2 minute read
From the Publisher
from the PUBLISHER
I’m not sure if it’s the pandemic or just my getting older, but while 2021 is on the verge of ending, I’m holding a personal to-do list scarce of checkmarks. It feels like I’ve been on a speeding locomotive missing all the stops. Unable to change what has occurred, I hope to slow down enough next year to find time to simply enjoy life. Not something big and splashy, just less demanding.
But 2021 has been demanding. As we’re affected by inundating local, national, and world issues, Madison Essentials continues to seek and learn about what this has meant for the Greater Madison area. True to form, we’ll continue exploring educational and inspirational themes and a wealth of local perspectives and experiences in 2022.
I have many to thank for providing me the opportunity to pursue these stories. First, our readers and local business sponsors. Thank you for picking up our bimonthly issues and supporting the businesses who sustain us through advertising. Madison Essentials is free because of you. When advertisers benefit from your readership, they’re able to support our growth and expansion of editorial coverage, which means more free content. It’s a thing of beauty—a collaborative community support system.
I also wish to thank all who contribute to Madison Essentials. My colleagues, who have been working beside me for 5, 10, 15, and even almost 20 years, and share my belief that what we do is more than a job. Our content contributors, including writers, photographers, and our stories’ subjects. Our printers, who have been generous during a difficult time, operating more as partners instead of vendors. And those who work so diligently to make sure our magazines are always available for readers. I’m fortunate to do what I do because of all of you.
amy johnson
comments We welcome your questions and comments. Please submit to Madison Essentials, c/o Towns & Associates, Inc., PO Box 174, Baraboo, WI 53913-0174 or email ajohnson@madisonessentials.com.
advertise To place an advertisement, please call (608) 215-5240 or email ajohnson@madisonessentials.com.
all rights reserved. ©2021 No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission by Madison Essentials.
Towns & Associates, Inc. PO Box 174 Baraboo, WI 53913-0174 P (608) 356-8757 • F (608) 356-8875 madisonessentials.com
Watch for the next issue January/February 2022.
Cover photograph—Botanical Garden Light Tunnel taken by
Greater Green Bay CVB
Photographs on page 3: left— Tandoori Chicken Coleslaw from Ember Foods taken by Eric Tadsen right— Headbands taken at Cloth & Metal Boutique by Eric Tadsen