Our Services to you
What is not a complaint?
We aim to provide you with a high level of service, and our Customer Service Standards show the level of service that you can expect to receive. You can find these on the other side of this leaflet.
Complaints are issues with the services we provide. A problem such as a dispute between neighbours is not considered a complaint.
Responding to customer complaints
Complaints can be made by post, telephone, e-mail or in person. Our contact details can be found on the back of this leaflet. You can make a complaint by using the complaints form on our website. You can also contact the local Citizens Advice Bureau.
We want to provide you with the best possible service, however there may be times when you are not happy and wish to complain.
How to make a complaint
talk about your complaint and understand the problem. We aim to resolve your complaint within 10 working days, but the investigation may take longer and we will agree a timescale with you. Formal Stage 2: If you are dissatisfied with our response at stage 1, we will progress your complaint to stage 2. At this stage, your complaint will be looked at by a manager who will contact you within 48 hours to understand the problem. We aim to resolve your complaint within 10 working days, but the investigation may take longer and we will agree a timescale with you.
When a customer complains we will treat the complaint seriously and investigate it fairly.
To find your local Citizens Advice Bureau call 020 7833 2181 or visit adviceguide.org.uk. Please let us know if you need help to make your complaint.
Formal Stage 3: If you are dissatisfied with our response at stage 2, you can request for it to be progressed to stage 3 where it will be reviewed by members of our Customer Services Committee.
What is a complaint?
What to expect if making a complaint
Your responsibility
A complaint is when a customer is unhappy with us and wants us to put it right. Examples of complaints are:
Quick Fix: We will contact you within 48 hours to talk about your complaint so we can understand the problem. Wherever possible the person dealing with your complaint will try to resolve it within 48 hours. This may not mean that action is taken but that we have agreed with you what we will do.
At each stage you must tell us if you are still not happy and want your complaint to be taken to the next stage. You must do this within 20 working days of receiving our last response. You must include any new information and tell us why you are still not happy.
• • • •
Taking too long to do something Not explaining why we have done something A problem with your home A repair not being carried out properly
If you are unhappy with us please let us know and tell us what you would like us to do to put things right.
Formal Stage 1: If we cannot resolve the complaint within 48 hours and you are dissatisfied, it will go to Stage 1 of our formal process. Your complaint will be allocated to a member of staff who will contact you within 48 hours to
You can request that your complaint is considered by a designated person. Councillors and MPs are designated people. Their role is to assist in resolving complaints. Whilst you can refer your complaint to an MP or councillor at any stage of our complaints process, their role as a
designated person would ‘switch on’ once our complaints process has been exhausted. For councillor contact details please call your local council and for MPs please contact the House of Commons Information office on 020 7219 4272 or visit parliament.uk We can also recognise a tenant panel as designated for considering complaints.
Housing Ombudsman Service The Housing Ombudsman Service holds a list of contact details for recognised tenant panels. The designated person can refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman, once your complaint has completed all 3 stages of our complaints process. If you are still not happy after completing our complaints process you can contact the Ombudsman directly from eight weeks after your complaint has completed all 3 stages of our complaint process. You must do this within 6 months of your complaint being closed at stage 3 Their contact details are: Address: Telephone: e-mail: web:
81 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4HN. 0300 111 3000 info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk housing-ombudsman.org.uk
For a copy of our full complaints procedure visit our website www.tchg.org.uk
service our service standards and complaints process
Our Customer Service Standards When you telephone us, we aim to:
• Announce who we are by name. • Answer your call in less than 20 seconds, or within 8 rings. • If we are busy, give you the choice to wait for an advisor to become free or leave a message. • Normally, you will only come through to an answer machine when we are closed. • We will return telephone messages within 1 working day. • All messages left on our Customer Service Centre will be responded to within 2 working hours on the understanding that you leave your name and contact details. • Answer at least 90% of all calls first time, and minimise the need to ring back. • Ensure that someone will assist you if the member of staff you are trying to contact is not available. • Try and resolve your query at first point of contact, but if we cannot we will direct you to the appropriate people.
For letters and e-mails, we aim to:
• Acknowledge the receipt of your letter or e-mail where applicable, within a maximum of 2 working days. • Where a more detailed response is required we will respond in full within a maximum of 10 working days. • Keep you informed and let you know who is dealing with your request.
When you visit us, we aim to:
• Ensure our reception areas are clean, tidy and accessible to all customers. • Try and arrange for a private interview room on request. • Not keep you waiting for more than 10 minutes for someone to see you. • See you on time, if you have an appointment. • Provide free information in leaflets which are up to date.
Visit you at your home, we aim to:
• Try and arrange an appointment at a mutually convenient time. • Introduce ourselves and the purpose of the visit. • Always provide identification, and leave your property clean and tidy.
Where we get it wrong, we aim to:
• Tell you and apologise. • Publish information on our complaints process. • Listen to your complaint, attempt to rectify it in a timely manner, and at a local level. • Use your feedback to identify root causes to continuously improve our service.
Equality & Diversity, we aim to:
• We will communicate with you in such a way that is most suitable to your needs. • We will treat all customers fairly. • We always welcome your views and comments about improving our service.
Equality & Diversity
We are committed to raising the profile and maximising opportunities for all members of the community and we recognise the need to provide support to minority groups. We have adopted a set of principles within our Equality and Diversity Policy which support this commitment. The Equality and Diversity Policy is also on our website www.tchg.org.uk
Our staff and governing body
We are committed to having a workforce and governing body that reflects the communities in which we operate. We will embrace diversity, which is acknowledging and appreciating the ways in which people differ, and using these differences to enhance creativity, innovation and improved working practices. All staff and Board members receive training in equality and diversity issues. All staff and Board members are required to support and work within our Equality and Diversity policy.
Translation, audiotape, large print and braille Information for all
We ensure that access to our services is available to everyone. An important part of this is the information we supply. We can translate it into other languages or make it available on audio tape, in large print or in braille. Google translate offers a free service to help you translate letters and printed material https://translate.google.co.uk/ In some cases we may be able to translate information into your own language.
Use webchat www.tchg.org.uk
We can also arrange a telephone translator in exceptional circumstances.
Audiotape, large print and braille
What if further action is needed?
Hearing Loops
If you feel that you have not been treated fairly or equally then we would like to hear from you. Where appropriate you will be advised of our Complaints Procedure.
or email us repairs@tchg.org.uk
Working with contractors and suppliers
We expect those with whom we work to respect tenants and to support and demonstrate a commitment to equality and diversity.
Contacting us
All our information can be made available on audio tape, large print or in braille. Please ask your Housing Manager or call 01892 501480. Hearing loops are fitted at Monson House. Please make us aware of your needs.
You can call us 01892 501480
Monson House, Monson Way Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1LQ