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Gallery Services Visitors 2012-2013
Did you know? The average visitor to Perc Tucker Regional Gallery in 2012-2013 was most likely to be: female (65%), 30 - 60 years old (53%), and would be visiting alone (48%) once a month (46%) for 30-60 minutes (70%).
Visitors in 2012-2013 preferred to receive their Gallery news and information via:
On the other hand... the average visitor to Pinnacles Gallery in 2012-2013 was most likely to be: female (65%), 30 - 60 years old (53%), and would be visiting alone (48%) once a month (46%) for 30-60 minutes (70%).
Visitors most wanted exhibitions featuring:
Visitors from both Galleries received the bulk of their updates direct from the Gallery (75% and 55%). For Pinnacles this was followed by Info on the internet (9%) and word-of-mouth (5%), whereas for Perc Tucker this was word-of-mouth (15%) followed by Townsville Bulletin (9%).
They were visiting to: see a specific exhibition artist talk
Potential workshop or event attendees most wanted to see more: exhibition openings (20%) artist/floor talks (18%) art lectures (17%).
art lectures
Gallery Services
Through Gallery Services, Townsville City Council owns and operates two premier regional galleries, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery in the city’s CBD, and Pinnacles Gallery located within the Riverway Arts Centre in Thuringowa Central.
Perc Tucker Regional Gallery
Perc Tucker Regional Gallery is located in one of Townsville’s finest heritage buildings, on the corner of Denham and Flinders Streets, in the city centre. The Gallery has a ground floor and first floor level with seven exhibition spaces. On display are works by north Queensland artists as well as national and international touring exhibitions. Guided group exhibition tours are available upon request and prior bookings are essential.
For further information, please contact :
Perc Tucker Regional Gallery
Corner Denham and Flinders Streets, Townsville QLD 4810 (07) 4727 9011 ptrg@townsville.qld.gov.au www.bit.ly/ptrgtcc
@TCC_PercTucker /PercTuckerTCC
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday - Sunday 10am - 2pm
Closed Public Holidays, Free Admission
Pinnacles Gallery
Pinnacles Gallery opened in March 1996 as part of the Thuringowa Library and Council complex. The Gallery provided a space for the display of a diversity of art, social history and educational exhibitions to serve the needs of Thuringowa’s residents and visitors at the time. Pinnacles Gallery moved in 2006 to a purpose-built gallery within the Riverway Arts Centre – the only purpose-built gallery in Townsville. The space offers a multitude of ways to present artwork and has the capacity to deliver multi-media artwork presentations. Guided group exhibition tours are available upon request and prior bookings are essential.
For further information, please contact:
Pinnacles Gallery
20 Village Boulevard, Townsville QLD 4817 (07) 4773 8871 pinnacles@townsville.qld.gov.au www.bit.ly/pinntcc @TCC_Pinnacles /PinnaclesTCC
Opening Hours
Tuesday - Sunday 10am - 5pm
Monday and Public Holidays Closed, Free Admission