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Program In Focus
The Artist-In-Schools program continued during 2013/2014. This program facilitates high level, hands-on arts education by engaging local artists to work with teachers and students in Townsville secondary schools.
Artist-In-Schools is available to all secondary schools within the Townville region and facilitates the collaboration of artists, teachers and students to create artwork for an exhibition outcome at Perc Tucker Regional Gallery or Pinnacles Gallery.
The Artist-In-Schools program allows secondary schools access to local, emerging and recognised artists in the Townsville region who provide students and teachers with further artistic support and expertise.
Teachers and artists are able to collaborate in a formal teaching environment to impart specific skills required and relevant to those students involved in the program.
By catering each program to the specific school and teacher, the Artist-In-Schools program provides an avenue for ongoing collaboration and consultation between Gallery Services, Visual Arts teachers and artists within the community.
Examples include artist Gerald Soworka working with students from Calvary Christian College on life drawing; artist Marion Gaemers and St Margaret Mary’s exploring sculpture and weaving with natural fibres; artist Donna Beningfield developing self-portraits with Townsville Grammar students and Northern Beaches State High School students creating a photographic exhibition with Andrew Rankin.
During 2013/2014, there were 14 Artist-In-Schools programs delivered by 13 Townsville region artists to 11 schools in the Townsville region.
Participating schools and artists in 2013/14 were:
+ Annandale Christian College w ith Kath Corwall
+ Calvary Christian College w ith Gerald Soworka
+ Calvary Christian College w ith Cassandra Roberts
+ Northern Beaches State High School w ith Andrew Rankin
+ Pimlico State High School w ith Damian Anthony
+ Ryan Catholic College w ith Nicole Potgieter
+ Shalom Christian College w ith Jill O’Sullivan
+ St Margaret Mary’s College w ith Marion Gaemers
+ St Patrick’s College w ith Robert Crispe
+ St Joseph’s Catholic School The Strand w ith Kath Carr
+ Thuringowa State High School w ith MJ Ryan Bennett
+ Townsville Grammar School w ith Donna Beningfield
+ Townsville State High School w ith Cath Meharry
+ William Ross State High School w ith Kath Cornwall