Lower School Handbook 2021-2022

Page 8

Please be on time to pick up your child from Kaleidoscope. Children not picked up within 5 minutes of their dismissal time will return to Kaleidoscope and will be brought outside at the next dismissal time. There will be a $20 late fee should a student not be picked up at their scheduled time. For the safety of your children, children will only be dismissed from Kaleidoscope to a parent or designated adult.


Kaleidoscope is available to all Lower School families. It is a comprehensive, high-quality child care program providing supervised play, organized activities and homework study periods. Coverage is available on snow days at the discretion of the Head of School. For the safety of your children, children will only be dismissed from Kaleidoscope to a parent or designated adult. For additional information and registration materials parents should contact: Cindy Sardo, Director of Kaleidoscope, at extension 204; Megan Quinlan, at extension 209;

Amy Bickhart, Head of Lower School, at extension 213; or the Lower School Office at extension 232. Kaleidoscope offers holiday, vacation and conference care for all students. A minimum of 12 students per date is needed in order to offer programming. Registration information will be made available one month prior to the holiday. For further questions, please contact Cindy Sardo, Director of Kaleidoscope, at extension 204 or kaleidscope@towerhill.org. Please check the holiday coverage page under Kaleidscope on the website at towerhill.org for up to date coverage and registration forms.


Lower School Handbook

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