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10 Year Anniversary with Kids on the Go

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10th Anniversary with Kids On the Go & GPYC Tennis

When the nice weather arrives in Michigan each spring, it is typically when many children and teens in our area fill up their calendars with commitments to various sports and recreational activities that provide them with skills and the chance to socialize with friends. However, it is difficult for children and teens with special needs to find programs that can adapt to their learning styles and provide a safe and nurturing environment.


Thanks to Dmitri Diakonov and his assistant pros at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, children and teens with special needs who are interested in tennis can participate in a six-week program where lessons are modified to accommodate their needs. 2022 marks the tenth summer Diakonov has worked with Kids On The Go ( a program founded by member Kristy Schena) to offer this program at the GPYC and generously shared his time and talent with some of the most special members of our community.

One of the draws of tennis is that it is an accessible sport that can be enjoyed at any age. Children and teens who participate in this program are learning new skills that promote social and physical activity they can use throughout their lives. Diakonov uses his energetic and knowledgeable manner to provide participants with an understanding and appreciation for the game so that, like their neurotypical peers, they feel a sense of confidence and belonging associated with participating in a program. Each summer, there have been around twelve children or teens participating in this program. Since 2012, Diakonov has impacted the lives of over 100 individuals with the gift of being a part of the game of tennis! Diakonov shared, “KOTG at the Yacht Club has been a special and incredibly enriching experience for me. What Kristy has achieved with KOTG is amazing, and it’s been a total honor to be a part of it—the joy of the kids experiencing this beautiful sport over the years has been priceless to me.”

Kids On The Go is very proud of this partnership with Diakonov, the GPYC, and The Ralph Wilson Legacy Grant and thankful for the community that is so supportive of our joint efforts!

Kids on the Go participants

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