Parker Police Department 2023 Community Satisfaction Survey Results
Table of Contents
Survey Participants
Parker Safety and Security
Dispatcher Competence
Competency of Employees
Dispatcher Attitudes and Behaviors
Attitudes and Behaviors of Officers
11-26 Compliments and Feedback
Department Performance
Neighborhood Safety and Security
Survey Participants and Overview
The Parker Police Department conducts a community satisfaction survey every two years. This survey gives Parker residents and visitors a way to provide the Department with valuable feedback and fulfills the CALEA community survey requirement. The results of the survey are presented to Chief Tsurapas and Command Staff. Changes following previous surveys included increased traffic enforcement and increased community education. The 2023 Parker Police Department Citizen Survey results reflected highly on the Department and its employees. Parker residents feel safe in Parker and secure in their neighborhoods. They also think highly of the Police Department’s competency, attitudes, and performance. The final question asked residents for feedback on what we are doing well and what we can do better. More than 60% of those who took the survey, 247/403, took the time to write in suggestions. Every comment is included in the back of this report, along with a summary of the most frequent responses. This survey gives us good insight from the perspective of Parker residents. We asked people if they lived, worked, visited, or commuted through Parker so we could understand who had taken the survey. Nearly 90% of survey takers were residents of Parker. This percentage is similar to survey participants in 2021 (93%) and 2019 (89%). Parker residents’ support of the Parker Police Department, its officers, and its employees has been very high every year we have surveyed the community. The questions asking residents about their impressions of our staff members all fell within the 83% to 90% range for “excellent” or “good.” These numbers are within 1% over the last four years.
Do You (Check all that Apply) 100% 90%
80% 70%
60% 50% 40%
20% 10% 0%
2.03% Live in Parker
Work in Parker Visit/Dine/Shop Commute in Parker Through Parker
I Don't Live in Parker
Competency of Employees Overall Impression of the Competency of PPD Employees 60%
50% 40%
30% 20%
10% 0%
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average
2 Fair
1 Poor
Parker residents think highly of Parker Police Department employees. We asked five questions about the perception of Parker Police staff, and every question scored higher than 80% ratings of “excellent” or “good.” The first questions asked for the impression of competency of Parker Police Department employees; 87% answered “excellent” or “good.” Only 22 people, 5%, answered “fair” or “poor.” These high marks are consistent with the feedback and support we receive daily from community members. We conducted this survey in 2019, 2021, and 2023. We used the same CALEA-required questions in each survey, allowing us to compare data. The percentage of people answering “excellent” or “good” has been near 87% each year. Over the last four years, the most significant change has been the number of people who rated employee competency “excellent” or “good.” The number of people rating employees “excellent” has dropped from 63% to 56%, while the number rating employees “good” has increased from 25% to 31%.
Overall Impression of the Competency of PPD Employees-Three Year Comparison 70% 60%
63% 58%56%
50% 40%
29%31% 25%
30% 20%
8% 10% 8%
10% 0%
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average 2019
3% 2% 2%
2% 2% 3%
2 Fair
1 Poor
Attitudes and Behaviors of Officers Perception of the Attitudes and Behaviors of Parker Police Officers 70%
60% 50% 40%
30% 20%
10% 0%
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average
2 Fair
1 Poor
The second survey question asked people to share their perceptions of the attitudes and behaviors of Parker Police Officers. The number of people who rated officer attitudes and behaviors as “excellent” or “good” was 87%, the same as in question one. “Excellent” was the top choice at 58%, while “good” was selected by 29% of survey takers. These numbers illustrate our officers’ good standing with Parker community members. The response from survey takers over the last four years has been consistently positive. The number of people responding “excellent” or “good” has been 87% in 2019, 2021 and 2023. There has been a slight decrease in the number of people answering “excellent” and a corresponding increase in the number of people answering “good.” The number of people answering “average,” 7%, was the same in 2023 and 2019. “Fair” and “poor” numbers continue to be extremely low, a trend every year we have completed the survey.
Perception of the Attitudes and Behaviors of Parker Police Officers-Three Year Comparison 70% 60%
62% 55%58%
50% 40%
32%29% 25%
30% 20%
7% 9% 7%
10% 0%
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average 2019
4% 2% 2%
2% 2% 4%
2 Fair
1 Poor
Department Overall Performance Rate the Overall Performance of the Parker Police Department 60% 50%
30% 20%
10% 0%
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average
2 Fair
1 Poor
We asked survey takers to “Rate the overall performance of the Parker Police Department.” The Department’s and its employees’ support was also evident in the responses to this question. 83% responded with “excellent” or “good” when rating the Department’s performance. This year’s responses to the question were similar to those of 2021. “Excellent” was the most selected option at 49% in 2023 and 2021. Those responding with “excellent” or “good” have been between 82% and 85% for all three surveys. We still have a low number of people responding “fair” or “poor,” 8%.
Rate the Overall Performance of the Parker Police Department-Three Year Comparison 70% 60% 50%
60% 49%49% 33%34%
30% 20%
11%12% 9%
10% 0%
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average 2019
3% 4% 4%
1% 2% 4%
2 Fair
1 Poor
Neighborhood Safety and Security How Safe and Secure Do You Feel in your Neighborhood 42%
45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
25% 19% 10% 4% 5 Extremely Safe
4 Very Safe
3 Safe
2 Somewhat Safe
1 Not Safe
We asked two questions in the survey to gauge how safe Parker residents feel in their neighborhood and the Town. The first question asked, “How safe and secure do you feel in your neighborhood?” The top response was “Very safe,” 42%, with “safe” coming in second, 25%. More than 85% of survey takers said they felt “extremely safe,” “very safe,” or “safe,” while only 4% said they felt “not safe.” Only survey takers who said they lived in Parker were given access to this question. The two questions about neighborhood and Town safety were the two where we saw the most significant difference in survey answers compared to the last four years. Those who answered they felt “extremely safe” in their neighborhoods dropped to 19%, compared to 32% in 2021 and 40% in 2019. The percentage of people who felt “very safe” in their neighborhood increased to 42 % in 2023, up from 40% in 2021 and 34% in 2019. Thirteen people, 4%, said they felt “not safe” in their neighborhood.
How Safe and Secure Do You Feel in your Neighborhood-Three Year Comparison 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
42% 40%
40% 32%
34% 25%
18%19% 7% 8%
10% 0% 2%
5 Extremely Safe
4 Very Safe 2019
3 Safe 2021
2 Somewhat Safe 2023
1 Not Safe
Parker Safety and Security How Safe and Secure Do You Feel Shopping/Working/Visiting the Town of Parker 40%
30% 25% 20%
5% 0%
5 Extremely Safe
4 Very Safe
3 Safe
2 Somewhat Safe
1 Not Safe
Everyone participating in the survey had access to the question, “How safe and secure do you feel shopping/ working/visiting the Town of Parker.” “Very safe,” 36%, and “safe,” 31%, were the most frequent selections of survey takers, with another 20% saying they felt “extremely safe.” The bottom two options of, “somewhat safe,” 9%, and “not safe,” 3%, trailed significantly. There was a significant decrease in the number of people who responded “extremely safe” when asked how safe and secure they felt shopping/working/visiting the Town of Parker. In 2023, 20% answered “extremely safe,” down from 34% in 2021 and 38% in 2019. A similar number of respondents answered “very safe” in 2023, 36%, compared to 2021, 40%, and 2019, 35%. “Somewhat safe” and “not safe” were answered by 12% of survey takers in 2023 and 2021.
How Safe and Secure Do You Feel Shopping/Working/Visiting the Town of ParkerThree Year Comparison 50% 40% 30% 20%
38% 34%
40% 35% 36%
31% 20%19% 5% 6%
10% 0%
5 Extremely Safe
4 Very Safe 2019
3 Safe 2021
2 Somewhat Safe 2023
1 Not Safe
Overall Dispatcher Competence
Have You Called the Police Department and Spoken with a Dispatcher
No 48%
Yes 52%
We asked two questions in the survey about our dispatchers and their performance. These questions meet the CALEA Communications requirements for accreditation. Only those respondents who said they had called and spoken with a dispatcher were given access to these questions. Dispatchers received the highest marks of all employees in this survey. “Excellent” and “good” accounted for 89% of the responses to the question, “How would you rate the overall competence of the dispatcher you spoke with?” Only 2% answered “fair,” and 4% said “poor.” 2023 was the first year we asked this question in the Community Satisfaction, so we do not have historical data for comparison.
How Would You Rate the Overall Competence of the Dispatcher You Spoke With 80% 70%
60% 50% 40% 30%
10% 0%
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average 2023
2 Fair
1 Poor
Dispatcher Attitudes and Behaviors Please Rate your Perception of the Attitude and Behavior of the Dispatcher you Spoke With 80% 70%
60% 50% 40% 30%
3 Average
2 Fair
1 Poor
10% 0%
5 Excellent
4 Good
The second question about our dispatchers was, “Please rate your perception of the attitude and behavior of the dispatcher you spoke with.” The ratings for this question were the highest of any asked. “Excellent” and “good” were 90% of the answers, with only 7% saying “fair” or “poor.” We first asked about dispatcher attitudes and behavior in the 2021 survey, allowing us to compare two data points. There was very little change in the 2023 data compared to 2021. “Excellent” increased from 71% in 2021 to 72% in 2023. Each answer category for 2023 was within 2% of the 2021 results.
Please Rate your Perception of the Attitude and Behavior of the Dispatcher you Spoke WithTwo Year Comparison 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00%
71% 72%
19% 18%
5 Excellent
4 Good
6% 4%
2% 3%
2% 4%
3 Average
2 Fair
1 Poor
Compliments and Feedback
The final question allowed survey takers to share their compliments, complaints and feelings in an open-ended format. Of the 403 people who took the survey, 247 left comments (61%) in question 11, “What suggestions and recommendations do you have to improve the Parker Police Department; in other words, what are we doing well and what can we do better?” There was a significant increase in the percentage of people who left positive comments about the Parker Police Department. Nearly 41% of people said something positive about the Department or its employees. This is a nine percentage point increase compared to 2021, 32%. Survey participation has increased by 64% since the first survey in 2019, so comparisons are made by percentage to judge sentiment accurately. Traffic-related complaints were the number one concern for survey takers in 2023 and 2021. Nearly 23%, 91 people, of survey takers had concerns about traffic in the Town of Parker. This represents a four percentage point increase in people citing traffic issues as their top concern, 19% in 2021 vs. 23% in 2023. Speeding was the top concern among those citing traffic as an area for improvement (51 people), followed by red light/stop sign running (28) and general increased enforcement requests (26).
Most Frequent Comments Department Praise Traffic Complaints (see below) Increased Visibility (see below) General Complaint Hire More Officers Homelessness Great Communications Theft from Motor Vehicle Increased Officer Engagement Vehicle Thefts
101 91 27 15 10 7 6 5 4 4
The second leading concern for survey takers was increased officer visibility. Neighborhoods (8) and business parking lots (6) were the top two locations mentioned by the 27 people (7%) who requested increased officer visibility throughout the community. A detailed breakdown of traffic complaints and increased visibility request locations are provided below. Some people left comments about multiple subjects, so their comments were counted in more than one category.
Specific Traffic Complaints Speeding Red Lights/Stop Signs Increased Enforcement Aggressive/Reckless Expired Plates School Zones
51 28 26 13 7 4
Increased Visibility Request Locations Neighborhoods 8 Business Parking Lots 6 Downtown 3 Car Theft & TFMV 3
2023 Parker Police Department Citizen Survey
Q11 What suggestions and recommendations do you have to improve the Compliments and Feedback Parker Police Department; in other words; what are we doing well and what can we do better? Answered: 247
Skipped: 156
Thank you for protecting our community
11/29/2023 10:45 PM
Very polite, nice, caring, intelligent
11/26/2023 10:20 PM
They do a great job I enjoy seeing the parker police around
11/24/2023 7:31 PM
We moved here last year from Southern California and are very impressed with the professional job your entire department and staff do to protect our community.
11/23/2023 10:45 PM
More presence will be needed with the additional apartments going in near downtown!
11/23/2023 11:04 AM
Stop more speeding vehicles! People drive like their qualifying for a Nascar race everywhere! Can't catch em all, but a presence at problem areas may slow them down!
11/22/2023 5:28 PM
The more frequent traffic patrols and education are great! It would be nice to see more frequent patrols through neighborhoods as the crime rate has increased.
11/22/2023 5:05 PM
I can only imagine what the Parker Police have to deal with. I’m thankful for all the hard work!!
11/22/2023 3:03 PM
Pushing to get through intersection as light turning red with two-three cars following behind us a real problem in the mornings. I am often forced to go through/turn left on red in mornings or be rear-ended. (primary places I see it: Motsenbocker to Hess (west), Hess at Jordan, Hess at Chambers, Chambers onto Hess). There also needs to be something done about the amount of cars turning north onto Chambers from Hess (driving west) with single right turn lane. So very backed up. Also instructions on how to ZIP together at merge point (Motsenbocker Rd north). Obviously Parker Road has historically been a problem but the increased efforts are making noticeable difference. Years ago there was a policeman in middle area of Hess Rd (just west of divided area west of motsenbocker) standing in the doorway of his police car with radar and visibly indicating cars if they needed to slow down. I thought/think this was an exceptional way to send the message and reach multiple cars versus pulling one car over and spending the time with one driver. I recall giving the policeman a thumbs up and smile. Wish there was more of this, understand it is time and personnel available but it did make a notable difference for weeks after. Appreciate police completing paperwork while parked in school parker lots (North Star and Lutheran particularly ) Appreciate the response and handling of bullets being found on Lutheran School Property.
11/22/2023 12:04 PM
There are too many vehicles with expired tags, red light runners and excessive speed on our streets.
11/22/2023 10:52 AM
Be less racist; NO more unnecessary force
11/22/2023 9:52 AM
I have no complaints. My interactions are very minimal but I see your presence in town and neighborhood and haven been very satisfied with what I have seen. Great job!
11/22/2023 6:42 AM
The homeless on the trails and in cars are becoming a problem and our teen adult and youth adult daughters do not feel safe. There is a homeless male who drinks alcohol on the trail that I’ve seen myself and signs of fires under the bridges. This year alone, the bathrooms on the south side of O’Brien Park Pool have been unusable due to trash, needles and vandals. I feel that the trails and parks are not safe and are neglected by the police department. When I looked at the PIT count reports from Douglas County, it appears Parker PD is falling short on dealing with the homeless living on the streets or in cars (like the park I lot of Planet Fitness). I dropped my membership there after being approached in the darkness by aggressive panhandlers. There is a problem being ignored that is going to grow out of control. Get your cops out of cars and on the trails and in the parks when calls / staffing allows, please. Respectfully, Mark
11/21/2023 9:59 PM
1 / 13
Compliments and Feedback (cont.) 2023 Parker Police Department Citizen Survey 14
I appreciate what you do and you do it well. Thank you.
11/21/2023 9:00 PM
If a fire truck trainee pulls into traffic creates an accident, admits fault dont ticket civilian for rear ending the guy who had to make evasive maneuvers to avoid the fire truck because “ well somebody has to get a ticket because I’m here. “
11/21/2023 5:16 PM
Good job at protecting. Need to work on when lights are off making sure to follow the rules of the road
11/21/2023 2:27 PM
I love PPD-think they do a great job. There’s just a lot of work for them since Parker is growing.
11/21/2023 11:00 AM
More cops on the streets. Make sovial posts about "busts" instead of the generic posts that keep getting recycled.
11/21/2023 10:57 AM
More visability
11/21/2023 9:13 AM
More presence in the community and more traffic enforcement. I see red light runners, stop sign rollers and aggressive drivers on a daily basis.
11/21/2023 8:27 AM
More officers
11/21/2023 8:12 AM
Please have more of a presence around town. I never see police cars monitoring the town or neighborhoods. And please stop the illegal red light rolling through at intersections. This is a problem in Parker where people break the law and roll through red lights when turning right. It happens in front of the Parker Library consistently on a daily basis and I never see Parker Police ticketing these law breakers. Also would it kill you to have your police officers get out of their cars and walk the downtown saying hello and being friendly. Engage the community more and be approachable.
11/21/2023 7:30 AM
Not sure what to make better, but we need to stop the red light runners. My tean is driving and every day I see many people running solid red lights.
11/21/2023 6:36 AM
Hire more officers; pull over all who are breaking laws - speeding, weaving in and out, expired tags, patrol all school zones. Put together group to ticket those that park in handicap zones (task force, non-LE); put together task force to ticket expired plates on vehicles parked in apt. parking lots, stores, on the street (non-LE). Stay safe, go home to your families
11/21/2023 6:27 AM
Aggressively police aggressive driving.
11/21/2023 6:26 AM
Working with little kids is good, Community outreach with teens could be better
11/21/2023 6:24 AM
Would love to see mor units patrolling throughout the day and night.
11/21/2023 12:44 AM
The PPD is doing well with community outreach programs and events. The communication is terrific! Most importantly, you try to make the town safe. An improvement would be to hire more police officers to keep up with the increased volume of residents. Overall crime has raised by 97% this past year!!! Recommendations for Neighborhood Watch programs, recommending security equipment, and reporting on suspicious activity should be educated to the community. Also, I feel as though very oversized unfiltered Social Media Groups/Pages i.e. Free in Parker, should be encouraged to be selective on whom can become a member, and reminders of safety concerns and tips. In my opinion, people doing a “Porch Pickup” could be a potential thieve. We need to start supporting one another to keep our community safe. Much♥
11/21/2023 12:23 AM
Have more officers doing speed checks on Parker Road because everyone treats Parker Road as a Racetrack after Hilltop Road and Twenty Mile
11/20/2023 11:24 PM
Crime/call stats posted weekly on social media
11/20/2023 11:13 PM 13
When the RP reports the officer should respond in a timely manner.
11/20/2023 10:51 PM
The PPD is doing well with community outreach programs and events. The communication is terrific! Most importantly, you try to make the town safe. An improvement would be to hire more police officers to keep up with the increased volume of residents. Overall crime has raised by 97% this past year!!! Recommendations for Neighborhood Watch programs, recommending security equipment, and reporting on suspicious activity should be educated to the community. Also, I feel as though very oversized unfiltered Social Media Groups/Pages i.e. Free in Parker, should be encouraged to be selective on whom can become a member, and reminders of safety concerns and tips. In my opinion, people doing a “Porch Pickup” could be a potential thieve. We need to start supporting one another to keep our community safe. Much♥
11/21/2023 12:23 AM
Have more officers doing speed checks on Parker Road because everyone treats Parker Road as a Racetrack after Hilltop Road and Twenty Mile
11/20/2023 11:24 PM
Crime/call stats posted weekly on social media
11/20/2023 11:13 PM
When the RP reports the officer should respond in a timely manner.
11/20/2023 10:51 PM
Continued presence to control speed on Parker Road, Hill Top, Club Drive, Hess. Excellent engagement with the community, dispatchers are friendly, competent, and helpful. Officers with whom I‘ve had contact are always professional.
11/20/2023 10:04 PM
11/20/2023 8:24 PM
Enforce the speed limits and overall disregard for Department following the rules of the Survey road 2023 Parker Police Citizen
11/20/2023 7:50 PM
Really appreciate when you treat everyone with dignity and respect (ie drug overdoses). Can improve by helping us get a stop light at Scott/Parker roads? :)
11/20/2023 7:37 PM
Overall, crime had gone up in Parker since I moved here in 1996. Since the Pandemic and the lack of support from State Government for Law Enforcement in Colorado Parker Police have weathered the storm. Laws, policies, and procedures changing to anti-Law Enforcement paths had made Police Officers' jobs near impossible. Traffic is a nightmare in Parker and it isn't due to the Police Department. Lack of road planning for growth is the main culprit. It is not as safe here due to the minimization of stolen vehicle theft as a crime. Criminals now have transportation from the inner cities to Parker and wealthier areas are definitely target by criminals. Parker Police are exceptional in their professionalism and work ethic. The increase in crime in Parker is from outside the department's realm of responsibility. Reckless driving in Parker is out of control. Targets the bad drivers can help people obey traffic laws. Thanks for all you do to keep us safe against insurmountable odds.t.
11/20/2023 7:22 PM
enforce and ticket expired plates
11/20/2023 6:53 PM
Keep fighting the good fight
11/20/2023 6:30 PM
Issue more traffic tickets and fewer warnings. Speed in Parker is off the hook. Patrol high schools at lunches. Kids are driving way too reckless and fast all while texting. Start patrolling city parks after dark and knocking on windows of cars with people sitting in them. Drug and alcohol use in cars in city parks after dark is a problem. If you need more proof talk to the Parks department that picks up the trash in the morning. your officers need to get out of their cars and walk more to see what’s happing in Parker.
11/20/2023 6:19 PM
Better traffic enforcement. Every other category is phenomenal
11/20/2023 6:12 PM
Nothing I can think of.
11/20/2023 5:07 PM
More traffic stops.
11/20/2023 3:56 PM
My bike was recently stolen from my apartment, I filed a complaint with Parker police but no action has been taken. I feel terrible as it was my brand new bike and I have video evidence as well for the theft
11/20/2023 3:51 PM
Less PR more investigative work.
11/20/2023 3:04 PM
I believe the school zones need to be monitored more for speeding and reckless drivers!
11/20/2023 2:17 PM
Be safe!
11/20/2023 2:11 PM
Control everyone running red lights. Always worrisome.
11/20/2023 2:02 PM
Not your responsibility but I wish drivers would start following traffic rules like speed limits and traffic signals.
11/20/2023 1:55 PM
You all are awesome!!
11/20/2023 1:51 PM
Please stop people from parking in the “no parking” zone at pioneer elementary. There are 2 cars that park there every school day & block the crosswalk. It’s the area beside where the buses leave.
11/20/2023 1:45 PM
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
2 / 13
My bike was recently stolen from my apartment, I filed a complaint with Parker police but no action has been taken. I feel terrible as it was my brand new bike and I have video evidence as well for the theft
11/20/2023 3:51 PM
Less PR more investigative work.
11/20/2023 3:04 PM
I believe the school zones need to be monitored more for speeding and reckless drivers!
11/20/2023 2:17 PM
Be safe!
11/20/2023 2:11 PM
Control everyone running red lights. Always worrisome.
11/20/2023 2:02 PM
Not your responsibility but I wish drivers would start following traffic rules like speed limits and traffic signals.
11/20/2023 1:55 PM
You all are awesome!!
11/20/2023 1:51 PM
Please stop people from parking in the “no parking” zone at pioneer elementary. There are 2 cars that park there every school day & block the crosswalk. It’s the area beside where the buses leave.
11/20/2023 1:45 PM
If possible a stronger presence in retail parking lots just driving through more frequently would be reassuring
11/20/2023 1:38 PM
Great transparency, could use more speeding enforcement on Parker road
11/20/2023 1:33 PM
keep doing what you are doing
11/20/2023 1:32 PM
Hiring more officers would of course be great. I realize this means more budgetary support. I've watched officers work alongide EMTs to calm a person in a mental health crisis and convince them to get into the ambulance, and go for treatment. That kind of training for them is essential. I think our PPD does the best job they can. Thank you.
11/20/2023 1:24 PM
My biggest problem is out of your jurisdiction. I live in the Pinery and have to drive that no man's land before Stroh rd. where people think it's ok to go 80mph.
11/20/2023 1:14 PM
Keep up the community outreach and education! You're officers and staff are phenomenal. Showcase the continued education officers are doing soSurvey residents 2023 Parker Police these Department Citizen understand the level of commitment they have to their jobs.
11/20/2023 12:49 PM
Need to crack down on red light runners. Also need to patrol in Stroh because I’m scared to drive thru there past the section 8 apartment complex 3 / went 13 in. It’s ghetto as fuck now.
11/20/2023 12:45 PM
Red/yellow light traffic enforcement on Parker Road. Some intersections are like a war zone.
11/20/2023 12:42 PM
To deter crime in the parking lots on Parker Road, park worn out police cars in the parking lots. Move them around occasionally. Creating the impression that Parker is very highly policed will deter crime. Also, in the Christmas season, publicize that you are creating package theft sting operations. Get it on the news. More police visibility equals less crime.
11/20/2023 12:42 PM
Personal expetience of an incident where a neighbor shot out our window. The events leading to that moment were plenty. After speaking with us parker pd went to talk to the neighbor & he didnt answer. Parker pd left it at that, while a psycho raomed around his backyard w/a gun. Very poorly handled situation.
11/20/2023 11:57 AM
Keep being awesome
11/20/2023 11:53 AM
i think we need help with red light runners.
11/20/2023 11:49 AM
I'm impressed when I hear about investigations they complete to get the bad guys. But I don't understand how people can speed through Parker so much on Mainstreet, Canterberry Pkwy, Hess, Twenty Mile Rd, and Jordan. It's rare when people respect the speed limit. I always go about 8mph over the limit and people always pass me going maybe 15mph over, or more. Why aren't people getting more tickets for speeding?
11/20/2023 11:46 AM
Rarely seen patrolling neighborhoods and retail areas. Dog off lease laws not enforced and people speeding
11/20/2023 11:44 AM
11/20/2023 11:41 AM
I know the police department is extremly busy, but excessive speeding to be problematic on certain streets and lacking traffic patrols. I routinely find people doing 50-55 on Jordan, and getting tailgated for trying to maintain proper speeds.
11/20/2023 11:36 AM
Traffic enforcement: maintaining lane throughout an intersection. Also, the aggressive driving is out of hand. Traffic enforcement please.
11/20/2023 11:35 AM
Keep up the great work! I wish the PD & FD were more invoked with youth athletics though like our old hometown. Plus criminals may think twice about breaking into people cars while at a
11/20/2023 11:35 AM
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
understand how people can speed through Parker so much on Mainstreet, Canterberry Pkwy, Hess, Twenty Mile Rd, and Jordan. It's rare when people respect the speed limit. I always go about 8mph over the limit and people always pass me going maybe 15mph over, or more. Why aren't people getting more tickets for speeding? 64
Rarely seen patrolling neighborhoods and retail areas. Dog off lease laws not enforced and people speeding
11/20/2023 11:44 AM
11/20/2023 11:41 AM
I know the police department is extremly busy, but excessive speeding to be problematic on certain streets and lacking traffic patrols. I routinely find people doing 50-55 on Jordan, and getting tailgated for trying to maintain proper speeds.
11/20/2023 11:36 AM
Traffic enforcement: maintaining lane throughout an intersection. Also, the aggressive driving is out of hand. Traffic enforcement please.
11/20/2023 11:35 AM
Keep up the great work! I wish the PD & FD were more invoked with youth athletics though like our old hometown. Plus criminals may think twice about breaking into people cars while at a baseball tournament if they saw police cruise the parking areas. But keep up the good work and please be safe out there! God Bless you All
11/20/2023 11:35 AM
Love the communication with the public and also addressing comments in posts. I think this builds the connection and allows for more interaction and engagement with civilians
11/20/2023 11:34 AM
Focus professionalism and practicing neutrality.
11/20/2023 11:30 AM
Maybe more visibility. Example a fleet plan
11/20/2023 11:27 AM
You all have been amazing.
11/20/2023 11:26 AM
Traffic Control. With all the new cars in Parker, it has become very crowded on the roads at times. Many traffic violations (speeding, tailgating, road rage) are happening more often.
11/20/2023 11:23 AM
When a caller is a Dispatcher for another agency and they have informed your Dispatcher of that, they should respond better. Just let the caller speak, I promise we'll give you everything you need for response and officer safety.
11/20/2023 11:19 AM
keep doing what your doing & keep improving
11/20/2023 11:18 AM
Tell City Council to approve pay increases across the board. Chief is the best. Pay accordingly.
11/20/2023 11:15 AM
I would like to see more bike patrols on the walking trails (CCT, Sulfur Gulch, Tallman, etc) to reduce speeding bikers, untethered dogs.
11/20/2023 11:14 AM
Driving on Parker Rd is like the Indy 500 Police Department Citizen Survey 2023 Parker
11/20/2023 11:12 AM
Every interaction I have had with PPD has been positive. off. Also, when someone reports a DUID, stop the car! There was enough PC to do so, yet you You can respond callsfrustrating! and make contact instead of just driving by the situation and driving guys drove on by.toVery
11/20/2023 11:10 AM
If the budget would allow, more patrols in residential neighborhoods to help curb the car break ins. 4 / 13
11/17/2023 12:13 PM
I'm extremely concerned about the number of drivers running red lights & speeding. There is a need to visibly have more police presence & a real crack down on people who refuse to obey traffic laws. What about installing red light cameras again? Also, I'm sick of the expired tags on cars. I like the broken windows approach. When people are allowed to constantly run red lights & stop signs, race through the streets, & drive unlicensed cars, it leads to bigger problems. As it is now, I have yet to drive anywhere here & not witness traffic violations. It's no wonder there are so many accidents.
11/16/2023 8:09 AM
Speeding and red light running is pretty bad. Traffic enforcement and regular neighborhood patrols would be great.
11/15/2023 7:27 AM
Traffic infractions are a nightmare. People seem to have no regard for speed limits or traffic laws. Accidents seem to be increasing. Please increase traffic patrols to deal with this issue. I am scared every day by the way people drive in Parker. Thank you.
11/8/2023 7:06 AM
They are doing an excellent job, keep up the great work!! Thank you
11/7/2023 5:33 AM
“Coffee with cops” is a good community outreach. I like the police updates on Next Door. I feel very safe in Parker. Request more focus on speeding.
11/6/2023 7:04 AM
Pay attention to violators with speeders not getting caught, expired plates, and people illegally parked in handicapped parking
11/5/2023 1:34 AM
Use our tax money better and stop harassing kids when their are real criminals to be caught.
11/4/2023 9:48 AM
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
11/20/2023 11:06 AM
problems. As it is now, I have yet to drive anywhere here & not witness traffic violations. It's no wonder there are so many accidents. 83
Speeding and red light running is pretty bad. Traffic enforcement and regular neighborhood patrols would be great.
11/15/2023 7:27 AM
Traffic infractions are a nightmare. People seem to have no regard for speed limits or traffic laws. Accidents seem to be increasing. Please increase traffic patrols to deal with this issue. I am scared every day by the way people drive in Parker. Thank you.
11/8/2023 7:06 AM
They are doing an excellent job, keep up the great work!! Thank you
11/7/2023 5:33 AM
“Coffee with cops” is a good community outreach. I like the police updates on Next Door. I feel very safe in Parker. Request more focus on speeding.
11/6/2023 7:04 AM
Pay attention to violators with speeders not getting caught, expired plates, and people illegally parked in handicapped parking
11/5/2023 1:34 AM
Use our tax money better and stop harassing kids when their are real criminals to be caught.
11/4/2023 9:48 AM
What you can do better is have a unit specifically to catch and fine speeders, especially on South Parker Road; it's a death trap.
11/4/2023 9:34 AM
Continued traffic patrol on Parker Road. Community Safety Volunteer program like DCSO.
11/4/2023 5:04 AM
Have graves B do more public service videos - they are amazing
11/4/2023 3:30 AM
Biggest issue I've seen is speeding. Parker road and the cottonwood area
11/3/2023 9:29 PM
More early morning patrols to prevent car thefts and breakins.
11/3/2023 9:14 PM
Keep speeders in line, red light runners
11/3/2023 7:55 PM
I appreciate each and everyone of the officers! They have a very difficult job that takes lots of patience and strength! I frankly thank you so much for you and your dedication to your job! We won’t have security in safety if it weren’t for them! May Lord protect and keep you safe!
11/3/2023 7:45 PM
MORE TRAFFIC PATROL!! These drivers are out of control
11/3/2023 7:23 PM
Can't think of anything. Thank you.
11/3/2023 6:09 PM
I grew up in a family of police officers. I understand the strain and pressure officers face. My concern is how the car thefts how dramatically increased in my neighborhood of Stroh Ranch and in Parker in general. My neighbor (we’re in a culdesac) had their car stolen out of their garage in broad daylight.
11/3/2023 4:36 PM
Need to do more speed enforcement
11/3/2023 3:20 PM
None. Great job!!!
11/3/2023 3:09 PM
I've called the non-emergency line. Parker police are professional and friendly. I'm not sure I would recommend changing anything.
11/3/2023 3:01 PM
Less restrictions on Officers - the ones I've met have all been fantastic but seem to be hamstrung in what the can/can't do. E.G. - the hit and run at Parker/Lincoln a couple months back that started as a theft at Walmart, and ultimately resulted in the death of a man. It was reported that the police had to give up chase prior to the accident happening because of dept. protocols. I have the utmost respect for PPD and think they do an incredible job. But I'd really like to see them getting the reigns loosened so they can do what they're trained to do (and are 2023 Parker Police Department Citizen Survey very good at).
11/3/2023 1:56 PM
We would like to see more patrols throughout neighborhoods. We believe everyone is trying 5 / 13those crimes. Bless all who puts their best to fight crime and prosecute those that commit themselves in harm’s way.
11/3/2023 1:50 PM
Parker PD needs more boots on the ground. The traffic laws are not being enforced. The drivers here are some of the worst in the nation. I very rarely see a police car out and about. There is not a day goes by that when I am out driving someone runs a red light. The roads here in Parker are extremely dangerous.
11/3/2023 12:42 PM
Urgent need to reduce nightly street racing, red light runners, and speeding.
11/3/2023 10:55 AM
Enforce "Left Turn Only" signs.
11/3/2023 9:44 AM
They came when our ADT went off and ckd our property. Also when one of the neighbors had an unusual number of cars coming and going they ckd it out. I went to the recent meet the police and Douglas County sheriff. I appreciated hearing from them. Makes me feel safe.
11/3/2023 9:23 AM
All my experiences with the PPD have been very positive and my only suggestion is to continue to hire and train officers to keep up with fast pace of growth in our community.
11/3/2023 9:23 AM
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
We would like to see more patrols throughout neighborhoods. We believe everyone is trying their best to fight crime and prosecute those that commit those crimes. Bless all who puts themselves in harm’s way.
11/3/2023 1:50 PM
Parker PD needs more boots on the ground. The traffic laws are not being enforced. The drivers here are some of the worst in the nation. I very rarely see a police car out and about. There is not a day goes by that when I am out driving someone runs a red light. The roads here in Parker are extremely dangerous.
11/3/2023 12:42 PM
Urgent need to reduce nightly street racing, red light runners, and speeding.
11/3/2023 10:55 AM
Enforce "Left Turn Only" signs.
11/3/2023 9:44 AM
They came when our ADT went off and ckd our property. Also when one of the neighbors had an unusual number of cars coming and going they ckd it out. I went to the recent meet the police and Douglas County sheriff. I appreciated hearing from them. Makes me feel safe.
11/3/2023 9:23 AM
All my experiences with the PPD have been very positive and my only suggestion is to continue to hire and train officers to keep up with fast pace of growth in our community.
11/3/2023 9:23 AM
We need to increase neighborhood patrols for vehicle theft and breaki ins maybe set up stings also do not allow any homeless people to camp or sleep in public
11/3/2023 9:20 AM
I appreciate all that the officers do to keep us safe. I have a new development near my subdivision (Village on the Green) and have noticed more police activity. I do worry about increased crime. I am also concerned about the increasing traffic accidents and would appreciate more enforcement of the speeding people. We have upmost respect for the force we Back the Blue, thank you!
11/3/2023 8:59 AM
Hire more police officers!! Pull people over for reckless speeding. Proactively pursue crime instead of waiting for crime to happen before action is taken. Our town is out of control because there are no legal consequences.
11/3/2023 7:54 AM
Perception is that Parker police is not their to protect and serve but to bully and intimidate. Change that!
11/3/2023 7:07 AM
Control speed on Parker Road. Increase visibility of Parker Police Department. Most complaints I hear is people don’t recognize what Parker PD is doing. I feel more visibility would promote a decrease in crime, better driving and improve the image of PPD overall.
11/3/2023 6:14 AM
Nothing I can think of. No news is good news, right?!
11/2/2023 10:13 PM
take care of the people living in the cars and vans in the Planet Fitness Hobby Lobby parking lot. plus the homeless walking the trails by the Pace Center and behind Rowley downs
11/2/2023 9:40 PM
Try to slow down traffic in residential street lots of speeding in Dove Village
11/2/2023 8:23 PM
Police speeders and dangerous drivers.
11/2/2023 7:48 PM
I wish I saw the Police Dept more visible in the community. I hardly see them at all when I am travelling in the community.
11/2/2023 7:46 PM
Start patrolling the streets more and put a stop to the theft happening on a daily basis.
11/2/2023 7:29 PM
The PPD has an outstanding level of professionalism and obvious care for the community they serve.
11/2/2023 7:01 PM
Please deal with the bomb threats and I would like more security at schools and close to stores. I wish you would get paid more because your jobs are very dangerous.
11/2/2023 6:57 PM
I’ve never had any interaction with the Parker Police - I just don’t know if I have anything to add
11/2/2023 6:36 PM
Listen to the damn traffic map you want suggestions on
11/2/2023 6:24 PM
Do more traffic enforcement. Speeding and red light running is out of control
11/2/2023 6:10 PM
Advertise your successes. Keep public informed of crime issues. I believe strict traffic Parker Police Department Citizen Survey the image of Parker being a no crime zone enforcement will help with2023
11/2/2023 6:08 PM
Overall, experience has and beenMainstreet very limited, been good. betweenmy Canterberry Pkwy duebut to that draglimited racing.interaction It's pretty has consistent in theI would to request more police presence between the hours of 2a.m.-4a.m. on E Main street warm like weather evenings.
11/1/2023 3:38 PM
I have never felt Parker PD is just looking to generate revenue. I hate leaving my pickup 6 / 13 unattended anywhere after I had one stolen in 40 seconds in Lakewood. In Parker I have no worries about it.
11/1/2023 2:16 PM
I love seeing the increased traffic enforcement. Would like to see some additional officers clocking traffic on Newlin Gulch Blvd as people fly down that road, even near LHS, to save time going from Hess to Mainstreet. Would love to see fewer red light runners - I always tell
11/1/2023 2:07 PM
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
2023 Parker Police Department Citizen Survey
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
between Canterberry Pkwy and Mainstreet due to drag racing. It's pretty consistent in the warm weather evenings. 127
I have never felt Parker PD is just looking to generate revenue. I hate leaving my pickup unattended anywhere after I had one stolen in 40 seconds in Lakewood. In Parker I have no worries about it.
11/1/2023 2:16 PM
I love seeing the increased traffic enforcement. Would like to see some additional officers clocking traffic on Newlin Gulch Blvd as people fly down that road, even near LHS, to save time going from Hess to Mainstreet. Would love to see fewer red light runners - I always tell guests and my kids to be careful at lights because people are driving fast and are not afraid to run the light. The one time I called a dispatcher to investigate a sketchy person in my neighborhood, PPD came quickly (and in force!) and handled the situation really well. I follow your Instagram and Twitter feeds and love to see you getting on top of crime! Keep making my city safe :)
11/1/2023 2:07 PM
I'm so impressed with our police officers! In our personal experiences and watching a difficult encounter with past residents of our neighborhood, officers have been professional yet kind, calm but firm, and a real asset to our community. What great people! I'm so grateful for such a positive presence here in Parker. Thank you for all you do!
11/1/2023 12:14 PM
I am concerned about traffic, especially people who don’t feel the laws apply to them. I am 66 years old and have had some close calls. I am a defensive driver and have also been lucky. I lost a 30 year old son, who was a pedestrian in another county. It has devastated our family and I don’t want any other family to have to go through this pain. Anything you can do to keep our roads safer would be appreciated. We are willing to pay more in taxes to pay for more patrol cars and officers. Thanks for all you do. Be safe!
10/30/2023 10:39 PM
More speeding tickets, and aggressive driving tickets. My granddaughter does the speed limit and is constantly getting flipped off and brake checked. Also crosswalks, I’ve been almost hit several times. Where I use to live they would conduct crosswalk enforcement using a deputy in regular clothes crossing and have motorcycle cops go after those that did not stop. Also shoplifting is out of control, we see it right in front of us, people just walking right out without paying. We do have a little homeless, one guy lives under the bridge at Parker and main, but he doesn’t seem to bother anybody but a lot of kids do walk or bike the path.
10/30/2023 6:21 PM
I would like to see the police crack down on traffic violations in Parker. Every day I’m on the streets of Parker I see people running red lights at intersections and speeding 10-15 mph over the speed limit. Drives are seen driving down the road on their phone texting while driving. Chambers Road from Lincoln to Hess has turned into a drag strip and I never see speeders picked up. Drivers consistently run through the stop lights on Chambers.
10/29/2023 2:27 PM
Traffic safety is a major concern. My family avoids Parker Road and adjacent streets because we feel so unsafe. We would support any investments or initiatives to increase patrolling and police presence on our roads. We’ve been hit twice in our vehicle with our young children in the vehicle. PLEASE do something to keep families safer on our local streets!
10/29/2023 10:34 AM
Doing well overall, but I would like more enforcement of the 15mph speed limit on the paved WALKING trails that meander thru Parker. I was also wondering is it "leagal" to ride electric bycycles on the paved/concrete walking trails around the area? I believe there are signs stating "no motorized vehicles" on the walking trails, does this include electric moterized vehicles? There have been MANY riders of electric bicycles disregarding both excessive speeds and reckless behaviors consistantly hauling ass!
10/29/2023 10:15 AM
Speed along Chamber Rd between Hess Rd and Mainstreet is ridiculously fast. Rarely have seen a police presence to slow down the traffic.
10/29/2023 9:25 AM
Keep up the great work. I would recommend you update your survey questions to reflect there are those of use that live in Parker but are covered by DCSD since we are in unincorporated Parker (Pradera, Pinery)
10/27/2023 3:31 AM
YpoI was able to get myself in and he stopped me halfway though to tel me he’ll finish it but there not crime. Hahahahahahahhahagahshvdvh h g y r
10/27/2023 1:27 AM
Manage crime downtown
10/23/2023 3:11 AM
Traffic issues are getting worse. I avoid Parker Rd unless I have no other alternative. I have
10/22/2023 10:30 AM
Doing well overall, but I would like more enforcement of the 15mph speed limit on the paved WALKING trails that meander thru Parker. I was also wondering is it "leagal" to ride electric bycycles on the paved/concrete walking trails around the area? I believe there are signs stating "no motorized vehicles" on the walking trails, does this include electric moterized vehicles? There have been MANY riders of electric bicycles disregarding both excessive speeds and reckless behaviors consistantly hauling ass!
Speed along Chamber Rd between Hess Rd and Mainstreet is ridiculously fast. Rarely have seen a police presence to slow down the traffic.
10/29/2023 9:25 AM
Keep up the great work. I would recommend you update your survey questions to reflect there are those of use that live in Parker but are covered by DCSD since we are in unincorporated Parker (Pradera, Pinery)
10/27/2023 3:31 AM
YpoI was able to get myself in and he stopped me halfway though to tel me he’ll finish it but there not crime. Hahahahahahahhahagahshvdvh h g y r
10/27/2023 1:27 AM
Manage crime downtown
10/23/2023 3:11 AM
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
PoliceRdDepartment Citizen Survey I have Traffic issues are getting 2023 worse. Parker I avoid Parker unless I have no other alternative. lived off Jordan in Cottonwood Meadows since 1998 and Jordan Rd is going to be just as bad unless the speeding, running red lights and other traffic violations are clamped down on NOW.
10/29/2023 10:15 AM
10/22/2023 10:30 AM
I have lived here forb36 years and our Parker Police has always been top notch! I think drivers / 13always feel safe driving. So many follow the culture and the culture is out of control. I 7don't people drive through solid red lights. Its a daily occurrence at each intersection. I dont know how you can address and in force it other than having a cop at each intersection. I know there is a lot of crime in Parker but our police does a fantastic job managing it for us. Sincerely I Thank you.
10/19/2023 7:15 AM
Overall, I have the highest respect for the Parker Police Department. I've only had a few engagements with them since moving to Parker in 2005, but each experience was very positive, even that traffic ticket! My only suggestion is to keep vigilant and keep staffing, presence and patrolling at the appropriate level, while Parker's population continues to grow. Since I don't do social media, I appreciate the email communications that I receive and would also be open to direct text messages. The website is very helpful and informative. If I have any concerns it's over traffic, speeding and vehicle noise which has risen considerably. Keep up the good work - I'm glad you're here!.
10/16/2023 11:12 AM
The Parker Police Department conducts itself in a professional manner and hires excellent officers. More visible patrol is needed. I think with technology advancements less actual patrol is conducted. I know that there have been times where there is a shortage of officers. In my opinion this is the time they should be out and about even more to deter crime by the utmost visibility. The use of online reporting by crime victims should be reduced. Issue more traffic tickets. The visibility of officers writing tickets increases deterrence. People running red lights in the line of sight of marked patrol cars should be contacted and ticketed. It is infuriating to see these red light runners get away with this serious traffic violation. Only to cause destruction, injury and sometimes death. Summons should be used for every blatant red light runner. My suggestion City Attorney should not give any leniency on points/fines for blatant red light runners until this behavior has been greatly diminished in Parker Colorado. Also, the age to get a full driver's license should be 18 especially with the number of 15 to 19 year old traffic crashes and deaths.
10/15/2023 11:37 PM
Try getting speeders under control. And running red lights continues being a severe problem on Parker Road.
10/13/2023 8:23 PM
Car break-ins and theft in Parker has gotten SCARY. Shootings, bomb threats, etc. Criminals caught need to be punished--a message sent that CRIME is not tolerated in Parker!!
10/13/2023 7:51 PM
Put up a wall between Parker & Aurora.
10/13/2023 4:43 PM
Hire more patrol officers to make rounds through neighborhoods. Most of the crime seems like drive through from Aurora.
10/13/2023 3:43 PM
up to the minute info
10/13/2023 1:51 PM
I wish you had a stronger pursuit policy.
10/13/2023 11:20 AM
You all are awesome and we appreciate all you do! Don’t let jerks discourage you when so many of us support you!
10/13/2023 9:10 AM
Community envolvment
10/13/2023 7:52 AM
They are very good and professional...please keep growing to match the growth of the community.
10/13/2023 7:30 AM
10/13/2023 5:08 AM
Put up a wall between Parker & Aurora.
10/13/2023 4:43 PM
Hire more patrol officers to make rounds through neighborhoods. Most of the crime seems like drive through from Aurora.
10/13/2023 3:43 PM
up to the minute info
10/13/2023 1:51 PM
I wish you had a stronger pursuit policy.
10/13/2023 11:20 AM
You all are awesome and we appreciate all you do! Don’t let jerks discourage you when so many of us support you!
10/13/2023 9:10 AM
Community envolvment
10/13/2023 7:52 AM
They are very good and professional...please keep growing to match the growth of the community.
10/13/2023 7:30 AM
10/13/2023 5:08 AM
Overall great job, thank you! Suggestions for improvement: Add some type of public information for calls like PulsePoint that the Fire department uses. We want to know what’s going on and that won’t change. Add cameras at intersections to help catch criminals. Somehow help reduce homeless. Change no chase rules for felons. We want you to catch them. Thanks again, great job.
10/12/2023 9:38 PM
Patrol the Cottonwood neighborhoods more often
10/12/2023 9:16 PM
More traffic patrols on Parker Road. More speed monitoring. More police presence in traffic flow on Parker Road. Too many speeders/street racers all times of day.too many distracted 2023 Parker Department Citizen drivers and red light runners. Parker RoadPolice is dangerous. Auto thefts are all Survey too common. No neighborhood is immune to auto theft crimes. The criminals are armed and dangerous. Would like more communication from Parker Police on the plans to address traffic safety on Parker Road and how auto thefts are being reduced. I think the police could do a better job engaging with Parker citizens in day to day outreach and public 8 / relations. 13
10/12/2023 8:29 PM
I would fire the cops. No one likes cops.
10/12/2023 7:05 PM
I would like to see an increase of patrol officers monitoring the speed on the roads.
10/12/2023 6:39 PM
I think PPD is awesome and stand behind all local, county and state law enforcement.
10/12/2023 6:20 PM
There are often public events at which you are visible, as well as at the schools, and that's great! I would find comfort in a stronger police presence in neighborhoods to help deter the auto theft that are growing rampant.
10/12/2023 6:12 PM
I think there needs to be more training on dealing with disabilities, especially mental disabilities
10/12/2023 6:09 PM
I think the only issue that my family faces is the traffic. From people driving wreckless, speeding in school zone and other behaviors that don't belong behind a wheel. We'd like to see more traffic enforcement on Hilltop road by Iron Horse Elementary. Other than that never ending issue, we think the department is doing a great job.
10/12/2023 5:58 PM
Faster updates. More officers on streets.
10/12/2023 5:49 PM
I have only one complaint. I reported a littering incident I personally observed and reported. I was instructed that the Department was swamped and would not follow through with the complaint...even though I had the license plate, vehicle description and was a willing affiant. I find it hard to believe that there was no time to track this vehicle down and issue a citation, even if in Castle Rock, as I was informed. I posted this on NextDoor and had over 120 responses that decried the lack of follow through. I did not persue any further. Other contact with the Department have been very favorable ... even when stopped for a speeding ticket. The Officer was excellent (Rosecrans). Unfortunately, I WAS speeding. Thank you for asking citizen input.
10/12/2023 5:47 PM
All my interactions with the Parker police department have been very positive. They also did a great job when we needed some help with an intervention with a mental health issue with a family member.
10/12/2023 5:41 PM
Bring back the Cops and Bobbers for the kids:) I'd also like to see the women's self defense classes resume. Other than that, keep up the great work!
10/12/2023 5:39 PM
Exchange driving with traffic instead of doing radar on the side of the road. It slows all cars while you are driving with them. Mainly on Jordan and Parker rd for the entire length several times daily especially just before or after rush hour. More bike cops around.
10/12/2023 5:39 PM
Having been through the Citizen's Police Academy, I know what a class organization you all are. Thank you!
10/12/2023 5:38 PM
Need to get back to ticketing speeding and aggressive drivers
10/12/2023 2:06 PM
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
even if in Castle Rock, as I was informed. I posted this on NextDoor and had over 120 responses that decried the lack of follow through. I did not persue any further. Other contact with the Department have been very favorable ... even when stopped for a speeding ticket. The Officer was excellent (Rosecrans). Unfortunately, I WAS speeding. Thank you for asking citizen input. 164
All my interactions with the Parker police department have been very positive. They also did a great job when we needed some help with an intervention with a mental health issue with a family member.
10/12/2023 5:41 PM
Bring back the Cops and Bobbers for the kids:) I'd also like to see the women's self defense classes resume. Other than that, keep up the great work!
10/12/2023 5:39 PM
Exchange driving with traffic instead of doing radar on the side of the road. It slows all cars while you are driving with them. Mainly on Jordan and Parker rd for the entire length several times daily especially just before or after rush hour. More bike cops around.
10/12/2023 5:39 PM
Having been through the Citizen's Police Academy, I know what a class organization you all are. Thank you!
10/12/2023 5:38 PM
Need to get back to ticketing speeding and aggressive drivers
10/12/2023 2:06 PM
Parker PD is doing a great job.
10/5/2023 7:57 AM
Tear down south range crossings ghetto
10/4/2023 9:02 AM
At this moment nothing. I’ve called non emergency dispatch at Parker PD twice in the last three months. The first dispatcher s snapped at me when I said I wasn’t comfortable being put through to an officer yet, so I politely exited the call. The second time I was lucky enough to make through the process to an officer who laughed at me, and mocked me, then questioned my sanity. As a woman, and as a previous victim of sexual abuse, assault, and rape, during childhood, who was attempting to report targeted sexual harassment by a large group of men. It was very off putting and I won’t be calling Parker police for anything ever again. You are the ones who have tasked yourselves with responding to our trauma. For putting yourself in charge, you do a shit job of meeting your community where trauma takes them. It’s your number one job to meet people where they are at. It is not my job to meet you on your high horse. You are the most privileged and supported group of individuals that there is in this country. The very least you can do is be available to everyone else who isn’t.
10/3/2023 5:03 PM
Keep up the good work by keeping the crime out of pur neighborhoods and businesses.
10/2/2023 11:32 AM
Hire more officers
10/1/2023 8:41 PM
I just want reassurance that the Parker police dept will support my constitutional 2A rights and will not support Polis' red flag laws
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
2023 Parker Police Department Citizen Survey
10/1/2023 8:20 PM
9 of / 13 The department seems to be well trained and on top what is happening in Parker. Great job from what I see.
10/1/2023 5:39 PM
Amazing staff, could work on more positive interactions with our youth
10/1/2023 5:02 PM
No suggestions, they make themselves very present in my area.
10/1/2023 6:51 AM
I LOVE the transparency! Keep up the good work!!!
9/30/2023 8:06 PM
Traffic monitoring on Hess coming off of Parker Road with excessive speeding to make the light at Nate.
9/30/2023 6:53 PM
Training, Training, Training. Police officers should be exemplars of physical fitness, mental acuity, masters of combat arts, and shrewd in the art of escalation and de-escalation. You can nenver train enough to ensure you come home safe.
9/30/2023 4:11 PM
I own a business here in Parker and have several Parker police officers as members. They truly are amazing in their roles and it is great to see how respected they are here in Parker which is not the case in the rest of our crazy world. My only suggestion is not an easy one but just generally patrolling parking lots of retail centers. There is so much petty crime and homeless people begging for money especially in grocery store parking lots and they aggressively approach you which is scary and happens almost every time I go shopping. Cars getting broken into often which I know is usually because items left in cars but feel that if they were slowly patrolling these areas more especially during the day that it could be a better deterrent. I see them often on the streets but not in the parking lots.
9/30/2023 3:27 PM
Police are approachable. The influx of people from Aurora and homeless people are making our are not nice. Garbage dumping wherever, road rage, drag racing on Parker Road from Teens and Adults, garbage and trash dumping wherever they choose. I’m a Registered Nurse and found a garbage dumped over and all over the ground by Advent Health Hospital near the entrance. Illegal dumping from residents and people she own Mexican restaurant by Peak 83 apartments where I live.
9/30/2023 11:13 AM
Traffic monitoring on Hess coming off of Parker Road with excessive speeding to make the light at Nate.
9/30/2023 6:53 PM
Training, Training, Training. Police officers should be exemplars of physical fitness, mental acuity, masters of combat arts, and shrewd in the art of escalation and de-escalation. You can nenver train enough to ensure you come home safe.
9/30/2023 4:11 PM
I own a business here in Parker and have several Parker police officers as members. They truly are amazing in their roles and it is great to see how respected they are here in Parker which is not the case in the rest of our crazy world. My only suggestion is not an easy one but just generally patrolling parking lots of retail centers. There is so much petty crime and homeless people begging for money especially in grocery store parking lots and they aggressively approach you which is scary and happens almost every time I go shopping. Cars getting broken into often which I know is usually because items left in cars but feel that if they were slowly patrolling these areas more especially during the day that it could be a better deterrent. I see them often on the streets but not in the parking lots.
9/30/2023 3:27 PM
Police are approachable. The influx of people from Aurora and homeless people are making our are not nice. Garbage dumping wherever, road rage, drag racing on Parker Road from Teens and Adults, garbage and trash dumping wherever they choose. I’m a Registered Nurse and found a garbage dumped over and all over the ground by Advent Health Hospital near the entrance. Illegal dumping from residents and people she own Mexican restaurant by Peak 83 apartments where I live.
9/30/2023 11:13 AM
Just keep getting that fentanyl off our streets! You’ve done a great job so far from what Ive seen! Thank you for all you do!
9/30/2023 7:41 AM
Speeding is the only major item that bothers me. I believe speeding is the cause of accidents. Speeding enforcement could be a continued - perhaps a speeding enforcement team.
9/30/2023 7:26 AM
Long time resident (35 years) and at one point I would see Parker Police everywhere. Now, I never see them. This town is not being policed with speeders and red light infractions. People do not stop at red lights when turning right on a red light. If I am not mistaken, it is against the law to do a rolling stop. Please enforce this better. Someone will get hurt if not killed because it’s not being policed. And when did it become ok the break the law and exceed the speed limit in this town? Please increase the ticketing to speeders. This town is not what it used to be when the Parker Police was more balanced with the population. I’ll be voting for the next mayor who this is their #1 priority. This community has grown and the police allocation to residents is not balanced.
9/29/2023 8:07 PM
Consistently more traffic enforcement
9/29/2023 1:13 PM
Make sure theft, crime, and drugs are taken care of. Officer Herra is very friendly. Sargent Troy does a great job getting out in the community.
9/29/2023 12:51 PM
My dad was followed from Wells Fargo bank to king soopers where his car was broken into and money stolen. Another member in the community had this exact crime happen to them. I sent an email to the Parker police about this and never received a response. It concerns me that someone is staking people out at Wells Fargo and then following them to King Soopers where their cars are being broken into. Just wish I would have received a response from Parker police that they were looking into it.
9/29/2023 11:52 AM
You guys are doing well. Keep up the good work.
9/29/2023 10:50 AM
Focus more on crime less on traffic if need be
9/29/2023 8:05 AM
2023 Parker Police Citizen Survey Better training, quality control checks, third party Department reviews, public investigations with neutral parties being involved in decision making
9/29/2023 7:06 AM
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
You guys are doing a great job removing homeless people from local businesses, this problem / 13 being done here about it so our is rampant throughout Colorado so I’m glad to see 10 something families can continue to enjoy parks, the library, downtown, etc.
9/29/2023 3:39 AM
There are a lot young police men and women. They must understand that serving and protecting is for their citizens as well as the constitution. When I was a part of LE, the old school mentality was that there is a good and a bad side and it was our job to get the bad. As I’ve gotten older, it is always easier to understand that there isn’t always a bad and that’s okay. Every contact made with a citizen is based off first impressions. I highly recommend Parker PD encourage their officers to understand the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It sure helped me understand how I can benefit the public. The old school mentality needs to be kicked to the curb. Everyone should be treated with respect and also realize when to just walk away from a contact. I used to be former Local LE before I went Federal and I certainly believe local has a larger responsibility of being a human to another human. Also, enough with BS traffic stops. Traffic shouldn’t be our money maker. We know it is a corrupt part of LE budgets. I swore to the constitution and will defend it and so should you.
9/29/2023 2:53 AM
Overall I feel you are doing good but please do your best to make sure our schools, workplaces and shopping areas are more secure. Also if you can please dedicate officers for
9/28/2023 11:59 PM
is rampant throughout Colorado so I’m glad to see something being done here about it so our families can continue to enjoy parks, the library, downtown, etc. 193
There are a lot young police men and women. They must understand that serving and protecting is for their citizens as well as the constitution. When I was a part of LE, the old school mentality was that there is a good and a bad side and it was our job to get the bad. As I’ve gotten older, it is always easier to understand that there isn’t always a bad and that’s okay. Every contact made with a citizen is based off first impressions. I highly recommend Parker PD encourage their officers to understand the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It sure helped me understand how I can benefit the public. The old school mentality needs to be kicked to the curb. Everyone should be treated with respect and also realize when to just walk away from a contact. I used to be former Local LE before I went Federal and I certainly believe local has a larger responsibility of being a human to another human. Also, enough with BS traffic stops. Traffic shouldn’t be our money maker. We know it is a corrupt part of LE budgets. I swore to the constitution and will defend it and so should you.
9/29/2023 2:53 AM
Overall I feel you are doing good but please do your best to make sure our schools, workplaces and shopping areas are more secure. Also if you can please dedicate officers for schools safety.
9/28/2023 11:59 PM
I think speeding is still an issue
9/28/2023 10:47 PM
That's for you to know. Do what you feel is best
9/28/2023 10:46 PM
Doing very well.
9/28/2023 10:32 PM
Instead of parking behind businesses, get out and patrol neighborhood. Also, when suspicious circumstances are called in, investigate them instead of driving by and doing nothing. Take a call of a person driving while smoking marijuana seriously and stop the vehicle.
9/28/2023 10:30 PM
Ticket more asshole drivers
9/28/2023 9:17 PM
Stop being incompetent, actually gather evidence instead of being lazy (like surveillance)
9/28/2023 9:11 PM
I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for the help and support you have provided me for finding my stolen iPhone .Your dedication to preserving law and order is greatly appreciated. Special thanks to police officer Chad Barker and his fellow officer on duty !
9/28/2023 9:04 PM
I am so thankful we have such a wonderful PD protecting our community. Thank you Al!
9/28/2023 8:33 PM
I love PPD and think you do a fantastic job overall. I’ve been the victim of property crimes and they have been taken seriously, and one case resulted in arrest. I feel like Parker needs more officers on patrol.
9/28/2023 8:02 PM
If possible, can we install red light cameras at the intersection of Parker and Lincoln? There are so many red light runners, it’s incredibly dangerous.
9/28/2023 7:58 PM
Help enforcement on all speeding, running red lights and reckless driving. Driving in Parker is like driving in Florida. Better have your NASCAR license and watch out for all the maniacs.
9/28/2023 7:58 PM
keep up the great work
9/28/2023 7:50 PM
Please try to stop the racing down main street east of Parker Rd in the middle of the night
9/28/2023 7:26 PM
Use and train retired individuals to use your license plate scanners to catch wanted and stolen cars
9/28/2023 7:25 PM
Maybe Patrol neighborhoods more at night watching for speeding teenagers and vehicle breakins
9/28/2023 7:10 PM
I wish there were more of these great officers around town. Always approachable and professional.
9/28/2023 6:56 PM
Please please do a quick drive thru our 24 hrWalgreens parking lot more often through the night. Our staff are female and often feel unsafe with all the high theft from 11 pm to 4am. Other than that you guys are awesome and always there for us. Much love from Walgreens!
9/28/2023 6:39 PM
Increase officer diversity
9/28/2023 6:37 PM
Please please please help with traffic in Senderos Creek, both thru traffic & by the path that leads to AA. It’s out of control & someone is going to get killed.
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
2023 Parker Police Department Citizen Survey
/ 13 Impressed with the P.P.D. CHIEF Tsurapas does a11 great job here.
9/28/2023 6:20 PM 9/28/2023 6:08 PM
My only suggestion is that the police department become more open about their tattoo policies, having visible tattoos doesn't affect the hard work someone would put in as an officer upholding the law.
9/28/2023 6:03 PM
Increase traffic enforcement. Our roads are dangerous. The number of fatal crashes is unacceptable.
9/28/2023 6:02 PM
2023 Parker Police Department Citizen Survey
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
Please please please help with traffic in Senderos Creek, both thru traffic & by the path that leads to AA. It’s out of control & someone is going to get killed.
9/28/2023 6:20 PM
Impressed with the P.P.D. CHIEF Tsurapas does a great job here.
9/28/2023 6:08 PM
My only suggestion is that the police department become more open about their tattoo policies, having visible tattoos doesn't affect the hard work someone would put in as an officer upholding the law.
9/28/2023 6:03 PM
Increase traffic enforcement. Our roads are dangerous. The number of fatal crashes is unacceptable.
9/28/2023 6:02 PM
Keep doing the traffic stops for speeding and red light runners. Pine Dr is awful for bullet bike racing and on Ponderosa Dr near Pine Lane. People don’t even break for the blinking 20 MPH school zone, especially after 4 while it’s still blinking. Car break ins are staggering throughout the community. Even drilling homes in locked cars and stealing garage door openers. Crime has gotten bad in Parker. Thank you for your efforts but there is still a lot to be done. Stay safe. We appreciate you.
9/28/2023 5:38 PM
Cracking down on bad drivers (speeding, outdated registration, erratic driving, etc). Support and defend the constitution.
9/28/2023 5:35 PM
I workbin downtown parker and that crosswalk needs to be better patrolled woth police presence. I'm a woman and I'm scared every day crossing it since the majority of the time, people are speeding through downtown parker area and do not slow down at all. I look both ways and even when I'm in the middle of crossing it, people still decide to speed through. Same with thr crosswalks near the local shop. People do not yield for pedestrians and speed through the crosswalks people passing through
9/28/2023 5:18 PM
Footage patrols, during off peak traffic times, get out if your vehicles and interact with the public in front of; Wal Mart, Whole Foids, etc. Make themselves available to socialize, laugh or answer questions ?
9/28/2023 5:01 PM
Continue to keep our community safe and care well for those in our community! So proud to live in Parker!
9/28/2023 4:54 PM
I've never interacted with the police.
9/28/2023 4:54 PM
Patrol neighborhoods between 1-5am for car break ins
9/28/2023 4:50 PM
Rarely see officers “patrolling”. Almost always see them pulled over on side of road or in parking lot. Would be nice to see more on routes and less parked.
9/28/2023 4:48 PM
A more visible force, both out in town and around the shops and along the streets. I appreciate seeing officers cruising in and out of school areas and the same in my neighborhood.
9/28/2023 4:47 PM
Over patrol certain areas while avoiding the actual problem areas such as ridge gate.
9/28/2023 3:56 PM
Visibility and interaction. Our cops are good at it... this is just a reminder to do more.... always pays off
9/28/2023 3:26 PM
More officers
9/28/2023 3:23 PM
Please keep the good work. Training for agents in how to deal with individuals with mental health issues is always a plus
9/28/2023 3:16 PM
Speeding and racing are a problem during certain hours on Jordan road and sometimes Parker road. Running red lights is also problematic. Another item we've noticed is a level of road rage that is on the rise. Sometimes vehicles will tailgate you if you are going ten over the speed limit and then aggressively pass on the right to break check or speed off. While this is difficult to catch, it is increasing in frequency.
9/28/2023 3:14 PM
I love seeing them doing speed checks, to many people running redlights and speeding/road rage on the road and shoulder.
9/28/2023 3:11 PM
Love that you have the license plate reader that can spot stolen cars or other issues and that your department and officers are very caring people who show they love their job!
9/28/2023 3:10 PM
Build repor with the kids!
9/28/2023 3:06 PM
We love the community involvement from PPD. Knowing that our police and law enforcement
9/28/2023 3:01 PM
More officers
9/28/2023 3:23 PM
Please keep the good work. Training for agents in how to deal with individuals with mental health issues is always a plus
9/28/2023 3:16 PM
Speeding and racing are a problem during certain hours on Jordan road and sometimes Parker road. Running red lights is also problematic. Another item we've noticed is a level of road rage that is on the rise. Sometimes vehicles will tailgate you if you are going ten over the speed limit and then aggressively pass on the right to break check or speed off. While this is difficult to catch, it is increasing in frequency.
9/28/2023 3:14 PM
I love seeing them doing speed checks, to many people running redlights and speeding/road rage on the road and shoulder.
9/28/2023 3:11 PM
Love that you have the license plate reader that can spot stolen cars or other issues and that your department and officers are very caring people who show they love their job!
9/28/2023 3:10 PM
Build repor with the kids!
9/28/2023 3:06 PM
We love the community involvement from PPD. Knowing that our police and law enforcement staff are part of the community is helpful in building Trust. Keep up the good work!!
9/28/2023 3:01 PM
Better: catch more speeders. Overall you got this! 12 / 13
9/28/2023 2:54 PM
Would be great to hear of trends or intiatives, current news or concerns, recruiting efforts, etc.
9/28/2023 2:45 PM
You’re excellent at catching these druggies that come into our town. The speeding and mostly red light running in town has got to be addressed. Daily, people run red lights without a care in the world. They’re too impatient to stop smdeait for the next green. It’s getting out of control and scary to drive. The speeding and tailgating is secondary to the red light running.
9/28/2023 2:39 PM
The citizens academy is an excellent way to reach the public.
9/28/2023 2:35 PM
Focus on property crimes, theft, assault and less on traffic enforcement.
9/28/2023 2:32 PM
I think the PPD are an excellent representation of what a police department should be. I guess I have two concerns in Parker. One, the bomb threats at stores that happen with an increasing frequency and the speeding that occurs on all of our Parker Streets. Keep up the outstanding work that y'all do. I am grateful for and appreciate all of you! Thank you and be safe.
9/28/2023 2:24 PM
Too many people speeding and I notice so many vehicles with expired tags or no plates at all. I do feel safe when I see more police presence on the streets and in local stores too. Thank you PPD for your service.
9/28/2023 2:19 PM
Every interaction we have had with Parker PD has been wonderful! It is usually at Parker events or them coming to my son's school. My only comment is to make sure all the officers have badge stickers for the kids.
9/28/2023 2:11 PM
You guys are awesome and we appreciate all of your hard work! Please continue to participate in community-building events, and initiating new programs like the homeless redirection program. Thanks for being so personable too!
9/28/2023 2:11 PM
You doing great but I so wish all of the people with expired and no vehicle plates would have some consequences. Thank you for you do.
9/28/2023 2:10 PM
Please coordinate with DCSD to address traffic issues for school drop off and pickup for Legend High School and Cimarron Middle School. Traffic at Hilltop and Caterberry needs a traffic cop. We need to help buses get in and out of school with the overwhelmed traffic on this corner.
9/28/2023 2:09 PM
more police in streets
9/28/2023 2:08 PM
Bike patrols would be appreciated.
9/28/2023 2:07 PM
Compliments and Feedback (cont.)
2023 Parker Police Department Citizen Survey
Summary and Methodology
Parker residents are pleased with the level of service provided by the Parker Police Department and its staff. The community approves of the job done by our employees and has a favorable view of our staff and the Department. The overwhelming majority of responses to every question were “excellent” or “good” for staff competency, safety and security. Our high scores are a testament to successful community policing and partnership. The most significant difference in the 2019, 2012 and 2023 surveys was in response to questions about how safe and secure people felt in their neighborhoods and the Town of Parker. When asked, “How safe and secure do you feel in your neighborhood?” the percentage of people who said “extremely safe” or “very safe” dropped 13%, 72% to 61%, from the 2021 to 2023 survey. A similar drop occurred in the question asking, “How safe and secure do you feel shopping/working/visiting the Town of Parker?” In 2021, 74% of people said “extremely safe” or “very safe,” while 56% responded in the top two categories in 2023. Several factors influenced people’s perceptions of safety in their neighborhoods and the Town of Parker, the largest being a new PD messaging strategy on social media. We began sharing more proof of performance posts on social media in 2023. We wanted to show ParkProof of Performance Posts Shared on Facebook er residents the amount of crime in the Town of Parker 80 72 and the type of calls our officers handled. Our goal was to 70 share one or two proof of performance posts each week. 60 In 2020, 2021 and 2022, we shared 17 proof of perfor50 mance posts. We shared 72 proof of performance posts in 40 2023. This shift in strategy led to people seeing more crime 30 in Parker and commenting on it on our social media. While 20 the Town’s crime numbers were increasing slower than 7 6 10 4 population growth, we showed residents ten times the 0 2020 2021 2022 2023 crime on our social media pages. Legacy media’s coverage of crime in Colorado also contributed to the safety people feel in their neighborhood and the Town of Parker. Many news stories have talked about Colorado leading the nation in car theft rates in 2022 and 2023. There has also been extensive coverage of increased crime rates in Colorado. While Parker’s crime rates remain below the state average, stories about the increase in the state-wide crime rates shape the minds of Parker residents. We conducted the Community Satisfaction Survey on Survey Monkey from September 28-December 1. We promoted the survey in the monthly Talk of the Town publication sent to all Parker residents. When we shared it on our website as a news story, it was also sent as a PUSH notification to subscribers. We also shared the survey on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Nextdoor pages. We saw a 10% increase in the number of people who took the survey compared to 2021 and a 64% increase compared to 2019. Our participation rate for the fill-in-the-blank question remained above 60%. 27
Parker Police Department 2023 Community Satisfaction Survey Results Contact Information 18600 E. Lincoln Meadows Parkway Parker, Colorado 80134 Phone: 303.841.9800 Email: