Lower School Handbook 2021-2022

Page 9

Behavioral Expectations

We believe that every member of our school community should feel safe, physically and emotionally. All children are expected to be respectful of one another and to express their feelings and needs through appropriate words and actions. It is a privilege, not a right, to be a member of the Tower Hill community and, as such, everyone is expected to behave in a manner consistent with the standards of conduct, both on and off campus, at all times during enrollment.

All behavioral expectations of students during the regular school day are applicable to students who attend Kaleidoscope. The violation of any rules or unacceptable behavior is usually handled by the teacher of the student involved. They determine the consequence for a particular behavior based on the age of the student, the frequency, the duration and the severity of the infraction. Sometimes the violation results in the teacher conferring with the Director or Auxiliary Services and/or the Head of Lower School. In these cases, disciplinary action for the student or students involved will result in a conversation with parents, and then the implementation of a variety of consequences, which may include a child being sent home from Kaleidoscope, in school or out of school suspension, or probation with a list of behavioral requirements for a period of time. The purpose of such an action is to emphasize to the student that his or her conduct is inconsistent with the behavioral expectations at Tower Hill School. Registration for Kaleidoscope, Enrichment and Camps

We use an online platform called Popsicle that will allow for online registration and payment for Kaleidoscope, enrichment classes and camps. Additionally as always, we will be open when school is closed (Spring Break, Conferences) with the exception of national holidays, but now there is an additional fee for all of $80 per full day and $45 half day. A minimum of 12 students per date is needed in order to offer programming. Please check the holiday coverage page under Kaleidoscope on the website at www.towerhill.org for up to date coverage and registration forms.

Wellness Support

The Health Office is located on the Lower Level of the school building right under the Main Entrance on 17th Street. Parents picking up children who are ill must park by the underpass entrance and call the school nurse (ext. 229) upon arrival. Please wait in your car and your child(ren) will be brought to you.

A physical examination, immunization record, and evidence of tuberculosis (TB) screening are required for ALL NEW students. Physical examinations are required for all students in prekindergarten, kindergarten, grades 1 and 3 and must have been completed within the 12 months prior to the first day of school. Lower School students with food allergies and/or asthma must submit an action plan from their physician via the Magnus Health Portal. The deadline for all medical forms is Aug. 15. Parents are expected to update contact information in TowerNet whenever there is a change in address, phone number, etc. Please update any changes in medical information in Magnus as soon as possible.

The Health Office is staffed from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily. In addition, the school’s athletic trainers are available during after-school athletic practices and games, and will oversee the health needs of students in the Kaleidoscope program. In extreme emergencies when trainers and the school nurse are not on campus, the school will dial 911, concurrent with a call to the child’s parents. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECESS PROGRAMS OR AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM UNTIL THEIR PHYSICAL AND IMMUNIZATIONS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED VIA THE MAGNUS HEALTH PORTAL. Lower School Handbook


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