1 minute read
Looking at Portraits
What does the person look like? Describe them in as much detail as possible. What type of clothing are they wearing?
What is your impression of this person? Make a list of descriptive words to describe this person. Do you like this person? Why?
What do you think the person is thinking? What type of mood is the person in?
Do you think this is an important person? Why? Does the portrait give any clues to their job or profession?
Make a list of the personal qualities you think this person has? What do they like/dislike? What hobbies do they have?
Why would this portrait have been created? What is the main message of this portrait? Do you think the artist likes the person? Why? What does this portrait help you know about the relationship between the artist and the sitter?
How is the person positioned? Are they sitting or standing? What can you see in the background? What other objects of people can you see? What type of lighting has been used? Has this portrait been completed in a studio or an outside location. Why?
Where is the person looking? What type of facial expression does this person have? Does the person have any distinguished facial features?
In what period of time do you think this portrait was created? Explain your answer.
How does this portrait gain your attention? What is interesting or eye catching about it?
Imagine you are the subject of this portrait. How would you feel? Describe what you can see and smell.
Describe the mood or feeling of this portrait? How does light and shadow effect the mood? Is colour an important aspect of this artwork?
What type of lines and shapes can you see in the portrait? Describe the colours you can see. How would you feel sitting for a portrait?
Time how long you can sit still for.
Focus on the colours in the portrait. Identify the primary and secondary colours. Are the colours harmonious or contrasting? How does colour effect the mood or feeling of the portrait?
Discuss how you think this artwork was created. What materials and techniques were used? Does the artwork challenge the traditional notions of portraiture? How?
Consider the relationship between an artist and the sitter. Do you think this has a big impact on the final artwork? Would it be different if they were strangers or close friends? Do you think it is possible for an artist to paint someone they didn’t like?