3 minute read
The invovlement of local schools and students is a major focus of every Strand Ephemera. Gallery Services offers all schools within the region the possibility to be invovled in workshops and guided tours, and provides a developed activity booklet that responds to works in the exhibition and links with current syllabus. Below is a breakdown of the significant number of students who benefitted by being involved in the 2011 exhibition.
Total amount of students who attended programs: 1092
(Some students attended a tour and workshop, therefore below table only references program attendance and not the total of students)
(Self guided tour refers to groups that tour with teacher or guide without in depth knowledge of the work. As guided tours are limited to 30 students /group, self guided tours are carried out by teachers in large school groups)
Schools that attended
• All Souls Catholic College
• Annandale Christian College
• Ayr State Primary
• Central State School
• Charters Towers School of Distant Education
• Hermit Park State School
• Jarvisfield State School
• Koolkuna Pre Prep
• Mike Reynolds Child Care
• Ryan Catholic College
• Shalom Christian College
• Southern Cross Catholic School
• St Joseph’s Mundingburra
• St. Joseph’s The Strand
• St Margaret Mary’s College
• St. Patrick’s College
• St. Paul’s Lutheran Child Care Centre
• Townsville Home Schooling Group
• William Ross State High School
• Wulguru State School

Although many locals indicate they would participate regardless, feedback from artists confirms that an award is a welcome part of the exhibition. Certainly the prize attracts attention, and the bigger the prize the greater the national attention.
The following awards were presented as part of Strand Ephemera 2011.
1.1 Judge’s Award for Artistic Excellence $10,000
Sponsored by Xstrata
(Judged by Sebastian Di Mauro, Senior lecturer at the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University and an established sculptor who provides work in the public arena.)
Awarded to two artworks:
Girrungun Artists – Bagu with Jiman ($5,000)

Erica Gray – Sea Anemone ($5,000)
1.2 Photographic Competition
Sponsored by Wilson/Ryan/Grose Lawyers
(Judged by Adam Brown, Lecturer in photography at James Cook University.)
309 images submitted by 78 entrants.
Under 18: Elisa Ernst ($200)
18 and over: Danielle Leslie ($800)
1.3 People’s Choice Award
Sponsored by Glenda Lewin
608 votes were recorded in the People’s Choice Award.
Aden McLeod ($2,000)

Gallery Services thanks major sponsor Xstrata, and all sponsors who enabled the delivery of specific prizes and components of Strand Ephemera. Funding from Xstrata has once again enabled Gallery Services to go beyond its base level and provide an exhibition that has delighted the general public and attracted impressive numbers of visitors.
Local businesses provided cash sponsorship and in-kind support for Strand Ephemera 2011.
Principal sponsor: Xstrata $45,000
Other financial sponsors:
Wilson/Ryan/Grose $3,000
Glenda Lewin $2,000
Media sponsors:
Townsville Bulletin WIN TV
In kind sponsors:
Aquarius (2 nights accom)
Mount Franklin Water (15 cases of water)
Royal Wolf (1 shipping container)

Strand Ephemera 2011 utilised 62 volunteers, a total of 448 hours. Volunteers supported all aspects of the exhibition including installation and demount, official opening and public art symposium, workshops, guided art tours and the Strand Ephemera Information Desk.
Volunteers attended a Council run WH&S induction at the Gallery prior to the event and were provided with the correct PPE. Volunteers worked in groups, supported by supervisors in each section, and connected by mobile phones. Blue cards were obtained where duties required such. Volunteers were also matched to areas according to their existing skill sets.
Six volunteers provided structure feedback, and all gave informal feedback at the reception held to thank volunteers for their participation. All aspects of their contribution were investigated.

Strand Ephemera 2011 received extensive positive coverage in the local and national media including; newspapers, magazines, radio, television and online through websites, links and social networking sites.
This was the first Strand Ephemera with a developed social networking presence. Original tweets were sent to 100 followers, retweeted by Townsville Bulletin to 1432 followers, retweeted by ABC North QLD to 2028 followers. Total reach of tweets: over 3000 individual accounts.
1.4 Print
• 5 x ABC NQ/ABC Open/ ABC Queensland stories and web articles
• Spirit of Australia magazine advertisement and editorial
• Eyeline advertisement with editorial
• Artshub advertisement with editorial
• Art Monthly Advertisement
• Art Guide Australia Listing
• Art Almanac listing
• Article secured during the event in The Australian 2012 for promotion of 2013 event
• Editorial in The Sunday Mail arts liftout
• Listings in Museum and Gallery Services Queensland publications
• Listing on ‘The Big Diary’
1.5 Radio
• Interviews conducted by ABC north Queensland with exhibiting artists in the lead up and during the exhibition. Interviews were also conducted by 4TO, Zinc FM

1.6 Television
• Interviews were aired on Channel 7, Exhibition launch covered on Channel 7 and Channel 9.
1.7 Online
1.7.1 Website
• Townsville City Council website
1.7.2 Website Links
• ABC North Qld – Australian broadcasting Corporation
• ABC Nth Qld Facebook
• Eyeline magazine
• TCC events page
• TCC website front page
• Townsville Bulletin News
1.7.3 Social Network
Social networking tools were used extensively to increase audience participation and contribution and maintain ongoing connection and exposure to both national and international visitors. Visitors contributed photos to the online Flickr website (www. www.flickr.com/photos/ ptrg) and posted comments to the Perc Tucker Regional Gallery Facebook and Twitter accounts.