Wadsworth Town Money Saver | January 2025

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A Fresh Start to the New Year!



brunch ideas for the new year & beyond



1/2 cup dried currants

1 cup hot water

1 sheet frozen pu pastry, (room temperature)

1 tablespoon butter, melted

1 teaspoon nely grated orange zest

1/2 cup nely chopped walnuts

1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon butter, melted

1 tablespoon sugar

1 apple • 1 banana • 1 1/2 cups spinach 1 avocado • 2 cups milk

Put all ingredients in a blender, blend until fruit is pureed. Add ice & blend to desired consistency. Pour into glasses & serve.

Sticky Cinnamon Walnut Spirals

Place currants in a bowl and pour hot water over top to cover. Steep for 15 minutes and then drain o excess water. Cool currants to room temperature. Roll out the pastry on a work surface. Brush the pastry with the melted butter. Combine the orange zest, walnuts, brown sugar, cinnamon, and reserved currants in a bowl. Spread the mixture evenly over the pastry. Roll up jelly-roll style, loosely. Place seam side down and cut into six slices, each about 2-inches wide. Brush the interior of the mu n tin with the remaining tbsp. of melted butter and sprinkle with sugar. Place the cut slices of pastry into each mu n cup. Bake on the middle rack of a preheated 400o oven for 22-25 min. until golden brown and pu ed. Allow to cool for a 1-2 min. before removing from

Baked Eggs inHashBrownCups



Preheat the oven to 400o.Bakepotatoesuntiltender,approx.1hour.Allowto ovencool,andthenpeelandgrate..Seasonwellwithsaltandpepper.Adjustthe temperatureto450 .Spray24mu nholesgenerouslywithcookingspray.

Scoop3-4tbsp.ofgratedpotatointoeachmu nhole.Useyour ngerstogently pressdownthesidesandbottomineachmu nholetomakeanest.Sprayagain burn.withcookingspray.Thenbakefor15-20min.Watchandmakesuretheydonot Allowtheneststocoolandlowertheoventemperatureto400o.Then crackareaneggintoeachnest.Sprinklewithsaltandpepperandbakeuntilthewhites set,about15min.

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