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Dear Parent/Guardian,
Thank you for registering for Summer at Tower Hill. As part of our health and safety protocols, Tower Hill is partnering with the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) to help in identifying our campers who may be infected with COVID-19 but who may not be experiencing symptoms. As you may be aware, there are many times individuals may be carrying and potentially exposing others to COVID-19 without knowing they are infected.
Tower Hill, working with the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services – Division of Public Health (DPH) established procedures for free testing of students at our summer camp programs. The test is the Abbott BinaxNOW™.
The process is much easier than some of the other testing processes you may have seen. The camper simply takes the Q-tip like swab and swirls this into the front of both of their nostrils. There is no need to go deep into the nasal passage like some of the other testing. The Q-tip is then put into a card with a solution for reading Instruction and assistance will be provided for your student by our school nurse and other medical professionals on campus.
Weekly testing is required. If you would prefer to have your child tested off campus using the Curative sites, you may do so. All tests need to be taken on the Friday before the week of camp and uploaded to the Magnus Health Portal by Sunday evening at 6 p.m.
Consent Form
3A consent form will be needed in order for your child to participate in testing. A consent form can be found on the Magnus Health Portal. Simply log-in to your account and complete this requirement. The consent form will be in place until Aug. 6, 2021, unless you notify school nurse, Alexis Herbein (aherbein@towerhill.org) in writing that you revoke the consent.
If your child’s test results are positive, your child will need to have an additional PCR test done within 48 hours to confirm the results. The school will contact you on the positive result and help in identifying where the additional test can be performed. Your student will be provided a copy of the results in a sealed envelope.
Additionally, your child will be moved to a location/room away from other students until your child is able to be picked up from school.
If your child’s test results are negative, this means that the virus was not detected in your child’s specimen. Tests sometimes produce incorrect negative results (called “false negatives”) in people who have COVID-19. If your child tests negative but has symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have concerns about your child’s exposure to COVID-19, you should call your child’s doctor. If you need help finding a doctor, call your school nurse.
If you have questions, please contact Alexis Herbein, Director of Physical Health and School Nurse 302-575-0550, ext. 229.
For information or general questions on COVID-19 and prevention, visit the Delaware Health and Social Services’, Division of Public Health’s website at https://coronavirus.delaware.gov/ or you can call 2-1-1 or text your ZIP code to 898211 for deaf and hard of hearing.