4 minute read
Wednesdays, June 7 – August 16, 7-8:30 p.m. Veterans Memorial Park, 32400 Jefferson Ave. Open to the public. No park pass is required. Parking and admission are free.

June 7 Family Tradition Band - Country
June 14 Atomic Radio - ’90s Rock
June 21 Stone Blossoms - Classic Rock
June 28 Blue Water Kings - High Energy
July 12 Kathleen Murray & the Groove Council Motown / R&B
July 19 Rockstar - ’80s Rock
July 26 Captain Fantastic - Elton John Tribute
August 2 Joey Vee Band - Country
August 9 Air Margaritaville - Jimmy Buffet Tribute
August 16 Sunset BLVD - Classic Rock
Also, don't miss the Chamber Concerts which begin at Wahby Park on July 10. See page 25 for details.

Genesis Cadillac Celebrates Newly Renovated Dealership
Genesis Cadillac in St. Clair Shores is among the first in the country to unveil a new Cadillac dealership design that is “aimed to emulate the elevated design and craftsmanship found in the new product portfolio.” A celebratory open house was held on May 3.

“Our family has been in the automotive sales and service business in Macomb County for over 40 years,” says Grace Lopez, Genesis Cadillac Dealer Principal. “Genesis Automotive Group is honored to represent Cadillac here in St. Clair Shores and consistently deliver an experience exceeding our guest’s expectations.”
Local Author Visits Avalon Elementary

St. Clair Shores author Lindsay Gizicki visited Avalon Elementary in South Lake Schools for a presentation on March 30. She read her book, “The Pirate Doctor,” discussed the publishing process and answered questions about being an author. Gizicki also gave them a sneak peek at her book, “The Guardians of the Garden,” which comes out this summer.
Stephanie Fair Appointed as Library’s Assistant Director

Stephanie Fair joined the St. Clair Shores Public Library staff in January as the assistant director. Fair previously worked as the public services and outreach librarian at Sterling Heights Public Library for five years. She also has librarian experience at Tidewater Community College.
“I am most excited to strengthen my relationships with members of the community in hopes of creating lifelong relationships,” Fair says of her new role. “Through collaborations with staff, community members and organizations, I intend to find innovative ways to serve the St. Clair Shores community and see the impact of that work.”
Fair, a St. Clair Shores resident, and her husband have been married for 16 years. They have three children and a chocolate lab. “I truly love living in the Shores and look forward to spending more time in the community this summer,” Fair says.
Wigs 4 Kids Presented with ‘Small But Mighty’ Award

On Thursday, May 4, St. Clair Shoresbased nonprofit Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan was presented with a 2023 Macomb Business Award in the “Small But Mighty” category. The award is given to a business with less than 10 employees that addresses a consumer need through its products or services. The Macomb Business Awards honor outstanding organizations throughout the county’s 27 communities. This year, a prestigious panel of local judges reviewed more than 130 nominations and selected winners in multiple categories. Throughout the last 20 years, Wigs 4 Kids has made a mighty impact in the community by touching the lives of over 5,200 children.
Library’s Tiny Art Show Boasted
152 Entries

The recent “Dreaming of Spring” Tiny Art Show, sponsored by the St. Clair Shores Cultural Committee and St. Clair Shores Public Library, featured 152 4x4 canvases featuring artwork from both children and adults.

“The Cultural Committee is grateful for the partnership of the library and for all of the community members who have made the Tiny Art Show a success," says Cultural Committee Chair Amy Lockard. "In planning the Tiny Art Show we intended to have an event that all ages could participate in. The pieces submitted to the Tiny Art Show give a glimpse of the vast creativity and vision of the community.”
Library Director Rosemary Orlando added: "While this was the first time the library hosted the Tiny Art Show, we are looking at ways to expand the program and perhaps turn this into a community-wide art-centered cultural event."

Scs Community Garden
The garden is located behind Civic Arena, 20000 Stephens For updates or to check for cancellations due to weather, go to facebook.com/SCSCommunityGarden
Yoga in the Garden
Sundays: June 4, July 9, August 6, September 10 at 9 a.m 45-minute sessions with Hippie Yoga, $5 donation suggested.
Bee Informed
Saturday, June 24, 1-2 p.m.
A Honeybee learning event featuring Mike Lawler of Unbeeleivable Honey.
Weeding Wednesdays
Every Wednesday evening during the season
Join volunteers, renters and committee members for social garden weeding and watering.
Education Series: Ask Tara, the Master Gardener Nutrients and Soil Health
Monday, June 19, 6-7 p.m.
Learn the best way to create healthy soil for all plants
Education Series: Healthy Gardens: disease and pest control
Monday, July 17, 6-7 p.m.
All about pruning to reduce disease and how to control garden pests
Wednesdays, June 7- August 16, 7-8:30 p.m.
Veterans Memorial Park, 32400 Jefferson Ave
Open to the public. No park passes are required. Parking and admission is free.
June 7 Family Tradition Band — Country
June 14 Atomic Radio — ‘90s Rock
June 21 Stone Blossoms — Classic Rock
June 28 Blue Water Kings — High Energy
July 12 Kathleen Murray & the Groove Council — Motown / R&B
July 19 Rockstar — ‘80s Rock
July 26 Captain Fantastic — Elton John Tribute
August 2 Joey Vee Band — Country
August 9 Air Margaritaville — Jimmy Buffett Tribute
August 16 Sunset BLVD — Classic Rock
Blossom Heath Park, 24800 Jefferson Ave.
Second Thursday and fourth Sunday of the month, Now through October
Upcoming dates include:
Thursday, June 8, 5-9 p.m.
Sunday, June 25, 8 a.m.-2 p.m
Thursday, July 13, 5-9 p.m
Sunday, July 23, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Thursday, August 10, 5-9 p.m
Sunday, August 27, 8 a.m.-2 p.m
The Cultural Committee is partnering with Art Shack of St. Clair Shores to host free children’s art and craft projects at three Sunday Farmers Markets in the Bath House: June 25, July 23 and August 27, from 10 a.m.-Noon.
Scs Social District Events
Second and Fourth Saturday, Now through October