Volume 23, Number 52
Friday, June 1, 2018
Durham reduces tax rate by 1 mill Durham Market to open again By Lauren Takores Town Times
The Board of Finance set the mill rate at 36.5 for the upcoming fiscal year.
That rate, approved at the board’s Tuesday, May 22 meeting, is a decrease of 1.08 mills from the current mill rate of 37.58.
By town meeting on May 14, residents approved a net town budget of $7,012,554, with $5,674,004 to be collected by taxation.
On May 8, 58 percent of voters approved via referendum the Regional School District 13 budget of $36,819,319. Durham’s education budget is $23,508,845.
Laurie Tuttle, board chairman, said the board had three options and chose the middle number.
The other mill rate options were within half a mill either way, she said.
LTakores@record-journal.com 203-317-2212 Twitter: @LCTakores
Longtime Legionnaires honored By Lauren Takores Town Times
The market, 238 Main St., changed ownership in November, after it was purchased by two married couples, Amit and Reshma Patel and Walter and Lisa Tregoning, who have been neighbors for more than a decade.
“Memorial Day is a time for Americans to reconnect with their history and their core values by honoring those who gave their lives for the ideals we cherish,” said Bob Francis, American Legion Post 184 commander and parade chairman.
“Each person who died during these conflicts was a loved one,” Francis said. “Each was a loss to their community and to the nation.” Durham’s annual parade had no grand marshal this year. Instead,
Durham Market will reopen this month after renovations aimed at restoring the business’ “country charm.” The store will celebrate its grand reopening Saturday, June 9, in the parking lot of United Churches of Durham, 228 Main St., at a time to be determined.
Monday marked the 150th Memorial Day, and communities nationwide honored the fallen members of the United States armed forces with solemn services and patriotic parades.
According to the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 1.1 million Americans have been killed in U.S. wars.
By Lauren Takores Town Times
Durham First Selectman Laura Francis assists former Army Staff Sgt. Charlie Arigoni, 91, during a wreath laying ceremony during Durham’s Memorial Day service on Monday, May 28. Lauren Takores, Town Times
three longtime American Legion members received recognition for 70 years continuous membership to the organization. Francis presented the three men — former Army Staff Sgts. Tom Arigoni and Charlie Arigoni, 91-year-old twin
brothers, and former Army Sgt. Joe Romboli, 91 — with certificates from the National American Legion during a ceremony on the Durham Town Green after the parade. The three men were first-grade classSee Memorial, A8
“Since then, we have been working on a complete renovation of the store to restore its country charm,” Lisa Tregoning said. New products include storemade juices, organic foods, local produce as well as honey, grass-fed beef, and dailySee Market, A16
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Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
Durham’s Sustainable CT team seeks members The Durham Board of Selectmen passed a resolution in December 2017 to join Sustainable CT to become certified as a Sustainable CT community, and the Sustainability Team is gearing up. First Selectman Laura Francis said in a statement all residents who would like to join members of the Clean
Published weekly by Record-Journal at 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450.
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Sustainable CT is a voluntary certification program to recognize thriving and resilient Connecticut municipalities. An independentlyfunded, grassroots, municipal effort, Sustainable CT provides a wide-ranging menu of best practices. Mu-
Interested residents should call the Office of the First Selectman at 860-349-3625 or email Francis at lfrancis@ townofdurhamct.org. For more information visit www.sustainablect.org.
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Assistant News Editor — Olivia L. Lawrence Reporter — Lauren Takores Multimedia Sales Director — Jim Mizener Digital Advertising Manager — Marcie Cerillo Advertising Sales — Joy Boone (203) 317-2313 Office Assistant, Press Releases — Marsha Pomponio
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The Durham Republican Party is seeking candidates to serve on various town boards and commissions. Only a few hours each month is required.
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Friday, June 1, 2018
Kalmia Gardens preps for summer By Lauren Takores Town Times
Thanks our 2017/2018 Business and Community Partners
A local music and arts venue is gearing up for the summer season. Kalmia Gardens at Gastler Farm, 159 Middlefield Road, hosts a baroque concert series in the summer. Kalmia Gardens Music and Arts, a nonprofit foundation, runs the venue, a family farm owned by Tim Gastler that’s been in his family since 1906. “He’s decided that he wanted to make this into a venue for arts, for music, for learning about local gardening,” said Bob Donahue, KGMA president. “A place where people can learn about gardening, people can learn about the agricultural history of Durham, people can learn from the garden tours about local farming.” The venue hosts weddings, art shows, readers theater and other events. In addition to attending arts and music programs, people can stop by to learn about gardening, or pick fresh produce.
Diamond ($1,000 and above) Peach Pit Foundation* Platinum ($500-$999) Country Flower Farms Bob Donahue, president of Kalmia Gardens Music and Arts, left, and Tim Gastler, owner of Kalmia Gardens at Gastler Farm, pose in the gardens at the venue. Lauren Takores, Town Times
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Gastler made the change from working farm to arts See Kalmia, A15
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Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
Old Home Days scheduled The Middlefield Old Home Days Committee is hosting the 2018 Old Home Days Celebration on Friday, June 1, 6 to 9 p.m., and Saturday, June 2, 1 to 10 p.m. Admission is free.
Friday night, food will be available for purchase, served by local businesses and nonprofit organizations. At 7 p.m., local band, The Coconuts, will play music under the tent until 9. Outdoor lawn games, and various family-friendly entertainment will also be happening throughout the night. Saturday kicks off with a parade, led by Grand Marshals Jon and Gwen Brayshaw. The parade will start at St.
Colman's Church, passing through Rockfall, down Main Street and ending at Peckham Park. The parade will conclude at 2 p.m., where opening statements will begin. A variety of bands and other family-friendly entertainment will begin at 2:30. The bands will play until 9:30, when the fireworks b e gin. There will be several activities for children, including a moon bounce, games, crafts, a magician tying balloons, a duck race, and more. Saturday, local nonprofits and businesses will, once again, be selling food. — Press Release
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Friday, June 1, 2018
Who knew enlightenment would be this uncomfortable?
when Dorothy splashed water on her. “I’m melting, I’m melting,” I am inclined to call out. I had no idea that I had that much fluid in my body, and I fear that, in a very short period of time, there will be none left to speak of.
So I try to focus on whatever Since my house is about the lecture I am listening to, size of a bread box, I got the soaking in its wisdom, in a portable model, consisting vain effort to get my mind of a heated pad that I lie on, off my suffering. (And sufferwhich feels like it gets hot ing is not too strong a word enough to peel the skin off here.) It never works. I am my backside, and two domes just miserable, plain and that cover me. I am cosimple. There’s a clock on cooned, with only my head the thingamajig that plugs poking out. into the domes, with the So, for the sake of my health, countdown of the minutes. I vow to myself that I will not I climb into this oven for 30 look at it until I feel a reminutes at a time, and I am spectable period of time has totally miserable. I always gone by, as it has never, fickhave something to listen to, le thing that it is, counted whether it be a lecture on my computer or one on my phone, in order to somewhat ameliorate those tortuous minutes, but it does little to help. At least I may be a bit wiser when I climb out. Fingers crossed!
So if you happen to see me and I am looking a big shorter-perhaps 4-foot-7 or so, you will be able to surmise why. “Sauna?” you will ask. “Sauna,” I will reply. “But I feel so healthy!”
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My spirits lift when there’s only 10 minutes to go. I am so eager to be nearing the
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So I lie there, becoming more puddle-like with each second that ticks by, and I think that surely I am halfway through this ordeal by now, and I look, and only five minutes have gone by. Five minutes! Twenty-five more to go! I believe that that counter is a trickster, and is having some fun with me. Spontaneous combustion feels like a real possibility.
So I throw off those domes and I wring myself out. Really, I can be wrung out. And I take my shower, and then I am glad to have survived the experience, because I feel lighter. Probably about three pounds of lost fluids lighter.
But I would never think 30 minutes could drag on so, my discomfort is so intense. It makes those 95 degree days I used to endure while living in Georgia, feel like a balmy spring day. Shortly after climbing into my torture chamber, I will be sweating so profusely that I believe I will just melt away right on the spot, and end up one big puddle. Like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz
down the minutes nearly as quickly as I would like. If I peek too quickly, I feel discouraged by all the time I have left. I won’t peek, I tell myself, until I think I have reached the halfway point, with 15 minutes to go.
When I’m down to two minutes, I am almost leaping for joy, if that were an option. When I get to only one minute to go, I am counting off the seconds, as if that would put the giddy-up in those seconds. And then it happens. Ding, ding, ding. The signal that my self-imposed prison is done with
me, and I with it. The sweetest sound ever.
74079-01 103333R
I don’t love it. Actually, it would be safe to say that I heartily dislike the experience. I got my sauna years ago to help me heal from Lyme, and ever since I have climbed into it three times a week in order to partake of its detoxing abilities, Lyme or no Lyme.
end that I check the time every minute – 9, 8, 7, 6. I would never have believed that a minute, 60 seconds by my reckoning, could just mosey along so, taking its sweet time.
Anyone who complains about the heat that descends upon us during the dog days of summer, should spend 30 minutes in my portable sauna, preferably while I am not in it. The experience gives new meaning to the word “hot.”
Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
Endorsed Dem may face 34th primary By Matthew Zabierek Record-Journal staff
Thursday, May 24 about his deLocal Democrats narrowly cision to priendorsed Aili McKeen to mary. Balter challenge Republican Senate received 48 leader Len Fasano in percent of November’s race for the 34th delegates, Senate District. more than McKeen McKeen, of Wallingford, got the 15 perthe nomination by a margin cent needed of two delegates, 22-20, over to qualify for a primary. East Haven resident Josh McKeen works as an invenBalter, who intends to pritory specialist for a public mary for the nomination. insurance adjuster and is “Obviously, we need to take running for office for the this to the voters,� Balter said first time.
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203.294.8888 Wallingford
Balter is a 20year U.S. Navy veteran who is now a Branford-based lawyer specializing in family law. This is also Balter’s first campaign at public office. The 34th Senate District covers parts of Wallingford, North Haven, East Haven and Durham. The district’s four towns split their support for McKeen, of Wallingford, and Balter, from East Haven. Nearly all of McKeen’s support
came from her hometown of Wallingford. McKeen received all 20 of Wallingford’s delegates, in addition to two delegates from North Haven. Balter received all 12 delegates from East Haven, seven delegates from North Haven and one from Durham. “I feel good,â€? McKeen said about the endorsement. “It was a close vote, but Wallingford supports me.â€? Balter’s decision to primary, he said, was based on the amount of support he’s gained during his campaign. “I started this race in January and I was a complete unknown, even in my hometown of East Haven ‌ We've just continuously gained momentum since day one,â€? Balter said. He added “the
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Balter also said he has tried to “run a campaign that includes all towns in the 34th district.� McKeen said she wasn’t surprised or disappointed by Balter’s decision to primary. She believes she’s the best candidate to challenge Fasano because she is a “typical resident� of the district that understands the district’s needs. “I was born here and grew up in Wallingford, so I feel like I've got a handle on what people in this area really need because we're all looking at the same things,� McKeen said. Fasano, a North Haven resident, has not been challenged for the seat since 2012, when he defeated Democrat Steve Fontana with 58 percent of the votes. Fasano was first elected in 2003 and is the Senate Republican president pro tempore under an agreement with Democrats on how to operate the tied Senate. Fasano was first named leader of the Republican Senate caucus in 2015. He couldn’t be reached for comment.
Register for summer programs
voters will continue to come around and support me.�
Registration is open for all Durham Summer Recreation Programs programs: Women’s Fun softball League, Yoga, Summer Playground, Little People Program, Children and Adult Self Defense, Children’s Creative Movement week, Youth Introduction to Jazz, Junior Counselor Program, Northern Middlesex Children’s Choir, RSD13 Summer Band Camp, Youth Summer Cheer Clinic, Youth Track clinic, Youth Night Recreation Program and Tuesday Fun Runs. Register at durhamct.recdesk.com. Call 860343-6720.
Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
Senior Happenings dlefield Community Center. The Durham Senior Citizen's Lunch, prizes, games and more. Board is sponsoring a “Hoe Down” at the Raccoon Club Renter’s Rebate: Call the Friday, June 8, noon to 2 Senior & Social Services Ofp.m. fice at 860-349-7121 to schedule an appointment for Bob Livingston, caller, and renter’s rebate. Income his musicians will provide Limits are: single/widowed music and entertainment. $35,300 and married Attendees are asked to bring $43,000. a dish to share. Hot dogs and Walk with a Doc: The first hamburgers will be served. and third Saturday of each Call 860-349-3153 to make a month at Peckham Park, 9 to 10 a.m. Walk with Dr. reservation. Michael Kalinowski.
Middlefield Senior Center
Food Bank: The food bank
AARP Safe Drivers Refresher Course: Tuesday, June 12, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration now open.
is in need of paper goods pancake mixes, breakfast food, Goldfish, crackers, snack bars, cereal and pasta sauce. Weekly Fun Excursions (Middlefield & Durham Senior Bus): Weekly excursions for Tuesday, June 5, Connecticut River Museum, lunch at Black Seal Grill, Wednesday, Mohegan. To register, call 860-349-0212, press 2. Out-of-County Medical: To book an out of county medical trip call 860349-0212, press 2. Note that 48 hours notice is required.
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Senior Picnic: Senior Picnic Wednesday, June 27, Mid-
Senior Lunches: Join us every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for fun and friendship. Meals are provided to residents of Middlefield and Rockfall who are 60
Foot Care Clinic: Registrations being accepted fo Friday, June 8, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Space is limited. To register, call Susan D’Orvilliers at 860-349-7121.
TOPS: Taking Off Pounds Sensibly meets every Wednesday, 6 p.m., at the Middlefield Community Center. Call 860-349-7121 for more information regarding this program.
Senior hoe down
Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
A day to remember By Thomas J. Pellegrino
The weather was perfect on Monday, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was remembering the fallen. As the citizens of Durham and Middlefield sat and watched the Memorial Day parade from the grass on the side of the road, certainly they understood what the day really means.
As always, the parade had laughter, had candy, and had salutes. Hans Peterson set fire to the back of a cannon, commencing the start of the parade. Leading the parade was the military color guard-143rd Regional support group, carrying the flags of our country and state.
It means honoring those who gave their lives so that we could be free.
Next to pass were VFW Post 10169 and American Legion Post 184, followed by First Selectman Laura L. Francis and town clergy.
That’s why we pay our respect.
The Memorial, Strong and Coginchaug bands were also
in attendance, playing recognizable tunes as they marched. Interspersed between the bands were the Durham Fair float, the volunteer fire department, and the volunteer ambulance. The Knights of Columbus made an appearance alongside Lillian White, the oldest Girl Scout in Durham at 101 years old. Girl Scouts and Brownies were right behind her. It wouldn’t be a parade without the Boy Scouts and the Middlefield Children’s Center with their John Deere tractors. Troop 27 and
270 carried flags and banners of those who served in various wars. The Middlefield Volunteer Fire Department was also with us this Memorial Day, honking to onlookers. Coginchaug Little League and youth soccer were dressed in their uniforms to showcase their teams. And Durham and Middlefield football and cheer squads marched as well.
and a military truck driven by Steven Koerber. The parade is always something to watch and celebrate with the neighbor you never knew you had. And it’s good to remember those whom you’ve never met, but know that you’re free because of them. All of the locals who set up the parade and all those who participate every year should be remembered as well.
The parade wrapped up with Thank you to everyone for the 4H Club float, the Westputting on an amazing field Fire Department, the Memorial Day Parade. Durham Civil War group,
Memorial From A1
mates, Francis said.
Monday’s events The day’s events began as Middlefield-Rockfall VFW Post 10362 commander Bob Malcolm led a service at the Middlefield Town Green veterans’ memorials. “It’s a day of solemn remembrance,” said Middlefield First Selectman Ed Bailey, “and I urge everyone today to keep that in mind … to remember to keep it as a day of remembrance for those who have given their lives so that we can stand here today in freedom.” “I can’t tell you the reason for wars, or why our military is sent all over the world,” VFW chaplain Howard Randlett said during his remarks. “We have lost so many lives for such a relatively young nation.” First class Boy Scout Ben Pitruzzello, 13, laid a wreath at the veterans’ memorials on the Town Green. VFW quartermaster Keith Lohman and retired Service Officer Glenn Tewksbury lowered the flag to half-staff while bugler Ken Hamilton played “Taps.”
Members of Middlefield Volunteer Fire Department participate in a Memorial Day service at the Middlefield Town Green on Monday, May 28. Photos by Lauren Takores, Town Times
Middlefield Volunteer Fire Co. Chief Peter Tyc gave remarks, and firefighter/EMT Lori Helmedach laid a wreath at the firehouse monument near the flagpole.
Parade As the morning progressed, hundreds of people lined Main Street in Durham, from the parade staging grounds at Haddam Quarter Road to the Town Green. They huddled under blankets in lawn chairs, as the
Dick Duval salutes while his wife, Harriett Duval, stands by during Durham’s Memorial Day service on Monday, May 28.
overcast day temperature hovered in the mid-50s.
Post 10169-sponsored wagon carrying veterans.
Others stood, some clutching coffee cups or dog leashes, as the Durham Middlefield Exchange Club distributed miniature American flags.
Several civic and community groups marched in the parade, including the Durham and Middlefield fire companies, marching bands from Strong and Memorial middle schools and Coginchaug Regional High School, the Durham Fair and agricultural community, a group of Civil War re-enactors, the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts. Durham’s oldest living Girl Scout, Lillian White, who is 101 years old, partici-
A cannon signaled the start of the parade at 9:15 a.m. First to arrive at the Durham Town Green was the 143rd Regional Support Group of the Connecticut Army National Guard, followed by a Durham VFW
pated in the parade. At the service on the Durham Town Green, Durham First Selectman Laura Francis assisted the Arigoni brothers and Romboli with laying wreaths on either side of the veterans’ monuments. The 143rd Regional Support Group gave a rifle salute and the CRHS band played “Taps” to close the service. LTakores@record-journal.com 203-317-2212 Twitter: @LCTakores
Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
Senior From A7
Wednesday is Yoga.
years of age or older. To par- Blood pressure screenticipate call Susan D’Orvilings : Blood pressure screenliers, at 860-349-7121. ings will be held the second Wednesday of the month at Bridge: Players are invited to the Community Center at the Middlefield Senior Cen- noon. ter, Thursdays and Fridays 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. for ongoNewsletter : Interested in reing bridge games. Knowlceiving our new and imedge of how to play is reproved Senior & Social Serquired. vices newsletter? Email sdorvilliers@middlefieldSet-Back and Cribct.org or call 860-349-7121 to bage: Drop-in to play at the sign up. Middlefield Community Center, Monday through Fri- Durham Activity Cenday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Seeking program, trip Ideas : We are looking for new and exciting programs and trips to offer at the Senior Center. Contact Susan D’Orvilliers, 860-349-7121 or email sdorvilliers@middlefieldct.org. Weekly exercise: Led by Sue Schade, Middlefield Community Center, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7:45 a.m. Monday and Friday is regular exercise class.
Pool – Seniors interested in playing pool are welcome to come to the Durham Activity Center Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. For more information, call Sherry at 860-343-6724 or Jaclyn at 860-349-3153. Lunch - Hot lunch is served Mondays and Wednesdays at noon at the Durham Ac-
July 19 – Boston Whale Watch.
Durham 60+ Travel trips The Durham 60+ Club and Travel will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, June 11 at the Durham Activity Center, second floor, 350 Main St., Durham. This is the last regular meeting of the season. A blood pressure clinic will be available to the public at noon. Following the meeting, refreshments will be served. Members will play bingo at $1 per card. Bingo is open to the public.
July 20 – WNBA basketball, CT Sun vs. Seattle Storm at Mohegan Sun. Aug. 2 – Saratoga racing. Aug. 16 – Aqua Turf, Bobby
Rydell. Sept. 19 – Big E. Sept. 27 – Harts Turkey Train. Oct. 24 – Broadway “My Fair Lady” or “Wicked.” Nov. 16 – Radio City. For more information, call Sue Giuffrida, 860-346-0724.
Seniors from surrounding towns are welcome to join this social, active, travel club. Durham 60+ Travel has scheduled the following
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Knit2gether : Do you know how to knit or crochet? Are you interested in learning new skills? Everyone is welcome from beginner to experienced. Join the Knit2gether group Thursday’s at 9:30 a.m. at the Middlefield Community Center. Currently accepting donations of yarn.
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Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
‘I Nuri’ quest begins in Middlefield By Frank LoGiudice Special to Town Times
"E Chiamamulu Paisanu! Primu Diu E Sammastianu!" Translated to English, this means, "He's one of our own! First God and then Saint Sebastian!”
This Italian phrase was enthusiastically said by the “I Nuri”; devoted parishioners of the St. Sebastian’s Church in Middletown. They did this for the 97th Feast of the St. Sebastian’s Church in Middletown, held in May. The “I Nuri” gathered at the St. Sebastian’s Cemetery in Middlefield to pay their gratitude to their patron saint for his help throughout the year. They said prayers to God, St. Sebastian and their departed relatives. The “I Nuri” are dressed in white with a red sash. A picture of St. Sebastian is pinned on their sash.
Some 300 “I Nuri” made a pilgrimmage to St. Sebastian’s Church in Middletown. Photo by Frank LoGiudice
barefoot or in white socks down Rt. 66 in Middlefield to the Middletown church on Washington Street. Another contingent of “Nuri” were stationed at the Sons of Italy Hall on Court
After they said their prayers they ran or walked either
See I Nuri, A11
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Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
I Nuri From A10
Street in Middletown. Once the 11 a.m. High Mass was done both groups converged and ran inside the church emphatically saying “E Chiamamulu Paisanu! Primu Diu E Sammastianu!" Why do the “Nuri” do this? Sebastian Liseo of Middletown, age 33, has been doing it since 1986 when he was just 1. Back then, his grandfather took him. Liseo stated “I do this to carry on the tradition, I do it for our saint, our church and my grandfather, Sebastiano Liseo. I love doing it.” Nuri Mario Genovese made a promise to do it for his niece, who was born premature. Genovese commented “I made a promise if she would get better I would do the ‘I Nuri’ run.” There was a good turnout for this year’s run.
Durham brush pick up continues
Dr. Gene Nocera, one of three chairmen for the Feast of the St. Sebastian’s Church, stated, “It was identical to last year; about 300 runners. They came primarily from Connecticut, but some of them are connected to the two buses that came in –Massachusetts and New York.” In 2021, the St. Sebastian’s Church will be celebrating its centennial anniversary. According to Nocera, the preparatory work has begun. “We have a big committee that has come up with a lot of themes. We haven’t decided yet on which one is going to represent what we are going to do. But one thing for sure we are going to do; one year from this coming November we will have a big kickoff dinner in preparation of the 100th anniversary and it will be held at the Elk’s Club in Middletown. That will be the kick-off so we could announce what we are doing.”
From the Town of Durham:
Despite the severe weather Mother Nature has thrown our way and the unusually large amount of debris from the previous storms, The Town of Durham Public Works Department has completed almost half of the town’s annual spring curbside brush pick up. Brush pick up can only be done in fair weather and with Mother Nature’s cooperation the Public Works Department plans to finish this project within the next few weeks. We ask that you follow the brush pick up guidelines to help make the process more efficient. Brush should be less than 4 inches in diameter and not longer than 6 feet in length. Brush should be stacked at the roadside in an open area, away from mailboxes, trees, telephone poles and other structures. Brush should be stacked perpendicular to the roadway, butt end toward the road. No leaves, stumps, wood or foreign matter will be picked up.
“I Nuri” participants travel down Rt. 66 in Middlefield to St. Sebastian’s Church in Photo by Frank LoGiudice Middletown.
Each household will be strictly limited to one truck load during this collection. Loads shall not measure any larger than 4 feet high, 6 feet wide and 8 feet long. If your load does not follow these guidelines it will not be removed. Call the Public Works Office with questions, 860-3491816.
A Red Carpet High School Athletes Awards Event
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Due to unforeseen circumstances, Jim Calhoun will no longer be able to appear at our event. However, we are thrilled to announce Kevin Negandhi from ESPN’s SportsCenter as our new keynote speaker.
Come celebrate your local athletes!
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Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
Scripture Bits Scripture Bits
Religion Briefs
bery Festival and Car Show.
134th Annual Strawberry Festival will be held Thursday, June 21 at the Third Congregational Church, 94 Miner St., Middletown. Doors open at 11 a.m. Take-outs available.
Many events will be held at Notre Dame Church, 272 Main St., Durham, Saturday, June 23, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday, June 24, 9 a.m. to noon.
Notre Dame Church, 272 Main St., 860-349-3058, Mass schedule; Monday and Tuesday 8 a.m., Saturday 4 p.m. at St. Colman Church; Sunday, 8 and 11 a.m.
There will be a Haitian Craft Sale to benefit Outreach to Haiti and a Water Buffalo bake sale to benefit Heifer International. On Saturday, these two events will be held in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus Straw-
Saint Colman Church
196 Main St., Sunday worship service of the Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
N R Y Z W 5:3 Clue E = Q
Notre Dame Church
Church of the Epiphany
I Y T D X F N X A D Y J D Z K. -------
Solution on Page A14
Strawberry festival
Scripture Bits Solution
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The United Churches of Durham 228 Main St., 860-349-3683, Sunday worship at 10 a.m.
Middlefield Federated Church 402 Main St., 860-349-9881 (www.mfcct.com), has roots in both Congregational and Methodist religious traditions. Sunday worship service at 10 a.m. Sunday School offered with activities. All are welcome.
DARYL’S DRIVEWAY REPAIR Your Business and Estate Planning Law Firm
350 Main St., Durham, 2nd floor, 860-704-0477. A nondenominational Christian/ Pentecostal Church. Sunday service, 11 a.m.; Tuesday prayer meeting, 7 p.m.; Wo m e n ’s Bible study meets the first and third Wednesday, 7 p.m.; Men’s Bible study meets the second and fourth Wednesday, 9 a.m.
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Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
Coe library to mark 125th anniversary
Library Briefs Library hours – Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed Friday. Storytime – Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. Drop-in.
Durham Public Library Library hours: Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 860-3499544; www.durhamlibrary.org.
11 at 10:30 a.m. Preschool (age 2.5 and up). Tuesday, June 12 at 10:15 a.m. No registration. Farmer’s Market Storytime (Town Green). Thursdays at 5 p.m. All ages welcome. Programs for teens: Otaku Club. Tuesday, June 5 at 7 p.m. Make friends and watch anime. Grades 6 and up. No registration needed. Teen QPR Training. Thursday, June 14 at 2:30
p.m. Help save a life. Grades 7 and up. Registration preferred. Programs for adults: Readers Theater. Monday, June 4 at 7 p.m. Performing “Ben Butler” by Richard Strand. Registration preferred. Book Lovers Circle. Wednesday, June 6 at 7:30 p.m. “Men Without Women” by Haruki Murakami. All are welcome.
In 1920, the Trustees of the Levi E. Coe Library purchased the former Episcopal Church next door to the library for $600 to use as library hall. Sixty five years later, in 1975, a major addition connected the two buildings. Today, the Levi E. Coe Library is home to more than 25,000 volumes and is open 40 hours a week for the people of Middlefield.
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The Middlefield Park and Recreation Summer Camp Program will be returning from July 9 to Aug. 10 at Memorial Middle School for another summer of fun.
For more information and to register online, visit middlefieldct.recdesk.com.
Locally Owned and Operated Since 1977
Summer camp returns in July
Once a week, the camp offers optional field trips where campers can go bowling, roller skating, trampolining, and more.
— Press Release
As Judge Coe envisioned, his
Storytimes. Mother Goose (up to age 2.5) Monday, June
With the help of trained staff, campers can develop their teamwork, creativity and problem-solving skills. Each day of camp revolves around a new theme, such as Weird Science Day and Olympics Day.
Join us on Sunday, June 10, 3 to 6 p.m., to celebrate Levi E. Coe Library's 125th anniversary. Play old-time games, listen to period era music, and enjoy strawberry shortcake.
Programs for kids:
The camp is run by certified teachers dedicated to providing an enjoyable and safe environment for all campers. The camp is structured around stations where campers get to explore team-building challenges, arts and crafts activities, and age-appropriate physical education games.
library has become a key educational, cultural and recreational resource for Middlefield residents. It has brought much happiness to the people of Middlefield.
Levi E. Coe Library
Residential & Commercial CT Lic. Arbor # S-5765
Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
Race for 13th Senate District shaping up By Mike Savino Record-Journal staff
As lawmakers shift their focus from the legislative session to the November elections, a race many expect to be among the state’s most contested is starting to take shape. Sen. Len Suzio, R-Meriden, filed his paperwork Wednesday, May 16 to seek re-election for the 13th Senate District. Democrats, meanwhile,
were to convene Monday to decide whether to endorse Mary Daugherty Abrams or Alex Tiktinsky, both of Meriden. Suzio defeated former Sen. Dante Bartolomeo, D-Meriden, by less than 900 votes. Prior to that, Bartolomeo twice defeated Suzio by even smaller margins. Suzio, a banking consultant, has been among the legislature’s most visible oppo-
nents of highway tolls. He’s also been a lead critic of Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s Risk Reduction Earned Tiktinsky Credit program, saying it hasn’t effectively reduced recidivism and allowed dangerous criminals out of prison early.
since early March, while Tiktinsky announced Thursday, May 17 that he will convert his exploratory committee into an official candidate committee. Abrams
Voter registration in the district leans Democratic. On the Democratic side, Abrams has been in the race
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Scripture Bits
“I’m focused on my campaign and look forward to a TJ DUX W L O Jrace,” T J she M, said. Z L O B, K L S spirited Abrams, 59, a former teacher
“Pool Water Pete”
principal, U X Y O W KandGassistant L T A X; T J has DUX
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had the early support from the Democratic town comWHICLIC L O#566924 J T J Mmittees T ZinYMeriden, K WK HICLIC #566924 Cheshire, Middletown, and Middlefield. She is the wife OXESXRD C Abrams, X P L Owho X repreKLS YJB of R James sented the 83rd House Dis-Ì i 7 À \ trict from 1994 to 2005, Walks & Patios U Steps & Refacing U Pavers, Bluestone IFOR Y Granite T D& X F N X AheDleft Y Joffice D Zand K. be------when Poolscapes U Traditional Walls U Fieldstone, CALL NOW Brownstone U Outdoor/Indoor Fireplaces & Much more.... came a Superior Court SPRING SPECIALS & > `ÃV>« }\ judge.
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Abrams, meanwhile, said she’s been “energized” by the campaign so far, and that she welcomes a primary challenge as part of “the democratic process.”
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“I expect to need to petition to get on the ballot, and that’s not something I’m worried about,” said Tiktinsky, adding he needs more than 900 signatures from registered Democrats to qualify for the August primary.
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Tiktinsky, 24, moved to Meriden earlier this year as 860.349.0119 torrisonstone.com
> /Þ iÀ / `>Þ v À > Àii ÃÌ >Ìit CLUE: E = Qhe explored a run for the district. The former Fairfield resident worked on Susan Bysiewicz’s exploratory committee for a 13th district Lawn Mowing run before she shifted to 860-663-3107 running for statewide office. Ernie Laudano msavino@record-journal.com • STONE & MULCH DELIVERED 203-317-2266 nÈä°Î{ °ä££ U Ì ÀÀ à ÃÌ i°V
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Puzzle on Page A12
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Town Times | towntimes.com
From A3
The Sunset Hoops Clinic will return for a 14th year this summer. The clinic is open to Durham and Middlefield youngsters entering grades 5 and 6, and will focus on the fundamentals of the game and improving skills.
venue six years ago.
Clinics will be held at the outdoor courts at Coginchaug Regional High School, Monday evenings, July 9, 16, 23 and 30, and Aug. 6 and 13, 7 to 8:30 p.m.
“Every generation has a transformation of the farm according to what you can do to make a profit,” Gastler said. “You can’t grow carrots and make a living now.” He said the KGMA mission is to support young artists in their endeavor to become professional and provide an interesting venue to the people of Durham.
KGMA hosted an open house Saturday, featuring displays by regional artists, including Stephen Mills of West Hartford, and live music by Deep Ellum, an Americana duo. The June baroque concert series features a program of Webern, Rachmaninoff and Schubert at 8 p.m. Friday, June 15 and Saturday, June 16, and 4 p.m. Sunday, June 17.
program of Beethoven, Higdon and Schumann at 8 p.m. Friday, June 22 and Saturday, June 23, and 4 p.m. Sunday, June 24. Garden tours conducted by Gastler will be available one hour before concerts. For tickets and more information, contact Donahue at 203-215-1942. LTakores@record-journal.com 203-317-2212 Twitter: @LCTakores
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The K-2nd grade clinics will be run by the Technical Training Staff with the help of parent volunteers. The Technical Training Staff will also provide technical and developmental support to Fall Travel teams and coaches.
Current open positions include Uniform Coordinator and Clinic Coordinators as well as other board positions.
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In the Fall 2018 season, the club will offer teams from Pre-K to U15 (open to all non-high school students born between Jan. 1, 2004 to Dec. 31, 2013).
The Coginchaug Soccer Club’s Monthly Membership meetings are held the first Sunday of the month, 7 p.m., at the Middlefield Community Center. Anyone interested in helping the club in any capacity is encouraged to attend.
••Quality QualityDriveways Driveways 84398-01
Coginchaug Soccer Club Fall 2018 registration is now open. Players will benefit from one the most innovative youth soccer programs, training players of all abilities in every aspect of the game.
An exterior view of Kalmia Gardens at Gastler Farm.
The second week features a
Advanced registration is required by July 7. Visit cbcthunder.org to register.
Register at coginchaugsoccer.org. Registration ends Sept. 1. Late fees begin July 15.
Sports Briefs
Friday, June 1, 2018
Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
Market From A1
n Allan
Poole, of Middlefield, provides local honey and has been keeping honeybees for 43 years. He worked as the State Bee Inspector for several years in the early '80s, inspecting beehives throughout Connecticut. Poole owned and operated a local tree service, Allan's Tree Service, for many years until the end of 2017.
delivered fresh sushi, all while maintaining staple groceries. “We have created a local one-stop shop for our residents,” Tregoning said. “We are proud to provide a farmer's market each day of the week during these upcoming summer months.”
At the grand re-opening, many of the local vendors that supply Durham Market with products are scheduled to attend, offering free food samplings.
n Old
River Farm, of Middlefield, is a small family farm. They will provide produce, fresh flowers and herbs. n Trifecta
Ecosystems, of Meriden, provides farm fresh food using a unique growing technique, Aquaponics. Aquaponics is a unique method of farming that marries the raising of fish with the raising of plants.
Janet Morganti, Economic Development Commission chairman, said it’s no secret the market has hit some rough patches over the years, but residents have wanted a small, local market for a long time.
Scream, of Cheshire, provides hot-spicy ice cream.
n Hot
”It’s something people want to see,” Morganti said. “They want a small, nice store, somewhere to get what we need without going out of town.”
Complimentary Admission for Active, Reserve & Retired and their dependents Complimentary Admission for U.S. Veterans and their dependents
n Chef
Thein Pe's Sushi, of Plantsville, will deliver fresh sushi every weekday morning.
She added that the new owners “obviously are trying very hard to revitalize it.”
PATRIOTS’ OUTPOST: EXCLUSIVE access for all military service members, U.S. Veterans and their dependents
n Half
Mile Acres, of North Guilford, provides the market with fresh, grass-fed, antibiotic-free beef.
Local vendors include: n Posh
Picks Boutique, owned by Jeannine Meisenkothen, who designs and handcrafts personalized gifts, vintage and one-of-akind products.
Military viewing deck on the 18th green
n HomeTown
Bakery, of Madison, provides fresh baked goods, including cinnamon bread. n Summer
hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.
Goode Chocolates, of Durham, has been providing the market with chocolate creations since 2015.
n Jon
LTakores@record-journal.com 203-317-2212
Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
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Vehicles may be seen at GT Tire Co. 155 Colony St., Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 235-8606 M-F 7:00 am-3:30 pm
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Automobiles Wanted
Buy Here Pay Here, No Credit Check
FT/PT Mechanic NeededMinimum of 5 yrs exp. req. Must have own tools & valid Driver’s License. FT/PT Tire & Lube Tech-Candidate must have a valid Driver’s License. Apply in person: GT Tire, 155 Colony St., Meriden, CT M-F8am-4pm
Help Wanted
Driver / Warehouse Construction material supply company seeks a driver to make deliveries (CT, NY), load and unload product. A CDL Class B driver’s license is required. The other days of the week will be spent in the warehouse, which involves forklift driving and heavy lifting. Bilingual in Spanish helpful. Apply in person at Advance Concrete Form, Inc. 71 N. Plains Industrial Road, Wallingford, CT. $18.00 per hour, no overtime. Insurance benefits and PLT after 90 day probation. 401k after one year.
2006 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER $588 + tax and reg down $50/Week
Buy Here Pay Here, No Credit Check
2006 JEEP LIBERTY $1,288 + tax and reg down, $50/Week
(203) 269-1106
(203) 269-1106
CASH PAID - For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431.
(203) 269-1106
2007 HYUNDAI 2005 CHRYSLER TIBURON GT PT CRUISER Hatchback, $1,288 + tax
Convertible, $988 + tax and reg down $50/Week
and reg down $50/Week
(203) 269-1106
(203) 269-1106 81041-02
Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018 ALWAYS BUYING
Looking for a friend?
Classified ads are the best way to find what you need.
Vintage Electronics, Musical Instruments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Guitars, Audio Equipment, Antiques. 860-707-9350
They are also the best way to sell your services, goods or items.
ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, musical instruments, signs, arcade games, cameras, pre 1970 sports memorabilia, plus more. One item or entire estate contents. Call 860-718-5132.
Call Monday thru Friday 8am - 5pm 203-238-1953
Lost and Found FOUND - iPhone 8, on Paddock Ave., Meriden. Must Describe. 203-823-0978 FOUND PARAKEETYale Avenue Area. Call 203-238-3091
Appliances AFFORDABLE - Used Dryers, washers, fridges, stoves, repairs available. Wallingford, 475-201-9001.
Furniture & Appliances ANTI GRAVITY CHAIR BLUE WITH WHITE FRAME NEVER USED $25 203-269-1910 BERLIN - Dining room set, leaf, 6 chairs, and shelf hutch, excellent condition, $500, OBO 860-770-0730
Lawn and Garden
Miscellaneous For Sale
Wanted to Buy
Generator/Troy Bilt, Grassy Hill Auctions, an 2010, 125 hrs on it, Estate Sale, Liquidastarting wats is 9750, tion, Attic & Basement electric start, does the Cleanout Company is whole hosue, $400 Always Buying and firm. Giant Vac leaf providing services all blower, 10 HP, like over Connecticut. new, $400 firm. 2 HonThese are just a FEW da Shadow Aero’s of the things we are cruisers, 2006 & 2007, looking for: Antiques, 750 CC’s/loaded, 18 + Collectibles, Old/ VinK, Garaged, $5,500 for tage Toys, Musical Inboth. Ed 203-439-0393 struments (Saxophones, Trumpets, ViWORLDLAWN MOWER olins, Flutes, Clarinets, 33" WALK BEHIND Trombone & SO $600.00 MUCH MORE) Adver860-637-8066 tising Items, Wristwatches (Broken or Music Instruments Not), Pocket Watches, & Instruction Tools (Machinist, Woodworking, & MERIDEN - Complete MORE) Doorstops, Set of golf clubs with Clocks, Oil Paintings, travel case. Excellent Old Signs, Old Photocondition. $95 graphs, Old Postcards, Brewery Items, Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Dispensers, Costume Jewelry, Broken Jewelry, Gold & Silver JewMusic By Roberta elry, Gold & Silver Perform + Instruct Coins, Military Items, Voice lessons - all ages Swords & Bayonets, +levels,piano beginnerHelmets & Patches, interm. (203) 630-9295. Medals & Uniforms, Pocket Knives, Lighters & Pipes, Fountain Turn Your Unwanted Items into Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Items, Religious Items, 203-238-1953 Industrial Items, Winchester Items, Sikorsky Items, Pratt & Wanted to Buy Whitney Items, Colt Items, Native American Items, Vintage Elec1,2,3 Items or an Estate tronics, Slot Cars, Toy ûûûCA$Hûûû Trucks, Matchbox & Todd Shamock Hotwheels, Barbie’s, 203-494-1695 Folk Art, Statues, ESTATE SALE SERVICE Bronzes, Trains, CamCostume Jewelry, eras, Mid Century Antiques, paintings, Modern Furniture, Meriden-made items. Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political 1-2 ITEMS Items, Comic Books, Silverware, China, Glass. Sports Cards & Furniture, 50’s Items. Autographs…& THE Whole Estates LIST GOES ON! So 203 238-3499 please give us a call at your earliest convince. AARON’S BUYING Grassy Hill Auctions Old Machinist Tools, (203) 868-1816 Lathes, Bench Tools GrassyHillAuctions.co Hand Tools, Much m More. (203) 525-0608
DEE’S ANTIQUES Buying Collectibles, Jewelry & Silver. China, Glass, Military, Musical. Anything old & unusual. Single item to an estate. 203-235-8431. Individual firearms collections and estates including military and related items. Federal collector’s license, gunsmith, appraisals. Richard Pleines, (860) 663-2214
GROW YOUR BUSINESS Advertise with us. 203-317-2312
***NEED EXTRA CASH?*** Always buying coins, gold, silver, antiques, collectibles, estate & broken or unwanted jewelry. Live auction & estate services avail. Rick’s Antiques & Coins, 428 N. Colony Rd., Rt. 5, Wlfd. 203-269-9888. www.ricksantiques andcoins.com
Wood / Fuel & Heating Equip
TREE LENGTH Firewood Call for details 203-238-2149 Pets For Sale AKC, 1 Chocolate Male Lab puppy, 8 weeks, Ready 5/23, 1st shots, vet checked. $800. 203-427-5955
ATTENTION DOG OWNERS! Dog Obedience Classes Starting May 21, 2018 MONDAY Evenings at Cheshire Park & Rec. 8 week course Beginners Class 6:15pm Novice Class 7:15pm Pre Registration This can be done online For further information Call Cheshire Parks & Rec. 203-272-2743 from 9am to 4pm AFTER 5:00pm Call INSTRUCTORS Bruce 203-235-4852.
Find litters of critters in Classifieds.
Shih-tzus, French Bulldogs, Black & Choc Labs, Blue Tick Heelers. $550+; (860) 828-7442
Apartments For Rent
Condos For Rent
MERIDEN-4 rms, off st prkg, refrig, stove washer hkup, newly renov. $950.mo + sec. req. 860-508-7741
MERIDEN - 3 level townhouse, 2 BR with walk-in closets, 1.5 BA, large loft space, $1350/mo. Available June 1, 203-886-7266
MERIDEN- Bradley Ave., 2 BR, CA, appls. & DW,$1000mo + sec. lease, application fee, 203-630-0204 WALLINGFORD-1st fl, newly remodel, 1 BR, central A/C, off st pkg, no pets/smkg, $900mo Rick 203-901-2123 WALLINGFORD - 2 family, 2nd floor, 5 rooms, 3 BR, off street prkg, no pets, $1,000/mo + utilities, 203-284-1853
Love it ... List it
Place your ad today, call 203-238-1953.
MATERIALS DISTRIBUTION Screened Topsoil $20 per yd; Sand-$15 per yd; Sandy Gravel-$17 per yd; Millings-$10 per yd; Screened Millings $14 per yd; Clean Fill $8 per yd: $100 minimum delivery. No pickup truck service. Minimum 16 yd pickup at our yard. Call Jim @ 860-9824819 for delivery
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MILITARY ITEMS 203-237-6575
Classified Advertising Call 203-238-1953
A classified ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’s easy on your wallet, too. Call Monday thru Friday 8am - 5pm
Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
Businesses & Services Attics & Basement Cleaned
Concrete & Cement NILES CONSTRUCTION Specialist in concrete work. Garage, shed, room addition foundations. Fully insured. 56 yrs in business. (203) 269-6240.
Electrical Services All Systems Electric LLC Electrical Wiring & More! Generators, Security & Fire Alarms, Data Wiring, Roof De-Icing FREE ESTIMATES! CT# 0187714-E1 Visit us at www.ase-ct.com 860-436-4957 T.E.C. Electrical Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work 24 hr. Emergency Service Small Jobs Welcome 203-237-2122
Fencing CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-2374283. CT Reg #601060.
Gutters GUTTERS DON’T WORK IF THEY’RE DIRTY For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 4403279 Fully ins. CT# 569127
GUTTERS PLUS 25+ yrs exp. Call today for free est. 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887
List. Sell. Repeat.
Get Listed. Get Calls. Get Results.
GARY Wodatch Demoli- Since 1947.Remodeling, Carpentry, plumbing, tion Svs Sheds, pools, odd jobs. Former Navy decks, garages, debris Seal.CT#640689 Home removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls reDoctor 203.427.7828 turned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430
Home Improvement
Paving D & G PAVING Over 25 yrs exp. Paving, Seal Coating, Concrete Work CT Reg#0577005 203-237-6058
We clean estates, sheds, & more! We will beat any competiters prices. 860-719-3953
AVALLONE CONTRACTORS Total Remodeling, 35 blessed years. Kit, BA, Siding, Roofing, windows, gutters, addtn’s. Credit cards accepted (860) 582-0712 CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-2374283. CT Reg #601060.
FERRAUOLA LAWN CARE now accepting new mowing accounts at a reasonable rate. Wallingford Area. 203-804-5779
WE REMOVE Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more.
Thank You for Shopping Local
House Cleaning Polish/English Speaking woman to clean house w/care. 3rd cleaning 50% off. Ins & bonded. Refs. 860-268-2301
CONTACT CLASSIFIED (203) 238-1953 Junk Removal
*SPRING YardClean-ups*
List Your Items To Over 300,000 Local Readers. Landscaping 20% Sen/ Vet disc. CHEAP/PROMPT SPRING CLEANUP, Small yard mowing, Light hauling, Mike’s Helping Hands 203-600-3836
A & A SPRING CLEANUPS Hedge, tree, shrub, debris removal/trim Attics & bsm’ts cleaned. Jim 203-237-6638 Comm. & Res. Spring Cleanups, lawn mowing, dethatching, aerating, hedge trimming, mulching, retaining walls & walkways, & much more. Free Est. 203-687-0936. Eagle Landscaping LLC - Tree trimming, mulch, & fertilizer, We’re here to help! Please call Javier 203-285-9947
ED’S JUNK REMOVAL WE HAVE DUMP TRUCK Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Attics, bsemts, garages, appl. & more. Any Questions? Ed (203) 494-1526
Roofing, siding, windows, decks & remodeling.
JM Lawn Care Lawn mowing, Spring George J Mack & Sons 203-639-0032 Servicing the Meriden cleanup, hedge triminfo@ gonzalez area since 1922. Toilet, ming, mulch any color. faucet, sink & drain re860-796-8168 constructionllc.com pairs. Water heater reFully Lic & Ins placements. 15% Sr Reg #577319 citizen disc. Member JT’S LANDSCAPING of BBB. 203-238-2820 LLC – SPRING CLEANUPS Top Quality Work Power Washing At A Reasonable Price. #616311. Roofing. Siding. A-1 Quality Fully lic. & ins. Windows. More. Free Powerwashing 203-213-6528 Est’s. Ins. # 604200. low rates Member BBB. Call Dennis Harmony.(860) 645-8899 203-630-0008
FREE ESTIMATES LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218
Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential & commercial roofing. Senior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-269-6605 HIC#0631937
Gary Wodatch Landscaping. Hedge/tree trimming. Trim overgrown properties. Calls returned. #620397 860-558-5430
IF YOU Mention This Ad SPRINGYard Clean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN REMOVE ANYTHING Entire house to 1 item removed! FREE ESTIMATES Sr. Citizen Discount LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218
STUFF TO SELL? Call Us. 203-238-1953
Siding.Roofing.Windows Decks.Sunrooms.Add’ CT Reg#516790. 203-237-0350 Fiderio & Sons www. fiderio.com
Spring Cleanups, Tree Removal & much more! A & A Lawn Maint. 860-719-3953.
Masonry A&A MASONRY 20 yrs exp. Specializing in sidewalks, stairs, patios, stonewalls, chimneys, fireplaces & much more! Call Anytime 860-462-6006! Free Est! #HIC0616290
A pressureless house washing system can save you money The Powerwashing Kings Others Wash - We Clean! (203) 631 - 3777 (860) 839 - 1000 thepowerwashingkings.com
POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning ON THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279
Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential & commercial roofing. Senior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-269-6605 HIC#0631937
Classifieds Work Roofing
W.BOOBER MASONRY 25 Years Experience All Types of Masonry CT #626708 203 235-4139
Roofing. Siding. Windows. More. Free Est’s. Ins. # 604200. Member BBB. Harmony.(860)645-8899
J & M Landscapes Complete lawn care. Mulch&Stone delv. Shed stone found. Stump grinding. Gutter clean-outs. Storm Clean-up. Free quote. 860-349-8135.
Painting & Wallpapering A1 Quality House Painting 20 yr. exp. Low rates/free estimates. Call Dennis 203 630-0008.
Roofing - Siding Skylight Installation Chimney repair Flashing Lic. #0649808
Tree Services
Gary Wodatch LLC TREE REMOVAL All calls returned. ROOFS "R" US - Since CT#620397 1949. Shingles, rubber, Quick courteous service. repairs, siding. Office 203-235-7723 #640689. Former Navy Cell 860-558-5430 Seal. 203.427.7828.
Town Times | towntimes.com
Friday, June 1, 2018
School Notes Coginchaug Regional High School will host its Senior Scholarship Night Tuesday, June 5, 6:30 p.m., in the Julian Thayer Auditorium. Scholar-
ships from a wide-range of people, local organizations and businesses will be awarded. Invitations will be sent to parents of students re-
ceiving a scholarship. Refreshments will be served following the ceremony. The Coginchaug Regional High School Academic
Awards Ceremony for seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen will be held Wednesday, June 6, 7:30 a.m., in the Julian Thayer Auditori-
um. Invitations will be sent to the parents of students receiving an award. Guest parking is available in the student parking lot.
Welcome to On The Menu. Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds.
Find great local eats - MenusCT.com Adelphia Café 476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 203-535-0149 Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises.
AJ’s Oasis Café
142 Hanover Street Meriden, CT 06451 203-634-4912 facebook.com/ajsoasiscafe New Menu, Daily Lunch specials serving American Cuisine. Family Owned, operated. Recipient of Record-Journal’s Peoples Choice Award Best Wings. Kitchen open M.-Sat 10-10, Sun. 11-10
Athena II Diner
Colony Diner
Crazy Greek
Duchess of Wallingford
Fire at the Ridge Restaurant & Lounge
Libby’s Italian Pastry Shop
320 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT 06473 203.239.0663 www.athena2diner.com Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Serving breakfast, lunch, & dinner. Accept Q Cards. Serving North Haven for 30 years. Daily specials and full liquor available.
1143 Meriden-Waterbury Turnpike, Plantsville, CT 06479 Monday - Thursday 11AM-8:45PM Friday and Saturday 11AM-9PM Like Greek food? Try our famous Greek dishes next time you’re craving something delicious. We’re Celebrating our 1 year anniversary and taking $1 off all food items ALL February.
99 Powder Hill Road Middlefield, CT 06455 (860) 852-5444 www.fireattheridge.com
Top off the weekend with Sunday Brunch mountainside. Includes Breakfast Buffet, Choice of entree`, dessert and cocktail. Adults $19.95, 2-4 years $14.95. Three & under, Free.
611 N Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-9507 colonydiner.com Wallingford’s place to go for old-fashioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Proudly serving up delicious and hearty meals daily. Voted Best Diner 4 years running by Record Journal. Open seven days. Breakfast served all day.
124 Church St. Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 265-9431 www.facebook.com/pages/Duchess -of-Wallingford/119682821380599 Celebrating Over 25 Years in Wallingford! Our Success comes from dedication to quality,freshness & variety! Breakfast cooked to order. Open 7 days for breakfast lunch & dinner.
323 Washington Avenue North Haven ,CT 06473 203.234.2530 www.libbyscookies.com Family owned and operated bakery located off 1-91 in North Haven. We specialize in Italian pastries, cookies, Italian ice, gelato, cakes and other traditional desserts.
To advertise your restaurant to 269,000 weekly readers Call us 203-317-2312
Let us help you find the perfect place to eat.