7 minute read

Envisioning the Life Ahead

by Nicole Schaefer

“Living in one’s home as long as possible is merely an aspiration, not a meaningful plan for aging.” Fred Ross, member of Sharing Active Independent Lives (SAIL), has offered this perspective to friends and family in conversation over the years. With a significant portion of the aging population expressing the desire to stay in their own home or seeing it as their only option, having a meaningful plan to make it possible becomes even more critical. And while finances may be the component that most often comes to the forefront of the conversation, creating a support system to meet evolving needs over time is equally as important. Over the past decade, varying studies have tallied anywhere from a 25 to 65 percent increase in the number of older adults who report they prefer or plan to stay in their own homes. The pandemic escalated the conversation, and governors in nearly every state announced new investments in senior care to better support their state’s older adults. In February 2021, Governor Tony Evers announced his 2021-2023 budget would include major investments in childcare, caregiving for aging and older adults, and support for individuals with disabilities. Also it would ensure high-quality care for Wisconsin’s most vulnerable residents with emphasis placed on family caregivers, who are often an integral part of a plan to age in place.



SAIL takes a holistic approach to supporting plans for sustaining active and independent lives at a comfortable level for its members at each stage of their lives. Several years ago, Betty was walking at West Towne Mall with her friend Lois. Betty’s husband passed away a few years earlier, so she and another nearby friend agreed to check in with each other every day. Betty’s friend recently passed, so Lois encouraged her to become a SAIL member to take advantage of the daily automated check-in system, Rise and Shine. If

Betty doesn’t call in each morning, someone from SAIL checks on her. “My children were especially happy to know that this was available,” says Betty. “It was reassuring.”

Support in the Home

In addition to Rise and Shine, a prescreened list of service providers has been extremely important to Betty. “I have more confidence when hiring someone to assist with things I need around the house. SAIL wouldn’t allow someone I can’t trust into my home.”

SAIL service providers agree to multiple background checks, provide annual proof of insurance, and show a genuine interest in serving seniors by participating in an orientation program. Betty has enlisted the help of several service providers over the years. “My housekeeper is wonderful and really has become a good friend. My handyman takes care of snow removal and cutting the grass. When something else comes up around the house, he’s always willing to help.”

Evolving Needs

“With my laundry located in the basement, I started looking into a stair lift to reassure me and my children,” says Betty. “I got an estimate for a brand-new stair lift from a SAIL service provider, and it was quite expensive. While I was considering this, SAIL received a call from someone who was moving and wanted to get rid of a similar lift. SAIL helped to arrange with the service provider to have that donated lift installed in my home at a fraction of the original cost. I only wish I had gotten this done sooner.”

Volunteer Support

Many older adults, especially those early in retirement, find fulfillment volunteering for others. SAIL is built on a pay it forward model—volunteering now knowing that someone else will be there to volunteer for you when you need a helping hand. “One of the best parts of the pandemic was when SAIL arranged to have meals delivered for Thanksgiving and Christmas,” says Betty. “I especially enjoyed the friendly volunteers who came to deliver them.”

Planning for Success

A key to making the aspiration of aging in place into a successful plan is finding a network of support similar to what Betty has created. Socialization is also critical to success. SAIL offers regular educational and entertainment programs. During the pandemic, like most organizations, SAIL relied on Zoom to keep people connected—from speakers to monthly social hours and regular calls from other SAIL members. A SAIL membership provides peace of mind and access to resources to assist in turning the goal of aging in place into a reality.

Nicole Schaefer is the SAIL program director. For more information about SAIL, call (608) 230-4321 or go to sailtoday.org. SAIL is a program of AgeBetter, Inc., a local nonprofit organization.

Photographs provided by Sharing Active Independent Lives (SAIL).

Sharing Active Independent Lives (SAIL)

6209 Mineral Point Rd. #210 Madison, WI 53705 (608) 230-4321 sailtoday.org


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Have a plan in place before an emergency. Communicate your plans with family, friends, and neighbors.


with first aid supplies, blankets or sleeping bag, battery-powered radio, flashlights, extra batteries, and weather radio.

If you have a pet, plan ahead for pet needs, including supplies of food and water and a pet carrier.

Have prescription medications and any special medical supplies ready.

Place the following items in a plastic, lidded container: • Three-day supply of water (about five gallons for each person) • Three-day supply of nonperishable food • Three-day supply of high-energy foods, such as granola bars, trail mix, peanut butter, jelly, and crackers

You can find more information on emergency plans and supply kits at ready.gov.


See also Legal category in the General section.

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Are you being targeted or victimized by a scammer? The Bureau of Consumer Protection mediates consumer complaints and helps consumers learn about their rights. Visit our website or contact us to learn more about Wisconsin’s Do Not Call telemarketing law and to get copies of the Wisconsin Senior Guide and other informational brochures.


Important piece of the aging process but often overlooked or neglected. Visit with professionals to know your options so you can make decisions rather than having decisions made for you by others.

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