Store Bakery

• Homemade Sausage

• BBQ Beef Roast & Party Trays

• Wild Game Processing

a recognized stop on the VIA Rail trip. The Station Gallery Guild operates the restaurant and offers sandwiches, soup, pie, and coffee during the summer months. Find Viking Troll Park beside the Station – it was developed by community members and showcases Viking’s Scandinavian history (photo on pg 120).

Viking is home to many unique businesses that make it a great road trip destination. Shop at Viking Meats for their famous Viking Wieners, and pick up some of their delicious cinnamon buns and other items for your roadtrip.

This vibrant hamlet within Beaver County is 150 km east of Edmonton on Highway 14. It is proud to host many events at the Community Centre and Agricultural Grounds. Watch for events at GoEastofEdmonton.com. Only 15 minutes north of Kinsella, off Highway 619 lies Camp Lake Park, a popular campground with a great beach and playground.

Viking Museum

5108 - 61 Ave., Viking (northend of mainstreet)

June: Sat & Sun 10am-5pm Mon-Fri Dispenser

July-Aug Daily 10am-5pm 780-336-3066

Beaver County East - Camp Lake Park

From Hwy 870 or 619 turn north on Rg Rd 112 (east of Viking & north of Kinsella)

Mon-Sat 10am-8pm Sun 10am-6pm 780-336-3414

POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton &
Miskew 5140 - 54 St., Service Rd Hwy 36, Viking 780-336-3193
Yogi & Shirley

As you drive through the beautiful parkland in east central Alberta, on Highway 14, the Village of Irma invites you to stop and stay awhile.

Visit the Irma Museum comprised of the original Jean (Elford) , Paré House (Company s Coming cookbook author), a tiny ’ Anglican church and a building that carries an impressive collection of over 400 antique lamps (see also page 114).

Stay at the fully serviced campground conveniently located near the recreation area. Irma is also home to four baseball diamonds and a , which has additional camping nine-hole golf course facilities. From mainstreet turn east on 53rd Avenue (Twp Rd 455) to find it on the northeast edge of the Village.

Long Branch Trading Company

Giftware & Café

Imaginative & Irresistable Gifts


Ice Cream

April to Oct

Soup Sandwiches Salads Desserts ...made fresh daily

Over 50 varieties of tea and THE best coffee in town!

780-754-3003 Open Tues-Fri (Call ahead for Sat hours) Mainstreet, Irma

Go antique shopping at Like It Never Was. More unique gifts can be found at Long Branch Trading Company, where you can also enjoy lunch and the best coffee in town! Plus, don’t forget to treat the kids with their delicious Foothills ice cream. Give yourself lots of time to browse through the impressive collection at Irma Home & Garden Decor Love quilting? Creative Klutter & Quilt Shop is your one-stop shop for a beautiful selection of fabric, flannels, battings and more.

122 GoEastofEdmonton.com SOUTHEAST OF EDMONTON
Santa Day - December 9 Irma Agricultural Society 780-209-0212 Pancake Breakfast, Parade, Fair, Kids’ Zone, Kid’s Rodeo, Irma Elks Gun Show, Summerspiel, Ball Games Turkey Shoot, Craft Show, Christmas Luncheon, Wagon Rides, Minor Hockey Games & Santa IrmaDays-August5-7,2023 in conjunction with Irma Summerspiel Aug 2-7 Join us... *Giftware *Garden Décor *Annual Christmas Showcase *Animal Health Products *Much, Much More... 4918 - 49 Ave.,Irma | 780-754-3642 Over 5000 sq ft of display! IRMA HOME & GARDEN DECOR You don’t want to miss Irma Days & Irma Summerspiel in August. Full of fun activities for the whole family The Kid’s Rodeo provides great entertainment from Mutton Bustin, Greased Pig Races, Goat Milking, Wild Pony Races and more! Irma Days Parade | Irma Agricultural Society Like It Never Was 5008-50 St., Irma Wed-Sat 12pm-5pm Sun-Tues: Sticker Dispenser See pages 146-151.

Wainwright is located on Highway 14, just over a two-hour drive east of Edmonton. The town has a historic feel, with a wide selection of boutiques and restaurants. The are also opportunities to view wildlife or learn more about Canada’s rich prairie railroading history.

Wainwright is the Buffalo Capital of Canada Stop and take your photo at Canada’s largest Buffalo Statue and go to the Bud Cotton Buffalo Paddock to see the live bison herd at the CFB Wainwright gates. The free-standing Memorial Clock Tower, built in 1925, is a downtown anchor and is one of the only structures left standing after the Great Fire of 1929.

Experience prairie history as it comes alive at the Wainwright Museum, located in the original CNR train station. Learn about the different stories of pioneers and long-suffering homesteaders, moonshine-swilling prisoners of war, the military and the railway, Indigenous buffalo hunters, as well as Hollywood movie crews. The Visitor Centre is also located at the museum and is open Tues-Sat 10-4 pm, May 2- August 31. Make tracks just west of Wainwright to the Fabyan Battle River Train Trestle, the second longest train trestle in Canada. It’s a beautiful sight to see! (Pictured above).

Don’t miss the 70th Annual Wainwright Stampede. It’s 3 days of Professional CPCA Chuckwagons and CPRA Rodeo, plus take in the midway, parade and more, this June 23-25, 2023!

W ainwright Bison StatueRoadtrip Game photo by @carolinebenitez0120
123 2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide wainwrightstampede.com
3 Days of Professional CPCA Chuckwagons and CPRA Rodeo
Midway on-site all weekend
/ Cabarets
* Parade
* Downtown Kick Off...
F abyan Battle River T rain
restle Photo Contest Submission by Ruby Kratchmer

Check out the restored pump jack in Petroleum Park or enjoy Wallace Park with its walking trails, picnic tables, and a playground surrounded by three connecting ponds. Bring your rod…the ponds are stocked with rainbow trout each spring!

Stay active at the Peace Memorial Multiplex with its indoor running track and climbing wall. The attached Communiplex houses an indoor swimming pool, a whirlpool, a weight room, squash and racquetball courts, as well as a performing arts theatre. The Rotary Splash Park will create many fun, happy memories for your children. Swing your clubs at the Wainwright Golf Course which offers 18-holes, as well as new virtual golf simulators. For the outdoor enthusiasts fishing and water sports are abundant in and around Wainwright.


The beautifully flower filled Historic Downtown has a collection of amazing restored heritage buildings. Some house an array of eateries featuring locally inspired cuisine. If you like the well-known, many branded restaurants are available to satisfy your culinary desires. Find a variety of unique shops, boutiques and services downtown to satisfy all your shopping needs. Get something for your sweet tooth at Dobbin’s They carry nostalgic, retro, ethnic, and TikTok trending candies from all around the world, plus unique gifts and novelties. Next door located in Jack’s Place, you will find the ultimate toy store – Walkn' on Water. Enjoy a cup of coffee

Dobbin’s Candy Store

214 - 10 St., Wainwright Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12pm-5pm 780-842-1560

See pages 146-151.


POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton
SHOP ONLINE: 214 - 10 Street, Wainwright 780-842-1560

while you find all the things on your kid’s wishlist. The kids will be begging you to go! Enjoy game nights with a customized crib board from Beyond a Beaten Path. For some great gift ideas, check out their online store at beyondabeatenpath.ca.

For your groceries and other supplies check out the Cornerstone Co-op with multiple locations: a food store, a liquor store, a brand new home centre, and a gas bar with propane. You can also visit the big box retailers on the highway, just a quick 2-minute commute from downtown. Watch for the Wainwright Farmers’ Market held monthly on Saturdays at the Wainwright Communiplex that features local products and home-based businesses. For more local product, Wainwright will be home to - Moonlight Bay Brewery which is expected to open with a taproom for the May long weekend. Don’t miss downtown Wainwright’s event of the summer – Taste of Wainwright! Taste the best food and drink that Wainwright has to offer.

Lots of camping is available around town, but if you prefer more luxurious accommodations, Wainwright is pleased to offer modern hotels and unique bed and breakfasts. After a restful sleep at the Canalta Hotels Ramada, wake up to their free continental breakfast. Enjoy a dip in the heated indoor pool and hot tub or splash down their waterslide.

#1. Read our blog - Wainwright Feels Right – Roam Here on your Next Roadtrip! Scan or visit Trip Ideas Stories at GoEastofEdmonton.com

#2. Check out more great stories and Travel Ideas at BattleRiverCountry.com

Surrounded by rich agricultural land and oil & gas production, Edgerton is conveniently located south of Highway 14 and 25 minutes from Wainwright. Here you will find old-fashioned hospitality and small-town convenience that appeals to residents and visitors alike.

The “teacups to tractors” Edgerton Museum is a “must-see” attraction, it showcases buildings of artifacts, antique tractors and vehicles (as pictured above). If you love camping, fishing, boating, and water sports – visit Barnes, Arm or Shuster Lakes just 10 minutes from town. The Edgerton Golf Course is a ‘jewel in the woods’ that all ages and experience levels will enjoy. The golf course can also be booked for private functions. See next page for more details and visit edgerton.ca for community event updates and details.

Friday July 14, 2023

5 - 9 pm | Downtown Wainwright

A taste of some of the best food & drink that Wainwright has to offer!

In rolling hills between the Parklands and the Prairies, 10 kilometres west of the Saskatchewan border on Highway 610, Chauvin is oil and gas, ranching, and grain country

Exciting news! The Chauvin Museum is undergoing a complete renovation to the interior of the museum. They have shortened their visitor season to accommodate all of the changes, and will be open August 5th to September 4th. Drop-in for sports and events at the Repsol Community Centre. Chauvin’s full-service King’s RV Park is close by to a Heritage Rangeland Natural Area and Alberta’s Salt Lake. A picture with roadside attraction Suzy, the World’s Largest Softball is a must!

For more information contact: Village Office at 780-858-3881 www.villlageofchauvin.ca

Sponsored by the Downtown Business Community



5037-50 Ave., Box 57, Edgerton, Alberta T0B 1K0


Outdoor Adventures

The outdoors are just few steps away from Edgerton. Featuring sand dunes, hiking trails, lakes, and much more!

Edgerton Sports Days

A packed annual event held the 1st weekend of July. Sports Days has something for everyone, including Bullarama, reworks, fastball and slow pitch tournaments, pony chariots, bunnock tournaments, Agricultural Bench Show & Art Exhibit, antique tractor pulls, and much more!

Sand Castle Campground

Located withinVillage limits, featuring 12 fully serviced lots and the Sand Castle Play area. Available for long term camping. Call 780-755-3933 for more information and to make a reservation.

Edgerton & Community Golf Course

One of the best 9 hole grass green courses around! Features camping facilities, clubhouse, cart rentals, and putting green. Situated in the sandhills and sheltered by woodlands, we like to call it the“Jewel in theWoods”.

Edgerton & District Historical Society Museum

Working to promote and protect Edgerton’s history. Home to the rare HugoViewegar Autochromes and an amazing historical collection, featuring pieces of history fromTeacups toTractors. OpenVictoria Day to Labour Day.

Proud Partners in www.BattleRiverCountry.com
Annual Chili Cook-Off and Block Party
Be sure to check out www.edgerton.ca for more events details & updates!
Hole 9 at Edgerton Golf Course
LotsforSalefor$1.00! NewBusinessTaxIncentives!SelectFullyServicedResidential
Sand Castle Campground


Head 40 minutes south of Edmonton, or 30 minutes west of Camrose to Wetaskiwin to visit the International Award-Winning museum – Reynolds-Alberta Museum

Visitors will experience a wide variety of automobiles, motorcycles, trucks & tractors, industrial and agricultural equipment and more. Their new exhibition Driving Thru the '70s is set against a backdrop of 1970s cars, where they share the music, the movies, and 'the vibe' of what the decade was all about. Can you dig it?

Reynolds-Alberta Museum

Take a leisurely drive along Highway 21 to the Village of Hay Lakes to experience a quintessential Alberta peaceful country setting.

Plan a relaxing day trip, camp for the weekend or take an extended stay to the highlight feature of the community, the Hay Lakes Telegraph Park & Campground. The park sits just outside of Hay Lakes, a ¼ mile along Hwy 617. It’s great for easy group camping. Enjoy the walking trails, as well as the fishpond, stocked annually. Birdwatching enthusiasts will love the park’s beautiful nature scape. While you camp and fish, you can also take in a round of golf at the nearby Miquelon Hills Golf Course, only a 20-minute drive.

The Village has all your basic amenities, a general store (best homemade pizza!), a liquor mart and a gas stationjust in case you forgot anything while camping or visiting. Another wonderful treasure is a local vintage & consignment shop located on mainstreet, right next to the convenience store. Stop in and look around at the unique finds open from Thursday to Saturday.

Hay Lakes Supermarket

8 Main St., Hay Lakes Mon-Sat 9am-7:30pm Sun 9am-6pm 780-878-3224

See pages 146-151.

Village of Hay Lakes

Telegraph Park & Campground

Pristine80-acreparkfeaturing walkingtrails,astockedfishingpond, and25campingsites.



along Highway 834 is the

complete with camping and recreation facilities. For the golf enthusiasts, Coal Creek Golf Resort is only 10 minutes away. For a full range of fresh or frozen pork products, visit Irvings Farm Fresh Store located 2 minutes east of Round Hill on Twp Rd. 484. Check the Round Hill Ag Society Facebook page for upcoming events and details. Just a short drive northwest of Round Hill, be sure to visit the Kingman Museum (see also page114).

of Round

OnHwy21,32kmnorthofCamrose and50kmsoutheastofEdmonton 780-878-3200 127
northeast of Camrose
friendly hamlet
Hay Lakes Family Fun FestShow n’ Shine, Farmers Market, Kids Activities & more. Visit @haylakesagsociety for event updates.

Enjoy the excellent selection of golf courses from 9 to 27 holes, all within a half hour drive of each other. Be sure to swing a round of 18 holes at Miquelon Hills Golf Course and RV (see ad page ). Or, challenge yourself at 17 Double Dam Golf Course & Campground where it’s much more than golfing or camping. It’s full of fun family activities all summer long. Silver Creek Golf & RV Resort by New Norway is another great choice. For popular campgrounds, you can enjoy Miquelon Lake Provincial Park at the north end of the County, Tillicum Park adjacent to Dried Meat Lake just southeast of the City of Camrose, and Pelican Point Park on the north shore of Buffalo Lake at the County’s southern boundary

Camrose County is located a short drive southeast of Edmonton. This area is wellknown for its agriculture, as well as for its population of 8,458 people who live in friendly communities or in the countryside surrounded by rolling hills, scenic views, and dancing grain fields.

North of Miquelon Lake Provincial Park is , a Bluebird RV Park 50+ peaceful seasonal RV campground (see ad page 118). South of Camrose, check out Cherry Lane B&B, featuring a café, RV camping, retreats and more! The County is also home to Detention Brewing, located in the old Rosalind School (see ad page 130). Nearby, you can enjoy the patio and Caddyshack Restaurant at Double Dam Golf Course.

Fishing enthusiasts can fish for Northern Pike at Buffalo Lake and Dried Meat Lake. In the heart of the County, you will find the Nature Conservation Center, a re-claimed gravel pit transformed into a beautiful day use recreation area. Located 8 km east of Highway 56 on Township Road 452.

19312 Twp Rd 440 Camrose County 30 km south of Camrose Café open Thurs to Sat 11-4 pm, Sun 11-2 pm Saloon open for dinner Thurs to Sat 5-9 pm 780-678-9368 cherrylanebb.com
Find local beer, beef, poultry, bison, lamb, pork, cheese, eggs, fruits, veggies, herbs, honey, tea, preserves, and even baked goods! It’s all right here in Camrose County! Buy Local, Eat Local, Support Local! For your Guide to Local Produce Visit: county.camrose.ab.ca/ content/local-food-producers 780-672-4446 county.camrose.ab.ca Enjoy beautiful Parks and Campgrounds... • Nature Conservation Centre • Tillicum Beach Park and Campground • New Norway Campground • Ferintosh Campground • Miquelon Lake Provincial Park & Campground • Pelican Point Park & Campground (new online reservation system) #choosecamroseregion Follow Choose Camrose Region on for all Camrose happenings.

Beer * Cider * Spirits * Wine

Norsemen Brewing Company

Beer taps. A bar. A brewery. All in the same room. 6505 - 48 Ave, Camrose


Back 40 Distillery

An award winning distillery producing fine spirits – vodka, rum, plus Ol’ Apple Betty and Loretta’s Moonshine. 4701 - 36 St, Camrose


Battle River Brewery

Brewing high quality beer using simple ingredients. 4720A - 37 St, Camrose


Detention Brewing

Craft brewery offering pints, tasting flights, growler fills, cans, kegs and brewery tours. Rosalind, 30 min east of Camrose


True North Cider

Locally crafted apple cider with unique seasonal flavours. 3843B 44 Ave, Camrose wwwtruenorthcider com

Half Korked

An urban winery & wine kit supply store. 6223 - 48 Ave., Camrose


Old Prospector Distilling

Pure, premium locally crafted vodka. 4810 - 41 St., Camrose


Freshly brewed in the former Rosalind School

Offering pints, tasting flights, growler fills, cans, kegs, & brewery tours Rosalind, AB



Call or text: 780-781-8563


Rose City Farmers’ Market

Thursdays 12-4 pm

Duggan Mall

6601 - 48 Ave, Camrose

Downtown Camrose


Thursdays 4-7 pm

May 18 - Sept 15

Outdoors on 50th St

Bashaw Farmers’ Market

Fridays 4-7 pm

June 2 - Sept 1 Outdoors

5020 - 52 St, Bashaw

Camrose & District Farmers’ Market

Saturdays 10-1 pm

Duggan Mall

6601 - 48 Ave, Camrose

camrosefarmersmarket ca

Miquelon Lake Provincial Park Farmers’ Market

Fridays 4-8 pm, Sat 10-2 pm

May Long to Sept Long


Old Prospector Distilling Back 40 Distillery Camrose & District Farmer’s Market

The City of Camrose, with a population of over 18,000, is just a one-hour drive southeast of Edmonton. Once you get here, you will experience a city that is vibrant and alive with all the amenities of a bigger city without the hustle and bustle.

Mirror Lake Park is the starting point of 38 km of paved/shale walking trails that wind gracefully through the Stoney Creek Valley and the central part of the city, presenting outstanding natural settings for picnics with the family, cycling or long walks with your best friend. Mirror Lake, Valleyview Pond, Duggan Pond, and Cascades Pond are open to the public for nonmotorized recreation from May to the end of September, use includes canoes, kayaks, paddle boards, and small paddle boats under 12ft.

For history buffs, the Camrose Heritage Railway Station & Park gives you a chance to tour the 1911 Canadian Northern Railway Depot and 13 spectacular heritage gardens (see also page 114).

Bill Fowler Visitor Information Centre

May long to Sept long weekend

Mon-Fri 8:30 am -7 pm


Sat, Sun & Holidays 10 am - 5:30 pm 5402 - 48 Avenue, Camrose at Mirror Lake Park

Get your tickets at the Visitor Centre for the Mirror Lake Express Train Ride that runs Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5:30 to 8 pm during the summer; also on-site is the Oleo’s Ice Cream Shop. delicious

City of Camrose Visitor Centre

5402-48 Ave., Camrose

Mon-Fri 8:30am-7pm

Sat & Sun 10am-5:30pm 780-672-4217

See pages 146-151.

Camrose County

Cherry Lane B&B & Café (off Hwy 56)

19312 Twp Rd 440

Thurs-Sat 11am-9pm

Sun 11am-2pm

Mon & Tues Dispenser


See ad page 128.

Swing your clubs at the beautiful Camrose Golf Course The tree-lined fairways situated along the banks of Stoney Creek provide a variety of challenges for the seasoned golfer while still remaining suitable for beginners. Rudy Swanson Recreation Park ome to outdoor facilities including Kin Park is h several the Ball Diamonds, soccer pitches, tennis courts, basketball courts, beach volleyball courts, shale walking trails, the water spray park, and skateboard park. a Stay a day or stay awhile with your big rig at the Camrose RV Park – a full-service campground with modern facilities.

POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 &#GoEastofEdmonton
131 GoEastofEdmonton.com
Photos by Linda Hoang (linda-hoang.com) Camrose continued...

Stay & Play!

Canalta Hotel

Make the most of your stay with spacious rooms, complimentary breakfast, hot tub, waterslide & more.

4710 - 73 Street, Camrose


Norsemen Inn

Enjoy affordable and comfortable rooms with fine or casual dining, and a micro-brewery are on-site.

6505 - 48 Avenue, Camrose


R&R Inn and Suites

Only minutes from downtown or the west end for great shopping.

6508 - 48 Avenue, Camrose


Ramada Hotel Camrose

A pet friendly hotel with suites, waterslide, hot tub and right next to dining and major shopping plazas.

4702 - 73 Street, Camrose


@explorecamrose those who love to... www.ExploreCamrose.ca Eat, Drink & Shop! Your Destination for Odin Dining Room at Norsemen Inn Strada Coffee Company & Bakery Joker’s Den by Linda Hoang (linda-hoang.com) Only 1 hour east of Edmonton! Downtown Shopping

There are numerous events taking place throughout the year in Camrose, including the ever-popular Jaywalkers Jamboree on June 2-4, 2023. Get your tickets to the premiere outdoor music festival Big Valley Jamboree. Whether you’re a true-blue country music fan or just enjoy getting out for some great fun, this is an event you won’t want to miss happening August 3-6, 2023! The fun also includes the Camrose Kickn’ Country Parade. More music events take place at the Augustana Campus (University of Alberta). The Bailey Theatre and Jeanne & Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre are other venues that provide regular musical entertainment. You can also enjoy entertaining events at the Camrose Resort Casino, Hotel & Convention Centre. As a fullservice hotel in Camrose they match top of the line accommodations with entertainment options for everyone. Guests never have to go far (or even leave the hotel) for a night to remember. Banquet facilities are available for special events, birthdays, corporate meetings and is a favourite for weddings. With a pool and waterslide on-site, it is also ideal for family vacations!

Fox & Fable is the place for friends to gather, have a drink, lunch, enjoy a great book and your choice of more than 200 board games! Sprinkle a little joy into your day. Whether you’re on a roadtrip, or celebrating a birthday, or another special occasion, The Sweeterie offers many things fun and sweet! For a relaxed entertaining venue for small and large groups alike, visit Joker’s Den Pub located in Hotel Camrose Resort Casino. Entertainment includes live bands and all-request DJ music. Watch sports on the big-screen TVs, play pool or enjoy social time with friends. It’s been told by their guests that they have the best Chicken Wings in Camrose! Plus, enjoy dining with the family at the new Rosie’s Family Restaurant at the Camrose Resort Casino.

Just a short 10-minute drive northeast of Camrose, this hidden gem, Buckskins Emporium carries a vast array of unique merchandise – it’s definitely worth the drive to this country store!

fashion + giftware main st. camrose 780.672.3301 shoptwig.ca ig-@design.twig your christmas shopping destination!
GoEastofEdmonton.com –
Fox & Fable Book & Game Café | Photo by Linda Hoang (linda-hoang.com) 50th Street

Downtown Camrose is truly a premiere shopping district with a vast assortment of boutiquestyle shops. The beautifully landscaped mainstreet is lined with trees, ornate flowers and benches - setting the stage for a great day of shopping or spending quality time with family and friends. Twig Boutique will always surprise and delight everyone with their unique and distinctive items. They want you to be able to find the wild, the free and the unique expression of you, for your home, your wardrobe and those dear to you.

Whether you are getting ready to welcome your new baby or looking for something great for yourself or the kids, From Kicks to Kids has it all for you! Shop for timeless fashions in a variety of styles, the perfect go-to-pieces for everyday comfort. Nature has all the answers to treat your mind and body with the huge selection from Lakehouse Naturals Soap Company. You’re guaranteed to feel refreshed with their beautifully handcrafted soap bars and bath bombs. If you’re looking for fresh local produce, there are numerous Farmers’ Markets in and around Camrose – plus numerous local breweries and distilleries – see page 130 for complete details. Visit EverythingTea.ca at the Thursday Rose City Farmers’ Market in the Duggan Mall, specializing in leaf tea, herbs, tea-wares and other unique products, or shop online from the comfort of your home.



135 www.lakehousenaturals.ca 4926 - 50 Street, Camrose 780-673-7551 Shop online or in store. • Bath Bombs • Handcrafted Soap Bars • Candles • Essential Oils • Face & Body Care • All Natural Bulk Station SOUTHEAST OF EDMONTON
Mon-Sat 4929 - 50 St, Camrose
Fashions, Gifts, Toys & More!
2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide Read our blog - “Discover Camrose this Summer when you Go East of Edmonton!” Scan or visit Trip Ideas Stories at GoEastofEdmonton com and #ExploreCamrose
Downtown Camrose by Linda Hoang (linda-hoang.com)

Escape the urban hustle and bustle, and quiet your mind amid the rural essence that the Flagstaff Region has to offer. Nestled in east central Alberta, just 150 km southeast of Edmonton, the Flagstaff Region consists of 10 small communities – each with its own distinctive charm. Together, they comprise an area with an affordable cost of living, abundant recreational opportunities, salt-of-the-earth folks and a tranquil lifestyle.

You can drop a line into the Diplomat Trout Pond just 15 minutes from Forestburg. It is stocked annually with rainbow trout and is home to many wildlife and plant species. Just north of Strome is Wavy Lake, a favourite feeding stop for geese and ducks, and a choice area for hunters in the fall. If golfing is your game, then come out to enjoy one of the region’s four golf courses, located in Daysland, Forestburg, Sedgewick, and Hardisty.

Enjoy fishing, hiking, boating and camping at the many public and private campgrounds and parks in the region. Check out the facilities at Fish Lake Park just 2 km west of Hardisty – complete with a lakeside gazebo, covered day-use shelter, two large group sites, playground, beach area, fishing and free firewood.

The Flagstaff Region has an abundance of local makers, artisans and retailers of local products. To showcase and enhance the exposure of these businesses, the County has formed a program named Flagstaff Crafted. To see a complete list of their participants, and to shop the Flagstaff Crafted Gift Guide, visit flagstaffcrafted.ca and support a local business today!

Goodbye Hustle. Hello Adventure.

The landscape you’ll find in the Flagstaff Region make the many golf courses, campgrounds, and fishing hot-spots feel incredibly calming. Take in the beautiful scenery with a countryside train tour.

Take a moment.

Flagstaff.ab.ca/tourism Flagstaff.ab.ca/tourism Flagstaff Crafted
Flagstaff County | Movie In The Park photo by Morgan Cox

Daysland is located 40 km southeast of Camrose on Highway 13. The community serves as the education, medical and shopping centre for a large mixed farming district.

Experience nature’s beauty through a stroll on the scenic 3.5 km Crocus Trail Look for the purple Crocus Trail flags around town to gain access to this hidden gem. A fish pond located along the Crocus Trail is stocked with trout every spring for the aspiring fisherman to enjoy

Daysland has two campgrounds for you to stay at while you take part in the Roadtrip Adventure Game, and tour the attractions in Flagstaff County Edgerton Day Campground is located just 1 km south of Daysland on Range Road 163, or stay right in town at the Daysland Golf Course Campground. Check out the special weekday Golf & Stay packages this season and try your luck to hit the island green at the Daysland Golf Club (see Golf Section page 16).

The Town of Daysland is known to put on a fantastic Canada Day event, be sure to check their website at daysland.ca for event details and updates.

The historic Palace Theatre, built in 1952 and located on main street is the place to go for your entertainment needs DaysArts has a series of concerts between November and April featuring a variety of live performances of music, drama, dance or comedy shows. They also feature movie nights. Visit palacetheatre-daysarts.ca for their schedule of events.

continued on next page...

Daysland Golf Club 5538-50 St., Daysland Daily until 9pm 780-374-3633

See pages 146-151.

Town of Daysland

daysland.ca 780-374-3767 For event details & updates visit: Only 1/2 hour east of Camrose on Hwy 13 • Gazebo Parkfamily picnics, walking trail and trout pond • Downtown Shopping • Recreational Facilities • Daysarts Theatre • Daysland Golf Clubwith the only island green in the region! 137

Make it a girlfriend’s roadtrip and enjoy boutique shopping at The Rusty Daisy and The Lady Bug Pick Nic Ltd. With a variety of other retail shops, accommodations, cafés, a day spa and attractions, Daysland makes for a great daytrip or stopover.

The Village of Forestburg is located approximately 80 km southeast of Camrose. It is a short drive south of Killam from Highway 13, and west of Highway 36. Coal mining, agriculture and the railway have been an important part of the history of the community, and still are today. The Village is proud to be the home of the Battle River Railway serving agriculture and tourism in the region. Come experience Rural Alberta as it was meant to be seen – by rail – with Battle River Train Excursions (see next page for their 2023 Excursions).

Kids will love the outdoor pool in Forestburg open from May to September; check the village website for hours of operation.

Camp and swing your clubs at the Forestburg Golf & RV Park. You can also camp in the village at the Kinsmen RV Park. The scenic Battle River Valley is only 20 km south of town and offers a unique natural setting with varied recreational opportunities including camping at Big Knife Provincial Park, and the Battle River Crossing Resort & Campground.

Visit the Forestburg Museum located on mainstreet, in a 1927 Masonic Temple, restored by the Forestburg Historical Society. South of town, on Highway 855 is the Diplomat Mine Interpretive Site–Canada’s only surface coal mining museum. This interpretive centre is home to one of the largest mobile mining land machines made from riveted construction in 1927.

Enjoy the action on June 24-25 during Mud Bog in the ‘Burg, a one-of-a-kind event where you can enter your ATV or truck for a fun run through the mud. For community event updates and details visit forestburg.ca.

Shop at Coutts Home Hardware for your outdoor, camping and fishing supplies, plus you’ll find giftware and toys for the kids!

Forestburg Golf Club 5401 - 50 Ave. Forestburg

Open daily till 9pm 780-582-3693

See pages 146-151.

138 SOUTHEAST OF EDMONTON Open Mon to Fri 11-4pm, Sat 11-3 pm 780-679-4559 MAINSTREET DAYSLAND 2500 sq ft of retail space! Open Wed-Fri 10-4pm & Sat 10-2pm (Closed for lunch 12-1pm except on Sat. Closed all of January & July.)
2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide

Small Town, Big Heart

With headquarters in Forestburg, the Friends of the Bale River Railway (FBRR) are delighted to offer private charters alongside a great lineup of theme-based excursions this year.

Sip N' Ride Excursion: May 20

Historic Heisler Hotel Excursion: June 17

A Day on the Train: August 12

Explore Farm to Fork by Train: August 19

Oktoberfest Train: October 14

Murder on the BR Express: November 25 & 26

www.forestburg.ca 780-582-3668
Forestburg Pool 780-582-3866 Forestburg Golf Course 780-582-3693 Forestburg Multi-Plex 780-582-3664 Area 53 Raceway & Forestburg Mud Bog Forestburg Train Station 780-781-9260 Forestburg & District Museum 780-582-2298 To
visit: battlerivertrain.com Email: friendsbattleriverrail@gmail.com 780-781-9260
train, rent the Train Station, purchase Excursion tickets and more details
Come experience Rural Alberta as it was meant to be seen -- by rail! @battleriverrail 139 2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide

Heisler is located 40 km southwest of Killam on Highway 856. The community features a four lane bowling alley, ball diamonds, basketball court, and a large playground. Notably, Heisler is home to Canada’s Largest Baseball Glove. Set up camp right in the village, or fifteen minutes away is Big Knife Provincial Park where you can enjoy trails, fishing and camping.

Drop into the mainstreet general store and be sure to come hungry to Big Willy’s Bar. Enjoy the sports themed pub in the setting of a 1925 Municipal Heritage Hotel with great food and great drinks! Then treat yourself at Chilly Willy’s Ice Cream Shack.

Green space, trees and water are abundant here. Heritage Park hosts a gazebo, amphitheatre, playground, horseshoe pits, bike and skateboard park, and nature trail. From east to west, there is a total of 2.5 kms of paved trails winding through this prairie town perfect for walking, jogging or biking.

Open Tues-Sat at 4:30 pm


* Full Menu * Steak Night * Special Events Main Street Heisler

Open June 1 - Sept. Long Seasonal Takeout Window Tues-Sat 2-7 pm Sun 12-5 pm Featuring Foothills Ice Cream


In the middle of Flagstaff County, Killam boasts a strong core of retail businesses.

Killam is only...

• 30 min drive to 4 golf courses

• 1.75 hr drive to Edmonton

• 30 min drive to Big Knife Prov Park or Hardisty Lake Campground

• 20 min drive to fishing

• 10 min drive to two museums

Juncon of 2 major Highways

Visit Centennial Park for great summer activities. Complete with serviced campsites, a playground and sports grounds with four ball diamonds – kids are sure to enjoy themselves!

Centennial Park CampgroundFully serviced sites, firepits, shower house 57 St. & 47 Ave.

Heritage Park - Playground, amphitheatre, nature trail, gazebo, picnic area, horseshoe pits, bike & skateboard park, cross-country ski trails Baseball Diamonds

Killam Agriplex - Arena, indoor wade & swimming pool, fitness centre, indoor playground, concession

June 16 & 17, 2023

* Friday & Saturday


* Pancake Breakfast

* Saturday Slack

* Parade

* Mutton Busting

* Daring Divas Trick Riders

Photo by The Community Press
Welcome to the town of The Killam Mobile
is Here
FREE! 780-385-3977
us on:
For event updates visit our website
* Fireworks * Fun for the whole Family!

Indoors, there are many activities at the Killam Agriplex recreational facility This multi-use building houses an indoor swimming pool, a fully equipped fitness centre, plus a concession. It is also home to the Parents for Fun in Flagstaff Family Resource Centre featuring an indoor playground –that will not disappoint! Families are welcome to drop-in.

Don’t miss the 51st Annual Killam Indoor Rodeo - June 16 & 17, including mutton busters and trick riders! On the same weekend, be sure to take part in Saturday’s Street Fair, Show & Shine, and Parade on Killam’s Main Street.

Find amazing gifts, home decor and beautiful flowers at Budding Ideas Flowers & Gifts Give yourself lots of time to browse through the gifts and decor at Town & Country Guardian Drugs Check out Crafty Creations Quilt Gallery for your quilting projects, and stay at the clean and cozy Wagon Wheel Motel Get your snacks at Wild Rose Co-op Grocery.

Parents for Fun in Flagstaff


Indoor Play Structure - Programs - Private Rentals Supports and Services for Families

| 5175 - 51 Avenue, Killam

Wild Rose Co-op Grocery

5026-50 St, Killam

Mon-Fri 8am-8pm

Sat-Sun 8am-6pm


See pages 146-151.

Host of the Annual Tuesday, Aug22,2023

Fees: Drop-In Per Family $5 - Single Child $10 - 2 or more Children

780-385-2346 | Check website for hours:



Street Fair


Diverse Business Community

Unique Shopping Options

Professional Services

Excellent Recreation Facilities

Scarecrow Festival


parade of lights


killam’s north pole christmas celebration


5008 - 50 St., Killam 780-385-3014 Tues-Fri 9-5:30 pm Sat 10-4 pm Home of the Material Girls Longarm Quilting Service Quilts, Notions, Patterns & Books, Kits, Fabric, Quilting Classes, DMC Floss 780-385-0974 or 780-385-2153 5007 - 50 St, Killam www.CraftyCreationsQuiltGallery.com Open 10-4 Tues-Fri
Killam continued...
Follow us on for updates
Photos courtesy The Community Press
Located in the Killam Agriplex

The Town of Sedgewick is an engaging, dynamic community welcoming families and businesses. Located just east of Killam along Highway 13, the town offers many services and activities.

Visit the Sedgewick Archives and Museum – a provincial historic site, built in 1906 as a former merchant bank. Enjoy Sedgewick Lake Park – a popular camping, picnicking and birdwatching destination with 59 well-manicured sites, camping cabins, an outdoor wading pool and a spray park. Watch for the weekly Lakeside Market throughout the summer on Saturdays. Within walking distance of the park is the Sedgewick Golf Course. Relax at the licensed clubhouse after a round of golf. Catch all the action at the APCCA Chuckwagon & Chariot Races in Sedgewick on June 30 to July 2. Don’t miss the Gathering of the Clans – a Scottish Highland Festival on August 19 in

Sedgewick. Be sure to check sedgewick.ca for more details and event updates.

Treat yourself for lunch and something sweet at the local favourite The Wooden Spoon Café and Cakeshop.

Near the beautiful Battle River Valley, the Village of Lougheed was incorporated in 1911 and is just under two hours southeast of Edmonton on Highway 13.

Visit the Iron Creek Museum consisting of several heritage buildings, chock full of items from founding families as the local elevator that houses several unique displays.

Head to the Lougheed Field House year-round to exercise, shoot some hoops, play pickleball, and much more. Come to the Lougheed Country Fair, a popular event planned for the th weekend of the of August 12th, 2023 – it's also the 100 Anniversary of the Agricultural Society! Be sure to follow the Village of Lougheed Facebook page for updates.

continued on next page...


Alliance is a quaint, yet vibrant, community located amidst a sweeping and spectacular view of the scenic Battle River Valley Only 2.5 hours from Edmonton, find the Village located off Highway 36, south of Highway 13 in the southern part of Flagstaff County. Visit the Doll Museum, enjoy the peaceful walking trails, the full size recreation facilities, the playgrounds and parks, the serviced campground, and 2 complete ball diamonds Stock up on supplies at more than 10 local businesses on main street, while you explore this clean, picturesque, and friendly community. You’re invited to their Canada Day Celebrations, on July 1st, featuring a parade, softball tournament, Gymkhana, show & shine, beer gardens, kids area, and concession. Follow their Facebook page to make sure you don’t miss out on all the fun!

For more information, contact the Village Office at 780-879-3911 or visit villageofalliance.ca

Pancake Breakfast, Parade Horse Show, Cattle Show, Bench Exhibits, Kid’s Activities, Food, Beer Gardens, Vendors, Show n Shine, Supper at Hall, Outdoor Dance and more!


780-384-3554 4819 - 48 Ave,
AB Find us on Facebook
• Community Hall • Seniors Centre • Curling Club and more! lougheed.ca 780-386-3970 200 km SE of Edmonton in the beauful Bale River Valley
• Fully Serviced Campsite (15 &
amp on all sites) • Day use camping Trout Pond

Located in the heart of the stunning Battle River Valley rolling hills, Hardisty is a two-hour drive southeast of Edmonton. Hardisty is known as a major part of Alberta’s Energy Hub, and is the home of the Tank Farm - a robust industrial development.

Year-round, the beautiful scenery around Hardisty provides a backdrop for plenty of outdoor activities and fun events.

Golfing, camping, boating, swimming, and baseball are just a few of the fun activities Hardisty has to offer. The campground and the public beach at the Hardisty Lake Park are right in town inviting campers and day visitors to enjoy all summer long. It’s a great place to visit to get on the water; canoes, kayaks, and small motorized boats are welcome on the lake. Nearby, play 9 holes at the beautiful Lakeview Golf Course –one of the town’s best kept secrets.

Another great activity that you can enjoy is hiking on the Hardisty Nature Trails. These trails are the most challenging and the most scenic trails in Flagstaff County! They can also be enjoyed by horseback riding. See next page for all of the access points.

Spend the day canoeing down the Battle River, which runs adjacent to town, and enjoy wildlife viewing at the riverside campground.

Lougheed continued from page 142...

Check out other fun amenities like the stocked Trout Fishing Pond, camping, a picnic area, and playground. Full-service camping sites are located in the recreation area, which is a great place to host family reunions. Lougheed also has a model aircraft field, a walking path, and 4 baseball diamonds for your enjoyment.

While you’re on Highway 13, enjoy a delicious home cooked meal at the local restaurant with an ice cream shop. Then stop into the award-winning Diamond J Bakery and treat yourself with their heavenly baked items.

It’s a special milestone this year for the as they Hardisty Rodeo celebrate their 75th Anniversary! Join them on July 14-16, 2023 for their BIG celebration. The weekend will be packed with fun activities including a Street Fair, chariots and chuckwagons, and the very popular combine crunch! Plus, you won’t want to miss their outdoor concert – see next page for more details.

Hardisty has a full array of businesses to serve your needs. Find your favourite beer, wine and spirits at Lakeview Liquor Store, and look for the perfect gift at – the little Rustic Stars country gift shop that’s worthy of a roadtrip, or to shop online!



See pages 146-151.

POST your trip with #GoRoadtrips2023 #GoEastofEdmonton & Hardisty Lakeview Golf Course
- 49 St., Hardisty
daily till 9pm
Custom Vinyl Design & Home Décor Little Country Gift Shop NovtoFebweareyourChristmasStore! 5104 - 50 St, Hardisty 780-888-0008 Alberta Registry Agent OPEN 24 HRS ONLINE Lougheed.ca
2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide
Hardisty Rodeo

Hardisty Nature Trails

For Trail Map & Trail Events visit: hardistytrailrun.ca

Friday - Street Fair 10-3 pm, Slack 5 pm, Chariots & Chucks 7 pm, Outdoor Dance 9 pm

Saturday - Parade 10:30 am, Rodeo 1 pm

Chariots & Chucks 5 pm, Outdoor Concert 8 pm

Outdoor Dance 11 pm, Fireworks 11:30 pm

Sunday - Rodeo 1 pm, Chariots & Chucks 5 pm Combine Crunch 7 pm

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The most challenging and the most scenic trails in Flagstaff County!
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The Town of Provost is located 3 hours southeast of Edmonton and 20 km shy of the Saskatchewan border town, Macklin. The tight-knit community has a strong agricultural and energy sector background. Enjoy a variety of shops and services in the revitalized downtown area, as well as accommodations and businesses along Highway 13. Provost has proudly taken part in the Communities in Bloom competition for nearly 20 years. After winning 5 times, Provost has been invited to compete at the Nationals in 2023.

Provost is proud to have a top-notch facility – Crescent Point Place Regional Activity Centre This facility will keep you active with an indoor walking track, a junior Olympic pool, and on those hot summer days, take a dip in their outdoor swimming pool.

Play a round at the popular Provost Golf Club Stay at the Provost Canalta Hotel – it has all the amenities that you need to make the most of your stay. Camp in town at Bannister Campground, located in the Sports Park, while the kids enjoy the nearby skateboard park. Around town, you can also enjoy playgrounds, tennis courts and Frisbee Golf Or, explore the 3 km of new walking paths with games and activities along the way. Around Provost, there are several lakes and campgrounds, including the secluded Dillberry Lake Provincial Park with over 13 km of trails and a beautiful sandy beach.

Camp overlooking the scenic trout pond and discover the community and area’s history at the Provost & District Museum There you can explore historic homes, churches and schools, located at the southwest corner of town. For museum events visit provostmuseum.com (see also page 114). For more history, be sure to visit the St. Norbert's Rosenheim Church, located just southeast of town. This church is an Alberta Historic Site and features the largest rural neo-gothic church in Alberta. Provost is home to the popular Kinsmen Splash and Smash –it is rural Alberta’s largest motorsport and monster truck event –taking place in June 16-18, 2023. Families come together for Seniors Week – on June 8th take in the Seniors Fair including lunch at the Provost Recreation and Cultural Centre. Canada Day brings another amazing community celebration with free cake, kids activities, 2 for 1 golf, museum tours and a fly over from the Canadian Air Force jets. Check out the Farmers’ Market for all your fresh food needs, every Friday from 10 am to 2 pm throughout the summer located at 5211- 43 Street in Provost. The newly formed Provost Performing Arts Guild will feature entertainment by DJ Walkerton in September and the Comedy duo Middle Rage in November. Be sure to visit provost.ca for more community events and updates.

Just 15 minutes south of Provost on Highway 899, join an excavation and experience archaeology first hand! Book a tour at the award-winning Bodo Archaeological Site & Centre –one of the largest and most well-preserved archaeological areas in Western Canada. Visit their website for programs and hours of operation at bodoarchaeology.com.

The Village of Czar is located 30 minutes west of Provost off Highway 13. Enjoy the action at the Czar Lake Bullarama on July 21, 2023 at the rodeo grounds. Browse the Prairie Panorama Museum with its eclectic collection of donated artifacts including 3,000 salt-and-pepper shakers, 1,600 spoons, and 2,000 pairs of earrings. Nearby, Shorncliffe Lake Park is popular for water-skiing and camping.

2023 Go East of EdmontonTravel Guide
Outdoor Swimming Pool at Crescent Point Place Regional Activity Centre

June 1 –

Sept 3, 2023


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not to scale. Heinsburg Dewberry Derwent Kinsella Edgerton Bruce Ryley Hwy 834 Lavoy Beauvallon HairyHill Ranfurly Chipman ? ? Vilna Ashmont Mallaig Boscombe GoodfishLake Bellis Kikino Willingdon Brosseau Caslan Newbrook 38 63 41 36 36 45 15 28 A 14 16 29 # 28 ? Josephburg 29 45 28 28 Radway Redwater 646 # 21 Lougheed Sedgewick Hughenden Alliance Strome Heisler Rosalind Bawlf Czar 856 855 13 18 St. Albert 26 55 N 13 36 Egremont 55 GIBBONS 2 Edmonton Paradise Valley 641 Provost Boyle Athabasca 53 BEAVER COUNTY WEST 41 870 619 881 881 619 Innisfree OnionLake 17 14 17 Chauvin Lloydminster 16 Thorhild GoRoadtripGame.ca 147 June 1 to Sept 3, 2023 Complete Game Rules, Gameboard & Prize Details:
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Go East of Edmonton is your completeTravel Guide to Northeast Lakeland and East Central Alberta 1-888-632-8755 | info@goeastofedmonton.com TAG US #GoEastofEdmonton #GoRoadtrips2023 Sherwood Park Fort Saskatchewan Thorhild Mundare Lamont Gibbons Vermilion Tofield Camrose Wainwright Viking Provost Hardisty Killam Daysland Cold Lake Lac La Biche Athabasca St. Paul Two Hills Elk Point Smoky Lake Métis Crossing EINP UCHV Kinosoo Ridge Reynolds-AB Museum Legal Bonnyville ALBERTA Vegreville Lloydminster Edmonton Photos - Top: Elk Island National Park (EINP) by Veronica Marchand | Bottom (L-R): Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village (UCHV) by Travel Alberta Métis Crossing - Visions, Hopes and Dreams Wildlife Park | Kinosoo Ridge Adventure Park by PlayOutsideGuide.com GoEastofEdmonton.com Enter our Photo Contest! Over $1000 in Cash & Prizes to be won! Where Culture Meets Adventure!

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