ptrg@townsville.qld.gov.au www.townsville.qld.gov.au
2013 was the seventh Strand Ephemera; an event that began in 2001 and then became a biennial exhibition from that time. The event has grown over the years to be loved not only locally, but to be an outdoor sculpture exhibition of state and national significance.
The impetus for Strand Ephemera was twofold. Firstly, the exhibition was to provide Townsville City Council, developers, and the broader Townsville public with possibilities in the public art arena. Permanent public art pieces in Townsville up to this point had not engendered broad public support. A temporary exhibition was seen to have greater potential to present ideas and concepts for public feedback.
Strand Ephemera presents a spectrum of work from the popular to the conceptually demanding. Townsville City Council has previously selected a number of works from the exhibition for permanent display and the exhibition has provided a reference for developing public art in Townsville. Such permanent works include Bruce Anderson’s Landboat and Gavin Ryan’s Lyin’ Fish.
The second impetus was to provide opportunities for regionally-based artists. The Queensland Government had announced a 2% for public art program creating massive funding opportunities, with regionally-based artists expressing interest in improving their competitiveness.
Strand Ephemera provided the opportunity for these artists to hone their skills and compare and contrast their work within a national context at a local venue. The focus on works being “ephemeral” encouraged artists to use inexpensive materials, for a “short-lived” exhibition of around 10 days.
The exhibition has attracted national and international entries, but it continues to provide the possibility for regional participants to prepare and present works in the public arena. A number of local artists have developed their public art profile and been commissioned as a result of their involvement in the exhibition. Townsville-based artists have also noted that the networking and skills development as a result of the exhibition and its programs have proved worthwhile. A Public Art Symposium is also staged as part of the event, and this is the opportunity to discuss current trends and ideas in public art with relevant speakers sourced.
Numerous models were investigated in developing this exhibition, including Sculpture by the Sea and the Mildura Palimpsest. The exhibition has also been informed by the Sydney Biennale and the Munster Sculpture Triennial, and continues to evolve. The exhibition has grown from within the community, with the support of a range of collaborating partners, and consistently offers developmental opportunities for the artists and public who participate.
Strand Ephemera 2013 has been and gone, but the 10 day outdoor arts festival has left an indelible mark. Over 60,000 participants embraced the event with unprecedented enthusiasm; taking part in the Photographic Competition, voting in the Wilson/Ryan/ Grose Lawyers People’s Choice Award, joining in tours and workshops, and of course admiring the 31 artworks on display.
In 2013, the exhibition had an increased focus on the appearance of works after dark as well as night programs, while also cross-promoting a series of Fringe Events at external arts and cultural venues for the first time. The exhibition offered a major $10,000 Award for Artistic Excellence, which was judged by Professor Donna Marcus, a prominent artist working in the public field and also a Senior Lecturer at Griffith University.
Strand Ephemera also incorporates professional development opportunities for participating and local artists. A feature of this program is the Public Art Symposium, organised in collaboration with the School of Creative Arts and presented at James Cook University. The Symposium took place on the exhibition’s final day and featured three speakers from Australia and New Zealand who explored a spectrum of ideas and shared personal experiences. This year’s speakers included Professor Steffen Lehmann, Richard Brecknock, and Professor Michael Parekowhai. The Symposium speakers and guest judge Professor Donna Marcus were kindly accommodated by Inkind Sponsor Aquarius on the Beach.
Central to the event’s success was the vast array of Public and Education Programs, with Gallery Services engaging over 1000 students alone to participate in Strand Ephemera 2013.
To assist visitors in navigating the exhibition and also to gain further insight into the works, as well as plan events they wished to attend, a number of support materials were made available. These included a folded Public Program, a free Children’s Activity Booklet, and a 66 page exhibition catalogue; all materials were printed by the event’s Print Sponsor Lotsa Printing.
The range of artists, artworks, and opportunities for visitor engagement ensured the exhibition was of interest to local, state and national media outlets. This was greatly assisted by the support of the event’s Media Sponsors Townsville Bulletin, 4TOfm, and the WIN network.
This massive festival would not be possible without the support of many volunteers who contributed to the events and programs, installation and demount, visitor information and data gathering. Water for all event volunteers was provided by In-kind Sponsor Mount Franklin
With such strong participation from the local community, and having again attracted artists from all corners of the nation, Strand Ephemera continues to put Townsville on the map as a city for dynamic arts and cultural activity.
This year’s Strand Ephemera featured 31 artworks, however the realisation of these works has involved the considerable effort of over 40 artists and participants, and countless more sponsors and supporters.
The artworks represented a fine balance between conceptually challenging and visually captivating. A number of common trends running throughout the exhibition also emerged, with artists of course exploring the day/night component of the exhibition, as well as environmental concerns, social and community engagement, north Queensland architecture, and the ephemeral nature of play and imagination.
Artists hailed from all corners of the country, with participants from Townsville, wider north Queensland, central and south-east Queensland, New South Wales, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, and GhostNets Australia operating along the northern coastline of Australia.
Participating artists are listed below, and detail images of the works are included on the opposite page in order of these listed artists:
• S.A.Adair
• Jo Anglesey
• Julie Bruce, Elizabeth Tillack and Sue Valis
• Steve Campbell and Donna Foley
• India Collins
• Robert Crispe, Michelle Hall and Jo Lankester
• Stephen de Jersey and Alison McDonald
• Marion Gaemers
• GhostNets Australia: Concept by Karen Hethey and Cecile Williams. Collaborative work created at a public workshop at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair 2011 with TSI artists Frank Petero, Georgia Curry, Angela Torenbeek, Jimmy Thaiday and the general public.
• Naomi Gittoes
• Erica Gray
• Lynnette Griffiths
• Joy Heylen
• Jan Hynes
• Sarah Emily Kate
• Ralph Knight
• La Luna Youth Arts: Facilitated by HARRY and Shane Keen
• Ian Loiterton
• Hugh Martin
• Annee Miron
• Geoff Overheu
• Chandra Paul
• MJ Ryan Bennett
• Rainer H. Schlüter
• John Stanley
• Gabi Sturman
• Sue Tilley
• UnitingCare Community: with visual artist Vonnie van Bemmel and silversmith/sculptor Julie Bentley. A collaborative recycled art project by artists with and without disability
• Adriaan Vanderlugt
• The Winged Collective
Further to the 31 selected works, Jan Hynes’ 2009 artwork Pink Piano was included in the exhibition’s public program, encouraging local musicians and members of the public to engage, while Amanda Feher’s permanent public artwork Flex was installed to commemorate the Townsville community’s resilience during and following 2011 Tropical Cyclone Yasi.
The public program for Strand Ephemera featured a variety of activities programmed across the ten-day festival. These activities included drop-in workshops, artist talks, a Public Art Symposium and guided tours, which were all provided free for members of the public.
The drop-in workshops were designed and led by participating Strand Ephemera artists and featured activities ranging from clay animals, weaving with ghost nets, jewellerymaking, creating a city out of cardboard boxes and paint through to making balls from recycled plastic bottles. These workshops occurred all along The Strand at locations near the three information desks. The workshops were provided for free and overseen by staff and volunteers.
Guided tours and artist talks were also a feature of this year’s with daily tours of the artworks along The Strand. These tours were led by Gallery Services staff and experienced volunteers, who guided participants along The Strand and engaged them with the artwork. The night tours included an artist talk and were followed by ABC Open Video Bombing
The Public Art Symposium was presented in partnership with and brought three key industry figures to Townsville to lead a discussion on public art. The speakers were Professor Steffen Lehmann, Michael Parekowhai. Gallery Services provided a bus which took people from Perc Tucker Regional Gallery and The Strand to James Cook University for the Symposium and back.
For the first time, Strand Ephemera independent arts and cultural organisations.
For further information about Fringe Events please see Page 16.
Education Program
13 Schools attended and participated in 34 tours and 30 workshops (refer Page 14).
Drop-in Workshops
36 drop-in workshops occurred during Strand Ephemera. Participants worked with artists across a variety of activities such as wrapping trees, weaving a ghost net turtle, making recycled balls from plastic bottles, creating jewellery, learning basic sewing techniques and sculpting animals from clay. These workshops were well received by participants with some members of the public coming back every day to take full advantage of the free public program.
Guided Tours and Artist Talks
12 Guided Tours departed from Information Desk 1 near the Picnic Bay Surf Life Saving Club and took in half of the artworks along The Strand. The tours alternated each day between 5pm, 9am and 7pm starts. Selected tours included artist talks from the following artists: Steve Campbell; Lynnette Griffiths; Sarah Emily Kate; Geoff Overheu; Robert Crispe, Michelle Hall, and Jo Lankester; UnitingCare Community; and La Luna Youth Arts artists Shane Keen and HARRY.
Artist Meet and Greet
This event occurred on Thursday evening after the installation was complete and provided an opportunity for staff, volunteers and artists to meet and network.
Exhibition Opening
The official launch of Strand Ephemera was a successful and lively outdoor event organised by Gallery Services and Theatre, Events and Protocol. Strand Ephemera was officially opened by the Mayor of the City of Townsville, Councillor Jenny Hill.
Main Exhibition Tour
The Main Exhibition Tour took in the entirety of Strand Ephemera featuring talks by all attending artists.
Public Art Symposium
Presented by the School of Creative Arts in collaboration with Gallery Services, the Symposium was an informative discussion on public art and featured key industry speakers: Professor Steffen Lehmann, Richard Brecknock and Professor Michael Parekowhai.
The involvement of local schools and students is a major focus of every Strand Ephemera. Gallery Services offers all schools within the region the possibility to be involved in workshops and guided tours, and provides an activity booklet that responds to works in the exhibition and links with current syllabus.
Below is a breakdown of the significant number of students who benefitted by being involved in the 2013 exhibition. The total program attendance by students was 2188. This figure represents official involvement by schools who applied to be a part of the public program only, and doesn’t capture the schools and students who visited the exhibition without informing the Gallery of their visit.
(Some students attended a tour and workshop, therefore the below table only references program attendance and not the total of students).
(Self-guided tour refers to large – in excess of 30 students - groups that tour with their own teacher or guide).
During Strand Ephemera a number of artist talks occurred both on site at The Strand and at schools around Townsville. Gabi Sturman, one of the artists, delivered an artist talk and clay workshop for Townsville Grammar School students while Erica Gray visited senior students at Ryan Catholic College and talked about how her fashion design background influences her art practice. Selected student groups from Holy Spirit and St Joeseph’s, The Strand were provided artists talks by MJ Ryan Bennett, Gabi Sturmann, Julie Bentley, Elizabeth Tillack and Jo Anglesey during their tours of Strand Ephemera. A total of 358 students received artists talks during Strand Ephemera.
Participating schools
• All Souls Catholic College
• Ayr State Primary
• Blue Water State School
• Her mit Park State School
• Holy Spirit Catholic School
• Home Hill State School
• Oonoonba State School
• Ryan Catholic College
• Souther n Cross Catholic School
• St Joseph’s Mundingburra
• St. Joseph’s The Strand
• St. Patrick’s College
• Townsville Grammar School
Fringe events such as Umbrella Studio’s Light on the Fringe, Gallery 48’s Ephemera as Possible, the Bohemian Masquerade Ball, Pink Piano performances, PechaKucha Night Townsville V.4 and ABC Open Video Bomb, which coincided with Strand Ephemera, were supported by Gallery Services with inclusion in Strand Ephemera publications and crosspromotion throughout the festival.
These events complemented Strand Ephemera’s program, built on public engagement and further developed mutually-supportive arts relationships within the Townsville region.
Pink Piano Performances
The Pink Piano was a popular re-addition to Strand Ephemera and featured a daily program of performances by local school students and musical groups including Celtic Strings, the Pink Ladies, The Pink Ladies Plus, and the Lettuce Dance Band, and pop-up performances by passers-by.
An Insight into the Creative Process
An initiative by artist Ian Loiterton, this Fringe event featured a large format screen displayed near the Picnic Bay Surf Life Saving Club, that presented imagery of the creation process of many of the artworks featured in Strand Ephemera.
Ephemera as Possible
Daily throughout the festival
Daily throughout the festival
An exhibition of ephemeral works held at Gallery 48 to coincide with Strand Ephemera. Gallery hours
ABC Open Video Bomb
ABC Open’s Michael Bromage video bombed selected areas of The Strand during the festival with films created by north Queensland residents.
Bohemian Masquerade Ball
An Artspaced Inc. event which featured musicians, dance, projections, circus and roving performers.
Light on the Fringe
A collaborative new media project held over three nights at Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts.
PechaKucha Night Townsville V.4
A presentation night featuring a number of Strand Ephemera artists where speakers present on any topic with 20 images displayed for 20 seconds per image.
(Please note that attendance was not collected for Fringe events as they were a non-Council event)
31/08, 02/09, 04/09 and 06/09
04/09 – 06/09
While all 31 works sparked the imagination of the visiting public, there could be only one winner of the major $10,000 Award for Artistic Excellence. Judged by Dr Donna Marcus, a prominent artist working in the public field and also a Senior Lecturer at Griffith University, the award went to Port Douglas artist Rainer H. Schlüter.
His monumental driftwood forms, entitled Blue Dancers (Danseuses Bleues) - Quintet took their inspiration “from two famous works; Matisse’s Danseuses Bleues and Giacometti’s Walking Man,” the artist stated. The beachwood forms, representing abstract dancers, were carved and assembled from fallen beach trees, and then painted in acrylic ultramarine blue. The exhibition’s guest judge, Dr Donna Marcus, said the winning work was “an elegant and well executed piece with many references that allow viewers to engage on numerous levels. Schlüter’s work is both poignant and playful, and a deserving winner.”
The Wilson/Ryan/Grose Lawyers People’s Choice Award was tightly contested, with nearing 1,000 votes lodged. Announced on the exhibition’s demount day, the winning work was UnitingCare Community’s collaborative artwork Whale Thong.
To create the work, UnitingCare Community engaged visual artist Vonnie van Bemmel and sculptor and silversmith Julie Bentley to lead a group of amateur artists with disability through a series of workshops to conceptualise, design and construct a life-size sculpture of a whale’s tail. The project was funded by Artslink Queensland. The sculpture was constructed from steel, reinforced wire and recycled rubber thongs, embedded in the sand, and featured lighting and the sound of a whale’s song. Dorothy Dawson, Program Coordinator Lifestyle Support Service at UnitingCare Commuity, said “Whale Thong is a humorous title for a project with a serious message about the benefits of inclusive communities and environmental conservation.”
Some budding Townsville photographers also snapped up cash prizes from this year’s Strand Ephemera Photographic and Instagram Competitions. Entries were judged by professional photographer Honey Atkinson of Insight Creative.
Well known photographer Andrew Rankin’s striking shot of a jumping figure amongst Rainer H. Schlüter’s Blue Dancers was judged the best photograph, with Rankin receiving the major $500 prize. Atkinson said the shot was captivating because “The subject interacting with the artwork has become, in a way, a part of the artwork. The sense of movement reflects the implied movement of the Blue Dancers. The photo also captures, through one individual, the sense of joy experienced during the exhibition.”
For the first time as part of Strand Ephemera an Instagram competition allowed people to upload their images using the #StrandEphemera, with public voting to determine the winner. From a host of snaps of the exhibition, the most popular Instagram shot with 71 likes was taken by Jessica Navin, who won $100.
In 2013 Gallery Services partnered with James Cook University’s School of Creative Arts in order to improve the presentation of the Public Art Symposium, with the event being held in JCU’s newly constructed Education Centre.
Through this partnership, Gallery Services also engaged a class of 43 Third Year students to complete a range of duties associated with the running of a major arts festival, with students required to contribute a set 25 hours of service to the event as part of their Reflective Practitioner class.
As well as greatly assisting Gallery Services in the staging of the event, the participation of the students provided them with:
• A significant professional development and networking opportunity for those wishing to continue in the arts after their studies.
• Instilling a sense of contribution to the broader arts sector – outlining that strengthening what we deliver locally aides the region’s prospects of continuing to grow and diversify creative opportunities and events.
• Showcasing how artists – be it visual, sound, music, film, photographic, etc. –are not limited in the scope of artwork proposals we would consider for inclusion in future Strand Ephemera events, including room to consider multi-disciplinary or joint applications.
Students assisted with a range of duties to help deliver the event across five distinct areas of specialisation:
• Visitor Experience and Administration
• Data Gathering
• Documentation and Design
• Public Programs
• Exhibition Installation, Maintenance and Demount
By and large, the students conducted themselves professionally, reporting at requested times and working diligently to complete the assigned tasks. Many members of the public made comment on their contribution, which positively impacted the delivery of the 2013 Strand Ephemera.
The curtain came down on the 2013 Strand Ephemera exhibition with a discussion on Public Art by leading industry figures. The Symposium, which was presented by Gallery Services in partnership with James Cook University’s School of Creative Arts, took place from 10am Sunday 8 September and featured key speakers Professor Steffen Lehmann, Richard Brecknock and Professor Michael Parekowhai. Speakers of this quality and level of experience presented a unique opportunity for local artists, architects and arts enthusiasts to tap into their wealth of knowledge in the field of public art and urban design.
Attendance to the Symposium (in excess of 35) was healthy, bolstered by a free shuttle bus arranged by Gallery Services. The bus, offered free of charge, collected visitors to the region from Perc Tucker Regional Gallery and The Strand, and transported them to and from the Symposium, which was staged in JCU’s state-of-the-art Education Centre.
Feedback about the Symposium from those in attendance was overwhelmingly positive, with the audience both entertained and inspired by the possibilities of public art, and informed about processes involved with both commissioning public art, and executing a piece from the perspective of a practicing artist.
About the Speakers:
Research Professor and Director, China-Australia Centre for Sustainable Urban Development, University of South Australia Presentation: Interventions in Public Space as Informal Urban Design. Professor Steffen Lehmann is a German-Australian architect, curator, urbanist, author and educator, registered as a chartered architect in Berlin. He is an internationally renowned leader in the field of sustainable buildings and urban development. Many of his research projects are collaborations with artists, concerned with the integration of low-carbon technologies in urban design and the social context.
Director of Brecknock Consulting Presentation: Development of Public Art. Richard is an urban strategist, a Director of Brecknock Consulting P/L and an Associate of COMEDIA UK. He has a Master of Arts in Cultural and Media Policy from Griffith University and is a member of the Planning Institute of Australia’s Social Planning and Urban Design chapters.
Practicing Artist and Lecturer at the University of Auckland, National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries Presentation: Public Art in Practice. Michael Parekowhai works across the disciplines of sculpture, installation and photography. Conceptual drivers for his research include: the ambiguities of identity; the shifting sensitivities of historical memory; the value of aesthetics; an appropriation and assimilation of an artistic cannon; the significance of biculturalism; and the fluid relationship between art and craft.
Strand Ephemera is organised and funded by Gallery Services, Townsville City Council, with the generous support of numerous sponsors, supporters and partners enabling the delivery of specific prizes and components of the exhibition. This additional support has once again enabled Gallery Services to go beyond its base level and provide an exhibition that has delighted the general public and attracted impressive numbers of visitors. Gallery Services wishes to thank all of the Strand Ephemera sponsors, supporters and partners for their invaluable contributions.
Sponsors, supporters and partners of the 2013 Strand Ephemera were:
Presentation Partner
School of Creative Arts
People’s Choice Award Sponsor
Venue, technical equipment and organisation and staffing of the Public Art Symposium
$5,000 naming rights sponsor of Wilson/Ryan/Grose Lawyers
People’s Choice Award
Media Sponsors
In-kind advertising and promotional opportunities throughout the event
Print Partner
Discounted print services
In-kind Sponsors
25 cases of bottled Mount Franklin water made available throughout the event for artists and volunteers
In-kind accommodation for exhibition’s guest judge and Public Art Symposium speakers
The contribution of volunteers to the running of a major public art event such as Strand Ephemera cannot be understated - without their input, the event simply would not be able to be staged.
Volunteers for this year’s event were drawn from James Cook University’s Reflective Practitioner class, the Gallery’s exisiting volunteers, the broader public who expressed interest in the event, as well as the participating artists and their supporters.
Strand Ephemera utilised 116 volunteers, who completed 334 shifts totalling 1645 hours of service across all areas of the exhibition, namely:
• Visitor Experience and Administration
• Data Gathering
• Documentation and Design
• Public Programs
• Exhibition Installation, Maintenance and Demount
93 shifts totalling over 470 hours were required to ensure the safe, secure and attractive installation and demount of the exhibition alone. In this area, volunteers supported staff and artists to pass, lift, and position artworks, dig holes, collect artworks from storage facilities, mark installation locations, assemble works, utilise hand tools and ladders, prepare and tidy work areas, and liaise with Gallery and council staff as well as participating artists.
Volunteers also ensured more data was collected during this Strand Ephemera than ever before which will assist greatly in its future growth, while of course providing a friendly point of contact for information throughout the exhibition and public programs.
Volunteers were provided with a Council run WH&S induction prior to commencing their participation, and were provided with correct PPE and appropriate training to ensure their safety during all duties undertaken.
Gallery Services and Townsville City Council extends its immense thanks to all 116 volunteers for their invaluable contribution to a hugely successful community event.
The most common post code being 4814 (Aitkenvale / Cranbrook), at 22% of visitors.
Based on the question: How did you hear about Strand Ephemera?
According to visitors most found out about Strand Ephemera by Walking or Driving by at 25%, however Word of Mouth was a close second at 22%
Visitor age groups
• 18 - 30 Years of age = 64
• 30 – 60 Years of age = 78
• 60 + Years of age = 41
• Under 18 Years of age = 11
The most common age group was 30 to 60 years of age at 40% of visitors.
Based on the question: Have you visited Strand Ephemera Before?
of visitors have been to a previous Strand Ephemera
Based on the question: What was your Reason to visit Strand Ephemera?
• 80 People were interested in the Artworks
• 19 People were just walking by
• 12 Bought children to Work shops,
The Most common words were “Interest” and “Interesting”
The Second Most common words were “Enjoyment” and “Enjoy”
Some of these comments include:
“We have only lived in Townsville for the past 12 months and we are excited to come along, have heard such good reviews.”
“To view the art and feel inspired to create”
“I love public art”
Based on the question: Did you know about Tours and Events? • 99 = No
Based on the question: Did any of the Tours and Events Interest you?
• 115 = No
Based on the question: Are you Enjoying Strand Ephemera? •
responses Based on the question: Do you visit Either Gallery?
An extensive media and marketing strategy was put in place, which resulted in high levels of exposure and positive media coverage for both the event and the participating artists.
The strategy’s objectives were:
• Further develop Strand Ephemera’s reputation as a first class event
• Increase the awareness of Strand Ephemera locally, nationally and internationally
• Increase awareness of Gallery Services through marketing the event
Marketing materials and exhibition collateral developed by Gallery Services to promote the event, and assist visitors in interpreting and enjoying the exhibition, included:
• 5000 68 page exhibition catalogues
• 2000 exhibition launch invitations
• 4000 exhibition activity booklets
• 1500 public program folded flyers
• Wilson/Ryan/Grose Lawyers People’s Choice Award voting flyers
• Photographic/Instagram competition entry flyers
• 500 Public Art Symposium A3 posters
• 5 tear drop banners displayed on site
• 2 pull up banners displayed at the exhibition opening, at media opportunities, and at Townsville Airport
• 3 information desk cover signs
• A Frames advertising public program times and locations
• Large format posters at Townsville City Council Customer Service Centre, and Castletown Shopping Centre
• Inclusion in August and September Experience It Live e-newsletter
• Inclusion in August and September Foreword e-newsletter
• Inclusion in August and September The Summit e-newsletter
• Dedicated Strand Ephemera e-newsletters
• Dedicated webpage within the Townsville City Council website
• Inclusion in Experience It Live printed newsletter August - September - October Inclusion in September City Update
• Television commercial aired on WIN on a 2 week schedule
• Radio commerical aired on 4TOfm on a 2 week schedule
• Regular press ads in DUO, Townsville Bulletin, Townsville eye, Jetstar in-flight magazine, Herbert River Express, Ayr Advocate, Townsville Sun, Castletown Style Your Life magazine
• Instagram competition
• Regular twitter updates
• Regular facebook updates
For the first time, a digital copy of the exhibition catalogue was made available via Issu and shared through the Strand Ephemera webpage and Social Networks with fantastic results.
The additional 464 readers and nearly 9000 impressions (on top of the 4000+ physical catalogues distributed throughout the event) illustrate the 2013 Strand Ephemera’s reach.
The average time readers of the online copy of the Strand Ephemera catalouge spent was 5 Minutes and 40 Seconds, meaning online readers were taking their time to digest the catalouge's content.
The reach of the event’s social networking strategy was also pleasing, with nearly 19000 impressions (and in excess of 11000 unique accounts reached) through the twitter #strandephemera alone. Coupled with dramatic spikes in patronage of the Perc Tucker Regional Gallery facebook account coinciding with this period, and high levels of participation in the Instagram competition, these statistics paint a picture of both the power of social networking, and of the community’s love for Strand Ephemera.
While these results were all driven by Gallery Services in liaison with Townsville City Council’s Corporate Communications department, independant press also took great interest in the event and helped spread the word. Below is a list of the local, state and national coverage the event enjoyed:
• Townsville Bulletin article: Tuesday August 20
• Townsville Sun article: Wednesday August 28
• Townsville Bulletin article: Saturday August 31
• Townsville Bulletin Townsville eye feature article:
Saturday August 31
• Townsville Bulletin Townsville eye What’s On listing:
Saturday August 31
• Townsville Bulletin article: Tuesday September 3
• Townsville Sun social photos: Wednesday September 4
• Townsville Sun article: Wednesday September 4
• Townsville Bulletin opinion mention: Thursday September 5
• Townsville Bulletin article: Thursday September 5
• Townsville Bulletin article: Friday September 6
• Townsville Bulletin Things to Do listing: Friday September 6
• Townsville Bulletin Townsville eye What’s On listing: Saturday September 7
• WIN TV New Story: Wednesday August 28, Eric Nash and artists Ralph Knight and Joy Heylen
• WIN TV Story: Monday September 9, with artists and representatives of UnitingCare Community, and Paul Martinez of Wilson/Ryan/Grose Lawyers regarding the Wilson/Ryan/Grose Lawyers People’s Choice Award
• ABC QLD 7.30 News: Friday September 13, with Eric Nash and representatives of UnitingCare Community regarding their participation in the exhibition and the involvement of artists with and without disability leading in to National Disability Action Week
• ABC National State to State: Friday September 20, with Eric Nash and representatives of UnitingCare Community regarding their participation in the exhibition and the involvement of artists with and without disability leading in to National Disability Action Week
• ABC Radio interview: Tuesday August 20, Paula Tapiolas with Eric Nash and artist Steve Campbell
• ABC Radio interview: Wednesday August 28, Paula Tapiolas with Michael Pope regarding Strand Ephemera programs
• ABC Radio Rockhampton interview: Wednesday August 28, Eric Nash providing Strand Ephemera overview
• 4TOfm interview: Thursday August 29, Steve Price with Eric Nash
• 4TOfm outside broadcast: Saturday August 31, Steve Price with Eric Nash, Councillor Jenny Hill, Mayor of Townsville, Alex Christopher speaking about JCU student participation, Vicki Salisbury and Alan Junior discussing Umbrella’s Light on the Fringe, visitors to the exhibition, and artists and artist representatives Robert Crispe, Gabrielle Dalton (for Naomi Gittoes), Geoff Overheu, John Stanley, and Sue Tilley
• ABC Radio interview: Tuesday September 3, Pat Hession with artist Michelle Hall
• ABC Radio interview: Wednesday September 4, Nathalie Fernbach with Eric Nash and artist Alison McDonald
• ABC Radio interview: Monday September 9, Paula Tapiolas with Eric Nash regarding the Wilson/Ryan/Grose Lawyers People’s Choice Award
The exhibition also enjoyed considerable coverage through online news and personal blogs. This combined marketing and media coverage contributed greatly to the high participation rates and enjoyment of visitors.
IMAGE: Statistics from the twitter #strandephemera.
estimated reach
TweetReach Report for #strandephemera
19,613 impressions
11,299 accounts reached
Bars show number of tweets sent by users with that many followers activity
28 tweets 10 contributors
6 days
6 retweets Sep 2 Sep 3 Sep 4 Sep 5 Sep 6 Sep 7
top contributors
8 @B3dge @TCC_PercTucker @TCC_PercTucker
Accounts Reached:
retweeted tweets 24 0 1 0 22 tweets
TCC_PercTucker: Need a lift to the Public Art Symposium this Sunday morning? Book your spot on our bus! Call 4727 9011 to reserve a spot. #StrandEphemera
2 days ago
TCC_PercTucker: Vote 4 your fav #StrandEphemera work by 5pm Sun. $2000 to the winner. Proudly sponsored by Wilson/Ryan/Grose Lawyers. http://t.co/W3pnJsejMH
3 days ago
TCC_PercTucker: Have you seen Jan Hynes’ playful artwork Strabble? What word did you play? #StrandEphemera
4 days ago
This means 11,299 unique Twitter accounts that have received Tweets about the HashTag #StrandEphemera.
Twitter Exposure: 19,613 is the total number of times tweets containing #StrandEphemera were delivered to a twitter users time lines - this includes people that would have seen the hashtag #StrandEphemera more than once.