1 minute read


11 February - 10 April 2022

Perc Tucker Regional Gallery

DISINTEGRATION: Metadrawing and Expanded Drawing explores drawing as an autonomous artistic discipline, as opposed to its previous contingent uses, such as preparatory drawing, commercial art, design and architecture. While drawing remains associated with traditions of preparatory process or as a pedagogical tool, it is no longer limited to these discourses. DISINTEGRATION investigates drawing’s integral role within contemporary art and responds to a renaissance of the discipline. Remarkably, given the ubiquity of drawing in art practice, little attempt has been made to consolidate drawing’s role in light of technological change, a discourse that this exhibition attempts to settle. The neologism of metadrawing (the principles and philosophies of the drawing discipline applied via technologies far outside the traditional), or, as others sometimes refer to it in practical terms, expanded drawing, directly informing rationale behind this exhibition. DISINTEGRATION will bring together ten artists whose work explores this rich terrain.

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