2025 Canadian Birkie Ski Festival Program

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Mayor of Strathcona County

On behalf of Strathcona County, I wanttoextendbestwishesforthe CanadianBirkieSkiFestival!

Strathcona County has been a longstanding supporter of the Birkie, and we would like to thank the organizers for all of the hard work that goes into putting this greateventtogetheronceagain.

Goodlucktoalltheskiers.Wehopeyouandyourfamilies enjoy your time in Strathcona County, participating in the funoftheCanadianBirkebeiner.

Rod Frank

Strathcona County

Mayor of City of Edmonton

On behalf of City Council and the people of Edmonton, welcome to the 2025 Canadian Birkebeiner Ski Festival, celebrating its 40th anniversary!

Edmontonianshavelongembraced the spirit of competition and an activelifestyle,especiallyduringour beautiful, snowy winters. It’s fitting that our city hosts one of only three Birkebeinerfestivalsintheworld.

Since its founding in 1985, the Birkie has grown into a premier international cross-country skiing event, attracting participants from all corners of the globe. This family-friendly festival encourages skiers of all ages and skill levels to take part, fostering athleticism, building connections within our vibrant sports community, and reinforcing Edmonton’s reputation as a thriving sports hub.

I’d like to extend my sincere thanks to the Canadian Birkebeiner Society for their tireless efforts in organizing yet another outstanding event. Your dedication plays a vital role in our city’s ongoing commitment to promoting physicalactivityandwell-beingforallEdmontonians.

Enjoy the festival and make this milestone year one to remember!

MLA StrathconaSherwood Park

Congratulations to the Canadian BirkebeinerSkiFestivalonits40th anniversary!

It is an honor to bring greetings on behalfoftheprovincialgovernment and Premier Danielle Smith at the largest classic-style cross country skiingeventinCanada.

For four decades, this cherished event has brought skiers together to celebrate adventure, endurance, and camaraderie, all while honoring the Birkebeiner legacy. This year, as we embracethetheme'GlidingintotheFuture,'wecelebrate notonlytherichtraditionsofthepastbutalsotheexciting possibilitiesthatlieahead.Whetheryou'reonthetrailsto challenge yourself or to enjoy Alberta's stunning winter landscapes,yourpassionkeepsthisfestivalthriving.

IamproudtocallStrathconaCountyandAlbertamyhome and I am grateful for the contributions you have made to ourcommunitythroughthisamazingfestival.

Here's to the next 40 years of skiing excellence and communityspirit!Happy40th,Birke!

Best wishes for a safe, enjoyable, and inspiring experience.


Hon.NateGlubish,MLA Strathcona-SherwoodPark

Reeve of Lamont County

AsLamontCountyReeve,Iamproud to extend my greetings for the 40th yearoftheBirkebeinerfestival.Thisis a world-class event that showcases theregionandLamontCounty There are skiing activities for all ages and levelsofexperience,andthisistrulya wonderful event for fitness, outdoor fun,andthevaluableimpactithason mentalhealthandwellness.

While you are here, I invite you to take advantage of the manyshopsandamenitiesintheregion.Asyouareaware, you are in Lamont County, the Cradle of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada with the long course starting at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village (UCHV). With over 40 historicalchurches,wearealsothe Church Capital of North America I encourage you to explore a part of Lamont County history through taking a historic tour of the many differenttypesofchurchesacrosstheregion;learnmoreat: lamontcounty.ca/churchtour There are many places to exploreincludingElkIslandNationalParkandtheUCHV.

I'dliketotakethetimetorecognizetheorganizersandthe manyvolunteersittakestoputonthisevent.Greatjoband thankyou!Themanyhoursyouhaveputinmakethisasafe andamazingevent.


A warm welcome to all of our athletes andvolunteersparticipatinginthe2025 CanadianBirkieSkiFestival,andatour Barnebirkie,andFullMoonevents!

Since 1985 the Canadian Birkebeiner Societyplansannuallyacelebration of cross-country skiing and well being in ourwintercommunity

Our volunteers provide for your safety, nourishment, and encouragement. Their devotion and hard work is simply incredible and humbling. Words of appreciation and smiles from you as participantaretheirbestreward.

We invite you to the Nordic Fair at Festival Place in Sherwood Park from noon to 8 pm on February 7. Pick up your participant package and timing chip and interact with over 25 different community groups that have historically supported the Birkie as partners, sponsors, andsupporters.

ManythankstoStrathconaCounty andGovernmentofAlbertafortheir support and contributions to our community OurpartnersatAlberta ParksandattheUkrainianCultural HeritageVillagecontinuetobekey partners in bringing this inspiring gathering of community, friends and athletic accomplishments, symbolically like that done by the twohumbleBirkebeinerswhoskied the 55 km through wilderness to rescue the infant King Haakon Haakonson.

Snow is here, tracks have been laid,andwearesoexcitedandlook forwardtoseeingyouatthe2025& 40thAnniversaryCanadianBirkie!

Charles and Julie


2025 Canadian Birkie Ski Festival & 40thAnniversary

Canadian Birkebeiner Society

We anticipate a great Birkie and congratulate you for joiningtheadventureandacceptingthechallenge.Here areafewnotestorememberforourskievents.

1.ClassicalTechniqueOnly SkatingisNOTallowednoglidingonherringbone;nosidewayspushingexcept oncorners(uptofivepushesmaximumpercorner).

2.KeepRight Theleftlaneisforpassingonly.Please becourteousandifyouhearthecall“Track”,getoutof thewaysafelyandquickly

3.FoodStationEtiquetteInfairnesstoskierspassing through,don'tstopinthetrack;stepwelltotheside.

4.EarsAlert Forsafety,donotskiwithheadphones.

5. Stay on Your Course Changing events during the raceisnotallowed.Anyonenotpassingallcheckpoints ontheirregisteredcoursewillbeaDNForDSQ.

6. There is no parking at the Short Start or Finish Line.BusesareprovidedforskiersintheShortCourse Events (13 km, 7 km Birkie Fun Ski) from the Bethel TransitTerminal in Sherwood Park to the Waskahegan Short Start/Finish Area, beginning at 8:35am Bus service back to Bethel Station from Waskahegan is provided starting at 11am until 5:15pm. Bus service from Waskahegan to UCHV is also provided for Long Start skiers going back to their parked vehicles at UCHV, starting from 11am until 5:15pm. Be sure to checkthatyou’regettingonthecorrectbus!

7. Cold Temperatures Dress appropriately in layers, andbringclothingandwaxforchangingweather Have adequatehandandheadprotection;keepwellhydrated andwell-fueled.Startsmaybedelayedand/orcourses modifiedforsafety PleasecheckBirkieSocialMediafor updatesonconditions.

8. Warm Temperatures Drink lots of liquids at food stations.Peellayersasnecessary.

9.BibVisibilityPleasewearyourbibonlyonyourfront andovertopofyourjacketforvisibility


Be alert, be safe. In emergency situations, check the reversesideofyourbib.

Emergency Contact Information:


Pleasetellthemyourlocation(whichcourseyou’reon, lastkmsignorfood/aidstationpassed),andthenature and severity of the situation. They will mobilize the appropriate response. If there are “dead spots” in cell phone coverage, please move to a hill or clearing if possible.SendanSMSifcellularsignalisweak.

Ifyouseeaninjuredskieronthetrail,providewhataid youcan.Havesomeonestaywiththeinjuredskierand trytokeepthemwarm.Sendaskiertothenearestfood station and/or locate a Birkie Ski Patroller, who have cell phones and radios Controllers/Patrollers are stationed along the course and are authorized to pull you from the event if they deem it is unsafe for you to continue.

Please use care on downhill sections. Please do not ski on closed-off sections; doing so could result in disqualification. If you cannot continue, stop at any Food/Aid Station to get a lift to the Finish Area. Give themyourbibandtimingchipinformationandletthem knowthatyouwishtowithdraw.


If you experience a medical concern, seek assistance Food/Aid Stations and Finish Line have First Aid Teams and Course Patrollers have cell phones. First Aid personnel will have white bibs with a blue Star of Life on them or on the uniformoftheirrespectiveambulanceservice.

Evacuation skidoos or vehicles are available at all Food/Aid Stations and we have quick access to ambulancestationedoncourse.

Please note any health conditions or medications in thespaceprovidedonthebacksideofyourbibsoitis accessibletoMedicalStaffifneeded.




FESTIVALPLACE - 100 Festival Way, Sherwood Park,AB T8A5T2

Package Pickup & Registration

12pm - 8pm

Join our Sponsors, local community vendors, Birkie supporters and numerous other groups as you pick up your registration packages. Visit our Nordic Ski professionalsandgetthelatestwaxingadviceandtake the time to share a Limited Edition Norwegian Ale brewedbyBentStickBrewerywithfriends.

WaxArea Provided

Ourlocalskishopswillbeonsitetoshowyouthefiner pointsofskiwaxing.Bringyourgearandgetaheadstart onyourBirkieprep.

Cloth and Tyvek Event Day Bibs

• Please bring your cloth Bib if you have one

• Every Participant will receive a colour coded Tyvek numbered Bib

• 4 Safety Pins – to attach to your Clothing

• Make sure to write your name, chip number and any health concerns on the back of your bib


iming Chip Instructions

• $100 replacement fee will apply to any lost or not returned timing chip

Refer to the Current Results page of the Birkie website for the link to live results(canadianbirkie.com/results).Tell your family and friends at home to watch the livestream of the finish line https://www.ao2.live/kdl

Clothing Bag and Tag

• The Birkie provides transportation and storage of a clothing bag for after the event

• Use the supplied tag and zip tie in your participant package to identify your bag

• Please mark your bib number clearly on both sides of the tag with a Marker

• All clothing bags must be dropped off to the transport truck located next to Red Barn at UCHV

• Clothing baggage must be sealed (ie: Duffle, Backpack, etc.)

Additional Updates

Any additional last minute information will be sent via Social Media or posted at the Nordic Fair.


• All participants will receive a timing chip at the Nordic Fair

• Participants are responsible for timing chips upon package pickup

• Timing chips are live once you cross the start line

• There are multiple timing stations throughout the course to track and livestream interim results

• Prefferred placement is on either ankle




UCHV - Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village

Long Course Events

55 km with packTorskeklubben Birkebeiner

55 km Birkie Lite (Without Pack)

31 km Leading Edge Physio BirkieTour

Start Times

8:50 am Official Program at start line for 55 km and 31 km

• 9:00 am Start of Wave 1

• 9:10 am Start of Wave 2

• 9:20 am Start of Wave 3

• 9:30 am Start of Wave 4

No skiers to start after 9:40 am for safety (sweeping) reasons.

Parking and Transportation

• Parking is available at UCHV

• Skiers getting dropped off at UCHV please inform the parking monitors and they will direct you to the drop off area.

• Long Course events finish at Waskahegan StagingArea (see map for details).

• Bus service will be provided from finish at Waskahegan StagingArea back to Bethel TransitTerminal or UCHV

• Bus service ends at 5:15pm

*Give yourself plenty of time to get to the start area and please put your bib on your front and timing chip on your ankle before you leave the parking lot.

*Look for the wax thermometer near the barn for basic waxing guidance. FastTrax andTrack 'nTrail will be there to provide wax advice.

Pack Weigh in (Opens at 6:30am)

• Weigh-in for 55 km skiers takes place near the South exit from the Red Barn (see map).

• Packs must weigh a minimum of 5.5 kilograms at both the Start and Finish

• Pack Details

- Over-the-shoulder type only

- Fanny packs do not qualify

- Anything can be used for weight

- Please weigh your pack in advance

Clothing/Bag Transport -

• Clothing Packed into sealed baggage (I.e. Duffle, Backpack, etc.) will be transported to the Waskahegan Finish Line.

• Please attach the provided tag and zip tie and ensure your bib # is clearly visible.

Course Markings -

55 km course distances = green signs

31 km course = blue signs

The courses split and merge a few times but junctions are well-flagged.



Waskahegan StagingArea in Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Provincial RecreationArea.

Short Course Events

13 km Global Edmonton Mini Birkie Start Times

1:20 Official Opening 13 km / 7 km

1:30 Start of first wave

1:35 Start of the second wave

1:45 Start 13 km / 7 km Closed

7 km Birkie Fun Ski

1:20 Official Opening 13 km / 7 km

2:00 Start

2:15 Start 13 km / 7 km Closed

Wave 1 1:30pm Self Seeding

• Skiers who expect to be in the top 1/3 in terms of finishing position.

Wave 2 1:35pm Self Seeding

• Skiers who are more `methodical' and less fast then Wave 1.

There is no time advantage to either wave as your time starts when your timing chip (and presumably you) cross the start line.


Parking and Transportation

*** No participant parking is available at Waskahegan Staging Area - please park at either Bethel Transit Terminal or UCHV ***

• UCHV to WaskaheganTransport – Departs Red Barn 9:45am.

• Bus service to Waskehegan StagingArea is provided all day from BethelTransitTerminal (Broadview Rd, Sherwood Park). First shuttle departs at 8:35am.

• Bus service will be provided from finish back to BethelTransitTerminal or UCHV

• Bus service ends at 5:30pm.

* Give yourself plenty of time to get to the start area and please put your bib on your front and timing chip on your ankle before you leave the parking lot.

* Plan for a 10- minute walk to the start line.Totem Outdoor Outfitters provides waxing services.


Waskahegan StagingArea in Cooking LakeBlackfoot Provincial RecreationArea.

All events finish at the Waskahegan Staging Area. PleasebesuretogiveyourtimingchiptoaFinishLine Volunteer Thereisa$100feeforchipsnotreturned. Once you have finished, please join us in our Festival Tent and Beer Garden for Limited Edition Norwegian Pale Ale brewed by Bent Stick Brewery, a Birkie Sausageandmore.Awardpresentationswilltakeplace throughouttheday


Pleasedressinlayersappropriateforawinterskievent. All clothing bags will be available in the Clothing Tent, including bags transported from the Long Start. There arenoheatedchangetrailerson-site.


UnofficialresultsandFinishLinewillbelivestreamedat www.canadianbirkie.com/results All results will be finalized by 6 pm. If you have any questions regarding posted results, please speak to a volunteer who will referyoutotheResultsOfficial.


FESTIVAL PLACE - 100 Festival Way, Sherwood Park,AB T8A5T2

Join us for some Traditional Scandinavian fare as we celebrate a successful Birkie Viking Style

• Doors - 5:45pm

• Cocktails - 6:00pm

• Dinner - 7:00pm

• Kids under 3 eat free

• Kids 4-11 50% off

• Vegetarian & Limited Dietary options available Dress Code: Informal Price: $80

Tickets still available www.canadianbirkie.com/vikings-feast.

2025 Programming includes:

• 50/50 tickets

• Door Prizes

• Special Norwegian inspired cocktails

• Limited Edition Norwegian PaleAle brewed by Bent Stick Brewery

• Presentations and Recognitions

• Local artists will be providing Caricatures of guests on a first come first serve basis

To celebrate and honour the lives of longtime Birkie supporters Nick Lees and Yardley Jones Art by Yardley Jones will be auctioned off and proceeds will supportthe CASAFoundation Nick Lees Scholarship Fund.

*FundsraisedthroughtheNickLeesScholarship will empower CASA Mental Health youth interested in pursuing post-secondary education injournalism,marketingandcommunications. https://givecloud.casamentalhealth.org/nick-leesscholarship

is proud to support the Canadian Birkebeiner Ski Festival



Gold Bar Park – Edmonton, AB

Classic-technique – 500 m, 2 km, or 4 km

Start Times

· 11:00 am – Check-in, park, pick up bib, unload gear, and get ready to ski

· 11:50 am – Official Program at Start Line

· 12 Noon – Ski!

· 2:00 – Event closes

Parents and Spectator etiquette

Adults accompanying Barnebirkie skiers on course must be on skis to retain the integrity of the course. No pets please.

Dress Like A Viking Costume Contest

Best Viking Costume Contest

Enter for your chance to win awesome prizes! Dress up like a Viking or your favourite superhero, fuzzy animal, anything goes!

Email your picture to coordinator@canadianbirkie.com. Aboat load of warriors will select the winners and let you know who conquered the contest.

Ski the Birkie

February is when we pay heed

To the Birkebeiners that did the deed Saving the infant prince, the King to be Birkie Ski

The throne of Norway was Haakon's right Which urged his guardians to prepare for flight His mother Inga of Varteig did the plan oversee Birkie Ski

In 1202 the Baglers had set out to have him killed But the Birkebeiners fooled them, they were skilled With Torstein Skevla and Skjervald Skrukka he would flee Birkie Ski

Over two mountains ranged the storm they endured From Lillhammer to Rena where safety was ensured Nidaros in Trondheim and King Inge was for them to see Birkie Ski

The Baglers who were backed by the church Battled the warriors wrapping their legs in birch

In 1204 Haakon's dad died by poison and buried by a tree Birkie Ski

King Inge ruled Norway wearing the Sovereign ring

Until his death in 2017 and prince Haakon became King He is the longest ruling monarch in Norwegian history Birkie Ski

Haakon Haakonson settled with the Church and Baglers Which included many Viking stragglers Peace was restored with much glee Birkie Ski

Kaare Askildt,December 2022

Click here for printable map: https://canadianbirkie.com/ski/31-km-leading-edge-physio-birkie-tour/

Click here for printable map: https://canadianbirkie.com/ski/55-km-with-pack-torskeklubben-birkebeiner/


FOR 31/55 km EVENTS

Iamsopleasedtobewritingthiscourseoverview,asit means that all the work of the Cooking Lake-Blackfoot RecreationAreaAdministrationandMaintenancestaff, along with the Birkie Trailblazer Course volunteers is resulting in our 40th Anniversary Event Course preparation starts in the late summer and involves many hours of trailwork through the fall and winter.This year crews have worked well over 400 hours to prepare the trails. We hopeyouenjoythem.

Starting at the Ukrainian CulturalHeritageVillage,the31 kmand55kmroutesrisesome 60 m before finishing at the Waskahegan Staging area in Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area TheBlackfoottrailsarethrough knob and kettle post glacial terrain and the rise isn't noticeable as it is spread out with ups and downs as opposed to a large hill or long steady climb. Enjoy the rolling terrain. There are some sections that are quite flat but most of the 31 km and 55 km routes are up and down through reasonably gentle hills. There are occasional steeper hills that – depending on your abilities - may require some technique: herringbone on uphills and quickstepturnsandsnowplowingondownhills.

area has been visited a few times in previous Birkies. Bepreparedforfastrollingsections,somequicksteep climbs and thrilling descents with nice open sightlines toenjoyyourtuckandglide;

•Thesecondisashort(3.8km total) out and back section extending along Central Alleyway immediately after RoundUp Aid Station. Enjoy the opportunity to see the skiers ahead and behind you and cheer them on when you passeachother;

• The third section is an loop branching off at Central Station through the Islet Lake area It is quite hilly and several hills have challenging curves particularly on a fast day. Use some caution and youwillbefine.Thisisapretty section;

• The fourth is along Wanisan and Siksika trails – a very beautiful stretch with smaller rolling hills and several 'interesting' steeper ones (up and down) that will test yourtechnicalskills.....particularlyasyourlegsmaybe gettingabittired.Savesomeenergyforthisareaand youwillenjoyit.

Thereistheoddhill,particularlyonthe55kmroute,that can be tricky due to a curve part way down or at the bottom. If we feel it is not an obvious challenge or is more than might be expected – we install CAUTION SIGNS. Depending on conditions you can certainly build up a fair speed on some of the hills ...but there is nothingofthe100metrelongvarietyasattheCanmore Nordic Centre. Ski as the conditions dictate and keep your eyes up! Your best guide as to whether you may needtoexercisecautionistosurveywhatisahead,not justimmediatelyinfrontofyou.



The 31 km course is the same as past years and has nothing that a reasonably skilled recreational skier can't easily negotiate. The 55 km is purposefully a bit morechallengingthroughsectionswhereitisseparate from the 31 km... though again nothing that can't be negotiatedbyareasonablyskilledskier(thoughwitha bitmoreprudenceinspots).

Have yourselves a great day out on the tracks and remember to thank the volunteers you encounter. Without them, we could not have this event. We are extremely grateful for their donation of expertise and time.AdditionalthankyoutothecommitmentofAlberta ParksandthestaffofCLBRAfortheknowledgeofthe parkandenthusiasmforthisevent.


The Official Course Sweep and Medical Volunteers are authorized to remove slower skiers from the event

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the safety for all


Courses and Finish Line are staged in a Provincial RecreationArea and all rules and regulations must be followed. No personal alcohol is allowed in the park. Dogs are not allowed on the ski trails and must be leashedintheparkinglotsandpedestrianareas.Bikes mustbekeptofftheskitrails.Donotlitteralongtheski trails.


Skiing is not allowed at or out of the Ukrainian Cultural HeritageVillageexceptonBirkieSaturday,February11, 2023.Pre-racetrainingonthelongcoursesatthatend of the Cooking Lake- Blackfoot PRAmay be accessed through the Blackfoot Staging Area southeast of the UCHVsite.

There is No Smoking, No Vaping, and No Cannabis in theWaskaheganFinishLine.

Food/Aid Station Information

Distances between Food/Aid Stations range from 4 to 8 km for the 55 km event, and between 6 and 10 km for the 31 km and 13 km events. First Aid and evacuation support is available at all stations. Some stations have extra poles and wax kits; please return any borrowed poles to the Finish Line Officials. Drinks and pre-packaged snacks will be available for you. If you have allergies or special dietary needs, please ensure you bring suitable nourishment for yourself.

In fairness to skiers passing through, don’t stop in the track; step well to the side. There will be an Alberta Parks outhouse or portable toilet at every Food/Aid Station.

Station closing times for the courses are listed above. If you have not reached a Food/Aid Station by the stated cut-off time you will be requested to end your ski and will be transported to the Finish Line. The finish line closes around 5:15 pm. We don't want people out on the course after dark! Closing times for each station are based on skiing an average of 9-minute kilometers over the 55 km distance. 55 km skiers have 8 hours to ski the course. Be sure to thank your volunteers!

- 7 & 13 km Event


Click here for printable map: https://canadianbirkie.com/ski/7-km-birkie-fun-ski/

Click here for printable map: https://canadianbirkie.com/ski/13-km-global-edmonton-mini-birkie/



At the Finish Line Medals will be given out to the top finishersindifferentageandgendercategoriesforthe55 km,31km,13kmand7kmdistances.

Officialresultspostedby6pmonBirkieSaturdayat https://www.canadianbirkie.com/results


Medallionsforfirsttime55kmfinisherswillbepresentedat the finish line. For those who have previously skied a 55 kmevent,youcanpickupyourpinattheInformationDesk intheFestivalTent.


The Haakon Haakonsson award recognizes dedication to the Birkebeiner tradition. It is an award that is exclusive to the Canadian Birkebeiner, but awards all skiers who have skied in the Norwegian, American, and CanadianBirkebeinerlong-distanceevents.Inadditionto receivingabeautifulhandcraftedstein,recipients''names are preserved for posterity on the CANBi shields Hundreds of skiers from Canada, the USA, and other international skiers have earned this award since its inceptionin1992.


Ole Hovind was one of the pioneers of skiing in Alberta, active from the 1920's to the 1980's. He had significant influenceoverthepeoplewhowouldbecomethefounders oftheCanadianBirkieSkiFestival.TheOleHovindAward was created at the very first Birkebeiner in 1985 in Ole's memory and is presented annually to the skier who best represents the spirit of the Birkebeiner and the things whichOlevalued–skiingforthesheerjoyofit,havingfun, jokingalot,achievingsomethingandjustgettingoutthere anddoingit.



The Founders and Builders Award is presented to an individual or group who has worked to create the Canadian Birkie Ski Festival and/or who has been a key contributortogrowingthiseventovertheyears.


This trophy celebrates life-lo participationinskiingandcompetition by recognizing the oldest skier to complete a non- 55 km event. The trophyhonoursthededicationofthe entire Kankkunen family to skiing in generalandtotheBirkieinparticular and features a carved wooden Finnishkuksa(drinkingcup).

ThemeetingheldtosetuptheEdmontonNordicSkiClub in 1978 was held in Sylvi and Elmer Kankkunen’s living room overlooking Rundle Park which illustrates their long-termcommitmenttothesportofcross-countryskiing inEdmonton.

Sylvi,ElmerandtheirchildrenSusan,MarleneandAndy participatedinnumerousBirkiesovertheyearsandSylvi continued to participate for many years after Elmer’s passing.Infact,someBirkieskiershavehadthedubious distinction of being passed in the Mini- Birkie by this Finnishgrandmother!


TheMostKMGroupAwardisgiventothosethatindicated on their registration form (Entered Group Name) and chose to take part and participate. The Most KM Group Award is awarded to the Group whose member’s have thehighestcombineddistancetravelledinthe2025Birkie SkiFestival.


John Toonen was one of the original participants of the Canadian Birkebeiner Ski Festival, a Haakonsson award winner,andaredbibskier(skied everyBirkieforthefirst15years). Johnpassedawayin2002atthe age of 57. His spirit lives on throug hthe John Toonen Memorial Award; a beautiful woodenplaquewithrecipientnamesetchedonindividual plates.Thisawardispresentedannuallytotheoldestskier in a 55 km event (with pack or lite). It alternates between maleandfemale.

The Bike ‘n Ski Award celebrates individuals who complete a long distance Canadian Birkebeiner Society ski event and a Multiple Sclerosis Society –Alberta and NWTDivision bike tour The person must complete a 31 km or 55 km in-person Birkie ski event, as well as a Leduc-Camrose MS Bike Tour or the Hinton Mountain BikeTour Yougetaregistrationdiscountasyourprize.


Explore Edmonton and Birkie photographers will be taking drone video footage and pictures of the events as well as participants during the day

Aphoto slideshow will be presented at the Vikings' Feast and available on the website shortly thereafter.

Photos of skiers will be available after the event for purchase from our Birkie photographers, JaN Studios at janstudios.com

Stay Connected!

Follow the fun as we post updates, results, and photos to our social media feeds!

#CdnBirkie #GlidingIntoTheFuture #XCSki

Facebook: @cdnbirkie

Twitter: @canadianbirkie

Instagram: @canadianbirkie

Youtube: @Canadianbirkie



Skier Donors - until January 27, 2025

King Haakon Level ($100+)

Phil Dunn

Liz Herbert

Cathy Flood

Eleanor Crawford

Patrick Leonard

1Anonymous Donor

Prince Haakon Level ($50-99)


Ron Blechinger

Curtiss McLeod

Patty Glover

Jim Black

David Fricke

Keith Goulden


Michael Buss

Ralph Osterwoldt

Tony Smith

3Anonymous Donors


Inga Fra Varteig ($1-49)

Bruce Hagstrom

Melvyn Herrick

Tom Corbett

Allison Foxwell

Ian Sauriol

Annett Kamenz

Iain Sharp

Claire Joe

Laura Maser


Leigh Wincott

Jason Redfern

Brian Ouellette

Chris Bennett

Leif-Erik Bredesen

David Ridley

Hillary Siemens

Sean Watt

PearlAnn Reichwein

Seth Kasper

17Anonymous donors


Do you wonder where our sponsor level names come from?

According to legend, King Haakon was in great danger in 1206 during a Norwegian civil war. He entrusted his infant son, Prince Haakon, to two brave Birkebeiner Warriors who skied over mountain ranges to get him to safety

According to legend, that same infant, Prince Haakon later became a long-serving king, put an end to the civil war and under his rule, medieval Norway is considered to have reached its golden age.

According to legend, Inga Fra Varteig (Ingrid from Varteig), who was the mother of Prince Haakon, fled with the group of Birkebeiner loyalists to ensure her son's safety and later helped him rule until he reached the age of majority

Since 1985, thousands of skiers have relived the legend here at the Canadian Birkie, skiing the historic 55 kilometre distance with a 5.5 kg (12 lbs.) pack, as a symbol of the child who was brought to safety by those Birkebeiner Warriors.

Birkie would also like to thank the following:

2025 Supporters


Amptec/3D Fire & Safety

Beaverhill Bird Observatory

Blindman Valley Ski Club


Breathe Outdoors

Brian Lucas

Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions

Budget Rent-a-Car of Sherwood Park


Concept Homes

Earthy Friendly

Elk Island National Park

Explore Edmonton

Flying Canoë Volant

Four Points by Sheraton

Edmonton South

Go East of EdmontonTourism


JaN Studios

KDLAudio Productions

Minuteman Press, Sherwood Park

Myles Belland Studios

Noble Electric

Sandman Signature

Sherwood Park Hotel

Shamrock Curling Club

Silver Skate Festival

Smart Firewood

Sons of Norway

St. JohnAmbulance

Strathcona Emergency Services

The Marketer

2025 Friends of the Birkie

175th Southwood Scouting Group

Alberta Environment and Parks

AlbertaTrail RidingAssociation

Beaver Hills Biosphere

Blackfoot GravingAssociation

Camrose Ski Club

Canadian Progress Club of Sherwood Park

Canadian River Valley Revenge

Canadian Ski Patrol

Edmonton Bicycle and Touring Club

Edmonton Examiner

Edmonton Nordic Ski Club

Edmonton Overlanders

Orienteering Club

Edon Management

Elk Island Retreat

GaryAtchison, Meteorologist

Grant MacEwan Mountain Club


Metric Insurance Services

Multiple Sclerosis Society –Alberta and NWTDivison


Nordiq Canada

Northern Lights Medical Ventures

Northlands Volunteer Services

Rescue Dynamics

ReVeal Design

River Valley Revenge (FS)

Rocky Mountain Senior's Ski Club


Spirit North

St.Albert Community Information and Volunteer Centre

Strathcona County Information and Volunteer Centre

Strathcona Wilderness Centre

Survivorfest Running Event

Ukrainian Canada CongressAlberta Provincial Council

University ofAlberta Outdoor Club

Verner Steinbru (Viking)

Volunteer Strathcona



2025 Board of Directors

• President: Charles World

• Vice President: Delia Meenhorst

• Treasurer: Luke Crosby

• Secretary: Vacant* (Dave Cooper)

• Past President: Dave Cooper

• Chief of Loppet: Vacant* (Charles World)

• Fund Development Director: Keven McGhan

• Marketing Director: Vacant* (Delia Meenhorst)

• Program Services Director: Vacant*

• Volunteers Director: Jen Henderson

• Human Resources Director: Vacant* (Charles World)

• Festival Director: Vacant*

• Director-at-Large (Birkie Training Coordinator): Sara Szabo

• Directors at Large: Victoria Lee, Patrick Finley, Evan Littauer, Mary Ann Merritt

• Ex Officio Director: Keri Elko

2025 Loppet Committee

• Chief of Loppet: Charles World

• Chief of Safety: Ted Luyckx

• Chief of Course: Dan Leskiw

• Assistant Chief of Course: Eric van Walsum

• Chief of Stadium/Logistics: Randy Stebner

• Assistant Chief of Stadium: Mark Woodhouse

• Chief of Food Stations: Grant Chaney

• Assistant Chief of Food Stations: Ross Johnson

• Chief of Festival Tent: Vacant*

• Chief of Transportation: Mike Stern

• Chief of Emergency Response: Dave McCashin

• Chief of Course Safety: Quinn McCashin

• Chief of Alumni: Vacant*

• Chief of Signage: Brian Lucas

• Chief of Registration: Britney Viveiros

• Chief of Short Start: Dave Cooper

• Chief of Long Start: David Makowsky

• Medical Co-Chief: Stephanie Kendall

• Medical Co-Chief: Sabrina Feng

• Chief of Volunteers: Monica Wartenberg

• Assistant Chief of Volunteers: Alex Zukowsky

• Chief of Clothing Services: Kimberly Currie

• Chief of Timing/Finish Line: Victoria Lee

• Recording Secretary: Carolene Kuschminder

• Operations: Ben Featherstone

• Chief of Barnebirkie: Roberta Hyland

• Chief of Barnebirkie Course: Paul Zimmerman

• Chief of Full Moon Birkie: Peter Kershaw

2025 Marketing Committee

• Marketing Director: Vacant* (Delia Meenhorst)

• Social Media: Vacant*

• Barnebirkie Marketing: Roberta Hyland

• Marketing Concepts Advisor: Vacant*

• Marketing Community Outreach: Brian Lucas

• Media Releases: Vacant* (Dana Mauer until Dec 31st, 2024)

• Graphic Design: Darlene Mitansky

• Media Relations: Charles World (President), Michael MacFynn, Delianne Meenhorst

The Marketing Team efforts are supported by: Birkie Coordinator Michael MacFynn and Birkie Administrator Britney Viveiros.

*Vacant (Contact us if you would like to become a part of the Birkie team!)


Canadian Birkie Ski Festival FEBRUARY 13-15, 2026

Birkie Day Volunteers!

There are approximately 500 volunteers helping you enjoy your Birkie! Volunteers and Photography Crew wear a maroon volunteer bib. Organizers and ParkingAttendants wear a yellow vest or jacket.

Please thank the volunteers during the day –We couldn't run the Birkie without them.

Gliding into the Future Thank you Volunteers!

The Canadian Birkebeiner Society was established in 1985byagroupoffivepassionateskiers.Theirprimary aim was to organise the annual Canadian Birkie Ski Festivalandtopopularizecross-countryskiing.Now40 yearslaterthesocietystillfocusesonpromotingcrosscountryskiingandorganizesseveraleventsnexttothe festivalinthewinterandthesummerseason.Asanonprofit the society consists of many enthusiastic volunteers such as Board of Directors, Loppet Committee,MarketingCommittee,andmanymore.The

The Birkebeiner Legend: Skiing Through History ABOUT THE CANADIAN BIRKEBEINER SOCIETY

Intheyear1206acivilwarragedinNorway.Theinfant prince and direct heir to the throne, Haakon Haakonsson, was in danger and hidden near Lillehammer. Two brave Birkebeiner warriors rescued theprinceandcarriedhimtosafety;skiing55kilometers over two mountain ranges in the dead of winter. The youngprince,latercrownedKingofNorway,endedthe civilwarandbroughtgreatpeaceandprosperitytothe land.

The English translation of Birkebeiner is “Birchlegs”, whichdescribedthewarriors’snowgaiters.Theirbattle legprotectionwasmadeofbirchbarkwrappedaround thelowerlegsandsecuredwithleatherstraps.Today,a Birkebeiner has come to mean a person strong in adversity;neverdauntedbytrialandhardship.

The dramatic flight of the “Birchlegs” and the Infant Prince iscommemorated everyyearbytheNorwegian Birkebeinerrennet ski race which parallels the historic route over the mountains between Lillehammer and Rena.

In 1985, some 127 hardy participants skied the first “Canadian Birkebeiner” in very cold conditions, reminiscent of the brutal winter in the original Norwegian “Birchlegs” saga Since 1985, tens of thousandsofskiershaverelivedthelegendhere,many skiing the premier event - 55 kilometers with a 5.5 kg pack. The Canadian Birkebeiner, with distances for all ages and abilities, has grown to become one of the largest and friendliest classic-style cross-country ski festivals in Canada. It is one of only three of its kind in theworld.

society is supported by two staff members. Together, theyworktirelesslytoguaranteethattheBirkieevents are successful, sustainable, and enjoyable for all. Annually, over 500 Volunteers generously donate more than 10,000 hours of their time to Society InterestedinvolunteeringwiththeBirkie, givebackto your community, forge new connections, and share yourloveforcross-countryskiing?Visitourwebsiteat canadianbirkie.com/support for more information and joinusasaVolunteer

WilliamisdefinitelyatrueBirkebeinerashewasbornonthe coldest day of the year, last year.The temperature was -49 DegreesCelsius.Helivesonarealbisonfarm!

During the 2025 Canadian Birkie Ski Festival William Leonard van Haren will represent our Legend's crown prince,HaakonHaakonsson.

We can not wait to meet the Birkie Baby in person and “ski himtosafety”

*The Nick Lees Scholarship Fund was created to honour Nick's passion for fundraising and making a difference in his community. https://givecloud.casamentalhealth.org/nick-lees-scholarship In Honour Of Long Time Friends And Birkie Supporters

“The Birkie became a special event in the lives of many, including Former Edmotnon Journal cartoonist Yardley Jones (on the left) and columnist Nick Lees as they skied the first 55-km Canadian Birkebiener Ski event in 1985. Jones, convinced Lees, then a non cross-country skier, to join him in a race that celebrates Norwegian history.”

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