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Making The Grade - Academics and Achievement
Check-out Procedures at the End of the Day
When you are at School, you are expected to remain in or immediately adjacent to the main School buildings during the 8:30 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. school day unless you have permission to leave early. You should not be wandering the campus outside or in areas of the building. If you need to go to your car to retrieve something, you need permission from the Upper School office. If you participate in a sport, you must remain until the end of your athletic commitment.
Check-out During the School Day
If you need to leave school for an appointment or other obligation, your parent or guardian must email the Upper School Office and receive confirmation from the Administrative Assistant. The note should contain specific information about the time and nature of the appointment or obligation and should indicate whether or not the student will return to finish the school day. The School asks that, whenever possible, appointments be scheduled so as not to conflict with academic classes and athletic contests.
When you return on campus from having checked out of school, you must send an email to the Upper School Office, and the Administrative Assistant will send you and your teacher a readmission slip via email. If the Administrative Assistant is unavailable, contact the Dean of Students and go directly to class.
Going Home Sick
If you are not feeling well in School, simply ask your teacher if you can see the nurse. You should always see the nurse before making arrangements with a parent to go home sick. While no one will force you to stay in School if you are not feeling well, you will not be excused from School for illness without going through the office of the School nurse. If you are leaving, follow the checkout procedures listed above.
Leaving School Without Permission
Our most important priority is your safety. Therefore, we must know your whereabouts at all times. Leaving school without permission is considered a major disciplinary infraction for which the consequence could include suspension.
Making The Grade - Academics and Achievement
General Information
Tower Hill’s academic program is one of the finest in the nation. The Tower Hill curriculum provides graduates the ability to thrive in courses at the world’s most selective colleges and universities. Students who show an exceptional interest and ability in one or more academic disciplines are encouraged to take honors and advanced level classes, which allow deeper exploration into the subject matter and enable our alumni to excel in similar coursework in college and graduate or professional school. We balance our core curriculum with a rich extracurricular life in the arts, athletics, and student life. Beyond academics, our students are able to operate in a global world, are good citizens, engage in the democratic process, have a deep appreciation of the arts and literature, have the ability to evaluate quantitative and scientific information and have the ability to remake their profession and career to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. We live by our motto Multa Bene Facta and believe a well-rounded secondary school experience is a necessity to prepare students for the 21st century.