2016 July 5776
INSIDE This Issue
Officers and Board Members Installed for 2016-2017 By Brett Boisvert
T Centennial Update page 3
Peter Frazier page 6
Bryan Morry page 6
his past May, the association held its annual Installation Dinner to induct the lodge officers and association board directors for the next cycle. Those in attendance were treated to a brisket dinner before Installing Officer Andrew Lamchick and Master of Ceremonies Robert Miller conducted the evening’s festivities. Association Board Members Barry Ackerman, Norman Dinerman and Stevan Labush were the first trio sworn in, taking the oath of office for their three-year terms. Following suit were Ried Redlich, Steven Waldman and Steven White. Lamchick spoke about each of the brothers before him, highlighting their unique stories and just what makes them stand out at Touro. Whether it was Ackerman’s commitment to help steer the future of Touro and find out what makes younger members tick, Redlich’s attention to detail and service as Touro’s representative at Lincoln Park Cemetery, or simply reminiscing about Dinerman’s humorous boardroom antics, the overarching theme always returned to the important and appreciated role each board member plays within Touro. The evening continued with the swearing in of both the Harmony and Friendship Lodges’ leadership. The officers of Harmony Lodge include Treasurer Peter Silverman, Secretary Stuart Solup, Vice President Steven Hopfenberg and President Michael Levin. After formally taking the oath, each member was vested with his jewel of office. Levin, in remarks following his swearing in, said he was continued on page 4 - Intallation
Friendship Lodge President Max Guarino
Harmony Lodge President Michael Levin
Family Game Night page 7
Details on page 3
Installing Officer Andy Lamchick
Master of Ceremonies Robert Miller presents the "Jewels of Office" to new Friendship Lodge President Max Guarino.
Chairman's Chatter By Jed Brandes, Chairman of the Board
Golf (gɒlf): A game in which clubs with wooden or metal heads are used to hit a small ball into a number of holes, usually 9 or 18, in succession, situated at various distances over a course having natural or artificial obstacles, the object being to get the ball into each hole in as few strokes as possible.
Golf is symbolic of life at Touro, both literally and figuratively. In the literal sense, we conduct an annual golf tournament. And for the last several years, we have had a league for our members. As a game, it is representative of a large part of our social calendar. At our lodge meetings, at our family events and even in our free time, Touro has woven game playing into the fabric of the experience. This is not by accident. It is only natural that a fraternal organization would run a tournament or a league. The same can be said for the Monday night card games at the hall. And games are a fixture on our lodge calendar with trivia contests and Name That Tune well established as recurring events. But games play another important role at Touro. Recognizing their popularity, the Social Committee has scheduled Family Game Nights twice a year for several years. These serve two purposes. First, they are a means for extending Harmony, Friendship and Benevolence to our family members. Second, by bringing our children to the hall for these events, Hanukkah parties and the like, we imprint on their minds positive memories of Touro. Hopefully, as they reach majority age, these impressions will come flooding back and inspire them (or their spouses) to become brothers in their own right. In that sense, golf fulfills its figurative role. It is a goal-oriented game. At its most basic, a player hopes to find a way to get that ball in the hole. Then, as the player becomes more enamored (okay, let’s call a spade a spade—addicted), the goal becomes to improve one’s skills so that one can get the ball in the hole in fewer-and-fewer strokes. Of course, Touro also has goals. We want to perpetuate an organization that provides brotherhood to Jewish men. We also want to continue to do well in the community through Tzedakah. Fortunately, we have an endowment that is able to fund our events and charitable ways. But we require another component to keep Touro vibrant. We must continue to grow our ranks. A fraternal organization can have all the money in the world, but it doesn’t mean anything if it doesn’t have the members for whose benefit the money can be spent! What can you do? Our games fulfill an important role in keeping the spirit of Touro alive in our hearts and minds. Take part in these activities. Bring your families. Build those new memories. But don’t stop there! Sign up your friends and relatives as new brothers. As we start our second century, this has never been more important. Az di hatslocheh shpilt, gilt ersht di chochmeh. ~2~
By Richard Levenson, Vice President, Friendship Lodge
Social Scene SUMMER 2016
Greetings Brothers! The last few months have been an exciting start for both Steve and I...and we hope for you as well! We began our tenure with the two-fer Dinner Dance at the Crowne Plaza, followed by the annual Steak Fry...both resounding successes! If you missed Charlie Hall coming to the Steak Fry as Representative Carnavale, it was something to see! The upcoming months appear just as exciting. We have numerous events for all interests and ages. From a charter fluke-fishing trip, to a family outing at the Buttonwoods Masonic Park, to a murder mystery dinner... there is something for everyone. Check out the event list below, pick one (or two) and join your fellow brothers for some great fun and adventure. We look forward to seeing you soon! August 7
Summer Picnic Buttonwoods Masonic Park Hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken kabobs with all the fixin’s along with fun and games
August 14
Fluke Fishing, Point Judith 1:00 – 5:00 pm (arrive at 12:30 pm) $20 for adults / $10 for children
August 20
Newport Playhouse “A Whole Lot of Cheating Going On” Doors open a 6:00 pm
September 21 Harmony Lodge Meeting Grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and the fixins’ Entertainment: Joe Fleming, political commentator October 26
Friendship Lodge Meeting Deli dinner Entertainment: Dexter Van Zile from camera.org to discuss Middle East
October 29
Fall Two-fer at Twin River Casino Entertainment: Murder On Us – “Murder in the Court”
President’s Report
By Max Guarino, President, Friendship Lodge
hen I first joined Touro, I went to monthly Touro meetings for the camaraderie, entertainment, and, of course, the great dinners. After doing this for a while, I decided I wanted to give something in return. I have to say, when I became a part of Touro’s leadership, it was like entering a completely different world. Seeing how things worked behind the scenes was an eyeopener for me. Touro runs a lot of events. When I was just going to the monthly meeting, I’d see friends, talk to them, and then after it was over, I’d say goodbye, and I wouldn’t see them until the next meeting. However, when you’re setting up events, and making sure they run as perfectly as they can, a funny thing happens. You are forced to work closer with your brothers. Teamwork is a key to making it all happen, and this teamwork builds better and closer friendships. At the Social Committee meetings, which Barry Ackerman and I ran the last two years, different brothers would voice their opinions. Sometimes it seemed a little chaotic, but we all had the best interests of Touro in mind. Each brother brought his own ideas of how to make things work. Each brother brought his personality. Everyone’s contributions helped to bring the events together. With more people involved, we came up with more ideas, new events developed and old events were improved. So once you’ve had a chance to see all of the great benefits Touro has to offer, talk to a board member or a lodge officer. Get involved. Believe me, you will never look back!
Touro’s Third Annual Fantasy Football and “Pro Pick-Em Football” Challenges By Max Guarino
PRO PICK-EM FOOTBALL: Touro will conduct a regular season long, weekly contest for Touro members, and their immediate family. The goal is to choose the winning team for each NFL game played without any point spread. Each week, the person who predicts the most correct wins will win a prize. There will also be prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place at the end of the regular season. There are tie breakers built into the system for all of these prizes. All you have to do is let us know that you are interested in joining. Deadline for this will be September 1st. FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE: We will form a Touro league (or leagues depending on the number of Brothers that sign up) for Fantasy Football for Touro members only. You must enroll by August 15th. The draft will be held on August 28th at 5 pm. You should be able to do the draft from any computer with an internet Interested in joining one connection. This will be managed by Yahoo’s or both programs? E-mail: Fantasy Football website. Cash prizes will be maxtouro@gmail.com awarded at the end of the season. or call the office at: 401-785-0066 There is no cash commitment to enter either of these contests. Simply email maxtouro@ gmail.com with your name, e-mail address, and let us know which game you will be playing (remember you can do both). Come join for fun, fraternity, and prizes. ~3~
Centennial Update
By Bruce Weisman, Chairman, Centennial Committee n the last issue of the Tourogram, we announced that comedian and RI native Tom Cotter was going to headline our Gala event on September 16, 2017. Watch your mail this coming fall for a savethe-date card. It will include information for those planning to attend and who would like to reserve a room for the weekend event. At our recent Spring Two-fer, Brother Barry Kaplan won the special raffle for the upcoming Centennial Gala and Brother Harry Finklestein won at the June Dinner Dance. Both will receive an overnight stay at the Crowne Plaza, tickets to the gala and brunch the next day. Every member who attends our two-fers and dinner dances leading up to the Gala is eligible to win. Barry and Harry join four other Brothers who have already won. Your next chance is at the Fall Two-Fer at Twin River. You could be next! The committee continues to work on other projects to honor our Centennial including a time capsule, several community involvement projects, a proposed trip to Israel in 2017 and a cruise in Spring/Summer of 2018. More information about this will follow in the coming months. If you’re interested in helping this exciting committee, contact Touro’s office via e-mail at info@ tourofraternal.org and type into the subject line “Centennial Committee.”
Touro Welcomes New Member
Touro welcomes new member Honorable Edwin Newman at the March 30th Lodge Meeting
Touro Directors & Officers 2016-2017
First Row: Nathan Lury, director; Brett Boisvert, Association secretary; Peter Silverman, treasurer, Harmony Lodge; Adam Halpern, director; Jason Golditch, treasurer, Friendship Lodge; Jeffrey Stoloff, secretary, Friendship Lodge; Barry Ackerman, Barry Schiff, directors. Second Row: Steven Waldman, Andrew Liss, directors; Alan Lury, vice chairman, Board of Directors; Jed Brandes, chairman, Board of Directors; Robert Miller, chairman emeritus, Board of Directors; Ried Redlich, Andrew Lamchick, directors. Third Row: Steven Hopfenberg, vice president, Harmony Lodge; Andrew Gilstein, Stevan Labush, Jeffrey Davis, Bruce Weisman, Norman Dinerman, directors; Michael Levin, president, Harmony Lodge. Not Shown: Arthur Poulten, chairman emeritus, Board of Directors; Michael Smith, Steven White, directors, Judah Rosen, Association chaplain, Stuart Solup, secretary, Harmony Lodge, Max Guarino, president, Friendship Lodge, Richard Levenson, vice president, Friendship Lodge.
Andy Liss receives his Past Presidents Gavel in recognition of his two years in office as Friendship Lodge President
Chairman Jed Brandes presents to outgoing lodge president Andy Liss his "Past President's Sweater" ~4~
(l-r) Harmony Lodge officers elected for a one year term: Secretary Stuart Solup, Vice President Steven Hopfenberg and Treasurer Peter Silverman
Board members elected for a three-year term (l-r):
Barry Ackerman, Norman Dinerman and Stevan Labush
(l-r) Friendship Lodge officers elected for a one year term: Secretary Jeffrey Stoloff, Treasurer Jason Golditch and Vice President Richard Levenson
Board members elected for a three-year term (l-r): Ried Redlich, Steven Waldman and Steven White
Installation - continued from page 1 honored to be reelected as president of Harmony Lodge and spoke on how Touro’s diversified group of men allows for many different ideas to be brought to the table, which helps to create an energy to move the organization forward. “Everyone wants Touro to thrive,” Levin said. Soon thereafter, Friendship Lodge Treasurer Jason Golditch, Secretary Jeffrey Stoloff, Vice President Richard Levenson and President Max Guarino were sworn in and vested with their jewels of office. Guarino, who ascended from Friendship Lodge vice president to president, focused on how working together was one of Touro’s greatest strengths. “Teamwork is the reason why I, and Touro’s officers, in general, have had success,” said Guarino. Additionally, at the association’s organizational board meeting, held June 8th, Jed Brandes was re-elected as chairman of the board, Alan Lury as vice chairman, Brett Boisvert as secretary and Steven Waldman as treasurer. Brother Judah Rosen was appointed as association chaplain for another year. ~5~
Michael Levin takes the oath of office as Harmony Lodge president for 2016-17
The Giving Continues Into the Next Century
Peter Frazier Takes Off at Touro Hall
By Barry Jay Schiff
n Wednesday night, March 30 th, Harmony Lodge welcomed a new brother, Edwin Newman, and chowed down on Chef Andy Liss’ meatloaf and mashed potato dinner. Our speaker that evening was Peter Frazier, Interim CEO of the Rhode Island Airport Corporation. In fact, it is the sixth time that Peter has been Interim CEO. He is the transition “Go-to guy”. Frazier offered a PowerPoint presentation about the Rhode Island Airport Corporation. It oversees six state airports including T.F. Green, Quonset Point, North Central, Newport, Westerly and Block Island. He talked about the changes the airport has gone through the last 10 years with daily flights falling from a high of 111 to the present 55. We have lost ½ the seat capacity out of T.F. Green. However, all flights are departing at 90% capacity. In addition, Frazier detailed physical improvements to T.F. Green including Peter Frazier the runway expansion that will hopefully attract new airlines and allow for new destinations. He hopes to expand the international flights that currently serve Frankfurt, Germany and the Cape Verde Islands. As always, our brothers peppered him with topical questions. We all came away with a better understanding of the airport’s importance to the Rhode Island economy.
By Andy Lamchick, Community Involvement Chairman
his year’s Community Involvement meeting kicked off a bit differently than most. In addition to strategizing ways to maximize our annual allocation, we also needed to focus on our major Centennial budget, coming up rapidly. We met with the chairman of Communities for People, an organization that helps foster children to reunite with their siblings. Recognizing it as a very worthy organization, the committee felt compelled to donate $900. We decided to earmark half of the money to Jewish children and the balance of the donation towards any other needy children. The committee also designated $500 for the Rhode Island Community Food Bank, based upon matching funds being available. We also met with a representative from a local Jewish charity, which looks to create a major endowment fund in the name of Touro Fraternal Association. Details are still being ironed out. Stay tuned for further news as we get closer to our Centennial. I can tell you that our community will be well aware of our celebration, and major announcements are coming.
Morry, Patriots, Chicken and Open House
By Howard Wasser pril 20’s Open House meeting saw several prospective of 2007, he became the executive director of the New England new members enjoy chicken and New England Patriots Patriots Hall of Fame. talk along with our members. The meal was excellent, There were questions from Touro members after Morry’s as there was plenty of Touro’s famous kosher baked chicken. overview. One of the interesting discussions was whether Bill The guest speaker was the executive director of the New Parcells should be a member of the Patriots Hall of Fame, in light England Patriots Hall of Fame, Bryan Morry. Bryan grew up in of the way he left the team. This will be an ongoing discussion Rhode Island and is still an avid golfer in addition to his obvious with no clear answer. interest in the Patriots. He started playing Of course, there was much talk about in the 9th grade at the Seaview Country Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. Morry Club in Warwick. At first, he threw the noted that Belichick prefers that players not clubs farther than he hit the ball! Now, he talk about contracts, injuries and personal has learned that he can never be as good a problems. He also feels that every battle is player without more consistent play. Yet won before the war, during the preparation. his golf game has taken a back seat to his Belichick’s favorite player was Troy Brown. Of family and career. Without the pressure to course, we know that Brady was not a high improve his game, he now enjoys it more draft choice (sixth round) and did not stand Bryan Morry and plays for the fun. out during the 2000 NFL Combine. Bryan From 1997 to 2005, Bryan was the editor wrote five things that weren’t learned about of the Patriots Football Weekly where he covered the Patriots for him during the drills and interviews: his preparation, work ethic, the paper and patriots.com. In addition, he covered the team competitiveness, leadership and ability to perform in the clutch. for the Patriots Football Weekly television show, reported on the There is no question that both he and Belichick will be in the Patriots’ first three Super Bowl wins for the paper and wrote a Patriot Hall of Fame as well as the NFL Hall of Fame. coffee table book: “Patriots United - the New England Patriots The successful evening concluded with the customary 50/50 World Championship Season.” For the next two years, he was raffle, dessert and many freshly completed member applications. on the radio as part of the Score AM/FM team. In December
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2 0 1 6 July 5 7 7 6 Bruce Weisman, Editor Columnists: Brett Boisvert Jed Brandes Howard Custis Norman Dinerman Andrew Lamchick Lester Nathan Arthur Poulten Barry Jay Schiff Howard Wasser Staff Photographers: Jeffrey Davis Edward Deluty Stevan Labush Touro Fraternal Association 45 Rolfe Square, P.O. Box 3562, Cranston, RI 02910 Phone: 401-785-0066 Fax: 401-941-8781 E-Mail: info@tourofraternal.org Website: www.tourofraternal.org
HARMONY LODGE Michael Levin, President Steven Hopfenberg, Vice President Stuart Solup, Secretary Peter Silverman, Treasurer
TOURO BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016-2017 Jed Brandes, Chairman Alan Lury, Vice Chairman Steven Waldman, Treasurer Brett Boisvert, Secretary Judah Rosen, Chaplain Robert Miller, Chairman Emeritus Arthur Poulten, Chairman Emeritus Nathan Lury Barry Ackerman Robert Miller Jed Brandes Arthur Poulten Jeffrey Davis Ried Redlich Norman Dinerman Barry Schiff Andrew Gilstein Michael Smith Adam Halpern Steven Waldman Stevan Labush Bruce Weisman Andrew Lamchick Steven White Andrew Liss Alan Lury
October 29
FRIENDSHIP LODGE Max Guarino, President Richard Levenson, Vice President Jeffrey Stoloff, Secretary Jason Golditch, Treasurer
Ried Redlich, Faithful Guide
“Murder in the Court” Watch for flier in the mail or check online at tourofraternal.org